HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Testing Requirements for Crosswinds Campground, B. Everett Jordan Lake Project DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS PO BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO Project Management Branch November 27, 1991 SUBJECT: Water Testing Requirements For Crosswinds Campground, B. Everett Jordan Project Mr. John N. Morris, Director Division of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Morris: Reference is made to the enclosed April 17, 1991, letter from Mr. Kevin MacNaughton and my June 4, 1991, letter to you on the above subject matter. The purpose of this letter is to officially transmit to the State the test results for those tests performed on the water supply wells at the Crosswinds Campground Recreation Area on June 17, 1991. These test results were hand delivered to Mr. Mike Seigh and Mr. Fred Hagenberger on November 13, 1991, at a site visit to the Crosswinds Campground Recreation Area. These results should satisfy the request of Mr. MacNaughton in his April 17 letter. I am also enclosing a copy of a June 11, 1991, letter from Mr. William T. Branager, Jr., to the State Division of Health Services transmitting Permit No. 87-4007 and the Engineer's Statement for the Crosswinds Campground Recreation Area Well Water System. This letter, along with the above test results, should provide sufficient information for the Divsion of Parks and Recreation to obtain an operating permit for the water supply system at Crosswinds. -2- If you need any addition information or have any questions, please contact me at (919) 251-4671. Sincerely, Glenn McIntosh Project Manager Enclosures Copy Furnished With Enclosures: Dr. Philip K. McKnelly Director, Parks and Recreation Division North carolina Department of environment, Health, and Natural resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Tom Wells Deputy Director, Parks and Recreation Division North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Kevin MacNaughton Chief, Design and Development Section Parks and Recreation Division 12700 Bayleaf Church Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Mr. Mike Seigh NC Division of Parks and Recreation B. Everett Jordan Route 2, Box 159 Apex, North Carolina 27502 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Parks and Recreation 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor Dr. Philip K. McKnelly William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director April 17, 1991 Mr. Glen Macintosh Department of the Army Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Dear Mr. Macintosh: SUBJECT: Water Testing Requirements for Crosswinds Campground Enclosed you will find a list of water tests required by the Division upon acceptance of beneficial occupancy of this project. If you have any further questions, please contact me at this telephone number 919/846-9991. Sincerely, Kevin MacNaughton, P.E , Chief Design and Development Section KM/mb Enclosure cc: Tom R. Wells James B. Hallsey Howard Stewart Mike Seigh 41/km P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-4181 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DIVISION OF PARKS & RECREATION March 28, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: Kevin MacNaughton FROM: Mike Seigh S UBJECT: Water Testing This memo will serve to clarify what water and wastewater system test results that the Division should require prior to accepting the Crosswinds Campground. 1) Inorganic chemical test results - required every three (3) years 2) Radiological tests - required every four (4) years 3) Source floride - once every ten (10) years 4) Corrosivity - one (1) time analysis 5) Regulated volatile organic chemicals - collect four (4) consecutive quarterly samples every three (3) years 6) Unregulated volatile organic chemicals - one sample every (5) years 7) Letter from Department of Environmental Management approving operating permit for the wastewater treatment system 8) Letter for Division of Public Health Services approving operation of water system In the past, the Division has had to pay out the costs of these test because