HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040393 Ver 2_Appendix 8_20150924APPENDIX 8 INVESTIGATION PERMITS (Digital Copy Only) QPP��ENT OF l/yFi tim United States Department of the Interior A ° BUREAU OF OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT Gulf of Mexico OCS Region �4/?CH 3,16x0 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70123 -2394 JUL 2 6 2013 In Reply Refer To: MS GM881A CERTIFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. Attention: Kenneth Willson 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Dear Mr. Willson: Your application received June 25, 2013 requests a Federal authorization to conduct geological operations on certain Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lands in the Currituck Sound area shown on the map accompanying the application. Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. will conduct operations using a vessel to be determined at a later date. BOEM must be notified of the vessel name, registry number, registered owners and radio call sign (if applicable) prior to beginning operations. The proposed program is a Washbore Probe survey. An authorization designated OCS Authorization E13 -001 is hereby granted to conduct geological operations on the OCS in the area and manner described in the application subject to the enclosed Authorization For Geological Prospecting For Mineral Resources in the OCS and the enclosed Stipulations. Before starting operations, you are required to notify BOEM of your survey start date. BOEM should also be advised of the end date immediately upon survey completion. Our National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review of the subject action is complete and results in a Finding of No Significant Impact ( FONSI). This FONSI is conditioned on the imposition of the following mitigative measures to ensure environmental protection, consistent environmental policy, and safety as required by NEPA. This FONSI is valid only insofar as the following conditions are imposed: STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES 1. If you discover any site, structure, or object of potential archaeological significance (i.e., cannot be definitively identified as modern debris or refuse) while conducting operations, the provisions of 30 CFR 250.194(c) and require you to immediately halt operations within 1,000 feet of the area of discovery and report this discovery to the Regional Supervisor of the Office of Environment (OEnv) within 48 hours. Every reasonable effort must be taken to preserve the archaeological resource from damage until the OEnv has told you how to protect it. The OEnv contact is Jack Irion at 504- 736 -1742. N 2. Make sure that you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of any live bottom (hard or soft corals). If you discover any high- relief topographic feature with a relief greater than eight (8) feet while conducting activities, report the discovery to the BOEM GOMR Regional Director. Make sure you do not anchor on or otherwise disturb such a feature. Within 90 calendar days after completing your activity that disturbed the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of such a feature, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the feature relative to the seafloor disturbance. If you have any questions, please call Chad Vaughan at (504) 736 -2900 (chad.vaughan cr,boem.gov) or the Office of Resource Evaluation, Data Acquisition and Special Projects Unit at (504) 736 -2588 (GGPermitsGOMRi0oem.aov). Sincerely, David W. Cooke Regional Supervisor Gulf of Mexico Region Office of Resource Evaluation QPQ��gNT OF United States Department of the Interior 0 7 0 BUREAU 01= OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT Gulf of Mexico OCS Region �4RCH 3,�$A9 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70123 -2394 In Reply Refer To: MS GM881A CERTIFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED MAR 2 6 2014 Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. Attention: Kenneth Willson 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Dear Mr. Willson: BOEM is currently modifying 30 CFR Part 580 PROSPECTING FOR MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR ON THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF. Part 580 regulations include Sand and Gravel (S &G) permitting with respect to S &G projects deemed to be Public Works, such as beach restoration and replenishment. While these regulations are being modified, BOEM will issue Authorizations instead of Permits for Public Works projects. BOEM Forms 134, 135 and 136 will also be modified for the issuance of Authorizations. Until these forms are updated, the current permit application and form will be used. Signatories should note that the word "authorization" shall be substituted for "permit ". Please note that, until the regulatory modifications are completed, fees will not be charged for Authorizations. If you have any questions, please call Chad Vaughan at (504) 736 -2900 or John Johnson at (504) 736 -2455. Sincerely, David W. Cooke Regional Supervisor Gulf of Mexico Region Office of Resource Evaluation Enclosure QPP��f ,tAT OF Tjy�i United States Department of the Interior A BUREAU OF OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT Gulf of Mexico OCS Region �4RCH 3.�aA9 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70123 -2394 MAR 2 6 2014 In Reply Refer To: MS GM 881A CERTIFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. Attention: Kenneth Willson 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Dear Mr. Willson: Your application received November 27, 2013 requests a Federal authorization to conduct geophysical operations on certain Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lands in the Currituck Sound area shown on the map accompanying the application. Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. will conduct operations using the vessels RIV Stellwagen and the Parker 2006. The proposed program is a Hi- Resolution CHIRP sub - bottom profiler, side -scan sonar, bathymetric sounding, and magnetometer survey. An authorization designated OCS Authorization E13 -002 is hereby granted to conduct geophysical operations on the OCS in the area and manner described in the application subject to the enclosed Authorization For Geophysical Prospecting For Mineral Resources in the OCS and the enclosed Stipulations. Before starting operations, you are required to notify BOEM of your survey start date. BOEM should also be advised of the end date immediately upon survey completion. Our National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review of the subject action is complete and results in a Finding of No Significant Impact ( FONSI). This FONSI is conditioned on adherence to the following conditions of approval that ensure. environmental protection, consistent environmental policy, and safety as required by NEPA, as amended, and is valid only insofar as the following conditions are met: Conditions of Approval GUIDANCE FOR VESSEL STRIKE AVOIDANCE: BOEM shall condition the permits or leases it issues as part of the proposed action to require all permitees and/or operators to abide by vessel strike avoidance measures for all shipboard surveys as specified below. The guidance in the final biological opinion for the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Geological and Geophysical Activities in the Mid -and South Atlantic Planning Areas (htti)://www.boem.2ov/ Final - Biological- Opinion- 19 -July- 2013/) (pp.304 -307) applies: 1. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that vessel operators and crews maintain a vigilant watch for Endangered Species Act (ESA) - listed whales and sea turtles and slow down or stop their vessel to avoid striking protected species; and 2 2. The permittee and/or operators must ensure that all vessel operators must comply with 10 knot (18.5 km/h) speed restrictions in any Dynamic Management Area (DMA) htti):// www. nero .noaa.2ov /whaletrj)/vlan/danV. In addition, the permittee and/or operator must ensure that all vessels, operate at speeds of 10 knots (18.5 km/h) or less in the mid- Atlantic Seasonal Management Areas (SMAs) from November 1 through April 30, and in the southeast SMA from November 15 to April 15 (See 50 CFR 224.105 for specific locations of SMAs). While the outer banks project E13 -002 does not fall within the identified SMAs (See 50 CFR 224.105 for specific locations of SMAs), you may be restricted while leaving your port of call (if in Wilmington, Morehead, or Norfolk) and you are accountable for DMAs (Dynamic Management Areas) that are established in your area of operation. 