HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020408 Ver 2_Mitigation Site Selection_20150929Mitigation Site Selection Methodology Initial site selection for stream and wetland mitigation sites was undertaken as a desktop study using ArcView 9.1 software. GIS layers were provided by Richmond County GIS department. These data included Tax Parcels, Topography, Hydrology, Soils, Watersheds, Roads and Arial Photography. Wetlands data were obtained from the National Wetland Inventory (NWI) website. Using these data it was possible to select a number of sites for more in depth investigation with regard to their suitability as mitigation sites. It is highly desirable that any mitigation site be located within the same watershed as the project for which it is providing mitigation. For this reason the site search was limited to those parcels of land located within Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC) # 03040201010 and located within Richmond County. To further narrow the search all parcels of less than 100 acres were eliminated from the search. The search was now limited to parcels of 100 acres or greater, located within the 11 -digit HUC #03040201010. These parcels were saved as a separate layer. At this point the methodology for the selection of wetland sites and stream sites diverged. Both methodologies will be discussed separately below. Stream Sites To locate likely stream mitigation sites a query was performed to select from the remaining 100 acre parcels those which contained lengths of stream. The stream layer provided by Richmond County was used to select those parcels with which it intersected. All lands in the ownership of the State of North Carolina or the Federal Government were then eliminated. This reduced the number of parcels remaining to 184. Those sites containing less than 1000 ft of stream were discarded leaving 169 parcels. In order to further reduce the number of parcels, those with their centre more than 40,000 linear feet from the proposed project were discarded. This left a total of 109 parcels. The remaining parcels were then visually inspected. Twenty sites were selected that appear to have significant lengths of straight stream channel and that contain both banks of the stream. These sites were selected as straight channels may indicate that the stream has been ditched and so would provide the best opportunities for restoration and therefore mitigation. A second method was employed to located possible stream mitigation sites in urban areas. Municipal areas were displayed and overlaid with the stream layer provided by Richmond County and the 100 yr FEMA floodplain map also provided by Richmond County. The presence of the floodplain indicates that the area will be free of development and may be available for mitigation purposes. Long, straight sections of stream were identified. These are shown in Figure x.x. Wetland Sites A wetlands layer containing the wetlands recorded in the NWI was added to the map. Those parcels which intersected with recorded wetlands were selected and those that did not were rejected. To narrow the search further, parcels were identified that contained wetlands that are recorded in the NWI as being partially ditched and drained. These sites hold the greatest potential for restoration and therefore mitigation. This process resuited in the identification of 15 potential sites that met the criteria set out above. Results Stream sites Twenty possible stream mitigation sites were identified. These sites are summarized in Table 1.1 below, and are shown in Figure 1.1. Table 1.1 Stream Sites Site Tax Parcel No. Number Acres Owner Name Address City ZIP 15 PENNINGTON 1 744400393570 138.4836 MCRAE FAMILY LLC PLACE DURHAM NC 27707 2 744400899405 387.5430 EDWARDS WOOD PRODUCT INC P 0 BOX 219 MARSHVILLE, NC 128103 Each of the sites listed in Table 1.1 is discussed briefly below with regard to the features expected on site. Site 1. Total Area: 138.4836 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 2172 Linear Feet (shared with Site 7) COLEY FARMS LIMITED SPARTANB'URG 3 745400576984 613.8777 PARTNERSHIP 126 COMMONS DR SC 29302 WOODMONT ASSOC INC ET AL, 19809B NORTH COVE 4 744400545097 547.8778 C/O LEONARD R TAYLOR RD 203 CORNELIUS, NC 28031 5 745400145586 174.7321 B V HEDRICK GRAVEL & SAND CO P 0 BOX 1040 SALISBURY NC 28145 16 745400351793 140.4409 INTERNATIONAL PAPER REATLY 3 PARAGON DR MONTVALE NJ 07645 7 744300046789 356.0116 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT WOODMONT ASSOC INC ET AL. 19809B NORTH COVE 8 744400545097 623.0526 C/O LEONARD R TAYLOR RD 203 CORNELIUS, NC 28031 9 744300046789 332.2482 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT 10 746100240383 239.4300 DOCKERY NICHOLAS W TRUST 4130 QUAIL VIEW RD CHARLOTTE NC 