HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240081 Ver 1_More Info Received_20240124 (2)From: Ta mara Hager to maraha er icloud.eern Subject: Dredge Material disposal site Date: Dec 6.r 2021 at 5.43:52 PM To: TAMARA HA E R .-Ii- ger lal epermit.ce t]redgL' MAIL F-21 df8)DS&I site RIN N MaA027277 Address! 45790 yWvII5c Rd Denvef NO 25G37 pmmmool� S1� 2774 pG 79600C* 2'!E� L ZS OC) M Od 4 qa BUK 3 7 PAGE 730 uOS2,5a Fled Date; Pge, Tiaw -6 PAL Ftccnrdi73g Fee B Book= 73'�•— 5 6-OD P$qe- 730 IIanrry R . F dm*FtE r Rmgiatee pf Ileedw iiaco In County. LAC ,' 337 0730 201209253 M130 NIIIINIVIIIIIIIIIII Pr"ired tyr- %zYV�d E. JQee, Marne+{ at Law, UncGlubm. NC After moomu to: Gr2ntee 2GC4) STATE OF NORTH -CAR-OLINA WARRANTY REED COUNTY Of LNCOLN Iced Of Gn 1'Ills deea m�oe his # �'i+ .� 2Gt2 by acd be"m KATNtEEN GO SIN Fj$MR, FKA KATNLEEN GOODSON heminwW mfomed 10 as "Granter' and UEL THOMALS 1300E H AddroW hereineftr rt ferrud kD -%% "Gn9fffM," rthe der ignabon ^GlranWr ernd Gr-@ntee" as used heeln shall irjc�e &W psrSea, their ham, pe!r%onol rWesentatr'rea, sLmCegwra and arpr4ns and uMll inLjude MEL s+ngUl&r, plug-ml, maemJllne, faminine -or neuter era PftWlrad by 1he t, iWOK2337MGE 731 WtTNESSETH, that the Grarrhar, fpr $ valuabka corasiderallorii paid by the C rneK the rat of wtrid, fs h,er Eck-nmk-iW, has artd oythese prewrits doee gn3m. bangaln, Ben uW OXWey urrta the Ggartea Irt le& slmpfe, ail tim twbaln lot or purcefi of land SOAmed in GANW%t8 Springs 11'amy3hip, C.> z5 n u*, N. C. arld rme Pur iculigriy+ d 60tud ee follov *: All of Tax Portal ;l 700 bePn!M ON of ThO K*W 00cd"n thelr$ FwbP*rtyr on ON auih Wm elda of Kfdvitla Road. the 11am Wnp prop W destribed In do6d recorded BMIK ;3F9, Pa4o 3B1, Beak "2. P`aBe 67,3 mnd S"k S4$. Page 70, to which d&ed rm'lemmce Is made forr Wrlber deuctipUorx wt4ch i* Inporpwmtsd herein by this ref6rence. See also Exhibit A fat finer dmod damriplion. TO HAVE ANE) To HOLD ttye gwmid lot or parcel of tsnd and a,II prialle�ge% and apFrurben;j�noee thereurtilo, 6e10ng4v� 10, the said Grantee in Kee Simple. And the Grantor gmwiart s w+ith T-m grantee, T-W 'GrRrftf is 9ki3tal $nthe d el mar �f slmpte, has the right tb pgnweyr tN same in L`ee sample, it W rrted all enwrn rances, end Chat jjrerllor -WiU warra-nt and duhet+d the tjie against 1Me IaMul Barra of 0 pmor4 whom,&oever except for ffid excepriam hereinaf m mod. Title to the proper#.yr harei %ebovct dewAbod is fo follCAdn� extep6one- Valid 0nd anforceahle rimm9l.10W restrietigns, -concRons, BaeLmertts and 6gij vgay:s in the recar:d C'hp1n of WA - The dry wimin of thm deed d[d rKit examine ar Cedikt'} ids and did not parddOW in the closing oq t" trensrithon- IN VVITNESS'AfHEREOF- *W Grantor has her&jnbD set his hand and &an], the day and "m first ebmeW tt'm. pert G�odao Fished 32 BG��f 2337m 7 NOR-W CAROLINA. COUNTY OF iMMLN I, a Notary PubHc for saAd Clounty and Cate do herd c$rti#y C-hat K2M)mn Goodson posher pemQrnek' gppmred tefDm ffm� tis ckay and wKnowled Cl the dua q%ution of foregoing rument. Wl� rry nand and NOMdal Seal, 2012. ul� Carrrnis4ioe� � '� � (his the 4av c Now Pubk nox 2337MGE 72 EXHL13rr A Paroel WOO B792 Kidvllle Road TRAQT 11= BF_r3LNNING M a dtakg onWes#8ide. of a brana1 In SU$sn Ymever'e Env, And runs Nor#t115b'A deg. test 9� b 10 a white oak; thence hl�orth 3 deg Ewo 47 'l, pole to a sWnet; tNrace Now 25 deg- East 45-7M poles Nq e Mane on Wmt side -of L4ncolrlton Rue4; thence North R deg, % n poLaa to a stone; thence Narlh 02'Z+ deg. 1"Aest i5-W p41in