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SW6240107_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240205
Raeford S115kV - Re Geotechnical Engineering Report May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048. Revl Prepared for: Duke Energy 410 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, North Carlina 27601 r rerracon Explore with us Nationwide • Facilities • Environmental ■ Geotechnical Terracon.com ■ Materials rr ierracon 2401 Brentwood Road, Suite 107 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 P (919) 873-2211 North Carolina Registered F-0869 Terracon.com May 17, 2023 Duke Energy 410 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, North Carlina 27601 Attn: Beth Steffens - Senior Engineer P: (919) 923-2306 E: Beth.Steffens@duke-energy.com Re: Geotechnical Engineering Report Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation 1600 Oakdale Gin Road Raeford, North Carolina Terracon Project No. 70235048.Rev1 Dear Ms. Steffens: We have completed the scope of Geotechnical Engineering services for the above referenced project in general accordance with Terracon Proposal No. P70235048.Rev2 dated March 6, 2023. This report presents the findings of the subsurface exploration and provides geotechnical recommendations concerning earthwork and the design and construction of foundations and floor slabs for the proposed project. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or if we may be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely, \,,`1 i i 1//// \\ CAROI, Terracon �\Q`��ES S j e O• y% .r SEAL `— a 047922 = 5/17/2023 • • /711717 6Lk •• • Hugo Santana, PE Andi ew A. Nash, PE Geotechnical Project Engineer Geotechnical Department Manager Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Geotechnical Engineering Report Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina ,I ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Table of Contents Introduction 1 Project Description 1 Site Conditions 3 Geotechnical Characterization 3 Seismic Site Class 4 Corrosivity 5 Geotechnical Overview 5 Earthwork 6 Site Preparation 6 Site Remediation 7 Fill Material Types 7 Fill Placement and Compaction Requirements 7 Grading and Drainage 8 Earthwork Construction Considerations 8 Construction Observation and Testing 9 Shallow Foundations 10 Design Parameters - Compressive Loads 10 Design Parameters - Overturning and Uplift Loads 11 Foundation Construction Considerations 11 Deep Foundations 12 Drilled Shaft Design Parameters 12 MFAD Parameters 17 Drilled Shaft Lateral Loading 22 Drilled Shaft Construction Considerations 24 Gravel-Surfaced Drives and Parking 25 Subgrade Preparation 25 Design Recommendations 25 Ingress and Egress Pavement Sections 26 Maintenance 27 General Comments 27 Figures GeoModel Attachments Exploration and Testing Procedures Site Location and Exploration Plans Exploration and Laboratory Results Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Supporting Information Note: This report was originally delivered in a web-based format. Blue Bold text in the report indicates a referenced section heading. The PDF version also includes hyperlinks which direct the reader to that section and clicking on the .ierracon logo will bring you back to this page. For more interactive features, please view your project online at client.terracon.com. Refer to each individual Attachment for a listing of contents. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials ii Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Introduction This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and Geotechnical Engineering services performed for the proposed Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation to be located at 1600 Oakdale Gin Road in Raeford, North Carolina. The purpose of these services was to provide information and geotechnical engineering recommendations relative to: ■ Subsurface soil conditions ■ Groundwater conditions ■ Seismic site classification per IBC ■ Site preparation and earthwork ■ Foundation design and construction The geotechnical engineering Scope of Services for this project included the advancement of test borings, laboratory testing, engineering analysis, and preparation of this report. Drawings showing the site and boring locations are shown on the Site Location and Exploration Plan, respectively. The results of the laboratory testing performed on soil samples obtained from the site during our field exploration are included on the boring logs and/or as separate graphs in the Exploration Results section. Project Description Our initial understanding of the project was provided in our proposal and was discussed during project planning. A period of collaboration has transpired since the project was initiated, and our final understanding of the project conditions is as follows: Item Description The following documents were provided to us by Duke Energy. RFP Geotech_RaefordSouth.pdf Raeford South 115 KV - Prelim Layout-boring locates.pdf; Information Boring plan Provided Raeford-TLine-Borings.kmz; Boring Plan Geotechnical Service Specification.pdf Soil Boring Data.xlsx 130695 look-up-and-live-brochure-8-7-2014 reduced.pdf Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 1 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • Terracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Item Description The project includes the addition of new equipment to the Project existing substation along the 115kV side. Additional Description transmission line structures to accommodate the new equipment. Foundations will need to be constructed for the new equipment. Proposed We anticipate the installation of shallow and deep foundations to Structure support the structures. We anticipate the installation of deep foundations to support the transmission line structures. Finished Floor Not provided, assumed to be close to the existing substation Elevation elevation. The following loads were provided in the RFP provided: Transformers: 150 kips Control Enclosure: 100 kips Maximum Loads Switchgear Enclosure: 100 kips Equipment Piers: Moment - 878 kip-ft Shear - 11.64 kips Compression - 20.7 kips Grading/Slopes Minimal cuts and fills (less than 5 feet) will be required to develop final grade. Below-Grade Structures None anticipated. Free-Standing Retaining Walls None anticipated. We anticipate low-volume, aggregate-surfaced access roads will have primarily light maintenance vehicles, but the roads will be designed for a maximum vehicle load of 80,000 lbs. for fire Access Road truck access. A traffic loading of 2,500 18-kip equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) over is assumed. The pavement design period is 20 years. Terracon should be notified if any of the above information is inconsistent with the planned construction, especially the grading limits, as modifications to our recommendations may be necessary. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 2 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Site Conditions The following description of site conditions is derived from our site visit in association with the field exploration and our review of publicly available geologic and topographic maps. Item Description The project is located along 1600 Oakdale Gin Road in Raeford, Parcel North Carolina. Information Latitude/Longitude (approximate): 34.95977, -79.21119 See Site Location Existing The site is located at the existing Raeford South 115kV Improvements Substation. Current Ground Gravel, maintained grass and agricultural fields. Cover Existing Based on the aerial imagery and available topography Topography information, the site appears to be relatively flat. The subject site is located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province, Middendorf Formation. The Coastal Plain soils consist mainly of marine sediments that were deposited during Site Geology successive periods of fluctuating sea level and moving shoreline. The soils include sands, silts, and clays with irregular deposits of shells, which are typical of those lain down in a shallow sloping sea bottom. Recent alluvial sands, silts, and clays are typically present near rivers and creeks. Geotechnical Characterization We have developed a general characterization of the subsurface conditions based upon our review of the subsurface exploration, laboratory data, geologic setting and our understanding of the project. This characterization, termed GeoModel, forms the basis of our geotechnical calculations and evaluation of the site. Conditions observed at each exploration point are indicated on the individual logs. The individual logs can be found in the Exploration Results and the GeoModel can be found in the Figures attachment of this report. As part of our analyses, we identified the following model layers within the subsurface profile. For a more detailed view of the model layer depths at each boring location, refer to the GeoModel. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 3 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina rr ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Model Layer Layer Name General Description 1 Surface Gravel, Topsoil and Cultivated Topsoil 2 Sand Silty/Clayey Sand and Poorly Graded Sand Soils; Loose to Dense 3 Lean Clay Sandy Lean CLAY; Soft to Very Stiff 4 Fat Clay Sandy Fat CLAY; Stiff to Hard The boreholes were observed while drilling for the presence and level of groundwater. The boreholes were observed while drilling and at the completion of drilling for the presence and level of groundwater. Groundwater was encountered at depths of 4 to 6 feet below the existing ground surface. The water levels observed in the boreholes can be found on the boring logs in Exploration Results. Groundwater level fluctuations occur due to seasonal variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff and other factors not evident at the time the borings were performed. Therefore, groundwater levels during construction or at other times in the life of the structure may be higher or lower than the levels indicated on the boring logs. The possibility of groundwater level fluctuations should be considered when developing the design and construction plans for the project. Seismic Site Class The seismic design requirements for buildings and other structures are based on Seismic Design Category. Site Classification is required to determine the Seismic Design Category for a structure. The Site Classification is based on the upper 100 feet of the site profile defined by a weighted average value of either shear wave velocity, standard penetration resistance, or undrained shear strength in accordance with Section 20.4 of ASCE 7 and the International Building Code (IBC). Based on the soil properties observed at the site and as described on the exploration logs and results, our professional opinion is for that a Seismic Site Classification of D be considered for the project. Subsurface explorations at this site were extended to a maximum depth of 45 feet. The site properties below the boring depth to 100 feet were estimated based on our experience and knowledge of geologic conditions of the general area. Additional deeper borings or geophysical testing may be performed to confirm the conditions below the current boring depth. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 4 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Corrosivity The table below lists the results of laboratory soluble sulfate, soluble chloride, electrical resistivity, and pH testing. The values may be used to estimate potential corrosive characteristics of the on-site soils with respect to contact with the various underground materials which will be used for project construction. Corrosivity Test Results Summary Sample Soil Soluble Soluble Electrical Boring Depth Sulfate Chloride Resistivity pH (feet) Description (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (fl-cm) TB-1 1 — 4 Sandy Lean 5 88 13,423 5.7 CLAY Results of soluble sulfate testing can be classified in accordance with ACI 318 — Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. Numerous sources are available to characterize corrosion potential to buried metals using the parameters above. ANSI/AWWA is commonly used for ductile iron, while threshold values for evaluating the effect on steel can be specific to the buried feature (e.g., piling, culverts, welded wire reinforcement, etc.) or agency for which the work is performed. Imported fill materials may have significantly different properties than the site materials noted above and should be evaluated if expected to be in contact with metals used for construction. Consultation with a NACE certified corrosion professional is recommended for buried metals on the site. Geotechnical Overview Based on project test boring information, shallow subsurface conditions consist of soft to stiff sandy lean clay and medium dense to dense silty/clayey sand soils. At this time, structure types and locations have not been finalized; however, based on the results of our subsurface exploration, potential structures may be supported on conventional spread and strip footings with a net allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf with some localized repairs expected and when prepared as described in this report. The loose near surface soils at the site will likely require remedial work at the time of site preparation and earthwork. We recommend vibratory rolling of the exposed soils after completion of topsoil stripping. Additional remedial measures in the existing near surface soils may still be required depending upon the amount of fill to be placed at the site and the moisture condition of the soils at the time of construction. The remedial measures will potentially include over-excavation and replacement or the use of subgrade stabilization fabric in conjunction with sand fill. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 5 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl The near surface soils moisture sensitive and could become unstable, especially after precipitation events, as well as with typical earthwork and construction traffic. The effective drainage should be completed early in the construction sequence and maintained after construction to avoid potential issues. If possible, the grading should be performed during the warmer and drier times of the year. If grading is performed during the winter months, an increased risk for possible undercutting and replacement of unstable subgrade will persist. Additional site preparation recommendations, including subgrade improvement and fill placement, are provided in the Earthwork section. The recommendations contained in this report are based upon the results of field and laboratory testing (presented in the Exploration Results), engineering analyses, and our current understanding of the proposed project. The General Comments section provides an understanding of the report limitations. Earthwork Earthwork is anticipated to include excavations and fill placement. The following sections provide recommendations for use in the preparation of specifications for the work. Recommendations include critical quality criteria, as necessary, to render the site in the state considered in our geotechnical engineering evaluation for foundations and floor slabs. Site Preparation Prior to placing fill, existing vegetation, topsoil, and root mats should be removed. Complete stripping of the topsoil should be performed in the proposed substation and driveway areas. Following stripping of topsoil, ground improvement will be required for the very loose to loose near surface sand. In-place compaction should be performed using a medium to heavy weight vibratory sheepsfoot roller in areas to receive fill or at the subgrade elevation in cut areas. The roller should make at least six passes, with the second set of three passes perpendicular to the first set of three passes. In-place compaction should be performed during a period of dry weather to avoid degrading an otherwise suitable subgrade. The subgrade should be proofrolled with an adequately loaded vehicle such as a fully- loaded tandem-axle dump truck. The proofrolling should be performed under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. Areas excessively deflecting under the proofroll should be delineated and subsequently addressed by the Geotechnical Engineer. We expect that some localized areas may require additional over excavation and replacement prior to receiving fill due to loose/soft conditions. Excessively wet or dry material should either be removed or moisture conditioned and recompacted. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 6 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Site Remediation The following recommendations are for the pavement sections of the new access road. Following stripping of topsoil, the area should be undercut to 2 feet below final subgrade within the pavement areas and 5 feet beyond the lateral limits of the pavement areas. Once materials have been removed, the entire area should be compacted in place and proofrolled as outlined in the Site Preparation section. Once the loose surface soil materials have been remediated, and the subgrade has passed the proofroll test, the excavated soils can be evaluated for use as structural fill and can be placed in controlled lifts as outlined in the Fill Compaction Requirements section. Fill Material Types Fill required to achieve design grade should be classified as structural fill and general fill. Structural fill is material used below, or within 10 feet of structures or constructed slopes. General fill is material used to achieve grade outside of these areas. Earthen materials used for structural and general fill should meet the following material property requirements: Soil Type USCS Acceptable Parameters (for Structural Classification Fill) Low Plasticity CL, CL-ML Liquid Limit less than 50 Cohesive ML, SM, SC Plasticity index less than 25 GW GP GM GCE Granular SW, SP, SM, SC Less than 50% passing No. 200 sieve 1. Structural and general fill should consist of approved materials free of organic matter and debris. Frozen material should not be used, and fill should not be placed on a frozen subgrade. A sample of each material type should be submitted to the Geotechnical Engineer for evaluation prior to use on this site. Additional geotechnical consultation should be provided prior to use of uniformly graded gravel on the site. Fill Placement and Compaction Requirements Structural and general fill should meet the following compaction requirements. Item Structural Fill General Fill Maximum Lift 8 inches or less in loose thickness when Same as heavy, self-propelled compaction equipment Thickness structural fill is used Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 7 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Item Structural Fill General Fill 98% of max. below foundations and within Minimum 1 foot of finished grade Compaction 95% of max. above foundations, below 92% of max. Requirements 1,2,3 floor slabs, and more than 1 foot below finished grade Low plasticity cohesive: -2% to +3% of As required to Water Content achieve min. optimum Range I compaction Granular: -3% to +3% of optimum requirements 1. Maximum density and optimum water content as determined by the standard Proctor test (ASTM D 698). 2. High plasticity cohesive fill should not be compacted to more than 100% of standard Proctor maximum dry density. 3. If the granular material is a coarse sand or gravel, or of a uniform size, or has a low fines content, compaction comparison to relative density may be more appropriate. In this case, granular materials should be compacted to at least 70% relative density (ASTM D 4253 and D 4254). Materials not amenable to density testing should be placed and compacted to a stable condition observed by the Geotechnical Engineer or representative. Grading and Drainage All grades must provide effective drainage away from the substation during and after construction and should be maintained throughout the life of the structure. Water retained next to equipment pads and structures can result in soil movements greater than those discussed in this report. Greater movements can result in unacceptable differential slab and/or foundation movements and cracked slabs. Earthwork Construction Considerations Shallow excavations for the proposed structure are anticipated to be accomplished with conventional construction equipment. Upon completion of filling and grading, care should be taken to maintain the subgrade water content prior to construction of grade- supported improvements such as equipment pads. Construction traffic over the completed subgrades should be avoided. The site should also be graded to prevent ponding of surface water on the prepared subgrades or in excavations. Water collecting over or adjacent to construction areas should be removed. If the subgrade freezes, desiccates, saturates, or is disturbed, the affected material should be removed, or the materials should be scarified, moisture conditioned, and recompacted prior to floor slab construction. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 8 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • Terracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl As a minimum, excavations should be performed in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P, "Excavations" and its appendices, and in accordance with any applicable local and/or state regulations. Construction site safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor who controls the means, methods, and sequencing of construction operations. Under no circumstances shall the information provided herein be interpreted to mean Terracon is assuming responsibility for construction site safety or the contractor's activities; such responsibility shall neither be implied nor inferred. Excavations or other activities resulting in ground disturbance have the potential to affect adjoining properties and structures. Our scope of services does not include review of available final grading information or consider potential temporary grading performed by the contractor for potential effects such as ground movement beyond the project limits. A preconstruction/ precondition survey should be conducted to document nearby property/infrastructure prior to any site development activity. Excavation or ground disturbance activities adjacent or near property lines should be monitored or instrumented for potential ground movements that could negatively affect adjoining property and/or structures. Construction Observation and Testing The earthwork efforts should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer (or others under their direction). Observation should include documentation of adequate removal of surficial materials (vegetation, topsoil, and pavements), evaluation and remediation of existing fill materials, as well as proofrolling and mitigation of unsuitable areas delineated by the proofroll. Each lift of compacted fill should be tested, evaluated, and reworked, as necessary, as recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placement of additional lifts. Each lift of fill should be tested for density and water content at a frequency of at least one