HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00784_Well Construction - GW1_20240131 1 41 I. PrIntFonn WELL CONSTRUCTION.RECORD.(GW4) For Internal ilse•Only: 1.WeII Contominr Iiifbrmationt I ' - _ DaAd 26!Cher '14.WATER ZONES- 1 I • ' Witi ContraotorNtans FROM TO DEICRIPIION I 4594-A ' lqo IL ica ft' 5'ND it Miejure) , • ft. ft: . =Weil ContnusarCeoffication Numbs; IL OUTER CASING(for remid wells. ) Aqua DriP,Inc. LINER Of micohlet .. Inc. 'PROD TO nmis S' irrnit' IRMO= MATERIAL Company Name O L 8 0 it. 6.Z !ris cepiLli. ' . Pvc 16.DISERDMING°RIMING Iteatit. eitted4esel pa . L Wdi Comdractioin Permit#:n-lbiPa 316-CCJ 5 ea.OM sw Lista!kupftesble waft canursiesu malts As.IJIC,Counc4 Stitt Varkaus,etc.) 3.Well Use(sheeting Me): 'Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN PitoLt. _-TO MATURIAt. mum= WTI= THICTIMISR si III dgriculhaal • Dya*ipaUPublio ft. .ft; it lit Geothermal(Reding/Cooling Supply) -Mite:Wadi Water Suppiy(single) • ft, - te.• 1 Inditstrial/Commereist [3gerldential Water Supply(shared) , •19.mow ' _ . . - •Notion FROM -To titAITAML., . .IMPIAGGIaNrifinrnoll&AMOUNT NOMVator Supply Weill ' 0 ft' .E7g'ft. qprar.mt4e 9euir C 11'ir,R 4 Htir)irtio a Monitoring. ['Restively • 'ft. R. 'election:Well: MI Again'Recline DIGnamdwater&mediation , IL SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if analleshle) 01,Apilio StMage and Recovery DElalitiity adder FROM TO " MAMMAL - ammAcannna mamma 11, •. i', Test II3Stormwster Drainage ft. it. •11.Experimental Technology Dilubsidenco Control • ft. - ft. ' I , tif.Geotbransi(Closed Loop) DM=. 20.DRILLER;LoG Wait'Maw emits Wanossors0 -•'' . .ii t.,„,:,„• areatinamoolins Botta) r3other onagainunder on Romado nom _ -To _ DEMPTPUONOrdsA lanlassokfilks ek dna wok dza etAT ft...• • (DIV c-ildri! Se1 a 4.Date WelieS Completed: I'i7../14 Well 1110 - s • 5 .L ' _Ab IL , iL, 6t-dr;:40. Sa.Well Louth= a. A5 a clrAme,r4 WOmes,A'mpn a. • _. ___„•, ihollity/Owner NI= irmilitylD0(Step:able) ft. ft. , ("• i" '''‘ ''i-—...% •f T—::,T..) ft. It. Wni C.Ohlio f Adi Silinoo;liPi Ale. glotics' - . Phystad Addrcm,CIty,and Zip . fl. IL • • • J A 11 11 1 2024 9,,nevi:rlynnin . '794100.177(15 la _ "j4gmAnn. Ini-i.;i-w-Gz:;;;F.m :. 2-9 Uiri , County Patel Identification No.(PIN) • D'.`„%:,',"•112-G ' • . R.Latitude and longittido in degneerIminutatiscconds or decimal degteem 'avail field,one bank sufficlen0 22.Certification: . ' • i c a7' q9.94 N 740 fig' Li 9.,9' . 117 (Ail . ' l'ig•;4 . .Kars)the we11(1)631PS17021lent or D'ftmporary S = oignf Certified Well Contractor Date By skidag Mb fora I hereby we that AS ws11)was(ltww)constructed In amnia= 7..h Ude strop*to an martin wells DYee or "Iti'a • i with ISA NCAC WC.0I00 as ISA NCAC OW.0,128 Well CoasbuctIon Sissdards and ilk,a if othiskaogpainiumwato.fiamnnesiontionnatonanderpkdatkenahreofth. coppethinvonrmaiheaumukreatothenvi ivm • repsdrisider RI mash stilton or an Me back eats firm. i' 21 Site diagram or additional well dehdim B.FOr•Gernwobe/DFT or Chwed-Loop Geothermid Wells having the same You may tItelh°lliWk of this Page to Putrid°additional Well eltedeleilier welL. • combustion,only 1 13W-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NOMEIffkof wolfs mantruction&tells: You May alai intuit additional puss if nomattary.-- ---.-- ..:drilled: •fasit3SMKTIMILINSTRIICITONS I , • D.Taking depth Wow land surfaces gi44 . 60 24s.Nor All Welk Submit this form'within 30 days of completion of well As mulftle wells Wail depths farm ftasesple-41200'canna') constioctIon to the folk:wing: i : 10.Stith wain led below top Of adopt - 140 • (ft.)Patsy live DIvidon Of W,Mer itcsourcesjitaformadon Prommingraft, n s above casIn f g in u+" 16171ffidl Service Center,Raleigh,plc 27699-1617 • . IL Hostliole diameter: ft, (it) 24b.For Mutton Was: In addition to sending the form to the address In 24a • above,also submit.one copy of this fain Within 30 days of completion of well' 12.Weil construction method: tkikrzl_air construction to the fhliewinx OA=Ewa Mel%sable;direst pusb,am) I ' . Division of Water Resources,lindergimmd ligation Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 ASO Service Centei,Mkt%NC 276914636 .- i 13a.Yield(ppm) 5 .,Method of bah alicb±lme..._ 24c.For Water SODDY&Is ildection Wens: In addition to sending the'fbim to. the eddresdas) dim'also"submit onri copy of this than within 30.days of 13b.Dishdeedon typos.WriAsie;)% Amount: iiiipz. . completion of-Well construction to the'county health department M the county Where cOnstractet. • Font GUM NiutheratinangutmentinnvironmentalQuility-DiviskinteWeiteritesources i ' Ilitufairl 7..”..91114 1 '•