HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0083658_Response to Notice_20231205CORR Environmental Resources, Inc. December 5, 2023 Certified Mail # 7018 0040 0000 8782 3673 Return Receipt Requested Ms. Morella Sanchez -King Mr. Bryan Lievre North Carolina Department Environmental Quality Water Quality Regional Operations Section Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 RECEIVEMCDENR/DWR Water c)uamy flegional Operations Section Wilmington Reqionil Office Re: Response to Notice of Violation Tracking Number NOV-2023-MV-0194 September 2023 Discharge Monitoring Report, NPDES Permit #0083668 Daikin Applied Americas, Inc. Former Heatcraft Remediation Site, New Hanover County Ms. Sanchez -King and Mr. Lievre: CORR Environmental Resources Inc. on behalf of Daikin Applied Americas, Inc (Daikin Applied) is responding to the referenced Notice of Violation, dated November 16, 2023 concerning the September 2023 Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the above referenced facility. The Notice of Violation letter was received by Daikin Applied and CORR via email on November 17, 2023. The NOV references outfall 001 effluent quarterly frequency violation(s); Base Neutral and Acid (EPA Method 625.1) effluent [76028] and Organics, Total Purgeable(s) VOCs (EPA Method 624.1) effluent [76029]. These two laboratory tests are required to be collected and laboratory tested on a quarterly basis. The required Quarter 3 [August] samples were not collected as an oversight and no explanation can be offered for the noncompliance, Previous CY-23 quarterly samples [February and May] had been collected, analyzed, and reported as required. The November 2023 Quarter 4 samples have also been collected and analyzed, The Quarter 4 data will be reported for the November 2023 DMR submittal. Corrective Actions CORR on behalf of Daikin Applied acknowledges the oversight for the Quarter 3 testing omission and noncompliance with the NPD,ES permit conditions. CORR as the Agent Responsible for Daikin Applied will revise the September DMR to note these effluent tests were not performed by entering '0' under the parameter codes 76029 and 76028. In reference to corrective measures for this noncompliance issue, there are no treatment system operational and/or maintenance matters which require remedial actions. The overall effluent standards and permit conditions regarding discharge water quality have not had an exceedance for volatile or semi volatile organic constituents during the current permit period. The two previous CY-2023 Base Neutral Acid [EPA 625.1] and Total CORR Environmental Resources, Inc. Ms, Morelia Sanchez -King Mr. Bryan Lievre December 5, 2023 Page 2 Purgeable [EPA 624.1] laboratory tests in February and May did not indicate any of the listed constituents above the Method Quantitation Limits [MQLs]. Additionally, the November 2023 quarterly test results also do not indicate constituent concentrations above MQL values or permit limitations. The permit required twice monthly effluent testing for Volatile Organic Constituents [VOCs], tested using EPA Method 8260D, have also not indicated any listed constituents above MQLs of 1 pg/L [ppb]; including the specific TCE and TCA effluent parameters. These data along with quarterly required aquatic toxicity and semiannual Total Volatile Organics [EPA 601] have effluent data results in compliance with the permit limitations. These data provide evidence of ongoing compliance with effluent standards for treatment and permitted discharge of remediated groundwater. In coordination with the ORC, Stephan Tyler, we had previously posted the requirements for effluent testing within the weekly log binder along with a copy of the full permit in the site files. To improve scheduling visibility, we will post a dry -erase style white board within the treatment building with monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual monitoring frequency columns to note the time and day of sample collection on a month -to -month basis. These frequency column blocks will also include shipping dates and tracking numbers for ease of reference. Project Oversiaht Daikin Applied provides as requested budget to CORR to maintain adequate operational oversight, maintenance, laboratory testing, DMIR preparation and submittals. These monthly and annual recurring costs provide for as needed and as warranted repairs, equipment replacement, troubleshooting and for labor costs and contractor charges, At no time during the remedial actions at the site has Daikin Applied ever denied or withheld budget requests for all operations and maintenance activities. Absent routine maintenance tasks, the groundwater remediation treatment system has operated in compliance with current NPIDES permit requirements and effluent limitations. The overall responsibility of Daikin Applied is to provide as required and warranted corrective actions and measures related directly to impacted environmental media such as groundwater as directed by the NCDEQ Hazardous Waste Section. The primary focus of site wide corrective measures is to return groundwater to compliance with State water quality standards. No additional remedial construction, activities specific to the groundwater treatment system are anticipated. Therefore, at this time, there is no warranted need to apply for a Special Order of Consent as referenced in the NOV letter to Daikin Applied, NOV-2023-MlV-01 94 NC0083658 CORR Environmental Resources, Inc. Ms. Morella Sanchez -King Mr. Bryan Lievre December 5, 2023 Page 3 CORR does not anticipate any issues with the treatment system and we expect to monitor and report effluent discharge as required. If there are any questions regarding the response to the NOV or for the site in general, please contact me at 972-523-0487 or by email at correri(a).frontier .com. Cordially, CORR Environmental Resources Inc. Raymond Roblin, PG Principal Cc: Mr. Donald Rooks — DAA Site File A&T Services for Stephan Tyler LG Operator Responsible in Charge NOV-2023-MV-0194 NCO083658