test for every 2,500 square feet of compacted fill in equipment pad areas and 5,000 square feet in pavement areas. Where not specified by local ordinance, one density and water content test should be performed for every 100 linear feet of compacted utility trench backfill and a minimum of one test performed for every 12 vertical inches of compacted backfill. In areas of foundation excavations, the bearing subgrade should be evaluated by the Geotechnical Engineer. If unanticipated conditions are observed, the Geotechnical Engineer should prescribe mitigation options. In addition to the documentation of the essential parameters necessary for construction, the continuation of the Geotechnical Engineer into the construction phase of the project Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 9 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl provides the continuity to maintain the Geotechnical Engineer's evaluation of subsurface conditions, including assessing variations and associated design changes. Shallow Foundations If the site has been prepared in accordance with the requirements noted in Earthwork, the following design parameters are applicable for shallow foundations. Design Parameters - Compressive Loads Item Description Maximum Net Allowable Bearing 2,500 psf - foundations bearing upon Pressure '° 2 improved existing soils or new structural fill Required Bearing Stratum 3 Approved structural fill or native soils Minimum Foundation Dimensions Columns: 30 inches Continuous: 18 inches 0.30 (existing fill and native soils) Sliding Resistance 4 0.35 (granular material) Minimum Embedment below Finished Grade 5 12 inches Estimated Total Settlement from Structural Loads 2 Less than about 1 inch Estimated Differential Settlement 2, 6 Less than 1/2" of total settlement 1. The maximum net allowable bearing pressure is the pressure in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure at the footing base elevation. Values assume that exterior grades are no steeper than 20% within 10 feet of structure. 2. Values provided are for maximum loads noted in Project Description. Additional geotechnical consultation will be necessary if higher loads are anticipated. 3. Unsuitable or soft soils should be overexcavated and replaced per the recommendations presented in Earthwork. 4. Can be used to compute sliding resistance where foundations are placed on suitable soil/materials. Frictional resistance for granular materials is dependent on the bearing pressure which may vary due to load combinations. For fine-grained materials, lateral resistance using cohesion should not exceed ,/2 the dead load. 5. Embedment necessary to minimize the effects of frost and/or seasonal water content variations. For sloping ground, maintain depth below the lowest adjacent exterior grade within 5 horizontal feet of the structure. 6. Differential settlements are noted for equivalent-loaded foundations and bearing elevation as measured over a span of 50 feet. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 10 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl The foundation bearing materials should be evaluated at the time of the foundation excavation. This is an essential part of the construction process. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should use a combination of hand auger borings and dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) testing to determine the suitability of the bearing materials for the design bearing pressure. DCP testing should be performed to a depth of 3 to 5 feet below the bottom of foundation excavation. Excessively soft, loose, or wet bearing soils should be over excavated to a depth recommended by the geotechnical engineer. The excavated soils should be replaced with structural fill or crushed stone (NCDOT ABC). However, footings could bear directly on the soils after over excavation if approved by the Geotechnical Engineer. Design Parameters - Overturning and Uplift Loads Shallow foundations subjected to overturning loads should be proportioned such that the resultant eccentricity is maintained in the center-third of the foundation (e.g., e < b/6, where b is the foundation width). This requirement is intended to keep the entire foundation area in compression during the extreme lateral/overturning load event. Foundation oversizing may be required to satisfy this condition. Uplift resistance of spread footings can be developed from the effective weight of the footing and the overlying soils with consideration to the IBC basic load combinations. Item Description Soil Moist Unit Weight 100 pcf Soil Effective Unit Weight' 40 pcf Soil included within the prism extending up from Soil weight included in uplift resistance the top perimeter of the footing at an angle of 20 degrees from vertical to ground surface 1. Effective (or buoyant) unit weight should be used for soil above the foundation level and below a water level. The high groundwater level should be used in uplift design as applicable. Foundation Construction Considerations As noted in Earthwork, the footing excavations should be evaluated under the observation of the Geotechnical Engineer. The base of all foundation excavations should be free of water and loose soil, prior to placing concrete. Concrete should be placed soon after excavating to reduce bearing soil disturbance. Care should be taken to prevent wetting or drying of the bearing materials during construction. Excessively wet or dry material or any loose/disturbed material in the bottom of the footing excavations should be removed/reconditioned before foundation concrete is placed. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 11 Geotechnical Engineering Report "'-' Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina 0 ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl If unsuitable bearing soils are observed at the base of the planned footing excavation, the excavation should be extended deeper to suitable soils, and the footings could bear directly on these soils at the lower level or on lean concrete backfill placed in the excavations. The lean concrete replacement zone is illustrated on the sketch below. I' 111I F DESIGN FOOTING LEVEL LEAN CONCRETE RECOMMENDED _ 1=1 EXCAVATION LEVEL '—I I I,III—ITI LEAN CONCRETE BACKFILL NOTE:EXCAVATIONS ARE SHOWN VERTICAL;HOWEVER,THE SIDEWALLS SHOULD BE SLOPED AS NECESSARY FOR SAFETY Overexcavation for structural fill placement below footings should be conducted as shown below. The overexcavation should be backfilled up to the footing base elevation, with structural fill placed, as recommended in the Earthwork section. X Ii1i1 11E ' -1I1=L-III ll L1' r-L Titi DESIGN FOOTING LEVEL c STRUCTURAL D -III FILL _ RECOMMENDED e r -I EXCAVATION LEVEL OVER-EXCAVATION/BACKFILL ZONE NOTE:EXCAVATIONS ARE SHOWN VERTICAL;HOWEVER,THE SIDEWALLS SHOULD BE SLOPED AS NECESSARY FOR SAFETY Deep Foundations Drilled Shaft Design Parameters Soil design parameters are provided below in the Drilled Shaft Design Summary table for the design of drilled shaft foundations. The values presented for allowable side friction and end bearing include a factor of safety. The allowable skin friction has a factor of safety of about 2, while the allowable end bearing has a safety factor of 3. The provided Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical Materials 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • Terracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl skin friction values should be reduced by 2/3 for uplift loading. These values should be considered approximate. The design should consider reducing or neglecting the upper 3 feet of surficial material to the potential effects of construction disturbance and creation of an annulus from lateral movements. If the design pier length exceeds 30 feet, Terracon should be contacted to provide additional comment with regard to end bearing support. It may be necessary to drill an additional soil test boring to confirm conditions at greater depths. It should be noted that subsurface conditions could vary if supports are moved from the location of our boring or if significant grade changes occur at the site. Drilled Shaft Design Summary Axial Drilled Shaft Design remeters (SB-1) Groundwater observed to be at 4.0 feet Approximate Stratigraphy 2 Allowable Skin Allowable End Depth Friction Bearing Pressure No. Material (Factor of Safety = 2) (Factor of Safety = 3) (feet) (psf) 3 (psf) 4 0 to 45 2 SM 15 -- 4 to 8 2 SC 100 4,000 8 to 12 3 CL 15 300 12 to 17 2 SC 155 9,000 17 to 27 2 SM 195 3,200 27 to 30 2 SM 215 4,500 1. Design capacities are dependent upon the method of installation and quality control parameters. The values provided are estimates and should be verified when installation protocol have been finalized. 2. See Subsurface Profile in Geotechnical Characterization for more details on stratigraphy. 3. Applicable for compressive loading only. Reduce to 2/3 of values shown for uplift loading. The effective weight of the shaft can be added to uplift load resistance to the extent permitted by IBC. 4. Shafts should extend at least one diameter into the bearing stratum (or to a depth equal to the bell diameter for belled shafts) for end bearing to be considered. 5. Parameters interpolated from SB-3 and SB-4. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 13 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Drilled Shaft Design Summary Axial Drilled Shaft Design Parameters (SB-2) Groundwater observed to be at 4.0 feet Approximate Stratigraphy 2 Allowable Skin Allowable End Depth Friction Bearing Pressure (feet) No. Material (Factor of Safety = 2) (Factor of Safety = 3) (psf) 3 (psf) 4 0to65 2 SM 25 -- 6 to 8 2 SC 145 3,200 8 to 12 3 CL 25 425 12 to 17 4 CH 135 2,200 17 to 27 2 SC 240 4,250 27 to 30 3 CL 145 2,380 1. Design capacities are dependent upon the method of installation and quality control parameters. The values provided are estimates and should be verified when installation protocol have been finalized. 2. See Subsurface Profile in Geotechnical Characterization for more details on stratigraphy. 3. Applicable for compressive loading only. Reduce to 2/3 of values shown for uplift loading. The effective weight of the shaft can be added to uplift load resistance to the extent permitted by IBC. 4. Shafts should extend at least one diameter into the bearing stratum (or to a depth equal to the bell diameter for belled shafts) for end bearing to be considered. 5. Parameters interpolated from SB-3 and SB-4. Drilled Shaft Design Summary Axial Drilled Shaft Design Parameters (SB-3) Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Approximate Stratigraphy 2 Allowable Skin Allowable End Depth Friction Bearing Pressure (feet) No. Material (Factor of Safety = 2) (Factor of Safety = 3) (psf) 3 (psf) 4 0to6 2 SM 15 -- 6 to 8 2 SC 75 1,850 8 to 17 2 SC 165 3,725 17 to 27 2 SP 215 7,450 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 14 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Drilled Shaft Design Summary Axial Drilled Shaft Design Parameters (SB-3) Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Approximate Stratigraphy 2 Allowable Skin Allowable End Depth Friction Bearing Pressure (feet) No. Material (Factor of Safety = 2) (Factor of Safety = 3) (psf (psf) 4 27 to 30 4 CH 125 2,000 1. Design capacities are dependent upon the method of installation and quality control parameters. The values provided are estimates and should be verified when installation protocol have been finalized. 2. See Subsurface Profile in Geotechnical Characterization for more details on stratigraphy. 