28226 11 746100424789 146.9514 DOCKERY NICHOLAS W TRUST 4130 QUAIL VIEW RD CHARLOTTE NC 28226 12 746000025496 294.1630 JORDAN TIMBER LLC P 0 BOX 98 MT GILEAD NC 27306 13 734900158172 327.6930 HOGAN MARGARET F 2124 CADDELL RD HOFFMAN NC 28347 14 738900256448 128.2753 PATE Z V INC P 0 BOX 159 LAUREL HILL NC 28351 1004 FAYETTEVILLE 15 743500776130 793.1000 CHALK JOHN D, BRYAN L, & EVON RD ROCKINGHAM, NC 28379 BRUNSWICK TIMBER LLC / FOREST INVESTMENTS ASSOC 15 PIEDMONT 16 744000832438 357.4300 LP CENTER STE 1250 ATLANTA GA 30005 117 734900469727 370.6500 CROSLAND GROUP INC 127 SCALEY BARK RD CHARLOTTE, N C 28209 118 744100444663 784.5900 BEAVER DAM PINES P 0 BOX 40 ELLERBE- NC 28338 119 LONG IRVIN B & KATHRYN ROCKINGHAM, N 749303133363 105.4034 /SKIPPER PARTNERSHIP 339 CURTIS DR C 28379 865 JOHN L RIEGEL 20 749303412417 905.8900 SUSTAINABLE FORESTS LLC RD RIEGELWOOD NC 28456 Each of the sites listed in Table 1.1 is discussed briefly below with regard to the features expected on site. Site 1. Total Area: 138.4836 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 2172 Linear Feet (shared with Site 7) Comments: Channel shared with site 7, very straight, almost certainly ditched, excellent restoration potential. On flood plain Site 2. Total Area: 387.5430 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 5310 Linear Feet Comments: Appears to have fairly good sinuosity, may have limited restoration potential other than preservation. Site 3. Total Area: 613.8777 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 2 channels; 4291 linear Feet and 4272 Linear Feet Comments: Northwest channel quite straight but close to property line, wooded. Southeast channel somewhat less straight. Also channel running along property line with Site 6. Site 4. Total Area: 547.8778 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 1713 Linear Feet Comments: Flows though cleared land and forest. Site 5. Total Area: 174.7321 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 1104 Linear Feet Comments: Continuation of stream in Site 2. Fairly straight. Channel at northern end of site. Site 6. Total Area: 140.4409 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 1200 Linear Feet Comments: Shares some channel with Site 3. Probably not a good option Site 7. Total Area: 356.0116 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 4613 Linear Feet (2 Channels 2441 if & 2172 lf) Comments: Northern channel is shared with Site 1. Very straight, almost certainly ditched, excellent mitigation potential. Site 8. Total Area: 623.0526 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 3552 Linear Feet Comments: Channel not distinct in aerial photo. May have potential. Site 9. Total Area: 332.2482 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 6311 Linear Feet (main channel), 2118 Linear Feet (tributary), 755 Linear Feet (tributary), 2673 Linear Feet, 2283 Linear Feet. Total: 14140 Linear Feet Comments: One large channel and two smaller tributaries north. Two small channels in South. Potential may exist on smaller channels. This site is very close to impacted area, northern channels in same 14 digit HUC. Site 10. Total Area: 239.4300 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 3734 Linear Feet Comments: Channel probably small, wooded. Site 11. Total Area: 146.9514 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 2198 Linear Feet Comments: Close to property line. Pond on stream. Site 12. Total Area: 294.1630 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 2810 Linear Feet Comments: Channel is quite straight and may be ditched. Appears to have good mitigation potential. Site 13. Total Area: 327.6930 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 2392 Linear Feet Comments: Site appears to be cleared for agriculture. Channel straight and probably ditched. Excellent potential Site 14. Total Area: 128.2753 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 4538 Linear Feet Comments: Channel quite straight, possibly wetland/linear pond however. Possibly more channel present. Quite open Site 15. Total Area: 793.1000 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 5933 Linear Feet Comments: Channel probably small, possibly intermittent. Site 16. Total Area: 357.4300 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 10185 Linear Feet (Two channels 7633 and 2552 If) Comments: Long straight channel, wooded. Site 17. Total Area: 370.6500 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 2848 Linear Feet (Two Channels 1711 and 1137 It) Comments: Two channels both straight, one in open farmland. Site 18. Total Area: 784.5900 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 16775 Linear Feet (in three channels) Comments: Channels on flood plain. Topo nice. Possibly ditched in some places Site 