HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00646_Well Construction - GW1_20240119 WELLCONS'I'I2UC'I'ION RECORD (CW 1 _ - • For Internal Use Only: —', I.We!I Contractor Information: RANDY OWNBEY 14,WATER ZONES ! ! ----1 Well Contractor Name I?ItOal _IU DI:SCI(IP'IilOv .3214A 229 f6 230 Fl.ft. I _-- NC Well Contractor Certification Number --_" -AIRDRILLING I N�' 15.OUTER CASING for multl-Cased,ivclls)OR LINER(if op illeahle) PR[)\I _I'O ^UI:1\1h:'fI(n - THICKNESS \L\'I'GI t i --__) Company,vane p n, gg ' 11. 6 - itt. PVC , 366 y1. _:...—7 00 16,.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal closed-loop) 2,Well Construction Permit II: I%a0at UI:\::\1E71':R I'lll(;KNESS atA'rltut,\I. l.i.tt oil applicably well c•o»a'(ructiurt permits(i.e.WC,County,State, Variance,ale.) ft.—.. f O'. ft. --"_. _-__ __ 3.Well Use(check well use): ft •---- ft. in. -- - Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN L1Agrieulturt) moat n. ro n. ut,\.vlr:rr:u, st:o'rsrrt: 77ucti:erss alnrr:uist. C1lvlunteipal/Public --_A! _... ---- ------ --stfir_rot: ___--._--.—..__.-__._.._.,.. • I i(!cuthrrutai(I tenon)!/('tooling Supply) .fiResidential Water Supply(single) : ;Intlu,u'ial'l'onuttereial • I.!Residential Water Supply(shored) -- 1. Irri)iiiiott 18.GROUT ! _.. IT)Wells> I00,000.GP17 Mom I 'ftt� `\)A�rtialAt. -EMPLACEMENT Nu_•rI101) Allot vi-� Non-\Va(Cr Supply Well: 0 rt, 20 n• GROUT POURED i!M(iniu 'i°1' ClRccovcry __---_.... ----_._...._._._--- _..__---._-. Injection'Well: ft. fl, I. • __.. l7Aquifer Recharge L1Groundwater Reinetliation ft. ----• ft` - - 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(if:malleable) ) • Aqui lcr Storage and Recovery LISalinity Barrier Pt ROM -t•o MATERIAL'RIAt; EMPLACEMENT au:Ttion�- Di\qui fer Test C1Stormwater Drainage ft. ft. 'i, -_-_.- ------ Dlixperimcntal Technology I:Subsidence Control . ft. 1 -- -- __.___. fl I.!Geothermal(Closed.Loop) EITracer - 20.DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets If necessary)DESC T L.ICicolhcrntal I leatin' Return) PROM (l RII!'1'ION(c olor,hiu'daczs,soilhvcl(Ir tc_ rniq sirs,cq,) ( b/Coolie t b ) ' IaOthcr(explain 1121 Remarks) Q ft, 86 n• DIRT 1., .03-30-2023 4.Dale Well(s)Completed: Well ID// 86 n 245 _n• ROCK • Sa.Well Location: --- I'I. ft. - - -- - - TREXLER CONST ----- -- rn f ', °' "-� Facility/Owner Name - Facility ID//(iI'applienblc) ft. rt. 514,AUTUMNLIGHT DR,SALISBURY,N.C. 28147 . ft, , rt. ,h " Plriit ii Addres>.City,nn(I Zip it, . ft. �ft' (::::2i •'r -`--- �°, A fi ..__ .- ROWAN ' ' 458E0,22 i t'nu'tit Parcel Identification Nu.(PINT • , --- 5b,[Atli title and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: - • ol•wed field.one Wilma.,is sufficient) - - 35° 40.226 ,; 80° 33.175 22.C�1tn;et ' " .. 3/30/2023 � G.Is(are)the well(s): InPermnnent or CITemporary , Signmur ofCcnified Well Contractor Dille - ' lb,signing this fbrin,I hereby yetilb•that the well(%)was(were)constructed in urvardunre u•irl, 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: 0-Yes or ' LINO /SA NC/IC 02C.0l00 or 15.1 NC:IC.'0.iC;.0200 Well Construction Standards end Aria a copy I/'this is a repair,,/ill out known well construction ir(lot•m,niwt and expl ain nature of the a/ 'his rerw•rI hits hewn prnvkled Iri ill"well un•neri repair water 1121 renmrksarc•lion or on the hurl,•u/;this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well1detaifs: S.For Gcoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geofhe:mai Wells having the None you may ow.the back of this page)o provide additional well construction info construction.only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL.NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'in Remarks Box),Yoti may also attach additional pages ifneee;ii-\. 24.SU13NI1'I"1'AL,INS'I RUC LIONS -9.Total well depth below land surface: 245 (ft.) /.'0,:multiple ire/A list all depths it dl/)chant(ornngph'-31.a 2Orl'and�(i)/T')') submit this G W-I within 31)days oI'wcll completion per the following: l 10.Static water level below top of casing: 40 24a. ForAll Wells: Original ford to Division or Water Resuur es (OWN),ihhlotto./r.trelisabm'eracing,use•• (ft') Inlinnation Processing Unit, 1617 tit, 1,Raleigh,NC27G99-1G17 6 For Injection Wells: Copy to D\yR. Undergroutid Injection Control:111( 1 I I.Borehole diameter: (in,) • Program. IG3G MSC,Raleigh.NC 27G9�t)-IG3G . 12.Well construction method: ' ' t,..•.nanny.noun,rattle,direct posit.etc.) 24e.For Water Supply and Open-1 loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy lu die county environritental health(lepottoibia.of the county where installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: • _ 24d,For Water Wells producing over,100,01111-GPD: Copy to D\LR,(.'(.'P('l_':\ 13a.Yield(gpnt)•20 Method ol'test: AIR Permit Program, 1611 MSC.Raleigh.NC 27699-I611 7-(� 131).Disinfection type: lJ•I n - Amount: ' Form OW-I ' North Carolina Department of Iduvfrumnnental Quality-Division of Water Resources ( . Revised G-6:!0I S