HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100434 Ver 2_Stormwater Analysis and Pond Design 6-12-15_201509300*0'civi ' consultants 0;0- LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS STORMWATER ANALYSIS and POND DESIGN for CAROLINA FRIENDS SCHOOL ACCESS DRIVEWAY and STORMWATER POND 2 Orange County, NC June 12, 2015 Project #15010 G-a-1S Prepared for: Carolina Friends School 4809 Friends School Rd. Durham, NC 27705 LAND PLANNERS + CIVIL ENGINEERS WW CIVIL- PARKWAY, SUITE 201 DURHAM, NC 27707 PHONE: 919.490.1645 WWW.CIVIL -CONSU LTANTS.COM LIC. C -1030 Stormwater Analysis and Pond Design Access Driveway and Stormwater Pond 2 Carolina Friends School Orange County, NC Purpose The purpose of this report is to present final stormwater runoff analysis and design information for installation of a "dry detention" stormwater management pond on the Carolina Friends School Campus in Orange County, NC. Background The information contained in this report and on the associated design drawings reflect the conceptual and functional parameters for "Pond 2" as established in a previous report entitled "Stormwater Impact Analysis for Carolina Friends School Masterplan Improvements" (SIA), dated (revised) February 12, 2015. The SIA identified the installation of Pond 2 as one of the stormwater management strategies for the campus. The SIA contains additional background parameters, assumptions, and analysis that support the information provided herein. General Site Description The subject property consists of two parcels (Orange County PINs 9892 -31 -0306 and 9892 -22 -7326) comprising approximately 87 acres of partially- developed land located on the west side of Friends School Road (SR 1719) in eastern Orange County (shown as Parcels 2 and 3 in Exhibit 1). The subject property lies within an unincorporated portion of Orange County, and is subject to Orange County planning jurisdiction. All stormwater runoff from the property drains to Piney Mountain Creek, which drains to New Hope Creek (Exhibit 2). The property is therefore located entirely within the Jordan Lake drainage basin. According to published soil survey data, the dominant onsite and upslope soils are classified as Appling, Cecil, Georgeville, and Herndon series (Exhibit 3), all of which are in SCS Hydrologic Soil Group B. 2 The property contains several stream features (Exhibit 4) with associated Jordan Lake riparian buffers, as well as Orange County stream buffers. Orange County stream buffers for this property are wider than the riparian buffers imposed by Jordan Lake regulations. Development Summary The property has a vested zoning right and a Special Use Permit (SUP) for a school campus serving approximately 500 students. The first school facilities were built in the 1960s, and campus facilities have been slowly expanded and improved since that time. The most recent SUP modification covering Campus Masterplan Improvements was approved in February, 2012. Proposed improvements include a Performing Arts Facility, a Shop building, additions to several campus buildings, new athletic facilities, a new driveway from Mt. Sinai Road, and replacement of the onsite wastewater system. Phasine Summary To date, the school has constructed several components of the approved Masterplan, including the Middle School Addition, Quaker Dome Addition, new wastewater system and associated access driveway, tennis courts and associated parking, baseball field and associated parking, and Lower School Addition (currently under construction). To comply with Orange County requirements, installation of an adequate stormwater mitigation measure must occur in a reasonable timeframe associated with completion of the Lower School Addition. The design of Stormwater Pond 2 has been done in conjunction with design of an adjacent access driveway that will extend from the tennis court area on the east side of campus to the baseball field area on the west side. This driveway will cross a regulated stream and stream buffer. Due to the need to obtain environmental permits for the driveway, the stream crossing portion of the project work is expected to be delayed until well after pond construction, which can be permitted and initiated more quickly. Reeulatory Reauirements The property is subject to Orange County requirements for stormwater runoff management in the Jordan Lake Basin (Unprotected Watershed), Upper New Hope Creek Arm. Specific performance requirements include the following: 1. Limit the Post - development Total Nitrogen export to 2.2 lb /ac /yr. 2. Limit the Post - development Total Phosphorus export to 0.82 lb /ac /yr. 3. Limit the Post - development Peak Flowrate for the 1 -year 24 -hour storm (Q1) to the Pre - development level Definitions and Assumntions Pre - development: For hydrologic analysis herein, the "pre - development' condition is defined as the physical condition that existed just prior to the time of SUP approval in February, 2012. This condition is referenced as the "Pre -SUP 2012" condition. Post - development: The "post- development' condition is defined as the physical condition upon completion of the Lower School Addition, the access driveway connecting east campus and west campus, Stormwater Pond 2, and all prior completed improvements. This condition is referenced as the "Post- Driveway with Pond 2" condition. Nutrient Imnacts Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus impacts for the overall campus have already been managed pursuant to the approved SIA, which included dedication of a large section of the campus as forested conservation area. Hvdroloeic Analvsis and Results For runoff hydrograph development, the site was divided into logical sub - watersheds consistent with the same type of analysis in the approved SIA. Software used for the analysis is Hydrology Studio, using SCS methodology for a 24 -hour synthetic storm with a Type II rainfall distribution. Times of concentration were calculated using TR -55 procedures. Three conditions were studied for the various sub - watersheds and the total drainage area. The