the Corps of Engineers failed to do the initial tests on the water system. I recommend that we request the above testing be completed before we accept the area. JMS:jlp June 4, 1991 Project Management Branch SUBJECT: Water Testing Requirements For Crosswinds Campground, B. Everett Jordan Project Mr. John N. Morris Director, Water Resources Division North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Morris: Reference is made to the enclosed copy of an April 17, 1991, letter from Mr. Kevin MacNaughton on the above subject matter. Our letter is to advise you that procurement action has been initiated to have these tests done and the results furnished to us by the end of June. We will then in turn furnish them to you and Mr. MacNaughton. Mr. MacNaughton's letter also requests that letters from the Department of Environmental Management approving the operating permit for the wastewater treatment system and the Division of Public Health Services approving the operation of water system be furnished to the Division of Parks and Recreations. Both of these organizations were contacted prior to the pre-final inspection and both stated that they would not attend the pre- final. Their only requirement was a letter from the Corps certifying that both systems were constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. This letter will be furnished to both Division of Enironmental Management and Division of Public Health Services once Mr. Bill Branager furnishes us with this certification. -2- If you have any questions In regard to this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (919) 251-4671. Sincerely, Glenn McIntosh Project Manager Enclosure Copy Furnished: Dr. Philip K. McKnelly Director, Division of Parks and Recreation North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Tom Wells Deputy Director, Div. of Parks and Recreation North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Kevin MacNaughton Chief, Design and Development Section NC Division of Parks and Recreation 12700 Bayleaf Church Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Mr. Mike Seigh NC Division of Parks and Recreation B. Everett Jordan Route 2, Box 159 Apex, North Carolina 27502 BCF: CESAW-EN Files CESAW-EN-DC CESAW-CO-C CESAW-CO-R CESAW-CO-RJ CESAW-RA 114 OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE (919) 7118•0200 RSO. BOX 70P5r Qi•IEEI VILLE:N.C• 21836.7066 BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS LABORATORY I1)4# .; 3 7 7 15 WATER SYSTEM ID # COUNTY: CIiATHAM NAME OF SYSTEM : t3. EVERETT JUHnAN LAKE' AREA , SAMPLE TYPE : (ts ) (1-Routine; 2 • Repeat; 3 • Replacement; 4. Plan ApP./Q4; $ •, tiher) COLLECTED ON: MATE: 0 S / 17 / D 1 (MMIDDIYY) TIME; 0 3':,a 0' • '• •(HH; MM AM or PM) LOCATION WHERE COLLECTED: watt TW •- 3 2 CROSSWINDS 'A R E: P O :M C N C U R E, N. C. LOCAi)QN-`YPE 5141 •:Entr Ta 2•-Ge ral Te ; 3'wE Ta « + (• '• ), • ( y p ne p• rtd p; , t a iran/lnt;•5«kC7thwj LOCATION CARE: FOR REPEAT SAMPLE: PrevloUe Positive Location Code: Original Sample Type; ( ) (1 • Routine; Positive Collection Date: 2 - Repeat; 3 • Plan Apprayal; 4 'Other) Time: M Original Collection Date: " ProximIt if .) (1. Same; 2..Upstream; 3 ■ Do>:Nloatream) ' • Tlriwt • • • Client Malting Address:.• • •' • 4 • E r . • • • 4. I. • DILL' S 'WELL DRZLLXNa, INC. 800 MCARTHUR 'ROAD • FAYETTEVILLE.' NC 2133111,' • • Talaphone #: • 4 • • • • • • 19,) 4AF3•-3740 • • l• I •, •1 • ,.. ••Y • I y-n•••••YI•r. .v • • • • RESULT • COLLE6TE0BY:.. •THAt4A,: •••W...SXLi.' FOR REPLACEMENT $AM{ Type of Supply: 4 • • • • ;::.. • • • • • • • • M Community ) NTNC Non r itn'ty.:. • (; X ) Private Type of Treatment: I ' • • Chlorinated Nonree hiorrinne Residual d Total Chlorine Raalduai • • 1 • 1 1 I It } i I1• Iaim f INVALID CODES • • • • • • • J CONTAMINANT . - 'METHOD PRE •: Ash INVALID 1) CONFLq NT..Q(3Q j qH/NQ CONFORM FOUND :.TOTAL COLIFORM ▪ • •: .3 la : • (° ) (_ X) { ) < 2) TNTC/N4 I tFQAM IrQUNR•`.: '.: FECAL/E. COW • ( ) (. ) ( ) 3) TURBID GuLTLJRalNO Ctat.IFORM FOUND ` . ,- HETEROTI PHIC P.G. • • • 0 (number) • • /ml • • • • REPEAT SAMPLES REQUIRED ( ) *DATE ANALYSIS:t3EQUN: 0 5/ 2 8/ 9 t. DATE ANALYSIS .COMPLETED: b G/ 2 9/ 9 LABORATORY LOG #: 8 9 9 9 -- 3 618 9 i •. P. n r = - COMMENTS: • i' • 4) OVER 48 MOORS OLD. ':•:: 5) IMPROPER 134MPI7E,G•R ANALYSIS • REPLACEMENT•SAMPLE REQUIRED ( TIME ANSYSIS SEGUN: • •• 012 s 3 H fi TIME ANALYY$S CQ;A$PL.ETgR: .0 2: 4 5 p M CERTIFIED BY:. L•S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N\c:\•\ l;9S .5 A • 4 1 WHITE DHS COPY / YELLOW: CUSTOMER COPY ! PINK: LABORATORY COPY • • • • • • L 1U VLf%aJWUI1l WU Up U&UWWUtp,WUtUlUW'IM• P,d. BOX 7085 • "w QREENVILt9N.C, 2783b 7085. 