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NCS000022_Fact sheet binder_20240131
DEQ / DEMLR FACT SHEET FOR NPDES INDUSTRIAL INDIVIDUAL STORMWATER PERMIT DEVELOPMENT Basic Information for Permit Issuance and Renewals: Permit Writer/Date Brianna Young 1/22/2024 Permit Number NCS000022 Owner/Facility Name Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas,LLC/Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas,LLC 325180/Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing 3724/Aircraft Engines and Parts SIC(NAICS)Code/Category 3356/Rolling,Drawing and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals,except Copper and Aluminum 3499/Miscellaneous Metal Work 2819/Industrial Organic Chemicals,Not Classified Elsewhere Basin Name/Sub-basin number Cape Fear/03-06-23 Receiving Stream/HUC SW001-SW005, SW014, SW015, SW015i: UT to Prince George Creek/030300070807 SWO06-SWO13, SW016, SW018, SW013i: UT to NE Cape Fear River/030300070809 Stream Classification/Stream Segment SW001-SW005, SW014, SW015, SW015i: C; Sw/ 18-74-53 SW006-SW013, SW016, SW018, SW013i: C; Sw, PNA/ 18-74- 52.5 Is the stream impaired on 303 d list]? No Any TMDLs? No Any threatened and/or endangered species? See Section 2 below Any compliance concerns? See Section 2 below Any permit mods since lastpermit? See Section 1 below New expiration date 2/28/2029 Comments on Draft Permit? See Section 6(below) Section 1. Facility Activities and Process: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC (GNF-A) conducts manufacturing operations related to its Aircraft Engines and Nuclear Energy businesses. The facility manufactures aircraft engine components, reactor fuel from uranium hexafluoride, zircalloy components for reactor fuel bundles, reactor auxiliary equipment, and performs assembly of reactor fuel bundles. Per information submitted with the permit renewal, the developed portions of the facility consists of: • Manufacturing Buildings: Manufacturing operations are conducted in the Aircraft Engines/Service Components Operation (AE/SCO)building, Fuel Components Operation(FCO) building, Fuel Manufacturing Operations (FMO)building, and the Dry Conversion Process (DCP) and HF buildings. • Support buildings: Other buildings include the office buildings, site maintenance buildings, and storage facilities. Page 1 of 14 • Wastewater treatment facilities: GENE wastewater neutralization facility, GENE/GEAE/GNF process wastewater aerated and process basins, GENE/GEAE/GNF sanitary wastewater treatment facility, and GNF CaF2 warehouse buildings. • Site grounds: Developed site grounds include paved roads,parking, outside storage areas, recreation areas, and other landscaped areas. Information in the permit history states the uranium at this site is controlled by Federal jurisdiction through the Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC). This facility was regulated for effects on water through their NRC permit (required to do upstream and downstream monitoring for uranium among other requirements). Though stormwater was not specifically addressed in this sampling, these sampling methods were sufficient to highlight and resolve potential radiation pollution sources onsite. The USNRC permit used an"As Low As Reasonable Achievable" concept for approaching radiation pollution and the Radiation Protection Section had a high level of confidence in the USNRC's ability to effectively regulate GE under the existing license. All areas that could have uranium drained to Outfall SW013. Stormwater discharges to two waterbodies: the Northeast Cape Fear River and Prince George Creek. The NE Cape Fear River receives the majority of the stormwater runoff, as well as treated process and sanitary wastewaters permitted under NPDES wastewater permit NC0001228. Prince George Creek receives stormwater runoff from the eastern portion of the facility. Since the last permit renewal, the following changes have been made at the facility: • SW008: Removed 2 large storage tanks and added a cooling tower and propylene tank • SW009: Installed new generator with double walled fuel tank • SWO10: Replaced 1-12SO4 tank with smaller, double walled tank • SWO11: Updated drainage area • SW017: Removed solvent storage building and replaced 1 large cooling tower with 2 smaller cooling towers (new towers have containment and drain to process sewer system) • SW013i: Outfall added for sampling purposes in 2015 • SW015i: Outfall added for sampling purposes in 2015; location contains waters from Outfalls SW001, SW002, SW003, SW004, SW005, SW014, and SW015. • SW018: Permanently removed 7 sources from area and removed covered drying bed With the current permit renewal application, GNF-A requested ROS continuation(granted in DEQ letter dated 8/13/1991) for outfalls SW09, SW013, and SW014 and stated ROS was changed from outfall SW014 to outfall SW001 during the last permit renewal as the drainage basin was redesigned and representative of roadways and onsite parking. Per the inspection report (conducted 11/2022), sampling is conducted on a semiannual basis with no exceedances. Representative outfall status has been granted for outfalls SW009, SW013i, SW015i to represent all other points. The inspection report also notes the facility conducts extensive wastewater and groundwater sampling as well. Outfall SW001: Drainage area consists of a parking area. Potential pollutants include: Oil and TSS. Page 2 of 14 Outfall SW002: Drainage area consists of chemical storage and dumpsters. Potential pollutants include: Oil, chemicals, metals, and TSS. Outfall SW003: Drainage area consists of a 5,000 gallon used oil tank, a 6,000 gallon used oil tank, a 10,000 gallon used oil tank, a 300 gallon used oil evaporator, dumpsters, and a 2,200 gallon diesel fuel tank-generator. Potential pollutants include: Oil and TSS. Outfall SW004: Drainage area consists of a parking area. Potential pollutants include: Oil and TSS. Outfall SW005: Drainage area consists of an oil storage building, dumpsters, and a cooling tower. Potential pollutants include: Oil, solvent,paint, cooling tower overspray, and TSS. Outfall SW006: Drainage area consists of mundy dumpsters. Potential pollutants include: Oil, metals, and TSS. Outfall SW007: Drainage area consists of two (2) ethylene glycol tanks, a cooling tower, and emergency generator. Potential pollutants include: Ethylene glycol, diesel fuel, water treatment chemicals, and cooling tower overspray. Outfall SW008/8I: Drainage areas consist of metal chips in dumpster, waste macro etch tank, a 20,000 gallon waste coolant/red dye tank, dumpsters, grease accumulation bin, propylene glycol tanks, and a cooling tower. Outfall 8I was added during the GE90 building addition, which did not affect(add/eliminate) any potential pollutant sources but did result in the need to slightly modify the sewer drainage system outside the building. Potential pollutants include: Oil, grease, ethylene glycol, water treatment chemicals, cooling tower overspray, and TSS. Outfall SW009: Drainage area consists of a 2,000 gallon sodium hydroxide solution tank, two (2) 4,800 gallon and 2 8,400 gallon waste etch acid tanks, a 14,000 gallon waste coolant tank, a 5,000 gallon nitric acid tank, a 5,000 gallon hydrofluoric acid tank, a 5,000 gallon waste sodium hydroxide solution tank, a 2,000 gallon alkaline cleaner(15%NaOH)tank, a 400 gallon nitric acid tank, a 50 gallon hydrofluoric acid tank, 12 alkaline cleaner drums, scrap metal dumpsters, two (2) drums of zircaloy chips, a 1,700 gallon diesel fuel tank-generator, flammable liquid/paint storage building, 119 gallon diesel fuel tank-generator, 210 gallon diesel fuel tank generator, dumpsters, cooling towers, and grease bin. Potential pollutants include: Sodium hydroxide, waste etch acid, waste coolant, nitric acid, hydrofluoric acid, waste sodium hydroxide, alkaline cleaner(15%NaOH), scrap metal, waste zirc chips and water/coolant, diesel fuel, paint, diesel, treated cooling water, sulfuric acid, and grease. Outfall SWO10: Drainage area consists of sulfuric acid tank and totes. Potential pollutants include: Sulfuric acid. Page 3 of 14 Outfall SWO11: Drainage area consists of scrap metal/recycle dumpsters, 4,000 gallon gasoline and 500 gallon diesel fuel tanks, chemical receiving area, chemical storage, and dumpsters. Potential pollutants include: Oil, TSS, scrap metal, gasoline, diesel fuel, and chemicals. Outfall SW012: Drainage area consists of RCRA hazardous waste storage, chemical and oil storage, three (3) nitric acid tanks, salt brine tank, ammonium fluoride solution tank, ammonium nitrate solution tank, aqua ammonia tank, two (3) hydrofluoric tanks, storage of uranium compounds, 600 gallon used oil incinerator tank, two (2) diesel generators, 500 gallon fuel oil tank, oil/lubricant drum storage, 20,000 gallon fuel oil and 565 gallon kerosene tanks, dumpsters, and cooling towers. Potential pollutants include: RCRA hazardous wastes, chemicals, nitric acid, salt brine, ammonium fluoride, ammonium nitrate, oil, hydrofluoric acid, diesel fuel, uranium, fuel oil, kerosene, treated cooling waster, and sulfuric acid. Outfall SW013: Drainage area consists of parking areas (vehicles and dump trucks) and calcium fluoride, lime, HF (concentration< 3%) from storage and operations. Typically water released from this area is sent to the process lagoons that discharge via the NPDES permit. Potential pollutants include: Oil, TSS, calcium fluoride, lime, and hydrofluoric acid. Outfall SW013I: Drainage area consists of the industrial parts of Outfall SW013 (pads, WSFC building, equipment storage areas). Drainage area contains treated hydrofluoric tank, hydrated lime tank, treated plating and etch sludge tanks, calcium fluoride, ammonia nitrate solution, calcium fluoride sludge, ammonium nitrate solution, hydrofluoric 10% solution tank, ammonium nitrate solution tank,uranium compound/waste box storage, 285 gallon diesel fuel tank, and dumpsters. Potential pollutants include: Hydrofluoric acid, lime, plating and etch sludge, ammonium nitrate, calcium fluoride, uranium, diesel fuel, and TSS. Outfall SW014: Drainage area consists of runoff from offsite (1-140 is adjacent). Potential pollutants include: Oil and TSS. Outfall SW015: Drainage area consists of parking areas and vehicle movement. Potential pollutants include: Oil and TSS. Outfall SW015I: Drainage area consists of combined outfall to Prince George Creek from outfalls SW001, SW002, SW003, SW004, SW005, SW014, and SW015. Outfall SW016: Drainage area consists of parking areas and vehicle movement. Potential pollutants include: Oil, chemicals, and TSS. Outfall SW018: Drainage area consists of process lagoon basin site and dumpsters. Potential pollutants include: Sanitary sludge, lime, and raw sewage. Page 4 of 14 Why Industrial Sites with Stormwater are Subject to a Permit: Federal NPDES regulations define stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity in 40 CFR §122.26 (b)(14) as: "the discharge from any conveyance that is used for collecting and conveying storm water and that is directly related to manufacturing,processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program under this part 122. For the categories of industries identified in this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, storm water [sic] discharges from industrial plant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or byproducts used or created by the facility; material handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process waste waters (as defined at part 401 of this chapter); sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and receiving areas; manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and intermediate and final products; and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and significant materials remain and are exposed to storm water. For the purposes of this paragraph, material handling activities include storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product, byproduct or waste product. The term excludes areas located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with storm water [sic] drained from the above described areas." Section 2. Monitoring Information and Compliance History: • May 2015 to April 2018, no benchmarks were exceeded • April 2018 to October 2022, benchmarks exceeded for: o SW009: Lead 2x, 1 Lead value reported as < 5 mg/L o SW009 duplicate: Lead 2x, 1 Lead value reported as < 5 mg/L o SW013i: 1 Lead value reported as< 5 mg/L o SW015i: 1 Lead value reported as< 5 mg/L • There have been several spills at the facility in the past several years (some of which were a volume/quantity high enough to report to DEQ) • Per permit file notes dated 6/19/2014: o Monitoring requirements for Ammonia, TKN, BOD, and COD removed as they were only for the sludge processing area, which was cleared. These parameters were first introduced in the 2012 draft permit and were never in an issued permit. o Outfall#1 replaced#14 per request of permittee and recommendation of WiRO. Much of the onsite area previously drained by Outfall#14 was redirected to Outfall #1. Outfall #1 is now most representative of the road and parking drainage on site. • Per an email dated 8/29/2014, Outfall SW015i may replace Outfall SW015, Outfall SW013i may replace Outfall SW013, and representative outfall status will be modified from outfalls SW009, SW013, and SW014 to Outfalls SW09, SW013i, and SW015i. Threatened/Endangered Species: In the vicinity of the discharge location, there is the Northern Long-earned Bat(Myotis septentrionalis; NC status: T; Federal status: PE) and Eastern Big-eared Bat(Corynorhinus rafinesquii macrotis; NC status: SC). In the nearby vicinity there are Pondspice (Litsea aestivalis;NC status: SC-V), Atlantic Sturgeon(Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus;NC status: E; Federal status: E), West Indian Manatee Page 5 of 14 (Trichechus manatus; NC status: T; Federal status: T), American Alligator(Alligator mississippiensis; NC status: T; Federal status: T(S/A)), and Snowy Orchid(Platanthera nivea;NC status: E) Section 3. Proposed Monitoring for Stormwater Discharges: The Division considered potential pollutants from past and present industrial activities and data was submitted for May 2015 to October 2022. Quantitative sampling included pH, TSS, O&G, and lead. Parameters are based on potential pollutants in the drainage area, sampling results, and in some cases, dependent upon future activities (e.g., ash removal through the drainage area). Below is a table of the proposed monitoring for each outfall at the Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC site. Uranium is not included as a monitoring parameter. It is mentioned here as an acknowledgement of past discussions where it was decided the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) is effectively regulating the facility under its NRC license. The license addresses a broad range of methods of detecting radiation pollution including air sampling sites, vegetation and soil sampling points, surface water monitoring points, and monitoring wells. Outfalls SW001, SW003, SW004, SW014, and SWO15 Quarterly monitoring Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness (TSS) indicator. Quarterly monitoring pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM targets petroleum-based O&G Quarterly monitoring Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Page 6 of 14 Outfalls SW002, SW006, SW009, SWO11, and SW015i Quarterly monitoring Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness (TSS) indicator. Quarterly monitoring pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM targets petroleum-based O&G Quarterly monitoring Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring BOD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring COD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Chromium BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area(metals present) Quarterly monitoring Total Copper BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area(metals present) Quarterly monitoring Total Lead BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area(metals present) Quarterly monitoring Total Zinc BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area (metals present) Quarterly monitoring Total Hardness BASIS: Monitoring for hardness dependent metals required Page 7 of 14 Outfalls SW005, SW007, SW008/008I, SWO10, SW013, and SW016 Quarterly monitoring Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness (TSS) indicator. Quarterly monitoring pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM targets petroleum-based O&G Quarterly monitoring Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring BOD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring COD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Page 8 of 14 Outfalls SWO12 and SW013i Quarterly monitoring Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness (TSS) indicator. Quarterly monitoring pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM targets petroleum-based O&G Quarterly monitoring Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring BOD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring COD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Ammonia Nitrogen BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Nitrogen BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Fluoride BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring Total Lead BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring Total Hardness BASIS: Monitoring for hardness dependent metals required Page 9 of 14 Outfalls SWO18 Quarterly monitoring Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness (TSS) indicator. Quarterly monitoring pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM targets petroleum-based O&G Quarterly monitoring Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring Fecal Coliform BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Stormwater Benchmarks and Tiered Response: Rather than limits,North Carolina NPDES Stormwater permits contain benchmark concentrations. Stormwater benchmarks are numerical action levels for stormwater monitoring. Benchmarks are not effluent limits, and benchmark exceedances are not permit violations. Benchmarks provide facilities a tool for assessing the significance of pollutants in stormwater discharges and the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs). Benchmark concentrations are intended as guidelines for the facility's development and implementation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP). Benchmark exceedances require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions, increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater BMPs in a tiered program. The permit establishes a tiered approach to specify actions the permittee must take in response to analytical results above benchmark concentrations. The tiered structure of the permit provides the permittee and DEMLR wide flexibility to address issues that may arise with one or more parameters and/or outfalls. Metals benchmarks are calculated to mimic acute water quality standards and with the guidance of DWR. NC DWR follows established federal procedures for calculating acute standards when developing the benchmarks. Just like the acute standards, metals benchmarks normally reflect one half of the calculated Final Acute Value (the "1/2 FAV"). In most cases, translation into total recoverable values is based on an assumed hardness of 25 mg/L and a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of 10 mg/L. Acute standards protect aquatic life from negative impacts of short-term exposure to higher levels of chemicals where the discharge enters a waterbody. The Stormwater Permitting Program applies this approach because of the ephemeral nature of rainfall events. The Division may evaluate results to determine if a smaller suite of parameters for some outfalls is adequate to characterize potential pollution or BM? effectiveness. For example, one or more metals or other parameters may serve as an adequate tracer for the presence of ash pollution during disturbance or Page 10 of 14 ash removal in specific drainage areas at this site. For parameters that do not have a stormwater benchmark, the Division may develop a benchmark value if appropriate toxicity data become available or if rising trends in concentrations suggest a persistent source. A summary of the benchmarks in the draft permit, and their basis, is below: Parameter Benchmark Basis Total Suspended 100 mg/L National Urban Runoff Program(NURP) Study, 1983 Solids TSS H 6 s.u. —9 s.u. NC Water Quality Standard(Range) Non-Polar Oil & Review of other state's daily maximum benchmark Grease 15 mg/L concentration for this more targeted O&G;NC WQS that EPA Method 1664 does not allow oil sheen in waters SGT-HEM BOD 30 mg/L BPJ; Based on Secondary Treatment Regulation(40 CFR g 133.03 COD 120 mg/L BPJ; Generally found at levels 4x BOD5 in domestic wastewaters Fecal Coliform 1,000 col/100 Based on geometric mean of 10+ samples/year mL Ammonia Nitrogen 5 Based on the mussels-present/trout absent acute criteria table summer .6 mg/L in the 2013 EPA criteria document Ammonia Nitrogen 15 mg/L Based on the mussels-present/trout absent acute criteria table winter in the 2013 EPA criteria document Total Nitrogen 30 mg/L TKN+Nitrate+Nitrite Benchmarks Total Fluoride 170 mg/L 1/2 FAV; Based on(Cr III+Cr VI) acute thresholds and Chromium(Total) 905 µg/L assumption that industrial activities here are not a source of hexavalent chromium Copper Total 10 /L Acute Aquatic Criterion, 1/2 FAV Lead Total 75 /L Acute A uatic Criterion, 1/2 FAV Zinc Total 126 /L Acute Aquatic Criterion, 1/2 FAV Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: The proposed permit conditions reflect the EPA and NC's pollution prevention approach to stormwater permitting. The Division's maintains that implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and traditional stormwater management practices that control the source of pollutants meets the definition of Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology(BCT). The permit conditions are not numeric effluent limitations but are designed to be flexible requirements for implementing site-specific plans to minimize and control pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with the industrial activity. Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §122.44(k)(2) authorizes the use of BMPs in lieu of numeric effluent limitations in NPDES permits when the agency finds numeric effluent limitations to be infeasible. The agency may also impose BMP requirements which are "reasonably necessary" to carry out the purposes of the Act under the authority of 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3). The conditions proposed in this draft permit are included under the authority of both of these regulatory provisions. In essence, the pollution prevention and BMP requirements operate as limitations on effluent discharges that reflect the application of BAT/BCT. Page 11 of 14 Flexibility in Tier Responses: Tier Two actions provide an opportunity for the permittee to propose an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Region: • Alternatively, in lieu of steps 2 and 3, the permittee may, after two consecutive exceedances, exercise the option of contacting the DEMLR Regional Engineer as provided below in Tier Three. The Regional Engineer may direct the response actions on the part of the permittee as provided in Tier Three, including reduced or additional sampling parameters or frequency. • If pursuing the alternative above after two consecutive exceedances, the permittee may propose an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Regional Engineer. The permit therefore allows the permittee to petition the Regional Office for monitoring changes sooner than Tier Three (upon any four benchmark exceedances) and gives guidance on one option to take. For example, the permittee may request that mercury only be monitored semi-annually under the tiers, or that only parameters over the benchmark be monitored more frequently. In this way, changes to the monitoring scheme for any outfall could be handled outside of a permit modification. Other Proposed Requirements: • It is standard for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)requirements to include an annual certification that stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non- stormwater discharges, and if any are identified, how those discharges are permitted or otherwise authorized. • Requirement to submit a request for permit modification if the facility identifies or creates any new outfalls, removes outfalls, or alters any drainage area that changes potential pollutants. • The Division expects the permittee to apply best professional judgment and consider the safety of its personnel in fulfilling sampling obligations under the permit. • Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). If a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs electronically to the EPA. • Quarterly QualitativeNisual Monitoring to assure regular observation of outfalls throughout year. Section 4. Changes from previous permit to draft: • Regulatory citations added • Monitoring increased from semi-annually to quarterly for all parameters (qualitative and quantitative) • "No discharge" clarifications made • eDMR requirement added • Feasibility study and online SWPPP certification conditions removed per updated Stormwater Program requirements • Outfall-specific monitoring implemented • Boilerplate language moved into body of the permit; boilerplate no longer attached • Monitoring for all outfalls has been separated to reflect industrial activity and potential pollutants specific to each discharge area • Monitoring for BOD and COD added for outfalls SW002, SW005, SW006, SW007, SW008/008I, SW009, SWO10, SWO11, SW012, SW013, SW013i, SW015i, and SW016 due to the presence of chemicals onsite Page 12 of 14 • Monitoring for lead removed from outfalls SW001, SWO03, SWO04, SWO05, SWO07, SWO08/008I, SWO10, SWO13, SWO14, SWO15, SWO16, and SWO18 as metals are not present • Monitoring for total chromium, total copper, total lead, total zinc added for SWO02, SWO06, SWO09, SWO11, and SW015i as metals are present in the drainage areas • Monitoring for total hardness added for outfalls SWO02, SWO06, SWO09, SWO11, SWO12, SW013i, and SW015i as monitoring for hardness dependent metals is required • Monitoring for ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen added for outfalls SWO12 and SWO13i due to pollutants present in the drainage areas • Monitoring for fecal coliform added for SWO18 as sanitary sludge and raw sewage present in the drainage area • Benchmarks updated for parameters per guidance from DWR Standards group on stormwater benchmarks Section 5. Changes from draft to final: • None Section 6. Discussions with the Facility and Regional Office: • Initial contact with facility: 11/16/2022 • Initial contact with Regional Office: 11/16/2022 • Draft sent to CO peer review: 11/15/2023 • Draft sent to Regional Office: 12/15/2023 • Final permit sent for supervisor signature: 1/24/2024 Section 7. Comments received on draft permit: • Drew Reeside (GE Hitachi Nuclear; via email 1/16/2024): o We were previously granted representative outfall status, do we need to submit that request again before this permit becomes final? ■ DEMLR response: The request does need to be submitted again, but when you choose to submit the request is up to you. It does not need to be done before the permit becomes final. o If we are not granted representative outfall status we request that either outfall 8 or 8i, 13 or 13i, and 15 or 15i be removed from sampling as these outfalls are in the same area and are receiving stormwater from the same industrial locations. ■ DEMLR response: Representative outfall status (ROS) is a separate process from the permit renewal process. You may request a permit modification to ask for the removal of outfalls in the future, however, submitting a modification request does not guarantee that outfalls will be removed. o For the NCOIL sample, is that total site monthly oil usage, or oil usage for each outfall area each month? ■ DEMLR response: The NCOIL parameter is the oil usage in each drainage area. Page 13 of 14 o Please note that Outfalls 05, 10 and 11 were documented as "dry" for the 1 Semi23, 2Semi23 and 1 Semi22 events. Would any consideration be made to removing the sampling requirements for these outfalls? ■ DEMLR response: If outfalls have the potential to discharge, monitoring requirements must remain for those outfalls. As these outfalls have a potential to discharge, even with recent no discharge events, monitoring shall remain in the permit. o The additional analyses requested include short hold times; BOD and Nitrate have a 48 hour hold and F. Coliform from stormwater has an 8 hour hold time. We should be able to handle getting the 48 hold samples to laboratory within that window, but I am concerned about the Coliform. I did confirm that Environmental Chemist, in Wilmington, can perform the analysis, so this sample would go to EC instead of Pace. We may be performing this event outside of normal business hours/on a weekend to satisfy the time frame and"representative stormwater event" conditions. If EC is closed, we may miss the 8 hour hold time. Does the state have a list of labs that are open on weekends that can perform fecal Coliform analysis?Additionally, due to the limitations on hold time, possible lab availability, and berms/metal structure protecting the sludge from rainwater would the state consider exempting this sampling requirement from the draft permit? ■ DEMLR response: A list of certified labs can be found on the Laboratory Certification Branch website at https://www.deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water- resources/water-sciences/chemistry-laboratory/laboratory-certification- branch/certified-laboratory-listings. The potential of samples being out of hold time does not preclude samples needing to be collected and sampled for. If a sample is out of hold time, you may make a comment on your eDMR report, however, the result still needs to be reported. o The field team stated some of these outfalls exhibit a small quantity of water,but we may not have enough flow in some outfalls to collect the required amount of sample water. What should our action be if we cannot collect the minimum required volume for samples during the measurable storm event? ■ DEMLR response: If there is not enough discharge to collect a sample, you are not expected to sample/report for the outfall for that storm event. However, you must try and get a sample during the next storm event. This is why permittees should try and sample during the first rain event of the quarter, so there are multiple chances to collect a sample. If there has not been enough discharge to collect a sample by the end of the quarter, then you must contact the appropriate Regional Office to notify them. Page 14 of 14 LOCALiQ StarNews I The Dispatch PO Box 631697 Cincinnati,OH 45263-1697 Times-News NORTH CAROLINA PROOF OF PUBLICATION ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMIS- SION INTENT TO ISSUE Joyce Sanford NPDES STORMWATER Joyce Sanford DISCHARGE PERMITS Nc Division Of Energy,Mineral And Land Resources The North Carolina Environ. mental Management Com- 1612 Mail Service CTR mission proposes to issue Raleigh NC 27699-1600 NPDES harrge Permits) tostormwatethe per- sons) listed below. Public comment or obiection to the draft permits is invited. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER written comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after The Wilmington Star-News,a newspaper printed and published in _ the publish dote of this notice the city of Wilmington,and of general circulation in the County of de considered onsi ion resort the final New Hanover, State of North Carolina,and personal knowledge of mit issuance and Permit the facts herein state and that the notice hereto annexed was provisions. The Director of the NC Division of Energy, Published in said newspapers in the issue dated: Mineral, and Land Re- sources (DEMLR) may hold a public hearing should there 12/22/2023 be a significant degree of Public Interest. Please mail comments and/or informa- and that the fees charged are legal. tion requests to DEMLR at Sworn to and subscribed before on 12/22/2023 1612 Mail service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-1612. • Global Nuclear Fuels - Americas, LLC [PO Box 780, Wilmington, NC 28402-0780) has requested renewal of permit NCS000022 for the Global Nuclear Fuels Americas, LLC facility in New Hanover County. This facility discharges to on un- named tributary to Prince George Creek and an un- named tributary to North- east Cape Fear River in the Cafe Fear River Basin. Interested persons may visit DEMLR at 512 N. Salisbury Legal Clerk � street, Raleigh, 27604 to review information an file. Additional information on NPOES Permits and this no- Notary,Stale of W may County of Br4pwn tics may be round on our 3/ ^ l �i^ webs://d l / / dlvisl//deq.ergv-/about/ divisians/energv-mineral- My Commisl expires and-land-resources/storm water/stormwater-prograM Publication Cost: $180.18 stormwater-public-notices,or by contacting Brfanno Young Order No: 9648255 #of Copies: at brianna.young®d".nc.gov or 919407-3647. Customer No: 745790 1 PO#: THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE! Please do not use thisform for payment remittance. 