resulting one -year 24 -hour peak flowrate (Q1) for these conditions at various points, are: Qi Peak Flowrate for the Physical Conditions Studied (cfs) Pre -SUP Sub - Watershed Area 2012 From the Pond 2 Area 2.6 From the Future Pond 3 Area 2.6 Total Drainage Area (212 ac.) 47.22 Post- Post- Driveway Driveway with No Pond with Pond 2 5.1 0.4 3.8 3.8 49.59 46.94 The Post - Driveway condition will increase the total peak flowrate from the one -year 24- hour storm by about 5 %, requiring peak flowrate mitigation measures. The addition of Pond 2 as designed will provide sufficient storage and outlet restriction to dramatically <d diminish the one -year peak flowrate from the Pond 2 area; and to slightly diminish the one -year peak flowrate from the total site, as compared to the Pre -SUP 2012 level. Therefore, for the condition described as "Post- Driveway with Pond 2 ", the Q1 flowrate from the Carolina Friends School campus will not exceed the Qi flowrate for the pre - development condition. The data and results for these conditions are shown in more detail in Exhibits 7, 8, and 9. Future Development As additional campus development occurs in accordance with the approved Masterplan, the future "Pond 3" will be installed to mitigate runoff impacts from these improvements, as previously outlined in the approved SIA. Summary Conclusion For the development condition identified as "Post- Driveway with Pond 2 ", stormwater runoff impacts from the Carolina Friends School will be fully mitigated in compliance with applicable State and local regulations, by constructing Pond 2 as described herein and as detailed on the associated design drawings. End List of Exhibits 1 - Boundary Survey of subject property (1 page) 2 - Excerpt from USGS Topographic Map showing subject property (1 page) 3 - Excerpt from Soil Conservation Service Soil Map showing subject property (1 page) 4 - Orange County Surface Water Identification (SWID) letter (4 pages) 5 - Drainage Area Map for Pond 2 6 - Runoff Curve Number Analysis (1 page) 7 - Hydrologic Data and Results for "Pre -SUP 2012" Condition (12 pages) 8 - Hydrologic Data and Results for "Post- Driveway with No Pond" Condition (12 pages) 9 - Hydrologic Data and Results for "Post- Driveway with Pond 2" Condition (16 pages) a =.- �� �n_s✓ABAL/,_ L4-9 t9a -a1_ 1494 r• 999La9 -/T39 �• 4d9t- an -TaS t_ B..t:9 t`ia- v -res4 �..5 9Y1a -L- 53/d ' 4Aa- 3 / -ot9p' ,r 9t4a -3a -a cc a, _ 9rya- a40594 q„•„ 1 . 9 pq a_ 31- Leo 9 1, 5d9i- ae -a.Y;y 4, QPaa- 31- Woc /� /1 3. 9E9i- da_'ldaL 1' RECOMBINATION SURVEY MN CAROLINA FRIENDS SCHOOL PETER and MARTHA KLOPFER CHAPEL HILL TOWNSHIP ORANGE COUNTY, NC ligmalvill -%nnL l09 /aGa. 44 rlcrwt. ...... _ .... uwccw m+mvs wua .wrm Y� PWSY V ' i 9 mnxas s AMgE£A y S� a' -%nnL l09 /aGa. 44 n: �G— .rtwm woks 11I $ OuYf VM4R91.' ...... tx�SOKKi .... uwccw m+mvs wua .ANEn.]]E65TG -� n: �G— .rtwm woks 11I $ OuYf VM4R91.' l , rm 74 RILEY SURVEYING, P.A. ]6M UNNEFSfIYOgNE SURE/ OGeMM, N.0 1].T] _r w'LwN.nP. y S� a' �'•�•�� t4G uv,Nw • u xA eM[r.95 SOrIR �„ ° _ 1ru urwaaR ' .A. .23w6%, � II�I.r I` q ....�...,.. cwvrx. s>•acs swan � . wME rN'Kg9R •,..�n.n r..n I': tr TOTAL AREA ALL TRACTS= 110.45654C l , rm 74 RILEY SURVEYING, P.A. ]6M UNNEFSfIYOgNE SURE/ OGeMM, N.0 1].T] _r w'LwN.nP. '1Z Z7 'Tf it 'o, vv (Sr �7 A L -go I jrl� lt_ , � �i' '. " -5 br OF 4, 11 11 'j 95 .. ... -%I P16 jjj JIM a-7 '87 it k b J SITE % "� cl, J, 7)) 1/ T, A 61 r U 11 �� 1 I ` / rt. _ 11161 �% � .� 1 I / , � .n� - 5 < I I�) I I � n lksoq rl 11 <li t I i -36-00, `75 '76 2'30" 77 1 78 V9 E 791C0' 1:24 000 ROAD cLAssiricATiON ikElIns 1 Primary highway Lighl-duly read, hard or ElDns loan 2000 y hard surface........ improved surface...... a Secondary highway KIES hard surface........ Unimproved mad...... - - - - - - - 5090 Golan! 711119 Hong-- 9000 101100 QUAD FIANCEE LOCATION FEET Interstate Route U.S. Route State Route TERVAL 10 FEET 'ERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 1 or �r\l METERS. MULTIPLY BYO.3048 1 2 3 2 Cld,uell CetlarGlwn 3 XH R..P.m.ri kc 4 Ell-ed ja �C:) - =ailiiii'o 4 5 5 Num1w,.st Durham HILLSBOROUGH, NC ca �0 — 6whil.c.0 _00 7 Chapel Hill z IONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS 6 7 a a southwest Durham 1997 -.0. BOX 25286, DENVER, COLORADO 80225 01 PS AND SYMBOLS IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST ADJOINING 7.5'GUADRANGLE NAMES NUMA 5156. 11 SE-SERIES V942 Project No. Figure 2 - NRCS I I339.W I County Soil Survey Project Mcgr.: Carolina Friends School JP Orange County, NC Scale: I" = 1,666' Sheet 23 1 1/04/09 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd • Raleigh, NC 27614 (919) 8465900 • (919) 846 9467 Web Page www SandEC com EXH 11317 3 EXN181T q Page 1 of 3 ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT Craig N. Benedict, AICP, Director Administration 245 -2575 „nn er L' o, Erosion Control Division d` P 306F Revere Road (919) 245 -2586 P O Box 8181 (919) 644 -3002 (FAX) �< Hillsborough, NC 27278 www.co.oranqe.nc.us September 10, 2009 Ellen Weinstein 601 -A West Main Street Carrboro, NC 27701 Re: Orange County Zoning Ordinance Surface Water Identification Jordan Lake Unprotected Watershed PIN / TMBL: 9891 -29 -1739 / 7.7..26E PIN / TMBL: 9892 -21 -1486 / 7.7..19 PIN / TMBL: 9892 -22 -7252 / 7.7..20 PIN / TMBL: 9892 -31 -5318 / 7.7..26A PIN / TMBL: 9892 -33 -5224 / 7.5..20 PIN / TMBL: 9892 -32 -3662 / 7.6..2 PIN / TMBL: 9892 -21 -6594 / 7.7..201 PIN / TMBL: 9892 -31 -0894 / 7.7..20A To Whom It May Concern: This letter serves as confirmation of an on -site surface water identification made by Orange County Erosion Control Division staff for the referenced parcel. Orange County enforces a stream buffer along streams and water features in the County per the Orange County Zoning Ordinance (see Section 6.24.1 Additional Requirements for Lots Outside of Watershed Protection Areas, as amended on May 20, 2003). The evaluation showed that there are (4) water features on the parcels in question that are subject to buffer regulations. The water features are approximately referenced on the attached aerial photograph / map. The subject water feature will require a 65' or 80' undisturbed buffer along both sides, calculated per the referenced Zoning regulations. These undisturbed buffer areas shall be measured from the top of the stream bank, outer edge of wet, marshy areas, or outer edge of the floodplain where applicable (see below): S: \ \ErosionControlDivision\2009 \Cape Fear\ 091009. TMBL7 .7..26E.CarolinaFriendsSchool Page 2 of 3 [elm I wiacr. —tea - ]S iffer Width ' S: \ \ErosionControlDivision\2009 \Cape Fear \091009JMBL7.7..26E. Carolina FriendsSchool Page 3 of 3 The following is a description of how the buffers affect the property: 1. Feature A, a previously mapped stream segment, is present in the field and subject to buffer regulations. The beginning point has been flagged in the field for reference. 