3. For North Atlantic right whales: a. The permittee and/or operator must ensure all vessels maintain a separation distance of 500 in (1,640 ft) or greater from any sighted North Atlantic right whale(s). b. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that the following avoidance measures are taken if a vessel comes within 500 in (1,640 ft) of a right whale(s): L The permittee and/or operator must ensure that while underway, any vessel must steer a course away from the right whale(s) at 10 knots (18.5 km/h) or less until the minimum separation distance has been established (unless (ii) below applies); ii. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that when a North Atlantic right whale is sighted in a vessel's path, or within 100 in (328 ft) of an underway vessel, the underway vessel must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral. The permittee and/or operator must not engage the engines until the right whale(s) has moved outside of the vessel's path and beyond 100 in (328 ft); and iii. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that if a vessel is stationary, the vessel must not engage engines until the North Atlantic right whale(s) has moved beyond 100 in (328 ft), at which time refer to point 3(b)(i). 4. ESA - listed whales other than North Atlantic right whales: a. The permittee and/or operator must ensure all vessels maintain a separation distance of 100 in (328 ft) or greater from any sighted ESA - Listed whale (s). b. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that the following avoidance measures are taken if a vessel comes within 100 in (328 ft) of an ESA - Listed whale (s): i. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that if an ESA - Listed whale (s) (other than a North Atlantic right whale) is sighted, the vessel underway must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral, and must not engage the engines until the whale(s) has moved 3 outside of the vessel's path and the minimum separation distance has been established; and ii. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that if a vessel is stationary, the vessel must not engage engines until the ESA - Listed whale (s) has moved out of the vessel's path and beyond 100 m (328 ft). 5. Sea turtles: The permittee and/or operator must ensure all vessels maintain a separation distance of 50 m (164 ft) or greater from any sighted sea turtle. 6. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that vessel operators are briefed to ensure they are familiar with the above requirements. INJURED/DEAD — PROTECTED SPECIEs REPORTING: In the unanticipated event that the permitted activity clearly causes the take of an ESA - listed marine mammal or sea turtle in a manner not exempted by the Incidental Take Statement (ITS), such as serious injury or mortality (e.g., ship- strike, gear interaction, and/or entanglement), survey operators shall immediately report the incident to BOEM and BSEE and the Chief, Endangered, Species Act Interagency Cooperation Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, at 301 - 427 -8403 and/or by email to the appropriate NMFS Regional Stranding Coordinator (NMFS Northeast Regional Stranding Coordinator for the mid - Atlantic Planning Area and NMFS Southeast Regional Stranding Coordinator for South Atlantic Planning Area). In addition, if the injury or death was caused by a collision with your vessel, you must notify BSEE within 24 hours of the strike by email to vrotectedsvecies @bsee.�zov. If your activity is responsible for the injury or death, the responsible parties should maintain possession of the injured or dead animal and remain available to assist the respective salvage and stranding network as needed. The report must include the following information: (a) Time, date, and location (latitude/longitude) of the incident; the name and type of vessel involved; the vessel's speed during and leading up to the incident; description of the incident; status of all sound source use in the 24 hours preceding the incident; water depth; environmental conditions (e.g., wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea state, cloud cover, and visibility); (b) description of marine mammal and sea turtle observations in the 24 hours preceding the incident; species identification or description of the animal(s) involved; the fate of the animal(s); and (c) photographs or video footage of the animal (if equipment is available). Following the submittal of this incident report, BOEM and BSEE will contact NMFS to determine whether the incident requires reinitiation of formal consultation. NMFS shall work with BOEM/BSEE and the operator to determine what is necessary to minimize the likelihood of further prohibited take. Activities may continue while NMFS reviews the circumstances of the incident. NMFS will work with BOEM/BSEE and the operator to determine whether modifications in the activities are appropriate. Vessel crews must report sightings of any injured or dead protected species (marine mammals and sea turtles) immediately, regardless of whether the injury or death is caused by your vessel, to the Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding Hotlines at (727) 824 -5312 (for sea turtles) or at (877) WHALE HELP (877- 942 -5343) (for marine mammals). 0 In the event that an operator discovers an injured or dead marine mammal, and the lead PSO determines that the cause of the injury or death is unknown and the death is relatively recent (i.e., in less than a moderate state of decomposition as described in the next paragraph), BOEM and/or BSEE shall report the incident to the Chief, Endangered Species Act Interagency Cooperation Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, at 301 -427- 8403, and/or by email to the appropriate NMFS Stranding Coordinator (Northeast Regional Office for surveys in the mid- Atlantic Planning Area, or Southeast Regional Office for surveys in the South Atlantic Planning Area) within 24 hours of the discovery. Photographs or video footage (if available) or other documentation of the stranded animal sighting should be sent to NMFS and the Marine Mammal Stranding Network. The report must include the same information identified in "Injured/Dead — Protected Species Reporting" Condition (a) above. Activities may continue while NMFS reviews the circumstances of the incident. NMFS will work with BOEM/BSEE and the permittee or operator to determine whether modifications in the activities are appropriate. In the event that an operator discovers an injured or dead marine mammal, and the lead PSO determines that the injury or death is not associated with or related to the activities authorized in the Incidental Take Statement (ITS) (e.g., previously wounded animal, carcass with moderate to advanced decomposition, or scavenger damage), BOEM and/or BSEE shall report the incident to the Chief, Endangered Species Act Interagency Cooperation Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, at 301 - 427 -8403, and/or by email to the appropriate NMFS Stranding Coordinator (Northeast Regional Office for surveys in the mid- Atlantic Planning Area, or Southeast Regional Office for surveys in the South Atlantic Planning Area) within 24 hours of the discovery. Photographs or video footage (if available) or other documentation of the stranded animal sighting should be sent to NMFS and the Marine Mammal Stranding Network. Activities may continue while NMFS reviews the circumstances of the incident. • PROTECTED SPECIES OBSERVER: Protected species observers who possess extensive, relevant experience as protected species observers and/or have completed a protected species observer training program are required on all vessels conducting HRG operations that require exclusion zones (page 40 of the Biological Opinion). Operators must engage trained third party observers, utilize crew members after training as observers, or use a combination of both third party and crew observers. The final Biological Opinion for the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Geological and Geophysical Activities in the Mid- and South Atlantic Planning Areas (httu: / /www.boem.2ov/ Final - Biolo2ical- 0i)inion -19 -July -2013[) discusses the form of protected species observer reports. Non - Airgun HRG Protocol Requirements 1. All non - airgun HRG surveys must comply with the requirements for vessel strike avoidance (See Guidance for Vessel Strike Avoidance above). The recommended separation distance for North Atlantic right whales of 500 in (1,640 ft) would remain in effect during HRG surveys since it exceeds the exclusion zone radius specified below. Recommended separation distances for other ESA - listed whales are less than the exclusion zone radius of 200 in (656 ft) required for these species and, therefore, would be superseded by the exclusion zone radius during HRG surveys. 