4 JAR 0 9114 KAITLYN FELTY Notary Public ti,iZStpimwateiPro State of Wisconsin I'I Pagel of 1 Young, Brianna A From: Reeside, Andrew(GE Vernova) <Andrew.Reeside@ge.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2024 2:52 PM To: Young, Brianna A Cc: Williams, Karen (GE Vernova) Subject: [External] NCS000022 Comments and Questions CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hi Brianna, I wanted to reach out to you regarding the Draft NPDES Stormwater Permit NCS000022. GE Vernova/GNF-A has the following questions and comments: • We were previously granted representative outfall status, do we need to submit that request again before this permit becomes final? • If we are not granted representative outfall status we request that either outfall 8 or 8i, 13 or 13i, and 15 or 15i be removed from sampling as these outfalls are in the same area and are receiving stormwater from the same industrial locations. • For the NCOIL sample, is that total site monthly oil usage, or oil usage for each outfall area each month? • Please note that Outfalls 05, 10 and 11 were documented as "dry"for the 1Semi23, 2Semi23 and 1Semi22 events. Would any consideration be made to removing the sampling requirements for these outfalls? • The additional analyses requested include short hold times; BOD and Nitrate have a 48 hour hold and F. Coliform from stormwater has an 8 hour hold time.We should be able to handle getting the 48 hold samples to laboratory within that window, but I am concerned about the Coliform. I did confirm that Environmental Chemist, in Wilmington, can perform the analysis, so this sample would go to EC instead of Pace. We may be performing this event outside of normal business hours/on a weekend to satisfy the time frame and "representative stormwater event" conditions. If EC is closed,we may miss the 8 hour hold time. Does the state have a list of labs that are open on weekends that can perform fecal Coliform analysis?Additionally, due to the limitations on hold time, possible lab availability, and berms/metal structure protecting the sludge from rainwater would the state consider exempting this sampling requirement from the draft permit? • The field team stated some of these outfalls exhibit a small quantity of water, but we may not have enough flow in some outfalls to collect the required amount of sample water. What should our action be if we cannot collect the minimum required volume for samples during the measurable storm event? Thank you, Drew Reeside Sr. Facilities Environmental Lead GE Hitachi Nuclear Part of GE Vernova M+1 910 523 0215 1 Young, Brianna A From: Reeside, Andrew(GE Power Portfolio) <Andrew.Reeside@ge.com> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 11:17 AM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: RE: [External] RE: Global Nuclear Fuel —Americas, LLC stormwater permit NCS000022 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi Brianna, Outfall Number Industrial Activity/Potential pollutants BMPs 13 Oil/TSS form parking (employee Dikes, curbs, secondary containment, vehicles,forklifts, occasional dump roofing and visual inspection prior to truck) Calcium fluoride, lime, HF from release of stormwater.Typically any storage and operations. HF water released from this area is sent concentration <3%. to our process lagoons that discharge via the NPDES permit. 14 Oil and TSS primarily from offsite (I- Surface and Grading 140 is adjacent) 15 Oil and TSS from parking and vehicle Surface and grading movement (employee vehicles, delivery vehicles, large trucks) 16 Oil and TSS from parking and vehicle Surface and grading movement (employee vehicles) If you have additional questions please reach out. Regards, Drew Reeside Sr.Facilities Environmental Lead GE Hitachi Nuclear Part of GE Vernova M+1 910 523 0215 From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday,January 30, 2023 3:40 PM To: Reeside, Andrew (GE Power Portfolio)<Andrew.Reeside@ge.com> Subject: EXT: RE: [External] RE: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC stormwater permit NCS000022 WARNING:This email originated from outside of GE. Please validate the sender's email address before clicking on links or attachments as they may not be safe. Good morning, I have been reviewing the additional information you provided in December 2022 and saw information regarding industrial activity is missing for outfalls SW013, SW014, SW015, and SW016.The information provided only states visual monitoring is required. Please provide this information so that I may continue reviewing the renewal request. 1 Thank you, Brianna Young, MS(she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From:Young, Brianna A Sent:Tuesday, December 6, 2022 3:47 PM To: Reeside, Andrew (GE Power Portfolio)<Andrew.Reeside@ge.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC stormwater permit NCS000022 Drew, Thank you for providing this information. I will reach out if I have any questions once I have reviewed everything. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS(she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. From: Reeside, Andrew (GE Power Portfolio) <Andrew.Reeside@ge.com> Sent:Tuesday, December 6, 2022 11:50 AM 2 To:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC stormwater permit NCS000022 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. See attached for spreadsheet with the past 4 years of data. I have also attached a copy of our SPPP that contains most of the information requested.There have been no major changes since the permit renewal application was submitted and all information provided is still accurate. NAICS code—325180 Outfalls and associated coordinates: Table 3-1: Outfall Locations Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water number (acre) N 1 34"19'12" -77"55'27" 39.8 33 Prince George Creek 2 34"19'15" -77"55'28" 7.9 18 Prince George Creek 3 34019'19" -77055'29" 2.8 41 Prince George Creek 4 34019'26" -77055'36" 6.2 92 Prince George Creek 5 34019'27" -77055'41" 4.6 18 Prince George Creek 6 34019'24" -77055'45" 1.3 68 NE Cape Fear River 7 340 19'24" -77055'45" 4.9 100 NE Cape Fear River 8 340 19'25" -77055'45" 20.6 82 NE Cape Fear River 8I 34019'26" -77055'48" 9 340 19'28" -77055'58" 37.7 55 NE Cape Fear River 10 340 19'38" -77056'4" 1.6 20 NE Cape Fear River 11 340 19'33" -77"56'1" 4.1 55 NE Cape Fear River 12 340 19'39" -77056'11" 21.4 48 NE Cape Fear River 13 340 19'45" -77056'29" 66.7 23 NE Cape Fear River 14 34019' -77055'30" 6.0 36 Prince George Creek 15 34"19'31" -77"55'37" 3.7 51 Prince George Creek 16 34"19'36" -77"56'51" 20.3 13 NE Cape Fear River 18 34019'46" -77056'8" 16.1 9 NE Cape Fear River The following Outfalls are defined by the permit for sampling purposes. They are not unique drainage areas but are subsets or combinations of the drainage areas listed above. Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water number (acre) N 13i 340 19'36" -77056'33" 19.1 69 NE Cape Fear River 15i 34019'31" -77055'39" 71.0 37 Prince George Creek Regards, 3 Drew Reeside Sr.Facilities Environmental Lead GE Hitachi Nuclear Part of GE Vernova M+1 910 523 0215 From: Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 10:03 AM To: Huth, Ryan (GE Power Portfolio) <rvan.huth@ge.com> Cc:WILLIAMS, Karen (GE Power Portfolio)<karen.williams@ge.com>; Beard, Brad (GE Power Portfolio) <Brad.Beard @ge.com> Subject: EXT: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC stormwater permit NCS000022 WARNING: This email originated from outside of GE. Please validate the sender's email address before clicking on links or attachments as they may not be safe. I am working on renewing the individual stormwater permit for the Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC (NCS000022). I need additional information in order to 1) confirm that the information I have is correct and 2) make sure the permit adequately serves the needs of the facility. Please provide the following: • Description of industrial activity occurring onsite; • Confirmation on the number of outfalls and associated coordinates; • Description of industrial activity in each drainage area; • SIC (NAICS) code; • An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected since the effective date of the current permit; • Verification that the information in the renewal application is still complete and correct; and • An explanation of any operational changes since the renewal application was submitted. Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that includes the address of the facility, contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s)for the facility. Please review the facility information to make sure it is correct. Information can be updated using the links provided below, where applicable: • Facility/Company name or ownership: Name/Ownership Change Form • Owner Affiliation (Legally responsible person; i.e., someone with the company who is designated to represent the company per signatory requirements or another authorized representative): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Billing contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Permit contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility address only: Email Bethany og ulias • Stormwater outfall information: Email Bethany Georgoulias • Visit the eDMR Six Steps website and complete Steps 1 and 2. • Pay outstanding permit fees: Stormwater ePayment website 4 Once I have the above listed information, I can continue my review. You will receive a draft permit for a 30-day comment period. During this time we will be able to address any comments or concerns you have. During the same 30-day period, the draft will be sent to a Regional Office staff member for review as well as out to public notice. Once all comments and concerns are addressed, you may be issued a final permit. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS(she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 ,�: D_ E NORTH CAROLINA ti ; Department of Environmental quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. 5 Young, Brianna A From: Lambe, Brian Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 2:11 PM To: Young, Brianna A Cc: Sams, Dan Subject: NCS000022 renewal Attachments: NCS000022_B I M S_20221021.pdf Please find the attached inspection report.The site is well maintained and diligent in permit compliance. I found it interesting the lack of sampling parameters, but then again, WW and groundwater sampling is prolific.There will be additional WW sampling this year with upstream and downstream in the cape fear river. Recommend issuance of renewal. Brian Lambe Environmental Specialist 910-796-7313 919-268-1678 cell State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy,Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington,NC 28405 910 796 7215 T 1 910 350 2004 F I luto://nortal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir, 1 Compliance Inspection Report Permit:NCS000022 Effective: 12/01/14 Expiration: 11/30/18 Owner: Global Nuclear Fuel -Americas LLC SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas LLC County: New Hanover Thomas Edison St Region: Wilmington Wilmington NC 28401 Contact Person:Karen Williams Title: EHS Projects Leader Phone: 910-547-2758 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: SWNC, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 10/21/2022 Entry Time 10:OOAM Exit Time: 11:30AM Primary Inspector:Brian P Lambe Phone: Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual Facility Status: Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page 1 of 3 Permit: NCS000022 Owner-Facility:Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas LLC Inspection Date: 10/21/2022 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Met with Drew, John, and Karen to review application. No outstanding issues evident. Discussed one area with drums and totes that may need to be inside secondary containment, but is to be evaluated by company. The drums were sealed or had rain covers on them. There is curbing that may act as containment for any leaks or spills.The surrounding ground did not appear to have any impacts from leaks or spills. Page 2 of 3 Permit: NCS000022 Owner-Facility:Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas LLC Inspection Date: 10/21/2022 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a"Narrative Description of Practices"? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: SPPP is well maintained. All elements accounted for. Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Wood Co. conducts Quantitative Monitoring. GE staff often attends monitoring and reviews documentation. Sampling is conducted on all outfalls. Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ #Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Comment: Sampling is conducted on a semi annual basis. No exceedances for sampling. Representative outfall status for 9, 13i, 15i to represent all other points. Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ #Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ❑ ❑ ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Has the facility evaluated all illicit(non stormwater)discharges? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: The facility conducts extensive wastewater and groundwater sampling as well. Page 3 of 3 Young, Brianna A From: Reeside, Andrew(GE Power Portfolio) <Andrew.Reeside@ge.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 11:50 AM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: [External] RE: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC stormwater permit NCS000022 Attachments: SDO stormwater data 2018 to 2022.xlsx; Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan2021 _FINAL.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. See attached for spreadsheet with the past 4 years of data. I have also attached a copy of our SPPP that contains most of the information requested.There have been no major changes since the permit renewal application was submitted and all information provided is still accurate. NAICS code—325180 Outfalls and associated coordinates: Table 3-1: Outfall Locations Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water number (acre) N 1 34019'12" -77055'27" 39.8 33 Prince George Creek 2 34019'15" -77055'28" 7.9 18 Prince George Creek 3 34019'19" -77055'29" 2.8 41 Prince George Creek 4 34019'26" -77055'36" 6.2 92 Prince George Creek 5 34"19'27" -77"55'41" 4.6 18 Prince George Creek 6 340 19'24" -77055'45" 1.3 68 NE Cape Fear River 7 34"19'24" -77"55'45" 4.9 100 NE Cape Fear River 8 340 19'25" -77055'45" 20.6 82 NE Cape Fear River 8I 34019'26" -77055'48" 9 340 19'28" -77"55'58" 37.7 55 NE Cape Fear River 10 340 19'38" -77056'4" 1.6 20 NE Cape Fear River 11 340 19'33" -77056'1" 4.1 55 NE Cape Fear River 12 340 19'39" -77056'11" 21.4 48 NE Cape Fear River 13 340 19'45" -77"56'29" 66.7 23 NE Cape Fear River 14 34019' -77055'30" 6.0 36 Prince George Creek 15 34"19'31" -77"55'37" 3.7 51 Prince George Creek 16 34"19'36" -77"56'51" 20.3 13 NE Cape Fear River 18 34019'46" -77056'8" 16.1 9 NE Cape Fear River The following Outfalls are defined by the permit for sampling purposes. They are not unique drainage areas but are subsets or combinations of the drainage areas listed above. Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water number (acre) N 13i 340 19'36" -77056'33" 19.1 69 NE Cape Fear River 15i 340 19'31" -77055'39" 71.0 37 Prince George Creek Regards, Drew Reeside Sr.Facilities Environmental Lead GE Hitachi Nuclear Part of GE Vernova M+1 910 523 0215 From: Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 10:03 AM To: Huth, Ryan (GE Power Portfolio)<rvan.huth@ge.com> Cc:WILLIAMS, Karen (GE Power Portfolio)<karen.williams@ge.com>; Beard, Brad (GE Power Portfolio) <Brad.Beard@ge.com> Subject: EXT: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC stormwater permit NCS000022 WARNING: This email originated from outside of GE. Please validate the sender's email address before clicking on links or attachments as they may not be safe. I am working on renewing the individual stormwater permit for the Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas, LLC (NCS000022). I need additional information in order to 1) confirm that the information I have is correct and 2) make sure the permit adequately serves the needs of the facility. Please provide the following: • Description of industrial activity occurring onsite; • Confirmation on the number of outfalls and associated coordinates; • Description of industrial activity in each drainage area; • SIC (NAICS) code; • An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected since the effective date of the current permit; • Verification that the information in the renewal application is still complete and correct; and • An explanation of any operational changes since the renewal application was submitted. Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that includes the address of the facility,contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s)for the facility. Please review the facility information to make sure it is correct. Information can be updated using the links provided below,where applicable: • Facility/Company name or ownership: Name/Ownership Change Form • Owner Affiliation(Legally responsible person; i.e., someone with the company who is designated to represent the company per signatory requirements or another authorized representative): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA): Permit Contact Update Request Form 2 • Billing contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Permit contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility address only: Email Bethany Geor_ou�lias • Stormwater outfall information: Email Bethany Geor_og ulias • Visit the eDMR Six Steps website and complete Steps 1 and 2. • Pay outstanding permit fees: Stormwater ePayment website Once I have the above listed information, I can continue my review. You will receive a draft permit for a 30-day comment period. During this time we will be able to address any comments or concerns you have. During the same 30-day period, the draft will be sent to a Regional Office staff member for review as well as out to public notice. Once all comments and concerns are addressed, you may be issued a final permit. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS(she/her/hers) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 ,�: D E '�7'` NORTH CAROLINA ti ; Department of Environmental Quality Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. 3 SECTION 1.INTR OD UCTION SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL The General Electric Company / Global Nuclear Fuel / GE — Hitachi Nuclear Energy facility located in Wilmington, North Carolina (GE / GNF Wilmington) conducts manufacturing operations related to its Aircraft Engines and Nuclear Energy businesses. The facility maintains two existing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and one Wastewater Treatment and Reclaimed Water Utilization System Permit as follows: ➢ NCS000022—Individual Stormwater NPDES Permit for discharge of stormwater flows. ➢ NC0001228—Individual NPDES Permit for discharge of treated process and sanitary wastewaters. ➢ WQ0031317—Individual reclaimed water permit for discharge of treated sanitary wastewater to cooling towers and a reverse osmosis treatment system, if desired. In September 1992, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued final regulations implementing NPDES General Permits for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity. The General Permit published by EPA applies in those states that do not maintain NPDES permitting authority. For those states that do have NPDES authority (such as North Carolina), state-specific General Permits have been developed to regulate qualified industries that discharge stormwater. Additionally, states with NPDES authority can issue site-specific individual stormwater permits. In North Carolina, standard industrial classification(SIC)code determines applicability to one of their seventeen General Permits. If a facility has a SIC code not covered by one of the General Permits, then an individual stormwater permit is issued. For the GE / GNF/ GE-H Wilmington facility, SIC codes 3724 (Aircraft Engines and Parts), 3356 (Rolling, Drawing and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals, except Copper and Aluminum), and 3499 (Miscellaneous Metal Work) are all covered by the State General Permit for Fabricated Metal Products and Associated Industries. However, because there is no General Permit in North Carolina which covers SIC code 2819 (Industrial Organic Chemicals, Not Classified Elsewhere), an individual site-specific stormwater permit was issued by the State for the GE/GNF Wilmington facility. The GE / GNF Wilmington individual stormwater permit (North Carolina Permit to Discharge Stormwater Under NPDES, No. NCS000022) became effective December 1, 2014 and expires November 3, 2014/. Note the North Carolina Permit to Discharge Stormwater Under NPDES, No. NCS000022 renewal was submitted to the state on July 1, 2018. Under these regulations, GE / GNF Wilmington is required to prepare and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP). Brown and Caldwell assisted GE's stormwater pollution prevention team in preparing this document. 1.2 PURPOSE OF PLAN GE/GNF Wilmington 1-1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION].INTRODUCTION The primary emphasis of the NPDES stormwater regulations is pollution prevention. Implementation of this SPPP will accomplish pollution prevention by meeting three main objectives: 1. Identify the potential sources of pollution that may affect the quality of stormwater discharges; 2. Describe and ensure the implementation of cost-effective practices to reduce pollutants in stormwater discharges from the facility; and, 3. Ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the stormwater permit. The SPPP identifies potential sources of pollution that may affect the quality of stormwater discharges associated with the facility's activities, evaluates the potential for stormwater contamination from these sources, and presents the management practices that will be used at the facility for reduction of pollutants in stormwater discharges. The SPPP will be reviewed periodically to ensure that the elements of the plan are effective and that the plan is in compliance with the terms of the permit. Modifications to the SPPP will be made as required to reflect changing conditions at the facility. 1.3 PLAN ORGANIZATION The SPPP has been written to follow the requirements of the site-specific stormwater permit issued to GE/GNF/GE-H Wilmington Specific language of the permit is presented in bold italics in the SPPP and is followed by the appropriate information necessary to meet the requirements. The components of the permit and the corresponding sections of the SPPP are listed in Table 1-1. GE/GNF Wilmington 1-2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION].INTRODUCTION Table 1-1 SPPP Components Permit Requirements Permit Section SPPP Section SPPP Certification and Coordination — Section 2 — Signatory Requirements Part III, Sec.B.3 2.2 — Implementation,Annual Plan Review,and Part II,Sec.A.9 and 2.3 Amendment Part II, Sec.A.7 — Pollution Prevention Team Responsibilities Part II, Sec.A.6 2.4 Site and Source Description Section 3 — General Location Map Part II,Sec.A.La 3.2 — Site Maps Part II,Sec.A.Lc 3.3 — Potential Polluant Sources Part II, Sec.A.l.c.(8) 3.4 — Facility Practices/Activities Part II,Sec.A.Lb 3.5 — History of Significant Spills or Leaks Part 11,Sec.A.Ld 3.6 Stormwater Pollution Controls Section 4 — Stormwater Management Part II, Sec.A.2 4.2 — Spill Prevention and Response Procedures Part II, Sec.A.3 4.3 — Inspections/Preventive Maintenance Program Part II,Sec.A.4 and 4.4 Part II, Sec.A.8 — Employee Training Part II, Sec.A.5 4.5 Non-Stormwater Investigation Section 5 — Certification Part 11,Sec.A.Le 5.2 Stormwater Monitoring Section 6 — General Part II, Sec.B-D 6.1 1.4 INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES The following outline lists all areas in which industrial activities that are regulated under the stormwater permit. • Industrial plant yards • Immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or by-products used or created by the facility GE/GNF Wilmington 1-3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION].INTRODUCTION • Material handling sites • Refuse sites, sites used for the application or disposal of process wastewaters • Sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment • Sites used for residual treatment, storage,or disposal • Shipping and receiving areas • Manufacturing buildings • Storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and intermediate and finished products 1.5 DEFINITIONS The EPA has defined the following definitions: Best Management Practices (BMP) are schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the United States. BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control facility site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. CERCLA is the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. It is commonly referred to as the Superfund Act. Clean Water Act(CWA)was formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. EPCRA is the Emergency Planning Community Right-to-Know Act. Non-Stormwater Discharges are not permitted under the general stormwater permit. The permit does not authorize the discharge of process wastewaters, vehicle wash waters, cooling waters, or any other wastewaters associated with the facility. Other discharges must be addressed in a separate NPDES permit. Point Source Discharge means a discharge from any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including,but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel,tunnel, or conduit. Reportable Quantities means those quantities of hazardous substances listed in Table 117.3 of The Code of Federal Regulations,40 CFR 117. GE/GNF Wilmington 1-4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION].INTRODUCTION Significant Material includes, but is not limited to: raw materials; fuels; materials such as solvents, detergents, and plastic pellets; finished materials such as metallic products; raw materials used in food processing or production; hazardous substances designated under Section 101(14) of CERCLA; any chemical the facility is required to report pursuant to Section 313 of Title III of SARA; fertilizers; pesticides; and waste products such as ashes, slag and sludge that have the potential to be released with stormwater discharges. Significant Quantity is the volume, concentration, or mass of a pollutant in a stormwater discharge that can cause or threaten to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance, adversely impact human health or the environment, and cause or contribute to a violation of any applicable water quality standards for the receiving water. Stormwater is the runoff from a storm event, snowmelt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage. It does not include infiltration and runoff from agricultural land. Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity means the discharge from any conveyance that is used for collecting and conveying stormwater and which is directly related to manufacturing, processing, or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program. The term includes, but is not limited to, stormwater discharges from industrial plant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or by-products used or created by the facility; material handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process waste waters (as defined at 40 CFR 401); sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and receiving areas; manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and intermediate and finished products; and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and significant materials remain and are exposed to stormwater. The term also includes stormwater discharges from all areas listed in the previous sentence (except access roads) where material handling equipment or activities,raw materials,intermediate product, final products,waste materials,by-products, or industrial machinery are exposed to stormwater. Material handling activities include the: storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product, or waste product. The term excludes areas located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with stormwater drained from the above described areas. Industrial facilities (including industrial facilities that are Federally, State, or municipally owned or operated that meet the description of the facilities listed in this paragraph) include those facilities designated under 40 CFR 122.26(a)(1)(v). 1.6 INFORMATION SOURCES Sources of information for SPPP development and implementation include the following: GE/GNF Wilmington 1-5 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION].INTRODUCTION • USEPA stormwater hotline: 1-703-821-4823 • Permit to Discharge Stormwater Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Management,Permit No.NCS000022, Signed December 16, 1994. • Stormwater Management for Industrial Activities, Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices, EPA 832-R-92-006, September 1992. • 55 Federal Register, (November 16, 1990),Preamble to Final Rule. • 40 CFR Part 122 (Final Rule). • 56 Federal Register, (September 9, 1992),USEPA Final General Permit. • Guidance Manual for the Preparation of NPDES Permit Applications for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity, EPA-505/8-91-002, April 1991. • Assessment of Non-Stormwater Discharge into Separate Storm Drainage Systems, USEPA, 1990. GE/GNF Wilmington 1-6 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION SPPP CER TIFICA TION AND COORDINATION SECTION 2 SPPP CER TIFICA TION A ND COORDINATION 2.1 GENERAL There are specific regulations regarding certification of the SPPP. Additionally, regulations have also been established specifying who is qualified to sign as a facility representative. 2.2 SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS For a corporation, an SPPP shall be signed by a responsible corporate officer. Part III, Section B.3.a. (1) of the permit defines a"responsible corporate officer" as: (a) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision- making functions for the corporation; or (b) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding 25 million (in second quarter 1980 dollars), if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. Part III, Section B.3.b of the permit states that the SPPP can also be signed by an authorized representative for the responsible corporate officer if the authorization is made in writing and if the representative has responsibility for the operation of the facility or for environmental matters for the company. The Environmental COE Manager is authorized to sign and submit all required documents pertaining to this SPPP. A copy of the delegation letter is included at the end of this section. The facility representative signing the SPPP is making the following certification: Part III, Section B.3.c — "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." GE/GNF Wilmington 2-1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION SPPP CER TIFICA TION AND COORDINATION 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION,ANNUAL PLAN REVIEW,AND AMENDMENT Part II, Section A.9 —Implementation. Implementation of the plan shall include documentation of all monitoring, measurements, inspections and maintenance activities and training provided to employees, including the log of the sampling data and of activities taken to implement BMPs associated with the industrial activities, including vehicle maintenance activities. Such documentation shall be kept on-site for a period of five years and made available to the Director or the Director's authorized representative immediately upon request. Part II, Section A.8 —Plan Amendment and Annual Update. The permittee shall amend the Plan whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, maintenance or configuration of the physical features which has a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to surface waters. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. To facilitate implementation of the SPPP and the annual SPPP review, a chronological record of all physical changes made to the facility and changes in the operation of the facility that could impact the stormwater quality shall be kept throughout the year. This process helps document changes made to the facility and helps determine the effectiveness of stormwater controls that have been implemented. Form A (attached) may be used to record the changes to the facility as they occur, and Form B (attached) may be used to summarize the changes as part of the annual review. Completed forms shall be kept in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook. The SPPP Coordinator will keep the compliance notebook as well as the SPPP. In summary, each year the SPPP will be reviewed for accuracy and updated to reflect any changes that may have taken place at the facility during the previous year. The annual review will include a site inspection to determine the applicability of the existing SPPP. Changes to the SPPP will be made as required. 