HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0026123_Annual_Report_20230223MC C --_-__, Emfiron, R ary of ASHEBOR) FEB 9 Wlnstc NO R T H CARO l INA Regic fwAv �Imm rw .m� A. k February 23, 2023 Mr. Ron Boone Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 450 Hanes Mill Road Suite 300 Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 Subject: City of Asheboro Annual System Performance Report Dear Ron: t' Enclosed herewith is the City of Asheboro's Annual System Performance Report for January 1, 2022 thru December 31, 2022. Also enclosed is the notice that was published in our local newspaper on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (336) 626-1201, ext. 258. Sincerely, /Q,,_ Michael D. Rhoney, P.E. Director of Water Resources MDR/ws Enclosures (1) NC Dep r ^1� t Environr Civalitv P;, --ived r FFS 2 7 2091 CITY OF - AWinston--, HEB0jU Regional C. N O R T H C A R O L I N A CITY OF ASHEBORO SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REPORT JANUARY 1, 2022 - DECEMBER 31, 2022 THIS REPORT IS COMPILED AND SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH HOUSE BILL 1160 — CLEAN WATER ACT OF 1999. CITY OF ASHEBORO DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WASTEWATER TREATMENT DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE BOX 1106 ASHEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27204-1106 Contact Person: Mr. John Ogburn, City Manager Post Office Box 1106 Asheboro, North Carolina 27204-1106 Phone: (336) 626-1200 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator In Responsible Charge: Mr. Michael Ray Wiseman Phone: (336) 672-0892, Ext. 211 Systems Maintenance Operator In Responsible Charge: Mr. Jeffrey Dean Cagle Phone: (336) 672-0892, Ext, 205 Systems Maintenance Back up ORC: Mr. Travis Stuart Joyce Phone: (336) 672-0892, Ext, 221 Water/Sewer Maintenance Superintendent Operator In Responsible Charge: Mr. Shannon White Phone: (336) 626-1234, Ext. 2205 Mailing Address: Phone: 336-626-1201 Physical Address: PO Box 1106 Fax: 336-626-1216 146 North Church Street Asheboro, NC 27204 www.asheboronc.gov Asheboro, NC 27203 2022 CITY OF ASHEBORO ANNUAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REPORT PAGE - 2 Water/Sewer Maintenance Back up ORC: Mr. Louis Bivins Phone: (336) 626-1234, Ext. 2506 Public Works Director Back up ORC: Mr. David Hutchins Phone: (336) 626-1234, Ext. 2202 Assistant Public Works Director - - - - Back up ORC: Mr. Andrew Connor Phone: (336) 626-1234, Ext. 2201 APPLICABLE PERMITS: NPDES Permit No. NCO026123 Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00025 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROCESS: Gravity Collection System - 206.2 Miles Force. Main - 28.5 Miles Low Pressure- 1.1 Miles LIFT STATIONS: 27 TREATMENT PLANT SYSTEM: Includes: Preliminary treatment, primary -treatment, biological trickling filters, secondary - treatment, nitrification aeration, final clarification, sand filters, chlorination, disinfection and dechlorination. TREATMENT PLANT PERFORMANCE During the twelve-month period from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022, total flow for the wastewater treatment plant was 1,303,142,000 gallons. During the period from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, the City of Asheboro experienced zero (0) overflow events at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, five (5) overflow events from lift stations and twenty (20) overflow events from the collection system. This amounted to a total 0 gallons from the wastewater treatment plant, 46,537 gallons from lift stations, and 67,645 gallons overflowing from manholes, which represents less than 0.009 percent of the total flow treated for this