5 2. All non - airgun HRG surveys within Southeast Right Whale Critical Habitat during the calving and nursing season shall operate sound sources at frequencies above 30 kHz except for surveys meeting critical program needs. Surveys BOEM determines to be critical to program needs can be authorized to use frequencies at and below 30 kHz (within the audibility range of North Atlantic right whales). This determination will consider whether survey planning could have scheduled survey activities outside of the calving and nursing season and how the particular survey fills a critical need of the program. For these surveys, BOEM will only authorize the use of sound sources at and below 30 kHz during daylight hours (Marine Minerals Program) or use of sound sources above 200 kHz at night and sound sources at and below 30 kHz and within the audibility range of North Atlantic right whales during daylight hours (Renewable Energy Program). 3. All non - airgun HRG surveys within or adjacent to North Atlantic right whale critical habitat in the southeastern United States, within or adjacent to SMAs or within established DMAs, BOEM and BSEE must require operators to implement the following measures: a. Vessel Strike Avoidance: A distance of 500 m (1,640 ft) from right whales must be maintained during transit and the Early Warning System, Sighting Advisory System, and Mandatory Ship Reporting System data notifying mariners of right whale presence must be monitored during transit and operation; b. A 200 -m (656 ft) radius exclusion zone would be monitored by a protected species observer that would encompass the 180 dB re 1 µPa mrms isopleth of any acoustic source; c. Non - airgun HRG transmissions within a DMA must cease within 24 hours of the DMA's establishment; and d. At least one protected species observer would be required on watch aboard HRG survey vessels at all times during daylight hours (dawn to dusk — i.e., from about 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset) when survey operations are being conducted, unless conditions (fog, rain, fading light) make sea surface observations impossible. If conditions deteriorate during daylight hours such that the sea surface observations are halted, visual observations must resume as soon as conditions permit. Ongoing activities may continue but may not be initiated under such conditions (i.e., without appropriate pre- activity monitoring), unless as provided for under General Mitigation and Monitoring Requirement #6 (page 303) in the Biological Opinion (htti)://www.nmfs.noaa.iiov/i)r/consultation/oi)inions/boem atla ntic RoloRical aeophvsical bion _2013.pdf). i. Visual monitoring will begin no less than 60 minutes prior to start-up and continue until operations cease or sighting conditions do not allow observation of the sea surface (e.g., fog, rain, fading light). ii. At any time an ESA - listed marine mammal or sea turtle is observed within the exclusion zone, whether due to the animal's movement, the vessel's movement, or because the animal surfaced inside the exclusion zone, the observer will call for the immediate shutdown of the operation. The vessel operator must comply no immediately with such a call by an on -watch visual observer. Any disagreement or discussion should occur only after shutdown. The following additional requirements apply to all non- airgun HRG survey in which one or more active acoustic sound sources will be operating at frequencies less than 200 kHz. 1. Active acoustic sound sources must not be activated until the protected species observer has reported the exclusion zone clear of all ESA - listed marine mammals and sea turtles for 60 minutes. 2. If any ESA - listed marine mammal or sea turtle is sighted at or within the exclusion zone, operators are required to immediately shutdown the equipment. Subsequent restart of the equipment may only occur following a confirmation that the exclusion zone if clear of ESA - listed marine mammals and sea turtles for 60 minutes. MARINE TRASH AND DEBRIS AWARENESS AND ELIMINATION: All vessel operators, employees and contractors actively engaged in G &G surveys must be briefed on marine trash and debris awareness elimination as described in BSEE NTL No. 2012 -GO1 (Marine Trash and Debris Awareness and Elimination) (USDOI, BSEE, 2012a) (page 46 of the Biological Opinion). BOEM will not require G &G operators, employees and contractors to undergo formal training or to post placards. The operator will be required to ensure that its employees and contractors are made aware of the environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with marine trash and debris and their responsibilities for ensuring g that trash and debris are not intentionally or accidentally discharged into the marine environment. The NTL's guidance can be accessed on BSEE's internet website at htti)://www.bsee.2ov/Re2ulations- and- Guidance/Notices- to- /2012/2012- BSEE- GO1 -odf /. If you have any questions, please call Chad Vaughan at (504) 736 -2900 (chad.vauRhan @boem.Rov) or the Office of Resource Evaluation, Data Acquisition and Special Projects Unit at (504) 736 -2588 (GGPermitsGOMR @boem.gov). Sincerely, � s David W. Cooke Regional Supervisor Gulf of Mexico Region Office of Resource Evaluation 7 Non Airgun HRG and Geotechnical Survey Reporting Requirements Protected Species Observer Reports: Data on all protected species observations must be recorded by the protected species observer based on standard marine mammal observer data collection protocols (page 315- 316 of the Biological Opinion). This information must include: 1. Vessel name; 2. Observers' names, affiliations and resumes; 3. Date; 4. Time and latitude/longitude when daily visual survey began; 5. Time and latitude/longitude when daily visual survey ended; and 6. Average environmental conditions during visual surveys including: a. Wind speed and direction; b. Sea state (glassy, slight, choppy, rough, or Beaufort scale); c. Swell (low, medium, high, or swell height in meters); and d. Overall visibility (poor, moderate, good). 