2. Feature B, a previously mapped stream segment, is present in the field and subject to buffer regulations. 3. Feature C, a previously mapped stream segment, is present in the field and subject to buffer regulations. 4. Feature D, a previously mapped stream segment, is present in the field and subject to buffer regulations. The beginning point has been flagged in the field for reference. If you have questions about this determination, please contact me at (919) 245 -2587. However, if you have further questions about the application of the Zoning Ordinance to , these parcels, how to calculate the buffer lengths, or possible restoration requirements, please contact Michael Harvey, Zoning Enforcement Officer at 919- 245 -2607. Sincerely, LA� Wesley Poole Erosion Control Officer Attachments: Aerial Photograph / Map Relevant Text from Zoning Ordinance cc: File S: \\ErosionControlDivision\2009 \Cape Fear\ 091009. TMBL7 .7..26E.CarolinaFriendsSchool ' USGSWater FBaWm Pa¢el W.y+= Soils Survey Water Feature Tovnship '0—A GC Updated Mier Feature ' School System Boundary, Water Bomes Contours RNer Basins c- County . + Watershed 1 Soils' Zoning rti f City Limits. r ETJ Comniva0on Easements K Held by Others _ Orange County Can,nJat.nEasemenls Vao YR, Floobplato (EOective 02107J07) Flooway (Eflac ve avo2107) V ZI 500 Year Floodplains (EAeeva O V0vo7) Buddings SVOams (Deleled) Peter Klopfer Property I Carolina Friends School a 0 275 550 Fee t inch= 500 feet L„ / r t 1 I , BA[ANCE W 0 I r r . 7-� .t., ,.... �\ /�- � -1 I I tl It i\ \I \ _,_ } \\ �\ - �� � �� i I I � 1 1 \ \\ .= ^1 `-._,/ % I � ' i � ( / �i :c. {•rr .l y: f�? e�F� \I ` �`0� � `��1�� / � ' ``\ \ r -/ ' �\ \ \w�� _ `�-_� _ \ � \\ � \�� l� ^l\ ,/ /! \ � 1 I ; 4 1 \ � , �• 7.• i...( � r..m Y � •+✓ ` $ � f /' /j / i i / _w�J°�I° \ �_ -��`_ J/ / / " -- _^ _ ,,- // // / \ \\ � i� �� �-✓ .. t� \ \ \\ 1 I 1 r r ! .i'¢o3r. .v`. \ � / i / I 1 � i rl rl l 70.000c KE / _ \ - /� /' -- _ i ®`-t %' '1 s di / tom. •. t.. } f '�\ 65.800 -C I t I I,f},1,1 / / \ \ r -- � — \ / '' ^' / //' � '^ :% '� 1 I I 'p7.�� ,g t i• r j•'l�.t 1 `. \ \ \ 1 \ /' \ \__ I Gl 0.10. i �\ / 7 \ 1:... ...,� /.,• Iri r/ \ 0p 05577 IF N 1 ( 1 I I ' 1 1 ,/ / , , '^�/' / ', / , \} 1 } \ \ \\ / / /' ".•'� i�..lf /", � 11 1 0 l0n r � � �rr� .�Y/ , r I r � I . It \ _.� ` \` 1\ l r ya6E /J /II Q OND — r/ ''�/ '!J ; �* f �/ D f }QTIAGE —A / r r /) J.F I �' 4 / a { ;`\ I i I I \ \�` �` `\ - ____' ^ \\ `� / / / / 11 -- Of If If IN N BIMCE 9. ,, , / ^\ \ \ \\ \\ AZ c - -_ --- - - - - -- ` ^`` _ � 0 / � 1 I ) \ 1 / �.vzpsp7ps x \\ — ' - - -- ` \4\\ / /° Vill \ (% `/ / \'\\ }( \ . �•^ - \ \ ' i � � \ I� �_> �� `� i i l ��"• jpj r // J �� \ } 1 i j 1 \..__ � /' ,� ^, (. w y\, \ I I 1 � � � \`. ,i-- 'C� _ = — / %/ / ^ Oi �.1 / / l > }I i I � I 1 l\ -•� J - / r �. \� �•,S � 1 � l � \\� � / \ 1 - \ � ---� ' /,��� --_ -- '�•� \ ' � DUKE FORIMT---- ,// i �'-- ��. / /ii /�.' /� J -'J'� / / % /� // / ,- \ \��, \ � I 'Y' i i � l j I '1 1 \�___•- --- / //'�r�` ._ -'1 \, \'\ \\ f l \ Curve Number Analysis Project Carolina Friends School Development Condition Comparison: Pre-SUP vs. Post - Completion of Connector Driveway Location: 4809 Friends School Road, Durham, NC Calculated By: TMW Orain��ppe Area to Pond 3 - 12.33 Acres Pre5l1P Post - Driveway Area I CNxArea I Area I CN xArea 0 0 0 0 337,196 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 537,196 0 29,300 I 0 I I I 1 90,000 1 25.000 1 10,000 I 0 20,231.760 252,896 0 0 0 0 11,600.000 100,000 40,000 31,831,760 I 547,196 59 I Notes 1 Soils are primarily Appling and Hemdon, per the Orange County Soil Survey. Both are classified by SCS as Hydrologic Soil Group B. 2.871.400 5,490,000 1,725,000 790,000 15,173,760 1 5,800,000 1 2,320,000 1 1 34,170,760 I 62 Date: 6/11/2015 Balance of Drainage Area - 211.85 Acres Pre -SUP 211.85 Ac) Post-Drive wa (211.78 Ac', Area CN x Area I Area CN x Area I 175,458 17,194,684 1 182,026 17,838.548 384,129 37.644,642 1 465,563 45,625,174 150,445 I 150,445 I 210,000 280,000 300,000 2,200,000 1,878,130 1,500,000 200,000 100,000 250,000 615,000 985,000 9,228,162 I I I I 1 12,610,000 1 1 19,320,000 1 23.700,000 1 121.000.000 1 112,687,800 I 199,ogo,goo I I 9,600,000 I I 5,600,000 1 I 16,750,000 I 35,670,000 I 57,130,000 1 I 568,107,3261 62 I 300,000 18.300,000 190,000 13,110,000 280,000 22,120,000 X 2,000,000 110,000,000 1.996,789 119,807,340 1.500,000 99,000,000 rtA. 200.000 9,600,000 a� 70,000 3,920,000 250,000 16,750,000 605.000 35,090,000 p 1,035,000 60,030,000 Y - 9,224,823 571,191.062 62 Draingyp Areato Pond 2 Soils Data Pre-SUP .07 A.) Post- Driveway (7.14 Ac) Soil Group Cover Description CN Area CN x Area Area CN x Area All Impervious Cover Roof, Tennis. Patios 98 806 78,988 39,300 3,851,400 Gravel /Pavement 98 5,827 1 571.046 9,166 898,268 Open Water 98 0 1 0 B Pervious /Semi -Pery Cover I I Lawn, Good Condition 61 I 90,000 1 I 5,490.000 I 55,806 3,404,166 I Lawn, Fair Condition 69 20,000 1 1,380,000 1 20,000 1.380,000 I Lawn, Poor Condition 79 0 1 1 0 I Woods, Good Condition 55 0 1 1 0 Woods, Fair Condition 60 141,179 1 8,470,740 126,879 7.612.740 Woods, Poor Condition 66 0 1 0 Brush, Good Condition 48 0 1 1 0. Bmsh, Fair Condition 56 0 1 0 Bmsh, Poor Condition 67 0 1 0 Meadow /Pasture 58 35.000 1 