2.4 POLLUTION PREVENTION TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES Part II, Section A.7—Responsible Party. The SPPP shall identify a specific position(s) responsible for the overall coordination, development, implementation, and revision to the SPPP. Responsibilities for all components of the SPPP shall be documented and position(s) assignments provided. At the GE / GNF / GE-H Wilmington facility, Drew Reeside is designated as the stormwater pollution prevention team leader. His responsibilities include implementation of the SPPP, as well as ensuring the plan is accurate, complete, and kept current. Additionally, Table 2-1 outlines positions and responsibilities of other members of the stormwater pollution prevention team. The backup personnel for Drew Reeside are Karen Williams and Shawn O'Connor. GE/GNF Wilmington 2-2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION SPPP CER TIFICA TION AND COORDINATION 2.5 PLAN CERTIFICATION I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designated to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manager the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Duane Wilson Date Senior VP Manufacturing,Global Nuclear Fuels,LLC GE/GNF Wilmington 2-3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 2.SPPP CER TIFICA TIONAND COORDINATION TABLE 2-1 SPPP TEAM AND RESPONSIBILITIES Title Names Responsibility Overall implementation of SPPP. Also, ensuring Drew Reeside SPPP is accurate, complete, and kept current(annual SPPP Coordinator Karen Williams review and update). In addition, issuance of email Back-ups Shawn O'Connor reminders to SPPP team. Analytical Sampling Quarterly sampling during permit term at three outfalls Drew Reeside (#9, #13i, and #15i) during a representative storm Coordinator Karen Williams event. Coordinator also responsible for reporting Team (if any) Wood Group LLC analytical results to the NCDENR Division of Water Quality. Visual Monitoring: Semiannual visual monitoring and documentation at all sixteen stormwater discharge outfalls when there is Coordinator Drew Reeside flow. Monitoring to occur twice per year, once Team (if any) Karen Williams between April and June, and once between Wood Group LLC September and November. Use form tilted "SDO Qualitative Monitoring Report". Enter all documentation into Stormwater Database System. Facility Inspections: Semiannual inspections and documentation of all stormwater sources (Table 3-2 and Table 4-1), once Coordinator Drew Reeside between April and June, and once between AE Facilities Anthony Smith September and November. Documentation must FCO Facilities Danny Livengood include date of inspections, maintenance activities (if SCO Facilities Ricky Miller any), and follow-up corrective actions (if any). FMO Facilities Bobby McLean Documentation must be entered into Stormwater Misc. Facility Buildings Drew Holbrook Database System. Drew Reeside Annual employee training of personnel involved in Employee Training Karen Williams operations with the potential to contaminate Coordinator stormwater runoff. Document all training records. Annual visual inspection and documentation of all Karen WilliamsNon-Stormwater Drew Reeside sixteen stormwater outfalls to ensure that there is no Discharge Assessment non-stormwater discharges. Certain discharges are allowed (e.g., AC condensate). Analytical monitoring is required at outfalls Evaluation of Oil Usage Drew Reeside discharging from vehicle maintenance areas when from Vehicle Karen Williams more than 55 gallons of new oil per month is used Maintenance Areas Dave Anderson when averaged over the calendar year. Documentation must be kept to ensure facility does not exceed this limit. Keep SPPP current. At a minimum, on an annual Annual Review of Drew Reeside basis review and update the SPPP. SPPP Karen Williams GE/GNP Wilmington 2-4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION SECTION 3 SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION 3.1 GENERAL The GE-H Nuclear Energy / GE Aircraft Engines / Global Nuclear Fuel facility, located in Wilmington,North Carolina in the County of New Hanover, encompasses approximately 1660 acres. The developed portions of the facility that are addressed in this SPPP encompass approximately 342 acres. Undeveloped portions of the facility, encompassing over 1300 acres, are primarily forest or tidal areas. The undeveloped areas are not addressed in this SPPP. However, if future development does occur,the SPPP will be updated to incorporate this property. 3.2 GENERAL LOCATION MAP Part I, Section A.l.a. A general location map (USGS quadrangle map or appropriately drafted equivalent map), showing the facility's location in relation to transportation routes and surface waters, the name of the receiving water(s) to which the stormwater outfall(s) discharges, or if the discharge is to a municipal separate storm sewer system, the name of the municipality and the ultimate receiving waters; and accurate latitude and longitude of the point(s) of stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity. The general location map (or alternatively the site map) shall identify whether any receiving waters are impaired (on the state's 303(d) list of impaired waters) or if the site is in a watershed for with a TMDL has been established, and what the parameters of concern are The GE / GNF / GE-H Wilmington facility is in Wilmington, North Carolina. The facility is bordered on the east by U.S. Highway 117, on the southwest by the Northeast Cape Fear River, and on the north and most of the south by undeveloped forestlands. Stormwater discharges to two receiving water bodies — the Northeast Cape Fear River and Prince George Creek. The general location map shown in Figure 3-1 defines the facility location. Latitude and longitude of the outfalls are presented on Table 3-1. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan STANDARD FORM 7 SUPPLEMENDIL DDCLL ENThTIDN GNF-A-WMn9bn,NC LOCATIDN MAP NPDES PERMTr NO.NCOM1228 SITE LOCATIDN MAP e"'w2 C F.Uclear Fuels-Are�ertcas _may' NPERM PeraR Na.NCDM1228 PRintl M,NOMCOMMa PROPERTY BOUNDARY -. .. L o.;r7.1 iF ="• { r �� i v � 4E6.FE 9 6a5 0.4 ismiml. ., - -,• +ny.`, i�'t MAP SOURCE: -F 'y': - _ •_ f USGS 7H TOPOGRAPHIC MAP QkSTLE MhYNE QUADRANGLE T. Figure 3-1,General Location Map 3.3 SITE MAPS The Plan shall include.... Part H, Section A.l.c: A site map drawn to scale sufficient to clearly depict: the site property boundary: the stormwater discharge outfalls; all on-site and adjacent surface waters and wetlands; industrial activity areas (including storage of materials, disposal areas, process areas loading and unloading areas and haul roads); site topography and finished grades, all drainage features and structures, drainage area boundaries and total contributing areas for each outfall, direction flow in each drainage area; industrial activities occurring in each drainage area, buildings, stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs); and impervious surfaces. The site map must include a graphic scale indication and north arrow. The Site Drainage and Significant Materials Map, Drawing No. 8002E99, provides site-specific information regarding the physical characteristics of the facility and significant materials associated with areas of industrial activity (including material storage areas, disposal areas, process areas, and loading and unloading areas). A key for the significant materials noted on the figure is presented in Table 3-2. Information provided on the map includes: GE/GNF Wilmington 4-4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION • Roads and buildings • Drainage basins • Stormwater outfalls • Storm drain inlets • Storm sewer lines • Significant material locations Two surface water bodies receive the stormwater runoff. Based on their distance from the developed portion of the facility, these are not shown on the drawing. A portion of the runoff from the eastern portion of the facility flows to Prince George Creek,which is approximately 5 miles north of the facility. The Northeast Cape Fear River, located less than 1 mile west of the developed portion of the facility,receives the majority of the stormwater, as well as all of the treated facility process and sanitary wastewaters discharged in accordance with NPDES Permit No.NC0001228. There are seventeen stormwater outfalls/drainage basins (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8/8I, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13/13i, 14, 15/15i, 16 and 18) for the developed areas of the facility. Note that the previous Outfall 17 was re-evaluated and found not be a true outfall. Waters from that area ultimately flow to Outfall 11. Also, it is noted that there are two sewer outfalls (8 and 81) associated with drainage area 8. An additional stormwater sewer line was added in 1997 during the GE90 building addition. The building addition did not affect (add/eliminate) any potential pollutant sources, but it did result in the need to slightly modify the sewer drainage system outside the building. As such, there is an additional stormwater outfall (81) for drainage area 8. Outfalls 13i and 15i were added as part of the 2014 permit to define sampling locations. 13i includes only the industrial portions of Outfall 13. 15i includes all discharges to Prince George creek and includes waters from Outfalls 1,2,3,4,5,14 and 15. Table 3-1 identifies the latitude and longitude,total drainage area, total impervious area, and receiving water body for each outfall. In addition, placards have been posted at most stormwater outfalls. This ensures consistent location evaluation during visual monitoring, outfall inspections, and non-stormwater discharge assessments. GE/GNF Wilmington -5 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Table 3-1: Outfall Locations Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water number (acre) N 1 34"19'12" -77"55'27" 39.8 33 Prince George Creek 2 34019'15" -77055'28" 7.9 18 Prince George Creek 3 34019'19" -77055'29" 2.8 41 Prince George Creek 4 340 19'26" -77055'36" 6.2 92 Prince George Creek 5 340 19'27" -77055'41" 4.6 18 Prince George Creek 6 34"19'24" -77"55'45" 1.3 68 NE Cape Fear River 7 340 19'24" -77055'45" 4.9 100 NE Cape Fear River 8 34"19'25" -77"55'45" 20.6 82 NE Cape Fear River 8I 340 19'26" -77055'48" 9 340 19'28" -77055'58" 37.7 55 NE Cape Fear River 10 340 19'38" -77056'4" 1.6 20 NE Cape Fear River 11 340 19'33" -77056'1" 4.1 55 NE Cape Fear River 12 34019'39" -77056'11" 21.4 48 NE Cape Fear River 13 340 19'45" -77056'29" 66.7 23 NE Cape Fear River 14 34019' -77055'30" 6.0 36 Prince George Creek 15 34"19'31" -77"55'37" 3.7 51 Prince George Creek 16 340 19'36" -77056'51" 20.3 13 NE Cape Fear River 18 34"19'46" -77056'8" 16.1 9 NE Cape Fear River The following Outfalls are defined by the permit for sampling purposes. They are not unique drainage areas but are subsets or combinations of the drainage areas listed above. Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water number (acre) N 13i 34"19'36" -77"56'33" 19.1 69 NE Cape Fear River 151 34019'31" -77055'39" 71.0 37 Prince George Creek GE/GNP Wilmington 4-6 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION 3.4 FACILITY PRACTICES/ACTIVITIES The Plan shall include.... Part H, Section A.Lb - A narrative description of storage practices, loading and unloading activities, outdoor process areas, dust or particulate generating or control processes, and waste disposal practices. There are three separate drainage collection systems at the facility: process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, and stormwater. Industrial process wastewaters from the aircraft engines and nuclear energy manufacturing operations are treated and discharged to the Northeast Cape Fear River under NPDES Permit No. NC0001228 (Outfall 001). Domestic sewage is treated in the sanitary wastewater treatment plant and also discharged to the Northeast Cape Fear River under said NPDES permit (Outfall 002) or re-used on-site under the reclaim water permit WQ0031317. The stormwater drainage system collects stormwater from the developed areas of the facility and discharges from the outfalls described in Table 3-1. GE / GNF / GE-H Wilmington's practices and activities related to material storage and transfer are in place to prevent and/or minimize contact of significant materials with stormwater. Many material storage areas are covered and/or have containment curbing or grading. In some areas, dikes are installed for additional containment around bulk storage tanks. Table 3.2 indicates the area in which stormwater retained by the curbing or dikes is visually inspected for contaminants prior to release. Material loading and unloading is typically conducted in areas designed to reduce potential contact with stormwater. Loading areas for bulk chemical transfers are either: (1) contained to allow visual inspection of stormwater prior to release, or (2) are graded to direct stormwater to the process drain system for treatment prior to discharge. Direct pipeline transfers are in place for several materials and waste streams. This method of material transfer greatly reduces the potential of stormwater contamination. Sewer manhole covers/catch basins are color-coded to distinguish between the process, sanitary, and stormwater sewers. 3.5 POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES The Plan shall include.... Part H, Section A.Lb........ a description of the potential pollutants that could be expected to be present in the stormwater discharge from each outfall. The nature of the business conducted at GE-H/GE/GNF Wilmington includes manufacture of aircraft engine components, manufacture of reactor fuel from uranium hexafluoride, manufacture of zircalloy components for reactor fuel bundles, assembly of reactor fuel bundles, and manufacture of reactor auxiliary equipment. The SIC codes for the facility are 3724 (Aircraft Engines and Parts), 3356 (Rolling, Drawing and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals, except Copper and Aluminum), and 3499 (Miscellaneous Metal Work), and 2819 (Industrial Organic Chemicals, Not Classified Elsewhere). GE/GNF Wilmington -7 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION The developed portions of the facility consist of the following features: • Manufacturing Buildings--Manufacturing operations are conducted in the Aircraft Engines/Service Components Operation (AE/SCO) building, Fuel Components Operation (FCO) building, Fuel Manufacturing Operations (FMO)building, and the Dry Conversion Process(DCP) and HF buildings. • Support buildings— Other buildings include the office buildings, site maintenance buildings, and storage facilities. • Wastewater treatment facilities--GENE wastewater neutralization facility, GENE / GEAE / GNF process wastewater aerated and process basins, GENE / GEAE / GNF sanitary wastewater treatment facility, and GNF CaF2 warehouse buildings. • Site grounds—Developed site grounds include paved roads, parking, outside storage areas,recreation areas, and other landscaped areas. The potential pollutant sources at GE / GNF Wilmington are outlined in Table 3-2; the pollutant source location is depicted on the Site Drainage and Significant Materials Map using the reference numbers from Table 3-2. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-8 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Table 3-2 Significant Materials Stmctural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 1 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 2 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC SCO Building Manager 2-A SCO-Chemical Storage (east ofObldg) Liquid X Drums X X X(Valved) X David Ladd **Ricky Miller SCO Building Manager 2-B SCO Dumpsters(—4) (east ofObldg) Solid X Dumpsters X X X(Valved) X David Ladd **Ricky Miller CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 3 Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC AE-5,000-gal Used Oil AE AE Maintenance Leader 3-A Tank (east of bldg) liquid X Tank X X X X(Valved) X Chris League** Anthony Smith AE-6,000-gal Used Oil AE Double-walled AE Maintenance Leader 3-B Double-Walled Tank (east of bldg) Dgmd X Tank X Double-walled tank X(Valved) X(double-walled tank) Chris League** Anthony Smith AE Maintenance Leader 3 C AE-10 000-gal Used Oil AE X Double-walled **Chris League Double-Wall liquid Double-Walled Tank (east of bldg) Tank X Double-walled tank X(Valved) X(double-walled tank) Anthony Smith AE-300-gal Used Oil AE AE Maintenance Leader 3 D Evaporator (east of bldg) Liquid Tank X \ X(Valved) X Chris League **AnthonySmith AE Maintenance Leader 3-E AE Dumpsters(9) (east of bldg) Solid X Dumpster X X X(Valved) X Chris League **,',,ffiony Smith Site-2200-gal Diesel Fuel AE Double-walled Site Maintenance Manager 3-F Tank-Generator (east of bldg) Liquid X Tank X X(Valved) X(double-walled tank) Dave Anderson **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis GE/GNF Wilmington 4-3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 4 Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 5 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC AE AE Maintenance Leader 5-A AE—Oil Storage Building (North of bldg.) Liquid X D��g X X X X X X **Chris League Anthony Smith AE AE Maintenance Leader 5-B AE Dumpsters(5) (north of bldg) Solid X Dumpsters X X X X Chris League **Anthony Smith AE AE Maintenance Leader 5-C AE North Cooling Tower (north of bldg) liquid Cooling Tower X X X Chris League **Anthony Smith OUTFALL 6 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Site Maintenance Manager 6-A AE Mundy Dumpsters AE Solid X Dumpsters X X X X Dave Anderson (West of bldg) **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis OUTFALL 7 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Site Stormwater Leader Drew Reeside **Wood LLC AE Maintenance Leader 7 A AE-(2)Ethylene Glycol AE Liquid X Tanks(2) X X X X Chris League Tanks (north of bldg) **Anthony Smith AE Maintenance Leader 7-B AE—Cooling Tower AE Liquid X Cooling Tower X Chris League (north of bldg) **Anthony Smith Computer Room AE Tank—double X X Site Maintenance Manager C Emergency Generator (north of bldg) Liquid X wall X l Dave Anderson Double Wall Tank **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis GE/GNF Wilmington 4-4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) OUTFALL CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader 8/8I Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Metal Chips in Dumpster AE AE Maintenance Leader 8-A (under roof) (NW of Bldg) Solid X Dumpster X X X Return to process X Chris League **Anthony Smith AE-Waste Macro Etch AE Tank(Out of N/A AE Maintenance Leader g) 8-B Tank Liquid Tank out of X X X X(since not in service) Chris League Out o Service) (west of bldg) Service) service **AnthonySmith SCO-20,000-gal Waste N/A SCO Building Manager (westt o of g) 8-C Coolant/Red Dye Tank Liquid Tank(Out of Tank out of X X X X(since not in service) David Ladd (Out of Service) f bldg) Service) service **Ricky Miller AE Maintenance Leader 8-D SCO Cafe Dumpsters(3) (west of bldg) Solid X Dumpster X X(2) closed) X X Chris League **Anthony Smith Jason King8-E SCO Cafeteria Grease SCO Liquid X Metal Bin X X X X Site DaveAnderson nance nager Accumulation Bin (west of bldg) **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis West of GE-90 AE Maintenance Leader 8-F Propylene Glycol Tanks Bldg. Liquid X Tanks X X X X X Chris League **Anthony Smith West of GE-90 AE Maintenance Leader 8-E Cooling Tower Bldg. Liquid X Cooling Tower X X X X Chris League **Anthony Smith OUTFALL 9 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC X(containment FCO Building Manager A FCO-2,000-gal Sodium FCO Liquid X Tank X X X X X(to pumped back to Jason King Hydroxide Solution Tank (north of bldg) process) process or Waste Danny Livengood NaOH tank **Phil Dou hman FCO-(2)4,800-gal&(2) X(containment FCO Building Manager 9-B 8,400-gal Waste Etch Acid FCO Liquid X Tanks(4) X X X X X X(to pumped back to Jason King Tanks(4 total) (north of bldg) process) Waste Acid tank) Danny Livengood **Phil Dou hman C FCO-14,000-gal Waste FCO Liquid X Tank X X X \ X X(to X(containment FCO Building Manager Coolant Tank (north of bldg) process) pumped back to Jason King GE/GNF Wilmington -S Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) tank) Danny Livengood **Phil Doughman X(containment FCO Building Manager FCO-5,000-gal Nitric Acid FCO X(to Jason King -D Tank (north of bldg) Liqu d X Tank X X X X X process) Pumped back to Danny Livengood Waste Acid tank) **Phil Doughman FCO-5,000-gal X X X X(containment FCO Building Manager 9-E Hydrofluoric Acid Tank FCO quid X Tank—double X X X(to pumped back to Jason King (north of bldg) wall process) Danny Livengood Double Wall Tank Waste Acid tank) **Phil Doughman FCO-5,000-gal Waste FCO Building Manager 9-F Sodium Hydroxide Solution FCO Liquid X Tank X X X X X X(to process) Jason King Tank (north of bldg) Danny Livengood **Phil Doughman X(containment FCO Building Manager G FCO-2,000-gal Alkaline FCO Liquid X Tank \ X X X X(to pumped back to Jason King Cleaner(15/o)Tank (north of bldg process) process or Waste Danny Livengood NaOH tank) **Phil Doughman X(containment FCO Building Manager FCO-400-g al Nitric Acid FCO X to Jason Kin 9-H Tank (north of bldg) Liquid X Tank X X X X X pro ess) Pumped back to Danny Livengood Waste Acid tank) **Phil Doughman X(containment FCO Building Manager FCO-50-gal Hydrofluoric FCO X(to Jason King 9-I Acid Tank (north of bldg) Liquid X Tank X X X X X proccss) Pumped back to Danny Livengood Waste Acid tank) **Phil Doughman FCO Building Manager J FCO-Alkaline Cleaner FCO Solid X Drums on X X X X(to process) Jason King (NaOH)Drums(-12) (north of bldg) Pallets Danny Livengood **Phil Doughman FCO Building Manager K FCO-Scrap Metal FCO Solid X Dumpster X X X(to Jason King Dumpster(s) (north of bldg) process) Danny Livengood **Phil Doughman FCO Building Manager L FCO-Zircaloy Chips in FCO Solid X Drums with lids X X X X Jason King Drums(2)(not in service) (north of bldg) on pallet Danny Livengood GE/GNF Wilmington 4-6 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) 9-M Source removed Site-1700-gal Diesel Fuel Site Site Maintenance Manager 9-N Tank-Generator (east of FMO Liquid X Tank X X X X Dave Anderson bldg) **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site-Flammable Site Site Maintenance Manager 9-0 Liquid/Paint Storage (west of Site liquid X Cans in Building X Now contained in above ground building—no stormwater exposure Dave Anderson Building Maint.) **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site-119-0 Diesel Fuel Site Tank—double X X(drain Site Maintenance Manager 9-1) Tank-Generator (at Water Liquid X wall X X open) Dave Anderson Tower) Double Wall Tank **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site-210- al Diesel Fuel Site Tank—double X Site Maintenance Manager 9-Q g (at Water Liquid X X X X Steve Riemersma Tank-Generator Tower wall Double Wall Tank **Mike Phi s/David Allen Site Maintenance Manager 9-R NU Cafe Dumpster New Cafeteria Solid X Dumpster X X X X Dave Anderson **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis FCO Building Manager 9-S FCO West Dumpsters(-3) FCO(West of Solid X Roll-off X X X Jason King building) Danny Livengood **Phil Dou hman SIC Nuclear Site Maintenance Manager 9-T NE SIC Dumpster Yard Solid X Dumpster X X X Dave Anderson **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis FMO Building Manager 9-U FMO East Dumpsters(-2) Near east fence Solid X Dumpster X X X X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** FMO South Dumpsters South central FMO Building Manager 9-V (-2) wall of FMO Solid X Dumpster X X X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** North side of Cooling Tower Site Maintenance Manager 9-W FCO HVAC Cooling Tower FCO Liquid X Sum X X X X Dave Anderson P **Mike Phi s/Jeff Hollis FCO Building Manager X FCO Process Cooling North Central Liquid X Cooling Tower X X X Jason King Tower side of FCO q Sump (To Process) Danny Livengood **Phil Dou hman GE/GNF Wilmington -7 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) East side of Cooling Tower Site Maintenance Manager 9-Y FMO East Cooling Tower FMO Liquid X Sump,Plastic X X X X X Dave Anderson Tanks **Mike Phi s/Jeff Hollis South of new Metal Bin,w/ Site Maintenance Manager 9-Z NU Cafe Grease Bin Liquid X lid containment X X X X X Dave Anderson cafeteria tote **Mike Phipps/David Allen South of HF Cooling Tower Site Maintenance Manager 9-AA DCP Cooling Tower Building Liquid X Sump,Plastic X X X X X Dave Anderson **Alike Mike Phi s/Jeff Hollis FMO Building Manager 9-BB FMO IT Dumpster South of FMO Solid X Dumpster X X X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader OUTFACE 10 Annual Drew Reeside ) **Wood LLC Site Site Maintenance Manager 10-A Site-Sulfuric Acid Tank (east of aeration Liquid X Tank X X X X(diked area) X(diked area) Dave Anderson basin) **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Site Maintenance Manager 1 p I3 Site-Sulfuric Acid Totes (east of aeration Liquid X Totes X X X ro(es Dave Anderson (up to 4) basin) process) **Mike Phi s/Jeff Hollis CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 11 Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Site Site Maintenance Manager Site-Scrap Metal/Recycle Dumpster,roll 11-A Dumpsters(-10) (south of Solid X off X X X Dave Anderson recycle) **Mike Phipps Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager 11-B Seavan Area Dumpster Seavan Area Solid X Roll off X X X Dave Anderson **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site-4,000-gal Gasoline& Site Site Maintenance Manager 11-C 500-gal Diesel Fuel Tanks (north of Liquid X Tanks(2) X X X X X Dave Anderson warehouse) **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site-Chemical Receiving- Site No runoff from X Only runoff is from Site Maintenance Manager 11-D Stored Inside Building (west of Various X Various X storage;Inside X building access X Dave Anderson warehouse) Bu ld n **Mike Phi s/eff Hollis Sourcing-Chemicals stored West of Liquid or Sourcing Manager 11-E outside warehouse Sourcing Solid X Various X X X Scott Rasmussen Warehouse **Rich Lambert GE/GNF Wilmington 4-8 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) West of Site Maintenance Manager 11-F Sourcing Dumpster Sourcing Bldg **Solid X Dumpster X X X Dave Anderson Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 12 Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Site-RCRA Haz Waste Site No runoff from Logistic Manager X(Only runoff is from 12-A Storage (Inside Controlled (west of Liquid X Drums X storage;Inside X X Andreas Hepner Access Building) warehse Buildingloading/unload unloading) **ames Mathews Site-Chemical and Oil Site Liquid& Drums/ No runoff from Sourcing Manager X(Only runoff is from 12-B Storage (Inside Controlled (west of X X storage;Inside X X Darion Jeralds Access Building) warehse) Granular Bags/Cans Building loading/unloading) FMO-(3)Nitric Acid FMO(south- None- FMO Building Manager 12-C Tanks(not in use) west of FMO Empty Tanks(3) X X X(to process) Doug Nay bldg) Bobby Mclean** FMO(south- FMO Building Manager 12-D FMO-Salt Brine Tank west of FMO Resin X Tank X Double-walled tank X X(to process) Doug Nay bldg) Bobby Mclean** FMO-Ammonium FMO(south- FMO Building Manager Fluoride Sol'n Tank Tank(Out of N/A 12-E (V106) west of FMO None Service) Tank out of service X X X(to process) Doug Nay Out of Service bldg) Bobby Mclean** FMO-Ammonium Nitrate FMO(south- FMO Building Manager Sol'n Tank Tank(Out of N/A 12-F (V103) west of FMO liquid Service) Tank out of service X X X(to process) Doug Nay (Out of Service) bldg) Bobby Mclean** FMO-Aqua Ammonia FMO(south- N/A FMO Building Manager 12-G Tank west of FMO Liquid Tank(Out of Tank out of X X X(to process) Doug Nay (Out of Service) bldg) Service) service Bobby Mclean** FMO-(2)Hydrofluoric FMO(south- N/A FMO Building Manager 12-H Tanks west of FMO Liquid Tanks(Out of Tank out of X X X(to process) Doug Nay (Out of Service) bldg) Service) service Bobby Mclean** FMO-Temporary Storage FMO(south- I I I FMO Building Manager 12-I of Uranium Compounds in west of FMO Granular X Cans X X X Doug Nay Cans wrapped in plastic bag bldg) Bobby Mclean** GE/GNF Wilmington 4-9 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) FMO-600-Gal Used Oil FMO(west of BFMO FMO Building Manager 12 J Incinerator Tank FMO bldg) liquid X Tanks X X X X g X Doug Nay g) Manager Bobby Mclean** FMO Building Manager 12-K FMO-(2)Diesel Generators FMO(west of Liquid X Reservoir X X X Drains to Containment for X Doug Nay (55-gal oil reservoir/each) FMO bldg) Source 12-0 Bobby Mclean** FMO-Uranium FMO(west of FMO Building Manager 12-L Compounds in cylinders. FMO bldg) Solid X Steel cylinder X X X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** FMO-500-gal Fuel Oil FMO Building Manager ) 12-M Double-Walled Tank-To FMO(west of Liquid X Double-walled X Double-walled tank l X(double-walled tank) Doug Nay Generator(elevated) FMO bldg Tank Bobby Mclean** FMO-Oil/Lubricant FMO(west of FMO Building Manager 12-N Drum Storage FMO bldg) liquid X Drums X X X X X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** FMO-20,000-Gal Fuel Oil FMO(west of FMO Building Manager 12-0 &565-gal Kerosene Tanks FMO bldg) liquid X Tanks(2) X \ X \ X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** 12-P Source Removed FMO(west of FMO Building Manager 12-R FMO West Dumpsters bldg) Solid X Dumpster X X X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** 12-S FET Dumpster West of FET Solid X Dumpster X X X X FET Building Manager Bldg Chandler King West side of Cooling Tower Site Maintenance Manager 12-T FMO West Cooling Tower FMO Hgmd X Sump,Plastic X X X X X Dave Anderson Tanks **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis South side of Cooling Tower FMO Building Manager 12-U Incinerator Cooling Tower Incinerator Liquid X Sump,Plastic X X X Doug Nay Tanks Bobby Mclean** GE/GNF Wilmington 4-10 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 13 Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC OUTFALL CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Site Stormwater Leader 13i Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC WT-Treated Hydrofluoric Wa FMO Building Manager 13-A01 Tank UR Treat Liquid X Tank X X X X X(to process) Doug Nay (Wl,V-900) Bobby Mclean** WT-Hydrated Lime Tank Waste Treat/ Powder& FMO Building Manager 13-A02 (WT V-118) URLS Slurry X Tank X X X X(to process) Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** WT-Treated Plating& Etch Sludge Tanks Waste Treat/ SludgeTanks(Out of N/A ` FMO Building Manager 13-A03 (�V-115/V-113) URLS Service) Tanks out of service X X(to process) Doug Nay (Out of Service) Bobby Mclean** 13-A04 Source Removed WT-Calcium Fluoride Waste Treat/ No runoff;Inside FMO Building Manager 13-A05 (treated HF)-Loaded URLS Filter Cake Truck Trailer X Building X X X(to process) Doug Nay Inside Building Bobby Mclean** WT-Ammonium Nitrate FMO Building Manager Waste Treat/ X(return to 13-A06 Solution in Sump URLS liquid Truck Sump X N nitrate basins) X(to basins) Doug Nay (out of service) Bobby Mclean** 13-A07 Source Removed WT-Calcium Fluoride Wa FMO Building Manager 13-A08 Sludge in Basins UR Treat Sludge N Basins(2) X X X X(to process) Doug Nay (empty,out of service) Bobby Mclean** 13-A09 Source Removed GE/GNF Wilmington 4-11 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) WT-Ammonium Nitrate FMO Building Manager 13-A10 Solution in Basins Waste Treat/ Liquid X Basins(2) X X X X(to process) Doug Nay (out of service) URLSBobby Mclean** 13-A13 Source removed 13-A14 Source Removed WT-Hydrofluoric 10% Wa FMO Building Manager 13-A26 Solution Tank UR Treat Liquid X Tank X X \ X X(to process) Doug Nay (WT V-800) Bobby Mclean** WT-Ammonium Nitrate Solution Tank Waste Treat/ I t Tank(Out of N/A FMO Building Manager 13-A27 WT V-104) URLS gmd Service) Tank out of service h X X(to process) Doug Nay Out o Service Bobby Mclean** WT/URLS-South Emergency Control Valve Waste Treat/ X (Can FMO Building Manager 13-B1 (Not a Source;This is a URLS N/A N/\ N/A N/A X ` be Closed) X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** Control WT/URLS-West Emergency Control Valve Waste Treat/ X (Can FMO Building Manager 13-B2 (Not a Source;This is a URLS N/A N/A N/A N/A X X be Closed) X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** Control WT/URLS-East Emergency Control Valve Waste Treat/ X (Can FMO Building Manager 13-B3 ( Tot a Source;This is a URLS N/A N/A N/A N/A X be Closed) X Doug Nay Bobby Mclean** Control Metal Boxes FMO Building Manager 13-C WT-Uranium Compound South/Southeast Solid X Wood Boxes X X X Doug Nay /Waste Box Storage of Waste Treat Metal Cans Bobby Mclean** FMO Building Manager 13-D Site-285-Gal Diesel Fuel Site(east of fire Liquid X Tank X X X X Doug Nay Tank @ Fire Pond pond) Bobby Mclean** GE/GNF Wilmington 4-12 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) 13-E WSFC Dumpsters(-4) WSFC Solid X Dumpster X X x WSFC Building Manager Chandler King Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 14 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 15 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC OUTFALL Site Stormwater Leader 15i CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 16 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Site Stormwater Leader OUTFALL 18 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Drew Reeside **Wood LLC Closed Site Maintenance Manager 18-A Dried/Treated Sludge Process Lagoon Solid X supersack with X X Steve R emersma (Sources moved) Basin Site internal plastic liner **Mike Phipps/David Allen Process Lagoon Site Maintenance Manager 18-B Basin Site Dumpster Basin Site Solid X Dumpster X X X X Dave Anderson **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis 18-C Source Removed Sanitary Sludge Filtrate Process Lagoon 1000G Filtrate Site Maintenance Manager 18-D liquid X X X X Dave Anderson (Not n service) Basin Site Tank **Mike Phi s/eff Hollis Sanitary Sludge Process Lagoon Site Maintenance Manager 18-E (Not in service) Basin Site Liquid X 6000 G Tank X X X Dave Anderson **Mike Phi s/eff Hollis Wastewater Process Lagoon To Sanitary Site Maintenance Manager 18-F (Not in service) Basin Site liquid X —2000G Tank X X Waste Dave Anderson **Mike Phi s/eff Hollis Sanitary Sludge Process Lagoon I To Sanitary Site Maintenance Manager 18-G Liquid (Not in service) Basin Site Waste **Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis GE/GNF Wilmington 4-13 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 3.SITE AND SOURCE DESCRIPTION Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source I Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release RESPONSIBILITY Number Building Store Container Materials Form Access Dike Curb Roof Hold/Visual Manager/Leader Storm Drain Process WW Direct Inspection **Inspector Drain Before Release (as of September 2011) 18-H Source Removed 18-I Source Removed Process Lagoon Covered Site Maintenance Manager 18 J Filter Cake Drying Beds Solid X X \ X X Dave Anderson Basin Site buildings ** Mike Phi s/eff Hollis Raw Sanitary Sewage Process Lagoon Liquid/ Site Maintenance Manager 18-K (Not in service) Basin Site Slurry X Plastic Tank X X X X Dave Anderson **Mike Phipps/eff Hollis 1 "Current Key Number"is denoted by a number(which corresponds to the outfall in which the material is located)and a letter(which corresponds to the individual material). Material location is depicted on drawing#8002E99 Note: No significant materials are present in outfalls 1,4,14,15 or 16. Outfall 17 removed. Note: All significant materials in the vicinity of the Waste Treatment Facility(Outfall 13)are denoted as"13A"due to the number of materials in this area. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-14 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS 3.6 HISTORY OF SIGNIFICANT SPILLS OR LEAKS The Plan shall include.... Part II, Section A.Ld-A list of significant spills or leaks of pollutants that have occurred at the facility during the 3 previous years and any corrective actions taken to mitigate spill impacts. According to interviews with GE/GNF/GE-H Wilmington environmental staff,there have been no significant spills or leaks of pollutants at the GE/GNF/GE-H Wilmington facility during the past 3 years. Several small spills of clean process water did occur in 2015 2016 and 2017. See the respective SWPPP notebooks for details. A summary of the following spills occurring in 2018 are outlined below and were included in the semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Outfall Reporting included in this notebook. 1 st Half 2018 -During this stormwater reporting period,we've experienced several releases that are reportable per our permit NCS000022. These leaks were primarily from the CaF2 discharge pipe. Most of the releases described occurred over permeable surfaces and did not result in flow through stormwater systems. Investigations revealed that the CaF2 discharge pipe was significantly damaged by freezing water during the extreme cold experienced in early January,2018. Water was not drained from the pipe prior to the cold weather and sections of the heat tracing were found to be inoperative. The liquid that flows through this line is primarily filtered water from an HF neutralization system and water from area stormwater containments. Potential parameters of concern in this area include pH,Uranium, fluorides and possibly nitrogen containing compounds such as nitrate,nitrite and ammonia. Listed below is a summary of the events related to this pipe. Date Event 1/17/2018 A flange gasket blew out near the CaF2 discharge pump when the pump was started at 10:20 am. The pump was turned off immediately,but the system continued to leak at 10-15 gpm for 60 minutes before a downstream containment valve was shut. Liquid continued to leak through the containment valve at about 3 gpm for 30 minutes until a drain plug was installed. Liquid then collected on an impermeable surface and was pumped back to the source lagoon. Total quantity lost: — 800-990 gallons. A sample collected(#6318049) at 11:40 and the sample results were: pH: 6.2 s.0 U <0.02 mg/L Ammonia 1.06 mg/L Fluoride 10 mg/L Nitrate <0.2 mg/L Nitrite <0.1 mg/L The flange gasket was repaired on 1/18/18. 1/19/2018 CaF2 pump was started at 11:00. At 11:20,a leak was discovered in the pipe several hundred yards downstream and the pump was immediately stopped. Inspection of the area showed the pipe had a large crack. This material is the same as was sampled on 1/17. A walkdown inspection of the pipe was performed and two more,much smaller cracks were found. Estimated volume from all 3 leaks was<500 gallons. All leaked to permeable surfaces. Water accumulation was noted in the ditch near the first leak but not at the other 2 leaks. The pipe was shut down for repair and further inspection. 2/1/2018 CaF2 pipe repairs completed. Pipe was pressurized with potable water and inspected GE/GNF Wilmington 4-1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS and no leaks were found. Started CaF2 pump at 11:00 am. 30 minutes later, a spritzing leak was reported from an inaccessible high line portion of the pipe. The pump was shut off immediately. The leak sprayed onto an impermeable surface. No ponding or runoff was noted. Estimated spill<<25 gallons. Results from sample taken(#6337422)were: pH: 6.7 s.0 U <0.02 mg/L Ammonia <0.51 mg/L Fluoride 9.1 mg/L Nitrate <0.2 mg/L 4/23/2018 CaF2 pump started at 7:30am. At 7:40,guards notified operations of a leak. Pump shut off immediately. Results from sample taken(6402961)were: pH: 8.9 s.0 U<0.02 mg/L, NH3 <0.51 mg/L Fluoride 9.5 mg/L Nitrate<0.2 mg/L Nitrite<0.1 mg/L Investigation revealed a failure of the repair performed after the 2/1/2018 event. Line was repaired and put back in service. There have been no further issues with the CaF2 discharge pipe since this repair was completed. There was one other leak during this reporting period—also believed related to the extreme cold weather. On 1/24/2018, a dripping leak was found on the cooling loop feeding the ATC1 west chiller. This was a small,dripping leak at a cracked nipple in the pipe. An estimated 50 gallons of closed loop cooling water dripped to a grassy area. No ponding or water accumulation was noted. The leak was discovered at 3:15 pm and was repaired within 30 minutes. 2nd Half 2018 On September 15,during Hurricane Florence,there was a release of oily water/coolant from the Aviation evaporator containment area. Water from the large quantities of rain which accumulated in the containment pad overflowed and carried some residual oil water and coolant onto a non-permeable surface. The event was quickly identified, and operators placed the spill mat over a nearby storm drain near Outfall 003 and used a sump cleaner vacuum to clean up the spill and rain water. None of the oily water and coolant flowed through a storm water conveyance nor did it reach waters of the state. The overflow was believed to be less than 25 gallons and due to the lack of volume or environmental risk,no formal notifications were required at the time. During the heavy rains from Hurricane Florence on Saturday, September 15,the Sanitary plant levels reached near the top of the basins and dilute sanitary material splashed out. The ORC made berms around the tanks with the marl in the area and captured most of the material that got out of the tanks. There was a slight brown tint to the rainwater that went to stormwater ditch and it is believed —1500 gals of diluted sanitary waste was release. A notification to the state was made on Monday, September 17th. Additionally, both incidents were reported to Jenne Walker with the Hazardous Waste Section of NC DEQ during a call she placed to the site as a follow-up to the hurricane on Monday, September 17'. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS SECTION 4 STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS 4.1 GENERAL The EPA has not established stormwater effluent limitation guidelines. Instead, the focus of the stormwater regulations is to control pollutants at the source rather than end-of-pipe treatment. Implementation of at-source stormwater pollution controls will reduce the quantity of pollutants in the stormwater runoff. Source controls are usually the most effective mechanisms for decreasing stormwater contamination and are typically less expensive than constructing end-of-pipe treatments. North Carolina is an NPDES approved state with the authority to write general and site-specific individual permits. An individual permit was issued for GE / GNF / GE-H Wilmington. The intent of the stormwater regulations will be followed by implementing appropriate stormwater controls to reduce the risk of stormwater contamination. Best management practices (BMPs) and other forms of stormwater controls will also be implemented to ensure pollution prevention with regard to future operations. 4.2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The Plan shall include.... Part H, Section A.2 —Stormwater Management Plan. The stormwater management plan shall contain a narrative description of the materials management practices employed which control or minimize the exposure of significant materials, including structural and nonstructural measures. Stormwater management controls are often classified as either source controls or end-of-pipe treatment controls. Both types of controls reduce the amount of pollutants in the stormwater discharge. Source controls minimize the contact of stormwater with potential pollutants. The overall intent of the NPDES stormwater regulations is to improve the quality of stormwater discharges by eliminating or reducing the exposure of stormwater to potential contaminants. Examples of source controls include: good housekeeping, improved material handling techniques, secondary containment, and covering of potential pollutant areas. End-of-pipe controls can be either structural or nonstructural. They are used to remove a pollutant after it has already entered the stormwater. Examples include oil/water separators, catch basins, and grassy swales. Controls should be selected for implementation based upon their effectiveness and cost. Where applicable source controls should be used. End-of-pipe controls should be used in situations where stormwater is required to be treated. The selection of controls is discussed in the following sections. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS 4.2.1 Existing Management Practices Stormwater management controls presently in use at the facility are listed in Table 4-1. Details of structural and non-structural stormwater controls are provided for each significant material and outfall discussed in Section 3. 4.2.2 Future Management Practices To further reduce the risk of stormwater contamination, additional controls are planned. These additional controls include elimination or reduction of stormwater exposure to significant materials and industrial activities by: (1) providing secondary containment, (2) modifying operations and/or storage practices, and(3)best management and good housekeeping practices. Additionally,the permit requires the following: Part II, Section A.2.b - If the secondary containment devices are connected directly to stormwater conveyance systems, the connection shall be controlled by manually activated valves or other similar devices [which shall be secured with a locking mechanism] and any stormwater that accumulates in the containment area shall be at a minimum visually observed for color, foam, outfall staining, visible sheens and dry weather flow, prior to release of the accumulated stormwater. Accumulated stormwater shall be released if found to be uncontaminated by material stored within the containment area. Records documenting the individual making the observation, the description of the accumulated stormwater and the date and time of the release shall be kept for a period of five years. Locking mechanisms will be confirmed/installed at all secondary containment devices connected directly to the stormwater conveyance system. Regarding accumulated stormwater, Form C (attached) can be used to record the results of the visual inspection of accumulated stormwater prior to release. A summary report should be retained in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook. 4.3 SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE PLAN The Plan shall include.... Part H, Section A.3 -Spill Prevention and Response Plan. The Spill Prevention and Response Plan shall incorporate an assessment of potential pollutant sources based on a materials inventory of the facility. Facility personnel(or team) responsible for implementing the SPRP shall be identified. A responsible person shall be on-site at all times during facility operations that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff through spills or exposure of materials associated with the facility operations. Potential Pollution Assessment: An initial risk assessment of potential pollutant sources was done with the implementation of the SPPP. This SPPP revision attempts to update, expand, and provide a more objective method for conducting a risk assessment. Each of the potential pollutant sources shown in Table 4-1 were ranked from 1 to 3 in the following three areas: A) Potential for exposure to stormwater (likelihood of container failure and material transfer frequency should be considered here, B) Quantity of material stored, and C) Level of structural and non-structural controls. Each area was evaluated as follows: GE/GNF Wilmington 4-2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS A)Potential for Exposure- 1 —(Low)Ex: Covered by roof 2—(Med)Ex: Bulk storage tanks or unopened drums outside 3—(High)Ex: Uncovered dumpster, opened drums stored outside B)Quantity stored- 1 —(Small)Ex: less than 1 gal or uncontaminated solids or dumpster with clean wood/office trash or source not in service 2—(Med)Ex: 1 to 55 gallon containers or dumpster with shop trash or shop metals 3—(Large)Ex: Bulk storage tanks(>55 gal) C)Level of Controls - 1 —(High)Ex: Secondary containment 2—(Med)Ex: Closed valve,process drain,curbs, or totally enclosed (bags) 3—(Low)Ex: none,grading only,curbing not sized for 25 year/24 hour storm Then each potential pollutant source was given a red, yellow, or green status based on the risk product(RP) of A,B, and C: RP Status 1-6 Green 7-12 Yellow 13-27 Red Potential pollutant sources with a red status should be reviewed annually with each SPPP update and action taken toward achieving a green or yellow status. It is noted that the material handling sites present the greatest risks for potential spills. To prevent spills of raw materials, trucks and other containers should not be overfilled. Care will be used when transferring these materials between areas. Hoses and connections will be checked periodically for corrosion or wear and replaced as needed. Responsible Person: The person or persons responsible for implementing the SPRP are identified in Table 4-1 for each potential pollution source. The responsible person on-site always will be the Acting Emergency Director as defined in the site Radiological Contingency & Emergency Plan (RC&EP). Spill Detection: Bulk oil, chemicals and other contaminants sources are either in heavily populated areas, regularly inspected, or have stormwater containment structures that are inspected after rain events. Because of this, seepage from a source is identified and reported quickly. Continued identified seepage from a bulk facility is not tolerated. The final plant effluent channel collects much of the stormwater from across the site and is inspected daily (excluding weekends and holidays). This frequency of observation combined with the engineering and procedural controls provides adequate assurance of effluent quality. Spill Response: Response to significant spills will performed per the "Radiological Contingency & Emergency Plan", Section 2, Environmental — Chemical / Toxic Hazards. The RC&EP contains detailed procedures for response and notification. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS For smaller spills, sorbent materials and other emergency response equipment are kept throughout all buildings. Additionally,the Emergency Control Center(ECC)building and site warehouse maintain substantial emergency equipment and materials to address spills across the facility. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS General guidelines for a spill event are outlined as follows: 1. If conditions are HAZARDOUS or not completely understood(for example, fire,potential explosion or unknown chemical release): • DO NOT APPROACH. Call the ECC at x-5555 or pull the nearest fire alarm box. 2. If the spill is known to be NON-HAZARDOUS: • Stop the source of the spill immediately. Close the valve, shut down pumping,or take whatever actions are possible to stop any release. • Use booms or sandbags,dig small trenches,or place absorbent pads or pigs to stop the spread. • To help with spill response and to determine if any offsite agency needs to be notified, contact one of the following as soon as reasonably possible(but no later than 1 hour after the spill is discovered): - Emergency Control Center at(910) 819-5555 - Manager,Environmental Protection&Industrial Safety(Ray Crott) at(910)200-9711 - Manager, Facilities Engineering and Site Maintenance (Dave Anderson) at (843) 735- 9086. 3. For any spill that goes to a stormwater drain or to soil, collect the following information and contact the EHS manager as soon as possible: • Exact Location of Spill • Spill date and time • Material spilled • Estimated quantity • Source of spill • Cause of spill • Name of body of water involved or nearest water body to spill area • Action taken GE/GNF Wilmington -5 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS TABLE 4-1: Potential Pollution Sources Current Outfall Risk Key Number potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number' Level Site Maintenance Manager Curbs,collection piping,settling Outfall 1 1 2 Parking area only Dave Anderson --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis basin and sand filter Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 2 2 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis SCO Building Manager Roof,Curbing,catch pans at Check stormwater before release. 2A 2 4 Chemical Storage David Ladd dispensing racks,surface and Incompatible materials are stored Ricky Miller grading,containment valve separately. 2B 2 6 Contaminants from shop David Ladd SCO Building Manager Curbing,surface and grading, Check stormwater before release. Ricky Miller trash and metals containment valve Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 3 3 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager -Tank dike 3A 3 12 Used Oil Dave Anderson -Loading area curb Check stormwater before release Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Surface and grading AE Maintenance Leader 313 3 6 Used Oil Chris League Complete secondary containment None Anthony Smith AE Maintenance Leader 3C 3 6 Used Oil Chris League Complete secondary containment None Anthony Smith AE Maintenance Leader -Roof 3D 3 3 Used Oil-Evaporator Chris League -Loading area curb None Anthony Smith -Secondary Containment GE/GNF Wilmington 4-4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level AE Maintenance Leader 3E 3 6 Contaminants from shop Chris League Curbing,surface and grading, Check stormwater before release. trash and metals Anthony Smith containment valve Site Maintenance Manager 3F 3 3 Diesel Fuel Dave Anderson -Double Wall Tank None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager Curbs,collection piping,settling Outfall 4 4 Parking area only Dave Anderson --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis basin and sand filter Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 5 5 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Roof,curbing,secondary 5A 5 3 Oil in totes and drums containment dikes,containment Check stormwater before release. valve(locked). 5B 5 12 Contaminants from shop Chris League AE Maintenance Leader Curbing with release valve(kept None trash and metals Anthony Smith closed and locked) Overspray from cooling AE Maintenance Leader Curbing,surface and grading, 5C 5 8 tower Chris League locked containment valve Check stormwater before release. Anthony Smith Construction equipment Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 6 6 2 storage Dave Anderson Surface and grading None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Contaminants from AE Maintenance Leader 6A 6 6 general trash and clean Chris League None None metals Anthony Smith GE/GNF Wilmington -5 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 7 7 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis AE Maintenance Leader -Dike 7A 7 6 Ethylene Glycol Chris League -Surface and grading Check stormwater before release Anthony Smith AE Maintenance Leader -Curbing 7B 7 6 Water Treatment Chris League -Roofing Check stormwater before release Chemicals Anthony Smith -Secondary Containment from diked area Site Maintenance Manager _Double Wall Tank Check stormwater before release 7C 7 6 Diesel Fuel Dave Anderson -Secondary Containment from diked area Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Outfall 8 Site Maintenance Manager and 8I 8 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis AE Maintenance Leader -Complete building,roof 8A 8 6 Metal Chips-Stored Chris League -Loading area curb None Inside Building Anthony Smith -Surface and grading -Stormwater to process drain 8B 8 0 None-Source Removed 8C 8 0 None-Source Removed Site Maintenance Manager Contaminated food and -Surface and Grading 8D 8 6 Dave Anderson None shop trash Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis (curb available) Site Maintenance Manager _Dike 8E 8 6 Grease Dave Anderson None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Surface and grading GE/GNF Wilmington 4-6 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level AE Maintenance Leader 8F 8 6 Ethylene Glycol Chris League -Secondary containment Check stormwater before release from diked area Anthony Smith AE Maintenance Leader -Curbing Water Treatment -Roofing Check stormwater before release 8G 8 6 Chemicals Chris League Anthony Smith -Secondary containment from diked area Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 9 9 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis FCO Building Manager -Tank dike Sodium Hydroxide Jason King -Loading area curb Check stormwater before release 9A 9 6 -Roof over tank Solution Danny Livengood _Stormwater to process drain from diked area Phil Doughman -Surface and grading FCO Building Manager -Secondary containment Jason King -Loading area curb Check stormwater before release 9B 9 3 Waste Etch Acid -Roof over tank Danny Livengood from diked area Phil Doughman -Stormwater to waste acid tank -Surface and grading FCO Building Manager -Tank dike Jason King -Loading area curb Check stormwater before release 9C 9 6 Waste Coolant -Roof over tank Danny Livengood -Stormwater to process drain from diked area Phil Doughman -Surface and grading FCO Building Manager -Secondary containment Nitric Acid(Storage Jason King -Roof over tank Check stormwater before release 9D 9 3 -Loading area curb Tank) Danny Livengood from diked area Phil Doughman -Stormwater to waste acid tank -Surface and grading GE/GNF Wilmington -7 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level FCO Building Manager -Roof over tank Hydrofluoric Acid Jason King -Double-wall tank Check stormwater before release 9E 9 3 -Loading area curb (Storage Tank) Danny Livengood from diked area Phil Doughman -Stormwater to waste acid tank -Surface and grading FCO Building Manager -Secondary containment Waste Sodium Jason King -Roof over tank Check stormwater before release 9F 9 3 -Loading area curb Hydroxide Danny Livengood _Stormwater to process drain from diked area Phil Doughman -Surface and grading FCO Building Manager -Tank dike Alkaline Cleaner(15% Jason King -Loading area curb Check stormwater before release 9G 9 6 -Roof over tank NaOH) Danny Livengood from diked area Phil Doughman -Stormwater to process drain -Surface and grading FCO Building Manager -Secondary containment 9H 9 3 Nitric Acid Jason King -Roof over tank Check stormwater before release (Batch Tank) Danny Livengood -Stormwater to waste acid tank from diked area Phil Doughman -Surface and grading FCO Building Manager -Secondary containment 9I 9 2 Hydrofluoric Acid Jason King -Roof over tank Check stormwater before release (Batch Tank) Danny Livengood -Stormwater to waste acid tank from diked area Phil Doughman -Surface and grading FCO Building Manager -Stormwater to process drain 91 9 9 Alkaline Cleaner Jason King -Area curbing None (Drums) Danny Livengood -Surface and grading Phil Doughman FCO Building Manager 9K 9 18 Dumpsters— Jason King -Surface and grading None Scrap Metal Danny Livengood Phil Doughman GE/GNF Wilmington 4-8 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level FCO Building Manager -Closed drum with cover 9L 9 4 Waste Zirc Chips and Jason King -Dike None water/coolant Danny Livengood -Free drain to process Phil Doughman 9M 9 0 None—source removed 9N 9 6 Diesel Fuel Dave Anderson Site Maintenance Manager -Secondary containment None (1700 gal-Generator) Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Surface and grading Site Maintenance Manager -Closed building 90 9 1 Paint Dave Anderson -Above ground None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -No stormwater contact Diesel Site Maintenance Manager -Double wall tank 9P 9 6 (119 gal Generator) Dave Anderson -Surface and grading None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager 9Q 9 6 Diesel Dave Anderson -Double wall tank None (210 gal Generator) Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Surface and grading Contaminants from Site Maintenance Manager 9R 9 3 Dave Anderson -Closed Dumpster None cafeteria trash Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis FCO Building Manager 9S 9 18 Contaminants from shop Jason King -Surface and grading None trash and packaging Danny Livengood Contaminants from Site Maintenance Manager 9T 9 18 metals,shop trash Dave Anderson None None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis GE/GNF Wilmington 4-9 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level 9U 9 0 None—Source Removed Contaminants from FMO Building Manager 9V 9 9 office trash Doug Nay -Roof but no sides None Bobby Mclean Site Maintenance Manager -Curbed 9W 9 6 Treated cooling water Dave Anderson -Drains to process sewer None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis FCO Building Manager 9X 9 12 Treated cooling water Jason King -Curbed Manually pumped to process Danny Livengood sewer Site Maintenance Manager 9Y 9 2 Treated Cooling Water, Dave Anderson -Roof None Sulfuric Acid Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Secondary Containment Site Maintenance Manager -Lid on bin -Stormwater checked before 9Z 9 3 Grease Dave Anderson -Secondary Containment release Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Locked valve on containment Site Maintenance Manager 9AA 9 6 Treated Cooling Water, Dave Anderson -Roof None Sulfuric Acid Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Secondary Containment FMO Building Manager 91313 9 9 Office Trash Doug Nay None None Bobby Mclean GE/GNF Wilmington 4-10 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 10 10 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis FMO Building Manager -Secondary Containment Sulfuric Acid -Loading area curb drains to -Diked area:check stonnwater l0A 10 2 (Bulk tank) Doug Nay Bobby Mclean process before release -Surface and grading Sulfuric Acid FMO Building Manager -Curbed area drains to process 10B 10 3 Doug Nay None (Totes) Bobby Mclean -Surface and grading Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 11 11 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager -Dumpster 11A 11 18 Scrap Metal Dave Anderson None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Surface and grading 1113 None—Source Removed Site Maintenance Manager -Secondary containment dike Check stormwater before tic 11 6 Gasoline&Diesel Fuel Dave Anderson -Loading area curb release Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis -Surface and grading Chemical Receiving- Sourcing Manager -Roof,complete building III) 11 4 -Surface and grading of access None Stored Inside Building Darion Jeralds area 1 1 E 11 12 Chemicals stored outside Sourcing Manager -Surface and grading None sourcing building Darion Jeralds GE/GNF Wilmington 4-11 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level Site Maintenance Manager 11F 11 9 Office Trash Dave Anderson None None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 12 12 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Logistic Manager -Enclosed building 12A 12 4 RCRA Hazardous Michael Conner -Roofed area -Curbed area:check stormwater Wastes James Mathews -Loading area curbing with before release discharge valve 12B 12 6 General Chemicals Sourcing Manager -Enclosed building Darion Jeralds -Roofed area -Tank dike FMO Building Manager -Loading area curb 12C 12 2 Nitric Acid Doug Nay -Stormwater trucked to Waste Not in use Bobby Mclean Treatment -Surface and grading -Tank within a tank FMO Building Manager -Loading area curb 12D 12 6 Salt,Brine Doug Nay -Stormwater from loading area to None Bobby Mclean process drain -Surface and grading FMO Building Manager 12E Ammonium Fluoride -Tank curb 12 0 Solution (V 106) Bobby Do Dou Na Mclean -Stormwater to process drain Not in use Saf e-Store Safe-Store -Surface and grading 12F Ammonium Nitrate FMO Building Manager -Tank curb Safe-Store 12 0 Solution(V 103) Doug Nay -Stormwater to process drain Not in use Safe-Store Bobby Mclean -Surface and grading GE/GNF Wilmington 4-12 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level FMO Building Manager -Tank dike 12G 12 4 Adjacent used Oil Doug Na -Storage Pad curbing Stormwater inspected before Storage Bobby Mclean -Drums in overpack release -Surface and grading FMO Building Manager -Secondary containment 12H 12 2 Hydrofluoric acid Doug Nay -Stormwater drained to process Not in use Bobby Mclean sewer. 12I None—Source Removed Used Oil FMO Building Manager -Roof over tank Stormwater inspected before 12J 12 0 (Incinerator) Doug Nay -Secondary containment release. In Safe Store Bobby Mclean FMO Building Manager -Roof over tank 12K 12 2 Diesel Fuel Doug Nay -Secondary containment None (in Generators) Bobby Mclean -Area drains to containment for 12-0 FMO Building Manager -Cylinders braced in position 12L 12 6 U in UF6 Cyliners Doug Nay None Bobby Mclean -iJF6 is solid in cylinders Fuel Oil FMO Building Manager -Double walled tank 12M 12 6 (500 gal) Doug Nay -Tank elevated None Bobby Mclean Oil/Solvent FMO Building Manager -Roof Stormwater inspected before 12N 12 4 Doug Nay -Curbed containment (storage building) Bobby Mclean -Surface and grading release. FMO Building Manager 120 12 6 Fuel Oil&Kerosene Doug Nay -Secondary containment Stormwater inspected before Bobby Mclean -Loading area curbed release GE/GNF Wilmington 4-13 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level FMO Building Manager 12P 12 0 Source Removed Doug Nay Bobby Mclean Contaminants from shop FMO Building Manager 12R 12 18 trash Doug Nay -Surface and grading None Bobby Mclean Contaminants from FET Building Manager 12S 12 6 bagged office trash Chandler King -Surface and grading None Tom Jones Treated Cooling Water, FMO Building Manager -Secondary Containment 12T 12 2 Doug Nay -Curbing None Sulfuric Acid Bobby Mclean -2x wall tank Treated Cooling Water, FMO Building Manager -Secondary Containment 12U 12 6 Doug Nay -Curbing None Sulfuric Acid Bobby Mclean -2x wall tank FMO Building Manager Outfall 13 13 -- Doug Nay --- --- Bobby Mclean FMO Building Manager -Roof 13A01 13 3 Treated HF Doug Nay -Dike—secondary containment -Stormwater pumped to process Bobby Mclean -Loading area curbed FMO Building Manager -Tank curb 13A02 13 6 Hydrated Lime Doug Nay -Loading area curb -Tank: return of liquid to (WT V-118) Bobby Mclean -Surface and grading process; GE/GNF Wilmington 4-14 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level -Loading area curb Treated Plating&Etch FMO Building Manager -Roof over tank 13A03 13 2 Sludge (WT V-115N- Doug Nay -Tank curb Not in use 113) Bobby Mclean -Stormwater to process drain -Surface and grading None—source removed. 