to s Mane; thewA SuulN 1l3 . West 9 Y. pubs b ;n one; thesnCO North 11 '% deg, Wem 11-115 pohm to a Mnw, then a 8outh 8l '% dam. West 29 /. poles to a stake in the Road; thence South 181-3i4 dag. VYW.2$ Robs to -a ttiyAe an Ike Road; hence Soon 44 deg. WeV37 poles to :a dogwood waT a brwch; thence South 72 deg, We5t 22 poles to a cedar; thence South 80 deg- Vast 46 pis 10 a stake it the bramh= 1henne, davn-11 ie nrsnoh as it meandem, to the begianlr+j, being about 89 'Vw poles, wnlainlN -8:5 acres, more or less. Deed Referenba: Book Sn. Page 39T. T $EGI N N ING at on 4ron mka, a naw 4mrner on 1he old Ilne -of CA. Kamer arrd ahsq comer cf the propel' cf -K h Goodson, and rugs thence w11f:5 Keith C-qn's 0I13 ale, South A9 dam. 10 min- 24 &ac.'East 482.53 f&et to &n iron etalv*- lth Ggndson's old ornef, Marxm North 1 dam. 34 Tjn. �1 sAc. East 151?,:25 feat to an Er -Oh stake a new cwnar In the old Brea at the edge of the rl ht -of way of State Road W- 1381, lhenoe three (3) new ilneswith the Iarls of C.A- Kamr. South 41 deg, 58 min. 17 sea Yyk-at 32.85 feet to an i= stake, tlte-ce, South CA deg. 24 min. 18 sec. Mst 29.52 feet to an it -on k9, T*11ca South 9$ deg, 42 min. 23 see. Weal 4313V feet W Lhe� point of BEGINNING, oontaiolhg 0.20 acres rmra or less Deed R-ef-arer1 = Book W3. Page 7L1. 71 Q 3. DE-GIMMING at a point In the center of N,C. Higl-f a *1$;$1, netiw corner in the old l-�L Ke-aar line, and runs lhpnce with the Center cd the hlgtwtay Sam 32 deg. 11) mirt. East 193.E feet to. a rzint M the ranter of t-ne highway� (Whcfi said mer is tocated� North 73 deg, n mint- VgeM 37.4 feet from an -old cOM01 comer), and runs 1h,ence with trlher tares of 4000Wn North 78 deg- 30 min, WWt 122.5 feet 90 an old comer' 'hence with propaOy -o€ A.B. Ka Ner North 2 deg, 4:5 rain- Vest 09-d iga1 to 1hs SEGINN ING. Daed P,efarenoe Book 512, Pale 573. wK 2337FAbE 730 MQ53 Fiied Ds t@ _ --66yQ6tV.t. _-I9, 2012 Py a � Time- Z c 05 FI+I Recardi" Fees gook= 2337 $2:6.110 Falter 730 Danny R. Beater Rtgieter of deeds Linealn County: W- 2331 0730 201209253 DEED N111111111111011111111 Pr*pamd W Rkwd E. Jonas, ARorney $t Law, LirKnkftn. NC Aftw fowrdi m&N hx GmMft C4 STATE OF NORTM CAROUNA WARl +JTYr DEED COUNTY OF LINC LN Dead of Gift This deer made t15is _g�f_f CMV of 2012 bV arpd Wtmen KATHLEEN GOOOSON FISH, FKA KAT3-ILEEN G DN heireinAK refevl5d to as ' Gran4oe' 8nd SAMUEL THOMAS GOODSON Ajcdrmr,: 6720 R�=�tk la hereinafter ref%ttltd 40 :R3 " Grwtsa." The designWim rUrartt0r and Gran* " $s u&ed hamin Fkwll inclvda said parties, their h$im. pe al rapresentfftiaes. successors and a&&" and shall irrdudia JN GingU181r, Plural, maGoullne, (wmIne or neuter as required by the 4pnt,-xt Bon .337paL 731 WITNESSFTH. that the &antor- far a vatuabk� immn d n paid by 1ho t;ranbm, The reaipt of which Is heirebyr adaKy► ciged, has and by these #ram does grant, bargam, sell and unio the guru* kn f@@ s•nple, all jttk c,&Uln lot or paroel at land situezed in G SprirVs TcwnsmV. Untx4n County- N. C_ and mare parbc,k&rly+ drt rbed as f A!t of T*r percri 3.4700 bcArkq *li ni thia Kokh Goodeort heir# property on Uw aouelrwemtart1 sWe of KldwiHo Road, the saran DOM ProPAr'tyr de#eribed In Hood recorded EW0 37A. Page 3191, Book 512, Page 5M and Souk 803, Page 70, tv wrrlr-h deed reference I!m made fbw fudh4r desaripf on wh4ch is inoorPOmbad herein by this reforameA. See 24so EYliiblt A for furMar died ♦e4r�ript44rr, TO I -LAVE AIR TO HOLD the stbresald let ar paRzq # lewd wd d ;oil privilcgoa and eppuAemnQee 9h$rqunW