7. Species (or identification to lowest possible taxonomic level); 8. Certainty of identification (sure, most likely, best guess); 9. Total number of animals; 10. Number of calves, and juveniles (if distinguishable); 11. Description (as many distinguishing features as possible of each individual seen, including length, shape, color and pattern, scars or marks, shape and size of dorsal fin, shape of head, and blow characteristics); 12. Direction of animal's travel — related to the vessel (drawing preferably); 13. Behavior (as explicit and detailed as possible; note any observed changes in behavior); 14. Activity of vessel when sighting occurred. Non - Airgun and Geotechnical Reporting Requirements: The permittee /operator must provide BOEM with a report within ninety (90) calendar days following the commencement of HRG and/or geotechnical sampling activities that includes all protected species observer reports, a summary of the survey activities and an estimate of the number of listed marine mammals and sea turtles observed or taken during these survey activities. -See, i11ct1 V;r A hmer+S edfLl y Attathment 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT Gulf of Mexico OCS Region (Insert Appropriate Regional Office) APPLICATION FOR P'F TO CONDUCT GEOLOGICAL OR GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING FOR MINERAL RESOURCES OR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF RELATED TO MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR (Section 11, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of August 7, 1953, as amended on September 18, 1978, by Public Law 95 -372, 92 Statute 629, 43 U.S.C. 1340; and 30 CFR Part 251) Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Name of Applicant Number and Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 City, State, and Zip Code Application is made for the following activity: (check one) CNO CS RE`c,� BOEM Geological prospecting for mineral resources CS Geological scientific research 2 7 2013 X Geophysical prospecting for mineral resources Orleans, LA Geophysical scientific research SOURCE S4 Submit: Original plus three copies, totaling four copies, which include one digital copy, and one public information copy. To be completed by BOEM Number: C L Date: FORM BOEMM34 (April 2012) PAGE 5 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. A. General Information 1. The activity will be conducted by: Kenneth Willson: Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. Service Company Name 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Number and Street Wilmington, NC 28409 City, State, and Zip Code T (910) 791 -9494 / F (910) 791 -4129 Telephone/FAX Numbers kenneth.willson @cbi.com E -Mail Address Greg Loy ForTown of Kill Devil Hills Purchaser(s) of the Data 102 Town Hall Drive Number and Street Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 City, State, and Zip Code T (252) 449 -5318 / F (252) 441 -7946 Telephone/FAX Numbers greg @kdhnc.com E -Mail Address 2. The purpose of the activity is: X Mineral prospecting Scientific research 3. Describe your proposed survey activities (i.e., vessel use, benthic impacts, acoustic sources, etc) and describe the environmental effects of the proposed activity, including potential adverse effects on marine life. Describe what steps are planned to minimize these adverse effects (mitigation measures). For example: 1) Potential Effect: Excessive sound level Mitigation: Soft Start, MMOs, mammal exclusion zone or 2) Potential Effect: Bottom disturbance: Mitigation: ROV deployment/retrieval of bottom nodes (use continuation sheets as necessary or provide a separate attachment): Please See Attached (Section A 3.) 4. The expected commencement date is: December 1, 2013 The expected completion date is: August 1, 2014 5. The name of the individual(s) in charge of the field operation is: Kenneth Willson May be contacted at: Onboard vessel Telephone (Local) (910) 791 -9494 - Office Email Address: kenneth.willson @cbi.com 6. The vessel(s) to be used in the operation is (are): Name (s) Parker 2006 28SCXL RN Stellwagen (Marine) (910) 443 -4471 - Mobile Radio call sign CPE Survey Vessel / RN Stellwagen Registry Number(s) Registered owners) FL 0685NC Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. 1033610 (Massachusetts) Edgar A. Edmonds FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 6 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. 7. The port from which the vessel(s) will operate is: Broad Creek Marina Wanchese, NC 8. Briefly describe the navigation system (vessel navigation only): Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and/or Garmin Gpsmap Chartplotter B. Complete for Geological Prospecting for Mineral Resources or Geological Scientific Research 1. The type of operation(s) to be used is: (check one) (a) N/A Deep stratigraphic test, or (b) N/A Shallow stratigraphic test with proposed total depth of N/A , or (c) N/A Other N/A 2. Attach a page -size plat showing: 1) The generalized proposed location for each test. Where appropriate, a polygon enclosing the test sites may be used and 2) BOEM protraction areas; coastline; point of reference See Attached Figure: Proposed Geophysical Investigation Area 3. Distance and direction from a point of reference to area of activity N/A C. Complete for Geophysical Prospecting for Mineral Resources or Geophysical Scientific Research 1. The type(s) of operation(s) to be used is (are): a) Acquisition method (OBN, OBC, Streamer): Tow Fish tethered to Survey Vessel b) Type of acquisition: (High Resolution Seismic, 2D Seismic, 3D Seismic, gravity, magnetic, CSEM, etc. High Resolution CHIRP subbottom profiler, side scan sonar, single beam bathymetric sounding, and magnetometer 2. Attach a page -size plat showing: a) The generalized proposed location of the activity with a representative polygon b) BOEM protraction areas; coastline; point of reference c) Distance and direction from a point of reference to area of activity See Attached map included with the information provided in response to Item A (3) 3. List all energy source types to be used in the operation(s): (Air gun, air gun array(s), sub -bottom profiler, sparker, towed dipole, side scan sonar, etc.): See Table of equipment in attached 4. Explosive charges will N/A will not X be used. If applicable, indicate the type of explosive and maximum charge size (in pounds) to be used: Type N/A Pounds N/A Equivalent Pounds of TNT N/A FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 7 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. D. Proprietary Information Attachments Use the appropriate form on page 9 for a "geological" permit application or the form on page 10 for a "geophysical" permit application. You must submit a separate form BOEM -0134 to apply for each geological or geophysical prospecting permit. E. Certification I hereby certify that foregoing and attached information are true and correct. Print Name: Kenneth Willson SIGNED DATE November 26, 2013 TITLE Project Manager COMPANY NAME: Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. o„ t ;zz l X13 -�6a Permk No. This application is hereby: a. - Accepted TO BE COMPLETED BY BOEM Assigned by W• C C,_V nC, h Date os-- of B (TEM b. Returned for reasons in the attached The approved permit is: a. Attached b. Will be forwarded at a later date SIGNED V 117��Z TITLE Reizional Supervisor DATE iZ FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 8 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section D Proprietary Information Attachment ' Required for an Application for Geophysical Prospecting Rbiwik `�� 1. Detailed narrative and visual description of the energy source(s) and receivers. See Attached 2. Attach a map view diagram to demonstrate vessel(s) source and receiver(s) configuration. Label each vessel indicating its function and include the dimensions of streamer(s), tow fish, etc. Indicate the number of chase and alternate vessels to be used. See Attached 3. List each energy source to be used (e.g., airgun, airgun array(s), sparker, towed dipole, side scan sonar, sub bottom profiler, etc.). Indicate the source's manufacturer, model, total energy output per impulse in dB (RMS), peak to peak in db, frequency in Hz (if applicable) etc. Echo Sounder, Sub -Bottom Profiler, Sidescan Sonar. Note that Total Energy Output is not provided for the echo sounder or sidescan sonar. These numbers are not readily available. however. Energy Output for these systems may not be relevant as these systems operate in frequencies that are undetectable by marine mammals. Energy Manufacturer Model Gun Source Size (cu. in.) Echo Sounder Udom tlyarograpink Hvdrotrac dub- 130ttom --gofiler Sidescan Sonar 1;1rq&m_S, W- Edgetech N/A Total Energy Total Frequency Output Peak Energy (Hz -kHz to Peak in db, Output range) Amp, etc. rms in db, N/A N/A 210 kHz 512 -i N/A N/A Edgetech 4200 -HFL N/A N/A 4. Shot (energy pulse) frequency per linear mile (statute): N/A 5. Towing depth (ft1m) of the energy source: See Attached 1 µPa ((RRMS) ).5 kHz - 12 kHz 300 kHz - 600 kHz a 1 o re t�ec k wk-, 4- WCV 6. Towing depth (ft1m) of the receiver(s): As all systems proposed include both energy sources and receivers in the same unit, all towing depths of the recievers are the same as those depths stated above in item 5. 