13A04 13 0 Source 13-05A covers HF derived CaF2 Treated HF Sludge- FMO Building Manager -Complete building 13A05 13 6 Loaded Inside Building Doug Nay -Access area curb None Bobby Mclean -Surface and grading FMO Building Manager -Curb 13A06 13 2 Ammonium Nitrate Doug Nay -Pump for return to process Not in use Solution(truck sump) Return of liquid to process Bobby Mclean -Surface and grading 13A07 13 0 None: Source removed Calcium Fluoride and FMO Building Manager 13A08 13 6 Treated Waste Water Doug Nay -Dikes Not in use (basin) Bobby Mclean 13A09 13 0 None: Source removed Ammonium Nitrate FMO Building Manager 13A10 13 6 Doug Nay -Dikes Not in use Solution(basin) Bobby Mclean 13A13 13 0 None: Source Removcd GE/GNF Wilmington 4-15 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level 13A14 13 2 None: Source removed HF 10% FMO Building Manager Secondary containment dike Check stormwater before release 13A26 13 2 (WT V-800) Doug Nay Roof to process. Bobby Mclean Ammonium Nitrate FMO Building Manager Tank curb Not in use 13A27 13 2 Solution WT V-104 Doug Nay Roof Transfer stormwater to process Bobby Mclean FMO Building Manager Contaminants from shop Doug Nay -Surface and grading 13A28 13 6 and office trash Bobby Mclean -Curbing Check stormwater before release -Closed and locked release valve FMO Building Manager Uranium from Can/ -Surface and grading 13C 13 6 Waste box storage Doug Nay -Cans in plastic bags Bags replaced regularly Bobby Mclean Diesel Fuel FMO Building Manager Tank 13D 13 6 (Fire Pump) Doug Nay Dike Check stormwater before release Bobby Mclean Surface and drainage Contaminants from shop WSFC Building Manager 13E 13 9 Chandler King Cover for metal dumpster None and office trash Tom Jones GE/GNF Wilmington 4-16 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level Offsite sources Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 14 14 (I140) Dave Anderson -Surface and grading None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 15 15 None Dave Anderson -Surface and grading None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 16 16 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager Outfall 18 18 -- Dave Anderson --- --- Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager Fully enclosed in fabric bags with 18A 18 6 Dried Sludges Dave Anderson None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis internal plastic liners. 18B 18 0 Source removed 18C 18 0 Source removed Site Maintenance Manager Closed Tank,Sheet flow over None 18D 18 6 Filtrate Water Dave Anderson Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis gravel/grass to get to ditch. Not in use Site Maintenance Manager 18E 18 6 Sanitary Sludge Dave Anderson Closed Tank None Not in use Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager 18F 18 6 Wastewater Dave Anderson Closed Tank None Not in use Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager Liquids pumped to tank and 18G 18 6 Sanitary Sludge Dave Anderson Curbing with sump and pump. hauled to Sanitary Waste Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Treatment (Not in service) 18H 18 0 Source removed GE/GNF Wilmington - 7 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS Current Outfall Risk Key Number Potential Significant Material Responsibility Structural Control Non-Structural Control Number Level 18I 18 0 Source Removed Site Maintenance Manager 181 18 9 Dried Solids,Lime Dave Anderson Covered with roof and walls None Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis Site Maintenance Manager 18K 18 6 Raw Sewage Dave Anderson Tank in curbed area. None (Not in service) Mike Phipps/Jeff Hollis "Current Key Number"is denoted by a number(which corresponds to the outfall in which the material is located)and a letter(which corresponds to the individual material). Material location is depicted in drawing#8001E99. * Current Key Numbers beginning with an asterisk"*"are not associated with an outfall as no manufacturing/processing operations are present. ---Signifies"Not Applicable". Note: No significant materials are present in outfalls 1,4,6, 14, 15 or 16. Also,outfall 17 does not exist. Note: All significant materials in the vicinity of the Waste Treatment Facility and fluoride and nitrate basins are denoted as"13A"due to the quantity of materials in this area. See detailed Waste Treatment Plan for location of specific materials. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-18 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS 4.4 INSPECTIONS/PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM The Plan shall include.... Part II, Section A.4 - Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Program. A preventative maintenance program shall be developed. The program shall address all stormwater control systems (if applicable), stormwater discharge outfalls, all on-site and adjacent surface waters and wetlands, industrial activity areas (including material storage areas, material handling areas, disposal areas,process areas, loading and unloading areas, and haul roads), all drainage features and inspections, maintenance and housekeeping activities of stormwater control systems, as well as facility equipment, facility areas, and facility systems that present a potential for stormwater exposure or stormwater pollutions where not already addressed under another element of the SPPP. Inspection of material handling areas and regular cleaning schedules of these areas shall be incorporated into the program. Timely compliance with the established schedules for inspections, maintenance and housekeeping shall be recorded and maintained in the SPPP. The preventive maintenance program ensures that the stormwater control facilities are clean and operating effectively. The program consists of inspection, cleaning,and repair activities.As a minimum these activities should be conducted semiannually. Housekeeping, inspection and maintenance activities are tracked and recorded in Gensuite Compliance Calendar and/or in Oracle maintenance system. The primary controls on-site which require maintenance are the four on-site retention ponds and the GLE sand filter. Records for these locations will be included semiannually to this SWPPP beginning January 2015. The results of all preventative maintenance are documented in the database along with the facilities inspections. 4.4.1 Inspections Part II, Section A.8 - Facility Inspection Program. Inspections of the facility and all stormwater systems shall occur as part of the Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Program at minimum of semi-annual schedule, once during the first half of the year (January to June), and once during the second half(Juley to December), with at least 60 days separating inspections dates (unless performed more frequently than semi- annually). These facility inspections are different from and in addition to, the stormwater discharge characteristic monitoring at the outfalls required in Part H B, C, and D of this permit. Inspections will be conducted twice annually at the locations identified on Drawing No. 8002E99. In addition, the stormwater control structures (outlined in Table 4-1) will also be inspected. Use Form D (attached) to record the results of the inspection. Upon completion of the inspection, cleaning and repair activities should be completed and documented as described in Section 4.4.2. The completed forms or summary report should be inserted in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook for record. Specific inspection areas will include: • Catch basins and trench drains • Roofs and covers for potential leaks • Material handling and storage areas GE/GNF Wilmington 4-16 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS • Secondary containment areas • Check all areas for potential spills and possible contamination 4.4.2 Cleaning and Repair Program The schedule for cleaning and repairing stormwater management control structures will be based primarily on the results of the inspections. The cleaning or repair action will be recorded and retained with the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook. Recommended cleaning and repair activities include: • Repair and cleaning of screens on catch basins • Repair and cleaning of trench drains • Cleaning/repair of oil/water separators • Maintenance on all equipment and tanks where a failure could produce a spill Recommended "housekeeping" practices in order to keep the facility in a clean and orderly condition include: • Sweeping of impervious surfaces • Regular pickup and disposal of garbage and debris • Routine inspection for leaks • Proper material container storage practices • Identification and labeling of all chemical substances • Disposal of old equipment and used chemicals The stormwater collection system should be cleaned and impervious surfaces should be swept annually in order to remove particulates,which have built-up over and are high in pollutants. 4.5 EMPLOYEE TRAINING The Plan shall include.... Part I, Section A.].e—Employee Training. Training schedules shall be developed, and training provided at a minimum on an annual basis on proper spill response and cleanup procedures and preventative maintenance activities, and for any of the facility's operations that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff. The facility personnel (or team) responsible for implementing the training shall be identified, and their annual training shall be documented by the signature of each employee trained. The Employee Education and Training Program is designed to familiarize employees with the intent and components of the SPPP. Training will be provided for appropriate employees. Training for transferred or new employees will be provided at time of job start. Topics to be included in the training session include: • General awareness • How to use this manual • Chemical spill response procedures GE/GNF Wilmington - 7 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 4.STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS • Preventative maintenance • Inspection procedures • Materials management practices • Good housekeeping measures Records of training will be kept in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook. GE/GNF Wilmington 4-18 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 5.NON-STORMWA TER INVESTIGATION SECTION 5 NON-STORMWA TER INVESTIGATION 5.1 GENERAL The potential for contamination of stormwater runoff at the facility from non-stormwater discharges was investigated. The method used to perform the investigation consisted of the following: • Observations of stormwater outfalls during dry weather and normal working hours. • An outside facility inspection for unidentified discharges. • Review of the as-built drawings for the facility. Because of the non-stormwater investigation,air-conditioner condensate discharges were found to be the only non-stormwater discharge. However, Part VI, Definition 3 specifies that air-conditioner condensate without chemicals and discharges of uncontaminated potable water are allowable discharges into the stormwater system. 5.2 CERTIFICATION Part II, Section A.Le - Certification that the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. The certification statement will be signed in accordance with the requirements found in Part III, Standard Conditions, Section B, Paragraph 3. The Annual Non-Storm Water Discharge Assessment (Form F) will be completed by the site stormwater pollution prevention team leader or representative. The form will be signed certifying that, as an authorized representative of GE-H / GE / GNF in Wilmington, North Carolina, the stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. The signed Annual Non-Storm Water Discharge Assessment will be kept in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook. GE/GNF Wilmington 5-1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 7.COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 6 STORMWATER MONITORING Both analytical and visual monitoring is required under the stormwater permit. This chapter presents the detailed requirements for both visual monitoring (Section 6.2), analytical monitoring (Sections 6.3 through 6.6), and record keeping and reporting requirements(Sections 6.7 and 6.8). 6.2 VISUAL(QUALITATIVE)MONITORING Visual monitoring at all stormwater discharge outfalls must be conducted semiannually (once in the spring from April through June, and once in the fall from September through November). Visual inspection does not necessarily need to be performed during a representative storm event. However,the first visual monitoring event should be performed simultaneously with the first analytical monitoring event. Qualitative visual observation of the following characteristics is required: color, odor, clarity, floating solids, suspended solids, foam,oil sheen,and other obvious indicators of stormwater pollution. Form G, Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Summary should be used for the visual monitoring reports. The completed form should be kept in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook. 6.3 ANALYTICAL MONITORING At a minimum, analytical monitoring is required the semiannually (April — June, September — November) for as long as the permit is in effect. Monitoring results shall be compared to benchmark values contained in the permit. The benchmark values are not permit limits but should be used as guidelines for the SPPP. Any benchmark exceedances will be investigated and stormwater BMPs will be evaluated for effectiveness. The SPPP shall be reviewed and updated to document efforts to address stormwater contamination The permit stipulates that sampling shall only be collected from a discharge resulting from a representative storm event. This is defined as a storm event that is greater than 0.1 inches and that is preceded by at least 72 hours in which no storm event measuring greater than 0.1 inches has occurred. 6.4 ANALYTICAL MONITORING LOCATIONS Analytical samples are to be taken at Outfalls 9, , 13i and 15i as representative of all of the outfalls at the facility. GE/GNF Wilmington 6-1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 6.STORMWA TER MONITORING 6.5 ANALYTICAL MONITORING PARAMETERS As per the conditions of the permit,the following parameters are required to be sampled as part of the stormwater monitoring program. Discharge Characteristic Units Sample Type Sample Location Benchmark Lead,total recoverable mg/L Grab 9, 13i, 15i 0.075 Non-Polar Oil and Grease mg/L Grab 9,13i,15i 15 (EPA method 1664) pH standard Grab 9,13i,15i 6 -9 Total Suspended Solids — mg/L Grab 9,13i,15i 100 TO Prince George Creek Total Suspended Solids — mg/L Grab 9,13i,15i 50 TO NE Cape Fear River Total Rainfall Inches --- --- Grab samples are defined as individual samples collected instantaneously. Grab samples that will be directly analyzed or qualitatively monitored must be taken within the first 30 minutes of discharge if possible. If not possible, then sampling must begin within 30 minutes of the beginning of the storm event and continue until all samples are taken 6.6 ANALYTICAL MONITORING PROCEDURES The following procedures will help minimize the possibility of contamination and physical or chemical changes once a sample has been taken,thereby helping ensure a representative sample. 6.6.1 Pre-Sampling Preparation Sampling containers must be requested from the laboratory performing the analyses. The request generally will include the following information. • Analyses to be performed • Total number of samples to be collected(including duplicates and field blanks) • Types and number of bottles to be provided • Type and amount of preservatives to be provided,if known • Approximate dates of sampling,if known The lab will supply different size containers depending on their analysis needs. One set of containers is required for each monitoring site (i.e., Outfalls 9, 13i, and 15i). In addition, for each storm-sampling event, an extra set or two may be required for quality assurance (QA) purposes. The lab will supply the containers and perform any necessary container preparation, such as acid rinses in accordance with approved EPA methods. The bottles with the required preservatives and a bottle of de-ionized water for QA purposes will be supplied by the lab. The lab should also identify GE/GNF Wilmington 6-2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 6.STORMWA TER MONITORING which containers are for each analysis. The lab may allow that certain samples be taken or combined into a single container. Upon receipt of the ice chest the field crew leader will verify that the correct number of containers, type of containers, and preservatives are in the ice chest. Gummed labels will be affixed to the containers. It is recommended that the type of analysis and sampling location be filled out on each label with indelible ink prior to the sampling. The date, time, and initials of the field crew leader will be added just prior to taking the sample. Equipment that will simplify the sampling process is shown in Table 6-1. Table 6-1 Stormwater Sampling Equipment List Bags of Ice Latex or Nitrile Gloves Chain-of-Custody Record(Form H) Ice Chest(s) Sample Bottles Preservatives(acids,bases) De-Ionized Water(gal) Rain Gear Duct Tape Reflective Safety Vests Extra Labels Rubber Boots w/Steel Toes Field Data Sheet(Form I) Splash Proof Goggles Flashlight/Lantern Cellular Phone Indelible Marker Ziploc bags(quart-size) 6.6.2 Initiation of Sampling The field crew leader will initiate storm event preparation: 1. During the designated sampling intervals(January 1 —June 30, July 1 December 31) 2. A minimum of 72 hours of dry weather has occurred, and 3. The probability of precipitation is greater than about 70 percent. The preparation shall include notification to the receiving laboratory and to the sampling team that sampling is planned. The field crew leader is to monitor weather reports and watch for storms approaching the area. When measurable rainfall is anticipated (0.1 inch or greater), the field crew leader shall ascertain that the sampling team and all required sampling equipment is prepared for a sampling event. After the rainfall has started, the field crew leader should check the most easily accessible monitoring location to see if runoff is occurring. If runoff is occurring the sampling process may begin. Consideration should be given to the time of day and to the day of the week since samples should not be taken if they cannot be delivered and processed within the allowable holding times. 6.6.3 Sampling Each site will be monitored by collecting grab samples. All sampling should be completed during the same sampling event,if possible. This ensures that all sampling is representative of the discharge. Whenever possible, samples should be taken from the middle of the flow. Orienting sample containers with their opening downstream while lowering them below the surface of the water helps avoid surface debris being washed in. Once immersed, the bottles should be reoriented upstream to allow thorough flushing before the sample is removed. Care should be taken to avoid stirring up and GE/GNF Wilmington 6-3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 6.STORMWA TER MONITORING thus collecting bottom sediments. For example, if it is necessary to stand in the sampling flow, stand downstream of the sampling bottle. Sample bottles should be capped and put in the ice-filled chest as soon as possible after sampling each site. Sampling details should be entered into the Field Data Sheets (Form I) for each sampled outfall. They should include date, time, site, names of sampling crew, and any other observations which might affect water quality, such as depth of flow, depth of sample, any floating debris, any oily sheens, etc. The amount and time of rainfall for the sampled storm can be added later. The time elapsing before the start of runoff at each outfall may be noted,if it is known. Upon completion of sampling the sampling bottles should be tightly packed into the ice chest with adequate ice and packing material to protect against breakage. The ice used must last until the chest reaches the lab. (Ziploc bags can be inflated and sealed to provide extra cushioning). Once the sampling has been completed, all containers should be checked to see that they are properly labeled and that the appropriate forms have been fully completed (including Field Data Sheets and Chain of Custody forms). A Chain of Custody form, Form H, or an equivalent form provided by the laboratory, must be filled out after the samples have been collected and packed in the ice chest for transport to the labo- ratory. The form must identify the date and time that the samples were collected,the sampling sites,the number of each type of sample, and the name of the field crew leader. A copy of the signed form will be kept by the field crew leader,the original will be double-sealed in Ziploc bags and taped to the inside lid of the ice chest. Sampling containers should be carefully packed and either hand delivered or shipped to the laboratory. It is the field crew leader's responsibility to make sure that the samples are processed correctly and that they reach the laboratory within the required holding times. 6.7 RECORD KEEPING Detailed records must be maintained to provide quality assurance/quality control for a stormwater sampling program. Components of the records management program include the following items: • Stormwater Discharge Outfall Qualitative Monitoring Report or equivalent • Chain-of Custody Form(Form H) • Field Data Sheet(Form I) • Specific monitoring information(visual and grab sampling 1. The date, location,time and methods of sampling or measurements; 2. The individual(s)who performed the sampling or measurements; 3. The date(s)analyses were performed and time analyses were initiated; 4. The individual(s)who performed the analyses; 5. The analytical techniques or method used; and 6. The results of the analyses. GE/GNF Wilmington 6-4 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 6.STORMWA TER MONITORING All forms, as well as the analytical results shall be kept together in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook. Observations made during each visual observation will be compared with previous observation reports. Observations of color, foam or oil sheen indicate the need for corrective actions. A comparison of the reports will be made to determine if corrective actions have been taken on previously noted observations. The stormwater sampling data will be compared with previously collected data. Pollutant concentrations are dependent upon a number of variables. Period of time from last rainfall, rainfall intensity and duration, recent spills or leaks, sampling techniques, and lab analysis techniques are all to be considered when interpreting the stormwater data. A reduction in the concentrations of the sampled parameters may indicate successful implementation of the SPPP. Increases may indicate poor sampling or analysis techniques, an ineffective stormwater control or a change in the operation of the facility. Care should be exercised when interpreting this data. Additional corrective measures will be implemented if the increase in loadings is thought to be from a lack of stormwater control. 6.8 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Annual analytical monitoring results must be submitted to the Division on Discharge Monitoring Report forms provided by the State. These submittals must be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the results were received by the facility. Duplicate signed copies of all reports shall be submitted to the following address: Central Files Division of Water Resources Water Quality Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Retention of all monitoring records is required for a period of at least 5 years. 6.9 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges from vehicle maintenance activities is required if a facility uses more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month when averaged over the calendar year. Based on the 2007 average new motor oil usage rate of 20.7 gallons per month, GE-H / GE / GNF Wilmington is not required to perform analytical monitoring of vehicle maintenance activities. However, an annual check of facility new motor oil usage is required to verify exemption from vehicle maintenance activity monitoring. The results of the annual new motor oil usage will be kept in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook GE/GNF Wilmington 6-5 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 7.COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 7 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 7.1 GENERAL Compliance conditions are established in the stormwater permit for preparation and implementation of the SPPP. These conditions are discussed below. 7.2 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Development and implementation of the SPPP is a requirement of the stormwater permit. The following checklist outlines key activities required by this SPPP. All items are kept in the yearly SPPP Compliance Notebook(other than the SPPP update) Compliance Checklist • SPPP Team Identification of specific positions responsible for SPPP coordination, development, revision, implementation, and documentation is required. Also, the SPPP should designate position assignments for all components of the plan. • Analytical Monitoring Analytical monitoring of three representative outfalls (9, 13i, and 15i) is required semi-annually during the designated time periods (January—June, July— December). Parameters analyzed include total recoverable Lead, oil and grease, pH and total suspended solids. These results should be submitted to NCDENR Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources within thirty days of receipt of the laboratory results. • Semiannual Visual Monitoring Visual monitoring at all stormwater discharge outfalls must be conducted semiannually (once in the spring from April through June, and once in the fall from September through November). Visual inspection does not necessarily need to be performed during a representative storm event. Qualitative visual observation of the following characteristics is required: color, odor, clarity, floating solids, suspended solids, foam, oil sheen, and other obvious indicators of stormwater pollution. Use the form titled "Stormwater Discharge Outfall(SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report". • Semiannual Facility Inspections and Documentation Inspections of the facility and all stormwater systems and sources identified in Table 3-2 must be conducted semiannually (once in the spring from April through June, and once in the fall from September through November). Documentation of the inspection and any subsequent required maintenance activities is required. The date and time of inspection, individual(s) performing the GE/GNF Wilmington 7-1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan CHAPTER 7. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS inspection, narrative of the stormwater control systems, and any maintenance activities performed must be recorded. • Annual Check of New Motor Oil Usage Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges from vehicle maintenance activities is required if the facility uses more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month when averaged over the calendar year. Based on the current new motor oil usage rate at the facility. GE / GNF Wilmington is not required to perform analytical monitoring of vehicle maintenance activities. However, an annual check of facility new motor oil usage is required to determine exemption from vehicle maintenance activity monitoring. • Annual Employee Training For personnel involved in operations that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff, annual training is required on: (1) proper spill response and cleanup procedures, and(2)preventative maintenance activities. • Non-Stormwater and Discharge Assessment Annual inspections and documentation at all sixteen outfalls that there are no non-stormwater flows present is required. Note that all certain discharges(e.g., ac condensate and firefighting flows) are allowed. • Annual SPPP Review and Update—Whenever there is a change in facility design, construction, operation, or maintenance, which affects the potential for pollutant discharge to surface waters, the SPPP will be mended. Ata a minimum, however, the SPPP must be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. GE/GNF Wilmington 7-2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 8.SPPP SUMMARY SECTION 8 SPPP SUMMARY 8.1 GENERAL This section has been prepared as a summary of the SPPP elements to assist the facility personnel with implementation. A brief description of the purpose and intent of each section is provided. 8.2 PURPOSE OF PLAN Stormwater pollution is created when pollutants from industrial areas mix with stormwater. This contaminated runoff is potentially detrimental to the environment, particularly, the surface water bodies that receive the runoff. The purpose of the plan is to bring about a reduction in the quantity of pollutants entering the stormwater system from industrial areas. 8.3 SPPP ELEMENTS The sections of the SPPP are briefly discussed. Section 1.0-4ntroduction. The purpose of the plan and a description of the format used to develop the plan are discussed in this section. Section 2.0—SPPP Certification and Coordination. A signature block is provided for the authorized signature of a facility representative. The representative's signature certifies that all information in the SPPP is true and accurate. SPPP implementation and coordination requirements are presented. Section 3.0—Site and Source Description. A description of the drainage characteristics of the facility and the pollutant sources is provided in this section. Figures showing drainage features, locations of significant materials, and areas of industrial activity are included. Any future physical changes to the facility that would alter the drainage characteristics or changes in the industrial activities at the site should be reflected in a revised SPPP. Identification of potential pollutant sources is the first step in reducing stormwater pollution. Sources can be identified through the mandatory inspection program; however, the plan will be more effective if all employees develop an awareness of potential pollutant sources (see Section 4.5, Employee Training). This section should be updated as changes occur and during the annual SPPP review. Areas of the facility to look for potential pollutant sources include the following: • Areas where materials are improperly stored and are exposed to stormwater; • Locations where materials are transferred or handled; GE/GNF Wilmington 8-1 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 8.SPPP SUMMARY • Trash storage areas; and • Roof areas with vents or equipment. Conditions that may indicate potential sources include: • Signs of poor housekeeping (i.e. debris and clutter, unswept floors and pavement,uncovered materials, etc.); • Spots,pools,puddles, or other traces of oil, grease, or other chemicals on the ground or pavement; • Discoloration,residue, or corrosion around roof vents or pipes; • Leaking equipment,pipes, or containers; • Areas where sorbent materials have been used; • Observations of smoke, dirt, odors, or fumes indicating material losses; and • Improperly stored and labeled materials. Section 4.0—Stormwater Management Controls. Existing BMPs and stormwater controls to either prevent or reduce stormwater pollution are described. Future stormwater controls and a schedule for implementing the controls are also provided in this section. Some of the practices or stormwater controls that are considered include: 1. Good housekeeping: • Keep all areas clean and in an orderly condition. Good housekeeping procedures will considerably improve the quality of the stormwater runoff. These measures should be employed as often as necessary. 2. Preventive maintenance: • Semiannual inspections to check the operation of stormwater management devices (i.e. catch basins and oil/water separators), and process and material handling equipment; • As required,maintenance and cleaning of stormwater management devices; • As required, maintenance of process and material handling equipment. Records of inspections and maintenance must be retained as part of the SPPP. GE/GNF Wilmington 8-2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SECTION 8.SPPP SUMMARY 3. Spill response and prevention: • Identification of areas where spills can occur; • Material handling procedures are specified to prevent or reduce risk of spills; and • Identify procedures and equipment for cleaning up spills. The emphasis of this section is to prevent spills from occurring. If a spill should occur, correct reporting and cleanup procedures must be followed. The Chemical Spill Response Procedures Plan is referenced for proper spill prevention, cleanup and notification procedures. The Plan needs to be kept up-to-date with required federal, state,and local spill reporting requirements. 