HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigned extension requestCarpenter,Kristi From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Thomson, Nicole J Wednesday, September 23, 2015 3:36 PM David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; Wanucha, Dave Carpenter,Kristi; Julian, Jason R US Business 29 (Freeway Drive) Widening from SR 2670 (South Scales St) north to NC 14 in Reidsville, Rockingham, Co, TIP No. U-3326AB; USACE AID - SAW-2004-20400 Signed extension request.pdf High Follow up Flagged Please find the attached Individual Permit extension request for the above project. Dave B— hard copy was mailed yesterday. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns! Thanks! Nik Nicole J. Thomson NC DOT Division 7 Division Environmental Supervisor Assistant PO Box 14996 Greensboro, NC 27415-4996 Cell Phone: 919.754.7806 Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 ��� � � � �.,„�.�. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARI'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY GOVERNOR September 22, 2015 US Army Co�ps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Attn: Dave Bailey 3331 Heritage Trade Dr., Ste. 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 NICHOLASJ.TENNYSON SECRETARY Subject: Individual Permit Extension Request U.5. Business 29 (Freeway Drive) widening from SR 2670 (South Scales Street) north to NC 14 in Reidsvitle, Rocicingham County, NC; TIP No. U-3326AB, USACE Action ID 5AW-2004-20400 Dear Ivv. Bailey: The North Carolina Department of Transportation is requesting an extension of the time limit to complete the autharized activities per General Condition No. 1 of the Department of the Army Permit. The original time limit for completing the authorized work expires on December 31, 2015. The applicant is hereby requesting a three (3) year extension of this time limit. The proposed project fell behind schedule when tl�e utilities were not moved and/or adjusted out of the contractor's way prior to construction commencing. Therefore, there have been project delays as a result of these late utiliTy relocations. NCDOT has granted the conh�actor a time extension in which to complete the project; however, the 404 verification will expire before the contracted time allotment. Please feel free to contact Jerry Parker, Division Environmental Officer at 336-451-6629 if you have any questions or need to discuss this in more detail. Sincerely, �/%% • ✓%��( � M. Mills, PE Division Engineer cc; Mr. Dave Wanucha, NC DWR Mr. Jason Julian, NCDOT Attachment: Copy of 404 Individual Permit Approval (dated Februaiy 7, 2011) P. O. Box 14996 Gree�sboro, NC 27415-4996 Telephone No. (336) 487-0000 Fax No. (336) 334-3637 .. � DEPARTMENTOFTHEARMY � WILMINGTON �ISTFGCT� CORPS OF ENGINEERS B9 pARl1NGTON AVENUE �WILMINGTqN, NORTHCAROLINA204031343 PF)LYiO �Tn-^Tw^ � February 7, 2011 Regutatory Division Action ID: SAW-2004-20400� Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Managemart Director, PDEA NC Department of Tianspoitation 1548 Mail Sexvice Center Raleigh, North Carolioa 27699-1548 Desr Mr. Thotre: RECEI'VED FEB 14 2011 HALBIGH EEGULATORY FIBLD OFFICF in accordance with your written tequest of August 14, 2010, including the revisions submitted on December 9, 2010, and the ensuiug aam;n;�+;ve record, enclosed is a copy of a pemtit to authorize the proposed poananent placement of fill material into 2,610 lineat feet of jutisdicdonsl streem channeis and 0.001 acre of adjacent ripacian Fleflands. Also inciuded within the permit is the tempoiary placeme� of fill matetial withia 493 ]inear fcet of j�uisdictional slream channels and 0.006 acro of adjacent rlparien weflends. These impacts are assoeiated with the proposed wideniog and improvement of 6.7 miles of iJ5 29 Business (Freeway Drive) from SR 2670 (south Scales Str�eet) W NC 14 m Reidaville, Rocldngham County, North Carolioa This project is referted W as Traasponation Improvemeut Project {TIP) U-3326AB. Section A of this project begins at South Scales Street aad Tenninates at US 158 (Richnedson Dnve} and Secrion B begins at Riehscdson Arive and ends at NC 14. Any deviation in the authoriud work will