HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG550057_Other Agency Documents_19880511 • NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Winston-Salem Regional Office May 11 , 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry Permits and Engineering THROUGH: M. Steven Mauney Water Quality Supervi or FROM: James C. Watson J L� Environmental Engineer SUBJECT: NPDES Permit Application NPDES Permit No. NC0030945 Mr. and Mrs . Frank S. Soper Residence Request for Permit Renewal Forsyth County Attached please find a staff report and recommendations pertaining to the above_mentioned project. This site was inspected on April 26 , 1988, and found to be functioning adequately. The only additions to the original staff report and recommendation would be as follows : 1 . Wastewater Code: 04 SIC Code: 4952 If additional information is required, please advise. Attachment cc : Forsyth County Health Dept. Central Files ✓ WSRO NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURC Tel2E IVD OFFICE OF WATER AND AIR RESOURCES N:ipt. NRCD Water Quality Division P. O. Box 27687 AP 1988 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Division ci Environmental Manage Winston-Salem m,Reg• Office . Site Evaluation (Lot li REPORT OF -------------- ------- • _ __ ___________ ___ Place visited _._.Char:Wi_n Development_,_ Shugart Enterprises Date March_17 lg 76 Address _Route 9,_Pox 32, Winston-Salem_, N. C. 27107River Basin Yadkin-Pee Dee By Whom __''r.. I._ T:,_ Anderson, Fnv:Ton.r,eptal _Engineer Tech. Time Spent _ 2 hours Persons Contacted _..Ur,_ Haro1d_She-11,-,-..Field_ Supetvi.s_Qr,_Shuzar-tEnterprises;_Mr.._ Don _Williams, Sanilarian._FDrayth_County rODD n_t_ai-tis alth_Dep.a_ztment� Reason for Visit _ _._Conduct site evaluation for two p_roposed _private dwelling. discharges to • • surface waters Copies to: Mr. W. E. Long Technical Services Department of Human Resources REPORT: The following Staff Report and Reeo;.inendations data pertain to the site evaluations for private dwelling discharge permits for Lots ;r/ 14 and 15 of the Char-Win Develo,,apc_nt conth±eted on `.arch 15, 1976. The data and information concerning one lot is exactly the same Ior both lots be- cause they are side by side. Sufficient copies will accc'::;pany each seperately drafted permit. - T I - 1 NSi i i I \ OF PROPOSED WA T'..;TFR TREATMENT PLANT S i i F 1. Diroctions to Site: From Winston-Salem, proceed east on Old- 621' •.f� ?� (NCSR 2377) to Walkertown Road (NCSR 2385) . Turn left (north) and pro.:ced approximately 0. 6 .-:I les. Turn left (w,•st) on Chs',, ,k-k0 _.. i.n Drive. Turn right (north) eeeend street i n Dri Lots fi 15 and " 14 .:re last two lots can left. 1 :1i:I':i •:c 36°08'08 LONGITUDE 80°09'2S" • NOTE: The roads in Char--Win Development have :••=:t i'�..il incorporated into the State Highway System as ' .�NOb- 5.9� yet, therefore, the NCSR number is missing. 2. The bearing and distance to the proposed point of etitieent/ Zia •p'i irge=1,• : T1ie proposed i•f f 1 ucnr. discharge will be :i proxi:A.rk,`!y a::'L1 i cet y� due of each proposed residence into Lower :ti 1 ItrA : `„' f west t � y fir,-:ck�" Y;'1,�44-,- .,., Py e Dee River Basin. Z£ZZ i) -19 • 3. Size: Sufficient space is available for the proposed systems for each of the three (3) bedroom, two (2) bath residences. 4. Topography: Both sites are in a local alluvial position with a current 2-6% slope. The sites have received fill dirt approxi- mately 9-1.l months ago that ranges from 1-2. 