2,030,000 35,000 2.030,000 Landscape 58 15,000 1 I 870,000 I 25,000 1.450,000 Total 307,812 1 I 18,890,774 I 311,151 20,626,574 Weighted Curve Number 1 61 1 66 Calculated By: TMW Orain��ppe Area to Pond 3 - 12.33 Acres Pre5l1P Post - Driveway Area I CNxArea I Area I CN xArea 0 0 0 0 337,196 0 0 0 0 200,000 0 537,196 0 29,300 I 0 I I I 1 90,000 1 25.000 1 10,000 I 0 20,231.760 252,896 0 0 0 0 11,600.000 100,000 40,000 31,831,760 I 547,196 59 I Notes 1 Soils are primarily Appling and Hemdon, per the Orange County Soil Survey. Both are classified by SCS as Hydrologic Soil Group B. 2.871.400 5,490,000 1,725,000 790,000 15,173,760 1 5,800,000 1 2,320,000 1 1 34,170,760 I 62 Date: 6/11/2015 Balance of Drainage Area - 211.85 Acres Pre -SUP 211.85 Ac) Post-Drive wa (211.78 Ac', Area CN x Area I Area CN x Area I 175,458 17,194,684 1 182,026 17,838.548 384,129 37.644,642 1 465,563 45,625,174 150,445 I 150,445 I 210,000 280,000 300,000 2,200,000 1,878,130 1,500,000 200,000 100,000 250,000 615,000 985,000 9,228,162 I I I I 1 12,610,000 1 1 19,320,000 1 23.700,000 1 121.000.000 1 112,687,800 I 199,ogo,goo I I 9,600,000 I I 5,600,000 1 I 16,750,000 I 35,670,000 I 57,130,000 1 I 568,107,3261 62 I 300,000 18.300,000 190,000 13,110,000 280,000 22,120,000 X 2,000,000 110,000,000 1.996,789 119,807,340 1.500,000 99,000,000 rtA. 200.000 9,600,000 a� 70,000 3,920,000 250,000 16,750,000 605.000 35,090,000 p 1,035,000 60,030,000 Y - 9,224,823 571,191.062 62 Basin Model 6 119 y 7 Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 Hydrology Studio v 1.1A.15 06 -13 -2015 T. P.M 2 Nea Pnuteb CanCUOn[o �o FUt POM 3Pfoa e Y [ N stream CenAUerRe 1 Fw Wum aalarcealMa ae 1 1 ra�aireea Hydrograph Return Period Recap Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 lydrology Sti dio v 1.1.415 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. Hydrograph Hydrograph Peak Outflow (cfs) No. Type Name I I 1 -yr 2 -yr 3 -yr 5 -yr 10 -yr 25 -yr 50 -yr I 100 -yr 1 SCS Runoff To Pond 2 Area 2.582 15.74 34.48 2 Reach Route to Confluence 2.211 15.08 34.08 3 SCS Runoff To Fut. Pond 3 Area 2.637 21.55 50.27 4 Junction At Stream Confluence 4.824 36.63 84.34 5 Reach Route to Lake 4.086 34.44 82.32 6 SCS Runoff Balance of Area 43.57 266.5 599.1 7 Junction Total Area 47.22 289.5 653.8 2 Hydrograph Report Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 Hydrology Studio v 1.1A.15 06 -13 -2015 To Pond 2 Area Hyd. No. 1 Hydrograph Type = SCS Runoff Peak Flow = 2.582 cfs Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time to Peak = 12.03 hrs Time Interval = 2 min Runoff Volume = 8,889 cuft Drainage Area = 7.07 ac Curve Number = 61' TC Method = TR55 (See Worksheet) Time of Conc. (TC) = 7.83 min Total Rainfall = 2.9500 in Design Storm = Type II Storm Duration = 24 hrs Shape Factor = 484 Composite CN Worksheet AREA(ac) ON DESCRIPTION 707 61 Overall 7.07 67 Weighted Average Qp = 2.58 cfs 3— I I I I I I j I I i i I I ; 2 I j N v i I Cr i l I ill I I II I I I - I I I ii I I l ill 0 I j l I I I I l l i I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) 3 TR55 Worksheet Hydrology Studio v To Pond 2 Area SCS Runoff i Description I Sheet Flow Description Manning's n Flow Length (ft) 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip. (in) Land Slope ( %) Travel Time (min) Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) Watercourse Slope ( %) Surface Description Average Velocity (ft/s) Travel Time (min) Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (sqft) Wetted Perimiter (ft) Channel Slope ( %) Manning's n Velocity (ft/s) Flow Length (ft) Travel Time (min) Total Travel Time Segments A 13 C 0.050 0.013 0.013 100 3.5600 3.5600 3.5600 4 2.92 0.00 0.00 200 600 4 2.3 Paved Unpaved Unpaved 4.07 2.45 0.82 4.09 0.00 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.00 0.00 0.00 Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 1 Tc (min) 2.92 4.91 0.00 7.83 min Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Route to Confluence Hydrograph Type = Reach Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrograph = 1 - To Pond 2 Area Reach Length = 700 ft Manning's n = 0.030 Side Slope (h:v) = 1.00:1 Rating Curve X = 2.213 Rating Curve m = 1.431 Modified Att-Kin routing method 3 -- - - N a 2 Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 Peak Flow Time to Peak Hydrograph Volume Section Type Channel Slope Bottom Width Maximum Depth Average Velocity Routing Coeff. Qp = 2.21 cfs i I 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 2 = 2.211 cfs = 12.10 hrs = 8,887 cuft = Trapezoidal = 1.70 % = 5.00 ft = 2.00 ft = 2.32 ft/s = 0.4428 � I j II � o �. u 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) —To Pond 2 Area —Route to Confluence 5 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v To Fut. Pond 3 Area Hydrograph Type Storm Frequency Time Interval Drainage Area Tc Method Total Rainfall Storm Duration u a 3 I 1 -- = SCS Runoff = 1 -yr = 2 min = 12.33 ac = TR55 (See Worksheet) = 2.9500 in = 24 hrs Qp = 2.64 cfs I i Peak Flow Time to Peak Runoff Volume Curve Number Time of Conc. (Tc) Design Storm Shape Factor Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 3 = 2.637 cfs = 12.07 hrs = 13,203 cult = 59 = 9.99 min = Type II = 484 I I Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) 6 TR55 Worksheet Hydrology Studio v 1.1A.15 To Fut. Pond 3 Area SCS Runoff Description 0.013 3.5600 A Sheet Flow 0.00 Description 450 Manning's n 0.050 Flow Length (ft) 100 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip. (in) 3.5600 Land Slope ( %) 4 Travel Time (min) 2.92 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) 200 Watercourse Slope ( %) 4 Surface Description Unpaved Average Velocity (fUs) 3.23 Travel Time (min) 1.03 Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (sqft) Wetted Perimiter (ft) Channel Slope ( %) Manning's n 0.013 Velocity (fUs) Flow Length (ft) Travel Time (min) 0.00 Total Travel Time Segments B C 0.013 0.013 3.5600 3.5600 0.00 0.00 400 450 1 6 Unpaved Unpaved 1.61 3.95 4.13 1.90 0.013 0.013 0.00 0.00 7 Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 3 Tc (min) 2.92 7.06 0.00 9.99 min Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v At Stream Confluence Hydrograph Type = Junction Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrographs = 2, 3 a 5 4 - -- — 7 FA 1- Qp = 4.82 cfs I Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 4 Peak Flow = 4.824 cfs Time to Peak = 12.07 hrs Hydrograph Volume = 22,090 cuft Total Contrib. Area = 14.33 ac l i I 0 i . . . . . . . . . i . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 is 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) —Route to Confluence —To Fut. Pond 3 Area —At Stream Confluence 6 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Route to Lake Hydrograph Type Storm Frequency Time Interval Inflow Hydrograph Reach Length Manning's n Side Slope (h:v) Rating Curve X Rating Curve m Modified Att-Kin routing in N a r 4 = Reach = 1 -yr = 2 min = 4 -At Stream Confluence = 800 ft = 0.025 = 1.00:1 = 1.441 = 1.429 =thod 3 I I! I I E Qp = 4.09 cfs Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 5 Peak Flow = 4.086 cfs Time to Peak = 12.17 hrs Hydrograph Volume = 22,088 cuft Section Type = Trapezoidal Channel Slope = 0.50 % Bottom Width = 5.00 ft Maximum Depth = 3.00 ft Average Velocity = 2.07 fUs Routing Coeff. = 0.3631 I 0 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time (hrs) —At Stream Confluence — Route to Lake i I 2 23 24 25 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Balance of Area Hydrograph Type = SCS Runoff Peak Flow Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time to Peak Time Interval = 2 min Runoff Volume Drainage Area = 211.85 ac Curve Number Tc Method = TR55 (See Worksheet) Time of Conc. (Tc) Total Rainfall = 2.9500 in Design Storm Storm Duration = 24 hrs Shape Factor Composite CN Worksheet AREA(..) CN DESCRIPTION 211.85 62 Overall 211.85 fit W.ighletl Average 50 -- 48-- 46--_ 44 -- 42 40- - 38- - 36--- 34 32- - 30- 28- 220 x24 - 22 - 20- 14- _- _1- ._- 1- ...... -I -- r ---1. 10 - -- --- j--- ` --__- -_ 8 - - -_ - - - -- -. - -_ - 6- - 4 - -- 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Qp = 43.57 cfs _ I I Fit Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 6 = 43.57 cfs = 12.23 hrs = 290,860 cuft = 62" = 27.67 min = Type 11 = 484 _ I I -� -t-- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) 1'0 TR55 Worksheet Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 Hydrology Studio v 1.1A.15 06 -13 -2015 Balance of Area Hyd. No. 6 SCS Runoff Segments Description A B c Tc (min) Sheet Flow Description Manning's n 0.060 0.013 0.013 Flow Length (ft) 100 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip. (in) 3.5600 3.5600 3.5600 Land Slope ( %) 2 Travel Time (min) I 4.46 0.00 0.00 4.46 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) 200 300 Watercourse Slope ( %) I, 2 3 Surface Description Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Average Velocity (fUs) 2.28 2.79 Travel Time (min) 1.46 1.79 , 0.00 3.25 Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (sqft) 3 9 15 Wetted Perimiter (ft) 12 12 12 Channel Slope ( %) 2 1.6 .5 Manning's n 0.040 0.030 0.025 Velocity (fUs) 2.08 5.18 4.89 Flow Length (ft) 1300 850 2000 Travel Time (min) 10.41 2.73 6.81 19.96 Total Travel Time 27.67 min Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Total Area Hydrograph Type = Junction Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrographs = 5, 6 Qp = 47.22 cfs Project Name: CFS Pre -SUP 2012 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 7 Peak Flow = 47.22 cfs Time to Peak = 12.23 hrs Hydrograph Volume = 312,948 cuft Total Contrib. Area = 214.85 ac 54 1 52— i i _... 50— -- -- - — — — 44- -- - 42 -.. 38- -L - -- 36--- - I 34 — 32 -- -1 = - -• -I -�_ - — — r I - -� - -- - -- r _ 30 - - - - - - I -- - 28 a 26- - -- -- - 24 -- _ —.. I � 22- -- -� -- 1 - -- - -— ! — -ii— 20 —!— — -- -- — - - -- - — i I 6- -- -1 - -I- -�-r -- - - - - -- -- . -�J__ -1 , 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) —Route to Lake — Balance of Area —Total Area 021 Basin Model Hydrology Studio v 1.1A.15 EXHI.SIT D mP W2N.. 1 aoumb CmMeme �T. FUl PaM 3Ptea s. 1 NWeam Cwn nce 1 0.Me NlaA � BaW[..�Ma a ,eu�Nea Project Name: CFS Post- Driveway with No Pond 06 -13 -2015 Hydrograph Return Period Recap iydrology Studio v 48.95 12 Junction Hyd. Hydrograph 8.332 Hydrograph 89.45 No. Type Route to Lake Name 1 -yr 1 SCS Runoff 14 SCS Runoff To Pond 2 Area 5.093 2 Reach 598.9 I Quite to Confluence 4.585 Project Name: CF5 Post- Driveway with No Pond 06 -13 -2015 Peak Outflow (cfs) 2 -yr 3 -yr 5 -yr 10 -yr 25 -yr 50 -yr 100 -yr 20.39 40.87 19.86 40.50 11 SCS Runoff To Fut. Pond 3 Area 3.801 22.22 48.95 12 Junction At Stream Confluence 8.332 41.80 89.45 13 Reach Route to Lake 7.303 40.03 86.71 14 SCS Runoff Balance of Area 43.56 266.4 598.9 15 Junction Total Area 49.59 295.4 662.9 7 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v To Pond 2 Area Hydrograph Type = SCS Runoff Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Drainage Area = 7.14 ac TIC Method = TR55 (See Worksheet) Total Rainfall = 2.9500 in Storm Duration = 24 hrs Composite CN Worksheet AREA(ac) CN DESCRIPTION 7.14 66 Overall 7.14 66 Weighted Average Qp = 5.09 Cfs ce I I 2— — — —i Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with No Pond 06 -13 -2015 Peak Flow Time to Peak Runoff Volume Curve Number Time of Conc. (Tc) Design Storm Shape Factor Hyd. No. 1 = 5.093 cfs = 12.00 hrs = 13,506 cuft = 66* = 8.04 min = Type 11 = 484 �I l 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) 3 TR55 Worksheet Hydrology Studio v 1.1A.15 To Pond 2 Area SCS Runoff I Description Sheet Flow Description Manning's n Flow Length (ft) 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip. (in) Land Slope ( %) Travel Time (min) Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) Watercourse Slope ( %) Surface Description Average Velocity (ft/s) Travel Time (min) Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (sqft) Wetted Perimiter (ft) Channel Slope ( %) Manning's n Velocity (f /s) Flow Length (ft) Travel Time (min) Total Ravial Tim6', A 0.050 100 3.5600 4 