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GW1--00478_Well Construction - GW1_20240116
• WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far 'crnilt7scOl?Ll: This forth can h6 ased.tar siugtc ar multiple wells \\_)\ I.Wi i-+ivotttracter fitforntatiou: • \IL---\ \t1 VATER2ONES . . . r , . John Eisenman • FROM 10 DESCNUPr10N . i . Walt CurAtector Name f t• ft. ' I 4439 It.' ft. NC Well Caiamciar.ccnificatiouNuiter ;1.5Z OUTER CASING'ttailatutti=disiil'eIrsl'OR:GiIYERtitAi"tka6k):'- -- .&ROM TO DUA34ETER I ',THICKNESS, . SfATE TIAL SAEDACCO • ft. ?C ! IS. _• • • Cmiyi;uo. are 161NNERCASING.GRAI/R C:° iiiheinia1ctuiedeliioe Yr' . .. -- • . . SROSM• TO' .- DIAMETER INICKNESS SIATEfL1L 2,Wctr(anstfuetujn FeEtut U: 0 •"ft. 10 ft 2 'it. SC1140 PVC . •fistuil,z #irabk.wel rimitsti-r::Goon Stain,tforiamrr;1- 3Qfil,ctr,.J - . . p - �?','. . . ft. • !b .. 3.Well.i3so[cltrCli)Yell usc): 17:Sd ttEEN . - • Water SulgilyWd1 — _ mom•. ..TO 1 atAsn+'ri;R, sit►YSIZ.E TIC"rf.NItis mArfitamt ticlgneukittal iDMtimcipalll'tthlic to 0:, 25 it, ( 2 in 010 SCH40 PVC . • ®Geothemtal if ieafingtCooiingSupply)-- l Residential WaterSuppi�'(single). ' u' ft. . - -•lu' I' ' ®rndustdatJCokimiefciai D1 c tdetitial Water Supply•(sliatrd). s.FROM• 'TO • i MATERRAL- . EMPLI.cEctNT StENIOD c AMOUNf ❑iritOtitian'- .- - 0 ' ft. 5 -ft. Portland' Pour . lkotl WaterSuppty Weth • . • (2h(gnilpvin R.: fit: - R AR�o�•cf}• ' •rttJectiat6 Welt'• .•ft, ft, • i. IAgttrfer Recharge flGioundlriier Rcittcdiation. . •s t9:SANDIGRAVEL.PACK at aiipllilitc)' : _ - . ;FROM- 10 • M:MIA AI.• EsiK,AC*%tt r mtriton • LIAijitrfcr.Stotagc end. tccGveiy ASallnay tumor• 8 R: 25 ft, sand #2 . 17Arinifcr Test faStor*nwfler ftraitiogc l • 'ft.:. . ft.' ❑k 1 et ttler1 al l'cchnoio y t 4141)0(ICOC.Carorot 10" IRILLIirGIOG(iilimkridititiiinat.isheelalt'reeinaKr 17Grothemiai((lasedLoopi..• t7Tracer• •MOM. -. 10 ' •DESCRIPTION hoknhanin,si:iur0.mektrr�; , sYe.dset . DGeodtetncil`((rearing/CoolingReturn} . 1:Outer tesplai u.under#21 Retu tds1 0 - _'ft. 11 ft, sand stone • 11-. .ft.' "25: • fr. rock , . p . �:.I)ate WO)Gotitpletcti: 12-21-23 Well lt1 #MW-4 . . .• ft.-. 1 r"N . • ,ter ;a,Will lirmcatinio: ft, ft: ! �n . rt - •I .. 6 2024 EactlayAlist erNantc. Fe7it)liiP O applicable) ^it, lnf r�r iw� r, ,,;1 ip;• 4993 Plank Rd,_Norwood, NC, 28128 - ' . -it, ft, �.Jv ;�: • Plq's eill Addis.City,and Zip' 3Lb7tEBIAINiS, Stanly . bentonite seal from 5.-8ft '. Camay patrol Idesaik;ltlynNo,(PIN) - 5' Sb,i.a#itude'and L.iingitrideIR ilei r'ces/irtiituteitseconds ar dceiti al degrees: .22;Oei'tifctttutn-, , • (lftrett field,ate latilomiS cull ti a) - - I ' • ,-f . • `fir ---- - — 12/22/2023. • f . Signttur^ ��I.,e.''-1 U', —i Date 6.IS(sr&)the went*); �1?content or DTemporar)'. fs �' tf azgmtrd rhir fail: r7% •'..:;try ' :.� n.,t�Js l.e:r1 iNatt uctedt ht mrotrfanct• mi'ia.15rCiYCr1CPIC-1.4..,.4� "ie.A.: lti.028.0llettCouieritionSiorufrrds and tint a . . 7.LF this;a repair ta an 0.i-ttin):well: . Dyes or gehTiQ coili rlilr rreonl hak ben'(irni'idi.1 ra,10-urlltnvn'i. ' ifthis:11.o'repair,Sillour Aninrmirrlti,00rltircitorrilrfriirr rjoutuali pkth rl!erurtureofMe • • rrpcirmurdrr�f.nenords•Swetioriwrrvtthie&..t ofrliirfnrmr. <2.Site dutlirainor additional Well�4L'tatl.9t You may,6se.tlle bad:of tilt;page.to provide additional well site details or Will 8.Manlier of wells enustrueted: 1 - coustmction details:'You may also attach additional pages if uecessaity. • For rtuiltipte ltafectlori or ririti mint.a smrpply leigh ONLY.withrlic shore.ewestnral rr,you r4O •subutir one fnrrv.• ' SilDMi1TAf?siNSTUCTIONS' 1 9.Total well deptlthelorr land.surface: 25 . - . di) 24a.14ir ALL-Wells: Sitbruft This form Within 30 days'of-completitiu of Welt For,tuthiphr keels lls'trdl1cluhsifdljli*.ia(example-3 .00'and2isWY Constinetionto.titcfotloising: 1. - . 10.Static water level below-top of casing; _(ft.) Diiisiou of Water Re'snurccs,InfitrmutitinPrucersin;Unit, filmier lruel is above cwsfrag,Cue"4." 1617•MLtLL SeiNicc Ce ter,Rtleigh,SC27899-1617 - I1.13orehoLe diameter:6 _ (ilk.) .24b.Mir I leetiop%its.ONLY: in addition to sending-the fotnt to the address in 240 abo e.-also siibtitit a copy of this-forth within 30 days of completion of well • I2..Wcll construction method:Air Rotary . ,construction to the following 1 (ice auger.robs}',cdble,deert push.etc:} i . 1)tt'Lsfott Of Water;Resources,Underground rnjcctiou Control I►rOg sin, . . FOR WATER SUPPLYWELLS'ONI.Y: 1636 Milt Ser%ice•Cater..Raleigh.NC-27699-I636 24e.For Water SRnelt&Inieetion WeLhe I3a;Yteld(uilm) Meth od'of test: , Also'submitrt one copy of this fa tt ithitt 30 days.of comlleiiou of 13v.Disinfection 83Rcr Amount: Well construction',to the-county health,deportment of the County where• constructed. Form GW-L Noah Condom Deponmciitof Eiwiron nerttattd Natural Resources-Dicvloa of Water ttesou'[es Revised Augtst2Dl3