HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAW-2023-02030 NWP Verification 23JAN2024 Regulatory Program/Division Nick Scheuer Town Manager Town of Canton 85 Summer St Canton, NC 28716 Via Email: nscheuer@cantonnc.com Dear Mr. Scheuer: This letter is in response to the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) you submitted to the Wilmington District, Asheville Regulatory Field Office on October 16, 2023, for a Department of the Army Nationwide permit (NWP) verification. This project has been assigned the file number SAW-2023-02030 and is known as Hominy Creek Stream Restoration. This file number should be referenced in all correspondence concerning this project. A review of the information provided indicates that the proposed work would include the discharge of fill material impacting 793 linear feet of stream associated with stream restoration activities. The project area for this determination includes a 1.85 acre(s) area which is illustrated on the enclosed site plans/maps. The project/review area is located at 2415 Asheville Hwy, at Latitude 35.535610 and Longitude -82.805148; in Canton, Haywood County, North Carolina. We have determined that the proposed work is authorized by Nationwide Permit 27 pursuant to authorities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1344). The proposed work must be accomplished in strict accordance with the general permit conditions, any regional conditions, the special conditions listed in this letter, the application materials, and the enclosed plans Titled Hominy Creek Stream Restoration, prepared by Stantec, dated 12/27/2023. If the extent of the project area and/or nature of the authorized impacts to waters are modified, a revised PCN must be submitted to this office for written approval before work is initiated. Any violation of permit conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to enforcement action. This verification is valid until March 14, 2026, unless prior to this date the subject NWP(s) is suspended, revoked, or is modified such that the activity no longer complies with the terms and conditions of this NWP. If you commence or are under contract to commence this activity before the date that the relevant NWP is modified or revoked, you will have 12 months from the date of the modification or revocation of the NWP to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this NWP. Project Specific Special Conditions: 1. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission has identified wild Brown Trout in the project vicinity. In order to minimize impacts to Brown Trout reproduction, a condition of this Verification is that any work conducted within the stream may not occur between the dates of October 15 through April 15. 2. In order to avoid/minimize effects to federally endangered/threatened species, tree clearing activities must be conducted outside the Northern Long Eared Bat summer roosting season. All tree clearing activities shall commence between October 15th and April 1st. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine Section 401 requirements. This NWP verification does not preclude the necessity to obtain any other Federal, State, or local permits, licenses, and/or certifications, which may be required. If you have any questions related to this verification or have issues accessing documents referenced in this letter, please contact Mitchell Anderson, Regulatory Specialist of the Asheville Regulatory Field Office at 828.271.7980 ext 4231, by mail at the above address, or by email at Mitchell.l.Anderson@USACE.Army.Mil. Please take a moment to complete our customer satisfaction survey located at https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/. Sincerely, Mitchell Anderson Regulatory Specialist Enclosures Cc (w/enclosures) Danvey Walsh, Equinox Environmental (via danvey@equinoxenvironmentall.com) Compliance Certification Form Action ID Number: SAW-2023-02030 County: Haywood Permittee: Town of Canton, Nick Scheuer Project Name: Hominy Creek Stream Restoration Date Verification Issued: 1/23/2023 Project Manager: Mitchell Anderson Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District Attn: Mitchell Anderson Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 or Mitchell.l.Anderson@USACE.Army.Mil Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work, and mitigation (if applicable), authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit including any general or specific conditions. Date Authorized Work Started: ___________ Completed: ___________ Describe any deviations from permit (attach drawing(s) depicting the deviations): ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ *Note: The description of any deviations on this form does not constitute approval by the Corps. __________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Permittee Date CESAW – RG-A (File Number, SAW-2023-02030) Page 2 of 11 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Department of the Army Memorandum Documenting General Permit Verification 1.0 Introduction and Overview Information about the proposal subject to one or more of the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps’) regulatory authorities is provided in Section 1, detailed evaluation of the activity is found in Sections 2 through 5 and