4. Annual employee training: • Explain to employees the purpose and importance of the SPPP; and • Instruct employees on the implementation of BMPs. Section S.O—Ton-Stormwater Certification. Non-stormwater discharges are not allowed under the Stormwater Permit. This SPPP certifies that all stormwater outfalls have been evaluated and found to be free of non-stormwater discharges. Examples of non-stormwater discharges that are not allowed include: water used in the manufacturing process, non-contact cooling water, vehicle wash water, the use of detergents in external building and plant yard wash downs, and sanitary wastes. Visual inspections for non-stormwater sources are recommended twice a year. Section 6—Stormwater Monitoring.Analytical and visual stormwater monitoring procedures, as well as reporting requirements, are described in detail. In summary, analytical monitoring of three representative outfalls (9, 13, and 14) is required during a representative storm event. The frequency of analytical monitoring is based on initial sampling results. Visual monitoring at all stormwater discharge outfalls must be conducted semiannually (once in the spring from April through June, and once in the fall from September through November). Annual analytical monitoring results must be reported to the Director of Environmental Management no later than January 31 for the previous ye that the sampling was performed. Section 7—Compliance Conditions. The schedule for the preparation of the SPPP and for compliance with the SPPP is provided as per the permit requirements. Additionally, a summary of key activities required by the SPPP is outlined in this chapter. Section 8—SPPP Summary.The major elements of the SPPP are summarized by chapter. Appendix A—Stormwater Permit No.NCS000022 Appendix Blank Sample Forms Appendix C--Outfall Identification Placard Photographs GE/GNF Wilmington 8-3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan GNF-Americas/ GE Nuclear Energy/ Year GE Aircraft Engines CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF FACILITY CHANGES Wilmington, North Carolina AFFECTING STORMWATER QUALITY FORM A GNF-Americas/ GE Nuclear Energy/ Year GE Aircraft Engines ANNUAL PLAN REVIEW Wilmington, North Carolina SUMMARY OF CHANGES: SIGNATURE: Annual Review Form FORM B RELEASE OF ACCUMULATED STORMWATER Secondary Containment Structure: Visual Observation of Accumulated Stormwater Quantity Released to Storm Required Date: Inspector Color Foam Visible Sheen Approx Water System Sampling? FORM C GNF-Americas/ GE NUCLEAR ENERGY/GE AIRCRAFT ENGINES DATE: WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA INSPECTOR: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION PROGRAM MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION REPORT SIGNIFICANT MATERIAL/ ACTION REQUIRED ACTION TAKEN CONTROL STRUCTURE OBSERVATION (CLEANING/REPAIR) (DATE AND SIGNATURE) Note: Please maintain inspection/maintenance report with SPPP. FORM D EMPLOYEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING OUTLINE The following elements are part of the Employee Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training Program: ■ GE/GNF Wilmington facility policy. ■ Spill prevention and response procedures. ■ Pollution control laws and regulations. i. Chemical spill--reportable quantity. ii. Duty to report. iii. Duty to mitigate pollution of all kinds. ■ Good housekeeping and material management practices. ■ Facility features and operation designed to minimize stormwater pollution. ■ Inspection responsibility. ■ Reporting procedure. ■ Follow-up policy. ■ The rights and duties of employees as set forth in the law. ■ Pollution prevention measures. ■ Inspection requirements/responsibilities. ■ Reporting procedure. FORM E EMPLOYEE EDUCATION AND TRAINING hereby certify that the employees listed below have (Instructor's Name) undergone the Employee Stormwater Pollution Prevention Training Program at the GNF-Americas/GE Nuclear Energy/GE Aircraft Engines-Wilmington,North Carolina facility on . The program included the elements shown on the Employee Education and Training Outline. Instructor's Signature Date List of Attendees Attendee Social Security Number Si - FORM E (continued) ANALYSIS REQUEST FORM GNF-Americas/GE Nuclear Energy/GE Aircraft Engines Wilmington, North Carolina Total Volume Preservative Parameter Number Required Vessel Added Holding Time NH3 and N 3 Full Bottle Bottles 1,35 Y 48 hrs Nitrite+Nitrate 3 Full Bottle Bottles 1,35 Y 48 hrs (NO2+NO3) Total Fluoride 3 Full Bottle Bottles 2A6 N 28 days Anticipated Sampling Date: FORM G CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD FOR STORMWATER SAMPLING GNF-Americas/GE Nuclear Energy/GE Aircraft Engines Wilmington, North Carolina DATE TIME SITE # SAMPLE #'S COMMENTS SAMPLER'S NAME Relinquished By (Signed) Representing Date/Time Received By (Signed) Representing Date/Time Relinquished By (Signed) Representing Date/Time Received By (Signed) Representing Date/Time FORM H FIELD DATA SHEET GNF-Americas/GE Nuclear Energy/GE Aircraft Engines Wilmington, North Carolina MONITORING LOCATION: DATE: SAMPLER(S): TIME: RAINFALL START: RAINFALL END: RAINFALL DEPTH: SAMPLE METHOD: NUMBER OF GRAB SAMPLES: HAND AUTOMATIC SAMPLER VISUAL OBSERVATIONS: COLOR: FOAM: OIL/GREASE SHEEN: OTHER OBSERVATIONS: SAMPLING CREW SIGNATURE(S): FORM Outfall Date 50050 1051 530 552 400 Total Total Lead, Non-Polar No. Sample Total Total Susp. Oil& H Rainfall Collected Flow(if Recoverab Solids p a le Grease mo/dd/yr MG inches mg/l mg/l mg/l S.U. 9 4/23/2018 2.67 <5.0 *<25 <5.4 7.2 9 4/23/2018 2.67 <5.0 *<25 <5.4 7.2 Duplicate 13i 4/23/2018 2.67 <5.0 *<25 <4.9 7.2 15i 4/23/2018 2.67 <5.0 *<25 <5.4 7.2 9 10/26/2018 1.96 0.003 7 <2.0 7 9 10/26/2018 1.96 0.003 5 <2.0 7 Duplicate 13i 10/26/2018 1.96 <0.001 4 <2.0 7.1 15i 10/26/2018 1.96 <0.001 4 <2.0 7 9 4/2/2019 1.26 0.002 <4.0 <5.0 7.3 9 Duplicate 4/2/2019 1.26 0.002 <4.0 <5.0 7.3 13i 4/2/2019 1.26 <0.001 4 <5.0 7.2 15i 4/2/2019 1.26 <0.001 <4.0 <5.0 6.9 9 11/5/2019 1.1 0.00127 ND ND 7.1 9 Duplicate 11/5/2019 1.1 0.00131 ND ND 7.1 13i 11/5/2019 1.1 0.00143 14.8 ND 7 15i 11/5/2019 1.1 0.001 13.7 ND 7.1 9 3/31/2020 0.61 ND 6.57 ND 7.1 9 Duplicate 3/31/2020 0.61 0.00267 4.8 ND 7.1 13i 3/31/2020 0.61 ND 5 ND 7 15i 3/31/2020 0.61 ND 8.33 ND 7 9 11/6/2020 0.03 ND 6.09 ND 7.3 9 Duplicate 11/6/2020 0.03 ND 6.63 ND 7.3 13i 11/6/2020 0.03 ND 8.4 ND 6.7 15i 11/6/2020 0.03 ND 3.13 ND 6.5 9 5/7/2021 0.93 4.03 5.5 <6.25 6.93 9 Duplicate 5/7/2021 0.93 3.85 5.11 <6.25 6.93 13i 5/7/2021 1 0.93 1 <2 7.73 <5.88 7.67 15i 5/7/2021 1 0.93 1 <2 25.6 <5.88 7.25 9 9/7/2021 1.5 ND 3.1 ND 7.12 9 Duplicate 9/7/2021 1.5 ND 3.1 ND 7.12 13i 9/7/2021 1.5 ND 2.9 ND 7 15i 9/7/2021 1.5 ND 18.2 ND 7 9 3/10/2022 0.37 ND 2.9 ND 7.51 9 Duplicate 3/10/2022 0.37 ND 2.8 ND 7.51 13i 3/10/2022 0.37 ND 6.27 ND 6.95 15i 3/10/2022 0.37 ND 8.2 ND 6.94 9 10/13/2022 0.29 7.87 ND ND 7.69 9 Duplicate 10/13/2022 0.29 8.58 ND ND 7.54 13i 10/13/2022 0.29 ND ND ND 6.23 15i 10/13/2022 0.29 ND 5.83 ND 6.67 + �.Mort�� olErsa State of North Carolina Division of Environmental Health Micttae,F.Easley, i Terry L. Pierce, Director Department of Environment and Radiation Protection Section Natural Resources Wisimof Miam G.Ross,Secretary v vnutdt xeaHealtht En . Beverly O. Hall, Chief a To: Kelly Johnson, Environmental Engineer DWQ Storm Water Permitting Unit From: Beverly O. Hall, Chief Radiation Protection Section Re: Storm Water Protection Permit Benchmark for Uranium Date: February 28. 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Based on discussions with representatives of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC), Storm Water Protection (SWP) and Global Nuclear Fuels (GNF), I believe we are well founded in making the following recommendation concerning the SWP Permit for the Wilmington fuel facility: • Benchmark for Uranium: 300 pCi/1 based on the effluent limits in Table 2, Column 2 of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 20, with a compliance point at a location representative of the site boundary. • Sampling Protocol: One representative sample per year to be collected during a runoff event meeting the guidance established by the SWP Section. The representative sample location being an outfall beyond the site darn which is a central collection point for site storm water. BASIS: The activities through which any Uranium would reach the environment from GNF facility in Wilmington are regulated under a license issued by the USNRC. As a result;the USNRC retains exclusive federal jurisdiction for radioactive materials within the site boundary unless such materials are not directly covered by the USNRC license. Since the radioactive materials that could potentially appear in storm water runoff are covered by the USNRC license. the effluent is subject to the requirements of Table 2 Column 2 of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 20 under the current facility license. The original benchmark of 30 ppb proposed by SWP was based on the drinking water standard. This limit is commensurate with the levels in Table 3 of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 20; however, Table 3 is for the average concentration of radioactive materials in water discharged to the sanitary sewer, which assumed additional treatment would occur prior to release of the water back to the environment. The effluent in question is not discharged to the sanitary sewer, so the value in Table 2 Column 2 for general effluent release is more appropriate. The Radiation Protection Section (RPS) maintains a high level of confidence in the USNRC's ability to(I effectively regulate this facility under the existing license; however, in the interest of good stewardship on the parts of the interested state agencies and GNF as a stakeholder, we believe that an agreement can be reached under the terms listed in the recommendation above. 1645 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1645 ne Phone(919) 571-4141 / Fax (919) 571-414$ orthCarofina http:/twww_ncradiation.net Aaturally An Equa$Opportunity!A1Tn native Acton Employer Any storm water effluent levels reaching or exceeding the benchmark would be subject to regulatory oversight by the USNRC_ Any actions taken by GNF to comply with the USNRC regulatory limit would likely satisfy the requirements of the documented pollution prevention plan required by SWP if a benchmark has been exceeded. In addition. GNF has an extensive decommissioning plan, which includes guaranteed funding_ This plan ensures that the entire site. including any identified offsite locations with radioactive materials in concentrations greater than those expected and likely to cause the highest exposed individual to receive 25 rnWyr, will be remediated before the site can be released for either restricted or unrestricted use. Taking all of these factors into consideration leads me to believe that we can get a cooperative agreement with GNF to comply with the permit proposed by SWP under the reasonable terms outlined in the recommendation. If we are not successful in achieving this cooperative agreement, l would suggest that we work with the USNRC to get storm water runoff sampling/testing added to the required tests for effluents identified in the GNF license. [� $Y- CnF o ComQt� W ki H Q 16v (—Jo 0aw1zC- �"mI'r a�Ct,z ctiR Carnes \ o 'A EL - Cc: Lee Cox, Manager Radioactive Materials Branch Dale Dusenbury, Manager Emergency Response & Environmental Branch Robin Haden, Nuclear Engineer Mike A. Kelly, Deputy Director DEH Robert Trojanowski, Regional State Liaison Officer, NRC Region 11 Allen Mabry, GNF * Dale Dusenbury has the calculations and other technical data supporting the RPS recommendation. They are available upon request. Reference Mass based values in Activity based Basis m and ppb values(See Note) SWP Section 0.03 mg/L 30 pCi/L (See Note) Based on Kidney 30 ppb toxicity RPS N/A 300 pCi/L < 100 mrem dose— (Same as NRC General Public in Table 2. Column 2) 10 CFR 20 NRC NIA 3000 pCi/L 500 mrem dose (Effluent to Sewer's limit Based on Value) Appendix B to 10 CFR 20 Note : (1pCi/I µg) Uranium mass to activity conversion Factor is used to find Equivalent Activity(pCi/L) from mg/L U values. The 1pCi/lµg factor uses EPA conversion factor as an approximation for natural uranium with 99.993% U-238.. See EPA December 2000 Radionuclides Rule for Drinking Water FR Vol.65,num.236 p.76713. Limiting, activity values taken from Table 2 column 2 and from Table 3 in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B based on U-238 values alone. Units are µCi/mL for fluid volume. . Basis Calculations Standard suggested in Stormwater Permitting e-mail-0.03 mg/L based on EPA Maximum Contaminant Level based on kidney toxicity(see December 2000 Radionuclides Rule for Drinking Water FR Vo1.65,num.236 p.76714) 0.03 mg/L X 1000 ppb-L/mg=30 ppb Lower limit proposed by SWP converted to activity units 0.03 m X 103 m = 30 /L X 1 Cil = 30 pCi/L � µFA � µg P µ� Values from Appendix B in 10 CFR 20 are based on internal dose modeling and dose conversion factors found in Report 30 of the ICRP(International Commission on Radiation Protection. RPS Proposed Limit based on 100 mrem dose limit to the public found in Table 2 Column 2 of 10 CFR 20 Appendix B 3 X I 0-'µCi/mL X 1000 mUL X 106 pCi/µCi=300 pCi/L Upper Limit NRC Sewer Limit values-Based on 500 mrem/yr. to public in Table 3 of Appendix B of 10 CFR 20 3 X 1 O-6µCi/mL X 1000 mL/L X 106 pCi/µCi=3000 pCM BDD 3/2107Pinal calculation for stormwater GNF Storm Water Permit Subject: GNF Stonn Water Permit From: Beverly Hall <beveriy.hall@ncmail.net> Date: Thu 01 Mar 2007 10:42:53 -0500 To: Kelly P Johnson <KeIly.P.Johnson@ncmail.net> CC: Lee Cox <lee.cox@ncmail.net>, Robin Haden<Robin.Haden@ncmail.net>. "Mabry, Allen M. (GNF)" <Allen.Mabry@gnf.com> Kelly, Thank you for your providing the Radiation Protection Section the opportunity to comment on the realistic benchmark values for Uranium in your storm water permitting process for the Global Nuclear Fuels Facility. I have attached RPS' s recommendation, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Beverly 0. Hall Beverly Hall <beverly.hallPncmail.net> Section Chief DENR/Division of Environmental Health Radiation Protection Section GNF Storm Water Permit-1.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 I of 1 3/2/2007 3:26 PM 11/15/22, 12:04 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results • File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online - Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre-Populated Annual Report form • Print an Amended a Annual Report form Limited Liability Company Legal Name Global Nuclear Fuel-Americas, LLC Information Sosld: 0515218 Status: Current-Active O Date Formed: 12/29/1999 Citizenship: Foreign State of Incorporation: DE Annual Report Due Date: April 15th Currentgnnual Report Status: Registered Agent: CT Corporation System Addresses Reg Office Reg Mailing Mailing 160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 191 Rosa Parks Street Raleigh, NC 27615-6417 Raleigh, NC 27615-6417 Cincinnati, OH 45202 Principal Office 3901 Castle Hayne Road Wilmington, NC 28402 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Chief Operating Officer Jay Wileman 3901 Castle Hayne Road Wilmington NC 28402-2819 https://www.sosnc.gov/online_services/search/Business_Registration_ResuIts 1/2 11/15/22, 12:04 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results https://www.sosnc.gov/online_services/search/Business_Registration_ResuIts 2/2 GE Wilmington Individual NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Application No. NCS000022 Submitted By Karen Williams EHS Specialist 910-547-2758 May 2018 1 � GE Wilmington 14AY 3 � 2018 Individual NPDES Stormwater �A,iFRp � �,,,, pp Permit Renewal Application ��Ir/"rl No. NCS000022 Submitted By Karen Williams EHS Specialist 910-547-2758 May 2018 GNMr Global Nuclear Fuel A Joint Venture of GE,Toshiha,&Hitachi Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas,UC 3901 Castle Fayne Road,Wilmington,NC 28401 (910(547-2758(Mobile) ka ren.W i ll iams @ge.com May 25, 2018 SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal Stormwater Planning Program 1612 Mail Service Center STD'Clp Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 �M�'✓�i1ERpQ gCll�, rL11�ING Subject: GE Wilmington NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Application Permit Number: NCS000022 To Whom It May Concern: The GE/ Global Nuclear Fuel —Americas (GNF-A) Wilmington, North Carolina facility (GE Wilmington) is covered under NPDES Stormwater Permit No. NCS000022 for its stormwater discharges. This permit expires on November 301h, 2018 and the permit renewal application is due by June 3rd, 2018 per permit NCS000022, dated November 3rd, 2014 Attached are two copies of the NPDES stormwater permit renewal application and supplemental information. In addition, a copy of the August 13th, 1991 DWQ letter is attached and authorizes representative outfall status for Outfalls No. 9, 13, and 14. GNF-A respectfully requests continuation of representative outfall status. GNF-A also notes that representative status was changed from old Outfall No. 14 to the current Outfall No. 001 during the last permit renewal. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this renewal application and hope that it meets your approval. We are available to meet with you at your convenience to provide clarification on the renewal application. Please contact Karen Williams at 910-547-2758 if further information is desired. Sin � rely, , Ka e*ms1 ENS Specialist Attachments: Original plus two copies State of North Carolina 14 Department of Environment, Health, and"Natinal Resotmes Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street * Raleigh, North Carolina 276o4 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Eve=, Ph.D. William W. Cobey,Jr_, Secretary August 13, 1991 Director Herbert R. Strickler, Manager Environmental Protection & Industrial Safety Nuclear Fuel & Components Manufacturing General Electric Company P .O. Box 780 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 SUBJECT: Request for Designation of Substantially Identical Stormwatex Gutfalls `A` Dear Mr. Strickler: Your request dated July 19, 1991, for a determination that stormwater effluents from certain outfalls on your site are substantially identical at the Wilmington General Electric facility, has been reviewed by members of the water Quality Section -staff. You requested that outfall #j:9 be considered typical of outfalls 1-8, 1.1, 12 and 17 and outfall #14, containing runoff from road segments B and C, be considered representative of the stormwater runoff from the access road segments A, D, and E. In addition to the above sampling locations and per your discussions with Coleen Sullins, it is my understanding that the stormwater outfall from the western most portion of the site associated with the waste management areas (see attached Figure 5) will also be sampled for your permit application. Additionally, it is my understanding that the stormwater drainage associated with the bulk storage on the western side of the FMO facility, is captured and treated in your process waste treatment facility and therefore is not expected to be discharged into outfalls #17 or #12 . �\ I;;eg ww offices Ashevilic Cayetteville Mooresvillc Raleigh Vkdiirq an Wihniftmn Winston-Salem 704r151-6208 9191466.154t 70U663-1699 9191733 2314 919J946-6481 9191395-3900 9191761-2351 Rellrreon Prevention Pays PO. Box 29535, Raltigh,North Carolina 2762643535 Telephone 919-733-7015 1 . 14a TABLE i STORM WATER DRAINAGE SUBSTANTIALLY IDENTICAL AREAS-GE WILMINGTON REFERENCE FIGURE 5 FOR OUTFALL LOCATION AclWW1nlfn1ns yAm Typtrd8tttlao� cawam forla�rtd Pelntfor 13Ldk lquld BulkUatdd Taw M M+0'K char ml wmu Culfstl Ana 68=9 9ttud{n0 Equlprom attd tn.Ptioaru wum swags and starspa and Product Rlatatrrunsa Ababa Typr of Luca lan 1000 ftr pad Lwd Ground Raul Storm. _Wlertsth mock l� Ynnslrr Tntntsr Starr At" Roach D4drutm• 1 5 1m 0 0 x S 2 x10 25 W xt x x x x X x c 5 3m 1s 23 00 x x x x c 4 110 0 im o C 5 m 10 10 60 x x x x g a 15 20 50 7o x x x x sic 7 180 as S t0 x x X c a 1.2w 20 25 50 x x x x x c 0 1.44 10 40 sd x x x x x x x x x c �� 1a 40 0 100 a x x x B 11 20 5 w 45 x x c 12" 1,600 10 15 75 x x x x x x x c 1T 261i 10 40 SO x x x X x c -S ONE€T FLOW;C a PIPS OR DITCH -MS RRA[NAM AREA INCLUDES AN tlilxN RATCR PL%WrrED WMER RCRA;HAS NEV R BEEN USW TO9=NERATE FRCRA WASTES. REVISED 7/30/91 A6 - A Permit Coverage NCDENR Renewal Application Form NPDEN Permit Number NCSO00022 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Individual Permit .,,se provide your permit number in box in the upper right hand corner, complete the information in the space provided below and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated. Owner Information * Address to which permit correspondence will be mailed Owner/ Organization Name: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas LLC Owner Contact: Mr. Amir Vexler Mailing Address: PO Box 780 Wilmington, NC 28402 Phone Number: 910-819-1964 Fax Number: N/A E-mail address: Amir.vexler@ge.com Facility Information Facility Name: Wilmington—Castle Hayne Site Facility Physical Address: 3901 Castle Hayne Road Facility Contact: Karen Williams Mailing Address: PO Box 780, M/C A-55 Wilmington, NC 28402 Phone Number: 910-547-2758 Fax Number: E-mail address: Karen.williams@ge.com Permit Information Permit Contact: Karen Williams ,moiling Address: PO Box 780 M C A-55 Wilmington, NC_28402 ..one Number: 910-547-2758 Fax Number: E-mail address: Karen.williams@ge.com Discharge Information Receiving Stream: Northeast Cape Fear River & Prince George Creek Stream Class: C; SW; HQW & C;Sw Basin: Cape Fear River Basin Sub-Basin: 03-06-23 Number of Outfalls: 18 Facility/Activity Changes Please describe below any changes to your facility or activities since issuance of your permit. Attached a separate sheet if necessary. See attached Supplemental Information, Section 5. CERTIFICATION I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. Signature " Date '/ /29/S Amir Vaxlwr _ CFO GNE-A Print or type name of person signing above Title SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal Please return this completed application form Stormwater Permitting Program and requested supplemental information to: 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 CONTENTS SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION NO. TITLE 1 SITE MAP 2 ANALYTICAL MONITORING 3 VISUAL MONITORING 4 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 5 SIGNIFICANT FACILITY CHANGES 6 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CERTIFICATION n SECTION NO. 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION "� SITE MAP %-� SECTION NO. 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SITE MAP The GE Wilmington (GE-H Nuclear Energy / GE Aircraft Engine / Global Nuclear Fuel— Americas) facility, located in Wilmington, North Carolina in the County of New Hanover, encompasses approximately 1660 acres. The developed portions of the facility encompass approximately 342 acres. Undeveloped portions of the facility, encompassing over 1300 acres, are primarily forest or tidal areas. The attached Site Drainage and Significant Materials Map (Drawing No. 8002E99) presents the location of the industrial activities, stormwater drainage structures, drainage areas, outfalls, building locations, and roads for the developed portions of the facility. The GE Wilmington facility is bordered on the east by NC Highway 133, on the south by Interstate I140, on the west by the Northeast Cape Fear River and on the north primarily by undeveloped forestland. There are residential subdivisions to the northeast and southwest. Stormwater discharges to two receiving water bodies: the Northeast Cape Fear River and Prince George Creek. Neither is shown on the site map due to their distance from the developed portion of the facility. The Northeast Cape Fear River, located less than 1 mile west of the developed portion of the facility, receives the majority of the stormwater runoff, as well as treated process and sanitary wastewaters permitted under NPDES Permit No. NC0001228. Prince George Creek,located approximately 5 miles north of the facility,receives stormwater runoff from the eastern portion of the facility. There are seventeen storm water outfalls/drainage basins (1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7, 8/8I, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13/13i, 14, 15/15i, 16 and 18) for the developed areas of the facility. It is noted that there is no Outfall 17. Representative outfall status was granted by NC DWQ in a letter dated August 13, 1991 such that Outfalls#9,#13,and#14 were considered representative of all stormwater outfalls at the facility. Prior to the last permit renewal, the Outfall 1 drainage basin was redesigned and, with the last permit renewal, replaced Outfall 14 as representative of the roadways and on-site parking. Table 1 identifies the latitude and longitude, total drainage area, total impervious area, and receiving water body for each outfall. Table 2 presents the significant materials at GE Wilmington. These potential stormwater sources are numbered by outfall and are shown on the Site Drainage and Significant Material Map (Drawing No. 8002E99) using the source numbers from the first column of Table 2. GE\Wilmington—NMES Smtmwater Permit Renewal Section 1 Page 1-1 Table 1 Drainage Basin Areas Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water number (acre) M 1 340 19'12" -77055'27" 39.8 33 Prince George Creek 2 340 19'15" -77055'28" 7.9 18 Prince George Creek 3 340 19'19" -77055'29" 2.8 41 Prince George Creek 4 34019'26" -7705536" 6.2 92 Prince George Creek 5 34°19'27" -7705541" 4.6 18 Prince George Creek 6 34019'24" -7705545" 1.3 68 NE Cape Fear River 7 34019'24" -77055'45" 4.9 100 NE Cape Fear River 8 34019'25" -77055'45" 20.6 82 NE Cape Fear River 8I 34019'26" -77055'48" 9 34019'28" -77055'58" 37.7 55 NE Cape Fear River 10 34019'38" -770564" 1.6 20 NE Cape Fear River 11 340 19'33" -77056 1" 4.1 55 NE Cape Fear River 12 340 19'39" -77056 11" 21.4 48 NE Cape Fear River 13 340 19'45" -77056'29" 66.7 23 NE Cape Fear River .� 14 34019' -77055'30" 6.0 36 Prince George Creek 15 34019'31" -77055'37" 3.7 51 Prince George Creek 16 34019'36" -77056'51" 20.3 13 NE Cape Fear River 18 34019'46" 1 -77°56'8" 16.1 9 NE Cape Fear River The following Outfalls are defined by the permit for sampling purposes. They are not unique drainage areas but are subsets or combinations of the drainage areas listed above. Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water Number (acre) M 13i 34019'36" -77056'33 19.1 69 NE Cape Fear River 15i 34019'31" -77055'39" 71.0 37 Prince George Creek GE\C Jmington—NPDPS Stnrmwatcr Pcrost Rcnma► Section 1 Page 1-2 Table 2: Signitwarlt Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release � Number Materials Building Form Store Container Access Dike Curb Roof Process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release OUTFALL I CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Sem i-Annual) +OUTFALL CONDUCT.VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) 2 3-;1 SCO-Chemical Storage SCO Liquid X Drums \ X X(Valved) X (cast of bldy� 2-]I SCO Dumpstcrs(—4) SCO Solid X Dumpsters X X X(Valved) \ (cast of bldl} OUTFALL 3 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Annual) )-A AF-5,000-gal Used Oil Als liquid X "Tame X X X X(Valved) X Tank (east of bldoJ i I?uuble-Walled Tank (east of bldg)13 Als-G,000-},.al Used Oil AL Liquid X Tank Doubll walled X Dou61c-walled tank X(Valved) K(d(iuhlr-wall•J tank) AIh:- 1t1,W)-gal Used Oil AL Duublc-walled f" Double-Walled•Tank (cast of bld$0 Liquid X .hank X Double-walled tank X(Valved) X(Joublr-wallet tank) ll 11':-300-gal Used Oil AE Liquid -Tank X X X(Valved) X I(Naporator (cast o€bldg) S-Is Al?Dumpsters(9) AE(east a bld Solid X Dumpstcr X l X(Valved) Sire-221W-gal Diesel Duel Al: Liquid 1 Tank-Generator (cast of bldg) Liquid X -Tank X X(\'abed) X(Juu�lc-walled tank) OUTFALL 4 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Annual) OUTFALL S CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORDIWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) GIs Wilminlptun—NPD]sS Stormwatcr Pcrmit Itencwal Page I of 10 May 27, 20-18 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 Table 2: Signiticant Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Number' Significant BuiiJinh Pltysieal Load or Materials " Form Store Container Access Dike Curb Roof Process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release 5-A Al:—Oil Storage:Building; Afi Liquid X Drums in X N \ X X X (North of bldg.) building; 5-11 Al:Dumpstcrs(5) AV Solid X Dumpsters X N X N (north of bldg) 5-C Al--'North Cooling"Fowcr i1F Liquid Cooling \ N N (north of bldg) Tower 5-lD AE North Propylcnc Glycol AI> Liquid X Tank X X X Tank (north( bldp) OUTFALL 6 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Annual) AE'Southern Industrial AE? G-A laydown Area (Wes[4bldy) Solid X None X N N N OUTFALL 7 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Vi-(2)Ethylene Glycol Al,"7-A Li -Tanks (north of ble1g� yu!i \ Tanks(?) N \ N 741 At--Cooling;Tower Ali Liquid N Cording; (nordi of bldg} Tmvcr Computer Room Als Tank—double N y 7 I Eimergcnry Generator (north of bldgJ 1"0`l`"i X wall N N Double Wall"Tank OUTFALL CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- 8/81 Annual) S-A Metal Chips in Dempster A[' Solid X Dumps,r N x N Return to process X (under roof) (NW of bldg 8-13 'Source Removed GE Wilmington—NI'Dl.i'S Stonnwater permit Renewal Page 2 of 10 May 27, 2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 Table 2: Signitwant Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Significant Phcsic:+l Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Number' Materials Building Form Store Container Access Dike Curb Roof process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release 8-C Source Removed 8-D SCO Cafe Dumpstcrn(3) SCO Sotid X Duml)Stcr \ X(2) X(I X X (west of bld�) closed) ,C' Cafctcria Grcasc SCo I,iLluid \ Metal Hw X X X Accumulation Bin (west of bldu 5-I. Pro tone Glycol Tank West of G1`94) Li+uid X I'awk \ X X X X PY Y Blgd l West of(Al,90 Cooling CooGnl;'fuwcr I,iyu�d X \ X X BISd Towcr OUTFAI-L 9 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Annual) X(containment ,I FCO-2,t)10-gal Sodium FCC) l.iyui,i X 'yank X X \ X X(to Pumped back to I Iydroxide Solution"Tank (north of bldo process) process or Waste Na011 tank I<O-(2)4,800-h tl&(?} FC(7 X(to (containment 9-B 8,441tf-1 tl Waste ISteh Acid (north of bldl� J-itluid X Tanks{4} X X X \ X process) pumped back to Tanks4 total Waste Acid tank ��C FCO-14,I1(N)-gal Waste FCO Liquid X Tank X X \ \ X(to X(Copumpntainment back to Coolant'rank (north ofbld� Process) tank Fl:() $IIINI-lnl Nitric Acid X to X containment ! !'ank (north of 61do Liquid X Conk X X X \ \ Pr� „) pumped back to Waste Acid tank I-CO-5,4)wf-gat FCO 'Tank-double X X \ X(containment 11 drofhtoric Acid Tank Li uid X X X(to y (north of bldl;) N wail pumped back to Double Wall"yank prtx�s,) Waste Acid tank) FC0-5,000-hn!Waste hCO 9-1 r Sodium I lydroside Solution (north of bldl) Litluid X 'Tank X X \ X X X(to process) Tani L— � inment y 4. 