HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0044545_More Information (Received)_20231113JO]H[N R. Hl R AN, P.E. PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING ENGINEER 2112 White Oak Road..... Raleigh, North Carolina.....27608 919.818.2077.................iackharman53@gmaiI.com October 15, 2023 Mr. Cord Anthony, Jr., Engineer I NCDENR-Non Discharge Unit; Engineering & Permits 512 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27601 Re: Response to DWR Comment Letter of 09/18/23 WQ0044545-SFR Wastewater Irrigation System -Wake County, NC Lot 8-Bartley Point Subdivision -Wake County Dear Mr. Anthony: This purpose of this correspondence is to offer reply to your comments/additional information requested in your letter of September 18, 2023. Responses below will be given, more or less, in the order of the items listed in your letter. Items "A" & B": No Comments Provided, No Response needed. Item "C" Application: 1. Comment:"... Sections V.4 and V.18 of Form: SFRWWIS 06-16 have not been filled out. Please ensure that all relevant forms have been filled in." Response: Application Form has been amended accordingly. 2. Comment: "Per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b), a permit application shall be signed by a principle executive officer of at least the level of vice president, or their authorized representative. According to the Secretary of State website, James Scott Jones is a managing member of Princess Holdings, LLC. The application, however, lists Steve Jones as the signature authority and the application has been signed by Scott Jones " Response: A typographical error was made on the original submitted application misstating Mr. Jones first name. Scott Jones is the designated authorized person who has signed the Application. The typographical error has been corrected. Item "D" Property Ownership Documentation: 1. Comment: "According to the most current version of the Wake County GIS, parcels have not been subdivided for individual housing lots. Also of note is the fact that setback waivers for specific lots have already been recorded with the register of deeds. Generally, this would require specific parcel numbers to occur. Have individual parcel numbers been issued for each lot? Please note that, if parcel numbers have not been issued for each lot, this permit will be issued as construction only.. " Response: Individual parcel numbers have not yet been issued for the lots by Wake County. The Permits should be issued as for construction only. Item "E" Soil Evaluation: Responses to DEQ Review Comments will be addressed by Piedmont Environmental Associates, P.A, submitted herewith under separate cover. Item "F" Engineering Plans: 1. Comment: "Per 15A NCAC 02T. 0606(a), the setback for surface water diversions in relation to drip irrigation sites is 25 feet. This measurement is to be taken at the edge of the wetted area. The current setback measurement for the designed drainage swale appears to have been taken from the center of the feature. Please double check all relevant setbacks and ensure that no irrigation area is being constructed within 25 feet of the edge of the swale. " Response: A notation has been added indicating that the application areas are to be a minimum of 25' from the top of swale. 2. Comment: "On page 4 of the engineering plan set, the "Section Thru EZ Treat Pod" detail list it as a Model 1200 EZ-Treat system. Please update this to reflect the currently designed Model 600 EZ-Treat system. " "Additionally, the supply line diameter and return line diameter on page 4 of the engineering plans do not match those found on page 3 of the engineering plans. The field plan also does not seem to depict the 4 " service line for from the facility. " Response: The plans have been corrected in accordance with the comments. 3 Comment: "Per Form: SFRWWIS 06-16, engineering plans shall include the locations within the irrigation system of air releases, drains, control valves, and the highest irrigation nozzle%mitter. Please update the proposed engineering plans to include these details. Response: Valves for Air Releases, and Check Valves are shown in typical details on Sheet 6 and apply to each Supply & Return Manifolds whose locations are noted on Sheet 3. There are no drains. The highest emitter elevation is shown on Sheet 3. Other miscellaneous zone control valves, meters, etc. are illustrated on Sheet 7. Item "G" & "H" No Comments Provided, No Response needed. Item "I" Site Map: 1. Comment: "Per 15A NCAC 02T.0604(d)(2), a.delineation of'the review and compliance boundaries shall be provided. The compliance and review boundaries have not been drawn on the site map. Please update the site map to include these boundaries. " Response: Notations for the establishment of Compliance and Review Boundaries have been added to the Site Plans Sheet 2 in accordance with the Comment. Item "J" Operation & Maintenance Plan: 1. Comment: "No Operation & Maintenance Plan has been provided. Please provide an Operation & Maintenance Plan pursuant to 15A NCAC 02T .0604(l). " Response: The Operation & Maintenance Schedule is illustrated and featured in the Plans on the top -middle of Sheet 7 of 7. Item "K" Additional Documentation: - Floodway Regulation Compliance: Comment: "The geography of the area of development is complex. It is difficult to discern the proximity of fields and other structures to the 100 year floodplain. Please provide an overlay of the floodplain to ensure that no infringement is occurring. " Response: No portion of any of the lots in this development are affected by the 100 year Flood Elevation (232.0) per FRIS mapping of Panel 0606 Wake County. Therefore , no fields or other structures are affected by the 100-year floodplain, and no infringement is occurring. - Operational Agreement: Comment: "Per 15A NCAC 02T .0604(h), a notarized Operation and Maintenance Agreement shall be provided. The Operation and Maintenance Agreement provided, however, was recorded on a previous version of our form. Please provide a copy of the agreement on the newest form version with an up- to-date permit number". Project Dumber: 10//01/23 Page 2 of 3 Response_ The new Operational Agreement is attached, signed by the Permitee. I can vouch that this form has been signed by the Permitee, but there doesn't seem to be a Notary Certification on the new form. - Threatened or Endangered Aquatic Species: Comment: "According to the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources report, an endangered species has been identified in the area. Please contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for further guidance. " Response: An evaluation of the subject project area and a written response from the US Fish & Wildlife Service was received with only the "Cape Fear Shiner" on the endangered fish list. Their full report is available upon request. That particular fish does not appear in the report provided by NHP. Since this project is not expected to impact any waterways, it can be safely assumed that no aquatic species to be affected. It is hoped that the foregoing responses are satisfactory for staff to conclude their review pursuant to permit issuance. If any questions arise regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Regards, (704le. Ma -MI OW John R. Harman, PE Consulting Engineer (NC PE #9810) Attachments: Soils Consultants Comment Reponses Revised Plans, Signed & Sealed Revised Application & New O&M Agreement Form Project Number: I OHOI123 Page 3 of 3 4:0 PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOC I A T E S, P. A. October 31, 2023 Mr. Cord Anthony, Jr., Engineer I NCDENR-Non Discharge Unit; Engineering & Permits 512 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27601 Re: Response to DWR Comment Letter of 09/18/23 WQ0044545-SFR Wastewater Irrigation System -Wake County, NC Lot 8-Bartley Point Subdivision -Wake County Mr. Anthony: The purpose of this correspondence is to offer reply to your comments/additional information requested in your letter of September 18, 2023. Responses below will be given in the order of the items listed in your letter. The comments included in your letter which pertain to aspects of the Soil Evaluation are as follows: E. Soil Evaluation: 1. A 7.2% drainage coefficient is being proposed. How has this drainage coefficient been determined? Additionally, there is a large variance in drainage coefficient between this site and surrounding lots despite very close proximity and similar soil types. Please explain the reasoning for this variance. The Sin le -Family Residence Wastewater Irrigation System Loading Rate Calculation Policy discusses the establishment of SFR Loading Rate Groups. It states "The determination of the SFR Loading Rate Group shall be based upon Ksat data from site -specific measurements from the most restrictive horizon — To determine which SFR Loading Rate Group the waster irrigation area should be assigned to, find the geometric mean Ksat data from the most limiting horizon in the following table:" 216 S. Swing Rd., Suite 1 Y.Greensboro, NC 27409 Y. 336-662-5487 SFR Loading Rate Table Maximum Geometric Annual Mean SFR Loading Loading Rate Ksat Range Rate (in/yr) (in/hr) Group Low - High Low - High SFR-A 26.0 - 50.0 >0.05 SFR-B 19.5 - 26.0 0.015 - 0.05 SFR-C 13.0 -19.5 0.003 - 0.015 SFR-D 0.0 -13.0 0.0 - 0.003 Per this approach, the soils fall under SFR-A (geometric mean Ksat value of 0.061 in/hr) and could be loaded at a maximum rate of 50.0 inches/year. The Single-Familv Residence Wastewater Irrip-ation System Loadin Rate Calculation Policy goes on to state in Section D, Soil Drainage: "The soil drainage value used in the calculation shall be the geometric mean of the Ksat from site -specific measurements in the most restrictive horizon multiplied by a drainage coefficient (reduction factor). Values for this drainage coefficient shall not exceed 1.0 (100%). Considerations for the drainage coefficient shall include reliability and consistency of Ksat data, depth to seasonal high water table (apparent or perched), depth to the restrictive horizon, slope, landscape position, inclusions of minor amounts of more limiting soils, etc. The soil scientist sealing the report shall provide a discussion of considerations in determining the drainage coefficient selected for the individual system." From the above discussion, it is our interpretation that a drainage coefficient of 7.2% is permissible if the professional sealing the report provides a discussion for consideration of this rate. Even though we had the data and rationale based on the above discussion to load this area much higher (up to 50"/yr), we chose 7.2% in this case to keep the annual hydraulic loading rate in line with what the soil scientist and design engineer have learned to be appropriate for soils in this area (around 19-20" annually). 2. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0604(b)(2), Ksat values are to be based upon the most restrictive horizon. The soils report, however, states that the Ksat has been measured in the "least restrictive horizon". Please clarify and or update the soils report. This typographical error has been corrected in the revised report, and now reads "most restrictive horizon". 3. No soil delineated map has been included. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0604(b)(3), a soil delineated map shall be included within the soil evaluation. Please provide this documentation. The legend in Attachment 1, SFR Soils Map has been updated to include the delineated map unit 4. Application form SFRWWIS 06-16 requires all soil boring logs to be provided within the soil evaluation. Please provide the soil boring logs for each boring that was performed. Soil boring logs appear in the soil scientist report in Table 1 and were included in the first submittal of this report. This boring log locations are also shown on the attached map. Additional soil characteristics are shown with the detailed soil profile descriptions collected at each Ksat location (Attachment 2 of the report). 5. According to the summary table for the soil borings, multiple measurements of the seasonal highwater table were found to be less than 18" from the ground surface and no mention of a perched water table was made. Per 15A NCAC 02T .06051 , a minimum of 18" of vertical separation shall be provided. Please explain how this separation distance will be maintained and document any required fill within the plans and soils report. The SHWT indicators found within these soils are considered perched water table indicators based on the taxonomy and groundwater hydrology of this area. Additional support for this position is provided with detailed soil profile descriptions collected at each Ksat location (Attachment 2 of the report) where redoximorphic indicators were not observed in the lower portion of the soil profile. Finally, Attachment 2 has a table at the bottom of the page that identifies water table indicators as perched, which was included in the first submittal of this report. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact (chris@piedmontsoil.com or 336-662-5487). Sincerely, �n SOIL ()p He is 1264 4eAow G. Christopher Murray, MS NC Licensed Soil Scientist Piedmont Environmental Associates, PA State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources } 4_WW4w�'� SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WASTEWATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM Divlslon of Water Resources OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FORM: SFRWWIS-O&M 09-18 Permit No. WQ0044545 County: Wake Permittee: (i.e., all deeded property owners) The Permittee agrees to operate and maintain the single-family residence wastewater treatment and irrigation system as follows: 1. Inspect the septic tank annually, and pump out solids as needed. 2. Inspect and clean the septic tank effluent filter annually. (if applicable) 3. Inspect the tablet chlorinator weekly. Add wastewater grade chlorine tablets (e.g., calcium hypochlorite) as needed. Swimming pool grade chlorine tablets are not acceptable. (if applicable) 4. Inspect the ultraviolet disinfection unit weekly. Clean or replace the lamps and quartz sleeves as needed. (if applicable) 5. Inspect all storage tanks, pumps, and alarms monthly. Remove the floating scum layer in all pump/storage tanks when pumping the septic tank solids out. 6. Inspect the spray irrigation system monthly to verify: proper operation of the spray heads; that there are no leaks; that vegetative growth does not obstruct the spray heads; that the irrigated wastewater is not ponding in or running off the designated irrigation area; and that there are no objectionable odors. (ifapplicable) 7. Inspect the drip irrigation system monthly to verify: proper operation of the drip lines; that there are no leaks; that vegetative growth does not obstruct the drip emitters; that the irrigated wastewater is not ponding in or running off the designated irrigation area; and that there are no objectionable odors. (if applicable) 8. Maintain a set of Division -approved engineering plans and specifications. 9. Pay the required annual fee. 10. Request renewal of this permit on Division -approved forms no later than 180 days prior to expiration. 11. Sign and provide a Change of Ownership application to any future owner of the single-family residence wastewater treatment and irrigation system for their completion and submission to the Division of Water Resources. We understand the above requirements and agree to these terms as part of the issued permit. 7q�� 7v Signature:— Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: 8901 Mornin Date: All deeded property owners shall si this O eration and Maintenance Agreement FORM: SFRWWIS-O&M 09-18 Page 1 of 1 State of North Carolina DWR Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .0600 — SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE WASTEWATER IRRIGATION SYSTEMS FORM: SFRWWIS 06-16 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: I. Applicant's name as appears on deed, contract or lease agreement: Princess Holdings, LLC 2. Applicant type: ❑ Individual ® Corporation ❑ General Partnership 3. Signature authority's name: Scott Jones per 15A NCAC 02T .0106 b Title: Manacer 4. Applicant's mailing address: 1430 Innovation Ave.. City: Morrisville State: NC Zip: 27560- 5. Applicant's contact information: Telephone number: (919) 795-0356 Fax number: (_) Email Address: _ II. FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Facility name: Surface Drip Irrigation Disposal S stem For a Five Bedroom Residence-8901 Morning- Song Court -Wake Co. NC 2. Facility status: ❑ Existing or ® Proposed 3. Facility's physical address: 9901 Morning Song Court City: New Hill State: NC Zip: 27562- County: Wake 4. Wastewater Treatment Facility Coordinates: Latitude: 35' 35' 56" Longitude: -78' 56' 48" Provide the following latitude and longitude coordinate determination information: Datum: NAD83 Level of accuracy: Nearest second Method of measurement: Navi ation quality GPS 5. USGS Map Name: Cokesbury III. CONSULTANT INFORMATION: 1. Engineer's name: John R Harman, PE License Number: NC #9810 Engineer's mailing address: 2112 White Oak Road City: Raleigh State: NC Zip: 27608-919 Telephone number: (919) 818-2077 Fax number: (_) 2. Soil Scientist's name: Christopher Murray License Number: 1284 Soil Scientist's mailing address: 216 S. Swing Rd., Suite 1 City: Greensboro State: NC Zip: 27409- Telephone number: (336) 662-5487 Fax number: (_) Firm: Self Email Address: 'ackharrrian53 &t mail.com Firm: Piedmont Environmental Assoc.. PA Email Address: ch.r'is0egiedmontsoil.com IV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS —15A NCAC 02T .0100: 1. Application type: ® New ❑ Major Modification ❑ Minor Modification If a modification, provide the existing permit number: WQ00 and most recent issuance date: 2. Application fee: $60 3. Describe the origin of the wastewater and provide a brief project description: Septic and Advanced Pretreatment via Recirculating Media Filter, & Stora e prior to Surface Drip Application 4. Wastewater flow: 600 GPD FORM: SFRWWIS 06-16 Page 1 of 6 IV. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS — 15A NCAC 02T .0100 (CONTINUED): 5. Using 15A NCAC 02T .01 14, explain how the total wastewater flow was determined: Establishment Type Flow Basis Flow Per Unit Number of Units Flow Single Family Residence gal/Bedroom 120 5 600 GPD gal/ GPD Total 600 GPD 6. Per 15A NCAC 01T .0 105i c 1I61, if the project includes any stream or wetland crossings, what is the status of the following applicable permits/certifications? Permit/Certification Date Droved ate Permit/Certification No. Agency Reviewer Submitted A Nationwide 12 or 404 Wetlands 401 7. What is the nearest 100-year flood plain elevation to the facility? 232 feet mean sea level. Source: FRIS.NC.GOV Are any treatment, storage or irrigation systems located within the 100-year flood plain? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, has documentation of compliance with Article 21 Part 6 of Chapter 143 of the G.S. been provided? ❑ Yes or ❑ No V. DESIGN CRITERIA AND SETBACKS — 15A NCAC 02T .0605 & .0606: 1. Provide the estimated influent and designed effluent concentrations from the engineering calculations to verify conformance with 15A NCAC 021' .0605 b . for the following parameters: Estimated Influent Designed Effluent Minimum Required Parameter Concentration Concentration Degree of Treatment (monthIZ average) Prior to Storage Biochemical Oxygen Demand 350 mg/I <10 mg/1 !!00 mg/1 (BODO Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 350 mg/1 <10 mg/l :!00 mg/1 Ammonia Nitrogen (NH;-N) 30 mg/1 <10 mg/1 <_15 mg/1 Fecal Coliforms <200 per 100 ml :L:200 colonies/100 ml 2. Per 15A NCAC 02T .06.05(e), is the effluent placed directly in contact with GA classified groundwater? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, have predictive calculations demonstrating such placement will not contravene GA groundwater standards been provided? ❑ Yes or ❑ No 3. Per 15A NCAC 02T .0605 d , are any of the treatment or storage units excavated into bedrock? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, has a 10 millimeter synthetic liner been provided? ❑ Yes (Plan Sheet: & Specification Page: ) or ❑ No 4. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605(e), are any earthen treatment and storage facilities provided? ❑ Yes or ® No 5. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605(t), have any by-pass or overflow lines been provided? ❑ Yes or ® No 6. If any treatment, storage or irrigation systems are located within the 100-year flood plain, in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T _0605(g.), which systems are affected and what measures being taken to protect them against flooding? 7. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605(h), has an operation and maintenance plan been submitted? ❑ Yes or ❑ No 8. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605(i), how will restricted access to the irrigation system be provided? 2-Strand Fence Are all treatment units and control panels locked to prevent entry? ® Yes or ❑ No 9. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605W, do the designed irrigation loading rates (see Application Item VIIA.) exceed the soil scientist recommended loading rates (see Application Item VII.3.)? ❑ Yes or ® No 10. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605(k), does the septic tank design adhere to 15A NCAC 18A .190.0? ® Yes or ❑ No FORM: SFRWWIS 06-16 Page 2 of V. DESIGN CRITERIA AND SETBACKS —15A NCAC 02T .0605 & .0606 (CONTINUED): 11. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605(l), what is the specified method of disinfection? Ultraviolet If chlorine, specify contact detention time provided: minutes and where contact time occurs: If UV, specify the number of banks: 1, total lamps: 1 and maximum flow capacity: 10 GPM. 12. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605(ni ), has a minimum of five days of storage based on average daily flow between the pump off float and inlet invert pipe been provided? ® Yes or ❑ No 13. In accordance with 15A NCAC 01T .0605(n), have all tanks containing pumps been provided with audible and visual alarms that are external to any structure? ® Yes (Plan Sheet: 4 of 7 & Specification Page: ) or ❑ No 14. In accordance with I5A NCAC 02T ,06.05Lol, has a precipitation or soil moisture sensor been provided? ® Yes (Plan Sheet: 4 of 7 & Specification Page: ) or ❑ No 15. In accordance with I _SA NCAC 02T .0605(p , has a minimum of 18 inches of vertical separation between the apparent seasonal high water table (SHWT) and the ground surface been provided? ® Yes or ❑ No 16. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605(u), has a minimum of 12 inches of vertical separation between any perched seasonal high water table (SHWT) and the ground surface been provided? ® Yes or ❑ No 17. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0605 r , does the designed annual loading rate exceed 50 inches? ❑ Yes or ® No 18. Does the project comply with all setbacks found in the river basin rules (I5A NCAC 92B .0200)? ® Yes or ❑ No If no, list non -compliant setbacks: 19. Per i 5A NCAC 02T .0606, verify setback compliance by providing the minimum field observed distance (ft) from the facility's irrigation system and treatment/storage units to each listed setback parameter (Note: Distances greater than 500 feet shall be marked N/A): Setback Parameter Irrigation System Treatment / Storage Unit Any habitable residence or place of assembly under separate ownership or not to be maintained as part of the project site >100, >100, Any habitable residence or place of assembly owned by the Permittee to be maintained as art of the project site > 15 Any private or public water supply source >100, >100, Surface waters (streams — intermittent and perennial, perennial waterbodies, and wetlands) N/A N/A Groundwater lowering ditches (where the bottom of the ditch intersects the SHWT) N/A Subsurface groundwater lowering drainage systems N/A Surface water diversions (ephemeral streams, waterways, ditches) >25' Any well with exception of monitoring wells >100, >100, Any property line 10, 50' Top of slope of embankments or cuts of two feet or more in vertical height 25' Any water line from a disposal system 10' Any swimming pool N/A Public right of way N/A Nitrification field N/A Any building foundation or basement >15' 20. Are any setback waivers proposed for this facility? ® Yes or ❑ No If yes, in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T _0606(c), submit the appropriate setback waivers (FORM: NDWSW) that have been notarized, signed by all parties involved and recorded with the County Register of Deeds. Waivers involving the compliance boundary shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0107. FORM: SFRWWIS 06-16 Page 3 of 6 VI. WASTEWATER TREATMENT & STORAGE FACILITY DESIGN: 1. Type of treatment system: Septic Tank / EZ Treat 2. Provide the requested information for each treatment/storage unit and its associated mechanical equipment: a. PRELIMINARY / PRIMARY TREATMENT (i.e., physical removal operations): Treatment Unit No. of Units Manufacturer or Material Dimensions (ft) / Spacings in Volume ( al) Plan Sheet Specification Reference Reference Septic Tank 1 Shoaf PreCast I O'x4.7'x4.6' 1500 4 of 7 Select Select b. SECONDARY TREATMENT (i.e., physical, biological and recirculation processes): Treatment Unit No. of Units Manufacturer or Material Dimensions (ft) Volume (gal) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference EZ Treat I EZ-Treat 600 +/-7'x4.5' N/A 4 of 7 Recirculation Tank 1 Shoaf PreCast 12' x6' x4. 8' 2500 4 of 7 Select c. DISINFECTION: Treatment Unit No. of Manufacturer or Dimensions (ft) Volume Plan Sheet Specification Units Material (gal) Reference Reference Ultraviolet 1 EZ Treat Model UV 101 10 GPM 4 of 7 Select d. PUMP/STORAGE TANK: Manufacturer or No. of Total Effective Effective Plan Sheet Specification Material Units Dimensions (ft) Volume Volume Storage Reference Reference (gal) (gal) (days) Shoaf PreCast 1 12' x6' x6. 6' 3500 4039* 6.7 4 of 7 Calcs *Partial Use with Recirc Tank e. PUMPS: Location No. of Purpose Manufacturer / TTye Capacity Plan Sheet Specification GPM TDH Pumps Reference Reference 2500 Gal Recirc 1 Dose EZ Treat Pod StatRite Step20 20 100' 4 of 7 3500 Field Dose Goulds Tank 1 Field Dosing PUTB 1512112 16 122' 4 & 5 of 7 W f. BLOWERS: Location No. of glowers Units Served Manufacturer / Type Capacity CFM Plan Sheet Reference I Specification Reference g. MIXERS: FORM: SFRWWIS 06-16 Page 4 of 6 Location No. of Mixers Units Served Manufacturer / Tye Power h Plan Sheet Reference Specification i Reference FORM: SFRWWIS 06-16 Page 5 of 6 VII. IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN: 1. Are there any artificial drainage or water movement structures within 200 feet of the irrigation area? ❑ Yes or ® No If yes, please explain if the Soil Evaluation addresses artificial structures and indicate if these structures are to be maintained or modified: 2. What is the proposed cover crop? Existing Woodlands to Remain to the Fullest Extent Practical 3. Soil Evaluation recommendations: Soil Series Fields within Soil Area Minimum Observed Depth to SHWT ft Recommended Loading Rate in/hr) Recommended Loading Rate (in/ !) Creedmoor/Green Level All 4 12 <0.3 19.49 4. Irrigation System Information (Note — this table may be expanded for additional fields): Area Dominant Designed Designed Latitude I Longitude Waterbody Field (acres) Soil Series Rate Rate (DMS) (DMS) Stream Index Classification (in/hr) (in/yr) No. z 1 0.42 Creedmoor/Green 0.15 19.27 35035' 56" -780 56' 48" 18-7(3) WS-V Level o r If o r IF O r rr o r rr O r IF o r rr o O o r rr o r rr Total 0.42 Provide the following latitude and longitude coordinate determination information: Datum: NAD83 Level of accuracy: Nearest 10 seconds Method of measurement: Map inteM.retation by extraction For assistance determining the waterbody stream index number and its associated classification, instructions may be downloaded at: htt s:, incdenr.s3.amazonaws.comrs3fs- ubliclWatcr:'ho20 ualit ; Aq uiter",100Protect ioriLAU1 Agreements/WSCA°/i,2008-13. dF. Spray Irrigation Design Elements Drip Irrigation Design Elements Nozzle wetted diameter: ft Emitter wetted area: 6.75 ft'- Nozzle wetted area: ft' Distance between laterals: 3.31 ft Nozzle capacity: GPM Distance between emitters: 2.0 ft Nozzle manufacturer/model: / Emitter capacity: 0.61 GPH Elevation of highest nozzle: ft Emitter manufacturer/model: i Netafim / BioLine Specification Reference: Elevation of highest emitter: 261 ft Specification Reference: Sheet 7 of 7/Calcs FORM: SFRWWIS 06-16 Page 6 of 6 Professional Engineer's Certification: 1 John R. Harman. -PE _ Patost that this application for (Professional Engineer's name from Application Item III.1.) Surfact Drip lfsiaatinn Dispc�sal_S stem_fof a_Fi_ve RedrQom Residr�nr 01 Morning Song Court-Y1�&ke C+a., h1C (Facility name from Application Item ll. I .) has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the pi ans, specifications, engineering calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordancewith this application package and its itimctions, as well as all applicable regulations and statacs. Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal packag-- inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note: In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000, as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. .......... North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: d� ;Q y'`'I'� yy, o 4 R Applicant's Certification per ISA NCAC 02T .0 10_6(h): I, Scott ion M2Lar fQLprin�es_H. +n �1 C attest that this application for (Signature Authority's name & title from Application Item I.3.) SurFaot1 C}rio. lrriga#ion_4i;iposal SXst fora Eta MM A1lor Residence-$9.Q.1.in Gourt-kl[ak�, H� (Facility name from Application Item 11.