7. CSEM, OBN, Magnetotelluric, and OBC surveys: Describe the node deployment and retrieval procedures. Indicate the location (latitude and longitude coordinates), number and spacing of any ocean bottom receivers, cables, and anchors. If anchors will not be retrieved, provide their physical composition and rate of decomposition. Location data may be submitted digitally on a CD (attach separate page if necessary). N/A 8. Navigation/positioning system or method used to position shotpoint locations and or ocean bottom receivers: See Attached FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 10 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. 9. Proposed areal extent (blocks) for 3D surveys or total number of line miles proposed for 2D or high resolution survey: See Attached 10. Estimated date (month and year) on which final data will be available for all proposed data sets: November 2014 11. Attach map(s), plat(s), and chart(s) (preferably at a scale of 1:250,000) and an electronic version of same showing latitude and longitude, scale, specific protraction areas, block numbers. The map, plat, or chart should be submitted at a sufficient size and scale to make out all details of the activities shown. For 2D data acquisition, provide specific track lines with line identifications with the total number of line miles proposed or a representative polygon and total number of blocks for 3D surveys. Along with the hardcopy map, submit on CD, the necessary ArcGIS shape files to reproduce the map for 2D track lines including individual line names in the attribute table. For 3D surveys provide a representative polygon as an ArcGIS shape file. FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 11 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. A. General Information: 3. Describe your proposed survey activities and describe the environmental effects of the proposed activity, including potential adverse effects on marine life. Describe what steps are planned to minimize these adverse effects. Coastal Planning and Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. (CPE -NC) will perform a reconnaissance level combined subbottom profiler, side scan sonar, bathymetric and magnetometer survey using 150 meter spacing between lines. The survey will be carried out aboard the R/V Stellwagen, a 70' steel research vessel. Subbottom profiler, side scan sonar, and magnetometer data will be acquired using tow fish tethered to the research vessel (Figure 1). Bathymetric data will be collected via an over the side mounted transducer. This geophysical investigation will be used to target areas containing beach compatible material and to identify any potential environmental or cultural resources for avoidance. The results of the geophysical survey will be reviewed by a qualified Marine Archaeologist for potential cultural resources. A report of the findings, including recommended avoidance buffers, will be provided to the Mineral Management Service for review prior to collection of vibracores. The attached map (Figure 2) shows coverage of the investigation areas at 150 meter spacing. The lines shown on the map represent 119 line miles; however, we anticipate collecting a maximum of 90 line miles of data from Area A, B, and C during this reconnaissance investigation. The location and orientation of the tracklines will be determined in the field based on the geologic setting encountered. Survey Vessel The results of the geophysical investigation will be used to identify target areas for a subsequent vibracore investigation. A separate permit application has been submitted for this activity. i -4 4 857 6858 6859 q1 I C" 6860 (P i 6861 -22-- 2 23 0 Arm C 690 19 6909 6910 i 6911 3 3 18 17 C 3W8 2.2 6958 6960 6961 P6959 co N = C) 'so > C 0- Z 70081 to CL 7010 7011 0 L9 36-08 Z 0 36-08 00 36-08 - 0 40 70 C16 7 59 1 7061 .0. A IL Point ID Latitude Longitude 1 • 36.202796317 -75.617471416 C 2 • 36.200839418 -75.604589394 S 89044' 41 E 7111 3 • 36.190711867 -75.603860719 29,327' 4 • 36.173201191 -75.605237115 7110 5 • 36.170268272 -75.619280746 Kill 6 • 36.190349970 -75.621143165 Devil 7 • 36.065272175 -75.560676738 Hills 8 • 36.054880796 -75.5944611577 9 • 36.046164268 -75.535304126 7160 100 36.035201170 -75.535067476 7161 110 36.022836381 -75.542908933 120 35.996817187 -75.549005110 Atlantic Ocean LU ti 13 • 35.998763235 -75.554647165 LU z z 140 36.008050166 -75.560213649 60101i a i 150 36.030848474 -75.566406352 z I - j 160 36.054189601 -75.574244474 6011 ado 17 • 36.17621566 -75.69269224 Z 4 180 36.18359279 -75.66919946 35.92- zx -75.65769642 - 0 190 36.19493352 - 20 • 36.20679675 -75.66385038 _ IL j Z 0 U. 210 36.2114944 -75.67553562 0 on WO V F 22 • 36.2091076 -75.6842764 606 < ig 23 0 36.20256334 -75.69457578 Leaend: Notes: 0 2.5 5 1 1 Mile Federal/State Boundary 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees DATE: Potential Sand based on WGS 1984. 09130113 2. Investigation area falls within Resource Areas BY: protraction grid N118-02 and N118-11. 1 HMV Preliminary BY llk� �N COMM NO.: o Investigation Areas DATE 149947 OCS Blocks EL SHEET [3 City Limits 2 Table 1: &tuivment vrovosed for this Navigation Trimble 5700 Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS) interfaced with Hypack Inc: s Hypack 201319 software Sounder (Bathymetry) Odom Hydrographic Systems, Inc. "Hydrotrac" Hydrographic Echo Sounder Sub -bottom Profiler EdgeTech X -STAR SB -512i Sub - bottom Profiler Sidescan Sonar EdgeTech 4200 -FS and EdgeTech 4200 -HFL Magnetometer Geometrics G -882 Digital Cesium Marine Magnetometer interfaced with Hypack Inc.'s Hypack 2013® software Due to the nature of the data acquisition systems, no benthic impacts are anticipated. Likewise, given the acoustic instruments proposed for this survey, no adverse effects are anticipated on marine life. The sounder (bathymetry) and sidescan sonar systems proposed for this survey operate at a frequency above 200kHz, which is outside of the hearing range of marine animals. Even still, survey operations will include the use of trained Protected Species Observers (PSO). PSOs will be able to show proper training in at -sea protected species observations and familiarity with protected species in the action area. D. Proprietary Information Attachment 1. Detailed narrative and visual description of the energy sources and receivers: Echo Sounder — The Odom Hydrographic Systems, Inc.'s Hydrotrac, a single frequency portable hydrographic echo sounder, is proposed to be used to perform the bathymetric survey. The Hydrotrac is a digital, survey -grade sounder. A 210 kHz transducer is proposed for use for the bathymetric survey. The 210 kHz transducer frequency is above the hearing range of marine animals. Sub -bottom Profiler - An EdgeTech X -STAR SB -512i is proposed to be used to conduct the high resolution subbottom profiler surveys (Figure 3). The X -STAR Full Spectrum Sonar is a versatile wideband FM sub -bottom profiler that collects digital normal incidence reflection data over many frequency ranges. This instrumentation generates cross - sectional images of the seabed. The X -Star SB- 512i is a single channel source and is beam forming resulting in a directional source focused at the seafloor. This is in contrast to multichannel systems where large angles of incidence require ensonification of the entire water column resulting in energy radiating spherically. Furthermore, the tow fish is typically towed 3 to 5 meters below the sea surface to further reduce the portion of the water column that becomes ensonified. The X -STAR SB -512i transmits an FM pulse that is linearly swept over a full spectrum frequency range (also called a "chirp pulse "). The tapered waveform spectrum results in images that have virtually constant resolution with depth. The Chirp systems have an advantage over 3.5 kHz and "boomer" systems in sediment delineation because the reflectors are more discrete and less susceptible to ringing from both vessel and ambient noise. The full -wave rectified reflection horizons are cleaner and more distinct than the half -wave rectified reflections produced by older analog systems. Figure l Photographs of the EdgeTech X -STAR SB -Sl2i sub -bottom profiler proposed for use. Sidescan Sonar - An EdgeTech 4200 -HFL sidescan sonar system is proposed to be used for this survey. This system uses full- spectrum chirp technology to deliver wide -band pulses coupled with high resolution and good signal to noise ratio echo data. The sonar package included a portable configuration with a laptop computer running EdgeTech's Discover acquisition software and a 300/600 kHz dual frequency towfish running in high definition mode. Dual frequency provides a more complete sidescan return that aids interpolation at the outer portions of the swath, which in turn provides a more complete data set. Figure 4. Photographs of the EdgeTech 4200 HFL sidescan sonar proposed for use. D. Proprietary Information Attachment 2. Map view Diagram to demonstrate vessel source and receiver configuration: See vessel diagram on the following page demonstrating vessel, source, and receiver configuration. 