calendar year. Crry OF ASHEBOR) 2022 CITY OF ASHEBORO ANNUAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REPORT PAGE - 3 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT U; LIFT STATIONS• #202200037 January 03, 2022 22,245 Gallons Lift Station #6 -15 Richland Place - NOV #202200036 January 03, 2022 9,248 Gallons Lift Station #4- 577 Lexington Road-NOV #202200035 January 03, 2022 8,250 Gallons Lift Station #3 -1129 East Mine Street - NOV --#202200395 — --March -1-2; 2022 - 5;894-Gallons- Lift-Statiom#4 - 597-L-exington-Road-= NOV #202200968 June 18, 2022 900 Gallons Lift Station #1-1592 Sunset Avenue Ext. -NOV COLLECTION SYSTEM: (ALL THE FOLLOWING OVERFLOW EVENTS WERE FROM MANHOLES) #202200011 January03, 2022 5,000 Gallons 214 North Elm Street -NOV #202200062 January 05, 2022 1,500 Gallons 343 NC Hwy 42 -NOV #202200306 March 03, 2022 550 Gallons N. Fayetteville St. (136 W. Dorsett Ave) - NOV #202200409 March 16, 2022 200 Gallons 1032 Bonkemeyer Drive (Gravity Line) - NOV #202200571 April 07, 2022 1,850 Gallons 1052 Bonkemeyer Drive (Gravity Line) -NOV #202200614 April 18, 2022 29,400 Gallons 225 North Elm Street -NOV #202200717 May 05, 2022 2,000 Gallons 2075 Cedar Road-NOV #202200772 May 18, 2022 2,500 Gallons 1026 Bonkemeyer Drive (Gravity Line) - NOV #202200861 June 07, 2022 100 Gallons 113 West Allred Street - NOV #202200872 June 10, 2022 1,500 Gallons 2307 North Fayetteville Street-NOV #202201265 August 08, 2022 185 Gallons 2280 North Fayetteville Street - NOV #202201313 August 18, 2022 1,465 Gallons Intersect. Stone Bridge/Tot Hill Farm Rd -NOV #202201357 August 26, 2022 1,575 Gallons 701 Central Falls Road (Penoak Drive) - NOV #202201414 September 08, 2022 750 Gallons 707 Springwood Road - NOV #202201415 September 10, 2022 10,800 Gallons 2028 McPherson Street-NOV #202201550 October 07, 2022 225 Gallons 236 Hughes Street-NOV #202201695 November 10, 2022 720 Gallons 236 Hughes Street-NOV #202201684 November 11, 2022 1,125 Gallons 1831'North Fayetteville Street-NOV #202201691 November 12, 2022 3,200 Gallons 343 NC Hwy 42 North - NOV #202201876 December 29, 2022 3,000 Gallons 310 Farmer Road (179 Fanner Road) - NOV CffY OF ASHEBoRo 2022 CITY OF ASHEBORO ANNUAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REPORT PAGE — 4 City of Asheboro drinking water was not affected by any of these overflow events. Necessary measures were taken by both Water/Sewer Maintenance and Systems Maintenance personnel to address, correct, and minimize these overflow events. The Division of Water Resources in Winston-Salem was notified of each of these overflow events. NOTIFICATION: This report is available to the public and can be reviewed by calling (336) 626-1201, ext. 258 to make an appointment. This report can also be reviewed on the city's website at www.ci.asheboro.nc.us. Public Notice of this report was published in The Courier -Tribune on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. This is to certify that the information contained herein in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. j� / Signed: Q /✓ og!i �{ Date: J (Water Resources Director) OTv OF ASHEBOfU Par:. Mi. R4m... n^• �M:i::.. to advertise. visit our unebsite: CourienTribune.eom W v"isA low, a•- ^-' s classifieds phone: 336.625.2101 e classifieds/autokeal estate email: elasa fied6eourier-tribune corn 6 public notices/legals email legals@courier•tribune.eom e business 8 services email. elassified8co erier•tribune.com * lobs email elasalfied6eourier•tribune.eom phone 336-625.2101 1 11 ANNOUNCENEN76 1 • 1 1 LEGALS lusllia l Advertising State of North Caroline County of Randolph lam ''."Who an0e Hep. for Period January 1. M22 through December 31. 