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any discharge of wastewater from this non -discharge system to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate on£orc.ment action that may include civil penalties, injunctive reiie . and/or criminal prosecution. [ will make no claim agairsst the division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit he violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not ceunpleted and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. I ftarther certify that the applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees per 15A NCAC 02T .O 1051 c1 Note: In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.613, any person who knowingly makes any Use statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil ties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: V Date: FORM: SFRWWIS 06-16 Page 6 of 6 -c2T S 1,27723.825 AM L CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR A WASTEWATER TREATMENT 0 & 0 SURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION- DISPOSAL SYSTEM FOR A FIVE BEDROOM RESIDENCE LOT 8; 8901 MORNING SONG COURT; WAKE COUNTY, NC NC OmMap Parcels wdh SwQwida Standardized AnFtb t ibn CA" 111111121111111111 hnprJfio"r pNWNda:491B0ahced64751h87dOradNa38h25 NTS NOTES: I) SITE DATA WHICH INCLUDES PROPERTY BOUNDARIES, TOPO. UTILITIES, ROADS, AND OTHER SITE FEATURES WERE OBTAINED FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS DATA AND ARE SHOWN TO DISPLAY GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS AND ARE PRESUMED TO BE ACCURATE. LOCATIONS OF PROPOSED STRUCTURES (HOUSES, DRIVEWAYS, AND WELLS) ARE SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION IF WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF APPLICABLE RULES FOR SETBACKS. 2) ALL SEPTIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS TO INCLUDE TANKS, PUMPS, MANIFOLDS, AND SYSTEM CONFIGURTION ARE APPROXIMATE AND AS SUCH NO SPECIFIC ACCURACY EITHER VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL IS IMPLIED. SUITABLE SOIL/DISPOSAL APPLICATION AREAS HAVE BEEN LOCATED BY PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, P.A. (OAK RIDGE, NC) (SOIL SCIENTISTS). 3) PROPERTY AND EASEMENT BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS SITE SKETCH ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE NOT INTENDED FOR LOCATING PROPERTY OR IDENTIFYING PROPERTY LINES , CORNERS, OR EASEMENTS. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. OWNER: Princess Holdings, LLC c/o Scott Jones, Manager 1430 Innovation Ave. Morrisville, NC 27560 (919) 795-0356 NC DEQ PERMIT #WQ 0044545 PRELMM MW Si MOMMION PC" - NARM" pOnrr 'M is PWN PRDi'O$E8 TO BUBDPl117E W.55 ACRES INTO 29 SINGLE FAMILY HONE PARCELS WfTH AS90CIATED PRIVATE ROADS AND STOW DRNNAGE WATER AND SEWER WILL BE HANDLED ON EACH INDIVIDUAL HOME LOT. I LOT 8 SITE DATA OMER: PRKFSS HOWN04 LLC 1430 IWIM11011 UE IIWWALE NC U NO nG417.44PI PROWEn INFR wiLum Q. MIAIEL a ASS=hTM PA 1150 WE LAYNAW NO WSO rm NC 27A11 TELE. 515.4E7.5785 FAX 71LNQ.75B5 SIIANMSEMY Im ACimm 57M AC DO 01W4 K 00217) 7➢HINN R-ID PROPOW use 5161E FMILY HWIs PROPOSED N6 Lora 73 PROK30 AREA N LO7'e 1551.1U2 SF (%Oa Atl AVEU.ME AREA w um 111.13s SF (2S9 M) LINEAR WrAGE OF PRVATE ROM 4.13A•IF 9A1IRM CAPE FUR TOTAL IF06 71B Aftµ 100.1m Oka AM. OA" + nMM HOMES WME CO1NTY PIN F w7.532457 NI17.53N11 0517-1 ms 0517.iLLIum On7A27714 0517.512W !VOTE: ALL LOTS SHOWN WITHIN DEVELOPMENT ARE PRESENTLY O� "PRINCESSS HOLDINGS, LLC." ALL AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYS' SHOWN HEREIN ARE PROPOSED A CONSTRUCTED. HIS JED BY )USES, WELLS, M SYSTEMS D NOT YET q NOTE: ALL LOTS WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT AR TO BE SERVED BY INDIVIDUAL WELLS & ONSITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS. LL ROADS WITHIN THE DEVLEOPMENT ARE PR VATE ROA S, Y POINT LAND OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC." GENERAL LOCATION MAP OF SUBDIVISION LOTS SCALE AS NOTED BY BAR SCALE IV F W w I V) DC w u u O O F Z W Z a! U L ,n w �--- W J VI O z U o ice O ZQ = o= W z Z D L� �Z z O r O J 00 - W c a0m o oN . D Of C I —y � 00 W �N� 00 b�A � z I TI !E ^� r� 0.) V] N 2 N �0C a � 0 N a - SEAL 9810 �'• R. HA..,. NOTE: �J 1. THE SOIL V€ I LG_►9L ■ ^ LL WITHIN DEVELOPMENT PORTS !� 0 TO REEDMOOR SERI LL ds �m Z N ► SCRIPTIONS D TI€-SOILS ; -C� " " Z RAJ d nL.F .n vLi ► REPORT FOR THIS PROJECT BY----. - Y -- ' d u PI__DMO 1RONMENTAL RSSOCIi4TES, P.A. , � a W J - 2-. Y OMPLIANC OuNf)A -FOR THE `" �■ , y 5 OSAL SYSTEDk REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC Z ❑ZL. 01070- ARE THE PROPERTY LINES, AND, TFfE--RtVIEW BOUNDARY IS HALF TH€..DISTANCE 2 , ► 1 -�.., -BETWEEN THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY AND!r�- • y� Z Q N • _.- PPLfCATlON RR -EA. _ 15A % s / �°Lu ► - THE WASTEWATER A. ( tL O 2 u -_ -" NCAC ['12�08 . ! ` cn a m I �+ — 2-5T AND WIRE FENCE ; - 7� Z AlLINB APPL! ATION AREA �' , _ • `� ' L [S DETAIL}ege-,{", \ ',t•Y �• i L — o If 00 � O {I . J u co V y/ yC J ■ 4" SERVICE LINE - J FROM HOUSE ' • 11 ■ I HIGHEST � 0. � '� EMITTER= ELEV. PROPOSED�1. � � 261.0 cu I o , 1 WELL D vio 12 �V I I 1 1 LOCATION c� • �N 0000 _c \ f \ 1 ` ice( eJQC, ' •• =36 - 1 r t 00 SEAL ( • / 9810 10 1 / NORTH .,,, R. Jc 1 0 Io 4 1 4" SE R ICE LINE LFROM HOUSE (4) 1 1 /2'' _pVc- SUFLY LINES & (r PVC RETURN- tf-I-E--(M-I--N - 3-Gfl BU Ole 3500 GAL FIELD �00 00 DOSE TANK •� �92500 GAL ♦� RECIRC TANK I� Y) I PA14 EST P T I C/ %A N RMITTER= ELEV. PROPOSED 261.0 WEL/L. r � LOCATION i ml r So- SCALE l" =20' 000 n 120' 10, 0 j 20' w N ■ f AllORTH • ` �, \ - • V � t AL x:� � � o 3 .2 �� Q o C*4 a �� am r Z z o a o� a v� vLi Lu J w o z C1C U cn o zQ 0 = Z °_ u Z 0 a //�� CL Z✓ m L.L D z V / Z z O �� O J �� v t W .2a u � a`OQ J 00 W o00o CL�CY co � N w O U 00 M D 0 V CAR '••. SEAL 9810 DRIP ZONES & LATERAL INFORMATION Run Number Design Run Lateral Length 1 150 Z O N E 2 150 300 31 150 41 150 3001 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 29 150 30 150 31 150 32 150 33 150 34 150 35 150 36 150 Total: Area Covered: Avg. Spc'g, ft.: I Z O N E 2 Z O N E 3 Z O N E 4 60" LONG "T" POSTS FIBERGLASS OR PAINTED STEEL SET POSTS @ +/_ 25' SPACING 14 GA. HI -TENSILE STEEL WIRE 24" BURY DETAIL OF FENCING REQUIRED AROUND DISPOSAL AREA (NOT TO ScOA NORTH 1 I � 1 SCALE I " =20' 0 10' 0 If 2-STRAND WIRE FENCE AROUND APPLI ATION AREA (SEE DETALL) 1 + 1 I � 1 i ` 1 � 1 r , 1 1 j •o 1 _ 01 1 � � 1 r � �S a • 11-1I Y N p ` ctQom--- Z. - OMFIIANCE-BOUNDA ° OSAL SYSTEM AS REQUIREI, LL o XK � d 8 �� z M PPTI I1EM6 cB0U ► 0AR3Y IS HAI It, a y.� THE WASTEWATER APPLICATIO co o Z nN CACOZE.0108 Ulu. a CL 0 11/4n V LINES & Z Q cn ' NI N 3a" BUR RETURN LINE O 2 W L v V u .� OC 4) Z z c0 CL z LU W W ro ' C c J / N Jm / W 4" SERVICE LINE f • FROM HOUSE w '1 00 HIGHEST •rr.-I CO�°ON bAI 3 1 EMITTER= ELEV ` �N00 rl 261.0 wbA 0000 2�3 -I +� 2 _c� `. O � 0 U N a_ rr•r•• 1 CAROL ••• � • '_~���•��� SEAL: 4 9810 0,00 • e- E-Z TREAT POD MODEL 600 1 FREE & FIN. GRI I�.. -1/2" A. SUPP SINE 4" D b I. RETU "' -EXISTING GRADE LINE SECTION THRU EZ TREAT POD NTS 4" SERVICE LINE FROM FACILITY 10, 5/4 TREX BOARD TYPICAL EFFLUENT FILTER � - 24" E-Z SET RISERS f -oh Z 3/4"0 RECIRC o `v (nP) NOTE: TWO ACCESS RISERS SHOWN CAN BE COMBINED TO A SINGLE 30" DIA Z SET BYPASS VALVE 24"0 E-Z SET RISER WITH COVER. 20 TURBINE -PUMP 4" PVC END CAP NOTE: DO NOT GLUE ONTO RISER PIPE DRILL 1/4" FIN. GRADE VENT HOLE IN CAP 4" PVC RISER PIPE - EXTEND ABOVE BOTTOM OF TANK LID 4' FROM FILTERS 4" TO FIELD DOSING TANK 4" PVC TEE 2 SET BYPASS VALVE -ALL TANKS REQUIRE A 6" THICK STONE BASE SECTION THRU RECIRC TEE NTS 24"0 E-Z SET RISER WITH 24"0 COVER (TYP) Cn'� OPBONAL 2' VENT 3� C✓1FMON FLTEA IF \ 4" FEO, PER LOC/L UV UNIT com TURBINE DOSING TREATED EFFLUENT LINE TO 4" SCH 40 PVC BOTTOM CONTROL PANEL FOR EZ TREAT FLOW UV I FIELD DOSE TANK CONNECTION OF TANKS V DRIP FILTER BACKWASH/FIELD FLUSH RETURN FROM DRIP HYDRAULIC UNIT SEPTIC TANK RECIRC. TANK FIELD DOSE TANK NC DHHS APPROVED 2500 GAL. PUMP TANK NC DHHS APPROVED 3500 GAL. PUMP TANK - NC DHHS APPROVED 1500 GAL. SEPTIC TANK PT-2103 OR EQUAL PT-2105 OR EQUAL ST-390 OR EQUAL _PLAN NTS ALARM LIGHT FIN.GRADE: ELEV. "A" (SEE NOTE: FIELD TANK ELEVATION VERIFY PRIOR SCHEDULE) 314" BALL VALVE TO ORDERING --CLEAN-OUT '. 24"0 E-Z SET RISER RISERS (TYP) WITH COVER (TYP) -7r=n _---_ - 314" REECIRC UNE 6" MIN., 12" MAX. I a 4' PV INV. IN= WATER UNE IN TOUT=E we INV. IN=ELEV -EFFLUENT FILTER (SIZED PER DESIGN DOSE =W.1s FLOW) LE wad VE 4O0 Gi1L MIN Y COMPARTMENT - NOTE: POWER TO 24"0 E-Z SET RISER I{ WITH COVER (T_YP) THIS PANEL IS 230 VAC 30"0 E-Z SET RISER WITH COVER. CONTROL PANEL (LOCATED f 24"0 E-Z SET RISER WITH COVER.-7 WITHIN 10-FEET OF TANKS) L FIN.GRADE: 36" MIN FIN.GRADE: ELEV. "A" ELEV. "A" — UV DISINFECTION UNIT nDOEt E8 SET UV 1 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 pp "S " �Y TTaPI ) U.V_ INV. IN= ROSE . F�ELEV. "D" - _ PUTTER VALVE 4" PVC FROM BYPASS - VALVE TO UV UNIT EMERG. STORAGE VOL = -1- 4039 GALS (IN BOTH TANKS) EMERGENCYSTORAG —®OTTOtlq MPARTMENT&FjanESE7A1Bf: --- Kif{•VVATER 4R 4039 GALLONS CONNECTED TANKS PEAK ENABLE ELEV.'" WITH 4" SCH 40 PVC 96" C) AND WATER IGHT Ny ill# DOSE ENABLE= ELEV. "I' vIkk T P FLOOR= El .�e ELEV. -G- WEIGHTED MERCURY FLOAT r I 1/2 HP, 1 ISV, 20 GPM 6' STONE BASE -- SEPTIC TANK DOSING EPUM Z TREATR RECIRC. &STORAGE (OR EQUALED 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK POD NOT SHOWN2500 GALLON RECIRC PUMP & STORAGE TANK STB-390 SHOAF PRECAST CONCRETE, OR EQUAL 44 GALS PER INCH SHOAF PRECAST CONCRETE, OR EQUAL SECTION VIEW NTS RISER WITH 1 1/2" SCH 40 PVC SUPPLY LINES -7 DISPOSAL FIELD FOR DRIP 1 114" SCH 40 PVC RETURN LINE CONTROL PANEL FOR DRIP 4 ZONE DRIP HYDRAULIC FILTER & VALVE UNIT (REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR NUMBER OF ZONES) RAIN SENSOR (IRRIGATION CUT OFF); MINI-CLIK, RAIN-CLIK, HUNTER INDUSTRIES, OR EQUAL —4- x 4" TREATED POST DRIP CONTROL PANEL WITH ALARM _CONDUIT FOR PUMP FIN.GRADE.- ELEV. "A" 7 TANK ELEVATION SCHEDULE ELEV. "A" 262.50 TO DISPOSAL ELEV. "B" 259.00 ELEV."C" 258.80 PE ELEV.I'D" 258.70 FLOOR= ELEV. 'K ELEV. "E" 258.50 ELEV.'IF" 259.50 ® ELEV."G" 252.50 FIELD DOSE TANK ELEV. "H" 254.00 3500 GALLON PUMP TANK ELEV. "I" 254.33 PT-2105 +/ 47 GALS PER INCH SHOAF PRECAST CONCRETE, OR EQUAL ELEV. ,1 J" 255.33 ELEV."K" 252.50 i d � cI d O d F Z a a v Z ✓ W I.L �je J J O�N U— z o � O Q za = N o= W W �Z v� z Q V z � U Z zz Zal� Z O uU LL 00 }- u m a O m W .� cu OO OU 0 � N w O N U U 00 ` V v+•J � z �O • � N N U N a_ CARp��ti. SEAL 9810 • '••.... R. NP ..a••• MODEL I I Sinpla phase, simproa major conroclar tenlrol Tra Nad-I 112 Wlmu baene pravitles a nluNe mains .