1 FATHOMETER/ HEAVE COMPENSATOR Y6h t7 N M A SIDESCAN / MAGNETOMETER - TANDEM CABLE -� 30.2' am- - BLOCK TOWPOINT .N CPS UNIT WINCH SUB - BOTTOM CABLE Q ct �20'� > SUB - BOTTOM - PROFILER 0.9' —_ BLOCK 30.2' TOWPOINT i- CPS UNIT WINCH -' 4.0' f _+L SUB - BOTTOM - PROFILER CABLE FATHOMETER/ HEAVE COMPENSATOR w a x Y_ e r Q �. SIDESCAN / ` MAGNETOMETER TANDEM CABLE ic WATER LIN \� 2 a� V x8 SUB - BOTTOM PROFILER DATE: 10/1/13 3Y: AMB 'OMM NO. 149947 SHEET- 1 OF 1 D. Proprietary Information Attachment 5. Towing depth (ft. /m) of the energy source: Based on historical bathymetric data, the areas to be surveyed range from 45 ft. to 70 ft. deep. Echo Sounder — The echo - sounder transducer will be mounted to the vessel with an over - the -side mount. Typically, the echo - sounder transducer is positioned approximately 3.0 ft. beneath the surface of the water. Sub -bottom Profiler — The sub - bottom profiler tow fish will be towed approximately 8 to 12 feet beneath the surface of the water. Sidescan Sonar — The sidescan sonar will be towed behind the vessel no more than 10 -20% above the seafloor relative to the range of the instrument. The survey plan anticipates collecting most sidescan data at a 50 m range scale, therefore the towfish would be towed between 5 in (16.4 ft.) and 10 m (32.8 ft.) above the sea floor. D. Proprietary Information Attachment 8. Navigation/positioning system or method used to position shotpoint locations and or ocean bottom receivers: RTK GPS The navigation and positioning system proposed for this survey is a Trimble real -time kinematic (RTK) global positioning system (GPS) with dual frequency receivers. RTK GPS relies on a base station and transmitter placed on a survey point with a known elevation and horizontal position. This location provides the clear horizon needed to minimize phase - measurement effects caused by multi - pathing. The base station position for the RTK GPS system will be surveyed and established prior to survey operations. Horizontal and vertical positioning checks will be conducted at second order monuments before and after the survey within the project area to confirm network and survey accuracy. The base station transmits carrier phase and Doppler shift corrections via radio link to a receiver onboard the survey vessel. The receiver on the survey vessel can then apply the carrier phase and Doppler shift corrections to the position of the vessel as measured by GPS satellites. All navigation and survey control for the geophysical surveys will be conducted under the direction of a professional surveyor registered in the State of North Carolina. The vertical accuracy of control data meets the requirements set forth in the United States Army Corps of Engineers manual EM 1110 -2 -1003. GPS data will be collected at 1 Hz or faster to minimize position interpolation when assigning the position to the various geophysical data. HvDack Inc.'s Hvaack 2013 ® Data Collection and Processing Program Navigational, magnetometer, and depth sounder systems will be interfaced with an onboard computer, and the data will be integrated in real time using Hypack Inc.'s Hypack 2013® software. Hypack 2013® is a state -of -the -art navigation and hydrographic surveying system. The location of the fish tow - points on the vessel in relation to the RTK GPS will be measured, recorded and entered into the Hypack 2013 survey program The length of cable deployed between the tow - points and each towfish will also be measured and entered into Hypack 2013 ®. Hypack 2013® then takes these values and monitors the actual position of each towfish in real time. Online screen graphic displays include the pre - plotted survey lines, the updated boat track across the survey area, adjustable left/right indicator, as well as other positioning information such as boat speed, quality of fix measured by Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP), and line bearing. The digital data is merged with positioning data (RTK GPS), video displayed and recorded to the acquisition computers hard disk for post processing and/or replay. D. Proprietary Information Attachment 9. Proposed areal extent (blocks) for 3D surveys or total number of line miles proposed for 2D or high resolution surveys: AND 11. Maps showing latitude and longitude, scale, specific protraction areas, block numbers. Please see Figure 2 for a map showing the relationship of the survey areas to the protraction areas. Please see Figures 6, 7 and 8 on the following pages for detailed outline of each area. The lines shown in figures 6, 7, and 8 for the reconnaissance survey (blue) represent 119 line miles; however, we anticipate collecting a maximum of 90 line miles of data from Area A, B, and C during this reconnaissance investigation. Electronic files of maps showing latitude and longitude, scale, specific protraction areas, block numbers as well as shapefiles for track lines with line identifications are included on CD. J 0 0.25 0.5 --1 Miles -36.05 x of m 0 2 I i — 36 n°. 9 0 C Legend: n� Q Potential Sand Resource Areas Reconnaissance Survey Lines e t7 Notes: 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees based on WGS 1984. 2. Investigation area falls within protraction "tvuw "y _pATE BY DESCRIPTION grid NI18 -02 and NI18 -11. 36-05- iii Q d Q � C •C 0 O � vM M L m O C Z- Ia no, v 2 >� L •> a >O o0 V Y � O CL O a 'w n° Z C% 6 LL W C1 W Z Z a Q W J 060 OG ZV Z g� o a0 d Z 8 Q LL J F0 or 36 a - O 0o aa q J DATE: 09/30/13 BY: HMV COMM NO.: 149947 SHEET: 6 GAEnterpdse\Dare1149947,KDH Design and PermittingWATroposed Survey Tmckhnes 11813.mxd 1 I 0 � W C fp (D O Z o� a ,e 7 C ,�• rd � a Z N � � �D 0) n H < 8 Z CL L U3 p CD j G 7 N 0), t M _ z 0) OD O1 A ((D 00 y n 5' a v (D o 0 -- 75.808 t to x z Z -75.6 a�i iA S a COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING TITLE: ti M 3 o m OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. v < W INI MINGTONBNC 3!409 P ROAD FAX P7 C) 7971.412 1 � � W Ow/ W • N 0 N 0 N CA ` rL i 0 �Cm N 1 i w w a w w CP Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina Proposed Geophysical Investigation Area B >z9•SL-- 9L9'rJL-- 9D9'SL -- 9•SL-- 1 0 0.25 0.5 Miles -36-2 CLu Legend: Potential Sand m Resource Areas Reconnaissance s Survey Lines S c 'MJU ►2S /_ ray 'IY Notes: 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees based on WGS 1984. 