3. Applicable for compressive loading only. Reduce to 2/3 of values shown for uplift loading. The effective weight of the shaft can be added to uplift load resistance to the extent permitted by IBC. 4. Shafts should extend at least one diameter into the bearing stratum (or to a depth equal to the bell diameter for belled shafts) for end bearing to be considered. Drilled Shaft Design Summary Axial Drilled Shaft Design Parameters (TB-1) Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Approximate Stratigraphy 2 Allowable Skin Allowable End Depth Friction Bearing Pressure (feet) No. Material (Factor of Safety = 2) (Factor of Safety = 3) (psf) 3 (psf) 4 0 to 3 3 CL 60 -- 3 to 6 2 SC 35 -- 6 to 8 3 CL 135 2,250 8 to 16 2 SP 165 5,250 16 to 22 2 SP 200 3,725 22 to 27 4 CH 100 1,600 27 to 32 4 CH 170 2,800 32 to 37 2 SC 240 7,000 37 to 42 4 CH 160 2,600 42 to 45 4 CH 325 8,000 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical Materials 15 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Drilled Shaft Design Summary Axial Drilled Shaft Design Parameters (TB-1) Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Approximate Stratigraphy 2 Allowable Skin Allowable End Depth Friction Bearing Pressure (feet) No. Material (Factor of Safety = 2) (Factor of Safety = 3) (psf) 3 (psf) 4 1. Design capacities are dependent upon the method of installation and quality control parameters. The values provided are estimates and should be verified when installation protocol have been finalized. 2. See Subsurface Profile in Geotechnical Characterization for more details on stratigraphy. 3. Applicable for compressive loading only. Reduce to 2/3 of values shown for uplift loading. The effective weight of the shaft can be added to uplift load resistance to the extent permitted by IBC. 4. Shafts should extend at least one diameter into the bearing stratum (or to a depth equal to the bell diameter for belled shafts) for end bearing to be considered. Drilled Shaft Design Summary Axial Drilled Shaft Design Parameters (TB-2) Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Approximate Stratigraphy 2 Allowable Skin Allowable End Depth Friction Bearing Pressure No. Material (Factor of Safety = 2) (Factor of Safety = 3) (feet) (psf) 3 a (psf) 0 to 5 3 CL 25 -- 5 to 11 2 SC 130 4,500 11 to 18 2 SP 150 2,400 18 to 22 2 SC 200 5,300 22 to 27 4 CH 85 1,400 27 to 32 4 CH 375 6,000 32 to 37 4 CH 220 3,600 37 to 42 3 CL 50 850 42 to 45 2 SC 260 5,300 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical Materials 16 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Drilled Shaft Design Summary Axial Drilled Shaft Design Parameters (TB-2) Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Approximate Stratigraphy 2 Allowable Skin Allowable End Depth Friction Bearing Pressure (feet) No. Material (Factor of Safety = 2) (Factor of Safety = 3) (psf L (psf 1. Design capacities are dependent upon the method of installation and quality control parameters. The values provided are estimates and should be verified when installation protocol have been finalized. 2. See Subsurface Profile in Geotechnical Characterization for more details on stratigraphy. 3. Applicable for compressive loading only. Reduce to 2/3 of values shown for uplift loading. The effective weight of the shaft can be added to uplift load resistance to the extent permitted by IBC. 4. Shafts should extend at least one diameter into the bearing stratum (or to a depth equal to the bell diameter for belled shafts) for end bearing to be considered. Shafts should be adequately reinforced as designed by the Structural Engineer for both tension and shear to sufficient depths. Buoyant unit weights of the soil and concrete should be used in the calculations below the highest anticipated groundwater elevation. Drilled shaft should have a minimum (center-to-center) spacing of three diameters. Closer spacing may require a reduction in axial load capacity. Axial capacity reduction can be determined by comparing the allowable axial capacity determined from the sum of individual piles in a group versus the capacity calculated using the perimeter and base of the pile group acting as a unit. The lesser of the two capacities should be used in design. MFAD Parameters It is our understanding that the new transmission line structure will be supported on a deep foundation system, such as drilled shaft. We understand that the lateral load capacity for deep foundations (drilled shafts or direct embedment) will be analyzed using the MFDA program developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) at each foundation location. The soil parameters used in the analyses include moist unit weight (ym), undrained shear strength (Su), angle of internal friction (CO, and the deformation modulus (Ep). It should be noted that the recommended soil strength parameters are not factored. Therefore, appropriate safety factors should be applied to the foundation design. Allowable soil/concrete bond strength for the shaft are zero. Additionally, lateral pile capacity Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 17 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl analysis programs typically require input of moist unit weight above the groundwater table and submerged or effective unit weight below the groundwater table. Based on the data obtained in our exploration, and correlations provided in the MFAD 5.0 Used Guide, we recommend the following values for the soils encountered at this site: MFAD — Soil Parameters SB-1 Groundwater observed to be at 4.0 feet Average SPT Moist Unit Modulus of Friction Depth AngleEffective Material N60 Value Weight Deformation(feet) Cohesion c' (bpf) (Ym) (pcf) (Er) (ksi) o (ksf) (deg) 0 to 42 SM 4 105 0.2 26 -- 4 to 8 SC 16 115 0.8 30 -- 8 to 12 CL 2 105 0.1 -- 0.3 12 to 17 SC 42 125 1.5 34 -- 17 to 27 SM 17 115 0.8 30 -- 27 to 30 SM 23 120 1 32 -- 1. Energy Efficiency 87% for the CME 45C calibrated on 4/11/2022. 2. Parameters interpolated from SB-3 and SB-4. MFAD — Soil Parameters SB-2 Groundwater observed to be at 4.0 feet Average SPT Moist Unit Modulus of Friction Depth Effective Material N60 Value Weight Deformation Angle (feet) Cohesion c' (bpf) (Ym) (pcf) (Er) (ksi) o (ksf) (deg) 0 to 62 SM 4 105 0.2 26 -- 6 to 8 SC 13 110 0.6 30 -- 8 to 12 CL 3 105 0.1 -- 0.3 12 to 17 CH 14 110 0.8 -- 1.3 17 to 27 SC 22 120 1 32 -- 27 to 30 CL 23 120 1.5 -- 3 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical Materials 18 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina 0 lerracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl MFAD - Soil Parameters SB-2 Groundwater observed to be at 4.0 feet Average SPT Moist Unit Modulus of Friction Depth Effective p Material N60 Value Weight Deformation Angle (feet) Cohesion c' (bpf) (Ym) (pcf) (Er) (ksi) o (ksf) (deg) 1. Energy Efficiency 87% for the CME 45C calibrated on 4/11/2022. 2. Parameters interpolated from SB-3 and SB-4. MFAD - Soil Parameters SB-3 Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Average SPT Moist Unit Modulus of Friction Depth Effective p Material N60 Value Weight Deformation Angle (feet) Cohesion c' (bpf) (Ym) (pcf) (Er) (ksi) o (ksf) (deg) 0 to 6 SM 4 105 0.2 26 -- 6 to 8 SC 8 110 0.5 28 -- 8 to 17 SC 17 115 0.8 30 -- 17 to 27 SP 39 125 3 36 -- 27 to 30 CH 13 110 0.8 -- 1.3 1. Energy Efficiency 87% for the CME 45C calibrated on 4/11/2022. MFAD - Soil Parameters TB-1 Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Average SPT Moist Unit Modulus of Friction Depth AngleEffective Material N60 Value Weight Deformation(feet) Cohesion c' (bpf) (Ym) (pcf) (Er) (ksi) o (ksf) (deg) 0 to 3 CL 8 110 0.6 -- 0.9 3 to 6 SC 4 105 0.2 26 -- Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical Materials 19 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina 0 lerracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl MFAD - Soil Parameters TB-1 Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Average SPT Moist Unit Modulus of Friction Depth Effective p Material N60 Value Weight Deformation Angle (feet) Cohesion c' (bpf) (yr.) (pcf) (Er) (ksi) 0 (ksf) (deg) 6 to 8 CL 17 115 1 -- 2 8 to 16 SP 22 120 2 34 -- 16 to 22 SP 16 115 1.5 32 -- 22 to 27 CH 11 110 0.8 -- 1.3 27 to 32 CH 19 115 1 -- 2 32 to 37 SC 39 125 1.5 34 -- 37 to 42 CH 19 115 1 -- 2 42 to 45 CH 61 125 2 -- 3.5 1. Energy Efficiency 87% for the CME 45C calibrated on 4/11/2022. MFAD - Soil Parameters TB-2 Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Average SPT Moist Unit Modulus of Friction Depth Effective Material N60 Value Weight Deformation Angle (feet) Cohesion c' (bpf) (Ym) (pcf) (Er) (ksi) 0 (ksf) (deg) 0 to 6 CL 3 105 0.1 -- 0.3 6 to 15 SC 19 115 0.8 30 -- 15 to 18 SP 11 110 1 32 -- 18 to 22 SC 25 120 1 32 -- 22 to 27 CH 10 110 0.6 -- 0.9 27 to 32 CH 50 125 2 -- 3.5 32 to 37 CH 26 120 1.5 -- 3 37 to 42 CL 9 110 0.6 -- 0.9 42 to 45 SC 29 120 1 32 -- Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 20 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina rr ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl MFAD — Soil Parameters TB-2 Groundwater observed to be at 6.0 feet Average SPT Moist Unit Modulus of Friction Depth Material N60 Value Weight Deformation Angle Effective(feet) Cohesion c' (bpf) (Ym) (Pcf) (En) (ksi) (ksf) (deg) 1. Energy Efficiency 87% for the CME 45C calibrated on 4/11/2022. The design should consider reducing the upper 3 feet of surficial material to the potential effects of construction disturbance and creation of an annulus from lateral movements. When shafts are used in groups, the lateral capacities of the shafts in the second, third, and subsequent rows of the group should be reduced as compared to the capacity of a single, independent shaft. Guidance for applying p-multiplier factors to the p values in the p-y curves for each row of pile foundations within a pile group are as follows: P-Multiplier, Pm 3 Center to Center Pile Third and Spacing 1,2 Front Row Second Row Subsequent Rows 3B 0.8 0.4 0.3 4B 0.9 0.65 0.5 5B 1.0 0.85 0.7 6B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1. Spacing in the direction of loading. B = pile diameter 2. For the case of a single row of piles supporting a ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ laterally loaded grade beam, group action for lateral Loadsl , ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ resistance of piles would need be considered when spacing is less than three pile diameters (measured ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ center-to-center). t t t 3. See adjacent figure for definition of front, second Third& Second Front Subsequent Row Row and third rows. Rows Spacing closer than 3D (where D is the diameter of the shaft) is not recommended without additional geotechnical consultation due to potential for the installation of a new shaft disturbing an adjacent installed shaft likely resulting in axial capacity reduction. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 21 Geotechnical Engineering Report " Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina 0 ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Drilled Shaft Lateral Loading The following table lists input values for use in LPILE analyses. Such analysis should be considered if lateral loads exceeds 10 kips. Modern versions of LPILE provide estimated default values of kh and E50 based on strength and are recommended for the project. Since deflection or a service limit criterion will most likely control lateral capacity design, no safety/resistance factor is included with the parameters. TB-1 Stratigraphy' L-Pile Soil S. 4)2 y' K (pci) Depth Material Model (psf)2 (deg) (pcf)2 E50 Static Cyclic 0 to 3 CL Stiff Clay w/o 800 110 Use Default Value Free Water 3 to 6 SC Sand (Reese) -- 29 105 Use Default Value 6 to 8 CL Stiff Clay w/ 1,700 52.6__ Free Water Use Default Value 8 to 16 SP Sand (Reese) -- 33 57.6 Use Default Value 16 to 22 SP Sand (Reese) -- 32 52.6 Use Default Value 22 to 27 CH Stiff Clay w/ 1,100 47.6 Free Water --- Use Default Value 27 to 32 CH Stiff Clay w/ 1,900 52.6 Free Water --- Use Default Value 32 to 37 SC Sand (Reese) -- 36 62.6 Use Default Value 37 to 42 CH Stiff Clay w/ 1,900 52.6 Free Water --- Use Default Value 42 to 45 CH Stiff Clay w/ 6,000 62.6 Free Water --- Use Default Value 1. See Subsurface Profile in Geotechnical Characterization for more details on Stratigraphy. 2. Definition of Terms: Su: Undrained shear strength 4 : Internal friction angle y': Effective unit weight Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 22 Geotechnical Engineering Report " Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina 0 ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl TB-2 Stratigraphy' L-Pile Soil S. 4)2 y' K (pci) Depth Material Model (psf)2 (deg) (pcf)2 £50 Static Cyclic 0 to 56 CL Soft Clay 300 -- 105 Use Default Value 5 to 11 SC Sand (Reese) -- 33 52.6 Use Default Value 11 to 18 SP Sand (Reese) -- 30 47.6 Use Default Value 18 to 22 SC Sand (Reese) -- 33 57.6 Use Default Value Stiff clay w/ 22 to 27 CH -- 47.6 Use Default Value free water 1,000 Stiff clay w/27 to 32 CH __free water 4,800 62.6 Use Default Value Stiff clay w/ 32 to 37 CH -- 57.6 Use Default Value free water 2,400 Stiff clay w/ 37 to 42 CL 900 -- 47.6 Use Default Value free water 42 to 45 SC Sand (Reese) -- 33 57.6 Use Default Value 1. See Subsurface Profile in Geotechnical Characterization for more details on Stratigraphy. 2. Definition of Terms: Su: Undrained shear strength (I): Internal friction angle y': Effective unit weight When shafts are used in groups, the lateral capacities of the shafts in the second, third, and subsequent rows of the group should be reduced as compared to the capacity of a single, independent shaft. Guidance for applying p-multiplier factors to the p values in the p-y curves for each row of pile foundations within a pile group are as follows: P-Multiplier, Pm 3 Center to Center Pile Third and Spacing 1,2 Front Row Second Row Subsequent Rows 3B 0.8 0.4 0.3 4B 0.9 0.65 0.5 5B 1.0 0.85 0.7 6B 1.0 1.0 1.0 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical Materials 23 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl P-Multiplier, Pm 3 Center to Center Pile Third and Spacing 1,2 Front Row Second Row Subsequent Rows 1. Spacing in the direction of loading. B = pile diameter Lateral Load Illar ❑ 1=1 � ❑ 2. For the case of a single row of piles supporting a laterally loaded grade beam, group action for ❑ ❑ ❑ Ll lateral resistance of piles would need be t t t t considered when spacing is less than three pile Third& Second Front Subsequent Row Row diameters (measured center-to-center). Rows 3. See adjacent figure for definition of front, second and third rows. Spacing closer than 3D (where D is the diameter of the shaft) is not recommended without additional geotechnical consultation due to potential for the installation of a new shaft disturbing an adjacent installed shaft likely resulting in axial capacity reduction. Drilled Shaft Construction Considerations We anticipate groundwater to be encountered at a depth of approximately 4 to 6 feet below existing grades. To prevent collapse of the sidewalls and/or to control groundwater seepage, the use of temporary steel casing and/or slurry drilling procedures may be required for construction of the drilled pier foundation. Significant seepage could occur in case of excavations penetrating water-bearing sandy soil layers. The drilled pier contractor and foundation design engineer should be informed of these risks. A full-depth temporary steel casing may be required to stabilize the sides of the shaft excavations in the overburden. If casing is removed during concrete placement, care should be exercised to maintain concrete inside the casing at a sufficient level to resist earth and hydrostatic pressures present on a casing exterior. Water or loose soil should be removed from the bottom of the drilled shafts prior to placement of the concrete. Care should be taken to not disturb the sides and bottom of the excavation during construction. The bottom of the shaft excavation should be free of loose material before concrete placement. Concrete should be placed as soon as possible after the foundation excavation is completed, to reduce potential disturbance of the bearing surface. Due to the relatively shallow depth to groundwater encountered in the boring, the drilled pier should be constructed as "wet." "Wet" piers should be constructed by slurry displacement techniques. In this process, the pier excavation is filled with approved polymer-based slurry to counter-balance the hydraulic forces below the water level and stabilize the wall of the pier. Concrete would then be placed using a tremie extending to within 6 inches of the pier base of the slurry-filled excavation. The tremie remains Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 24 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl inserted several feet into the fresh concrete as it displaces the slurry upward and until placement is complete. The slurry should have a sand content no greater than 1 percent at the time concrete placement commences. While withdrawing casing, care should be exercised to maintain concrete inside the casing at a sufficient level to resist earth and hydrostatic pressures acting on the casing exterior. Arching of the concrete, loss of seal and other problems can occur during casing removal and result in contamination of the drilled shaft. These conditions should be considered during the design and construction phases. Placement of loose soil backfill should not be permitted around the casing prior to removal. The drilled shaft installation process should be performed under the direction of the Geotechnical Engineer. The Geotechnical Engineer should document the shaft installation process including soil/rock and groundwater conditions encountered, consistency with expected conditions, and details of the installed shaft. Gravel-Surfaced Drives and Parking The site is expected to be suitable for support of the proposed access roadway when subgrade preparation is performed as described in the earthwork section of this report. As previously discussed, in-place compaction followed by proofrolling should be performed along the roadway alignment. Subgrade Preparation On most project sites, the site grading is accomplished relatively early in the construction phase. Fills are typically placed and compacted in a uniform manner. However, as construction proceeds, the subgrade may be disturbed due to utility excavations, construction traffic, desiccation, or rainfall/snow melt. As a result, the aggregate-surfaced roadway or parking area subgrade may not be suitable for construction and corrective action will be required. The subgrade should be carefully evaluated at the time of construction for signs of disturbance or instability. We recommend the subgrade be thoroughly proofrolled with a loaded tandem-axle dump truck prior to final grading. All aggregate-surfaced roadway or parking subgrade areas should be moisture conditioned and properly compacted to the recommendations in this report immediately prior to placement of the aggregate surfacing. Design Recommendations Roadway thickness design is dependent upon: ■ The anticipated traffic conditions during the life of the pavement Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 25 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl • Subgrade and paving material characteristics • Climatic conditions of the region Based on empirical data and our experience with similar soils, we selected a design CBR value of 7.0 for the roadway subgrade. As previously noted, we expect the road to service occasional maintenance vehicles and potentially emergency service vehicles. A traffic loading of 2,500 18-kip equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) over an assumed design life of 20 years was assumed in our pavement design. Base course materials should conform to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT ABC). In consideration of these factors, the DEP standard roadway section of 12 inches of compacted crushed aggregate base course (NCDOT ABC) is suitable for this site. Base course materials should conform to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT ABC). Aggregate-surfaced roadways performance is affected by its surroundings. In addition to providing preventive maintenance, the civil engineer should consider the following recommendations in the design and layout of aggregate-surfaced roadways: • Site grades should slope a minimum of 10 percent away from the roadways; • The subgrade and the aggregate-surfaced roadways have a minimum 10 percent slope to promote proper surface drainage; • Consider appropriate edge drainage; and • Install pavement drainage in surrounding areas anticipated for frequent wetting. Ingress and Egress Pavement Sections For areas subject to concentrated and repetitive loading conditions, i.e. ingress and egress areas, we recommend using a Portland cement concrete pavement with a thickness of at least 7 inches underlain by at least 4 inches of aggregate base course (ABC). Edge restraints (i.e. concrete curbs or aggregate shoulders) should be planned along curves and areas of maneuvering vehicles. Concrete pavement sections should be checked for concentrated loading conditions. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 pci can be used for the subgrade soils. The value was empirically derived based upon our experience with the subgrade soils and our expectation of the quality of the subgrade as prescribed by the Site Preparation conditions as outlined in Earthwork. A modulus of rupture of 600 psi can be used for the concrete (based on correlations with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 psi). Although not required for structural support, a minimum 4-inch thick base course layer is recommended to help reduce potential for slab curl, shrinkage cracking, and subgrade pumping through joints. Proper joint spacing will also be required to prevent excessive slab curling and shrinkage cracking. Joints should be sealed to prevent entry of foreign Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 26 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • Terracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl material and doweled where necessary for load transfer. PCC pavement details for joint spacing, joint reinforcement, and joint sealing should be prepared in accordance with ACI 330 and ACI 325. Where practical, we recommend early-entry cutting of crack-control joints in PCC pavements. Cutting of the concrete in its "green" state typically reduces the potential for micro-cracking of the pavements prior to the crack control joints being formed, compared to cutting the joints after the concrete has fully set. Micro-cracking of pavements may lead to crack formation in locations other than the sawed joints, and/or reduction of fatigue life of the pavement. Maintenance Periodic maintenance extends the service life of the aggregate-surfaced roadways and parking areas and should include re-grading and replacement of aggregate base course in any deteriorated areas. Thicker aggregate base course sections could be used to reduce the required maintenance and extend the service life of the aggregate-surfaced roadways. Design alternatives which could reduce the risk of subgrade saturation and improve long-term performance include installing surface drains next to any areas where surface water could pond. Properly designed and constructed subsurface drainage will reduce the time subgrade soils are saturated and can also improve subgrade strength and performance. General Comments Our analysis and opinions are based upon our understanding of the project, the geotechnical conditions in the area, and the data obtained from our site exploration. Variations will occur between exploration point locations or due to the modifying effects of construction or weather. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until during or after construction. Terracon should be retained as the Geotechnical Engineer, where noted in this report, to provide observation and testing services during pertinent construction phases. If variations appear, we can provide further evaluation and supplemental recommendations. If variations are noted in the absence of our observation and testing services on-site, we should be immediately notified so that we can provide evaluation and supplemental recommendations. Our Scope of Services does not include either specifically or by implication any environmental or biological (e.g., mold, fungi, bacteria) assessment of the site or identification or prevention of pollutants, hazardous materials or conditions. If the owner is concerned about the potential for such contamination or pollution, other studies should be undertaken. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 27 Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • Terracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Our services and any correspondence are intended for the sole benefit and exclusive use of our client for specific application to the project discussed and are accomplished in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices with no third- party beneficiaries intended. Any third-party access to services or correspondence is solely for information purposes to support the services provided by Terracon to our client. Reliance upon the services and any work product is limited to our client and is not intended for third parties. Any use or reliance of the provided information by third parties is done solely at their own risk. No warranties, either express or implied, are intended or made. Site characteristics as provided are for design purposes and not to estimate excavation cost. Any use of our report in that regard is done at the sole risk of the excavating cost estimator as there may be variations on the site that are not apparent in the data that could significantly effect excavation cost. Any parties charged with estimating excavation costs should seek their own site characterization for specific purposes to obtain the specific level of detail necessary for costing. Site safety and cost estimating including excavation support and dewatering requirements/design are the responsibility of others. Construction and site development have the potential to affect adjacent properties. Such impacts can include damages due to vibration, modification of groundwater/surface water flow during construction, foundation movement due to undermining or subsidence from excavation, as well as noise or air quality concerns. Evaluation of these items on nearby properties are commonly associated with contractor means and methods and are not addressed in this report. The owner and contractor should consider a preconstruction/precondition survey of surrounding development. If changes in the nature, design, or location of the project are planned, our conclusions and recommendations shall not be considered valid unless we review the changes and either verify or modify our conclusions in writing. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials 28 Geotechnical Engineering Report Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Figures Contents: GeoModel Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 GeoModel Raleigh,NC 250 SB-1 SB-2 • S$-3 S$-4 • • 1 0.33 ---- 0.33 1 ' i 0.25 0.6 TB-2245 ...4� • ���12/�/ 4 l�� 6� 6mNM Z 6 TB-1 p 240 �i1 a //Z.a L12 love 3 1z 3235 © 1z / s®2 j/�s 230 • �d 8111115 3%/,8 2 r 17 .: N 22500° 2 22 ,61 0 220 �27 27 �S 30 ©%/30 10 30 22 d w 215 4 210 //0i,/�32 i/37 4e re 205 2/. 37 a2 Ord 200 4 ©%as OV 4 195 04ro 45 This is not a cross section.This is intended to display the Geotechnical Model only. See individual logs for more detailed conditions. Model Layer Layer Name General Description I 1 Surface Gravel,Topsoil and Cultivated Topsoil 2 I Sand Silty/Clayey Sand and Poorly Graded Sand Soils;Loose to Dense 3 Lean Clay Sandy Lean CLAY;Soft to Very Stiff 4 Fat Clay Sandy Fat CLAY;Stiff to Hard LEGEND ®Aggregate Base Course VA Sandy Lean Clay Poorly-graded Sand with 0 Fat Clay Silt BE Silty Sand 0 Sandy Fat Clay .1 Poorly-graded Sand E2 Clayey Sand Topsoil Poorly-graded Sand with UJ Clay o First Water Observation NOTES: Layering shown on this figure has been developed by the geotechnical engineer for purposes of modeling the subsurface conditions as required for the subsequent geotechnical engineering for this project. Numbers adjacent to soil column indicate depth below ground surface. The groundwater levels shown are representative of the date and time of our exploration.Significant changes are possible over time. Water levels shown are as measured during and/or after drilling.In some cases, boring advancement methods mask the presence/absence of groundwater.See individual logs for details. Geotechnical Engineering Report Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Attachments Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • Terracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Exploration and Testing Procedures Field Exploration Approximate Boring Number of Borings Location Depth (feet) 3 30 Substation 1 15 Substation Pavement 2 40 Transmission Line Structures Boring Layout and Elevations: Terracon personnel provided the boring layout using handheld GPS equipment (estimated horizontal accuracy of about ±20 feet) and referencing existing site features. Approximate ground surface elevations were estimated using Google Earth. If elevations and a more precise boring layout are desired, we recommend borings be surveyed. We advanced the borings with a track-mounted rotary drill rig using continuous flight hollow stem augers. In the split-barrel sampling procedure, a standard 2-inch outer diameter split-barrel sampling spoon was driven into the ground by a 140-pound automatic hammer falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to advance the sampling spoon the last/middle 12 inches of a 24-inch penetration is recorded as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) resistance value. The SPT resistance values, also referred to as N-values, are indicated on the boring logs at the test depths. Soil samples were sealed and taken to our soil laboratory for testing and classified by a geotechnical engineer. In addition, we observed and recorded groundwater levels during and after drilling. The sampling depths, penetration distances, and other sampling information was recorded on the field boring logs. The samples were placed in appropriate containers and taken to our soil laboratory for testing and classification by a Geotechnical Engineer. Our exploration team prepared field boring logs as part of the drilling operations. These field logs included visual classifications of the materials observed during drilling and our interpretation of the subsurface conditions between samples. Final boring logs were prepared from the field logs. The final boring logs represent the Geotechnical Engineer's interpretation of the field logs and include modifications based on observations and tests of the samples in our laboratory. Laboratory Testing The project engineer reviewed the field data and assigned laboratory tests. The laboratory testing program included the following types of tests: Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Geotechnical Engineering Report -- Raeford Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • ierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl ■ Moisture Content ■ Dry Unit Weight ■ Atterberg Limits The laboratory testing program often included examination of soil samples by an engineer. Based on the results of our field and laboratory programs, we described and classified the soil samples in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Chemical Property Testing Laboratory chemical testing will be performed on select samples of near-surface soils at 2-foot from each location. We expect the results of this testing will assist the designers of corrosion protection for various other project elements. The following tests will be performed in general accordance with the corresponding standards: ■ pH Analysis (ASTM D4972) ■ Sulfate, Sulfide, & Chloride Content (ASTM C1580, D4327, and D512) ■ Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ASTM G200) ■ Electrical Resistivity Testing (ASTM G57) Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Geotechnical Engineering Report 'erracon Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina • May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Site Location and Exploration Plans Contents: Site Location Plan (2 pages) Exploration Plan (2 pages) Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Geotechnical Engineering Report I �erraeon Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Site Location _ . . l. (i t<pn f - 0 Cs; • r _ Burlington -, Louisburg .ensboro 9 Hillsborough e Melville Durham Wake Forest • Chapel Hall I IR . a 025 CCD © t t, Cary el ."Raleic 1'i Apex heboro Garner r Grove 0 V y T. • Sanford ` Smithfield �� Parkwood - r-I. r} ,' Goldsl 0 ,•th,,iir IUI me '®' Anderson Creek • .'r�•r , -'- _ P �d� al est _• ,i•,,it'''. �.� _ • Southern Pines - Spring Lake ', ; ,���s. ,. "= 'IO•U"i,l,v • • Aberdeen Fort Brag s •� �• �.� '} j� ii Y + Camp , ayettev_iIle • _ '' ,.. x§,f,tt. • ,:;,, 3 ; . - Mackall _ ,� `;, `I. .'t, t0 %`4ots,(st J ` - 'rt Clinton• 'Warsaw IRaet .rd`'• Hope Mills hams K& * l is .1 ' ,., , - _ �'~ i,• ®... . __ "r.,' • itt. :. .il• ' .0, .7, 4 t ,i, . 4 C:11'.' 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AD -- ta . •_ar 2500 feet i I ► • n, n' 4 4fr 2C --rr Corporation 0 2022 TomTom 0 Vexcel Imaging DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY,AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES MAP PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT BING MAPS Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I MaterialE Geotechnical Engineering Report Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina liierracon May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Exploration Plan • •,,,...-1- - ' . ... Legend _-,,,,, -, ,.- • - -1 I. - .. ..- , 'w Boring Location .. , ....--- , • •-,.. 1, ''-"- ....--..-• . , i .,...r........ • S B-1 ...-. . • , •&b...._,„,.. rIci‘ . it., - 4 • ' 4i4.0**:"4 •-',' ‘. . , , . r ..ealr-- • ), , .... t. . _,,..., -,„ ...t... ,„.f.-... . . .... , , 1' ;toe . .. I .....1"..."I" 141//P' . • „fp, ; . .... f- ,.. . .. ' - . .!! ..- ., *.- • i '" . -;• ' . 4. • i SB-2 g .: •-- • r ..t•' 'q ikpf t. • tr- ..;' •cie:. •-",,, :,,,r. .. „ i., , • , . . • ... ..4.% \-A.tr,°:T.-.:3•'.' . 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TB-1 it L I' N ti' TB-2/ ; r r ► to S B 1 sT SB-4SB 3 t •lit do. � 4 •:, r:r ` c- 1 , 4.11 �r DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY,AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES MAP PROVIDED BY GOOGLE EARTH MAPS Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Exploration and Laboratory Results Contents: Boring Logs (SB-1 through SB-4 and TB-1 and TB-2) Atterberg Limits Grain Size Distribution (3 pages) Corrosivity Test Results Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. SB-1 Raleigh,NC erberg o Location: See Exploration Plan Attimits T N a .� 8 Limits J a+ j p T ut ut u Latitude: 34.9601°Longitude: -79.2117° _1 asd ') o. a=.+ 5 Z n -o v ° v o v m y E v 2 LL-PL-PI (.00 p V) v° Depth(Ft.) 1 o u l n WELL GRADED GRAVEL,4" SILTY SAND(SM),fine to coarse grained, reddish brown 2 CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to medium grained, brown,medium dense rj— 19.7 33-17-16 4-6-9-7 0.8N=15 .0 SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL), brown,soft 2-1-1-2 N=2 10- 12.0 // ' CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to medium grained,gray and brown,dense 8-15-19 1� X N=34 • 17.0 SILTY SAND(SM),fine to medium grained,gray to tan, medium dense 2 X 6-6-8= N 20- 2-4-6 N=10 25— See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). 7 While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler HydroVac from 0 to 6 feet. Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-28-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-28-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. SB-1 Raleigh,NC o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg T N a w 8 Limits J a+ j p >. ut ut rioLL—Iu Latitude: 34.9601°Longitude: -79.2117° _1 m d I— a; v a '-' a`) n -ov my o m aai m a, E v '' LL-PL-PI it o 5 C7 0 �p O 0 Depth(Ft.) SILTY SAND(SM),fine to medium grained,gray to tan, medium dense (continued) 2 X N=8-197 3o.a 30 Boring Terminated at 30 Feet See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler HydroVac from 0 to 6 feet. Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-28-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-28-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. SB-2 Raleigh,NC o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg T N a w 8 Limits J •a+ j o T ut ut LL—IL.) Latitude: 34.9599°Longitude: -79.2115° _i as d F °; v o. a=.+ 5Z n -ov my o � v m y E v '' LL-PL-PI it 0 5 C9 0 p O 0 Depth(Ft.) 1 o u l n 1 \WELL GRADED GRAVEL,4" SILTY SAND(SM),fine to medium grained, brown ... .......'• i f; 7.7 NP — U 2 5— 6.0 _ CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to coarse grained, brown,medium dense — 5N12=7- 5 X .0 — X . SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL), gray and tan,soft 2-1-2-3 N=3 s X 10 X /12.0 — SANDY FAT CLAY(CH),gray and tan, stiff • — X N547 =11 • 15— • • /�17.0 — 7CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to coarse grained, light gray, medium dense • -7-8 / 20— :x: 8 8-18 X�2 / _ /J' / 11-9-9 N=18 25— See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler HydroVac from 0 to 6 feet. Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-28-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-28-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. SB-2 Raleigh,NC o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg T N a w 8 Limits J a+ j o >. vi ut LL—Iu Latitude: 34.9599°Longitude: -79.2115° _1 m d I— a; v a -c a`) n -ov my a m m y E v '' LL-PL-PI it o Z (0 0 p O 0 Depth(Ft.) / ,,,/// • CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to coarse grained, light gray,medium dense (continued) 2 — 27.0 _ SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL),tan and gray,very stiff 430.0 ' X 9-6-11 N=17 Boring Terminated at 30 Feet 30 See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler HydroVac from 0 to 6 feet. Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-28-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-28-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. SB-3 Raleigh,NC o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg . N a w a Limits J a+ j T u p t ut LL—Iu Latitude: 34.9602°Longitude: -79.2112° m d I— °;— v a -c " Z n -ov my a m m y E v >i LL-PL-PI it o Z C7 O 8 rn 0 Depth(Ft.) 1 :`'I":``..I-.\TOPSOIL, 3" SILTY SAND(SM),fine to coarse grained, brown and gray, very loose to 3-3-2-1 • loose — N=5 10.7 NP — 4 _ 2-1-1-2 4 N=2 1-4-5-4 5_ N=9 6.0 _ 0 4 #f0.f CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to coarse grained, reddish orange and brownish // gray,loose to medium dense 2-2-4-4 N=6 r/0/ _ 8-7-7-7 N=14 10— /0 .#9 2 / ..,4 X N=15 0 15— ///b 17.0 — POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT(SP-SM),fine to coarse grained,gray and brown, medium dense to dense 9-12-13 //�\ N=25 • 20- • X 1 -16-16 N=3225— 32 See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-27-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-27-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. SB-3 Raleigh,NC o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg T N a w a Limits J a+ j p >. ut ut rioLL—IL.) Latitude: 34.9602°Longitude: -79.2112° _1 m d I— a; v 0. a=.+ 5Z n -ov my a m m y E v '' LL-PL-PI it o Z C7 0 p rn 0 Depth(Ft.) POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT(SP-SM),fine to coarse grained,gray and brown,medium dense to dense(continued) 2 — iie27.0 _ SANDY FAT CLAY(CH), light gray,stiff • 4 /. . — 7-5-5 X • /30.0 N=10 30 Boring Terminated at 30 Feet See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-27-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-27-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. SB-4 Raleigh,NC v o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg T N a w a Limits J a+ j p T ut ut LL-Iu Latitude: 34.9597°Longitude: -79.2112° _i m - F °; v lac. a=.+ ,- n -o v m y -csa v m y E Ts '' LL-PL-PI Z C7 0 �p rn v° Depth(Ft.) 1 ,a4, .10.6 TOPSOIL, 7" POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT(SP-SM),fine grained, brown and tan, 2-3-2-1 very loose to loose N=5 _ 4 1-WOH-WOH-1 5.9 NP 2 N=WOH 4.0 _ //� CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to coarse grained, brown and orange, loose // 4 2-4-5-4 N=9 ��/� 5- N=9 s6.0 _ 0 4 SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL),tan and orange,stiff 4 N=129 j — 3 6-5-6-7 j N=11 • 1 0- 12.0 _ POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT(SP-SM),fine to medium grained, browr and gray, medium dense 2 X 6-7-13 N=20 . 15.0 15 Boring Terminated at 15 Feet See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p while drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler WOH=Weight of Hammer Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-27-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-27-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. 1 B-1 Raleigh,NC T o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg . N a w 8. Limits J a+ j T u o t ut LL-Iu Latitude: 34.9637°Longitude: -79.2138° m d I— a;— v a -c " Z n vv my -csa it o v m y E v >i LL-PL-PI Depth(Ft.) '•° TOPSOIL,Cultivated Topsoil- 12" '• (/•)a•I;•1.0 _ SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL),brown,medium stiff 1:1: X 3-4-3 20.7 33 20 13 3 — N=7 ily ' 3.0 — I : CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine grained, brown and gray, loose — j X 1-2-2 24.0 25-15-10 2 • - N_4 5 6.0 _ 0 ri SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL),gray and tan,very stiff 3-4-12 — X N=16 j 8.0 _ POORLY GRADED SAND(SP),fine to medium grained,brown and tan, medium dense X 6-8-12 N=20 20 10— — N X 7-9=187 VN 2 //�\ =2 2 15— X 7-7-9 N=16 N= V 6 -63 //�\ -71 2� _ SANDY FAT CLAY(CH),gray and tan,medium stiff to stiff 4 3-3-5 X N=8 25- See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-28-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-28-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. 1 B-1 Raleigh,NC T o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg T N a w 8 Limits J •a+ j o T in u LiLatitude: 34.9637°Longitude: -79.2138° _i as d F °; v a -c a`) n -ov my o m aai @ y E v '' LL-PL-PI it o Z (0 0 p O 0 Depth(Ft.) V. SANDY FAT CLAY(CH),gray and tan,medium stiff to stiff(continued) 0/o 4 N=14 X 10-4-10 3� 032.° - CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to coarse grained,gray and tan,medium dense 35- 12-15-12 X N27 /I. 0 37.0 _ SANDY FAT CLAY(CH),trace silt,gray and tan,stiff to hard • — 6-7-6 • • 40- X N=13 4 . • / 15 N2 45.0 X 11-15-27 Boring Terminated at 45 Feet 4`� See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-28-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-28-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. 1 B-2 Raleigh,NC T o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg T N a S. a Limits J a+ j p T ut ut LL—Iu Latitude: 34.9599°Longitude: -79.2227° _1 m d I— °; c, (U v m y E v '' LL-PL-PI it o z C7 0 p V) o Depth(Ft.) •'•••" TOPSOIL,Cultivated Topsoil- 12" I,•.a•i,•1.0 r SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL),brown and red,soft — ),( 1-2-2 N_4 3 j j N=2 //�� — X N=2 ,%s.o 5 // CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to medium grained, brown and red,medium dense 0 5-6-8 — X N=14 r, - 0, i., 10— X6-10-8N=18 11.0 POORLY GRADED SAND WITH CLAY(SP-SC),fine to medium grained,orange • and pink,loose to medium dense _ X N71 0 12.0 NP N=195-8-11 .;% 15— X X 5-4-5 VCLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to medium grained,tan and pink,medium dense — x 12_11-9 2� N 20 i22.0 — 1... SANDY FAT CLAY(CH),gray, pink and yellow,medium stiff to hard 1-2-5 X N=7 25— See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p while drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-27-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-27-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Boring Log No. 1 B-2 Raleigh,NC T v o Location: See Exploration Plan Atterberg > a w a Limits J a+ Ti.)j o T ut ut LL—Iu Latitude: 34.9599°Longitude: -79.2227° _ as d F °; v a -c a`) Z n vv my -csa m @ y E v '' LL-PL-PI it 0 Z C7 0 p V) o Depth(Ft.) • SANDY FAT CLAY(CH),gray, pink and yellow,medium stiff to hard (continued) / — / // — 12- 5-21 / N=136 / X / 3� / / 032.0 _ FAT CLAY(CH),gray,very stiff / — 7-10-8 X N=18 35- — 37.0 ,"#. SANDY LEAN CLAY(CL),gray and pink,medium stiff / _ 4� x3-3-3 N=6 // y/ 42.0 _ CLAYEY SAND(SC),fine to medium grained,gray and tan, medium dense 2 / 7-11-9 Y/./,45.0 X N 20 Boring Terminated at 45 Feet 45 See Exploration and Testing Procedures for a description of field and laboratory Water Level Observations Drill Rig procedures used and additional data(If any). p While drilling CME 45 track See Supporting Information for explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Hammer Type Automatic Driller Notes Advancement Method M.Radford Bridger Drilling Elevation Reference: Elevations were interpolated from a topographic site plan. Mud rotary Logged by Samples obtained using a 2"O.D.split spoon sampler Boring Started Abandonment Method 03-27-2023 Boring backfilled with auger cuttings upon completion. Boring Completed 03-27-2023 Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation � ferracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Atterberg Limit Results Raleigh,NC ASTM D4318 60 / / / / 50 // O� // Ot / / / G*Z 40 // / x / a, r c / - / 30 / — :g / / ea / O\' / // 20 / OI / // Pi or OH // O 10 // O a — / ' I` '//// ML or O L i 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Liquid Limit Boring ID Depth(Ft) LL PL PI Fines USCS Description • SB-1 4-6 33 17 16 27.4 SC CLAYEY SAND m SB-2 2-4 NP NP NP 14.6 SM SILTY SAND A SB-3 0-2 NP NP NP 13.6 SM SILTY SAND * SB-4 2-4 NP NP NP 7.9 SP-SM POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT O TB-1 1 -2.5 33 20 13 53.0 CL SANDY LEAN CLAY O TB-1 3.5- 5 25 15 10 36.0 SC CLAYEY SAND O TB-2 11 - 12.5 NP NP NP 10.6 SP-SM POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT Laboratory tests are not valid if separated from original report. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Raleigh,NC Grain Size Distribution ASTM D422 / ASTM C136 U.S.Sieve Opening in Inches I U.S. Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer 6 4 3 2 1.5 13/4 1/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100140200 I I I I J ° 100ci: 95 P. 10 90 '� 85 20 80 75 30 70 65 • 40 60 °)55 roc)\ o 7-, 2 50 50 0 a a) N IL 45 cr v 40 60 m a 35 T 30 II 70 25 ' 20 \41404444. 80 15i 10 90 5 p 100 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size(mm) Cobbles Gravel San i I Silt or Clay Icoarse I fine coarse medium fine Boring ID Depth les i %Sar 110 Fines %Silt %Clay USCS • SB-1 4-6 0.0 0.7 72.0 27.4 SC II SB-2 2-4 0.0 7.1 78.3 14.6 SM A SB-3 0-2 0.0 0.3 86.0 13.6 SM Description • ♦ Grain Size • CLAYEY SAND Sieve %Finer SievIN Winer Sieve %Finer • m I SILTY SAND 3/8" 100.0 1/2" 100.0 3/8" 100.0 D60 0.363 0.496 0.411 #4 99.34 3/8" 94.58 #4 99.69 A SILTY SAND #10 98.9 #4 92.85 #10 99.2 D30 0.102 0.238 0.251 #40 67.3 #10 90.7 #40 62.04 111- Remarks #60 42.87 #40 56.62 #60 29.65 Di0 #100 33.28 #60 30.93 #100 19.17 • #200 27.36 #100 21.01 #200 13.64 = Coefficients #200 14.6 m 'MIN I • II A ♦ Cc Cu Laboratory tests are not valid if separated from original report. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Raleigh,NC Grain Size Distribution ASTM D422 / ASTM C136 U.S.Sieve Opening in Inches I U.S. Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer 6 4 3 2 1.5 13/4 1/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100140200 I I I ; IAII I . I I I I I : 0 100 �I 95 • ` 1111 I 10 90 85 1111� 20 80 75 �� 30 70 65 40 60 .1 1111 -o °i 55 n co () II o 50 't 2 50 o a a) N S 45 c v 40 60 a) n) a 35 T 30 70 25 20 80 15 10 • 90 5 0 100 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size(mm) Cobbles Gravel San i Silt or Clay Icoarse I fine coarse medium fine Boring ID Depth les ravel 0/0 Sand % Fines %Si it %Clay USCS • SB-4 2-4 0.0 0.0 92.1 7.9 SP-SM I TB-1 1 -2.5 0.0 0.0 47.0 53.0 CL A TB-1 3.5 - 5 0.0 0.8 63.2 36.0 SC Description • ♦ Grain Size • POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT Sieve %Finer Sieval Mrner Sieve Va Finer • i I SANDY LEAN CLAY #10 100.0 #10 100.0 3/8" 100.0 D60 0.425 0.098 0.169 #40 60.04 #40 94.13 #4 99.2 A CLAYEY SAND #60 27.85 #60 84.4 #10 98.81 D30 0.259 #100 14.6 #100 70.93 #40 90.25 Remarks #200 7.91 #200 53.0 #60 75.32 D10 0.093 #100 55.21 • #200 35.97 m --Milw ♦ A Cc 1.70 Cu 4.56 Laboratory tests are not valid if separated from original report. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Raleigh,NC Grain Size Distribution ASTM D422 / ASTM C136 U.S.Sieve Opening in Inches I U.S. Sieve Numbers I Hydrometer 6 4 3 2 1.5 13/4 1/23/8 3 4 6 810 1416 20 30 40 50 60 100140200 I I ; I J I I I ' I I I I I : 100 95 10 90 85 20 80 75 :1 30 70 65 40 60 -o °)55 't 2 50 50 ° ✓ N S 45 S cr 40 60 m • 35 30 70 25 20 80 15 • •10 90 5 0 100 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size(mm) Cobbles Gravel San i Silt or Clay Icoarse I fine coarse medium fine Boring ID Depth les i %Sar liao Fines %Silt %Clay USCS • TB-2 11 - 12.5 0.0 0.0 89.4 10.6 SP-SM Description • Grain Size • POORLY GRADED SAND with SILT Sieve %Finer Sieve %Finer Sieve %Finer • #10 100.0 D60 0.318 #40 78.01 #60 45.14 D30 0.172 #100 24.6 Remarks ' #200 10.6 D10 • Coeff Cc 1.27 Cu 4.36 Laboratory tests are not valid if separated from original report. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials CHEMICAL LABORATORY TEST REPORT lirerracon Project Number: 70235048 Service Date: 05/02/23 10400 State Highway 191 Report Date: 05/03/23 Midland,Texas 79707 432-684-9600 Client Project Duke Energy Corporation Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation 410 South Wilmington Street Oakdale Gin Road Raleigh,NC 27601-1849 Raeford,NC Sample Location TB-1 Sample Depth (ft.) 1-4 pH Analysis,ASTM-G51-18 5.7 Water Soluble Sulfate(SO4),ASTM C 1580 5 (mg/kg) Sulfides,ASTM-D4658-15,(mg/kg) nil Chlorides,ASTM D 512,(mg/kg) 88 RedOx,ASTM D-1498,(mV) +495 Total Salts,ASTM D1125-14,(mg/kg) 310 Resistivity,ASTM G187,(ohm-cm) 13,423 Analyzed By: Zach Robertson Engineering Technician III The tests were performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM,AASHTO,or DOT test methods. This report is exclusively for the use of the client indicated above and shall not be reproduced except in full without the written consent of our company. Test results transmitted herein are only applicable to the actual samples tested at the location(s)referenced and are not necessarily indicative of the properties of other apparently similar or identical materials. Supporting Information Contents: General Notes Unified Soil Classification System Note: All attachments are one page unless noted above. Duke-Raeford South 115kV-Rebuild Substation Irerracon Oakdale Gin Road I Raeford,NC Terracon Project No.70235048 2401 Brentwood Rd Ste 107 Raleigh,NC General Notes Sampling Water Level field Tests N Standard Penetration Test Water Initially Resistance(Blows/Ft.) XStandard Encountered Penetration Water Level After a (HP) Hand Penetrometer Test m Specified Period of Time Water Level After (T) Torvane V a Specified Period of Time .,r,, Cave In (DCP) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Encountered Water levels indicated on the soil boring logs are the UC Unconfined Compressive Strength levels measured in the borehole at the times indicated. Groundwater level variations will occur over time. In (pID) Photo Ionization Detector low permeability soils,accurate determination of groundwater levels is not possible with short term water level observations. (OVA) Organic Vapor Analyzer Descriptive Soil Classification Soil classification as noted on the soil boring logs is based Unified Soil Classification System.Where sufficient laboratory data exist to classify the soils consistent with ASTM D2487"Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes"this procedure is used.ASTM D2488"Description and Identification of Soils(Visual-Manual Procedure)"is also used to classify the soils,particularly where insufficient laboratory data exist to classify the soils in accordance with ASTM D2487. In addition to USCS classification,coarse grained soils are classified on the basis of their in-place relative density,and fine-grained soils are classified on the basis of their consistency. See"Strength Terms"table below for details.The ASTM standards noted above are for reference to methodology in general. In some cases,variations to methods are applied as a result of local practice or professional judgment. And Elevation NotesIIIIII Exploration point locations as shown on the Exploration Plan and as noted on the soil boring logs in the form of Latitude and Longitude are approximate. See Exploration and Testing Procedures in the report for the methods used to locate the exploration points for this project. Surface elevation data annotated with+/-indicates that no actual topographical survey was conducted to confirm the surface elevation. Instead,the surface elevation was approximately determined from topographic maps of the area. Strength Terms Relative Density of Coarse-Grained Soils Consistency of Fine-Grained Soils (More than 50%retained on No. 200 sieve.) (50%or more passing the No. 200 sieve.) Density determined by Standard Penetration Resistance Consistency determined by laboratory shear strength testing,field visual-manual procedures or standard penetration resistance Standard Penetration or Unconfined Compressive Strength Standard Penetration or N-Value N-Value Consistency (Blows/Ft.) Qu(tsf) (Blows/Ft.) Very Loose 0- 3 Very Soft less than 0.25 0- 1 Loose 4-9 Soft 0.25 to 0.50 2-4 Medium Dense 10- 29 Medium Stiff 0.50 to 1.00 4-8 Dense 30- 50 Stiff 1.00 to 2.00 8- 15 Very Dense > 50 Very Stiff 2.00 to 4.00 15-30 Hard > 4.00 > 30 Relevance of Exploration and Laboratory Test Results Exploration/field results and/or laboratory test data contained within this document are intended for application to the project as described in this document. Use of such exploration/field results and/or laboratory test data should not be used independently of this document. Facilities I Environmental I Geotechnical I Materials Im Geotechnical Engineering Report Irerracon Raeford South 115kV - Rebuild Substation I Raeford, North Carolina May 17, 2023 I Terracon Project No. 70235048.Revl Unified Soil Classification System Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Soil Classification Laboratory Tests A Symbol Group Name B Clean Gravels: Cu>_4 and 1<_Cc<_3 E GW Well-graded gravel F Gravels: More than 50% of Less than 50/0 fines Cu<4 and/or [Cc<1 or Cc>3.0] E GP Poorly graded gravel F coarse fraction Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravel F,G,H retained on No. 4 Gravels with Fines: Coarse-Grained Soils: sieve More than 12%fines Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey gravel F,G,H More than 50% retained on No. 200 sieve Clean Sands: Cu>_6 and 1<_Cc<_3 E SW Well-graded sand I Sands: Less than 5%fines° E I 50% or more of Cu<6 and/or [Cc<1 or Cc>3.0] SP Poorly graded sand coarse fraction Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand G,H,I passes No. 4 sieve Sands with Fines: More than 12%fines° Fines classify as CL or CH SC Clayey sand G,H,I PI > 7 and plots above"A"line' CL Lean clay K,L•" Silts and Clays: Inorganic: Y PI < 4 or plots below"A"line i ML Silt K,L," Liquid limit less than 50 LL oven dried Organic clay K,L•M'N Fine-Grained Soils: Organic: <0.75 OL LL not dried Organic silt K,L,N,o 50% or more passes the No. 200 sieve PI plots on or above"A"line CH Fat clay K,L'PI Silts and Clays: Inorganic: Y PI plots below"A"line MH Elastic silt K,L,PI Liquid limit 50 or more LL oven dried Organic clay K,L,"•P Organic: <0.75 OH LL not dried Organic silt K,L,"•Q Highly organic soils: Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat A Based on the material passing the 3-inch (75-mm) sieve. "If fines are organic, add"with organic fines"to group name. B If field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add"with ' If soil contains >_ 15% gravel, add"with gravel"to group name. cobbles or boulders, or both"to group name. ' If Atterberg limits plot in shaded area, soil is a CL-ML, silty clay. c Gravels with 5 to 12%fines require dual symbols: GW-GM well- K If soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200, add"with sand"or graded gravel with silt, GW-GC well-graded gravel with clay, GP-GM "with gravel,"whichever is predominant. poorly graded gravel with silt, GP-GC poorly graded gravel with clay. L If soil contains >_ 30% plus No. 200 predominantly sand, add ° Sands with 5 to 12%fines require dual symbols: SW-SM well- "sandy"to group name. graded sand with silt, SW-SC well-graded sand with clay, SP-SM "If soil contains >_ 30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add poorly graded sand with silt, SP-SC poorly graded sand with clay. "gravelly"to group name. E Cu = Dso/Dio Cc = (D )2 "PI >_ 4 and plots on or above"A"line. 30 °PI < 4 or plots below"A"line. D,o x Doo P PI plots on or above"A"line. F If soil contains >_ 15% sand, add"with sand"to group name. Q PI plots below"A"line. G If fines classify as CL-ML, use dual symbol GC-GM, or SC-SM. 60 I I I I i For classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction ' 50 —of coarse-grained soils p0,��' �e Equation of"A"-line sJ, yPv P. Horizontal at P1=4 to LL=25.5. w 40 — then PI=0.73(LL-20) �' `O� o Equation of"U"-line J.o z Vertical at LL=16 to P1=7, G >- 30 — then PI=0.9(LL-8) H ' & cn 20 G _I MH or OH D_ 10 / CL-ML 4 -- ML or OL 1 0 0 10 16 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT(LL) Facilities 1 Environmental 1 Geotechnical 1 Materials