HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00447_Well Construction - GW1_20240116 • WELL CONSTRUCTEON RECORD For[eternal Use ONLY: This foam can bcuscd forsinglc oa multiple welts . ➢:Welk Ciintructor Information: . ;t4LWATELt2ONFS'. I .i . . • . . Rich.Lemire , FROM to '0ESCRIPtI4MN' WellEenttaelorNanui R. ft, . 2593A ft. ft.. f ; - NCEYdICanuacRirCcniftcationNutid,cr Ic OUTER CASING(for muI1l. wddnefis)'OR•LINF.RRfab fiestrki' ' mosi TO DCASSETRRI ! THICKNESS. MATERIAL- SAEDACCO 0 ft. 5 ft,` 1 Ag.' 'SCH'•40 • PVC tootttpuuytrgme t6,INNER'CASING OR TUBING 4,Mitrecustdosed-no .••, -`.. FROM To -DIAMETER I THICKNESS !MATERIAL • _ 2.Well.CrinStn.iction Pci'Init a: . - - ft R. 14t- IAsi a(l rlp,liroblc sr11 penal:J.(Lc.County;Saar,'•trariaare.friadoet eor,.l R 3;Wcil.0 (checkwel use): ' t7:Sr:Rh..EN . Water'SDppiy Well; most.• . ?O -ntAdtell R IS COT St7,M: TRICKINESS. MATF.I1bAL • DA1griuuittttal ClhfuniciptIiPttblic . 5 R. 15 ft. 1 . fa .010 SCH-90 Pvc . DGeotl�Rnal(HeatingiCooling Supply} ®Residential Water Supply(single) ft. R in ' : I nlndustrialiContniercial ' ©Rcsidknfal Water Sapp$(shard/ ttl (y0T To iaTeRtAL+:• EMPLACEMENT t fMilo sAMOU4T . Dhligation - R.• . . ft- . . 'Rio-Water Supply Well ', RLMonitorip . . ' . ,•❑RccoYety ... `• - ' Injection:Well:- ft,. . ft, Cr4QuifcrRccharge DGtottriiiwatcrRenicdiation -'L9.'SANu/CRAVEL PACK atgpitn.abtev' - .:: .,• _._-- - ... . 'FROaU.• '- ill' •.MATERIAL,• -EMPI.tI:Es5ENT llITHQn QAiln(fcr-Storigc and Rccov-cty i7Salinity Ramer R.- It, . i, • ElAgmfcrTest C1Stomnsatcrfrainn fa ft. 17Rvpcti uetirTf Tcchnotog) (]Subsidence Control r•10,'BRILLENGLOGIrittselt additioinalslicelsiinccccsartt ' ' DGeothenmt(Closed Loop) . DTrucer. ' FROM r To • ' DESCRIPTION(c+obr.hartlnctk a,t14nekfypr.i rain rite do.i' mGeociienuat(}leatinrCooling-Retain? . DOtlter(explain under.#211 Reuultks) '1!.. ft.' { 12-18-23 TW-03• ft. - ••fL . - ! r '-'r"`y o j .pate Weil(s)Coulpletefl: UVedl ID(+ ft. • . ft. • '' '''"'g;® �l t -f 3 . Sa.1Yc11)iJlcat[nm: ft.-. ft,- • �. J/1 N ?.(�?d Burress Residence - fur R: ""T • FacfityklisturNaioc Facility ID#(Ifappli:ablcl R;- • ft,. - tli'a'�r►tq$.le �r.., 89 Rattlesnake Branch.Rd., :Canton, NC,. 28716 a; I, . CiNC: . • Physiea1Addiess.City.and Zip 2GREllttAt2K4' ° Haywood Temporary well; grab sample Coattty Parcel Id:ntiticaupn No,(PIN) 5It.fi ittilude and 1Angittrde in degrees/mien tca/sccondsdr decimal(legrccs< 22.Ccrfifcat}ua: (itnell field;oue b51o,ig isstdltekia} • i ' N W . ' •14- r 4tiG► 12/18/23 Sigait,itsofCeiti Welt Contnctar• 1, , ' Dale 6.Es.(:tre)the walls): DPertnanene .or• ZITemporary • By signing this fanre,-1 frereby certify dull Mg Ire111.0 taws Mere)csm:nrrmd 8r,ac onh,nc-r• iridt i5A Nat(02C.0(09 or 15A NCAC 02C..0200 Well Corrstr7acrtoa Starr ands and Am a 7.Cc.thix a repair to an esi`tingwell: IJYor or '111No cntir of Mir rrcorrd Ws(aten'pmrirrrd to dui owner. . ff rh(s!s a iepolr,itli'oar knot,inveli coiw,ucvkoa.laformatlon and c410n(lie rurfare of the • repair tmder#21 remarks araiau or o„the baCklif thin form. 23.Site diagr or additional well details: : You twi inn g use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or.welt 8.lNuntherof sells constructed: 1 • - ' . . consttuctimt:detvils. Youiusy also all tclt:additionaipages if uecessary- For nea,krtpk hr/ecrlart ar non-rarer inpphi n'rlts ONLY with the sautecausirurtioat,you ern sa6mEronejarm. SUQt1EI1Ta1,INSTU TONS 1 9.Total welt depth below laud surface 15' • . .-(ft.) Sta. For Alf Wells. Submit this•fors•within 30 days of completion of well Par mapakpfeircklslisr fill trrprhtifdif`ir i,,(armvpk-T€.'00•arul2@1f7O) con.i tenon toil,efollowing: I. 10.Static water level below top of rasing:• .(fp,) Division of Water Resources;Information Processing Unit, ffirarerltwi is above costa;;ase"• 1617 Mail Service Cc nciir;Raleigh.,NC 2,769916 L7 • • 11,Borchotc diameter,2,257 •(in.) 21k For Gentian WON ONLY: i%faddition to sending the fomt to the address-in . • 24a above.also subtuit a copy of this Iona within:0 days of cptupletiot of%ell 12.Well construction method:DPT cousimction to the following: v ' (i.c.augni runty.cable.direct paste etc.}• ' { ' • 'if/it-Ilion of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, • FOR WATER SUPPLY WALLS ONLY: •1636 Mail Service Ceutc r;Raleigh,NC 271399.1636 t3 u Yield(gum) Method of test: lie.'For Water Snitjtl_y-:cc injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this faint}vithitt 0,days ofcompletion.of 134.Disinfection type: Amount: well conNIRIcaon to the county health department of the.couuiy.where ' constructed. 1 FonuGtV-L NorthCatalinaDepot-tnrcntofEnvirotuunuatulNaturalResources-DivisionofWaterRr octets .Revised August 1tn13