b9angi-rg to the acid Gfarnbee in fea sire" And the Grr3rllw oyAmanis W& #tie Gramee, thpt Graitor is sei;- d o! the pry in lee &iM*, has the right to oorLwyr M6 eaves irl fea &knPle thul tilt$ i6 markatebte and free and dm&r of all enqumbr noN, and thei Grantor will warrant and defend the tills Apinst the '2r1'1' A claims 04 III p$ryns whome+DEw-er exoepl for kite exom�pt!W 6 hereinafW slued_ Tvl1� Mn the propel' hereinebooe d*6crll;-W is subod To the following exoeptiarw Valid and &r.fxomb iq r rvalior%, r-e3trklifins, oonditions, e0semants arrd rights-d-woyrk In the record t1alh Of Otis. Tile drgf wun of this deed -lid rapt exec' kw or certffyr Utre end did riot particwaW In the dosing o! this tiraneedion. 1N V+riTNEGS VV1HERE4DF, " Grarrhor has hereunto W his hand bftid Gael, the day and yeaf first above wF tten- Kathleen Goodson F rawer Kok2337ma 732 NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF LINC01-N I, a Wtilry Public for ssW County end SWk do herWy cafhifyr then Kathlaw Go0690n F:h'j er pe -welly appoered bOone me this day and aatcnowtedOW the due execution of foreqoing Instrument vomesa my hard and Nwaaal S", �1012_ My Conwmivai?n Expingti.. L� �. 1300 N# Iq thie the day of _ Nuw� pvbliq 61. you 2337PgE 723 EAHLOIT A Pe"I 34780 6792 KitMILl Road TRACT 1' S£GINW4G al a stake on Vieo 5ile cFr a lhrainth in Suun KBeaer's Gne, areal runs Wom 55 Y3 deb. East 93 poles 10 a'e1ile themm Korffi 3 -deg. fast 47 y, pole to a glom; thence Norte 25 deg. East 4&7AA poles to a stlom ptr 4 t %Ide of Llr�iolnWft Road, iii-erm Worth 1� fig. W a -A 22 poles tm a slaws; them North 52 1/4 dcq, Welt polog td :j jrIpm; tMm" Saulh 1$ dog- Wnct i3 V. pales to a Gtono; Meno4 Norlh 7$'fx deg 1V!yI;,t1-t 5 polesto a storm: 1ivnrtt &OU1h l4 V2 Mg. Wes! 29 M Pollee to a stake in fhe Road; Mence Soulh 61-3M deg West 29 po4e6 to a stake in 1he FZoad; thence South 44 d". West V poln lu a dQgwaod near a tHanch: Mence So+rth 72 dieg- West 22 pcbes la a oadar, thence SQLith -88 deg. WEm( 40 poles to a Stake %n Ole branch. (nerlm, down the branch &e it meanCers, to the beginning, baWtg about 1�9'/x polee, co rtainfng 95 es, more ior legs. feud R-eference_ Bock 379- Page 3d7. T :KT 2. BEGI N N INN at Bin iron. 51pke, a new Gaftper on the. old line *f G.A. Koeyof and also coiner of the property c. KaA4l Goes wn, end Tur:s theg4e with Kean meson's old line. South 99 deg. 1Cr mlri. �A sec. East 492.63 rtet to an iron slake. Keillh Good$cn's old corner, tt,mte North 1 deg. 34 rFOn- 21 sec E2!yt n.25 Feet bo an iron etak-a a new corner in the old Ie at the edge Of#h$ right oll way of Start Road No- 1391. th"Ce three (3) new lines WIth the lam of C.A- Keever, South 41 -deg. 58 min. 17 &OC. V" 3 .$5 feet 10 Em jr-re staka. thence, 8ourh fry dreg. 24 min. 18 sec. W"t 2g.52 feet to art iron slabs, thence South 95 Beg. 42 min. 23 see. Wasl 435.$1 feet 1D the point of BEGINNI NG. containing 0.20 acres rrx re or les& Geed Reference: Book 130, page 70 TRACU BEQINNING at a point in The cent-ar of N.C. F ighwayr 013$1, -new Codne: in Me pled A.B. Keever line, &vd rurkA thmce with Cater of the h�ghwoy S Guth 32 deg. 10 rnlrt, East 183-5 f W to a point In the ,arftr of the higtrweyr (which Said Amer is lv-vred North 78 deg. 31) min. West 27A MOfnorn an old writrol =ner). and runs thence wif.°i Oftir Iande of Goodsani Nth 79 deg. 30 min. West 122.5 feet t-0 an old oorrior, them a wish property of A R. KeeVer Nadh 2 tteg. 45 min. 'West 109, a fleet to the BEGINNIN O. Deed Riigownce; Book 512. Fagg a73