likely requite modification ofthis pernut Tf a change in the autborized work is necessary, you sLould promptly submit revised plans to the Coips showing the proposed changes, You may not underiake thc proposed chenges until the Coips notifies you that your pezmit hes baa modified. Carefully read yow pemut. The general and special wnditions aze importanL Your failure to comply with these wndiflons could result in a violation of Federal law Certain sig�ificant general condifions:equue that: a, Xou must complete construction before December 31, 201�15'. � b. You must notify this ofiice in advance as to whea you intend to commence end complete work. �i 400 -z- c. You must allow representatives from this office to make periodi,c visrts to your woiksrte as deemed necessary to assure compliance wrth perm�t plans and condihons. You should address all questions regarding this authonzation to Mr. Andrew Williems at [he Raleigh Regulatory Field Office, telephone (919) 554-4884 extension 26. Enclosures Copies Fumished (vuith eaclosures): Chief, Soiace Data Unit NOAA/National Ocean Service ATTN: Sharon Tear NlCS261 1315 East-west Hwy., Rm 7316 Silver Spring, IvID 20910-3282 Copies �mished with special condiuons ead plans: U.S. Fish and Witdlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Og'ice Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries Service Pivexs Island Besufort, North 28516 Sincerely, °�' ��� �K�' U /� Jefferson M. Ryscavage �� V Colonel, U.S. Army Distnct Commander Mr. Roneld J. Mikulak, Chief Wetlands Pmtection 5ecdon — Region N Water Ivlanagement Division U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 61 Focsyth Street Atlanta, (ieorgia 30303 Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastsl Management N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 400 Commecce Avenue Morehead City, A`orth Cerolina 2855T Mr. David Rackley National Marine Fishenes Sernce 219 Fort Jobnsoa Road Charleston,5outhCazolina 29412-9110 � 401 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERNIIT Permittee: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENP OF TRAN5PORTATION Permit No: saw-zooa-aoaoo issning Ot�ce: USAED. WII.MINGTON REC�IVED FEB 0 2 2011 REG. WILM. FLD. OFC. NOTE: The term "yon^ rod ife derivativa, aa ueed in thia permlt, meane the permittee or roy fature transterce. The term °thb o�ce" rctere to the appropriate dlstrict or dtvbton of6ce of the Corpe oi En�ccen having jariadiction over the permitted activity or the approprirte o$icial of the o�ce rctlng ander the authorHy ott6e commrnding officer. You ue anthor6xd W pedorm work in the rccordance wilh the hrms oad wnditions specified belo�v. Project Descriptioa: The project, identified as U-3326AB, wnsiats of widening U.S. Busineas 29 (Freeway Drive) from SR 2670 (South Scales Street) northward to NC 14 in Reidsville, Rockingham County, North Cemline. The total length of the project is 6.7 miles. Section U-3326A is 2.0 miles in length and begins at 5R 2670 (South Scales Street) and ends at US 158 (Ricl�ardson Drive). Section U- 3326B is 4.7 miles in length and begins at US 158 and ends at NC 14. The madway cross-section consists of two l�foot travel lenes in each direction, and a reised 17.5-foot wide curb and guttered median. Section A will have 8 foot shoulders, four feet of wltich is paved. Seetion B will have an outside eurb and gutter. Total permanent impacts for the construclion of this pmject are 2,610 tinear feet of stream ch�nel and 0.001 acre of ripariaa wetlands. Total temporazy impacis are 4931inear feet of stream cbennel and 0.006 acra of ripatiau weUands. 8541ineat feet of petmanent stneam channel impacts,188 linear feet of temporary stream channel impacts, 0.001 acre of permenent adjacent wetlands impacts, and 0.002 acre of temporary adjacent wetlands impacts are within the Cape Fear River basin (Hydrologic Categorical Unit 03030002). 1,756 linear feet of pecmanent strenw cl�aonel impects, 3051inear feet of temporary streem cliennel impaets end 0.004 acre of temporazy adjacent weflands impacts ace within the Roanoke River Bssin (Hydrologic Categorical Unit 03010103). The epplicant will mitigate for unavoidabie impacts to sheams by pmviding payment into the North CarolinQ Ecosystem FnhA���..,ent Pro�rem (NCEEP) for 3,946 Warm Stmsm Mifigation Units. 