HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130777_RE Draft Inspection report for R-3101 (UNCLASSIFIED)_20151012 Carpenter,Kristi From:Wanucha, Dave Sent:Monday, October 12, 2015 9:32 AM To:Slaughter, Johnathan H Cc:andrew.e.williams2@usace.army.mil Subject:RE: Draft Inspection report for R-3101 (UNCLASSIFIED) Attachments:USACE Draft Compliance Notes.pdf Hi Heath, I concur with Andy's draft notes. Except that in addition to Sites 8, 9, 50 and 51 of which required "Remedial Action", I would add the entries for Sites 25, 40 and 48 (highlighted in yellow in the attached) to the "Remedial Action" List as well. As I recall, we all agreed that additional work was to take place on those sites as well. Andy, FYI. Heath, Greg and I met at Site 50 with Marla last week to review the low flow sill and high flow side. As I recall, Marla agreed with a plan to remove the low flow sill, then revisit at a later date to review and proceed from there based on the level of functioning. Also, a sill at the outlet, and flood plain benches were to be constructed at the inlet/outlet of the high flow side and backfilled. Heath, Is that how we left it with Marla? Dave W. Dave Wanucha NC DENR Winston Salem Region Office NC Division of Water Resources Transportation Permitting Unit 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Cell (336) 403-5655 Office (336) 776-9703 Dave.Wanucha@ncdenr.gov ----- E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. -----Original Message----- From: Slaughter, Johnathan H Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 8:38 AM To: Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: Draft Inspection report for R-3101 (UNCLASSIFIED) -----Original Message----- From: Williams, Andrew E SAW \[mailto:Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil\] Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 8:31 AM To: Slaughter, Johnathan H <hslaughter@ncdot.gov> Cc: Williams, Andrew E SAW <Andrew.E.Williams2@usace.army.mil> 1 Subject: Draft Inspection report for R-3101 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Heath, Please take a look at this draft compliance inspection report. Let me know if I missed anything. If not, I will finalize it. I will also send you a copy of the final report. Thanks. Andrew Williams Regulatory Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 919-554-4884 extension 26 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE ________________________________ Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 CESAW-RG-R MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Compliance Report DA-SAW Number: SAW-2012-01963 Project Name: R-3101 City: Sparta County: Alleghany Applicant: NCDOT POC: Mr. Heath Slau�hter Telephone: 336-903-9202 I. FILE REVIEW FINDINGS: Date: September 14, 2015 Action: � NWP � IP � JD � Pre-App � Compliance Yes No Remarks Easement Recorded / Provided ❑ 0 Was not a requirement of this permit authorization Mitigation Responsibility � ❑ Received signed mitigation form. Signature date is 28 Transfer Form/Receipt January 2014. Submission of Plat/ As-Builts(s) ❑ 0 Was not a requirement of this permit authorization Monitoring Report(s) ❑ 0 Was not a requirement of this permit authorization II. FIELD VISIT FINDINGS: Has work begun? Is work complete? Is work in compliance? Mitigation Complete? NWP/GP Yes �� No ❑ Yes ❑ No � Yes ❑ Yes � No � No ❑ Date: September 15, 2015 Individual Permit/SP Yes � No p°� Yes �❑ � No I❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ No ❑ Remarks: During the site visit, the following�ermit sNo ites were inspected: Sites 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 13 21 24 25 26 27 29 30 32 33 3� 40 42 45 46 47 48 50 51 54 55 and 56. Several of the existin�pipes had not been re�lace but rather, installed immediately beside the existin�pipe via the jack and bore method. This was done primarily for safetX reasons associated with keeping the road open to traffic during construction and was coordinated with the USACE �rior to installation. The following observations were made during the 15 September 2015 site inspection: Site 1: A�proximately 15 linear feet of rip rap was installed on the downstream end of the crossing for dissi�ation. The �ipe is still perched; however there is an im�oundment immediatelv downstream. The �erched pipe should have limited im�act on aquatic life movement. Site 2: Durin� the site ins�ection, rip ra� was observed bein� placed within the �ermit area as indicated in the project plans. Site 3: Fill a�peared to have been placed within the permit area as indicated in the project lp ans• Site 4: Culvert was replaced with a bridge. Rip rap had been placed along the banks under the Page 1 of 3 brid�e• Site 8: The constructed culvert at this location was sli�htl�perched. NCDOT Division Environmental Officer will provide recommendation for remedial action. Discussed the installation of a lo� vane during the site visit. Site 9: The �ermit plans indicate that 1721inear feet of stream was to be relocated at this site. The work had been conducted a�roximately 3 weeks prior to the site inspection. The NCDOT DEO will continue to monitor the relocation for stabilitv. Site 10: The permit plans indicated rip rap would be installed at the outlet end. No ri� ra� had been installed, but there did not a�ear to be any erosion issues. Site 11: This culvert was replaced by borin_g and jackin� immediately beside the existing culvert. A�proXimatel_y 30 linear feet of stream channel was relocated on the downstream, outlet end of the culvert. This relocation was not indicated in the a�roved �lans. The channel appeared stable and had a similar pattern, dimension and �rofile as the downstream receiving stream se�ment. The be i�g of the stream is just u�slo�e of the u�stream end of the culvert. No additional miti�ation would have been required for the 301f of relocation. Also, see Site 47 description re a� rdin� miti at� ion• Site 13: The a�roved project plans indicated that 17 linear feet of stream would be permanently filled at this site. The site inspection revealed that a�roximately 30 lf was filled. This culvert was installed with the jack and bore method. The existing receivin� channel downslo�e is relatively stee�. No additional miti�ation would have been rec�uired. Also, see Site 47 description regardin� atg ion• Site 21: This culvert was reali�ned, but no additional permanent loss of waters occurred. Approximately 20 feet of rip rap was placed at the inlet end of the culvert. The rip ra� was not shown on the project �lans. Site 24: The crossing ap�eared to be constructed in accordance with the a�roved plans. Site 25: This culvert was installed via jack and bore method. The existin� outlet will need to have a small (�proximatel.