HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00847_Well Construction - GW1_20240205 I 9 1 5 9 - WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fnrtt¢aruaitJseONLY:, This cannon bc'uscd.fot:Single Eir nwllipk wills' t 1.%Ve)ICuutrtetor htformation: `.1Ja►iE1ER•ZONIS; Brian Ewing . .. . „ . . FROM TO DESCRIPTION' WellCor4iaaarNano. ft.: R. 1 I •. 4240-B ft. ft. NC Well Cantina tCcniftcitio1iNnEbcr 1i.0UCER'CASING(foe-euitll asersietls}`ORLINERtifnp'llcnbl)1 - ' -EROSI TO DG MVIER,' THICKNESS ' MAMMAL SAEDACCO ' . ft. • ft.• i, ,IL , Comp;uty Name • ..16:INNHR"CASING.OR.TUBING fteaeberi mitt erased-loan)? -FROM , TO- DIAMETER. THICKNESS ' MATERIAL , 2.Witt Construction Permit#: • 0 -ft. .5 • , ft. 2 ' j'in. SCB-40 PVC l ist all aptilicnblc wellpeigrira,(ic.County;Stare;Arariaare.Ifirr Glei..:J - 44 ft. • 1' pa. 3.WcI1Use(chccf.itc11 aise); 17:5('.RI EN 'Votes!Supply WaitWait `--- •- ---- " - - - E11O;v1. . TO DTApIETER SLOTstr..: T1IICKRtSs I.-MATERIAL. . 15 C1Agricultulal • C11GIuliit:IpallPtcblic 5 ft. ft.- 2 ilt O10 SCH-40, PVC 13Geotheintal(Heatingtooiing Supply) C1ResidentiatWatet Silppl}(single) ' . le . - . . fc in,! . • cllndustilallCourntercial 1]Residcntial Waters lac GROUT ._ :. Upply,(skated) FROM ' TM M ATERIAL f. EMPLACEMEVTMEr11OR&A410 INt . Olttiiation 0 ft. 1 ft. PORTLAND POURED .Nott,Watcr Supply%%cli: . t.: f. ®Monitoring. . . . ORccoyty •InJecllon.Well ' . ...rt.• . f4• DAquifcr Recharge ElOrotuidtraict Renicdiatiali t9 SANDIGItAVEL PACK-fif nayelkabli.) - - 'FROM . TO • •'.;1rATRIHAG- ' .Hs1P1.ECVAINTME7ilon fAmilfcr.Sigiagcat l Rcovet3 ASalinit' 13411cr 3 ft.. 15 ft. FILTER!SAND • ,# 2 flAgttifcrrTcst. EIS orlilaatccf}raunage; ft.. ft. ElE peripiental Ticlmoto. ' • JJSubsidencc Control . ., - - - . . 20 iDRILLTNG•LOG(altneti addlliooal.slicels if ncressan•f • ❑Geot1tetntal•(ClosedLoop) CITracer. FROM' .70 DESCRIPTION(obi'hardnediwR'nlckty t.uraiasraadr.) . • EIG,got)temtat(FlealinefoaofingReliant} : DOliter(mink under Zl-Retnalhs) 0 :rt. 5 IG• FILL SILT•AND SAND . • ' 5 •ft:• 15 ft. WET SANDY. SILT 4.Date Wett(s)Completed; 1-3-24 •.EYeti MO TWB14'01 ' :ft.• ft. • - S0.Well Locations .,IL. f.- I; NCDOT 'ft. ft. i; ' Facfilyt3irricr14ms Factlily III!0fappli:able) ft ft: . 's L..-h•...,+1 '1 i '•• ' Wallaoe Airport.Rd., Atkinson., NC,'28421 , - ft.. ft.. t.. J- Phi icalelild[ess.City'..nnd EJP' ;21:RF.IILARK.S 1 La t) i) ?t n l24 . Ponder . BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1 T0:'3' County Parcel Notification No,(PS) • jE 1i:,i;>_~ e"' : _;>it . ' -�s. ng Uri i . . - r a:"l,'E � . • Sli.I4UIIadc a11d Longitude ln'degrcesfmiitutcslseconds or decitnal,degi't 22.CcititieatluQ: . . (0440liettlionctat4<lougts'srdticianl) • . r WBritap,,,'ENtrig 1/12/2024 . Sigmwcq orc.citirie4 W:e1l CanD ctar [)ale e)6:Is.(artheneli(s):-tJPcniLnent 'or XiTemporary. lb:signing-lhir fnmr,'I hereby'ertflley fila flue 1110 S1 ITILS(ours)LYnlrlraefed higer rrhalre icitirr 15r1 AVCAC 4W.0100 or.1 SA NCAC 02G.0200 Well Ceti:Interim,Standards and this a 7.Is•thisa repair to an cgstin);Nell: IDYes or 'KIND • 'cap of Mir'rrrord lilts bcoi prnided rams vvl me-ocr. ifrbis1%an'palr fill or iwrtv itchfill qat implyi+irell r.rn'i ciloabrforrnrrtharam!raplalirTalcHarareofNye repel-diid&Er21 iemarfs'srceidu air- the bad ofihie fornL a 23.Site digraln'oradditional well dernffs: • You niay use the back of this page to provide additional will site details or r pelt 8.ICon herof Wells Consirticted: 1 • • consimetioil details. Von May also.atiacti additional pages if necessary. • For lnulrlpte Injection arson-niarer siipplr rviilr gm.Y.midi the inanecorrstractlotr.uoii.car1 . subuurerne}Sarin. ' SCIBl4IITT'LINSTItICTIONS. i 9.Total troll depth below land satiate: 15 - - - (ft.) -21a.-•Far All Wallin •Subunit ibis fawn within 30 days of compteiidu of welt Firnrdliiple iirlfslisralldcJuhs liciVirani(cxemlllr-5@2(t1r'aru126PAV) Conslniciipnto the-following; i • 10.Static water level below tap,af casing.: (ty-) Division of Water Resoue ct ,Information Processing Unit; Ifitior'a la'velIsabove casing asc'•+" I617 Mail Scii•icc C pteee;Raleigh,NC 27699-IG17 it,Burchotc•diamctcr:8.25" . , 403 tab.For Infection Wc115ONLY; hi addition to sending the font to the addless:in 24a abase,also.submit a copy of this Mort within 30 days of.cotupietian:of well . 12.Well eonstsuctfoat'1Rethad:BORED constmation to the following:- - (i.c:oa r.'ralniy.cablin.,dircctIiisltcrc:) - . . ' • Division of Water Resources,l7ndetground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: •- 1636 Mail Semi tic Center,Raleigh,NC 21'699.1636 13a.It idd- -. 4xcdtod of test; 24e,-Foi•Water Supply bi Injection Wells: Also subunit one copy-of this fo'nOvitlun 30.daysofcompletion.of 13h.Disinfection type: • _ Amount; • • well•conslniction to the ccomai health dcpanment of the,county where constmeted. I Fonu GW-1 North Carolina Dcpnnuitent of Enviropnr4 aid Natural Resources-D-iui;loo of Waier ROauton Rct•iscd Aygu542O13 f ! i