2022 has been completed. -his report is a summary, of all overflows form sanitary sewer fib stations and manholes throughout the City system This report can be Te viewed by the public by con lacking the Water Resources Director at 1336) 6261 Eat 256 or can be rowewao on the C it y's web.11. at w"Jshekaci gs.,s0y its ®I wN lA_ E� yEOS WON 1 11 LEGAL$ NOTICE -O CREDITORS Ni I V l.nbuuv^J Permanganate Calcium Ni Having quafiLed as admimstrat. ai9 Irate and Calcium Hyireocke+llagnestum Hydmx" "he undarsigneo. having quaL- lied as Execulor of VERNON or on the estate of Ahyiea oiMeac WMard. deceased. late Ile Slurry Blend during a OM yea, �.illo !rpm April 162023 CECIL WILSON. deceased. of Randolph County, North Car ohna, this is to notify all per. unFJ April 15 202l. Isle of Randolph CowdY. North Carolinahereby facilities all par sons having claims aQainsl the EacM1 bid submitted as pan of sons, firms and corponlions claimsen against Saki us- estate of Salo deceased to ex hibdthemtothin undernQnedal this formal bidding process must be made on Me blank talefrayto themtotheun- tale 2633 Oliver. Chapel Rd Sta- ley NC 27355 on or bdore Me loans provided IAppendwas A o^�^nd on or before tic day g adcono of May 202in3. m this Notice will 61h day of May. 2023, or this B B) and ..at be enclosed m a sealed envelope addressed to an deeded in their ov notice will be pleaded in bar of Michael D. Rhoney. PE. Water it d cm Cry. lmAli parsons. films and cos. to said es� lease Man, recovery. All persons m' fabled la said estate will Resources Director and de- fixated to 146 N. Church SL. m late will please make iund ei- late will Pleaso make immediate pay Ashebum. NC 272D3 a marled ate paymert1 to the untler- signed. ment to PO Sox I106. Asheboro. NC This 1st day of February. W23 272V0-1106 The name and ad- dress of the bidder must be -nd Me 2541+ tla of Janus y January, plel9y wnhen on the outside of 2023. Mary Mclaaslers 26330arers Chapel Rd the envelope, and the eii ape marked 'CHEMIG.9l Andrew Rryan Wilsonvwl­ I", LEGAL. day of May 2023, or this ne bee will be pleaded in bar of re covers, All persons indebted to said estate will pease make im mediate payment. This BM day of February. M23 Nta: 26, 15, 22/20236 &2=23 State of North Carolina County of Randolph NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hai qualified as Administral or on the estate of Katie Marie Bishop deceased. late of Ram dolph County. North Carolina. this m to noiN all Persons Par. Administrator """""^ ^'y"' to the undersigned el 3035 of the Estate of Myoa maples OI the CUTanll (Attorney at Law! R O Box 6621 Salem. Church o.. Winston Mxilefle WiAard ed t may tea obtained at Ode Han Hqh Pram NC 27262 Salem, NC 5 on or baler¢ 146 N Chinch y of or the 13M day o1 May, Nta: 2J1, 6. I5. 22fN23 61 626-12 1 NC 27203. (3361 6261201. added this notice will be pleaded in Suu of NorthCie.dolph na Ext. 258 Mend By Friday 8 W AM and 4.39 PM g1/1i/p23and 02l221M23 bar of their recovery. tat! per sons said estate will County of Randolph between SWe of NortltCaroliru a maketl please make immediate Pap NOTICE TO CREDITORS The City reserves the right 10 County of Randolph Pent Having qualified as Execute on reject any or all Bids. Bids may NOTICE TO CREDITORS This Blh off of February 2023 State of North Carolina County of Randolph Noice to Cre filors day of May. 2023, or this no- tice will be pleaded in bar of then recovery. All persons firms and corporations in. Offered to the said &.Isle will please make immediate pay- ment to the undersigned This its the ISM day al Febru- ary. 2023 she estate of Betsy Eldridge Arnold deceased. late of Ran- be rowcted for any reason de lefined by the Owner's gov- m Having quakfed as Admihstrab y For Fubll.st on: February 15. 