1 • 114 OAKMONT CHIVE • PHONE (919) 7043208 ▪ ig • • • • • • • -.. I...;1 -- c. .. =.1.. • • • o:. • r is .' .j i l. !Y .ke7 t,>; sy,x ;eyiel: ;i;i':. rei.,.i,ri :,a.•.4•.. i t" el Ity► ; . ' BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS ••:..1.' LABORATORY ID A1. : • 37 715 t. WATER SYSTEM ID # : • 11.1 • • • • c• • • • • • • • • • • • (...)':-P l `•, 1.: r:.. ...,w;.i:" •.\ \t f\ i 1♦ /4, • COUNTY: CHATHAM NAME OF SYSTEM : t3 \ EVEFtETTE :JORDAN LAKE RECREATION ' : tit SAMPLE TYPE :. (a ) (1-Routine; 2aRepeat; 3•. Replacement; 4-Plan ApprOvfi4; 6•.Other) • L I.;.• . . • • • COLLECTED ON: . DATE: 0 5 / 1 / / 91• (MMIDD/YY) TIME: • ?.;, 0 it II IIMH,;(vMM AM or PM) LOCATION WHERE COLLECTED: TW4-33 CROSSWINDS AREA, I1ONCURE, NC ' LOCAttb_N' TYPE! (:5"e'PLY . '(t *tinny Tep;`2t«General rap; 3d.lErtd Tap; '4.r•cdir /intakk;:15-other) I. .THPMA Sk D%LL t 4 !:b, • .4 }t;, FOR REPLACEMENT $AMPLE;' Previous Positive. Location Code: Orl final Sample Tyype: ( ) (1.. Routing; Positive Collection Date: • m Repeat; a. Fian Approval; 4 Other)' Time: Orlglnel Collection Date; Proximity: 4... ) (1- Same; 2 Pi Upstream; 3 M Downstream) • . Time:; . •• • M • • LOCATION CODE: FOR REPEAT SAMPLE! Y Client Mailing Address: • • BLI•.L'S. WELL C712rl.t.T.Nif,INC,. 800 MCARTHUR RDAU FAYETTEVILLE., 'NC 213311 Telephone #: (919) 48B-3740 CONTAMINANT - TOTAL GOLIFOAM FECAL/E. 0OLI • HETEROTROPHIQ P.C. • • RESULT METHOD PRESENT ASSENT ) t ). /ml .(number) • REPEAT SAMPLES REQUIRED ( ) DATE ANALYSIS BEGUN; 0 6 / 1 E3 / 91 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED: 06 / 19 /-9 3 LABORATORY LOG # 8999-•061.tt91.•6•ZZZ COMMENTS: COLLECTED BY: • Type of Supply: • • Community Non•community • Type of Treatment: • , ( j Chlorinated ( x Non-chlorinated ree hlorine Residual Total Chlorine Residual • • • • • INVALID COUtS • INVALID , 1) CONFLUI:NNTQROWi7•(INQCOLIPORMFOUND 2) TNTC/NQ CQMFORM POUND., 3) TURBO CULTURE/NO 001.IFORM.FOUND :.. 4) OVER 48 HOURS OLP• ;F1:4, 5) IMPROPER. SAMPLE QR. ANALYSIS REPLACEMENT SAMPLE REQUIRED (- - j TIME AN4Y$IB. SEQUN:4 . t3 21; 3 0 p M TIME ANALYSIS Coop(.ETED.: • 02 s 4 5 P. M CERTIFIED EY c S • • • NTNC . . Private • I r • • • .1: • • • • • • FOAM 4003 • f ; 899h T , y, WHITE: DHS COPY / YELLOW: CUSTOMER COPY / PINK: LABORA'tOBY Copy U @alrtiNWif 11D kVortip P.O. BOX 7085 GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835.7085 Uilcc'] N EW WELL INORGANIC CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 114 OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE (919) 756-6208 LABORATORY ID # WATER SYSTEM ID # • 37715 COUNTY: NAME OF SYSTEM: B. EVERETT JORDAN LAKE RECREATION AREA TYPE OF SAMPLE: W = Source COLLECTED ON: 06 / 17/ 91 (MM/DD/YY) LOCATION WHERE COLLECTED: WELL # TW-32 COLLECTED BY: MAIL RESULTS TO: CONTAM CODE 0100 1005 1010 1015 1016 1017 *1020 1022 1025 1028 1030 1031 1032 1035 1040 1045 1050 1052 1068 1095 1905 1915 1925 1927 THOMAS W. BILL • CHATHAM TIME: 3 00 P M (HH:MM XM) CROSSWINDS AREA, MONCURE, NC SOURCE CODE: BILL'S WELL DRILLING, INC. 800 McARTHUR RD. FAYETTEVII T E, NC 28311 TELEPHONE # ( 919 ) 488-.3740 N AME TURBIDITY, ntu ARSENIC, mg/1 BARIUM, mg/I CADMIUM, mg/I CALCIUM mg/I CHLORIDE, mg/I CHROMIUM, mg/I COPPER, mg/I FLUORIDE, mg/I IRON, mg/I LEAD, mg/I MAGNESIUM, mg/I MANGANESE, mg/I MERCURY, mg/I N ITRATE, mg/I SELENIUM, mg/I S ILVER mg/I SODIUM, mg/I ACIDITY, mg/I ZINC mgli COLOR units TOTAL HARDNESS, mg/I pH, units ALKALINITY, mg/I SAMPLE UNSATISFACTORY ( ) 1 DATE ANALYSES BEGUN: 06 / 18 / 91 COMMENTS: E-1 CLIENT ID# 5655 • METHOD CODE 001 125 125 125 101 128 125 101 107 125 125 101 :.125 .. 103 121 • .125' 125 101 157 101 129 141 135 142 TYPE OF SUPPLY: ( ) COMMUNITY ( ) NTNC ( ) NON -COMMUNITY ( x ) PRIVATE WATER SOURCE(S): ( x ) GROUND RESULTS 6.19 <0.010 <0.100 <0.005 48,0 9 <0.010 <0.010 O .17 0.475 O .011 11 460 O .260 <0.0002 0.04 <0.00S <0,050 91_0 15 1 _971 1n 1R5 7_A 173 RESAMPLE REQUESTED ALLOWABLE LIMITS N/A 0.050 1.000 0.010 N/A N/A 0.050 1.000 4.000 0.300 0.050 N/A 0 050 0002..: 10.00 0 010 0050 -N/A N/A 5.000 1500 N/A > 6.5 N/A DATE ANALYSES COMPLETED: 07 / 09 / 91 CERTIFIED BY RS • WHITE' DHS COPY / YELLOW. CUSTOMER COPY / PINK: LABORATORY COPY ;$ ATi y4§T M, AME OF SY$T >_ TYPE OF .SAMPLE: COLLECTED ON: ,` b;fiZVERE r: JORDAN LAKE RECREATION :AREA'- 4,Qurnp; 06117 / 91 tMM/DDIYY) ....- LOCATION WHERE COLLECTED: WELL #IW'33 CROSSWINDS AREA. COLLECTED BY: THOMAS W. BILL MAIL RESULTS TO' Yir 241 1 . CONTAM CODE 0100 1005 1010 ,y'1015- 1010: 191;'_: 1020 1022 1025 1028 1030 1 BILLS WELL DRILLING, INC. 800 McARMUR RD. FAYErI'EVIT LE, NC 28311 • TELEPHONE # ( 919 ) 4884-3740 METHOD NAME CODE TURBIDITY, ntu ARSENIC, ,pg/i .BARIUM,. rngi: • 'CAQMIUM mgi1:: . mg/ =cHI4RI04, mg/I CHF QMIUM, mg(' .• COPPER, mg/I •-I`LUpRIQE, tng/I •:• .. :} :IRON,. mg/1 . LEAD, mg/i jGANESE' tngli Efi30URY; mg11• NIT>ATg, 104.5 °"sgirrgNIUM • gall t . >. SaLY 1052 1Qf >API()ITY. 21095 18D5.. Q0(PF.:1 `:units r'S• 18257= pH, Jnit$ :. " y. !R27 `= 1, kr.1Ni:TY• m 11 , AMpI.E UNSATISFACTORY; DATE ANALYSESBEGUN: 06 -/ 18 / 91 COMMENTS E,1I ID#,5655 4 • • • 001 125 125 125 .. ..:r. 101 .r 128 125. 101 107 125•• 125 `101 103 'a 121 '125 r<125 .:157.; 101 120 141:: 135 142. • • RESAMPLE • • 144OAKMONT DRIVE OtMI,P).7?sP8;., ''4> ;. . t1 .1 '' `;'4'AA.M_ iNITY 3.06 <0:010-' <O:100': >'.<004 54: 9GiC DATE ANALYSES CO CERTIFIER BY.' WHITE: DHS COPY / YELLOW: CUSTOMER COPY / PINK: LABORAT • • 'COMMUNITY wag `iatt): r41.11; 1QWABLE r,• LIMITS 9 / 91.. June 11, 1991 Raleigh Area Office SUBJECT: Permit No. 87-4007, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Crosswinds Campgrounds, Well Water System, Contract No. DACW54-87-C-0037, B. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake, Chatham County, North Carolina State of North Carolina Department of Human Resources Division of Health Services Post Office Box 2091 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-2091 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Permit No. 87-4007 and the Engineer's Statement for the subject project. Do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions. Sincerely, William T. Branager, Jr. Authorized Representative of the Contracting Officer Enclosure CF: Mr. Kevin MacNaughton CESAW-EN-R/Mr. Glenn McIntosh Engineers Statement I, William T. Branager, Jr., Area Engineer for the Raleigh Area Office of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, having been authorized to observe periodically, the construction of the project: Project: Contract No. DACW54-87-C-0037, Crosswinds Campgrounds Name or Location: B. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake, Chatham County, North Carolina for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Signature Authorized Represent the Contracting Office Date: 11 June 1991 Permit No. 87-4007 North Carolina Department of Human Resources Division of Health Services P.O. Box 2091 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602.2091 James G. Martin, Governor Ronald H. Levine, M.D. M.P.H. David T. Flaherty, Secretary State Health Director Apri 27, 1987 Mr. Jaman Vithalani U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District P. O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Re: Well Water System Crosswinds Campground B. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake Chatham County Dear Mr. Vithalani: Plans and specifications for the references project prepared by Thompson- Gordon-Shook Engineers, Incorporated have been reviewed by engineers of this section. The plans call for the installation of a 32 gpm well #32 with 5 hp submersible well pump, a 32 gpm well #33 with 5 hp submersible well pump and well house with well head piping assembly on both wells; water treatment and storage building with three (3) 13 gpm capacity each greensand filters (Kisco Model AMG-24), potassium permagnate solution feeding system and gas chlorination system with apparatus; one 4,000 gallon ASME coded hydropneumatic tank with automatic air-water volume controls, air compressor and other accessories; 4-inch, 3-inch and 2-inch distribution water mains, valves and other appurtenances to serve Crosswinds Campground. These plans and specifications are approved under Division of Health Services serial number 87-4007, dated April 24, 1987. One copy of the "Application for Approval..." is enclosed. One copy of the plans and specifications bearing the Division of Health Services stamp of approval is being fowarded under separate cover. One copy of each is being forwarded to the Chatham County Health Department. The third copy is being retained in our permanent files. If we can be of further service, please call on us at (919) 733-2460. Very truly yours, James F. Stamey, Chief Environmental Health Section enclosures CC: Frank Morris, Regional Engineer Chatham County Health Department Thompson-Gordon-Shook Engineers Earl Eaton N.C. Div. of Parks and Rec. Department of Human Resources Division of Health Services Application For Approval of Plans And Specifications For Water Supply Systems DATE April 24, 1981 SERIAL NO. (DHS Use Only) (OHS Use Only) To The Division of Health Services Department of Human Resources: The US Army Corps of Engineers (name of board or council, authorized official and title, or owner) of Wilmington District (name of city, town, corporation, sanitary district, water company, or other) in the County of New Hanover State of North Carolina authorized by law to act for the said Wilmington District (name of city town, corporation, sanitary district, water company. or other and to expend its funds for the water project described below, herewith submit for the counsel and service of the Division of Health Services plans and specifications prepared by Thompson- Gordon-Shook Engineers Incorporated of 1215 Franklin Road, Raleigh, NC 27606 for the installation or construction of Groundwater Supply, Treatment and Distribution at (describe project) Crosswinds Campground, B. Everett Jordan Dam and Lake in (location of project) Chatham and herewith make application to the Division of Health Services (county) for the approval of such feature of said plans and specifications as relate to public health and the protection of public water supplies. These plans have been approved and accepted by the applicant. This application is made under>and in full accord with the provisions cif Chapter 180A17 of the North Carolina General Statutes, and such other statutes as relate to water systems. The applicant agrees that no change or deviation from the plans and specifications approved by the Division of Health Services will be made except with the written consent and approval of the Division of Health Services or its authorized representative. Remarks: (Signature of Owner, Manager, Mayor or Chairman) JAMAN VITHALANI (Type or Print Name Signed Above) PO Box 1890 (Street or Box Number) Wilmington, NC 28402 These plans and specifications cited in the foregoing application are hereby approved insofar as the protection of public health is concerned as provided in the regulations, standards and criteria adopted under the authority of Chapter 130A-317 of the General Statutes, with the following provisos: This approval is given with the understanding that upon installation of such works, its operation shall be placed under the care of a competent person, and the operation shall be carried out according to best accepted practice and in accordance with the recommendations of the Division of Health Services. The official copies of plans and specifications accompanying this application have been sealed and stamped with the serial number of this application 87-4007. Only such plans and specifications are included in this approval and any erasures, additions or alterations of the proposed improvements will make such approval null.and void. Signed James F. Stamey Title: Chief. Environments Health Section DHS 2136 (Revised 1/85) ENGINEERING PLANNING