(mntrolFnB ate 120, 20B, or 240 YAC ehgle pNae InmW In pump �begA some Wma oml na, MV,ban an ps one It eWbans, Tar, eb—I nv i hea *f *M a ml MIC caanr tail4raar M en, Me pump on end an. If en alarm oonali ion om an additional elan WMM activan a the-WIb,%vWual elan aYerom 1. Enclosure measures B% B% 4 inehea(2032 X 2D12 X 1016 and Choice of NEMA 1 (steel far inden, no), or NEMA 4X I, vkktarobihzetl M—WI.slk with an, ..ble mo 6W feel roc aubloor or indoor use) �OWlone ealeeted may incase end.u. —end mange earn,. I 2 Magnaft Molar Oarrh anlrots pump by awikhing ekcbkal lines ]. HOA SwNch la, manual pump —1 (mounted on trait board) •-I ` � it 4 Green Pump Run ladularLlpht (mounled on Frail bos,d) J. S. Float S,dlch Tenlnal Slack (mounRH an d=ft board) - B. Alan and Conical Fuava (mourned an dna it board) j T. Alan and C,eMbI Power Indicarore (mounted an 6ra4 bov M) yl B Ground Wq i B. CIrouIt Breaker (optional) pnevdea pump emeannna and brand) 6-1 I­she—rrAiF9}IX prawob.. STANDARD AIAW PACKAGE 10. Red Maim Bauer pmrdu ]SC ­1 medr of alarm Wa a©p Nero: NErw 1 d?W Wii a daer ttcvrrlatlindlaaor 1. of - boom.. IR1M 11. Alan Npm giber fi.du wami.T e'san. eeeellon [L3 8r`. Lel Note )NEMA 1 WyIe uN¢ee an ialemally mounled buzzer in lieu of bom 12 E%W- Minn, SeaNHarwaLyllanpe F,eaM1r WIC- ran rod Wits be Mklad - d turn b, tre alai In e+aeele Iadntf as Men maraM 4 rase a— alwtn a—mo nao bean c-Prad 11 He, Sllenee Relay (mounled on drad board) NOTE! o a l.n. a I.b e f Emim eantrol eyalem (panel aM ewiIahe.j I. uL Llated b meet and) .!..e, Mdusby safety alandards ■ Dual eatery FerOfiminn for Me Unned Stara and Canada AV StentleM package InWeea Mrae 20 WE Sign.fM...1 mnaol switches ff Comptete wiM alepbyalep Mslelatlun in.lrunti.na ■ Tnree.year hmlkd wormy IRh vs PO Be, 1703, Oeboti Lakes, MN WSU 14B8-OIALSWE • 1-2188 1317 1-213 7461T Fee SEE BACKSIDE FORCOMPLETE LISTING OF AVAILABLE OPTIONS. mar: aje@*ftmbusam SEE PRICE BOOK FOR LISTPRICE www,10erho"MIMCOM fix 1 M6nEL fit 0 - ialw.pptrr�c ornp alarmpedrma . T I Bt =a.WWrmYurnaBa 11. Joenhas'navre W-nw awnµ. fuee.iedham. �RATT-B f A om nE� 1[m?MII e= W eWain, ,rp I.NENA4k [en0as,edvrpr?aq; e,, 1 = gnalkmo]—,—r1j1g1. i 4M/ m q=aBneupm.larmnaxa1 :w nn:r VY PFIJ LLOAD o FIA =0-7 ® ­1F5 2 •1S20FIa, 3 =20-30 F1A p11M�OISCONHEC15 eo =nva�enveeeo+nau 4 =mew laaaaar zw[aeled arP3m+4G�EvrcE eltnereabwa) 12000aI[4Vtl ISaBpSTM4'PIOO€VBCE aWP 1 above) r e L=IBW a d.— rp.. aara ex= a. faampa.wn.rpump up (adednopuan) %=n. WRNeI.lanpadaBe WIR101Irebnpeduae v •••F CrOJ�IHE iFBIYF-Irrp=w,em]mrvrNttu reeae+a vda Ae inn. see a ena4iaur mpro.ar- ap.�n ti ,I.wd atll-r �tA Red Soamr ." I no .,a z ado[ ae --. aY yArl 1E V rrh mc;uaed) O Ic rk---mj m+J.aY 1!C HEIM + al.m panel fmual sdeC apM 6A) 11D NEIM1 alum( rM fmuY m1eCvI. sake ]E Afoelp intlutlaa/ tE Alarm peel I Moro tllsconrm: I.alary style rw.nled pmuBN door mn.lusca) }}� a ]p FF O ]A Halm Aaeher N A W FlA �} 3B Manua aH+r. reset O. < [Ei CmSol I arm plea lb oa � ,C cord In Ieu .I 2a (per paeD sakes mdarlFaO tt Man mdudeeJ p} <a lam :edam.m ae adeprl a xpm laB IS' ;7rd In Ilea of lb (Per foab pb roar re.j rR ciao) • .rdonl c'1 poa eo aC mN'n in of 2a' (P.,..I) 1%A aJE Spna6KmhF 1 m..� abap • fear non) c-snl :.cart i) mM1aal Qy a nWl rrpb . 17B BJE Ypr..IMeaNr• / uRmalY aeNnrm (Per PoaN ;]L Sena- FNeN I va"" aeyrre4 A a' Mall rL enaal 0 }}SE Seel 1aiNc Y a and •sy:ElY'(a a;ral . aar.— FkaN I edemelN —.1. A er Iaell ,1E sew FlmN Mim I pee temp A IPer foal) 6A Pizllary aWn on'ur�, lam+ L F Beres! —1 M.i 1 eaamahy _g'. •(per raell O f eA pepam 1. m•%ar �} nL Evam lame) ranYr Berea FIoeN I pee Cemp A (per Mall 1+BT7J TOA Rd Dffl .I.mwa) ea M eM Asmp rai IpN Idmuae O}' A x N emoeexJe vile, ...r B f 1—d by Imnr'A' 0 •9J HW lHemro!JAptemaucl ad'+A and WmP mn ;yn: nmepn pruA912:� •] amp pump O dos- mcuekd 'B% nva' mmnkd pomp run irt,amr 0 nA - NEMF •% 21A SJE PumpMaalFN m tau of aN.v swrNec 21B SJE PumdJaale� PNa In tau of pdoa armaJlee • (] taE LOMetle •edl NEMA 1 I_,:,.F LluNnlrN elr.eW Kolas pure saes Emeaep 21L Supm Brno• in seu al wlcns n A O ]Ig pause Floe^ln le.raarkm.WkMs� �} Ant:-mn..malnn bee": ,drc •vlrp-..ern K•e+Y T-n.m-><.n ITabba:il a7h.faana—r.wl na;,oNfha Slebwy Tdr- qwn an wn 6agh..r-d emmee e, .iaamf. SAMPLE MODEL I12 WJ EV71 4 H 3A 8A 0A m P-clu3- E�� un Rylry B nq Barlce Pwry Full toad Amp. kppaue.n 15A COOL GUIDE FLOW COLLAR {COOL GUID The laminar flow collar shall be made of non —corrosive, glueable PVC and have sufficient holes In the outer guide tube to assure laminar flow for the rated copoclty. The inner flow cellar shall extend near the bottom to provide sufficlent cooling flow for the motor. The Onenslon between the Inner collar and the pump motor shall not restrict flow to the pump intake, but will provide for scouring of surfaces. The laminar flow collar shall be a "Cool Guide" as manufactured by American Manufacturing Company, Inc. Patent # 6,262,689. "COOL GUIDE" INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Measure the distance from the bottom of the tank to 6" down from the top of the riser. Cut the extension pipe (by others) to the length necessary to reach this height. Cut 1/2 Of the pipe dawn 12 to 18" away from the top of the pipe far pump discharge pipe. 3. Glue the extension coupling (by others) to the extension pipe and to the Coal Guide. 4. For repalrs: glue on the Cool Guide flat cap and place the Cad Guide firmly In the of the tank. Attach the extenslon to the riser, with the anchors as shown. 5. For new construction: Anchor the flat cap to the bottom of the tank In the proper location to hold Cool Guide and extension. The cap may or may not be glued to the device. Attach the extension to the riser with the anchors as shown. 6. Place the pipe dope on the Coal Guide adopter threads and thread them Into pump discharge. 7. Attach caollng colior to adapter with set screw provided. 8. Glue pipe into flow collar and with pump attached, lower fr)to the guide tube. 9. Attach to discharge pipe, valves, and connect electrical as spedfled- ADAPTER Cool Guide COOLING COLLIER -,,,Patent No. 6,262,689 � 1 8RING 40 o� R F� INLETS �� 00 0 0 ❑ ❑ o 0o aD II�O 000 t SDR 35 PVC a ❑ ❑ 101 `c FLAT CAF,",�t Dosing Pump-EZ Treat 24 221 20 181 4.1 2 161 141 a 121 I v 101 0 8C 6C 4C 2C PUMP CURVE 15 GPM TO 25 GPM THIS PUMP VG CONDITION @ 122' TDIH 4 12 20 28 36 44 Gallons Per Minute carAAcm Lillllf Pen 11110M rA 1. i } I Tb ra' �h I p +n rati 10 v as CAPACITYGALLONC PSA MIMOTE A r2 L d O Z .. = N a Ili Cz H Z v s m Z a 0 W s [l] D 0 N z J_ U g 12 O Z 2 rn LU LU W Zo Z Ua- 0(/i la— Z Z 00 O 4i 0000 J W W i— I..� 2 Q O 6n a` m P4 MAR 0000 OfON CO I 00 ON- 0 U 00 Qzl -N 3 N N — I f N � kl ljlylleEleRI+I � N CARQj Q SEAL 9810 a SIDE FEED OPTION FT1 FLAT SITES ONLY. PVC ^� REDUCING r TEE a PVC FIP a ADAPTER Z RAM INSERT N Z ADAPTER 6" MIN DRIPPER r SEPARAIIONj LINE PVC PIPES o N I LIMIT OF I� MANIFOLD EXCAVATION DRIP LINE CONNECTION TO MANIFOLD NTS 1/2" FLEX PVC (4' typ.} DINSERT �FIP DRIPPER LINE BURIED DRIP LOOP CONNECTION NTS FBI Supp is bel LFOR SURFACE OR , NEAR SURFACE INSTALLATIONS USE WIRE WICKETS TO SECURE DRIP TUBING AND FLEX IN INSTALLED POSITION 4' WIRE AND LOOP FLEX AS SHOWN 4' IMRE INICKET RAM INSET PVC DRIPPER ELEVATED LOOPS NEAR SURFACE DRIP LOOP NCONNECTION ON SLOPING SITES TOP FEED MANIFOLDS USE ON ALL SITES WITH A DISCERNIBLE SLOPE n7i TO CONTROL DRAIN DOWN FROM UPPER LATERALS OWER LATERALS AFTER PUMP SHUTS OFF. etum YP) AIR RELEASE Retu m VALVE danifold a PRESSURE * ;;+i 44 DRIPPER TUBING i i t it BELOW FROST LINE RESIUEN IIAL CHECK 1/2" PVC 112" PVC RIGID FLEX COMMON RETURN PIPE Patent No. 5,984,574B John R. Harman, P.E. Consulting Engineer 2112 White oak Road... Raleigh, NC 276o8 Tel. No. 919.818.2077 eMail: jackharman53@gmail.com Jab., ■ Install insulation for shallow systems in freezing climates See diagram above. SEAL 9810 C bOC L m F IL �� O O L M In d Z Z d NO O L a aL� V w L fn LU vi O VD z � o d W v1 C) O =LU N09 Z 4P ZO a W V) 1:Z Z a coo Z 00 O EJ 0 ao F- LU W .F O Q ,0 L ILL J • 00 `O N U o o b N -6 �i C+7 M ZEn 0 O }4 v N N 1. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL NCDWR-.2T RULES, COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CODES, AND STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SEWAGE HANDLING AND DISPOSAL REGULATIONS PERTAINING THERETO WITH REGARD TO THE PERMITTING OF THIS SITE. 2. THE INSTALLATION OF THIS SYSTEM SHALL BE IN ACCRODANCE WITH SPECIFICATONS AND GUIDANCE PROCEDURES OF THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE EQUIPMENT OR PRODUCT. 3. ALL PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40, TYPE I, RATED FOR PRESSURE APPLICATIONS. ALL GLUED JOINTS SHALL BE CLEANED AND PRIMED WITH PURPLE (DYED) PRIMER PRIOR TO GLUING. 4. ALL CUTTING OF PVC PIPE, AND FLEXIBLE PVC PIPING OR TUBING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY PIPE CUTTERS. NO SAWING OF PVC OR TUBING WILL BE ALLOWED. 5. NO ACTIVITY SHALL TAKE PLACE ON THE EFFLUENT APPLICATION AREA OTHER THAN THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM. THE INSTALLER SHALL USE ONLY EQUIPMENT OF THE APPLICATION AREA THAT WILL PROVIDE THE LEAST SOIL DISTURBANCE AND WILL MINIMIZE GROUND CONTACT. 6. A LEAKAGE TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED ON EACH PRE -CAST CONCRETE TANK. THIS CAN EITHER ACCOMPLISHED BY A 2 MINUTE TEST WHERE A VACUUM OF 5 INCHES IS HELD FOR 2 MINUTES; OR, A HYDROSTATIC WATER LEVEL TEST WHEREBY A DROP OF ONE-HALF INCH IS NOT EXCEEDED WITHIN A 24-HOUR PERIOD. 7. IF TREES ARE NECESSARY TO BE REMOVED FROM SITE, CUT STUMPS FLUSH WITH GROUND, REMOVE CUTTINGS BY HANC 8. A TWO STRAND WIRE FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED SURRONDING THE EFFLUENT APPLICATION AREA. 9. ALL AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS FOR THE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM SHALL BE EXTERNAL TO ANY STRUCTURE. 10. A RAIN SENSOR (MINI-CLIK BY HUNTER INDUSTRIES) OR RAIN -CHECK (RAINBIRD IRRIGATION), OR EQUAL SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE FIELD DOSING CONTROL PANEL, AND SHALL BE WIRED IN WITH THE OPERATIONAL CONTROLS WHICH CAN PREVENT THE ACTIVATION OF THE FIELD DOSING PUMP DURING EXTREME WET WEATHER CONDITIONS. 11. ALL CONTROL PANEL ENCLOSURES FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DOSING COMPONENTS SHALL BE NEMA 4X. 12. ALL SURFACE RUNOFF RUNOFF SHALL BE DIVERTED FROM TANKS, RISERS, ETC. TO PREVENT PONDING OR WET CONDITIONS NEAR OR AROUND THE TREATMENT, STORAGE, AND CONTROL PANEL AREAS. 13. ALL TANK RISER LIDS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. ALL RISER LIDS, AND CONTROL PANEL ENCLOSURES, SHALL BE LOCKABLE OR SECURED IN SOME FASHION TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY. GENERAL. NOTES-. 1. TWO SEPARATE PANELS AR REQUIRED. ONE SHALL BE FOR THE PRE- TREATMENT, AND ONE FOR THE DRIP DISPOSAL SYSTEM. 2. EACH CONTROL PANEL SHALL BE A NEMA 4X STYLE- ENCLOSURE, AND AS FABRICATED BY THE COMPONENT SUPPLIER- 3. EACH CONTROL PANEL SHALL BE LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE COMPONENT IT SERVES, MOUNTED A MINIMUM OF 36 INCHES ABOVE GRADE, AND FASTENED SECURELY TO A POST OR BOARD. 4. THE INSTALLERS ELECTRICIAN SHALL MAKE THE INTERNAL PANEL CONNECTIONS FOR TE CONTROL CORDS (INPUT & OUTPUT, AND GROUNDING ROD). EACH CONTROL PANEL SHALL CONTAIN A WIRING SCHEMATIC IDENTIFYING THE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS. 5. POWER CONTROL CIRCUITS TO THE PRETREATMENT CONTROL PANEL AS WELL AS THE DRIP DISPOSAL CONTROL PANEL SHALL REQUIRE TWO CIRCUITS, ONE FOR THE PUMP OR BLOWER: AND, ONE FOR THE ALARM AND CONTROL CIRCUITRY. 6. A MINIMUM CONDUIT SIZE OF 1 112 INCH SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTIONS FROM PANEL TO PUMP TANKS. 7. EACH CONTROL PANEL SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED BY A PROPERLY SIZED CONDUCTOR SECURELY FASTENED TO A GROUND ROD AT THE BASE OF THE CONTROL PANEL LOCATION. S. OPEN CONDUIT ENDS SHALL HAVE REMOVABLE CLAY -TYPE DUCT SEAL EMBEDDED AT IT ENDS TO PREVENT GASSES AND MOISTURE FROM ENTERING THE CONTROL PANELS. DO NOT USE SILICONE. OR EXPANED FOAM L'RODUCTS, 9. THE PUMP POWER CORDS AND FLOAT SWITCH CABLES SHALL BE SUPPLIED IN A LENGTH SUITABLE SUCH THAT NO SPLICES WILL OCCUR WITHIN THE PUMP TANKS. IF A SPLICE MUST BE MADE. IT SHALL OCCUR MADE ABOVE GRADE IN A NEMA 4X JUNCTION BOX, WITH ALL CABLE CLEARLY LABELED. 10.ALARMS SHALL BE AUDIBLE AND VISIBLE. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SEEDING EiPECIFICATIONS _ ITEM FREQUENCY TASK _ APPLIES TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE DRIPPER FIELD SEPTIC TANKS 3 -- 4 MONTHS CHECK SOLIDS ACCUMULATION, IN/EXFILTRATiON, BAFFLE DAMAGE, BLOCKAGES. CHECK THE FILTER. SEEVILG MIXTURF__ __ 3 - 5 YEARS PUMP SEPTA(' ,E IF REQUIRED SPECIES RATE (LB/ACRE) PUMP TANKS 3 - 4 MONTHS CHECK SOLIDS ACCUMULATION, TA ELL FESCUE 1 " RICE.A LE5PEDEZA 30 0 PUMP OUT SOLIDS IF REQUIRED. <OBE LESPEDEZA 10 CHECK IN/EXFILIRATION. CHECK ETJSACDLA BAHIAGRASS 50 FOR PROPERLY OPERATING FLOATS. CHECK HIGH WATER ALARM EDJNG NO-FES . AFTER SEPTEMBER 1 USE UNSCARIFIE:D SERICEA SEED. EQUIPMENT & CONTROLS 3 - 4 MONTHS CHECK FLOAT CONTROLS & ALARMS, 2. WERE A NEAT APPEARANCE IS DESIRED, OMIT SERICEA AND INCREASE KOBE TO 40 FOLI OW MANUFACTURER'S SERVICE / ACRE - REQUIREMENTS. ?• OVER -SEED 50 LB/ACRE OF 1ALL FESCUE EACH FALL, UNTIL WELL ESTABLISHED. FORCE MAINS & 6 MONTHS CHECK FOR LEAKS & RE -MEASURE URSE PLANTS SUPPLY MANIFOLDS FLOW IF NECESSARY. CHECK FOR ETWEEN .APRIL 15 AND AUGUST 15. ADD 10 LB/ACRE GERMAN MILLET. OR 15 LB ACRE UNDANGRA5S. PRIOR TO MAY 1 OR AFTER AUGUST 15. ADD 40 LS/AGRE RYE (GRAIN). EXPOSED PIPE. ALL IS BEST FOR TALL FESCUE AND LATE WINTER FOR LESPEDEZAS, OVERSEEDING OF OBE LESPEUEZAS Oy ER ME FALL SEEDED TALL FESCUE IS VERY EFFECTIVE. USE FIELDS 3 - 4 MONTHS CONTROL VEGETATIVE GROWTH FOR INHULLED BERNUpAGRA5S SEED IN FAIL. PROPER INSPECTIONS. CHECK FOR SOIL AMENDMENTS EROSION, PONDING OF WATER, APPLY LINF AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO TESTS, OR APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE GROUND SURFACING OF EFFLUENT, ACRICULTURE LIMESTONE AND 1,000 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER_ MEDIA FILTER 6 MONTHS MEASURE FLOW BY TIMING DRAW vIULCH APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE GRAIN STRAW, OR EQUIVALENT COVER OF ANOTHER SUITABLE DOWN IN THE PROCESSING TANK. MULCHING MATERIAL, ANCHOR MULCH BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, ROb1NG OR NETTING. CHECK FOR PONDING/CLOGGING. JETTING IS THE PREFERRO ANCHORING METHOD ON STEEP SLOPES. 12 MONTHS SAMPLE DISCHARGE WASTEWATER. AkNTF.NANCE EFERtIuZE IN THE SECOND YEAR: UNLFS5 GROWTH IS FULLY ADEQUATE. MAY BE MOWED DRAW LABORATORY SAMPLES AND NCE OR TWICE .A 1'E4R, BUT MOIING IS NOT NECESSAR L RESEED, FERTILIZE AND REPORT TO A0F.NCIES- dULCH DAMAGED AREA'S 04MEDIATFLY. GENERAL NOTES: I. HOUSING AND OTHER STRUCTURES AS MIGHT BE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION AVAILABLE. LOCATION OF DWELLING AND STRUCTURES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. PUMPS, HEAD LOSS CALCULATIONS, ETC. MAY NEED TO BE RE-EVALUATED IF ALTERATIONS TO SUCH LOCATIONS ARE REQUIRED. 2. LAYOUT OF THE APPLICATION AREA IS BASED ON FIELD DELINEATION OF SOILS AREA PERFORMED BY PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, P.A. ANY CHANGE IN LAYOUT, BY THE SYSTEM INSTALLER, OUTSIDE OF THIS AREA WILL NEED TO BE APPROVED BY THE SOILS CONSULTANT AND THE ENGINEER. CLEARING OF VEGETATION & TRESS LESS THAN 2" DIAMETER IS PERMITTED. 3. THERE ARE NO KNOWN EXISTING WELLS, BUILDINGS, OR STRUCTURES WITHIN THE REQUIRED BUFFERS. 4. THERE ARE NO AREAS WITH THE APPLICATION AREA THAT ARE WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN. 5. THE APPLICATION AREA SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS A WOODED OR "NATURAL" AREA SITE. 6. A LEAKAGE TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED ON ALL TANKS WHEREBY AN EXHLTRATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED A ONE-HALF INCH DROP IN A 24-HOUR PERIOD, AS OBSERVED AND CERTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. 7. ALL PRESSURE PIPING SHALL BE SCH. 40 PVC AND PRESSURE TESTED TO AN INITIAL PRESSURE OF 55 PSI, AND A 5 PSI DROP IN A 2 HOUR PERIOD IS NOT EXCEEDED. ❑i Normally Open Supply Vdvea Baekflush Valves 1 A' Supply From Pump Tank AMERICAN MFG. COMPANY TWO -FILTER - 15 GPM NOTE' HYDRAULIC UNIT Flowmater wee Filters Normally paned FTsid Flu.h Vole a d 11 - Return To 1 Septic Tank JIm Normally pose d To Return Pressure Zone Val vas Assembly 1E Orem& AXUV Disinfection Unit AlwllczliaT .. .- Genbtl �••�� � seeciae+smeiFracwa •f •«.-.- - sreneer¢ uwor ... rmau +rade a•o� Y h O 0 w a ., Z F'- LU C%4 ' vf H O� UD z o � zQ 2 o= N LU U ❑ve]� d ,4.j z 0 a w � V) O zz z a oo Z 0 °0 :3yL� o o LU U OD -J LU M v W o0Q�,,/�� Q 0 h IL _J W J • W 1S.H cu 0000 ,.I • .•-E 6JD [)f O N cc CN w � 0 N� •-I O 0 77 00 �..E E ..r 0 O 4" Q SEAL 9810 DRIP IRRIGATION HYDRAULIC CONTROL UNIT (NUMBER OF ZONE VALVES VARY -REFER TO SHEET 4) V 1% vu R.11P+'` 4:0 PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOC I A T E S, P. A. 6/20/23 Bartley Point, LLC c/o: Mr. Pat O'Neal 1430 Innovation Ave. Morrisville, NC 27560 Project Number: 3618 Soils Report for Proposed Residential Surface Drip Wastewater Irrigation System Project Name: Bartley Point, Lot 8 Location: Off of Bartley Holleman Rd., Wake County, NC (PIN: 0617538361) A detailed soil evaluation on the above referenced tract was conducted to determine suitability for a subsurface or surface wastewater system. This report is being prepared to satisfy the requirements set forth by 15A NCAC 02T.0600 concerning the soils report for single family surface wastewater systems since this property does not contain enough suitable soils to support a 5-bedroom subsurface septic system. The location and characteristics of a site that is potentially useable for a surface drip irrigation wastewater system was identified. This report details our findings and provides the necessary soil/site information needed for a surface irrigation system to be designed by a professional engineer. This fieldwork was completed in Winter, 2023. The potentially useable soil area was located in the field and is shown on the accompanying soils map (Attachment 1). The proposed disposal area is compliant with buffers for surface wastewater systems. The map also shows the locations where measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) were performed. This site is located in the Triassic Basin geologic unit of Wake County. Soils in the proposed irrigation area are generally similar to the Creedmoor/Green Level complex. These soils have expansive clay mineralogy and may have indications of soil wetness present in the subsurface horizons. The Creedmoor/Green Level complex soils are generally unsuitable for conventional subsurface septic systems. However, the favorable soil characteristics of the surface horizons offer the opportunity for surface application of treated wastewater. Soil Evaluation The soil condition of the proposed wastewater area is described with the borings shown on the attached soils map and described in Table 1 below, as well as in the accompanying Ksat location soil profile descriptions (Attachment 2). 216 S. Swing Rd., Suite 1 • Greensboro, NC 27409 • 336-662-5487 Table 1. - Bartley Point Lot 8 - Soil Boring Logs Boring #: Depth to Exp. Clay (") Depth to SHWT n 8-1 15 16 8-2 12 12 8-3 13 13 8-4 15 20 8-5 16 18 The landscape position for the proposed irrigation field is on a broad side slope (5-7% maximum) with a sandy loam A/AB horizon. We recommend a maximum instantaneous irrigation rate of 0.3 in/hr for design purposes. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Ksat) Analysis The constant head well permeameter technique (also known as shallow well pump -in technique and borehole permeameter method) was utilized to complete the ksat tests. This procedure is described in Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1., Chapter 29 — Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soils: Field Methods, 29 — 3.2 Shallow Well Pump In Method, pp. 758-763 and in the Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 53, no. 5, Sept. — Oct. 1989, "A Constant -head Permeameter for Measuring Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of the Vadose Zone" and "Comparison of the Glover Solution with the Simultaneous — Equations Approach for Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity." A volume of water was applied and measured with time until a steady state of water flow was achieved. This volume/time with steady state was used to calculate the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the subsoil by the Glover equation. Measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) were conducted within the Bt horizon at three sites within the proposed wetted area. The Bt was the only soil horizon measured since it was obviously the most restrictive horizon. This determination was made based on the expansive clay mineralogy present in the majority of the Bt horizons and the fact that underlying horizons (where present) were lighter in texture. Additionally, the soil horizons underlying the Bt were too poorly structured and/or too thin to quantify accurately with a Ksat test. The geometric mean Ksat of the Bt horizon was 0.072 in/hr. Geometric mean Ksat calculations and field data are shown in Attachment 3. Single Family Loading Rate Worksheet A single-family water balance calculation was conducted per the above referenced regulation. Based on the geometric mean Ksat and our field observations, these soils fall under Loading Rate Group SFR-A and could therefore be loaded from 26-50 in/yr. Parameters utilized in the SFR Irrigation Area Calculation Worksheet are described below: Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) and 80th Percentile Irrigation: Data from a nearby site (RDU International Weather Station) for a 58 year period was utilized in the model per NC DWQ policy guidelines for these parameters. This data is shown in the attached SFR Irrigation Area Calculation Worksheet (Attachment 4). Drainage Rate and Discussion of Drainage Coefficient Utilized in the SFR Irrigation Area Worksheet: We are proposing a drainage coefficient of 7.2%, which results in an actual Annual Hydraulic Loading Rate of 19.49 inches/year. We feel that this is a reasonable drainage rate given the surface texture and thickness of the A horizon, as well as the landscape position of the proposed spray field (broad side slope). Standard Fertility Analysis Soils within the proposed spray area were also analyzed for current fertility conditions. Because of similar landscape type and management conditions, one composite sample was used to infer soil fertility status within the proposed dispersal area. The standard soil fertility analysis was completed by Waypoint Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Soil sample results are included in "Soil Analysis Report" provided by Waypoint Analytical (Attachment 5). Base saturation and exchangeable sodium percentage were determined to be 52% and 4.81% respectively. Appendix 5 also contains information on other soil parameters such as specific nutrient indices and pH. Conclusions Site disturbance could create unsuitable conditions for the proposed system and should therefore be minimized prior to construction. A permanent vegetative cover should be immediately established and/or maintained over the entire application field after installation. An individual septic system permit will be required for this property prior to obtaining a building permit. This will involve a detailed evaluation by the state to determine, among other things, system size and layout, drive/parking and building location. Only after developing this information can a final determination be made concerning specifics of system design and site utilization. A letter of denial regarding subsurface septic systems from the county health department will also be required by NC DEQ as part of the application for a surface application system If you have any further questions, please feel free to call (336) 662-5487. Sincerely, G. Christopher Murray, MS NC Licensed Soil Scientist Piedmont Environmental Associates, PA List of Attachments: Attachment 1 - Soil Map Attachment 2 — Soil Profile Descriptions Attachment 3 - Ksat Summary and Field Data Attachment 4 - SFR Irrigation Area Workbook Pages (Including Project Information, Potential Evapotranspiration Worksheet, 801h Percentile Precipitation Worksheet and Irrigation Area Calculation Worksheet) Attachment 5 - Standard Fertility Analysis Attachment 2 - Soil Profile Descriptions at Ksat Locations Project: Bartley Point Lot 8 % Slope: 6% Site: Ksat Nest 1 Vegetation: Mixed Pine/Hardwoods Conducted By: GC Murray Date: Winter, 2023 Soil Series: Creedmoor/Green Level Complex U w o s V o c C 7 d U C O N C9 = S U U Q N to O U d O N L X N O O X oe r 3 V O y IC O O O a y O y r x o 5 5 5 5 5 L , rn PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL A S S O C I A T E S, P. A. w w N r H N c U _N O rn rn 5 A 0-5 10YR 7/3 - - - - moist sl mod med gr fr ns np Bt 6-26 10YR 6/6 1OYR 6/1, 2.5YR 5/8 com med C&D moist c mod med abk vfi vs p BC 27-32 10YR 6/4 1OYR 6/1, 2.5YR 5/8 com med C&D moist cl wk med sbk fi s p C 33-36 1 OR 6/4 - - - - - - structureless - - - R 37 - - - - - - - - - I - - I - - Legend: Texture s sand I loam si silt sil silt loam c clay cl clay loam scl sandy clay loam sl sandy loam sicl silty clay loam Structure Grade Structure Type wk weak gr granular m moderate pl platy str strong pr prismatic cpr columnar abk angular blocky sbk subangular blocky sg single grained ma massive Structure Size f fine med medium Moist Consistencv fr friable vfr very friable fi firm vfi very firm Seasonal Hiqh Water Table: Depth (") Type (apparent/perched) 16 perched Attachment 2 - Soil Profile Descriptions at Ksat Locations Project: Bartley Point Lot 8 % Slope: 8% Site: Ksat Nest 2 Vegetation: Mixed Pine/Hardwoods Conducted By: GC Murray Date: Winter, 2023 Soil Series: Creedmoor/Green Level Complex U w o s V o c C 7 d U C M N C9 = S U U Q N to O U d O N L X N O O X r 3 V p y IC O O O a y O y J T o 5 5 5 5 5 � rn PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL A S S O C I A T E S, P. A. w w N r H N c U N O rn rn 5 AB 0-6 10YR 7/3 - - - I - I moist sl mod med gr fr ns np Bt 7-23 10YR 6/6 1OYR 6/1, 2.5YR 5/8 com med C&D moist c mod med abk vfi vs vp BC 24-36 10YR 6/4 1OYR 6/1, 2.5YR 5/8 com med C&D moist Sid wk med sbk vfi vs vp CR 37 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Legend: Texture s sand I loam si silt sil silt loam c clay cl clay loam scl sandy clay loam sl sandy loam sicl silty clay loam Structure Grade Structure Type wk weak gr granular m moderate pl platy str strong pr prismatic cpr columnar abk angular blocky sbk subangular blocky sg single grained ma massive Structure Size f fine med medium Moist Consistencv fr friable vfr very friable fi firm vfi very firm Seasonal Hiqh Water Table: Depth (") Type (apparent/perched) 14 perched Attachment 2 - Soil Profile Descriptions at Ksat Locations Project: Bartley Point Lot 8 % Slope: 7% Site: Ksat Nest 3 Vegetation: Mixed Pine/Hardwoods Conducted By: GC Murray Date: Winter, 2023 Soil Series: Creedmoor/Green Level Complex U w o s V o c C 7 d U C M N C9 = S U U Q N to O U d O N L X N O O X r 3 V p y IC O O O a y O y J T o 5 5 5 5 5 � rn PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL A S S O C I A T E S, P. A. w w N r H N c U N O rn rn 5 AB 0-6 10YR 7/3 - - - I - I moist sl mod med gr fr ns np Bt 7-25 10YR 6/6 1OYR 6/1, 2.5YR 5/8 com med C&D moist c mod med abk vfi vs p BC 26-34 10YR 6/4 1OYR 6/1, 2.5YR 5/8 com med C&D moist scl wk med sbk fi s p C/CR 35"+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Legend: Texture s sand I loam si silt sil silt loam c clay cl clay loam scl sandy clay loam sl sandy loam sicl silty clay loam Structure Grade Structure Type wk weak gr granular m moderate pl platy str strong pr prismatic cpr columnar abk angular blocky sbk subangular blocky sg single grained ma massive Structure Size f fine med medium Moist Consistencv fr friable vfr very friable fi firm vfi very firm Seasonal Hiqh Water Table: Depth (") Type (apparent/perched) 15 perched Bartley Holeman Rd. Project, Wake County, NC NC DEQ Surface Drip Ksat Data, Winter 2023 Nest Ksat (inlhr) N 1, Bt 0.049 Lot 8 N2, Bt 0.067 N3, Bt 0.070 Geomean Ksat: 0.061 AAi SOILMOISTURE Lot 8, N1 Bt - 18" Soilmoisture Ksat Calculator Reading Number Time Reservoir Water Level (ml) Elapsed Time (min) Interval Water Consumed (ml) Flow Volume Consumed (ml) Total Water Consumed (ml) Water Consumption Rate (ml/min) 1 2022/11/0811:28:49 -100 2 2022/11/0811:43:49 -100.575 15.00 0.57 46.57 46.57 3.105 3 2022/11/0811:58:49 -101.25 15.00 0.68 54.67 101.24 3.645 4 2022/11/0812:13:49 -101.375 15.00 0.13 10.12 111.37 0.675 5 2022/11/0812:28:49 -102 15.00 0.63 50.62 161.99 3.375 6 2022/11/0812:43:49 -102.4 15.00 0.40 32.40 194.38 2.160 7 2022/11/0812:58:49 -102.725 15.00 0.33 26.32 220.71 1.755 8 2022/11/0813:13:49 -103.4 15.00 0.67 54.67 275.38 3.645 9 2022/11/0813:28:49 -103.575 15.00 0.17 14.17 289.55 0.945 10 2022/11/0813:43:49 -103.975 15.00 0.40 32.40 321.95 2.160 11 2022/11/0813:58:49 -104.25 15.00 0.28 22.27 344.22 1.485 12 2022/11/0814:13:49 -104.3 15.00 0.05 4.05 348.27 0.270 13 2022/11/0814:28:49 -104.6 15.00 0.30 24.30 372.57 1.620 14 2022/11/0814:43:49 -104.6 15.00 0.00 0.00 372.57 0.000 15 2022/11/0814:58:49 -104.875 15.00 0.28 22.27 394.84 1.485 16 2022/11/0815:13:49 -104.975 15.00 0.10 8.10 402.94 0.540 17 2022/11/0815:28:49 -105.325 15.00 0.35 28.35 431.29 1.890 18 2022/11/0815:43:49 -105.4 15.00 0.08 6.07 437.36 0.405 22 2022/11/0815:58:49 -105.5 15.00 0.10 8.10 445.46 0.540 23 2022/11/0816:13:49 -105.7 15.00 0.20 16.20 461.66 1.080 24 2022/11/0816:28:49 -105.9 15.00 0.20 16.20 477.86 1.080 25 2022/11/0816:43:49 -106.12 15.00 0.22 17.82 495.68 1.188 26 4 3.5 3 2.5 Water Consumption Rate (ml/min) 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM Total Water Consumed (ml) 600 500 400 300 200 100 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM A& SOILMRE Soilmoisture Ksat Calculator Lot 8, N1 Bt - 18" Parameters Q: Steady Flow Rate (ml/min): r: Borehole Radius (cm): h: Water head Height (cm): H: Depth of Borehole (cm): Water Temp ©: S: Water Table Depth (cm): Diameter of Reservoir (cm): Scenario 1.115909067 5.08 7.5 45.72 19.9285 304.8 10.155 Glover (m/s) (cm/hour) (in/hour) (gpd/ft2) Ksat: 3.4E-07 0.123 0.049 0.73 H = borehole depth, r = borehole radius, h = constant water head height in borehole, s = water table depth and L = the vertical distance between constant water head and water table / impervious layer. AAi SOILMOISTURE Lot 8, N2 Bt - 18" Soilmoisture Ksat Calculator Reading Number Time Reservoir Water Level (ml) Elapsed Time (min) Interval Water Consumed (ml) Flow Volume Consumed (ml) Total Water Consumed (ml) Water Consumption Rate (ml/min) 1 2022/11/0811:28:06 -100 2 2022/11/0811:43:06 -102.45 15.00 2.45 198.43 198.43 13.229 3 2022/11/0811:58:06 -104 15.00 1.55 125.54 323.97 8.369 4 2022/11/0812:13:06 -105.25 15.00 1.25 101.24 425.22 6.749 5 2022/11/0812:28:06 -106.425 15.00 1.18 95.17 520.38 6.344 6 2022/11/0812:43:06 -107.35 15.00 0.92 74.92 595.30 4.995 7 2022/11/0812:58:06 -108.3 15.00 0.95 76.94 672.25 5.130 8 2022/11/0813:13:06 -109 15.00 0.70 56.70 728.94 3.780 9 2022/11/0813:28:06 -109.4 15.00 0.40 32.40 761.34 2.160 10 2022/11/0813:43:06 -109.775 15.00 0.38 30.37 791.71 2.025 11 2022/11/0813:58:06 -110.325 15.00 0.55 44.55 836.26 2.970 12 2022/11/0814:13:06 -110.725 15.00 0.40 32.40 868.65 2.160 13 2022/11/0814:28:06 -111.125 15.00 0.40 32.40 901.05 2.160 14 2022/11/0814:43:06 -111.425 15.00 0.30 24.30 925.35 1.620 15 2022/11/0814:58:06 -111.575 15.00 0.15 12.15 937.50 0.810 16 2022/11/0815:13:06 -112A25 15.00 0.55 44.55 982.04 2.970 17 2022/11/0815:28:06 -112.525 15.00 0.40 32.40 1014.44 2.160 18 2022/11/0815:43:06 -112.675 15.00 0.15 12.15 1026.59 0.810 22 2022/11/0815:58:06 -113.3 15.00 0.63 50.62 1077.21 3.375 23 2022/11/0816:13:06 -113.625 15.00 0.32 26.32 1103.54 1.755 24 2022/11/0816:28:06 -113.9 15.00 0.28 22.27 1125.81 1.485 25 2022/11/0816:43:06 -114.2 15.00 0.30 24.30 1150.11 1.620 26 2022/11/0816:58:06 -114.48 15.00 0.28 22.68 1172.78 1.512 27 14 - 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12:00:00 AM 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 12:00:00 AM Water Consumption Rate (ml/min) 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM Total Water Consumed (ml) 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM A& SOILMRE Soilmoisture Ksat Calculator Lot 8, N2 Bt - 18" Parameters Q: Steady Flow Rate (ml/min): r: Borehole Radius (cm): h: Water head Height (cm): H: Depth of Borehole (cm): Water Temp ©: S: Water Table Depth (cm): Diameter of Reservoir (cm): Scenario 1.5388746 5.08 7.5 45.72 19.9285 304.8 10.155 Glover (m/s) (cm/hour) (in/hour) (gpd/ft2) Ksat: 4.7E-07 0.170 0.067 1.01 H = borehole depth, r = borehole radius, h = constant water head height in borehole, s = water table depth and L = the vertical distance between constant water head and water table / impervious layer. AAi SOILMOISTURE Lot 8, N3 Bt - 19" Soilmoisture Ksat Calculator Reading Number Time Reservoir Water Level (ml) Elapsed Time (min) Interval Water Consumed (ml) Flow Volume Consumed (ml) Total Water Consumed (ml) Water Consumption Rate (ml/min) 1 2022/11/0811:41:51 -100 2 2022/11/0811:56:51 -100.7 15.00 0.70 56.70 56.70 3.780 3 2022/11/0812:11:51 -101.175 15.00 0.47 38.47 95.17 2.565 4 2022/11/0812:26:51 -101.8 15.00 0.63 50.62 145.79 3.375 5 2022/11/0812:41:51 -102.325 15.00 0.53 42.52 188.31 2.835 6 2022/11/0812:56:51 -102.9 15.00 0.58 46.57 234.88 3.105 7 2022/11/0813:11:51 -103.425 15.00 0.52 42.52 277.40 2.835 8 2022/11/0813:26:51 -103.575 15.00 0.15 12.15 289.55 0.810 9 2022/11/0813:41:51 -104.125 15.00 0.55 44.55 334.10 2.970 10 2022/11/0813:56:51 -104.45 15.00 0.33 26.32 360.42 1.755 11 2022/11/0814:11:51 -104.775 15.00 0.33 26.32 386.74 1.755 12 2022/11/0814:26:51 -104.925 15.00 0.15 12.15 398.89 0.810 13 2022/11/0814:41:51 -105.225 15.00 0.30 24.30 423.19 1.620 14 2022/11/0814:56:51 -105.45 15.00 0.22 18.22 441.41 1.215 15 2022/11/0815:11:51 -105.7 15.00 0.25 20.25 461.66 1.350 16 2022/11/0815:26:51 4L06.075 15.00 0.38 30.37 492.03 2.025 17 2022/11/0815:41:51 -106.475 15.00 0.40 32.40 524.43 2.160 18 2022/11/0815:56:51 -106.7 15.00 0.22 18.22 542.66 1.215 22 2022/11/0816:11:51 -106.95 15.00 0.25 20.25 562.90 1.350 23 2022/11/0816:26:51 -107.25 15.00 0.30 24.30 587.20 1.620 24 2022/11/0816:41:51 -107.56 15.00 0.31 25.11 612.31 1.674 25 2022/11/0816:56:51 -107.85 15.00 0.29 23.49 635.80 1.566 26 4 3.5 3 2.5 Water Consumption Rate (ml/min) - 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM Total Water Consumed (ml) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM 12:00:00 AM Soilmoisture Ksat Calculator Soil Surface H Water Head .. ......... _..N . Borehole Bottom L._ Water Table H = borehole depth, r = borehole radius, h = constant water head height in borehole, s = water table depth and L = the vertical distance between constant water head and water table / impervious layer. Lot 8, N3 Bt - 19" Parameters Q: Steady Flow Rate (ml/min): r: Borehole Radius (cm): h: Water head Height (cm): H: Depth of Borehole (cm): Water Temp ©: S: Water Table Depth (cm): Diameter of Reservoir (cm): Scenario 1.619868 5.08 7.5 48.26 19.9285 304.8 10.155 Glover (m/s) (cm/hour) (in/hour) (gpd/ft2) Ksat: 5.0E-07 0.179 0.070 1.06 Cross Sectional area of reservoir: 80.9934 Project Name: Bartley Point, Lot 8 Facility Address: Off Bartley Holleman Rd., Wake County, NC County: Wake Prepared by: G. Christopher Murray, L.S.S. Project Design Flow = 600 gal/day # of Bedrooms Required Flow 2 bedrooms 240 gal/day 3 bedrooms 360 gal/day 4 bedrooms 480 gal/day 5 bedrooms 600 gal/day 6 bedrooms 720 gal/day SFR-LRW 9-08 Project Name: Bartley Point, Lot 8 Location of Temperature Data: RDU Int. Airport - Raleigh, NC Starting Year of Data Record: 1948 Ending Year of Data Record: 2006 Period of Record (years): 58 Source of Data: State Climate Office of North Carolina Site Latitude (degrees) 35.00 within range Calculated PET: 33.38 inches Mean Monthly Temperature (degrees F) Daylight Hours 112 Heat Index Calculated PET (inches) January 41.1 0.87 1.02 0.29 February 44.8 0.85 1.70 0.51 March 51.2 1.03 3.15 1.20 April 59.4 1.09 5.40 2.30 May 67.6 1.21 8.02 3.94 June 75.6 1.21 10.90 5.52 July 79.0 1.23 12.21 6.36 August 77.7 1.16 11.71 5.73 September 71.1 1.03 9.24 3.92 October 60.6 0.97 5.76 2.20 November 51.5 0.86 3.22 1.03 December 42.6 0.85 1.28 0.37 Total = 73.61 33.38 SFR-LRW 9-08 Project Name: Bartley Point, Lot 8 Location of Precipitation Data: RDU Int. Airport - Raleigh, NC Starting Year of Data Record: 1948 Ending Year of Data Record: 2006 Period of Record (years): 58 Source of Data: State Climate Office of North Carolina 80th Percentile Annual Precipitation: 54.48 Total = Mean Monthly Precipitation % of Mean Annual Precipitation 80th Percentile Monthly Precipitation 3.60 8.21 4.47 2.88 6.57 3.58 4.30 9.80 5.34 3.06 6.98 3.80 2.26 5.15 2.81 2.93 6.68 3.64 5.51 12.56 6.84 5.00 11.40 6.21 5.81 13.25 7.22 2.90 6.61 3.60 2.75 6.27 3.42 2.86 6.52 3.55 43.86 100.00 54.48 SFR-LRW 9-08 Project Name: Bartley Point, Lot 8 Annual Hydraulic Design Flow = 600 gal/day Loading Rate = 19.49 inch/yr SFR Loading Rate Group: SFR-B Limiting Soil Ksat = 0.061 inch/hour Irrigation Area = 18,020 square ft Drainage Coefficient = 0.072 = 0.41369 acres Drainage Rate = 0.105763974 inch/day (Formula: Ksat ' Drainage Coefficient' 24) I Number of Days in the Month PET in/mo Vertical Drainage in/mo 80th Percentile Monthly Precipitation in/mo Maximum Allowable Irrigation in/mo Maximum Allowable Irrigation (gallons/day) Maximum Allowable Irrigation allons/month January 31 0.29 3.28 4.47 0.00 0 0 February 28 0.51 2.96 3.58 0.00 0 0 March 31 1.20 3.28 5.34 0.00 0 0 April 30 2.30 3.17 3.80 1.67 626 18,769 May 31 3.94 3.28 2.81 4.42 1,600 49,603 June 30 5.52 3.17 3.64 5.06 1,894 56,827 July 31 6.36 3.28 6.84 2.80 1,014 31,431 August 31 5.73 3.28 6.21 2.80 1,013 31,407 September 30 3.92 3.17 7.22 0.00 0 0 October 31 2.20 3.28 3.60 1.87 679 21,045 November 30 1.03 3.17 3.42 0.79 295 8,844 December 31 0.37 3.28 3.55 0.10 35 1,075 TOTAL = 365 33.38 38.60 54.48 19.49 7155.31 219,000 Formulas: (Max. Allowable Irrigation) = (PET) + (Drainage) - (Precipitation) SFR Loading Rate Table SFR Maximum Annual Geometric Mean Loading Loading Rate Ksat Range Rate (in/yr) (in/hr) Group Low - High Low - High SFR-A 26.0 - 50.0 >0.05 SFR-B 19.5 - 26.0 0.015 - 0.05 SFR-C 13.0 - 19.5 0.003 - 0.015 SFR-D 0.0 - 13.0 0.0 - 0.003 Assignment to a SFR Loading Rate Group for each 15A NCAC 02T .0600 permit application shall be determined by the geometric mean of insitu saturated hydrualic conductivity data collected in the most restrictive horizon for each soil mapping unit within the irrigation area. Required Flow 2 bedrooms 240 gal/day 87,600 gal/yr 3 bedrooms 360 gal/day 131,400 gal/yr 4 bedrooms 480 gal/day 175,200 gal/yr 5 bedrooms 600 gal/day 219,000 gal/yr 6 bedrooms 720 gal/day 262,800 gal/yr Maximum allowable irrigation: 219,000 gal/yr The Maximum Allowable Irrigation number must be greater than or equal to the required flow. SFR-LRW 9-08 Waypointo ANALYTICAL Client : Piedmont Enviromental Assoc., P. A. 216 South Swing Road Suite 1 Greensboro NC 27310 Lab No: 22055 2850 Daisy Lane, Wilson, NC 27896 Main 252-206-1721 ° Fax 252-206-9973 "Every acre... Every year®' www.waypointanalytical.com Grower : Report No: PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL Cust No: Date Printed: Date Received PO: Farm: BARTLEY Page Field: SOIL ANALYSIS 23-170-0522 06526 06/21/2023 06/19/2023 Sample ID: BART LOT 8 3 of 6 Test Method Results SOIL TEST RATINGS Calculated Cation Exchange Capacity ftwery Low Low Medium Optimum Soil pH 1:1 4.8 IIIIIIIIIIII� 2.1 meq/100g Buffer pH BPH 6.83 %Saturation Phosphorus (P) M3 6 ppm %sat meq K 4.6 0.1 Ca 27.6 0.6 Mg 17.5 0.4 H 47.6 1.0 Na 2.3 0 Potassium (K) M3 38 ppm Calcium (Ca) M3 116 ppm Magnesium (Mg) M3 44 ppm Sulfur (S) M3 8 ppm Boron (B) M3 0.1 ppm Copper (Cu) M3 0.2 ppm Iron (Fe) M3 155 ppm K/Mg Ratio: 0.26 ❑ Manganese (Mn) M3 69 ppm Ca/Mg Ratio: 1.58 ❑ Zinc (Zn) M3 0.8 ppm - Sodium (Na) M3 11 ppm Soluble Salts Organic Matter LOI 2.8% Estimated N Release 103 Ibs/acre Nitrate Nitrogen SOIL FERTILITY GUIDELINES Crop Rec Units: (Ibs) LIME (tons) N P20, K 20 Mg S B Cu Mn Zn Fe Crop : Rec Units: Comments : M3 - Mehlich 3 BPH - Lime Index HIM - Humic Matter LOI - Loss On Ignition 1:1 -Water pH Analysis prepared by: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc.