HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00703_Well Construction - GW1_20240125 1 • Feb 151905:4•3p Oteatwater Wall Drilling 828$22- 241 N., •.nn..nr.• -'WELT.CQ 'ION RECO (GW4 For ltttemnl U4o citify: 1. c Contras tnf ion: W 1 -----'_•. tiles I i Well Contractor game A 3''c : }_ I u ell T3 ° ,T . i tLw _-WWe r1 I 1 � •1, 121_` tt rt. 1 `►) Uninal i- •• O. +' MI �;; O i:•.. sue: .:. NA -� 2.Weil Cat petioa Permit#:,_ a tn. List all aug 11w teknilcanstivellospaIRiax(lit UIC,County, lai Yana ON-- • ,♦t. 1!. tr. S.Wdt Hie(chant wdil idle): VlttitANSo - -.. ._ Z.y :� lll>;V Vega u a 'rush tk 'i aMsenRdl itinat nsa 1,40100.1. '•Agricultural • nn(aip WPublic ft. a in. i; ' I Ri Ocoo snal gialting(CostgagSupply) Relldentiol WaterSupPl_y(s1ngla) ""'".,--a ' t+: . to. � ', .N induslria1ICommeriW ftcsidantai Water Supply(shall) -g,,: ,u, - i' litirtiioan : T A' ` a l �l ► � NAec N WnterSupplyNc WWI -O�i f 1 (TUNA>W Admnitoris$ tReaovary it. f` ill- on WO: — " n. at ; •----.— M'• 'Inferlteetltugc DorounduclterRetncdlalltm • t+f •..�,cri; iBLP�C L. y,:.:-I. ii)Aquifiar Simile And Rcenveu DStilutity Barrier .� �ti)I� is k•:�.t _ z 1: ;'I.Marian I AquiferTcat j33mrntWatcrDrainage a a. , MI ftliertmental Tadmnlopy EiSubnidenno Control B. B" i • dt(icotbRrmnl(Mud Loop) Drowns ` •1.11-L....k. L I:7--1- 1110 •.±,. ::�:r_ _ illi Geothermal Malin: ..li Rcluiu) Ji oilier en,lninottdor#21 Remits it. Cil w Lin 4.data Will(6)Compiled;iled;i c� 3.Well ins. ' • ILI . 1 SR.Will lineman:lineman: l/� ` f vtO ,,.) ill.r 1-it- act pp'���I{t l - L L 1,S .I. L I l Facility Of(ifonp2oble) A. tr. . 1 I• ;z r x s e r".-, 95 t;teilihron(n\artOln/m�o ''S r 'p\ ,t Phystenl Address,Chy.and 2rp i Me0uY �.t ld Pl'vlIitIzti n P"-,r•-.rq,,,;,,„ I. .. way Parce1fdolnilieationiio.(Ph3) 'III D'agv` ':; Sb.Lgtitgdnnnj io gRatleIndcgrsotlminntaiselondsordldmni degrees: `mod Of well frail,tma htflanil^diinienrl t t t V.. . "riff, - q-'23 b.Nitre)the wel10 Per mural or DrfeMPerfirY at. .ern, COW'''''au • .— . D ais Ire again •.(urns I karhvaalt0 rim f4 I draw)exmontrialie aemrdmrcr 7.to tits a repair tit an ealdingwrih Oros or JNo holt 15A titiAC 471:AJODo?ISA NC.AC IOC.O AVOW ICuMmetinitStahrlanteamigos a Ijddrian antra*rafftt..-amant*Phu U4�YOW*tdrn► fengistentip1'eediPt11RW�: myna. igrarrt,(�UourbnPwarv�lt•raastnrtlrantl�fnre,Mtaa 1� � rrauraadet hZ►remake sa.Ylan area lib bad kfWla,(omr. x,4..Sise+HAgeltmoraddition l wen del ins: 8.Far GeoprobdAVT or Clo Long Geolbcr final Wd:having'bosom ivay use ate hotels of ibis pegs to pmvido kdd3�r►el wail damns or watt ncessnly uonalnmtinn,onty1GWiismedal. 1'ttdirunoTOTALNUMBERor+veils a)tlstrurlinnttrtails. 1'btt1ttaY alto t Chaddidonht9 �> driltcd: A 4.a ligr 9.dotal wit*PM hototv land=duct 50 • (4) 2>m"or AO ►sib: Subunit Ns"mi.)within 30 days/ completion or well Mir mutat*limns tMwrideolts!Ma'amt male-MilWir (taa? oursanction to Ms Butowing: I e.Stage watorlevel blow tap of easing:_ l.O M.) Richton of Water bout ltdbrtuatlion Processing Unit, 1/scatr tut4l fro/operating roc"..�"1 Q 1M17 Mel Simko Coltn ReMgbr PlG$7d99-i8!7 H.BorehotedlsmRtetz l9 ' t..) y�(�tn.)) vista i1rlatetH�t yV W Io akitian to mending)the lbm110 111tt:Ahe t In 24n 12.Wall constr.:camA mend: 1 l_/1I( t( *we,Oho Submit one copy of this within n days of gonudociv or welt tic,. immam:Stormthcfalhtwlog: c+ maw,m X=alaidireetposkato.) luvielOAdt'ViFIiCei'6eduutt>hsrUnOeigitnuati eetleu4bntrnlPiagtamt FOR WATER$10PLY WELLS ONLY: t� (� 7U36 tHtlltService CasonRat ItiC 2'1�3!A•1Qb 13a.VIMIRt Method of tests u""'�1 2 c.!for Wi Icr_Sonoly&_ttieotlan WI Mk In tsdditlon to sanding the farm To the Bddi4 (es) above,also submit Ono copy oft Mt Ran 4Ili1n 20 days of t3A.1)rsinfiu tfan e;ype: Amount: in of wan conSunceion is the i'county teal datinn meat or the county ahnre cot auseted . Penn MN-t fistdiCarolinnDaQnrlmentarlawlninmisen1Qualityiktriatnttoi'Waternaaaiuroe Reefood2-323016