2.92 200 4 Unpaved 3.23 1.03 0.013 0.00 Project Name: CFS Post- Driveway with No Pond 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 1 Segments B C Tc (min) 0.013 0.013 3.5600 3.5600 0.00 0.00 600 2.3 Unpaved Unpaved 2.45 4.09 0.00 0.013 0.013 0.00 0.00 it i 2.92 5.12 0.00 8.04 min Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Route to Confluence Hydrograph Type Storm Frequency Time Interval Inflow Hydrograph Reach Length Manning's in Side Slope (h:v) Rating Curve X Rating Curve m Modified Att -Kin routing in 5 4 = Reach = 1 -yr = 2 min = 1 - To Pond 2 Area = 700 ft = 0.030 = 1.00:1 = 2.213 = 1.431 =thod Qp = 4.58 cfs Project Name: US Post - Driveway with No Pond 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 2 Peak Flow = 4.585 cfs Time to Peak = 12.07 hrs Hydrograph Volume = 13,504 cuft Section Type = Trapezoidal Channel Slope = 1.70 % Bottom Width = 5.00 ft Maximum Depth = 2.00 ft Average Velocity = 2.84 fUs Routing Coeff. = 0.5173 N 1 0 , „ . 0 1 2 3 I - i - i - i - l - I . { . ) - i i i �f i r ; . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) —To Pond 2 Area — Route to Confluence S Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v To Fut. Pond 3 Area Hydrograph Type = SCS Runoff Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Drainage Area = 12.33 ac Tc Method = TR55 (See Worksheet) Total Rainfall = 2.9500 in Storm Duration = 24 hrs Composite CN Worksheet AREA(ac) CN DESCRIPTION 12.33 fit Overall 12.33 62 Weighted Average Qp = 3.80 cfs I_. I, I Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with No Pond Peak Flow Time to Peak Runoff Volume Curve Number Time of Conc. (Tc) Design Storm Shape Factor 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 11 = 3.801 cfs = 12.10 hrs = 16,505 cuff = 62* = 13.82 min = Type 11 = 484 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) GO TR55 Worksheet Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with No Pond Hydrology Studio v 06 -13 -2015 To Fut. Pond 3 Area Hyd. No. 11 SCS Runoff Segments Description A 13 C Tc (min) Sheet Flow Description Manning's n 0.040 0.013 0.013 Flow Length (ft) 100 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip, (in) 3.5600 3.5600 3.5600 Land Slope ( %) .5 Travel Time (min) 5.62 0.00 0.00 5.62 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) 650 Watercourse Slope ( %) 1 Surface Description Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Average Velocity (ft/s) 1.61 Travel Time (min) 6.71 0.00 0.00 6.71 Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (scift) 1.7 1 Wetted Perimiter (ft) 4.7 12 Channel Slope ( %) 1 12 Manning's n 0.013 0.030 0.013 Velocity (ft/s) 5.8 3.26 Flow Length (ft) 250 150 Travel Time (min) 0.72 0.77 0.00 1.49 Total Travel Time 13.82 min L 1 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v At Stream Confluence Hydrograph Type = Junction Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrographs = 2, 11 C [! _A 2 't a 4 3 F1 1 Project Name: CF Peak Flow Time to Peak Hydrograph Volume Total Contrib. Area Qp = 8.33 cfs 5 Post- Driveway with No Ponc 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 12 = 8.332 cfs = 12.07 hrs = 30,010 cuft = 14.33 ac 7 ,-T- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) —Route to Confluence —To Fut. Pond 3 Area —At Stream Confluence 9 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Route to Lake Hydrograph Type Storm Frequency Time Interval Inflow Hydrograph Reach Length Manning's n Side Slope (h:v) Rating Curve X Rating Curve m Modified Aft-Kin routing m a = Reach = 1 -yr = 2 min = 12 - At Stream Confluence = 800 ft = 0.025 = 1.00:1 = 1.441 = 1.429 -thod Qp = 7.30 cfs Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with No Pond 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 13 Peak Flow = 7.303 cfs Time to Peak = 12.13 hrs Hydrograph Volume = 30,007 cuft Section Type = Trapezoidal Channel Slope = 0.50 % Bottom Width = 5.00 ft Maximum Depth = 3.00 ft Average Velocity = 2.44 fVs Routing Coeff. = 0.4145 I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) —At Stream Confluence — Route to Lake i Hydrograph Report Project Name: US Post - Driveway with No Pond Hydrology Studio v 06 -13 -2015 Balance of Area Hyd. No. 14 Hydrograph Type = SCS Runoff Peak Flow = 43.56 cfs Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time to Peak = 12.23 hrs Time Interval = 2 min Runoff Volume = 290,764 cuft Drainage Area = 211.78 ac Curve Number = 62` Tc Method = TR55 (See Worksheet) Time of Conc. (Tc) = 27.67 min Total Rainfall = 2.9500 in Design Storm = Type II Storm Duration = 24 hrs Shape Factor = 484 Composite CN Worksheet AREA(ac) CN DESCRIPTION 211.78 62 Overall 211.78 62 Weighled Average Qp = 43.56 cfs 50 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 Z2 az z 2 1 1 1 12 1 8 6 4 2 0 4 -- ...- -- -�— I---- - - ---- - -- -! -- -I— _ . -. -._i 2 _ I —T h -- -- -� - -- - - — — - -I I I 1 1 1 1 I•• I• 1 I' I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) 60 TR55 Worksheet Hydrology Studio v Balance of Area SCS Runoff Description Sheet Flow Description Manning's n Flow Length (ft) 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip. (in) Land Slope ( %) Travel Time (min) Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) Watercourse Slope ( %) Surface Description Average Velocity (ft/s) Travel Time (min) Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (sgft) Wetted Perimiter (ft) Channel Slope ( %) Manning's n Velocity (ft/s) Flow Length (ft) Travel Time (min) Total Travel TimY Project Name: CFS Post- Driveway with No Pond 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 14 Segments A B C Tc(min) 0.060 0.013 0.013 100 3.5600 3.5600 3.5600 2 4.46 0.00 0.00 4.46 200 300 2 3 Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved 2.28 2.79 1.46 1.79 0.00 3.25 3 9 15 12 12 12 2 1.6 .5 0.040 0.030 0.025 2.08 5.18 4.89 1300 850 2000 10.41 2.73 6.81 19.96 27.67 min Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Total Area Project Name: CIFS Post-Driveway with No Pond 06-13-2015 Hyd. No. 15 Hydrograph Type = Junction Peak Flow = 49.59 cfs Storm Frequency = 1-yr Time to Peak = 12.23 hrs Time Interval = 2 min Hydrograph Volume = 320,772 cuft Inflow Hydrographs = 13, 14 Total Contrib. Area = 214.78 ac Qp = 49.59 ds IF 56 54 52 50 48 4G 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) —Route to Lake — Balance of Area —Total Area 12• IF 7i .................... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) —Route to Lake — Balance of Area —Total Area 12• Basin Model YY l N^ Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with Pond Hydrology Studio v E„H I's IT 1 06 -13 -2015 To Pwbl Ma _ Pmd2 c�__ 1 Rohe M Cw ... To Fa Fm 3 M a' Y AIS.TC.lue,. 1 RoW. to Idle 9alarceW Ma � v ✓ Y mm Ma Hydrograph Return Period Recap Hydrology Studio v Hyd. Hydrograph Hydrograph 22.22 No. Type Name 38.35 14 Reach Route to Lake 3.488 1 -yr 1 SCS Runoff To Pond 2 Area 5.093 2 Pond Route Pond 2 0.373 3 Reach Route to Confluence 0.372 2 -yr 3 -yr Project Name: CFS Post- Driveway with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 Peak Outflow (cfs) 5 -yr 10 -yr 20.39 16.86 16.56 12 SCS Runoff To Fut. Pond 3 Area 3.801 22.22 13 Junction At Stream Confluence 4.019 38.35 14 Reach Route to Lake 3.488 36.72 15 SCS Runoff Balance of Area 43.56 266.4 16 Junction Total Area 46.94 298.5 25 -yr 50 -yr 100 -yr 40.87 35.74 34.37 48.95 82.96 80.12 598.9 668.5 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v To Pond 2 Area Hydrograph Type = SCS Runoff Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Drainage Area = 7.14 ac To Method = TR55 (See Worksheet) Total Rainfall = 2.9500 in Storm Duration = 24 hrs composite CN Worksheet AREA(..) CN DESCRIPTION 7.14 66 Overall 7.14 66 Weighted Average 6- li 4 3 a PA 1- ..._ o I� 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Qp = 5.09 cfs I 7 i Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with Pond 2 Peak Flow Time to Peak Runoff Volume Curve Number Time of Conic. (Tc) Design Storm Shape Factor 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 1 = 5.093 cfs = 12.00 hrs = 13,506 cuft = 66* = 8.04 min = Type 11 = 484 - -I i i I I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) 3 TR55 Worksheet Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with Pond Hydrology Studio v 06 -13 -2015 To Pond 2 Area Hyd. No. 1 SCS Runoff Segments Description A B C To (min) Sheet Flow Description Manning's n 0.050 0.013 0.013 Flow Length (ft) 100 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip. (in) 3.5600 3.5600 3.5600 Land Slope ( %) 4 Travel Time (min) 2.92 0.00 0.00 2.92 Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) 200 600 Watercourse Slope ( %) 4 2.3 Surface Description Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved Average Velocity (ft/s) 3.23 2.45 Travel Time (min) 1.03 4.09 0.00 5.12 Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (soft) Wetted Perimiter (ft) Channel Slope ( %) Manning's n 0.013 0.013 0.013 Velocity (f /s) Flow Length (ft) Travel Time (min) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Travel Time 8.04 min Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Pond 2 Hydrograph Type = Pond Route Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrograph = 1 - To Pond 2 Area Pond Name = Pond 2 with Riser Pond Routing by Storage Indication Method N a 4 QP: l :0. 37 cfs I' Project Name: US Post - Driveway with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 � I I i, I I I l I I � I i. iiTrt I 0 1 L 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Time (hrs) —To Pond 2 Area —L Pond 2 L Hyd. No. 2 Peak Flow = 0.373 cfs Time to Peak = 13.57 hrs Hydrograph Volume = 13,503 cuft Max. Elevation = 482.49 ft Max. Storage = 4,879 cuft Center of mass detention time = 2.65 hrs � I I i, I I I l I I � I i. iiTrt I 0 1 L 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Time (hrs) —To Pond 2 Area —L Pond 2 L Pond Report Hydrology Studio v Pond 2 with Riser User Defined Contours {: DdstAf I!on Input Stage Elevation (ft) (ft) Bottom Elevation, ft 480.00 0.00 486.00 Voids ( %) 100.00 2.00 482.00 Volume Calc Ave End Area 4.00 484.00 a. 6.00 486.00 c i 489 485 484 2 >483 w Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 Stage- Storage Stage / Storage Table Contour Area Incr. Storage Total $16rage (Sgft) (cuft) (cuft) 1,200 0.000 0.000 2,100 3,300 3,300 4,400 6,500 9,800 6,200 10,600 20,400 Stage- Storage 4t5L / 481 480 0 20)0 4 N v 3 2 1 0 40)0 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 Total Storage (cuft) 6 Pond Report Project Name: US Post - Driveway with Pond Hydrology Studio v 06 -13 -2015 Pond 2 with Riser Stage- Discharge 485— 484 x v483- w 482 481 I 480' J 5 1 l 15 ZD 5 3) 35 4) 45 5) 55 6) 65 7) 75 Discharge (cfs) —Top of Pond — Culvert— Riser — Orifice —Broad Crested —Total Q 5 4 m 3 m 2 1 0 Orifices Culvert 1 Orifices Culvert Perforated Riser Rise, in 18 3 Pert. Rise, in Span, in 18 3 Perf. Span, in No. Barrels 1 1 No. Perforations Invert Elevation, ft 479 479 Invert Elevation, it Orifice Coefficient, Co .6 .6 Height, ft Length, ft 67 Orifice Coefficient, Co Barrel Slope, % 1.5 N- Value, n 0.013 r Weirs Weirs Riser" Ancillary 1 2, Shape / Type Box Broad Crested - Exfiltration, in /hr 1. Crest Elevation, ft 483 484.5 Tailwater Elevation, ft Crest Length, ft 15 12 V -Notch Angle, deg Weir Coefficient, Cw 3.3 2.6 'Routes through Culvert. Stage- Discharge 483 C 485— 484 x v483- w 482 481 I 480' J 5 1 l 15 ZD 5 3) 35 4) 45 5) 55 6) 65 7) 75 Discharge (cfs) —Top of Pond — Culvert— Riser — Orifice —Broad Crested —Total Q 5 4 m 3 m 2 1 0 Pond Report P Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with Pond Suffix key. is = inlet control, oc = outlet control, s = submerged weir a Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Route to Confluence Hydrograph Type = Reach Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrograph = 2 - Pond 2 Reach Length = 700 ft Manning's n = 0.030 Side Slope (h:v) = 1.00:1 Rating Curve X = 2.213 Rating Curve m = 1.431 Modified Att-Kin routing method a Project Name: US Past- Driveway with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 3 Peak Flow = 0.372 cfs Time to Peak = 13.70 hrs Hydrograph Volume = 13,476 cuft Section Type = Trapezoidal Channel Slope = 1.70 % Bottom Width = 5.00 ft Maximum Depth = 2.00 ft Average Velocity = 1.29 fUs Routing Coeff. = 0.274 Qp = 0.37 cfs 0.? 4 0.36 I 0.34 - 0.32 - ---+- 1. - - -- -- - -. 0.3- .__ -�_ 0.28- :.._. -_ . -.__ I -_. -- l-- - 0.26 -- - l - �i -- i 0.24 - - -i- -j— -- F 0.22— -r_ -- - - -_. -_ - • -- -- — ._•—� -- I 0.18 0.16 - -- -- -- - - - I i - T� - -- - -- I - -- 0.14 _ -- — -- -. - - -- - —� - - -- 0.12�— — -- — — -- �� -- — 0.1 - 0.08 0.06- 0.04 - 0.02 - - o � i I „ i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Time (hrs) —Pond 2 —Route to Confluence tll Hyd rog ra ph Report Project Name: US Post - Driveway with Pond 2 Hydrology Studio v 06 -13 -2015 To Fut. Pond 3 Area Hyd. No. 12 Hydrograph Type = SCS Runoff Peak Flow = 3.801 cfs Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time to Peak = 12.10 hrs Time Interval = 2 min Runoff Volume = 16,505 cuft Drainage Area = 12.33 ac Curve Number = 62' Tc Method = TR55 (See Worksheet) Time of Conc. (Tc) = 13.82 min Total Rainfall = 2.9500 in Design Storm = Type II Storm Duration = 24 hrs Shape Factor = 484 Composite CN Worksheet AREA(ac) CN DESCRIPTION 12.33 62 Overall 1233 62 Weighted Average , 4— 3— —' -- a i I I i I 0 t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) to TR55 Worksheet Hydrology Studio v To Fut. Pond 3 Area SCS Runoff I Description Sheet Flow Description Manning's n Flow Length (ft) 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip. (in) Land Slope ( %) Travel Time (min) Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) Watercourse Slope ( %) Surface Description Average Velocity (ft/s) Travel Time (min) Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (scift) Wetted Perimiter (ft) Channel Slope ( %) Manning's n Velocity (ft/s) Flow Length (ft) Travel Time (min) I Total Travel Time A 0.040 100 3.5600 .5 5.62 650 1 Unpaved 1.61 6.71 1.7 4.7 1 0.013 5.8 250 0.72 Segments B 0.013 3.5600 0.00 Unpaved 0.00 1 12 12 0.030 3.26 150 0.77 Project Name: CFS Post - Driveway with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 12 I I C Tc (min) 0.013 3.5600 0.00 Unpaved 0.00 0.013 0.00 5.62 6.71 1.49 13.82 min Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v At Stream Confluence Hydrograph Type = Junction Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrographs = 3, 12 r 4- — �— 3— N u - a 2- 1 -- Project Name: Peak Flow Time to Peak Hydrograph Volume Total Contrib. Area Qp = 4.02 cfs I FS Past - Driveway with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 13 = 4.019 cfs = 12.10 hrs = 29,981 cuft = 14.33 ac 0 ,� ...� 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Time (hrs) — Route to Confluence —To Fut. Pond 3 Area —At Stream Confluence M Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Route to Lake Hydrograph Type = Reach Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrograph = 13 -At Stream Confluence Reach Length = 800 ft Manning's n = 0.025 Side Slope (h:v) = 1.00:1 Rating Curve X = 1.441 Rating Curve m = 1.429 Modified Att-Kin routing method Project Name: CPS Post- Driveway with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 Qp = 3.49 cfs J ! I ! I El 3 (Y 2 1 i I! ! i III! I,I i II l 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 1) 11 12 13 14 15 to 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Time (hrs) —At Stream Confluence —Route to Lake 13 Hyd. No. 14 Peak Flow = 3.488 cfs Time to Peak = 12.20 hrs Hydrograph Volume = 29,979 cuft Section Type = Trapezoidal Channel Slope = 0.50 % Bottom Width = 5.00 ft Maximum Depth = 3.00 ft Average Velocity = 1.96 ft/s Routing Coeff. = 0.3471 Qp = 3.49 cfs J ! I ! I El 3 (Y 2 1 i I! ! i III! I,I i II l 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 1) 11 12 13 14 15 to 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Time (hrs) —At Stream Confluence —Route to Lake 13 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Balance of Area Hydrograph Type = SCS Runoff Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Drainage Area = 211.78 ac Tc Method = TR55 (See Worksheet) Total Rainfall = 2.9500 in Storm Duration = 24 hrs Composite CN Worksheet AREA(ac) CN DESCRIPTION 211,78 62 Overall 211.78 62 Weighted Average Qp = 43.56 cfs Project Name: US Post - Driveway with Pond 2 Peak Flow Time to Peak Runoff Volume Curve Number Time of Conc. (Tc) Design Storm Shape Factor 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 15 = 43.56 cfs = 12.23 hrs = 290,764 cuft = 62* = 27.67 min = Type 11 = 484 U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Time (hrs) I If TR55 Worksheet Hydrology Studio v Balance of Area SCS Runoff Description Sheet Flow Description Manning's n Flow Length (ft) 2 -yr, 24 -hr Precip. (in) Land Slope ( %) Travel Time (min) Shallow Concentrated Flow Flow Length (ft) Watercourse Slope ( %) Surface Description Average Velocity (ft/s) Travel Time (min) Channel Flow X- sectional Flow Area (sgft) Wetted Perimiter (ft) Channel Slope ( %) Manning's n Velocity (ft/s) Flow Length (ft) Travel Time (min) Total Travel Time Project Name: CFS Post- Driveway, with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 15 Segments A IS C Tc (min) 0.060 0.013 0.013 100 3.5600 3.5600 3.5600 2 4.46 0.00 0.00 4.46 200 300 2 3 Unpaved Unpaved Unpaved 2.28 2.79 1.46 1.79 0.00 3.25 3 9 15 12 12 12 2 1.6 .5 0.040 0.030 0.025 2.08 5.18 4.89 1300 850 2000 10.41 2.73 6.81 19.96 27.67 min 15 Hydrograph Report Hydrology Studio v Total Area Hydrograph Type = Junction Storm Frequency = 1 -yr Time Interval = 2 min Inflow Hydrographs = 14, 15 Qp = 46.94 cfs Project Name: Peak Flow Time to Peak Hydrograph Volume Total Contrib. Area FS Post - Driveway with Pond 2 06 -13 -2015 Hyd. No. 16 = 46.94 cfs = 12.23 hrs = 320,743 cuft = 214.78 ac 48 — - '— - j I 40 �- -- -- - - - - -- ,__� - - -- - _ I T I 34 i 30 w 28 - -- 26-T1 24- ° -- -- L._. - -- -- - -- -- - 22-- I i 16'_ 14 - - -- -�- -- - j —) -- -- - J -- _ 10 -- - -- r 6 _� - -- -- 2 T 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Time (hrs) —Route to Lake — Balance of Area —Total Area 16