22, March 2. 9, dolph County. North Carolina am ing board to be in the best or On Me estate o1 Vickery Doo James Roger Sloneman 2023 this is to nobly all persons hav Inures! of me Cdy ff a contract son Moore, deceased, late of 3035 Shiloh Church Rd into cams agamst the $slate of is awardedit will be awarded Randolph County North Caro- Winston Salem, NC 27105 Suu of North Carolina said deceased to exhibit Mom to the uwesi responsible and kna has is to nmJy all persons Administrator ot the Cable Counry, of Randolph to Me undersigned at 549 Lae responsive biddertaking into having claims against the e5- Katie Marie &strop Rd. Thomasville NC 273W Or consaleralion quality, perform. late of seal deceased to exhbll NOTICE TO CREDITORS PO Box 14621. Archdale. NC sowed. and the time specked in them 10 the undersigned al !ta: 2/8, 15. 22/2023 6 Having qualified as Adminsufas 27263 on or before the fifth Me olds for padonnence of the 6144 Muddy Creek Rd.. Arch- MANIM Or on the estate of HOIIyThem - day of May. 2023. or this no- contract. The City also te- dale. NC 27263 on or before State of North Caroline son Horne. Holy Routh Horne, lice will he pleaded in bar of serves the right to waive in- the 131h day o May, 2023, or in County of Randolph deceased. late of Randolph y All pa leans their e.oyer m tgmantras this notice will edll be lead County, North Carolina, this is Cooled said estate will please make immediate Payment This Blh day of February, 2023 Sle,y,anse Mehene Long 5A9 Lae Rd Thomasville_ NC 27360 PO Box 14621. Archdale. NC 27263 Executor of the eslale Betsy Eldridge Arnold !ta: 2A, 15. 2MO23 6 3n=23 bar Of racovery. All persons m- NOTICE TO CREDITORS to notify all persons having Ueon award by Me City Coun- tlebted to said estate will Having qualified as Executor on claims against the estate of OIL the city will give the Sue please make immediate pap the estate of Sheila Marie said deceased to exhibit Main easeful Bidder a Notice of men[ Chaffin, deceased. late of Ram to Me undersigned at 733e By. Award. dolph County North Carolina. Camara Dr.. Randleman. NC This eon day of February. 2023 this is to notify all persons hav 27317 on or before the 2011, No exceptions, unrequesteo irg claims against the estate of day of May. 2023. or this no - a k ikons. deletions. purported Norman Shane Moore said deceased to exhibit them bee will be pleaded in bar of Clarifications. anelor any other types of modifications of the 61" Muddy Creek Rd Archdale NC 27263 to the undersigned at 2283 then recovery. All persons in prop sped forms. terms. bond; A of the Estate Forest Haven Dr., Climax, NC 27233 on or before the 20th debted said estate will please make immedude payment. hone. and specifications may ce Y e day of May 2023, or this he be submitted with the bid pack age. No inlormatdnrdooument !ta: 2A, 15. 22MO23 6 lice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons in- This Ism day of February. M23 aeon beyond what is specific 3=023 Cabled said estate will please City •equesled Is to be submit Slate of North Carolne make immediate payment. Croon Michael fume led. Any bid containing such County W Randolph 7334 Sycamore Dr. exceptions or modifications will The 15th day of February Randemis NC 27317 be deemed nonresponsive, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2023 Administrator of the Estate CHEMICAL BIDS FOR CITY and. accordingly will not be Having queoilieo as administral- Holly Thomson Horne Q F 9�..@Q 0Q considered or on the estate of Jimmy Lynn Michael Lee Chaffin Holy, Routh Home W A T E__ W A 5 7 E W A T E R TEWANT5 Q ei Asheboro North Caro city Brown, deceased. late of Ram Coffin County North Carolina, 2283 Forest Haven Dr. Climax. NC 27233 lta: 2/15. 