19. Total Area: 105.4034 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 1444 Linear Feet Comments: Forested, channel probably small Site 20. Total Area: 905.8900 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 7501 Linear Ft in two channels (3777 and 37241f) Comments: Forested, pond on southern channel. Results Stream sites Twenty possible stream mitigation sites were identified. These sites are summarized in Table 1.1 below, and are shown in Figure 1.1. Table 1.1 Stream Sites Site Tax Parcel No. Number Acres Owner Name Address city 15 PENNINGTON 1 744400393570 138.4836 MCRAE FAMILY LLC PLACE DURHAM NC 12 1 744400899405 387.5430 EDWARDS WOOD PRODUCT INC P 0 BOX 219 MARSHVILLE, NC COLEY FARMS LIMITED SPARTANB'URG 3 745400576984 613.8777 PARTNERSHIP 126 COMMONS DR SC WOODMONT ASSOC INC ET AL, 198098 NORTH COVE 4 744400545097 547.8778 C/O LEONARD R TAYLOR RD 203 CORNELIUS, NC 5 745400145586 174.7321 B V HEDRICK GRAVEL & SAND CO P 0 BOX 1040 SALISBURY NC 16 745400351793 140.4409 INTERNATIONAL PAPER REATLY 3 PARAGON DR MONTVALE NJ 7 744300046789 356.0116 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT WOODMONT ASSOC INC ET AL. 198098 NORTH COVE 8 744400545097 623.0526 C/O LEONARD R TAYLOR RD 203 CORNELIUS, NC 19 744300046789 332.2482 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT 10 746100240383 239.4300 DOCKERY NICHOLAS W TRUST 4130 QUAIL VIEW RD CHARLOTTE NC 11 746100424789 146.9514 DOCKERY NICHOLAS W TRUST 4130 QUAIL VIEW RD CHARLOTTE NC 12 746000025496 294.1630 JORDAN TIMBER LLC P O BOX 98 MT GILEAD NC 13 734900158172 327.6930 HOGAN MARGARET F 2124 CADDELL RD HOFFMAN NC 14 738900256448 128.2753 PATE Z V INC P 0 BOX 159 LAUREL HILL NC 1004 FAYETTEVILLE 15 743500776130 793.1000 CHALK JOHN D, BRYAN L, & EVON RD ROCKINGHAM, NC BRUNSWICK TIMBER LLC / FOREST INVESTMENTS ASSOC 15 PIEDMONT 16 744000832438 357.4300 LP CENTER STE1250 ATLANTA GA 17 734900469727 370.6500 CROSLAND GROUP INC 127 SCALEY BARK RD CHARLOTTE, N C 18 744100444663 784.5900 BEAVER DAM PINES P 0 BOX 40 ELLERBE, NC LONG IRVIN B & KATHRYN ROCKINGHAM, N 19 749303133363 105.4034 /SKIPPER PARTNERSHIP 339 CURTIS DR C 865 JOHN L RIEGEL 20 749303412417 905.8900 SUSTAINABLE FORESTS LLC RD RIEGELWOOD NC Each of the sites listed in Table 1.1 is discussed briefly below with regard to the features expected on site. Site 1. Total Area: 138.4836 acres Length of Stream Channel Present: 2172 Linear Feet (shared with Site 7) ZIP 27707 1 28103 I 29302 28031 1 28145 07645 P4 11A 28226 28226 27306 28347 28351 28379 1 30005 1 28209 28338 28379 28456 Site 3 Total Area: 327.6930 acres Drained Wetland Area: 19.208 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 0 Comments: all in one wetland. Site 4 Total Area: 128.2753 acres Drained Wetland Area: 4.796 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 0 Comments: Site 5 Total Area: 446.5494 acres Drained Wetland Area: 2.6427 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 0 Comments: Site 6 Total Area: 240.8935 acres Drained Wetland Area: 2.906 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 0 Comments: Site 7 Total Area: 340.6892 acres Drained Wetland Area: 13.2547 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 2.153 acres Comments: Site 8 Total Area: 395.9588 acres Drained Wetland Area: 21.6229 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 0 Comments: Very fragmented Site 9 Total Area: 248.5053 acres Drained Wetland Area: 4.235 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 0 Comments: Site 10 Total Area: 357.4300 acres Drained Wetland Area: 1.756 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 1.165 acres Comments: Site 11 Total Area: 151.8300 acres Drained Wetland Area: 28.704 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 0 Comments: Site 12 Total Area: 325.8400 acres Drained Wetland Area: 16.99 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 3.235 acres Comments: Site 13 Total Area: 370.6500 acres Drained Wetland Area: 4.337 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 4.337 acres Continents: Partially ditched and drained emergent wetland. All in one block. Site 14 Total Area: 331.5800 acres Drained Wetland Area: 7.941 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 2.295 acres (drained) Comments: Emergent Wetland is partially ditched and drained and included in Drained Wetland acreage. Site 15 Total Area: 227.2200 acres Drained Wetland Area: 11.017 acres Emergent Wetland Area: 0 Comments: All in one block. Joint Wetland and Stream Sites A number of the sites discussed above are included in both the Stream list and the Wetland list. Those sites are as follows: Stream Site 12 = Wetland Site 2 Stream Site 13 = Wetland Site 3 Stream Site 14 = Wetland Site 4 Stream Site 16 = Wetland Site 10 Stream Site 17 = Wetland Site 13