findings are documented in Section 6 of this memorandum. Further, summary information about the activity including the administrative history of actions taken during project evaluation is attached (ORM2 summary) and incorporated into this memorandum. NOTE: This document uses the term pre-construction notification (PCN) to identify when notification is sent to the Corps to evaluate a proposed activity on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the activity will cause no more than minimal adverse environmental effects, individually and cumulatively for verification under a general permit (GP). While PCN is commonly associated with Nationwide Permit (NWP) verification requests, this document uses the term PCN for notification sent to the Corps for all GP verifications (i.e., NWPs, Regional GPs, Programmatic GPs). 1.1 Applicant name Nick Scheuer, Town of Canton 1.2 Activity location The project/review area is located OR 2415 Asheville Hwy, at Latitude 35.535610 and Longitude -82.805148; in Canton, Haywood County, North Carolina. Parcel Numbers: 8676-09-8457; 8667-81-3641 1.3 Description of activity requiring verification The applicant proposes the discharge of fill material impacting 793 linear feet of stream associated with stream restoration activities 1.4 Existing conditions and any applicable project history: The project area is comprised of 1.85 acres of land and contains a mix of a recreation park and associated parking lot. Land use within vicinity of project area is suburban development, both residential and commercial. CESAW – RG-A (File Number, SAW-2023-02030) Page 3 of 11 1.4.1 Jurisdictional Determination Is this project supported by a jurisdictional determination? No Jurisdictional Determination 1.5 Permit authority Table 1 – Permit Authority Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403) ☐ Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) ☒ 1.6 Applicable Permit Nationwide Permit 27 1.7 Waiver Discussion Does the activity require a written waiver? No 2.0 Evaluation of the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) 2.1 Direct and indirect effects which are caused by the GP activity The direct effects of the proposed project would include temporary impacts from project construction. These temporary impacts would include short-term turbidity in the water column and noise disturbances during construction activities. Turbidity and noise disturbances may cause wildlife avoidance and behavioral changes; however, these changes are expected to be short-lived and have a minimal impact on the surrounding area; additionally, the applicant will utilize best management practices (BMPs). 2.2 Site specific factors The project area is part of an suburban watershed that is primarily composed of commercial and residential land use. Given the largely suburban nature of the watershed and the pressure from land development activity, the waters within the project area provide especially important aquatic resource functions to downstream waters. Compensatory Mitigation Not Required: This project is for stream restoration and no loss of functions associated with this specific project. SHEET NO. DESCRIPTION 1 COVER SHEET 1A SITE PLAN 2 -2A TYPICAL SECTIONS 3 - 3B DETAILS 4 PLAN AND PROFILE P1 - P2 PLANTING PLAN EC-1 - EC-2 EROSION CONTROL NOTES EC-3 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS EC-4 EROSION CONTROL PLAN XS1 - XS4 CROSS SECTIONS N Chris Engle, PE PROJECT MANAGER Sam Just, PE PROJECT ENGINEER TOWN OF CANTON PIN: 8667-81-3641 TOWN OF CANTON PIN: 8676-09-8457 VC GRADING LLC PIN: 8667-91-2626 VC GRADING LLC PIN: 8667-91-2626 WHITTY, AUSTIN MARIE HOGAN, VINCENT CLAY PIN: 8667-81-2967 DEBENPORT, MARK PIN: 8667-82-4566 &'"!< * <"%< !< ".< % < !(,%%#,!< 6< / !<  !< $%"('"!< &"< !< '< &< * < &'< < &'"!< * <"%< !< ".< % < !(,%%#,!< 6< / !<  !< $%"''"!<  &"< !< '  &< ' < &'< < %-'*$- &(#"- # "*-%--  - &''#"-  / < 2%<  0<         !#'< '#< &< /34'< '/< 2(#< <        !#'< '#< &<       %- "&#"&-     +-+-+- (#- - -  - -- !"' < $$%"1 )< $""< $'< &< $'< "< $""<% )-< '"< ".!&'% < < "< %< &("!< * < "%< !< < % < / !< !',%%#,!< 8 !< $%"''"!<  &"< !< '< &< * <&'< < / !< &("!<+ <"%< !< < % < 5!',%%#,!<   !< $%"''"!<  &"< !< '< &< ) <&)< < $##-!"&#"&-      $$%#)- $##-$(- +-+-+-,-+-+- - - -  -  -  -  7<         9<   :<                         ;<                                UKvK„=f¾ v|‹Kˆ;¾ " G|v‹„=G‹|„¾ ˆY=ff¾ K„O|„q¾=ff¾ vKGKˆˆ=„¢¾ ˆ–Dˆ–„O=GK¾ –‹^f^‹¢¾ ^v™Kˆ‹^U=^|vˆ¾ „^|„ ‹|¾ G|qqKvG^vU¾ G|vˆ‹„–G‹^|v¾ŒYK¾G|v‹„=GŒ|„¾ ˆY=ff¾ DK¾ „Kˆ|vˆ^DfK¾ O|„¾ O^KfI ™K„^O^G=^|v¾ |O¾ K ^ˆŒ^vU¾ G|vI^‹^|vˆ ¾ |DˆŒ„–G‹^|vˆ ¾ =vI¾ –Œ^f^Œ^Kˆ¾ œY^GY¾ q=¢¾ =OOKG‹ „||ˆKI¾ œ|„c ) =ff¾ qKGY=v^¥KI¾K‚–^qKv‹¾ |K„=ŒKI¾ ^v¾ |„¾ vK=„¾ ‹YK¾ ˆ‹„K=q¾ |„¾ ^‹ˆ¾ ‹„^D–‹=„^Kˆ ˆY=ff¾ DK¾ ^vˆKG‹KI¾ „KU–g=„g¢¾=vI¾q=^v‹=^vKI¾ ‹|¾ „K™Kv‹¾ G|v‹=q^v=‹^|v¾ |O ˆ‹„K=q¾ œ=‹K„ˆ¾ O„|q¾ O–Kgˆ ¾f–D„^G=v‹ˆ ¾Y¢I„=–f^G¾ Of–^Iˆ ¾ |„¾ |‹YK„¾ ‹| ^G q=ŒK„^=fˆ¾ =¾ G|vŒ^vUKvG¢¾ g=v¾ˆZ=ff¾ DK¾IK™Kf|KI¾ O|„¾ ŒYK¾ –ˆK¾ |O¾ ‹YKˆK q=ŒK„^=fˆ ¾ ^vGf–I^vU¾ ˆ^ff¾ G|vŒ=^vqKv‹ ¾ GfK=v¾ – ¾ =vI¾ v|‹^O^G=‹^|w¾ ‹|¾ ‹YK =„|„_=‹K¾ =UKvG^Kˆ¾ ˆ^ff¾ c^‹ˆ ¾ ˆ|„DKv‹ˆ ¾ =vI¾G|v‹=^vK„ˆ¾ O|„¾I^ˆ|ˆ=f¾ ˆY=ff DK¾ „KŒ=^vKI¾ |v¾ ˆ^ŒK + =ff¾ K‚–^qKv‹¾ q=^v‹Kv=vGK¾ ˆY=ff¾ DK¾ K„O|„qKI¾ =‹¾ fK=ˆ‹¾ 1 ¾ O‹¾ O„|q¾ ‹ZK¾ ˆ‹„K=q |„¾ ^‹ˆ¾‹„^D–‹=„^Kˆ . 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