1,0�0 mitigation units will be purchased within the Cape Fear River Basin (Catatoging Unit 03030002) and 2,876 mitigation units will be purchesed witliln tha Roanoke River Basin (Cataloging Unit 03010103). Project Location: The project, identified es U-3326AB, begins at the existing SR 2670 (South Scales Strcet) and extends approximately 6.7 miles northward W NC 14 in Reidsville, Rocldngbxm County, North Carolina. Coordinates (in decimel degree.c) for the site aze 36.3579°N, -79.6894° W (NAD83/9V(iS84). The site contains a portion of Little Troublesome Creek, one (i) umamed tributary to Little Troublesome Creek, three (3) iwnamed tribu�ries to Tmublesome Creek-Lake Reidsville and two (2) adjacent wetland areas, in the Cape Fear River Basin (8-Digit Cataloging Unit 03030002). Additionally, the site contains flvrteen (13) unnsmed tribWaries to Wolf Island Creek, and one (1) adjacent wetland in the Roanoke River Basin (8-Digit Cataloging Unit 03010103). Little Troublesome Creek and Troublesome Creek flow to the Haw River which flows to the Cape Fear River, a navigable water of the United States. Wolf Island Creek flows to the Dan River wLich flows to the Roanoke River, a navigable water of the United States. ENG Form IT31, Nov 86 EDITIONS OF SEP ffi 19 OHSOLETE. (33 DFR325 (Appead� Aj) � 402 Permit Conditionr. General Conditiona: 1. T6e time Limit for completing the work anthor'aed ende on December 31. 2015. If yon Snd thnt you uced morc time to complete the authorlad activity, submit yonr request for a time ertenaion to thia offia for conaideratioa et inet one month betore tDa above d�te Se reached. 2. Yon muet nwinfaln ffie acdvlty authorized by tLia permit In Qood condidon and in eontormanee wi1L the torme �nd coadiNom of tLb permit You aro not nlieved of thi� reqofrement lt you abandos the permitkd aMtvily, �lthongh you m�y make a good fiith tramter to a third party in wmp]Lnce wltL Geuenl Conditlone 4 bdow. ShonW you �vieh to cwee to msintain the aathor'ved activity or r6oald you derire to sbandon it witLaut a good feith tran�fer, you mwt obtain a modl�utloa of thb permit ffrom tLie of[ice, whlch mry reqolre ralontion of the anea. 3. If you di�cover sny previouely nnlmown hfelortc or archeologini nm�iae while eaompWhieg tbe aMivity autLorimed by thl� permit, you mmt immedlakly notity th4 o�ee of �rhat yoa hove foond. We �vi111n►tlate the Fedenl ■nd dah coordinetion reqaind to determine Utha romaiw wartant a ncwery e8ort or if the flfe ell�ble for WtlnQ lo the Natlowl Regieter of HLtorie PLca. 4. I[yan eell the property sa�ocirted witL thit permit, you mast obtein the aipeture of the new owner in the �psx provlded and forwArd a eopy of tha permit to thb offia to nlldih the traneter of thi� aathorbation. S. It r condlfloned �rahr qaadly cerd6crdon mre been iseued tor yoar project, you moet eomply with the conditions �peciQed in the eertlBwtbn ae apecid condftlona to thie permik For your com�enience, a eopy of the ari18albn ie otteched H It contains �neh wnditlone. 6. You maat e�ow repraenhttvee from thL office to inepect the aathorized aetivfty at any time damed aeceWary W enenre that k 6 bdng or Laa been accompllshed in axordance with the terme and conditioa� of your permit. Speciel Conditione: •SEE ATTACf�D SPECIAI, CONDITIONS Fnrther Iuioimetlon: 1. Congrasional Aathoritiea: You have been authar"v.ed to onderfaks the activity daerlbed above pureaant to: () Sectlon 10 ot fhe Rivero aud Hsrbors AM of 1899 (33 U.S C. 403} ( 7� Sectlon 404 o[the cleaa Wrter Aet (33 U.S.C.1344} () Sectlon 103 of the Madue ProtecNon, Rawreh snd S�nMuaries Act of 197Z (33 U.SC.1413} 2. LimW o[thie aathoriation. w 77�ie permit doea not obvlato the nced W obtem other Feden4 �e1q or local aathorl�atloas reqalred 6y Irw. b. T6is permit doa aot grsnt any property righb or eiclueive privllegee. c. TLie permit dcea not aathorize any injnry to the property or rlghfe of otbera d. This permit does not anthoriu interteronco with eny eiisting or proposed Federal proJecf. •vacovEnrm��ranrru�tco�mcce: t9as-717au