11C0-2,000-gal Alkaline FCO Littuid X T:111 X \ \ X X(to [pumpedbacKto Cleaner(15"u)'rank (north of bldF) process) r Waste foal: C ili Wilminlnon—NPDFS Stormwater Pcmtit Renewal Page 3 of 10 May 27, 2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 Table 2: Signi>Ant Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Number Materials Building Form Store Container Access Dike Curb Roof Process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release FCO-400-gal Nitric Acid FCO X(to X(containment 9-11 Tank (north of bldg) Liquid X Tank X X X X X process) pumped back to Waste Acid tank) FCO-50-gal I lydrofluorie FCO X(to X(containment l Acid Tank (north of bld1� Liquid X Tank X X X X X process) pumped back to Waste Acid tank) 9'I FCO-Alkaline Cleaner FCO Solid X Drums on X X X X(to process) (NaOI4 Drums(-12) (north of bldg) Pallets 9 K I-CO-Scrap Metal FCO Solid X Dumpstcr X X X(to Dumpster(s) (north of bldo, process) 9-1. FCO-%ircaloy Chips in FCO Solid X Drums with X X X X Drums(2)(not in service) (north of bldg) lids on pallet 9-M Source removed Site-17W-gal Diesel Fuel Site 9-N Tank-Generator (east of FMO liquid X 'Tank X X X X bldg) Site-Flammable Site Cans in 9-0 Liquid/Paint Storage (west of Site liquid X Building X Now contained in above ground building—no stormwater exposure Building Maint.) Site-119-gal Diesel Fucl Site Tank—double X X(drain 9-1 Tank-Generator (at Water Liquid X wall X X openi Tower) Double Wall Tank Site-210-gal Diesel Fuel Site Tank—double X 9-Q Tank-Generator (at Water Liquid X wall X X X Tower) Double Wall'I'ank 9-R NU Cafc Dumpster New Cafeteria Solid X Dumpster X X X X 9-S FCO West Dumpstcrs(-3) FCO(West of Solid X Roll-off X X X building) 9-T NE SIC Dumpster SIC Nuclear Solid X Dumpster X X X p' Yard p 9-U Source RLmoved GL Wilmington—NPDGS Stomtwater Permit Renewal Page 4 of 10 May 27,2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 Table 2: SigniittAnt Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source' Significant Phvsical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Number Materials Building Form Store Container Access Dike Curb Roof Process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release FMO South Dum viers South casmtc �)-V p' solid X Dum titer X X } (-2) comer of FMO P' 9-W FCO I TVAC C:ooling`I'owcr North side of Liquid X Cooling X \ X X FCC) "Tower Sump FCO Process Cooling North Ccntral Coy>Lng x -X 'Power side of f CO Liquid X Tower Sump (1'o Process) Bast side of Cooling 9-Y FMO East Cooling Tower FMO Liquid X Power Sump, X \ X X X Plastic Tanks Metal Bin,w/ South of new lid 9-% NU Cafe Grea,c Bin eafereria l.iyuid `( containment tote South of I IF Cooling 9-AA DCP Cooling Tower Building Liquid X T ewer Sump, X Plastic Tanks 9-BB FMO IT Dumpstcr South of FMO timid X Dumpstcr OUTFALL 10 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Annual) In Site-Sulfuric Acid Tank Sitc 1 (Ou!oJ.S'errrce) (Last of aeration Liquid X Tank X X X X(diked area) X(diked area) basin) Sitc to-B Site-Sulfuric Acid Tank (east of aeration Litluid X 2x Wall Tank X X \ `C(to basin) process) OUTFALL 11 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORM`,tVATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Annual) Site-Scrap MctalJRccycle ( Site Dumpstcr 33-A south of Solid )C , Dumpstcrs(-10) so rolloff X X 31-B Source Removed Site-4,0oo-1m1 Gasoline& Site I 1-C, 5W-gal Dicscl Fuel Tanks (north of 1,1'-1uid X Tanks(2) X X X \ X warehouse) GL Wilmington—N I'D FS Stormwatcr Pcrmit Renewal Page 5 of 10 May 27, 2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 Table 2: Signill,.;ant Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Significant P Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release h}'sical Load or Number' Materials Building Form Store Container Access Dike Curb Roof Process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release Site-Chemical Rcecwin S r- SiCe Nu runoff from l l-b (west of Various \ Various X storage;Inside X X Only runoff is from X Stored Inside Building building access warchousc) Building .Sourcing.Sourcing-Chemica West OIls stored Liquid or l I-Is outside warchousc Sourcing Solid X Various X X Warchousc 11-1; Sourcing Dumpster West of Sol J X Dumpstcr X X Sourcing Bldg OUTFALL 12 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- Annual) Site-RCRA I laz Waste Site No runoff from 12-A Storage (Inside Controlled (west of Liquid X Drums X storage;Inside X X(Only runoff is From Accc.ss Buildin c warchsc) Builclin. loading/unloa(ling) Site-Chemical and Oil Site No runoff from from 12-k Storage (Inside Controlled (west of Liquid ar x Drums/ X storage;Inside \ X(Only runoff is unloading) Access Building) warehse) Granular Bafh/Can, Building loading/unloadin};) FMO-(3)Nitric Acid FMO(south- None- 12-t yanks(not in use) West f FNIO ",-PLY 'Tanks(3) X X X(to process) FMO(;outh- 12-1) FMO-Salt Brinc'l'ank West of FMO Rc>,n X 'yank X Double-walled tank X X(to process) bldg) FMO-Ammonium FhfO(south- Fluotide Sol'n Tank Tank(Out of N/At2 1 (ViOG bl) west d FMO None Service) 'Tank out of service X \ X(to process) (Owl a/.S'enrcr }} Fn{O-Ammonium Nitrate FMO(sourh- Sol'n Tank Tank(Out of N/A1_f (V 103) rues[of, Liquid Service) Trunk out of service X X X(to process) Put 01-Senir) bldg7 FA{O—Used Oil Scorn c FMO(south- Drum in 12-G , 1 West of FMO Liquid \ X \ X X [ad (Up to 12 drums) bidg) overpack FMO-(2)1 lydrofluorie f'MO(snuth- N/A 1211 'Tanks West of FMO Liquid Tanks(Out of I-ank out of X \ (Out n/.S�enrct) bldg) tiervicc) serriec 12-1 Source Removed GIs Wilmington—NPDES Stormwater permit Rcmwal Page 6 of 10 May 27, 2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 Table 2: Signitwant Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source t Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Number Materials Building Form Access Container Access Dike Curb Roof Process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release FMO-6W-Gal Used Oil 12-1 Incinerator Tank FMO(vest of Liquid X Wank X X X X (Nat in xre—Su/'S7nr) I,NAO bld� (Not in ore) 12 K FMO-(2)Diesel()enerators FNIO(west of Liquid X Reservoir X X t Drains to Containment fur X (55-gal oil reservoir/each) WO bld};} Source 12-0 1'MO-Uranium FNIO(West of 12-1, Compounds in cylinders. FMO bld S'lul X Steel cylinder X X X FMO-500-gml Fuel(ail FMO(West of IJuuble-Wallcd 1�'M Double-Wallcd Tank-To 1,MO bldg} Liquid X Tank X Double-walled tank X X(double-willed tank) Generator(elevated) 1 N FNIO-Oil/Lubricant Drum IWO(west of LiyuiJ X Drums X \ X Storage FMO bldQ FMO-2()AX)-Gal Fuel Oil FMO(west of 17() &5G5-Ial Kerosene'1'anks FMO bldp� I.iquiJ \ yanks{2} \ \ X 12-1' Sourcc Removed 12-R FNIO West Dumpstcn FNIO(west of „hl \ DumPstcr S \ X bldg 12-S Fli"l'Dumpster West of FFT tirdtd X Dumpster X Bldg West side of Coaling 12-T FMO West Cooling Tower hMO 1.111ietl X Tower Sump, X \ \ X Plastic Tanks South side of Cooling 12-{) IncincratorCouiingTower lneincratur i 1L1uE11 X Tower Sump, X X Plastic Tanks OUTFALL 13 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORAIWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Se")i- Annual) OUTFALL CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi- 13i Annual) GP.Wilmington—NI DF.S Stormwater Pemur Renewal Page 7 of 10 May 27, 2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 l Table 2: Signiii..-ant Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Number' Materials Building Form Store Container Access Dr7te Curb Roof Process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release WT-Treated I Iydrofluoric Waste Treat/ 13-AOI lank URI.S Liquid X Tank X X X X X(to process) (WT V-911()) WT-I I drated Limc'fank Waste Treat/ Powder ttc 13-A112 (Wl'V-118) URLS Slurry X Tank X X X X(to process) WI'-Treawd Plating& Lteh Sludge Tanks Waste T Slud reat/ Tanks(Out of N/A 13-A113 (WT V-115/V-113) URI.S ge Service) Tanks out of service X X X X(to process) (Orrl ofSeniV) 13-A04 Source Removed WI'-Calcium fluoride Waste Treat/ No runoff;Inside 13-AO5 (treated I IF)-Loaded URI S Filter Cake Truck Trailer X Building X X X(to process) Inside Building WT-Ammonium Nitrate 13-A116 Solution in Sump Waste Treat/ Liquid Truck Sump X X it(return n X(to basins) (out of service) UR1S nitrate basins) 13-A117 Source Rcmoved WT-Calcium Fluoride 13-AOH Sludge in Basins Waste Treat/ Sludge X Basins(2) X X X X(to process) (empty,out of service) UIt1 ti 13-A09 Source Removed WT-Ammonium Nitrate Waste"Treat/ 13-AIO Solution in Basins URI S Liquid X Basins(2) X X X X(to process) (out of service) 13-A13 Source removed 13-A14 Source Removed WT-I lydrofluoric 10"'. Waste Treat/ 13-A26 Solution'l'ank URl S Liquid X Tank X X X X X(to proces) (Wl V-81)11) WT-Ammonium Nitrate Solution Tank Waste Treat/ 'Tank(Out of N/A 13-A27 WT V-104) URI; Liquid Service) Tank out of seniee X X X X(to Process) Out a/.Senrre GE Wilmington—NPDLS Storrnwater Permit Rencwal Page 8 of 10 May 27,2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 Table 2: Signitivant Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Significant Physical Load or Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Number' Materials Building Form Store Container Access Dike Curb Roof Process WW Hold/Visual Storm Drain Drain Direct Inspection Before Release 13-A28 Waste Treatment Dumpstcr Waste Solid X Dumpstcr X \ X X Treatment W 1'/Uk2I.5-ti'nuth l.mergency Control Valve Wastc Treat/ X (Can be l i lil (Nnlu.Sewnr;77disi.ru URI.S N/;1 N/A N/A N!.1 \ X Closed) t (.ilNtn7/ W I'/Llltl S-Wee Fmcrgeney Control Valve Wastu Truat/ X (Can be l3-B_ eila Soanx;Tbirtra Ul(1 ti N/A NIA N/A N/A \ X t � Closed} Ci�ntrn! W l'/URI,S-Ea2sj lLncrgcney Control Valve 1lraste'frcat/ X ((_;Lot be IS li:i (Nola Saunr;Tbirrru URI ti N/l N/A N/A N%.1 S (;InsaJ} l•' Clinton!) V(fl'-Uranium Compound -wi/Sout1=,,t Solid X Nlctal Boscs /Waste Box Storage of 1C`nsrc'I-rear Wood Bose, 13-U Site-285-Gal Diesel Fuel Site(cast of Ere Li uid X 'rank X \ \ X 'rank @[tire Pond pond) 9 H-F. Wtilt(,Dumpsters(-4) WSF(: I Solid X Dumpstcr \ X OUTFALL 14 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) OUTFALL 1S CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) OUTFALL CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) 15i OUTFALL 16 CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Sethi-Annual) OUTFALL IS CONDUCT VISUAL INSPECTION OF STORMWATER DURING RAIN EVENT/DOCUMENT CHARACTERISTICS(Semi-Annual) Gloved ltl-rl Dried/'Cre.atcd Sludge ]roecss lagoon supersack with tiered X internal plastic Load under X N \ X on pad. Basin Site liner and outer re=<rL �l'"�'1 to 718 B Source ltcmoved (ill Wilmington—NPl]IsS Stormwater Permit Renewal Page 8 of 10 May 27, 2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 Table 2: Signiti ant Materials Structural Control Measure Employed Management Practice Source Destin.of SW Runoff Method of SW Release Significant Physical Load or Number' Materials Building Form Store Container Access Dt7ce Curb. .Roof VW Hold/Visual Storm Drain P D s in Direct Inspection Before Release 18-C Source Removed Sanitary Sludge filtrate Process lagoon —1()()()G 18-D (Nut in service) Basin Site I''yO1d X filtrate Tank X X X Sanitary Sludge Process Lagoon 18-[: Liquid X —6000 G"Tank X X X (Not in service) Basin Site Wastewater Process lagoon To Sanitary 18-1 (Not in scndee) Basin Site Liquid X —201N►G Tank X X Waste 18-(. Sanitary Sludge Process lagoon Liquid X —G(NN)G Tank X X X To Sanitary X (Not in service) Basin Site Waste 18-1 I Source Removed 18-1 Source Removed 18 J Process lagoon Covered Filter Cake Drying Bed Soli) X X X X X Basin Sitc building Raw Sanitary Sewage Process Lagoon Liquid/ 18 h (Not in service) Basin Site Slurry X Plastic"Tank X X X X GL Wilmington—NPDLS Stormwater Permit RenCwal Page 10 of 10 May 27,2018 Supplemental Information Section No. 1,Table 2 SECTION NO. 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ,.., ANALYTICAL MONITORING /090%\ SECTION NO. 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ANALYTICAL MONITORING A summary of nine analytical monitoring events conducted during the term of the existing permit is included on the subsequent pages. The permit requires analytical monitoring at three representative outfalls (#9, #13, and #14), on a semi-annual basis, for the entire duration of the permit. Samples were taken during a representative storm event. That is, grab samples were collected during discharge of a rainfall event greater than 0.1 inches and preceded by at least 72 hours in which no precipitation greater than 0.1 inches occurred. The following parameters and storm characteristics were monitored 1. Lead,total recoverable (mg/L) 2. Non-Polar Oil and Grease (mg/L) 3. Total Suspended Solids (mg/L), 4. pH (standard units) 5. Total Rainfall(inches) These values were reported to the Division on semi-annual Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Reports as required by the permit. For convenience, parameters 1-5 are summarized on Table 3 for each of the monitored outfalls. Additional monitoring for vehicle maintenance activities is not required for GE Wilrnington because the site does not use more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month when averaged over the calendar year. GE conducts ongoing monitoring of it new motor oil usage to ensure that it is below the threshold,and thus, exempt from additional monitoring. emoN GE\*dniingwn—NPDES Sconnwarer Pcnnst Renewal Section 2 Page 2-1 /00011, Outfall Date Sample Total Lead, TSS, Oil & Grease, pH, Collected Rainfall, in. m /L m /L m /L S.U. 9 5/8/2015 0.58 0.0152 <25 <5.6 6.9 Duplicate <25 <5.3 13i 5/8/2015 0.58 <0.01 <25 <5.3 7.0 15i 5/8/2015 0.58 <0.01 <25 <5.8 6.9 9 11/19/2015 2.06 <0.01 <25 <5.74 7.4 Duplicate <0.01 <25 <5.09 7.4 13i 11/19/2015 2.06 <0.01 42 <6.04 7.4 15i 11/19/2015 2.06 <0.01 46 <5.32 6.8 9 5/12/2016 143 <0.006 <7.2 <1.78 7.8 Duplicate . <0.006 <7.2 <1.89 7.8 13i 5/12/2016 1.43 <0.006 24 <1.94 7.0 15i 5/12/2016 1.43 <0.006 10 <2.09 7.0 9 11/4/2016 012 <0.005 <25 <5.0 7.6 Duplicate . <0.005 <25 <5.0 13i 11/4/2016 0.12 <0.005 <25 <5.0 6.9 15i 11/4/2016 0.12 <0.005 <25 <5.0 7.0 9 3/31/2017 057 <0.005 <25 7.4 7.4 Duplicate . <0.005 <25 <5.6 7.4 13i 3/31/2017 0.57 <0.005 <25 <5.4 6.9 15i 3/31/2017 0.57 <0.005 <25 <5.8 7.0 9 8/28/2017 065 <0.005 *40.8 <5.6 6.8 Duplicate . <0.005 *40.8 <5.4 6.8 13i 8/28/2017 0.65 <0.005 *<25 <5.6 7.0 15i 8/28/2017 0.65 <0.005 *<25 <6.0 6.9 9 10/10/2017 0.07 ___ *<25 --- --- Duplicate *<25 13i 10/10/2017 0.07 --- *<25 --- --- 15i 10/10/2017 0.07 --- *<25 --- --- 9 4/23/2018 267 <0.005 <25 <5.4 7.2 Duplicate . <0.005 <25 <5.4 7.2 13i 4/23/2018 2.67 <0.005 <25 1 <4.9 6.7 15i 4/23/2018 2.67 <0.005 <25 <5.4 7.2 * Due to lab error, TSS for sample pulled 8/28/2017 was analyzed out of hold time. Qualified results received are reported. Replacement sample pulled 10/10/2017 and TSS results for that date are also reported. /"1 GC Wilmington NPDGS Stormwater Permit Renewal Section 2 Page 2-2 SECTION NO. 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION /106.1 VISUAL MONITORING 000111�\ SECTION NO. 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION VISUAL MONITORING Qualitative visual monitoring occurs at all stormwater outfalls each year on a semiannual basis, once in the first half of the year between January 1 and June 30,and again in the second half between July 1 and December 30. There is a minimum of 60 days between any two monitoring events. Visual observation is conducted of the following characteristics: color,odor, clarity, floating solids, suspended solids, foam, oil sheen,erosion and any other indicator of stormwater pollution. To facilitate the visual monitoring inspections,placards have been posted at all stormwater outfalls.This ensures consistent location evaluation during visual monitoring,outfall inspections,and non-stormwater discharge assessments. Semi-annual outfall visual monitoring events are tracked in the Compliance Calendar. This program alerts the GE owner of the task that the visual monitoring must occur,and the task remains"open"until completed and closed in the system. The completed visual monitoring results are maintained in that year's SWPPP binder. The subsequent pages summarize the semi-annual visual monitoring results by outfall from December 2014 through December 2017. As of this submittal, the 1H 2O18 qualitative sampling has not been performed. The information has been summarized in the table based on inspection reports and work order documentation. Values greater or equal to 3 are investigated and documented in the SWPPP for that year. P"1 GE Warrington—NPDFS Stormuater Pettnst Renewal Section 3 2)18 Supplemental Info SW Pemtit Appl.docx Page 3-1 Table 4: ,visual MO itoring Results OUTL EROSION or #ALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITYL FLOATING SUSPENDED SOLIDS FOAMS S EIENB DEPOSITION OTHER 1 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Tannic NA 2 1 2 No No No NA 2 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Tannic NA 2 2 2 Yes No No Slight Foam 3 6/2/2015 F.Stroehmer Light Brown NA 2 1 2 No No No Pipe Rusted 4 6/2/2015 F.Stroehmer Clear NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 5 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Clear NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 6 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Clear NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 7 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Medium NA 4 2 4 No No No NA Grey/Green 8 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Medium NA 4 2 4 No No No NA Grey/Green 8i 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Medium NA 4 2 4 No No No NA Grey/Green 9 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Medium edi m NA 5 3 5 Yes No No Foam=4 10 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Clear NA 1 5 1 No No No Floating leaves and grass 11 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Clear NA 1 4 2 No No No Debris in area 12 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Light Brown NA 3 1 3 Yes No No NA 13 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Light Grey NA 3 3 3 No No No NA 13i 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Light Brown NA 2 2 2 No No No NA 14 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Tannic NA 1 1 1 Yes No No Very Slight Foam 15 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Dark Brown NA 4 3 3 Yes No No Slight Foam 15i 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Dark Browm NA 4 2 3 Yes No No Slight Foam-2 16 6/2/2015 F. Stroehmer Clear NA 2 3 2 No No No Solids=leaves, pine needles 18 6/2/2015 F.Stroehmer Light Brown NA 1 2 1 No No No NA 1 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, None None 1 1 1 No No No ND S. Fillmore F. Stroehmer, Medium Outfall pipe 2 9/25/2015 S. Fillmore Yellow None 1 1 1 No No No completely oxidized Bacterial sheen F.Stroehmer, Yes- in stagnant 3 9/25/2015 S. Fillmore Light Yellow None 2 1 2 No bacterial NO water. Outfall pipe rusted 4 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, None None 1 1 1 No No No ND S. Fillmore GE'Wilmington—NMES Stormwatcr Pcmut Renewal Page 1 of 8 September 26,2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3,Table 4 Table 4: )SUal W10 itoring Results OUT#FALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY2 FLOATINBOLTING S SSPENDED FOAMS S OIL DEPOSITION EROSION or OTHER Solids= 5 9/25/2015 F.Stroehmer,S. Fillmore None None 2 3 2 No No No vegetation and trash 6 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, _ No flow from S. Fillmore, outfall Very light white 7 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, Medium None 5 1 5 Yes No No foam where S. Fillmore Grey outfall meets ditch 8 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, Medium None 5 1 5 No No No ND S. Fillmore Grey Si 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, Light Grey None 4 1 3 No No No ND S. Fillmore 9 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, Clear None 1 1 1 No No No N/A S. Fillmore 10 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ --- No flow from S. Fillmore outfall Very small 11 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, None None 1 1 1 Yes No No presence of S. Fillmore, white foam on northern bank 12 9/25/2015 F.Stroehmer, Very light None 1 1 1 No No No ND S. Fillmore yellow 13 9/25/2015 F.Stroehmer, Very light None 1 2 1 Yes No No ND S. Fillmore yellow 13i 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, None None 1 1 1 No No No ND S. Fillmore F. Stroehmer, Very small 14 9/25/2015 S. Fillmore Light Yellow None 1 1 1 Yes No No floating clusters of white foam 15 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, Light Yellow None 2 1 1 No No No ND S. Fillmore 15i 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, Light Yellow None 2 1 1 No No No ND S. Fillmore 16 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, None None 2 1 2 No No No ND S. Fillmore 18 9/25/2015 F. Stroehmer, Very light None 1 1 1 No No No ND S. Fillmore yellow GF.Wilmington—NPDES Stormwater Permit Rcncwal Page 2 of 8 September 26,2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3,Table 4 Table 4: )Sual Mo itoring Results OUT#FALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY2 FLOSOATIING S SPE INDEDDS4 FOAMS S EE OIL DEPOSITION EROSION or OTHER 1 5/18/2016 F.Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No ND S. Fillmore 2 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, Clear,light NA 1 1 1 No No No Outfall pipe S. Fillmore yellow rusted 3 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, Clear,very NA 1 2 2 No No No Outfall pipe S. Fillmore light yellow rusted 4 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, Clear,very NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore light yellow 5 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 2 2 No No No NA S. Fillmore 6 5/18/2016 F.Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 7 5/18/2016 F.Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 8 5/18/2016 F.Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 8i 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, Clear,very NA 2 1 2 No No No NA S. Fillmore light grey Small(1"),white 9 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 2 Yes No No colored foam S. Fillmore bodies on surface 10 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, Clear, light NA 2 2 2 No No No NA S. Fillmore brown 11 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 12 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, Clear,very NA 2 1 2 No No No NA S. Fillmore light yellow 13 5/18/2016 F.Stroehmer, Clear,very NA 1 2 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore light yellow 13i 5/18/2016 F.Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore F. Stroehmer, Clear,very Small white 14 5/18/2016 S. Fillmore light yellow NA 2 3 2 Yes No No foam bodies(1") on surface 15 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, Clear, very NA 1 1 2 No No No NA S. Fillmore light yellow GE WiUnini ton—NI'DEti Stormxvatcr Permit Renewal Page 3 of 8 September 26,2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3,Table 4 Table 4: Asual Mo itoring Results OUT�FALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY2 FLOSOATIINGLIDS3 SUSPENDED SOLIDS4 FOAMS OIL EROSION or SHEENS DEPOSITION OTHER Very small white 15i 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, Clear,very NA 1 1 2 Yes No No foam bodies S. Fillmore light yellow (1/2")on surface 16 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 2 No No No NA S. Fillmore 18 5/18/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 1 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 N Outfall pipe 2 12/6/2016 S. Fillmore o No Yes rusted 3 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No Yes Outfall pipe S. Fillmore rusted 4 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 2 1 2 No No No NA S. Fillmore 5 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 6 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 7 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 8 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 8i 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 9 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No Yes Outfall pipe S. Fillmore rusted 10 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 11 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 12 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore GI:Wilmington—NPDES Swrmwater fermi[Renewal Page 4 of 8 September 26,2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3,Table 4 Table 4: )Sual Mo itoring Results OUT#FALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY2 FLOATINBOLTING SUSPEN SOLIDDED FOAMS S EE OIL DEPOSITION EROSION or OTHER 13 12/6/2016 F.Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 13i 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore F. Stroehmer, Small(1") 14 12/6/2016 S. Fillmore NA NA 2 2 2 Yes No No white/yellow foam bodies F. Stroehmer, Small(1")white 15 12/6/2016 S. Fillmore Light yellow NA 3 1 3 Yes No No foam bodies 15i 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, Light yellow NA 3 1 3 Yes No No Small(1")white S. Fillmore foam bodies 16 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 18 12/6/2016 F. Stroehmer, NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA S. Fillmore 1 6/5/2017 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 2 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No Yes Rusted outfall pipe 3 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No Yes Rusted outfall pipe 4 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 2 1 1 No No No NA 5 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 6 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 7 6/5/2017 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 8 6/5/2017 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 8i 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 9 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 2 1 No No Yes Rusted outfall pipe 10 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Outfall dry 11 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 12 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA GE Wilmington—N13DES Stor mvater Permit Rene\Val Page 5 of 8 September 26,2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3,Table 4 Table 4: )Sual Mo itoring Results OUTFALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY2 FLOATING SUSPENDED FOAMS OIL EROSION or OTHER # SOLIDS3 SOLIDS° SHEEN6 DEPOSITION 13 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 13i 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 14 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 2 1 2 No No No NA 15 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer Light Yellow NA 2 1 2 No No No NA 15i 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer Light Yellow NA 2 1 2 No No No NA 16 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 18 6/5/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 1 12/7/2017 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 2 1 No No No NA 2 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No Rusted outfall pipe 3 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No Rusted outfall pipe 4 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 5 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 6 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 7 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 8 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 8i 12/7/2017 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 9 12/7/2017 F.Stroehmer NA NA 2 1 2 No No Yes Rusted outfall Pipe 10 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Outfall dry GE Wilmington—NPDES Stonnwatcr Pcrmit Renewal Page 6 of 8 September 26,2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3,Table 4 Table 4: )Sual Mo itoring Results OUTFALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY2 BOLTING SUSPEND FLOATIN SOLIDSED FOAMS S EE OIL DEPOSITION EROSION or OTHER 11 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 2 1 1 No No No NA 12 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 13 12/7/2017 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 13i 12/7/2017 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 14 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 15 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer Very light NA 2 1 2 No No No NA yellow/clear 15i 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer Light yellow NA 2 1 2 No No No NA 16 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 18 12/7/2017 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 1 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 2 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No Yes Rusty Outfall Pipe 3 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 2 1 No No No Rusty Outfall Pipe 4 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 5 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 6 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 7 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 8 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 8i 5/15/2018 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 9 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 2 2 2 No No Yes Outfall Pipe Rusted GIs Wilmington—MIMS Stocmwatcr Permit Renewal Page 7 of 8 September 26,2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3,Table 4 Table 4: )Sual Mo itoring Results OUTFALL DATE INSPECTOR COLOR ODOR' CLARITY2 BOLTING SUSPEND FLOATIN SOLIDSED FOAMS S EE OIL DEPOSITION EROSION or OTHER 10 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Dry,no flow 11 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 2 1 No No No NA 12 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 13 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 2 1 1 No No No NA 13i 5/15/2018 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 14 5/15/2018 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 15 5/15/2018 F.Stroehmer NA NA 1 2 1 No No No NA 15i 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 2 1 No No No NA 16 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA 18 5/15/2018 F. Stroehmer NA NA 1 1 1 No No No NA ' Odor: Inspectors used a variety of designations for No Odor including"None", "NA" = none. 2 Clarity: Rated 1-5 with 1 = Clear and 5 = Very Cloudy. Floating Solids: Rated 1-5 with 1 = no solids and surface covered with floating solids. a Floating Solids: Rated 1-5 with 1 = no solids and surface covered with floating solids. 5 Foam: Inspectors used a variety of designations including"Yes","No" and ratings of 1-5 with 1 = no foam and 5 = complete foam coverage. Oil Sheen: Inspectors designate "Yes" or"No"visible sheen. "NA" Inspector indicates none. No odor, no color, no other notes or observations. "ND" indicates no description or comment written on the logsheet for this entry. "---" = No water present to observe. GE'Wilmington—NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Page 8 of 8 September 26,2011 Supplemental Information Section No. 3,Table 4 SECTION NO. 4 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ,� BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ,-� SECTION NO. 4 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES GE Wilmington is committed to preventing pollution at the source, and as such, has implemented numerous best management practices (BMPs) and at-source stormwater pollution prevention controls to reduce the quantity of pollutants in the stormwater runoff. The structural controls (e.g.,containment,dike,curb,and/or roof] and management practices employed at the individual significant materials at GE Wilmington are listed in Table 2 in the Supplemental Information Section No. 1. The site-wide BMPs that are utilized by GE Wilmington are described in this section and include: => Good Housekeeping, => Inspections/Preventative Maintenance Program, => Outside Material Storage/Tanks/Secondary Containment, =:> Material Handling, => Spill Prevention and Response, => Sewer and Outfall Identification,and => Employee Training. Good Housekeeping GE Wilmington maintains a clean and orderly facility through implementation of a variety of programs,practices, and procedures, including: ■ Regular pickup and disposal of garbage and debris ■ Routine inspection for leaks ■ Proper material container storage practices ■ Identification and labeling of all chemical substances ■ Disposal of old equipment and used chemicals These housekeeping practices help to reduce waste and pollutant generation as well as the potential for spills and leaks. Inspections/Preventative Maintenance Program The preventive maintenance program at GE Wilmington ensures that the stormwater control facilities are clean and operating effectively. The program consists of visual inspection, cleaning, and repair activities. Inspections are conducted at the stormwater controls and the significant materials identified on the Site Map and Table 2 in the Supplemental Information Section No. 1. At a minimum, these inspections are conducted semiannually. Upon GE%Urnington—NMES Stormwater Pcra it Renewal Section 4 Page 4-1 eon,"\ completion of the inspection, any cleaning and repair activities, if needed, are documented. Completion of the inspections, cleaning,and repairs are tracked electronically. Specific inspection areas include: ■ Material handling and storage areas ■ Secondary containment areas ■ Stormwater outfalls ■ Catch basins and trench drains ■ Roofs and covers ■ Potential spills and areas of possible contamination Outside Material Storage/Tanks/Secondary Containment GE Wihnington's practices and activities related to outside material storage areas and aboveground tanks are in place to prevent or minimize contact of significant materials with stormwater. Many material storage areas are covered and/or have containment curbing or grading. Aboveground tanks are in compliance with federal and state laws for containment, integrity testing, overflow protection, and protective guards. Stormwater retained by the curbing or dikes is visually inspected for contaminants prior to release. BMPs currently in use: ■ Provide secondary containment for liquid storage • Provide containment curbing, dikes,and/or grading ■ Cover materials to eliminate exposure to stormwater ■ Store materials on pallets or racks ■ Visually inspect stormwater retained by curbing/dikes/containment prior to release ■ Move storage areas inside if possible Material Handling Material loading and unloading is typically conducted in areas designed to reduce potential contact with stormwater. Loading areas for bulk chemical transfers are either: (1) contained to allow visual inspection of stormwater prior to release,or(2) are graded to direct stormwater to the process drain system for treatment prior to discharge. The stormwater is contained during transfer operations by secondary containment, curbing, grading, trays, and/or drain covers. Further,manual valves in the closed position have been installed in select storm drains. Direct pipeline transfers are in place for several materials and waste streams. This method of material transfer greatly reduces the potential of stormwater contamination. There are detailed written guidelines on loading and unloading procedures in the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan. Spill Prevention and Response GE Wdrnington—NPDF.S Stormwater Purnit Renmal Section 4 Page 4-2 GE Wilmington has written procedures on spill prevention and response. These procedures describe the protocol of responding to a spill and the individuals at the site who should be contacted. The procedures are included in the facility Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan and in the Radiological Contingency and Emergency Plan. Site staff are trained on spill prevention and response. Employee Train* The Employee Education and Training Program is designed to familiarize key employees with the intent and components of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Training is provided for employees involved in operations with the potential to affect stormwater. Topics included in the training session include: ■ General stormwater awareness ■ How to use the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ■ Chemical spill response procedures ■ Preventative maintenance ■ Inspection procedures ■ Materials management practices • Good housekeeping measures Sewer and Outfall Identification There are three separate drainage collection systems at the facility:process wastewater,sanitary wastewater, and stormwater. Sewer manhole covers and catch basins have been color-coded to distinguish between these systems. Also, as described previously, placards have been posted at all stormwater outfalls. This ensures consistent location evaluation during visual monitoring, outfall inspections, and non- stormwater discharge assessments. GE ATmington—NME-1;Stormwater Permit Renewal Section 4 Page 4-3 SECTION NO. 5 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SIGNIFICANT FACILITY CHANGES /00%� SECTION NO. 5 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SIGNIFICANT FACILITY CHANGES Since the last application was submitted in 2011,several sources have been removed or changed to minimize quantity or improve stormwater protections. Table 5 (below) summarizes these changes by Outfall Area. Table 5: Facility Changes Outfall Change Summary 8 • Removed 2 sources (large storage tanks) (2015) • Added 2 sources (Cooling Tower,Propylene tank 2016 9 • Installed new source—generator with double walled fuel tank 2012 10 • Replaced H2SO4 tank with significantly smaller, double walled tank. 2015 11 • Updated drainage area 2015 f^' 12 • Removed large potential source (Solvent Storage Building) (2012) • Replaced 1 large cooling tower with 2 smaller cooling towers. New towers have containment and drain to process sewers stem. 2016 13i • Added this outfall for sampling purposes 2015 15i • Added this outfall for sampling purposes.This location contains waters from Outfalls 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 14 and 15. 