2=023; 3/2, 62023 TREATMENT P will be r FR—EAT d by the City of line Michael D. Rhoney, PE this is to notify all persons hav- n claims against Me estate of g Executor of the estate Strauss Marie Chaffin Suu of North Carolina Asheboro until 2'.00 PM on Water Resources Director said deceased to exhibit them County of Randolph Tuesday. March 14, M23. of Me Council Chambers at CityIq Dated February 17 2023 Me undersigned at 63Z7 Pis NU: 2/15, 22R023; W. 873023 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Hail. 146 N. Church Street. 't b222023 gah covered Bridge Rd Asheboro. NC 2]205 on or be Slate of North Carolina Having qualified as Executor on Asheboro NC 27203 and then at said will be publicly lore the 61h day al May. 2023. County o1 Randolph the estate of John Dewey Holt. puce opened and read aloud for the Suu of North Carolina County of Randolph or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per NOTICE TO CREDITORS deceasetl, late of Randolph County, Carolina g Lnmshing and delivering the sons indebted said estate will Having qualified as Executor on at: having to notify all. persons having C.tys requirements for Liquid EDITORS I k immediate a � the estate O1 Daniel Franklin claims against the estate of For Only $7&mo. W Business Card for 30 days To Get Started Email Your Business Card To: bpooleg courier-tribune.com or call 336-626-6111 k19[tlilmIVCI NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Exewmr on p ease Make pay mans. Baker. . Deceased, late of Ram Baker said deceased to exhibit them the estate of Thomas Lee Timdi Counry, Norm Carolina , this is to notify all persons her to the undersigned 1902 Providence Church Rd.. Pleas man$. deceased. late of Ron do it County. North Carolina, This let day o1 February 2023 ing Claims against the estate of ant Garden, NC 27313 on or this is to homy ail persons has Ga. Swam said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 207 before the 20th day of May. 2023. this notice will be IN claims against the estate of deceased to exhibit them 027 Pisgah Covered Bridge Rd CresIv Ch. Rd. Asheboro or adeo in bar of their recovers, saitl fa MC, undemigned at B80 Lans- Asheboro. NC 27205 NC 272e5 on or before Me 13th day of May. 2023, Y y. or this no All persons indebted said as- p tat& will please make immedi downe Road. Asheboro. NC 27203 on or before the 20th Administrator of the Estate of Jimmy Lynn Brown rice will the pleaded in bar of to ate payment. day of May 2023. or this no covery All persons indelowd to said estate will please make im- This Ism day of February Lice will be pleaded in bar o1 its: M. B. 15, 22,2023 me late payment 2 23 their recovery. All persons im State of Novas Carolina stabled said estate will please make immediate oaymenl County of Randolph This BM day of February. 2023 John HoustonHall NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jaime Carol Baker MaMwaod ce 1902 Providence Church Rd Pleasant Garden. 27313 This -Sm. day of February. Having situations as Executor on 207 Crestview Ch, Rd ANC amLEGALS CITY OF ASHEBORO ANNUAL SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REPORT PUBLIC NOTICE "In accordance with House Bill 1160 - Clean Water Act of 1999, the City of Asheboro Sys- tem Performance Report for Period January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 has been completed. This report is a - summary -of =all -overflows -form-- - --- - - — ---- -- sanitary sewer lift stations and manholes throughout the City system. This report can be re- viewed by the public by con- tacting the Water Resources Director at (336) 626-1201 Ext 258 or can be reviewed on the City,s w e b s i t e at www.asheboronc.gov." 1t: February 22, 2023