�) channel installed to connect to the eXisting downstream segment. Site 26: This crossin�appeared to be constructed in accordance with the a�roved plans. Site 27: This crossing a�eared to be constructed in accordance with the a�proved �lans. It was designed with a"parallel end section", NCDOT personnel and contractors stated it was not a good desi�n for the mountain areas, and should probably be avoided in most cases in the future. Sites 29 and 30: A�proximately 45 square feet of existin� wetlands had been excavated in order to replace this project with the jack and bore method. It had been seeded and matted. Site 32: No s�rin� box was installed at this site. The fill footprint a�eared to be �laced in accordance with the ap�roved plans. Site 33: This crossing a�peared to be constructed in accordance with the a�proved �lans. Site 34: This culvert was installed adjacent to the existin�pipe, using the jack and bore method. It resulted in a�proximately 15 linear feet of new channel at the outlet end to join it with the downstream receivin� stream segment. The outlet end of the �ipe was scoured out durin� a large storm event after the pipe extension was installed. Several cobble sized stones had been tamped into the substrate to protect from additional erosion. Immediatel�pstream of the culvert the stream was filled (Site 33) and no aquatic movement would occur throu� the culvert at Site 34. Site 40: The installed culvert is perched. The existin� stream is intermittent and the previous pipe was also �erched, according to NCDOT officials and the site contractor. Pipe is resting on existin� bedrock and could not have been buried. NCDOT will place a�roximatel_y 15 linear feet of rip rap at the outlet end for a dissipation pad. These impacts were not shown on the approved plan, but are needed to prevent additional scour. No additional compensatorX Page 2 of 3 miti�ation would be required. Also, see Site 47 description regarding miti atg ion• Site 42: This crossing a�eared to be constructed in accordance with the a�roved plans. During the site visit, NCDOT personnel indicated that the pipe needed to be extended into the existing�ard for safety reasons. Google earth site images revealed that the stream within that area had been previousl�piped and that the section of pipe would just be replaced. Site 45: This crossing a�peared to be constructed in accordance with the a�proved �lans. Site 46: This crossin�appeared to be constructed in accardance with the a�proved �lans. Site 47: The a�roved �lans indicated that 125 linear feet of stream channel was to be filled. The site ins�ection revealed that this segment of stream channel was actually relocated to the ed�e of the ROW. The iill at this site did not result in a loss of 125 lf of stream channel, although NCDOT still provided compensatory mitigation for this feature. Site 48: Old channel was filled in accordance with the a�roved plans. NCDOT relocated channel upslope of the culvert extension. This channel is showing signs of active erosion and will need to be lined with ri� ra� to �revent sedimentation in downstream stream segments• NCDOT has �rovided compensator.�gation for all stream loss. Site 49: This brid�e crossin�a�peared to be constructed in accordance with the a�proved lp ans• Site 50: NCDOT will place a sill at the outlet end of the left descendin� barrel of the newly constructed box culvert. Additionally, a floodplain bench will be constructed within the stream channel below the barrel as discussed with NCWRC. The construction of the flood�lain bench will not result in a loss of stream len�th, but will �rovide far better passage of aquatic life. Floodplain bench plans must be provided to USACE prior to construction. Site 51: The site ins�ection revealed that the permitted rock vanes failed. NCDOT will re- installlo v� anes• Site 54: This crossing appeared to be constructed in accordance with the a�proved plans. Site 55 and 56: NCDOT constructed a new pipe next to the existin� pipe. No additional impacts to jurisdictional streams and wetlands were required. III. CONCLUSIONS Date: September 24, 2015 In Compliance: � Yes � No If No, (i.e., out of compliance), describe concerns: See remedial action required, listed below. Remedial Actions Required: �Yes � No If YES, describe actions to be taken: Site 8: The constructed culvert at this location was slightly perched. NCDOT Division Environmental Officer will provide recommendation for remedial action. Discussed the installation of a lo� vane durin� the site visit. Site 9: The permit plans indicate that 172 linear feet of stream was to be relocated at this site. The work had been conducted a�roximatel_y 3 weeks prior to the site inspection. The NCDOT DEO will continue to monitor the relocation for stability. Site 50: NCDOT will �lace a sill at the outlet end of the left descendin� barrel of the newly constructed box culvert. Additionally, a floodplain bench will be constructed within the stream channel below the barrel as discussed with NCWRC. The construction of the flood�lain bench will not result in a loss of stream length, but will �rovide for better �assage of aquatic life. Floodplain bench plans must be provided to USACE �rior to construction. Site 5 L• The site ins�ection revealed that the �ermitted rock vanes failed. NCDOT will re-install lo� vanes. Corps Official: Page 3 of 3 Date: September 24, 2015