2. Investigation area falls within protraction DATE eY �CRIPTlON grid NI18 -02 and NI18 -11. s., u.i J F-- h A A 4 � c c 0 U Co t C > ZC - of � v �W =t �> 0 0 a o� Y 0 CL 0 a 7 w °- Z mt IK i2. LU z z_ W � Q a� z gW0 0.0 s -� Z a �o o« O 00 DATE: 09/30/13 BY: HMV COMM NO.: 149947 SHEET 8 spy z UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT GOM OCS REGION, BOEM Gulf of Mexico OCS Region (Insert Appropriate Regional Office) DEC O A 2013 �AE��Ni CN+�IN111�) T FOR GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING . FOR MINERAL RESOURCES OR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF RELATED TO MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR In consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and the authorization granted hereby, this permit is entered into by and between the United States of America (the Government), acting through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) of the Department of the Interior, and Coastal Planning and Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. (Name of Permittee) 4038 Masonboro Loop Road (Number and Street) Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 (City, State, and Zip Code) PPIPW NUMBER: �/ 3' d o� DATE: �- U -c - Z v� 3 This permit is issued pursuant to the authority of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, as amended, (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.), hereinafter called the "Act," and Title 30, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 580 (Prospecting for Minerals Other Than Oil, Gas, and Sulphur on the Outer Continental Shelf). Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: This permit refers to information collection requirements contained in 30 CFR part 580 regulations. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved those reporting requirements under OMB Control Number 1010 -0072. FORM BOEM -0135 (April 2012) PAGE 1 OF 8 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section I. Authorization The Government authorizes the permittee to conduct: x Geophysical prospecting for mineral resources as defined in 30 CFR 580.1. Geophysical scientific research as defined in 30 CFR 580.1. A permit is required for any geophysical investigation that involves the use of solid or liquid explosives or developing data and information for proprietary use or sale. This permit authorizes the permittee to conduct the above geophysical activity during the period from (9.57- Mc,.r- )6)/q to a �g_ �" - Z0 CJ} C,C,e1 tmc,43 in the following area(s): Extensions of the time period specified above must be requested in writing. A permit plus extensions for activities will be limited to a period of not more than 3 years from the original issuance date of the permit. Inspection and reporting of geophysical exploration activities, suspension and cancellation of authority to conduct exploration or scientific research activities under permit, and penalties and appeals will be carried out in accordance with 30 CFR 580.23 through 580.28, 580.32, and 580.33. The authority of the Regional Director may be delegated to the Regional Supervisor for Resource Evaluation for the purposes of this permit. Section II. Tvpe(s) of Operations and Techniciue(s) A. The permittee will employ the following type(s) of operations: High Resolution CHIRP Subbotom profiler, side scan sonar, singlebeam bathymetric sounding, and magetometer and will utilize the following instruments and/or technique(s) in such operations: Tow Fish tethered to survey vessel B. The permittee will conduct all activities in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, including the "Stipulations," "Special Provisions," and the approved "Application for Permit," which are attached to and incorporated into this permit. C. The permittee will conduct all geophysical exploration or scientific research activities in compliance with the Act, the regulations in 30 CFR Part 580, and other applicable statutes and regulations whether such statutes and regulations are enacted, promulgated, issued, or amended before or after this permit is issued. Some of the provisions of 30 CFR Part 580 are restated in this permit for emphasis. However, all of the provisions of 30 CFR Part 580 apply to this permit. FORM BOEM -0135 (April 2012) PAGE 2 OF 8 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section Ill. Reports on Operations A. The permittee must submit status reports on a D — M0,11 0,11A basis in a manner approved or prescribed by the Regional Supervisor, Resource Evaluation (hereinafter referred to as Supervisor). The report must include a daily log of operations and a map (preferably on a scale of 1: c7-,J, 060 ) showing traverse lines according to Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) area and block numbers. B. The permittee must submit to the Supervisor a final report within 30 days after the completion of operations. The final report must contain the following: 1. A description of the work performed including number of line miles or OCS blocks of geophysical data acquired; 2. Chart(s), map(s), or plat(s) depicting the areas and blocks in which any prospecting or scientific research activities were conducted. These graphics must clearly indicate the location of the activities so that the data produced from the activities can be accurately located and identified; 3. The dates on which the actual geophysical prospecting or scientific research activities were performed; 4. A narrative summary of any: (a) hydrocarbon and/or mineral occurrences or environmental hazards observed and (b) adverse effects of the geophysical prospecting or scientific research activities on the environment, aquatic life, archaeological resources, or other uses of the area in which the activities were conducted; 5. The estimated date on which the processed or interpreted data or information will be available for inspection by the BOEM; 6. A final edited navigation tape or other suitable storage medium of all data or sample locations in latitude /longitude degrees. The tape is to be formatted in.SIFIX -P(, coded in ASCII with fixed record length and fixed block size. A printed listing and a format statement are to be included; 7. Identification of geocentric ellipsoid (NAD 27 or NAD 83) used as a reference for the data or sample locations; and 8. Such other descriptions of the activities conducted as may be specified by the Supervisor. C. The last status report and the final report can be combined into one report. FORM BOEM -0135 (April 2012) PAGE 3 OF 8 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section IV. Submission. Inspection, and Selection of Geophvsical Data and Information A. The permittee must notify the Supervisor, in writing, when the permittee has completed the initial processing and interpretation of any geophysical data and information collected under a prospecting permit or a scientific research permit that involves developing data and information for proprietary use or sale. If the Supervisor asks if the permittee has further processed or interpreted any geophysical data and information collected under a permit, the permittee must respond within 30 days. If further processing of the data and information is conducted, it is the responsibility of the permittee to keep the most current resulting products available in the event the Supervisor requests the current status of data processing. At any time within 10 years after receiving notification of the completion of the acquisition activities conducted under the permit, the Supervisor may request that the permittee submit for inspection and possible retention all or part of the geophysical data, processed geophysical information, and interpreted geophysical information. B. The Supervisor will have the right to inspect and select the geophysical data, processed geophysical information, or interpreted geophysical information. This inspection will be performed on the permittee's premises unless the Supervisor requests that the permittee submit the data or information to the Supervisor for inspection. Such submission must be within 30 days following the receipt of the Supervisor's request unless the Supervisor authorizes a later delivery date. If the inspection is done on the permittee's premises, the permittee must submit the geophysical data or information selected within 30 days following receipt of the Supervisor's request, unless the Supervisor authorizes a longer period of time for delivery. The data or information requested for inspection or selected by the Supervisor must be submitted regardless of whether the permittee and the Government have or have not concluded an agreement for reimbursement. If the Supervisor decides to retain all or a portion of the geophysical data or information, the Supervisor will notify the permittee, in writing, of this decision. C. In the event that a third party obtains geophysical data, processed