5 feet in depth and comprises the current A Horizon. The filled soil is Pacolet Clay or Sandy Loam obtained from higher elevations. The B Horizon (original level) , is mottled Pacolet Clay to Clay Loam which appears to have a weak blocky subangular structure. The indi- cated wi!ter capacity is medium with a low shrink-swell potential. Holes bored during the evaluation indicates the seasonal water table is greater than 3.5 feet. Rock was not encountered during the test borings. 5. Location of Nearest Dwelling: This particular area of the Char-Win IDevelopment is new, and as of yet, does not have any dwellings at r� the .,resent time. When the two (2) proposed dwellings are con- structed they will be next to one another and separated by approxi- mately 140 feet because the lots are rather large in the area. The next closest dwellings will be approximately 300 feet due east, in the opposite direction of the discharge. 6. Receiving Stream: Lowery Mill Creek Class A-II Drainage Area: 2.5 sq. Mi. (Field Estimate) Discharge: 1.0 cfs (Field Estimate) k _ 7-10 Low Flow: 0.4 cfs (Field Estirate) Yadkin-Fee Dee River Basin I: NOTE: This water course discharges to upper Salem Lake, Class A-tI , which is Winston-Salem's water reservoir. • ANT L L - " . . _ .;iN OF �'?�)POSED 'i.I:r i ENT WORKS 11.t7 t a t. :n!:ty Enviro'nr.e.:tal 'alth D ii::rt:...-nt rt:t:'t_::.: .11i a 900 l a i li`n capacity septic tank followed by a 270 sq. It. sub- :. iirf.!cc• ..:Ill f i '. tt•r trench. it is additionally rec. ...... ad+_'d that ;Ii '.i . a . 1 i, it 1 ':i shrill ti :tot be incl'...i•.'d :!`t ;• :!'t of th•. i r t:at- • . :it ..• _ Lo ! ht.: ::.:ti.:re or : Lc ::-.oil co;1(: t it. . . t ill- U. '. •' ..l ! NI' i . ..\ ON q- III • vi. i•til 1r•'('t•1 :iti it.`; [1..t::b lt:' -....it or sii, ly via Ow : '•:1!1' .. S'. 1, .. /i ' h C. . io!lilty :t•.• f id oa::vd a or :t(_!i!, t.ii�'t .k -�it.T . 1' C(!1t:'.: . :tl i('a of t.`uad ..:ltt!t• 1>, not cvns .di red. (D`3 /--; �. V` .1.a 'i: '�~;'i IV - . :':ia::1.i -'N` )... i..: ' . . :'. 'I S Y\�'i. •t . '_r„f."'1 R, t, I. FI. 'ih typeof .:oil, top fill .tip we, °�'� � :r in: c urf.. ;:e'`J�s E. - ).w l f.• - is not suitable for normal subsurface disposal systems. The ma's allow leaching and the clay nature of the B 1. filled soil may permeability rating which - horizon (original surface) has a low p ..� ,; �• , would require a large nitrification system if used. Y, original soil will facilitate Y ,,wE- ;, 2, The lcw permeability rave of the orit,- _ drainage of a properly constructed subsurface sand filter trench. he ,..;; ... 3. Although the receiving waters are classified idesla,noder3telygeneral slope and conditions of the stream bedp andeaeration factor. tv:::?: rapid current r ;;":- � waters :::�d the ultimate 4. Due to the classification of the receiving water reservoir, r detention of the receiving stream in a disinfection unit must be included in the original construction of the treatment system. at the rate of 1.15 5. Considering a maximum dosing rate of 450 gpd gal/sq. ft./day, a standard subsurface sand filter trench would require 391 square feet of surface in order to provide adequate treatment (6' x 65') . B. RECOMMENDATIONS: • 1. Each lot have a separate discharge permit. 2. Fach domestic wastewater treatment system consist of a 900 •cello _ dYacit.;y =-:ptic tank followed by a 391 sq::ar e font tan< ar S JIcl: and filter trench followed by d i sinfceCtien unit. hin lif.0 days 3. F.(•co- n the disch .f. e be eli:Lia:!ted from the t �can �' • :r .ic nnl wasti.:wnter cnll•trtirn serves the ,. '.,ceivision. !?.;/bh iC, x I , . . 6�g 9 i01�i; 'no., Oct,l 7,90.., 4 1• S� ii -,.-. -_-%.ram"