HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030486_AO Smith Water Systems Inspection Report_20240126 ChmrfoN-M4cA4nburg ji / STORM Facility Inspection Wi E 5tormW ate r.Cho rMeck.org SuviceS Facility Name: A. O.Smith Water Systems Inspection#: 81590 Contact: Jamie Hayes, Quality Manager Permit#: NCG030486 Inspector: Lauren Bradley Receiving Stream: UPPER LITTLE SUGAR Inspection Date: 01/11/2024 Entry Time: 10:00 am Exit Time: 12:00 pm SIC#: 3443 SUMMARY Facility Description:A.O.Water Systems is located at 4300 Raleigh Street in Charlotte on approximately 8 acres.The facility manufactures hot water tanks. File Review/History: Charlotte Mecklenburg Storm Water Services (CMSWS)previously inspected the facility on 2/13/2 018 and the report was issued as unsatisfactory, due to observed deficiencies. A follow-up inspection was conducted on 2 /15/2018 and the report was issued as satisfactory. Inspection Summary: During the Inspection,A.O Water Systems was observed to be in compliance with the City of Charlotte Stormwater Pollution Control Ordinance. Please refer to the report for comments and recommendations. Site Inspection Deficiency Comments Stormwater system (catch basins, Recommendation Stormwater flows through the site via sheet flow,which inlets, outfalls, etc.) discharges stormwater from three loosely defined outfalls: two stormwater catch basins and a drainage channel in the back of the property. Two other drainage channels were observed on the property where stormwater is potentially leaving the site. CMSWS recommends that the facility assess physical conditions of the site to determine appropriate outfall locations for analytical and qualitative monitoring. Erosion issues Satisfactory No stormwater erosion issues were observed. Structural stormwater control N/A measures(SCMs) Illicit discharges/connections Satisfactory No illicit discharges or connections were observed onsite during the inspection. Aboveground storage tank(s)(ASTs) Satisfactory The following 275-gallon totes were observed indoors on the and any associated venting and/or shop floor: iron phosphate and a cleaning agent. Observed dispenser(s)—list tank size(s)and outdoors and under cover:four 275-gallon totes of cleaning contents agent, several 55-gallon drums of new and used hydraulic fluid,two 55-gallon drums of lubricant.All drums were observed on spill pallets. No stormwater pollution issues were observed. Underground storage tank(s)(USTs) N/A and any associated fill port area(s) and dispenser(s)—list tank size(s) and contents Outdoor material storage area(s) Satisfactory Pallets, hot water heater shells, and parts associated with hot water heater production were observed outdoors. No stormwater pollution issues were observed. dX To report pollution or drainage problems call: 31 1 :T CIIARLOTTE_ http://stormwater.charmeck.org 1/25/2024 8:43:24AM Page 1 of 4 Site Inspection Deficiency Comments Outdoor processing area(s) Recommendation Blue staining was observed outdoors on the ground around the condensation discharge line for the air-conditioning unit, which is located near the powder coating section of the facility. CMSWS recommends that the facility determine the sources of the blue discharge and implements a Best Management Practice for the air-conditioning condensation discharge to protect water quality. Loading/unloading area(s) Satisfactory No stormwater pollution issues were observed. Vehicle/equipment area(s)-fueling, Satisfactory Per facility staff, no vehicle/equipment fueling,washing, or maintenance,washing, storage, etc. maintenance occurs onsite. Hydraulic fluid is used for production machinery indoors. No stormwater pollution issues were observed. Oil/water separator and/or Satisfactory The facility has a wastewater treatment system which pretreatment collects process water in a basin and settles it before it's discharged to the sanitary sewer system. No stormwater pollution issues were observed. Waste storage/disposal area(s)- Recommendation The facility has the following dumpsters:two open-tops for open tops,waste containers, scrap scrap metal; one open-top for recycling, six hoppers for scrap metal bins, etc. wood and general waste; and two enclosed compactors for general waste. Several sealed totes were observed outdoors; some empty and some containing waste water. Several used 55-gallon drums,the open-tops, and all the hoppers were observed to be outdoors and uncovered. CMSWS recommends covering all outdoor waste containers to protect water quality. Food service area(s) N/A Indoor material storage area(s) Satisfactory Assorted equipment and supplies for water tank production were observed indoors. No stormwater pollution issues were observed. Indoor processing area(s) Satisfactory Hot water tanks are manufactured and powder coated indoors . Pits for collecting waste water are located under some of the machinery and are serviced on an as needed basis. Waste water is collected by Terra Nova Solutions.According to facility staff, service record are kept. No stormwater pollution issues were observed. Floor drains Satisfactory Floor drains in the facility lead to the wastewater treatment system. No stormwater pollution issues were observed. Spill response equipment Satisfactory Spill response equipment was observed throughout the facility. SWPPP Section Observed Comments Does the facility have a Stormwater Satisfactory Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)? Reviewed and updated annually Satisfactory The SWPPP was reviewed and updated in July of 2023. Responsible party Satisfactory General location (USGS)map Satisfactory Detailed site map Satisfactory Narrative description of industrial Satisfactory processes Feasibility study Satisfactory Evaluation of stormwater outfalls(non Satisfactory An annual non-stormwater discharge evaluation was -stormwater discharge evaluation) conducted on 10/5/2023 and was documented in the SWPPP To report pollution or drainage problems call: 311 CHARLOTTE_ http://stormwater.charmeck.org �� .. 1/25/2024 8:43:24AM Page 2 of 4 SWPPP Section Observed Comments Stormwater best management Satisfactory practice(BMP)summary Secondary containment plan (all Satisfactory necessary secondary containment provided and documented) Records on every release from a N/A secondary containment system (for the last 5 years) Spill prevention and response Satisfactory procedures(SPRP) List of significant spills or leaks(for Recommendation Per facility staff, no significant spills have occurred in the last the last 3 years) three years but a spill log was not included in the SWPPP. The facility should add a notation of'No spills'to a spill log for each year which no significant spills have occurred per the NCG030000 Permit. Solvent management plan (SMP) Satisfactory Preventative maintenance and good Satisfactory housekeeping program (PMGHP) Facility inspections conducted as Deficiency Per facility staff,facility inspections are conducted monthly required but no inspections were recorded in the SWPPP for the first half of 2023.The facility should conduct quarterly inspections per the NCG030000 Permit and document it in the SWPPP. Employee training (provided and Satisfactory Employee training was provided and documented digitally in documented) February of 2023. Qualitative/Analytical Monitoring Observed Comments Qualitative monitoring conducted as Deficiency Per facility staff, qualitative monitoring was conducted on a required monthly basis but no records could be located. The facility should conduct qualitative monitoring for all designated outfalls concurrently with analytical monitoring and document it in the SWPPP, per the NCG030000 Permit. Update: On 1/ 24/2024 the facility sent CMSWS qualitative monitoring records for outfall 002 and 003,which was conducted on 8/3/ 2023, 11/21/2023, and 1/6/2024. Monitoring was not conducted for outfall 001. Analytical monitoring conducted as Deficiency Analytical monitoring was conducted for outfalls 002 and 003 required on 1/17/2023, 10/20/2023, 11/21/2023, and 1/6/2024. The facility recorded a no discharge event for June and December of 2023.As of Q4 of 2023, the facility is in Tier Two statues for outfalls#002 and#003 for benchmark exceedances of TSS, Zinc, and Copper.Analytical monitoring has not been conducted for outfall 001. The facility should conduct analytical monitoring for all designated outfalls, per the NCG030000 Permit. Analytical monitoring for onsite N/A vehicle and equipment maintenance as required Permit and Outfalls Observed Comments Copy of permit and certificate of Yes NCG03086 coverage onsite All outfalls observed Yes See the"Stormwater system"sections for recommendations. Number of Outfalls Observed 3 To report pollution or drainage problems call: 311 CttARIAI'TE_ http://stormwater.charmeck.org 1/25/2024 8:43:24AM Page 3 of 4 Permit and Outfalls Observed Comments Representative outfall status N/A documented by DEMLR Annual no-exposure self re-certificatio N/A n documented ((b To report pollution or drainage problems call: 311 CttARIATTE_ http://stormwater.charmeck.org 1/25/2024 8:43:24AM Page 4 of 4