2015 18 • Permanently removed 7 sources from area (2012) • Removed vulnerable source covered drying bed 2015 GE Wilmington—NPDES Stormwater permit Renewal Section 5 2118 Supplemental lnfo SXV Permit Appl.doca Page 5-1 SECTION NO. 6 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CERTIFICATION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION CERTIFICATION North Carolina Division of Energy,Mineral, and Land Resources—Stormwater Permitting Facility Name: Wilmington-Castle Hayne Site Permit Number: NCS000022 Location Address: 3901 Castle Hayne Road Wilmington,NC 28401 County: New Hanover "I certify,under penalty of law,that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SPPP)document and all attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information gathered is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true, accurate and complete." And ^� "1 certify that the SPPP has been developed,signed and retained at the named facility location,and the SPPP has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the stormwater discharge permit." And "I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Sign(according to permit signatory requirements)and return this Certification. DO NOT SEND STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN WITH THIS CERTIFICATION. Signature \l Date -�-/Z-�—I e l8 L- Amir Vexler [FO.GNF-A Print or type name of person signing above Title SPPP Certification 10/13 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR RENEWAL OF INDIVIDUAL NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application to be considered complete: (Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) Initials I. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of industrial activities (including storage of materials, disposal areas, process areas and loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall, building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted. 2. A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit (if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm event data. 3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters surveyed, observations, and date monitoring conducted. 4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility. Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned, please include information on these BMP's. 5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of work processes, changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility. 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the permitted facility (Sign and return attached form). If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed prior to filing the renewal submittal, then the last years monitoring results should be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal waiting on lab results) P OENR-LAND QUA0Y STORMWATER pERMIMNG GE !El�nton Individual NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Application No. NCS000022 Submitted By Karen Williams EHS Specialist (910) 547-2758 30-May-18 Global Nuclear Fuel A Joint Venture of GE,Toshiba,$Hitachi Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas,LLC 3901 Castle Mayne Road,Wilmington,NC 28401 (910)547-275B(Mobile) karen Williams@ge corn May 25, 2018 SW Individual Permit Coverage Renewal Stormwater Planning Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Subject: GE Wilmington NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Application Permit Number: NC5000022 To Whom It May Concern: The GE/Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas (GNF-A)Wilmington, North Carolina facility (GE Wilmington) is covered under NPDES Stormwater Permit No. NCS000022 for its stormwater discharges. This permit expires on November 301h, 2018 and the permit renewal application is due by June 31d, 2018 per permit NCS000022, dated November Ycl, 2014 Attached are two copies of the NPDES stormwater permit renewal application and supplemental information. In addition, a copy of the August 131h, 1991 DWQ letter is attached and authorizes representative outfall status for Outfalls No. 9, 13, and 14. GNF-A respectfully requests continuation of representative outfall status. GNF-A also notes that representative status was changed from old Outfall No. 14 to the current Outfall No. 001 during the last permit renewal. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this renewal application and hope that it meets your approval. We are available to meet with you at your convenience to provide clarification on the renewal application. Please contact Karen Williams at 910-547-2758 if further information is desired. Sincerely, Karen Williams EMS Specialist Attachments: Original plus two copies y� • r Stare of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resorm�s 4� Division of Environments) Management: 512 North Salisbury Satvt a Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 James G. Martin, Governer Gcorge T. Eve= Ph.D. William W. Cobey,Jr Secretary August 13, 1991 Ditecoor Herbert R. Strickler, Manager Environmental Protection & Industrial Safety Nuclear Fuel & Components Manufacturing General Electric Company P .O. Box 780 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 SUBJECT: Request for Designation of Substantially Identical Stormwater Dutfalls Dear Mr. Strickler: Your request dated July 19, 1991, for a determination that stormwater effluents from certain outfalls on your site are substantially identical at the Wilmington General Electric facility, has been reviewed by members of the Water Quality Section staff. You requested that outfall #9 be considered typical of outfalls 1-8, 11, 12 and 17 and outfall #14, containing runoff from road segments B and C, be considered representative of the stormwater runoff from the access road segments A, D, and E. In addition to the above sampling locations and per your discussions with CoLeen Sullins, it is my understanding that the stormwater outfall from the western most portion of the site associated with the waste management areas (see attached Figure S) will also be sampled for your permit application. Additionally, it is my understanding that the stormwater drainage associated with the bulk storage on the western side of the FMO facility, is captured and treated in your process waste treatment facility and therefore is not expected to be discharged into outfalls #17 or #12. Regional Offim Asheville Fayetteville Mooresville Raleigh Washington Wilmingtoe WJMIGn-Salem 704051.62M 91914WIS41 704/663-1699 91W33-2314 91919464481 919M95-3900 919/761-2351 PaHution Prows won Pays PA.Scot 29535, Raldgh,North Carolina 27626aS35 Telcphanc 919-733-7015 A_r....d f1.....,.-k., AFA.,I A—AOVW .Fmnlrnrr August 13, 1991 NPDES Substantially Identical Effluents Page Two Based upon staff review and the above information, I have concluded that the requested determination is warranted and in accordance with 40 CFR 122 .21 (g) (7) authorize you to sample outfalls #9, #14, and the waste treatment facility stormwater discharge as stormwater discharges representative of your operation for your NPDES stormwater permit application. If you have any questions concerning this authorization, please contact Coleen H. Sullins, Supervisor, Stormwater Group at 919/733-5083 . Sincerely, George T. Everett cc: Coleen Sullins David Adkins - 14- TABLE I STORM WATER DRAINAGE SUBSTANTIALLY IDENTICAL AREAS-GE WILMINGTON REFERENCE FIGURE$FOR OUTFALL LOCATION AdiwWf In DralM Awe Tetrr M.e � far tn�xrNh a Pelettor sWClrhr�I B waLwuw mb Outran Area "'��Z+rr� Ilu0ale0 SqWPm-d srmf h- ooeea watls tilerq= slowle end Preautl Kmintenaj r Am.. TTae or teallen 1000$1 Rom II dreund ibar &sr.s.. YalsriMa AlMerlsk TnneNr Trsnskr SleenOf Awe Acak ogrues• 1 s 1m a 0 x 9 2 000 25 ao 75 x x x x x X c 7 WN 1s 25 ao x x x x C 110 0 100 0 C s a0 10 10 10 x x x x g a 20 50 m x x x x SIC 7 180 as 5 10 x x x C 0 1,N0 23 a so x x x x X C 1 1.00 10 40 s0 x x x x x x x x X C 10 40 0 100 0 x x x S 11 20 a 50 Ii x x c It" I,NO 10 1s 75 x x x x x x X C 17 20 10 40 s0 x x x x x C -S.SHEET FLOW.CaPUSORWTCH -TMs mumaE AREA INCWOES ANINWMATOe PMUMtNEO UNDER RUM HAS N01M OEM USED TO MMERATE P MA WASTES. REVISED 7/30/9I 71,13U. § ■ c ■■ � k ■ �� . a � ■ e . �§« .; a . n 2 ;go R§ ¥ � ■�_ �__ � -� � . � ■ . a , . | � § I \ 61 , � § - ■ § 14 . . . ) �| � &k � 2 22 ■ Or 2$ . k$kk � © � ■ ¢k . . \ ■ . \ CD ■ \ 2 If �k 10 _ . r_� , �`�i► Permit Coverage NPDES Permit Number NCDENR Renewal Application Form NCS000022 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Individual Permit Please provide your permit number in box in the upper right hand corner, complete the information in the space provided below and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated. Owner Information * Address to which permit correspondence MY be mailed Owner/Organization Name: Global Nuclear Fuel—Americas LLC Owner Contact: Mr.Amir Vexler Mailing Address: PO Box 780 Wilmington, NC 28402 Phone Number: 910-819-1964 Fax Number: N/A E-mail address: Amir.vexler@ge.com Facility Information Facility Name: Wilmington—Castle Hayne Site Facility Physical Address: 3901 Castle Hayne Road Facility Contact: Karen Williams Mailing Address: PO Box 780, M/C A-55 -_ Wilmington, NC 28402 Phone Number: 910-547-2758 Fax Number: E-mail address: Karen.williams@ge.com Permit Information Permit Contact: Karen Williams Mailing Address: PO Box 780 M C A-55 Wilmington, NC 28402 Phone Number: 910-547-2758 Fax Number: _ E-mail address: Karen.williamsage.com Discharge Information Receiving Stream: Northeast Cape Fear River & Prince George Creek_ Stream Class: C;SW HQWHQW & C;Sw _ Basin: Cape Fear River Basin Sub-Basin: 03-06-23 Number of Outfalls: 18 Facility/Activity Changes Please describe below any changes to your facility or activities since issuance of your permit. Attached a separate sheet if necessary. See attached Supplemental Information, Section 5. CERTIFICATION I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. Signature Date - it Veyler _ _ r'FCI� GNF-A Print or type name of person signing above Title Please return this completed application form SW Individual Permit Coverage RenewalStormwater Permitting Program and requested supplemental information to: 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 CONTENTS SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION NO. TITLE 1 SITE MAP 2 ANALYTICAL MONITORING 3 VISUAL MONITORING 4 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 5 SIGNIFICANT FACILITY CHANGES 6 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CERTIFICATION SECTION N0. 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SITE MAP SECTION NO. 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SITE MAP The GE \Vilrnington (GE-H Nuclear Energy- ,/ GE Aircraft Engine Global Nuclear Fuel — Americas) facility, located in Wilmington, North Carolina in the County of New Hanover, encompasses appro.ximatelc 1660 acres. The developed portions of the facility encompa,s approximately 342 acres. Undeveloped portions of the facilm, encompassing over 1300 acres, are primarily forest or tidal areas. The attached Site Drainage and Significant Materials Map (Drawing No. 8002E99) presents the location of the industrial activities, stormwater drainage structures, drainage areas, outfalls, building locations, and roads for the developed portions of the facility. The GF-., Wilmington facility is bordered on the east by NC Highway 133, on the south b%- Interstate 1140, on the west by the Northeast Cape Fear River and on the north primarily bN undeveloped foresdand. There are residential subdivisions to the northeast and southwe;t. Stormwater discharges to two recening water bodies: the Northeast Cape[Fear River and Prince George Creek. Neither is shown on the site map due to their distance from the developed portion of the facility. The Northeast Cape hear River, located less than 1 mile west of the developed portion of the facility, receives the majority of the stormwater runoff, as well as treated process and sanitary wastewaters permitted under NPDES Permit No. NC:0001228. Prince George Creek, located approximately 5 miles north of the facility, receives stormwater runoff from the eastern portion of the facility. There are seventeen storm water out falls./drainage basins (1,2,3,4,5,G, 8/81,9, 10, 11, 12, 13;`13i, 14, 15/15i, 16 and 18i for the dev eloped areas of the facility. It is noted that there is no Outfall 17. Representative outfall status was granted by NC D%X'Q in a letter dated,August 13, 1991 such that Outfalls #9,#13,and#14 were considered representative of all stormwater outfalls at the faciht-. Prior to the last permit renewal, the Outfall 1 drainage basin was redesigned and, with the last permit renewal, replaced Outfall 14 as representative of the roadways and on-site parking. Table 1 identifies the latitude and longitude, total drainage area, total impervious area, and receiving water bode for each outfall. Table 2 presents the significant materials at GE Wilmington. These potential stormwater sources are numbered by outfall and are shown on the Site Drainage and Significant Material Map (Drawing No. 8002E99) using the source numbers from the first column of Table—1. rI %X d=nj Ton Section 1 Page 1-1 Table 1 Drainage Basin Areas Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water number (acre) M 1 34"191211 -77055'27" 39.8 33 Prince George Creek 2 34019'15" -77055'28" 7.9 18 Prince George Creek 3 340 19'19" -77055'29" 2.8 41 Prince George Creek 4 34019'26" -77055'36" 6.2 92 Prince George Creek 5 34019'27" -77055'41" 4.6 18 Prince George Creek 6 34019'24" -77055'45" 1.3 68 NE Cape Fear River 7 340 19'24" -77055'45" 4.9 100 NE Cape Fear River 8 34019'25" -77055'45" 20.6 82 NE Cape Fear River 81 340 19'26" -77055'48" 9 34019'28" -77"55'58" 37.7 55 NE Cape Fear River 10 34019'38" -77°564" 1.6 20 NE Cape Fear River 11 34019'33" -77056'1" 4.1 55 NE Cape Fear River 12 3401939" -77056'1 1" 21.4 48 NE Cape Fear River 13 34019'45" -77056-29" 66.7 23 NE Cape Fear River 14 34019' -77055'30" 6.0 36 Prince George Creek 15 3401931" -77055'37" 3.7 51 Prince George Creek 16 34319'36" -77--56'51" 20.3 13 NE Cape Fear River 18 34--19'46" -77-56'8" 16.1 9 NE Cape Fear River The following Outfalls are defined by the permit for sampling purposes. They are not unique drainage areas but are subsets or combinations of the drainage areas listed above. Outfall Latitude Longitude Total area Impervious area Receiving water Number (acre) (%) 13i 34`1936" -7T'5633 19.1 69 NE Cape Fear River 15i 340 l9'31 -77°55'39" 71.0 37 Prince George Creek W Ar1mmnginn—MIDI S STormu arc r Pcmvr Renal Secuon I Page 1-2 INSER Too SITE AL4P HERE lmin�rtnn—\PDLtiStnvnuatcrNtMlt RmmA Section 1 Page 1-3 m 0 N 4 u u C CV � e g B a E e - 2 rf y U U U ? ? V U ^a p Q Q QQ UaQ U 0 V 0 f o m n {n z z z e z zzCL m G7 m rn A A A A A C F- a x x a aCL P. s' r T 0 0 77 o - 0 0 zzi �__ �_ __ zi z � O±ry�� / 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. z z z _ z z Y I y IEC d .r en Q Ln 1 N z z 0 0 o G as 0 N a� ti u V N � T 19 � a W «VQ C 04 CVi U V V U_ p m C.1 0 CJ C N a. 1 z z t e: Fn CM a) e e a G A d Q � tL o aEn o St w v. U. = a o = o i - i - i - - O a w M m - z z z _ ip z z 1 L .7 7 V i C U d r r l z r G o C Y i co k cii 2-p �e \ @� ` £2 � 2 A 2 � . . , . § ' $� _ - - - : g$ \f} f \ \\ I � o §a ` 3 B 2 � ° ) k � ] . . \ � f � u = , § � A N 2 • - - _ - 3 - I [e 2 rA © § � ■ \g - � 2 = 5 = _ _ _ § _ - i . � � w .. / \ \\ / •C ' � f/ 7 � - - - § \ \ \ \ ] � �) \\\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ � ) _ \ | ? L13 I � _ & ■ Z & �§ _ \ ■ KF \ 2 i $ : ■ k \ ] ] - j ■ I � = 3 s / - � � . o _ § o u cn Fn cm @ u u � _ 2 @ - A ; - ' � ! _Fi \ 14 \ /\§ = r : \ � }} \ < 2 \ 2 \ { ƒ m 0 N pr N �o a E `o q pyy�gq C � q cnCD U ,r } L, zMn =u r 21 F J F F-• J iI _ •r. r .+ •Fsi rFii � C." 4 l O r f. qj K i � cli . § . R k � . ■ K2 = § _ § _ I ] Z § x /_\ \_ \ � § ) s \ iE o § w 0 0 C § e § � § § � ■ = E§ 5 \ � a » = a - - - - � - _ - q �\_to / - a E § � 2 \ - k . \�2 2 \ $ § 7 $f - g 2 = Za . 1 SE—7-) { $/\ \ \) \ \ \a // j$ \\ } � 2 a 2 / - o $ � k . 2 § ` R ) | § ; k =- 2 � k � 2 to � � ] § - $ * 2 \ 0 a } ■ 2 § § § ■ ., . : . § m � = 2 ■ � 2 § § 2 @ ]< # ) g \ ! r- r & k \_ § § C § 6 c - 2 z � © e ] . . § § � ) § tc § § . k _ k k \ � / 3 - ` �/ \ 22 / �& 2t ^ \ _] k\ \ - § 0 0 { � § cm ca � ■ k ■ 2 � ■ 2 . ƒ � . J_ I k M � ^ / � � 0 � C 2 � - c @ — e � § - � - � - { - §■ �� � � � � fk\ t �\) : - - - � ■ }� � �j � )� ±( � - \jk k co 0 N _ u 0 9 Q G y = a / In n / Q V V V V ri -+ d a F 7 i ti = C CD z z z z z y - z z z z z � � c 0 a a 0 0 / a ce ca a w w w w c a c 72 ,C Y tic 0 O D 0 0 Tr -tj Z Z Z Z Z GJ '- a. 8 G3 M Cl i z z z z y I ti i L y T � z r 0 0 0 0 0 v v v u v = = r y/� f ti � _ 7 c C%i 2 © � � ] > k � b K » § � k � f � � 2 } / c . ■ � u ca e j■ 0tj U 0 y o § 03 Ch )L � G @ � ® e ' ^ ; ; ; : _ ■ � \' �i . 2 ;■ 2 § / 2 } - - - - ze - \ 2 § SECTION NO. 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ANALYTICAL MONITORING SECTION NO. 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ANALYTICAL MONITORING A summary of nine analytical monitoring events conducted during the term of the costing permit is included on the subsequent pages. The permit requires analytical monitoring at three representative outfalls (#9, #13, and #14), on a semiannual basis, for the entire duration of the permit. Samples were taken during a representative storm event. That is, grab samples were collected during discharge of a rainfall event greater than 0.1 inches and preceded by at least 2 hours in which no precipitation greater than 0.1 inches occurred. The following parameters and storm characteristics were monitored I. Lead, total recoverable (mg/L) ?_ Non-Polar Oil and Grease (mg/L) 3. Total Suspended Solids (mg/L), 4. pl-I (standard units) S. Total Rainfall (inches) "These values were reported to the Division on semi-annual Stormn titer Discharge Outfall (SDO) Monitoring Reports as required by the permit. For convenience, parameters 1-5 are summarized on Table 3 for each of the monitored outfalls. .Additional monitoring for vehicle maintenance activities is not required for GE Wilmington because the site does not use more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month when averaged over the calendar%ear. GE conducts, ongoing monitoring of it new motor oil usage to ensure that it is below the threshold, and thus, exempt from additional monitoring. (-E V dmtn}mrn `Yr71 K I'C=t KLMLIV3I Section 7 Page 2.1 Outfall Date Sample Total Lead, TSS, Oil & Grease, pH, Collected Rainfall, in. m IL m IL m /L S.U. 9 5/8/2015 0.58 0.0152 <25 <5.6 6.9 Duplicate <25 <5.3 13i 5/8/2015 0.58 <0.01 <25 <5.3 7.0 15i 5/8/2015 0.58 <0.01 <25 <5.8 6.9 9 11/19/2015 2Dfi <0.01 <25 <5.74 7.4 Duplicate . <0.01 <25 <5.09 7.4 13i 11/19/2015 2.06 <0.01 42 <6.04 7.4 15i 11/19/2015 2.06 <0.01 46 <5.32 6.8 9 43 <0.006 <7.2 <1.78 7.8 Duplicate 5/12/2016 1. <0.006 <7.2 <1.89 7.8 13i 5/12/2016 1.43 <0.006 24 <1.94 7.0 15i 5/12/2016 1.43 <0.006 10 <2.09 7.0 9 11/4/2016 012 <0.005 <25 <5.0 Duplicate . <0.005 <25 <5.0 7.6 13i 11/4/2016 0.12 <0.005 <25 <5.0 6.9 15i 11/4/2016 0.12 <0.005 <25 <5.0 7.0 9 <0.005 <25 7.4 7.4 Duplicate 3/31/2017 0.57 <0.005 <25 <5.6 7.4 13i 3/31/2017 0.57 <0.005 <25 <5.4 6.9 15i 3/31/2017 0.57 <0.005 <25 <5.8 7.0 9 <0.005 *40.8 <5.6 6.8 Duplicate 8/2$/2017 0.65 <0.005 *40.8 <5.4 6.8 13i 8/28/2017 0.65 <0.005 *<25 <5.6 7.0 15i 8/28/2017 0.65 <0.005 *<25 <6.0 6.9 9 10/10/2017 0.07 ___ *<25 --- --- Duplicate *<25 13i 10/10/2017 0.07 --- *<25 --- --- 15i 10/10/2017 0.07 --- *<25 --- --- 9 <0.005 <25 <5.4 7.2 Duplicate 4/23/2018 2.67 <0.005 <25 <5.4 7.2 13i 4/23/2018 2.67 <0.005 <25 1 <4.9 6.7 15i 1 4/23/2018 2.67 <0.005 1 <25 1 <5.4 1 7.2 Due to lab error, TSS for sample pulled 8/28/2017 was analyzed out of hold time. Qualified results received are reported. Replacement sample pulled 10/10/2017 and TSS results for that date are also reported. 01 ICtlmsnyKun-\PIJE 5 Shi[maanr Pcrmn Rrncv31 Section 2 Page 2-2 SECTION NO. 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION VISUAL MONITORING SECTION NO. 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION VISUAL MONITORING Qualitative visual monitoring occurs at all stormwater outfalls each year on a semiannual basis, once in the first half of the vear between January 1 and June 30,and again in the second half between July 1 and December 30. There is a minimum of 60 days between am two monitoring events. Visual observation is conducted of the following characteristics: color, odor, clarity, floating solids, suspended solids, foam, oil sheen, erosion and anN, other indicator of stormwater pollution. -1-0 facilitate the visual monitoring inspections,placards have been posted at all stormwater outfalls_This ensures consistent location evaluation during visual monitoring,outfall inspections,and non-stormwater discharge assessments. Semi-annual outfall visual monitoring events are tracked in the Compliance Calendar. "11us program alerts the GE owner of the task that the visual monitoring must occur,and the task remains "open"until completed and closed in the system. The completed visual monitoring results are maintained in that year's S%XTPP binder. -the subsequent pages summarize the semi-annual visual monitoring results by outfall from December 2014 through December 201". _1s of this submittal, the 1 H 2018 qualitative sampling has not been performed. The information has been summarized in the table based on inspection reports and work order documentation. Values greater or equal to 3 are investigated and documented in the S\XTPI) for that�car. 61 %loImt%ion—VPl)IS5turmuarcrPcmn[Rcncv-al Section 3 311R.SuPPEcmenul Info—MI Pcaou XPPI.iNiii Page 3-1 N Vi C Q E m a c v,a m d e` rn ca N E m a m � °maw m 0 amm E a cu mm a— omc y ¢ LL ma ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ a Lc ¢ aa (ncaLL a ma ❑ — � N — ono n 2 [[ E rn LL a - m 2 O Z � QZZ z z z Z o ccsZZ Z �LL rnraciz Z = ox � ymm Z a U] 0. LL O a3 m � 05 _ .5 .0 EL O U m - i9 .cl_cl N LL ❑ LYI N L m °o E ONa 0 0 0 0 a a a a 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a �, zzzzzz z z z z z zzzz z zz z z z z z z 0 0 IL ul 0 w J o o o 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a a 0 0 0 w m 0 C= z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Z z z z z z } p z N A ao m a o 0 o a o o 0 0 o a a 0 a o 0 0 z z z z z z z z z } z z z z } } z z z z z z LL 0 O Vl W Q N N N r r d d d U) r N V) C] N T M CO N r r r NIL o T N � C. Z w r CV r - r r N N N C7 N It r M N r 07 CV M N r r r r 00 LL C .y CO tj N N N r r r d d d i-n r r M Clj N r It d N r r r N r r 4. 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V3 6 rn W fn CA CA � !I Ln Ln �N z LL LL LL LL LL LL LL: Ll LL LL , c7 U C +� -. 7 ^j f aJ+ u O co co CO co W co CO W W W vJ. •✓ i�,, i u J J C _ O O O O O O O O O O - HC- �9 to Ln Ln Ln 3 d T r r r r r J ^C •? '7 u C 0 Il} in in 7 en u7 u� u] us u� i ZJ u r. = C t, u Z 1 tG =C ZJ rLi U. O r N C7 r qr LO in LD CO ozz =, SECTION NO. 4 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SECTION NO. 4 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES GC Wdn-ington is committed to preventing pollution at the source, and as such, has implemented numerous best management practices (13MI's) and at-source stormnvater pollution prevention controls to reduce the quantity- of pollutants in the stormwater runoff. The structural controls (e.g.,containment, dike,curb,and/or r000 and management practices employed at the individual significant materials at GE Wilmington are listed in Table 2 in the Supplemental Information Section No. 1. The site-vide B.NIPs that are utilized bti GC Wilmington are described in this section and include: => Good Housekeeping, Inspections;`Preventative Maintenance Program, => Outside Material Storage/Tanks/Secondary Containment, => Material Handling, => Spill Prevention and Response, => Seger and Outfall Identification, and => Employee Training. Good Housekeeping Gl: Wilmington maintains a clean and orderly facibh_ through implementation of a variety of programs, practices, and procedures,including: ■ Regular pickup and disposal of garbage and debris ■ Routine inspection for leaks ■ Proper material container storage practices ■ Identification and labeling of all chemical substances ■ Disposal of old equipment and used chemicals These housekeeping practices help to reduce waste and pollutant generation as well as the potential for spills and leaks. Ins ections Preventative Maintenance Program The preventive maintenance program at GC Wilmington ensures that the storm,.vater control facilities are clean and operating effectively. The program consists of visual inspection, cleaning, and repair activities. inspections are conducted at the stormNvater controls and the significant materials identified on the Site 'Map and'fable 2 in the Supplemental Information Section No. 1. At a minimum, these inspections are conducted semiannually-. Upon G1 1N Jmtngton—\PD1 S Stormw atet Pcamt Rmot A Section 4 Page 4-1 completion of the inspection, any cleaning and repair activities, if needed, are documented. Completion of die inspections, cleaning, and repairs are tracked electronically. Specific inspection areas include: ■ Material handling and storage areas ■ Secondary- containment areas ■ Stormwater outfalls ■ Catch basins and trench drains ■ Roofs and corers ■ Potential spills and areas of possible contamination Outside Material Storage/Tanks/Secondary Containment GI %X-ih-nington's practices and activities related to outside material storage areas and aboveground tanks are in place to present or minimise contact of significant materials with stormwater. Alan- material storage areas are covered and/or have containment curbing or grading. Aboveground tanks are in compliance y,.ith federal and state laws for containment, integrity testing, overflow protection, and protective guards. Storm%rater retained bi the curbing or dikes is visually inspected for contaminants prior to release. B'MPs currently in use: ■ Provide secondary containment for liquid storage ■ Provide containment curbing, dikes, and/or grading ■ Cover materials to eliminate exposure to stormwater ■ Store materials on pallets or racks ' Visually inspect stormwater retained b� curbing..,"dikes!"containment prior to release • Move storage areas inside if possible Material Handlin Material loading and unloading is typically conducted in areas designed to reduce potential contact with stormwater. Loading areas for bulk chemical transfers are either: (1) contained to allow-visual inspection of stortmvater prior to release,or f 2) are graded to direct stormwater to the process drain system for treatment prior to discharge. The stormwater is contained during transfer operations by secondan- containment, curbing, grading, trays, and/or drain corers. Further,manual A ah es in the closed position have been installed in select storm drains. Direct pipeline transfers are in place for several matenals and waste streams. This method of material transfer greatly reduces the potential of stormwater contamination. There are detailed written guidelines on loading and unloading procedures in the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan. Shill Prevention and Response CAI U4mtn.won %VU1 S%,tmwatcr Pcmvt Rcnm;al Section 4 Page 4-2 GE Wilmington has written procedures on spill prevention and response. These procedures describe the protocol of responding to a spill and the individuals at the site who should be contacted. The procedures are included in the facility Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan and in the Radiological Contingency and Emergency Plan. Site staff are trained on spill prevention and response. Employee Training The Employee Education and Training Program is designed to familiarize key employees wide the intent and components of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Training is provided for employees involved in operations with the potential to affect stormwater. Topics included in the training session include: ■ General stormwater awareness ■ Flow to use the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan ■ Chemical spill response procedures ■ Preventative maintenance ■ Inspection procedures ■ Materials management practices ■ Good housekeeping measures Sewer and Outfall Identification "1liere are three separate drainage collection systems at the facihty:process Wastewater,sanitary wastewater, and stormwater. Sewer manhole covers and catch basins have been color coded to distinguish between these systems. Also, as described previously, placards ha-e been posted at all stormwater outfalls. "11-tis ensure~ consistent location evaluation during visual monitoring, outfall inspections, and non- stormwater discharge assessments. C,1 1[�lmmyiun—�PL7l_SSturrtouatcrPumuf Kcaeu•�l Section 4 Page 4-3 SECTION NO. 5 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SIGNIFICANT FACILITY CHANGES SECTION NO. 5 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SIGNIFICANT FACILITY CHANGES Since the last application was submitted in 2011, several sources have been removed or changed to minimize quantity- or improve stormwater Protections. 'fable 5 (below) summarizes these changes bN Outfall.area_ Table 5: Facility Changes Outfall Change SummaFy 8 9 Removed 2 sources (large storage tanks) (2015) • .Added 2 sources (Cooling Tower, Propylene tank (2016) 9 • Installed new source—generator with double walled fuel tank 2012 10 . Replaced H2SO4 tank with sitgnificantly smaller, double walled tank. 2015 11 * L'p dated drainage area 2015 12 • Removed large potential source (Solvent Storage Building) (2012) • Replaced 1 large coohng tower with 2 smaller cooling towers. New towers have containment and drain to process sewer system. 2016 l3! • .Added this outfall for sam fin•purposes 2015 15i • Added this outfall for sampling Purposes.This location contains waters from Outfalls 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 14 and 15. 2015 1 • Permanently removed 7 sources from area (2012) • Removed vulnerable source covered dn-in bed 2015 [,I IC'tlmmlKnn—�Cnl.ti Stumttatcr!'cmut Kasnca! Section 5 �i[NSulrmrnta![nE>_S�L Pcrmtt 1pl,i:rw1�) Page 5-1 SECTION NO. G SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CERTIFICATION SECTION Z SPPP CERTIFICATION AND COORDINATION 2.5 PLAN CERTIFICATION I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designated to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manager the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing viol ions. Brad Beard Date FMO Plant Manager, Global Nuclear Fuels, LLC GE/GNF Mnington 2-3 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan