HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-2509 CP 2 Approach Discussion with Co-Team Leaders - 9-16-15 - Meeting Summary.docxSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1SO1 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1SO1 PAT MCCRORY GOVERNOR October 7, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Meeting Participants FROM: NICHOLAS 7. TENNYSON SECRETriRY Keith Lewis, Project Manager, VHB Don Brown, Senior Project Planner, VHB SUBJECT: Meeting Summary — CP 2 Approach Discussion Meeting with Co-Team Merger Leaders for STIP No. U-2509 — US 74 (Independence Blvd.) Improvements, Conference Drive to I-485 in Mecklenburg County TIME & LOCATION: In Attendance: Mitch Batuzich Monte Matthews Crystal Amschler* Donna Hood Wilson Stroud *attendance by phone September 16, 2015; 10:00 AM-12:00 PM PDEA Roadway Design Conference Room Raleigh, North Carolina MEETING SUMMARY FHWA USACE USACE NCDWR NCDOT— PDEA/PDU Carla Dagnino Michael Turchy Keith Lewis Don Brown Overview: NCDOT— PDEA/NES NCDOT— PDEA/NES VHB VHB The main purpose of this meeting was to discuss the approach for obtaining CP 2 concurrence. Wilson Stroud (NCDOT— PDEA/PDU) and Keith Lewis (VHB) began the meeting with a review of what was presented at the External Scoping Meeting (3-19-15) and the 2014 Stakeholder Meetings to bring the newer members of the Merger Team (Monte Matthews — USACE and MAILING ADDRESS: TE�EPHONE: 919-707-6000 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-250-4224 CENTURY CENTER, BUILDING A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1000 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG/DOH/PRECONSTRUCT/PE/ RALEIGH, NC 27610 Rn�EicH NC 27699-1548 U-2509 September 16, 2015 CP 2 Approach Discussion Meeting with Co-Team Merger Leaders October 7, 2015 Donna Hood — NCDWR) up to speed on the project. Throughout the presentation, numerous topics were discussed, as presented below. Number of Exaress Lanes: There was a question about whether there would be one or two express lanes in each direction. Keith explained that the Feasibility Study (2013) proposed two express lanes in each direction as the ultimate plan. However, because of the connectivity of other express lanes (I-5507, U-5526A) and because of constraints (historic resources) in other areas, it would be unlikely that two express lanes in each direction would be possible along US 74 closer to uptown Charlotte. Therefore, it was agreed during the 8-18-15 local stakeholders meeting that one express lane in each direction would be sufficient, so long as a wide shoulder was provided that could be converted into a second express lane in each direction should future traffic warrant that change. CP 2 and CP 3: • CP 2 alternatives were discussed during the External Scoping Meeting, but concurrence was not reached. • Monte requested the project team show that each CP 2 alternative meets the need and purpose statement as agreed to during the External Scoping Meeting, which is as follows: 1. Existing US 74 does not provide reliable travel time and connectivity for residents, business patrons, and commuters in Southeastern Charlotte and Matthews. 2. Traffic estimates indicate that US 74 will require additional capacity to achieve a goal of LOS D for users by the design year (2040). 3. This project is needed to provide reliable travel time, system sustainability, and connect to a system of express lanes planned on US 74 to the northwest, I-485 to the south, and the Monroe Bypass/Connector toll road to the southeast. • Mitch Batuzich pointed out that the only way to get reliable travel time in an urban area is with a toll facility. • Monte stated toll lanes in the median eliminates many of the concerns that the USACE would ordinarily have with a widening project. • Monte requested data that shows that the project is sized correctly (number of lanes). • Mitch asked how much detail the Merger team will need in order to be able to compare the alternatives for purposes of CP 2(alternatives to carry forward for detailed study) and CP 3 (LEDPA). o Monte stated that the amount of detail needed differs from project to project. He reiterated that alternatives that do not meet the purpose and need can be dropped, as can any alternative that has a huge "red flag" (including prohibitively high costs). If the impacts are the same for all of the CP 2 alternatives, then normally the LEDPA can be the applicant's preferred alternative. o Monte requested that the project team provide a matrix that presents impacts and costs for each CP 2 alternative, thereby providing documentation for the CP2 and CP3 decisions. Crystal Amschler agreed that this approach would be sufficient for the USACE. Donna Hood (NCDWR) stated her approval of this method, also. o PDEA and VHB will proceed with the NRTR, which will include identification and verification ofjurisdictional streams and wetlands. Impacts in the CP 2/CP3 matrix will be based upon the NRTR findings. U-2509 September 16, 2015 CP 2 Approach Discussion Meeting with Co-Team Merger Leaders October 7, 2015 Monte suggested that the three concepts presented during the External Scoping Meeting be shown at the CP 2 meeting, along with the above matrix. If the Merger team agrees that (1) those three concepts are the appropriate CP 2 alternatives and (2) all but the expressway alternative can be dismissed based upon impact and cost data provided in the matrix, we can achieve both CP 2 and CP 3 concurrence during that meeting. Crystal indicated her preference is to hold the field meeting for the jurisdictional determination before the CP 2/CP3 meeting. CP 2A and CP4A: The proposed parallel road network improvements, which were presented and discussed during the External Scoping Meeting, will be presented for detailed discussion during the CP 2A meeting. The majority of the impacts to JD resources will result from these parallel road connections. NCDOT anticipates impacts to JD resources would be roughly the same, regardless of which alternative is selected, as the parallel road connections would be roughly the same for each alternative. Functional design for the parallel road connections is in progress and is anticipated to be completed in early 2016. o Monte requested that it be reiterated during the CP2/CP3 meeting thatJD impacts for the parallel road connections would be roughly the same for each alternative. It may be possible to also achieve CP 2A concurrence during the CP2/CP3 meeting, since the hydraulic recommendations report, NRTR, JD resource verification, and functional design for the expressway concept will have been completed. It was suggested that preliminary design, rather than functional design, may be required in order to reach CP 2A and CP4A concurrence. Preliminary design work is anticipated to be completed in May 2016. o Monte asked that the project team check on what level the plans need to be for each of these concurrence points (CP2A and CP4A). Wilson will investigate this issue. Other Topics: • Monte noted that the discussion today has helped the USACE feel more comfortable with this project. • Monte suggested that Crystal and Donna send an e-mail to the full Merger team regarding the topics discussed during this meeting. o Note: Crystal sent out a meeting summary via e-mail to the Merger team on 9-22-15; NCDOT will forward the meeting summary to the City of Charlotte and the Town of Matthews. • Monte stated that this project could be at the CP4A stage very quickly. He reiterated that the USACE would be fine with addressing Concurrence Points 2 and 3 together at the same merger meeting. Keith stated that the project team would have CP 2, CP2A, and CP3 forms ready for the next merger meeting, and each concurrence point will be presented to the Merger team for discussion during that meeting. • Wilson Stroud will invite the Merger Team members to the next two stakeholder meetings in Charlotte (10-22-15 and 12-10-15). • It was noted that it is important to get toll road information out to the Merger agencies Statewide, as these projects are new to the state, and these issues will be coming up again in the future on other toll projects. U-2509 September 16, 2015 CP 2 Approach Discussion Meeting with Co-Team Merger Leaders October 7, 2015 Summary: The plan agreed upon at today's meeting would be to achieve CP 2 concurrence based upon updated environmental impacts and cost estimates for the three concepts presented during the External Scoping Meeting. NCDOT will present to the Merger team an expanded alternatives matrix, using data from the NRTR and updated costs, to compare the three concepts and to achieve CP 2, and possibly CP2A and CP3, concurrence. Action Items: • VHB will create a matrix comparing the three concepts (the proposed CP 2 alternatives) from an impact and cost standpoint. The Co-Team leaders agree this matrix may allow the entire Merger team to reach concurrence on CP 2 and CP 3(expressway concept). • It is anticipated the costs of the freeway concept and the expressway + elevated express lanes concept are prohibitive, while the impacts are similar or worse with those alternatives. • The entire Merger team will be invited to future stakeholder meetings (Wilson Stroud and VHB). • VHB will prepare the following for a Merger meeting to be held in the first quarter of 2016: o CP 2 Form for three alternatives — Freeway, Expressway, and a combination of Expressway in Charlotte and Arterial with Elevated Express Lanes in Matthews o CP 2A form after the NRTR and functional design are completed and JD impacts are determined o CP 3 form for the Expressway Alternative to be the LEDPA • Wilson will verify the level to which plans need to be for each concurrence point. • Crystal and Donna will send an e-mail out to the rest of the Merger team to inform them of the plan developed during today's meeting for moving forward through CP 2, CP 2A, and CP 3. (Note: this e-mail was sent on 9/22/15) • PDEA/NES and USACE (Crystal) will schedule a field visit prior to the next Merger meeting toverifyjurisdictional resources. Please direct any comments or questions about the meeting summary to Wilson Stroud, 919-707- 6045, wstroud@ncdot.�ov; Keith Lewis, 919-334-5619, kdlewis@vhb.com; or pon Brown, 919- 334-5609, dbrown@vhb.com. DB/WS