geophysical information, or interpreted geophysical information from a permittee, or from another third party, by sale, trade, license agreement, or other means: 1. The third party recipient of the data and information assumes the obligations under this section except for notification of initial processing and interpretation of the data and information and is subject to the penalty provisions of 30 CFR Part 550, Subpart N as administered by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE); and 2. A permittee or third party that sells, trades, licenses, or otherwise provides the data and information to a third party must advise the recipient, in writing, that accepting these obligations is a condition precedent of the sale, trade, license, or other agreement; and 3. Except for license agreements, a permittee or third party that sells, trades, or otherwise provides data and information to a third party must advise the Supervisor in writing within 30 days of the sale, trade, or other agreement, including the identity of the recipient of the data and information; or 4. With regard to license agreements, a permittee or third party that licenses data and information to a third party, within 30 days of a request by the Supervisor, must advise the Supervisor, in writing, of the license agreement, including the identity of the recipient of the data and information. D. Each submission of geophysical data, processed geophysical information, and interpreted geophysical information must contain, unless otherwise specified by the Supervisor, the following: 1. An accurate and complete record of each geophysical survey conducted under the permit, including digital navigational data and final location maps of all surveys; FORM BOEM -0135 (April 2012) PAGE 4 OF 8 Previous Editions are Obsolete. 2. All seismic data developed under a permit presented in a format and of a quality suitable for processing; 3. Processed geophysical information derived from seismic data with extraneous signals and interference removed, presented in a format and of a quality suitable for interpretive evaluation, reflecting state- of -the- art processing techniques; and 4. Other geophysical data, processed geophysical information, and interpreted geophysical information obtained from, but not limited to, shallow and deep subbottom profiles, bathymetry, side -scan sonar, gravity, magnetic, and electrical surveys, and special studies such as refraction, shear wave, and velocity surveys. Section V. Reimbursement to Permittees A. After the delivery of geophysical data, processed geophysical information, and interpreted geophysical information requested by the Supervisor in accordance with subsection IV of this permit, and upon receipt of a request for reimbursement and a determination by BOEM that the requested reimbursement is proper, BOEM will reimburse the permittee or third party for the reasonable costs of reproducing the submitted data and information at the permittee's or third party's lowest rate or at the lowest commercial rate established in the area, whichever is less. B. If the processing was in a form and manner other than that used in the normal conduct of the permittee's business at BOEM's request, BOEM will reimburse the permittee or third party for the reasonable costs of processing or reprocessing such data. Requests for reimbursement must identify processing costs separate from acquisition costs. C. The permittee or third party will not be reimbursed for the costs of acquiring or interpreting geophysical information. D. Data and information required under section IV.D.1. of this permit are not considered to be geophysical data or processed geophysical information and must be provided by the permittee at no cost to the Government. Section VI. Disclosure of Data and Information to the Public A. The BOEM will make data and information submitted by a permittee available in accordance with the requirements and subject to the limitations of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and the implementing regulations (43 CFR Part 2), the requirements of the Act, and the regulations contained in 30 CFR Parts 250 and 550 (Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf), 30 CFR Parts 252 and 552 (Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Information Program) and 30 CFR Part 580. B. Except as specified in this section, or Section VIII, or in 30 CFR Parts 250, 252, 550, and 552, no data or information determined by BOEM to be exempt from public disclosure under subsection A of this section will be provided to any affected State or be made available to the executive of any affected local government or to the public, unless the permittee or third party and all persons to whom such permittee has sold, traded, or licensed the data or information under promise of confidentiality agree to such an action. C. Geophysical data and processed or interpreted geophysical information submitted under a permit, and retained by BOEM, will be disclosed as follows: FORM BOEM -0135 (April 2012) PAGE 5 OF 8 Previous Editions are Obsolete. 1. Except for deep stratigraphic tests, the BOEM will make available to the public geophysical data 50 years after the date on which the data are submitted. Except for deep stratigraphic tests, the BOEM will make available to the public processed geophysical information and interpreted geophysical information 25 years after the date on which the information is submitted. It is the policy of BOEM that the "date of submission" of geophysical data or information obtained under geophysical permits will be the date that the BOEM contracting officer or his /her representative signs the contract/delivery order or purchase order to reimburse the permittee for reproduction and, if appropriate, processing of the geophysical information. In the absence of a contract, delivery order, or purchase order, the date of receipt by BOEM is the date of submission. 3. BOEM will make available to the public all geophysical data and information and geophysical interpretations related to a deep stratigraphic test, at the earlier of the following times: (a) 25 years after the completion of the test, or (b) for a lease sale held after the test well is completed, 60 calendar days after the Department of the Interior executes the first lease for a block, any part of which is within 50 geographic miles (92.6 kilometers) of the site of the completed test. D. All line- specific preplot or postplot plat(s), and navigation tapes, including but not limited to seismic survey traverses and shotpoint locations, submitted as a requirement of 30 CFR 580.12 or 580.5 1, will be considered as "PROPRIETARY INFORMATION." Such information will not be made available to the public without the consent of the permittee for a period of 25 years from the date of issuance of the permit, unless the Director, BOEM, determines that earlier release is necessary for the proper development of the'area permitted. E. All other information submitted as a requirement of 30 CFR 580.24 and determined by BOEM to be exempt from public disclosure will be considered as "PROPRIETARY." Such data and information will not be made available to the public without the consent of the permittee for a period of up to 25 years from the date of issuance of the permit as addressed in 30 CFR 580.7 1, unless the Director, BOEM, determines that earlier release is necessary for the proper development of the area permitted. The executed permit will be considered as "PROPRIETARY" except the public information copy which will be available to the public upon request. F. The identities of third party recipients of data and information collected under a permit will be kept confidential. The identities will not be released unless the permittee and the third parties agree to the disclosure. FORM BOEM -0135 (April 2012) PAGE 6 OF 8 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section VII. Disclosure to Independent Contractors BOEM reserves the right to disclose any data or information acquired from a permittee to an independent contractor or agent for the purpose of reproducing, processing, reprocessing, or interpreting such data or information. When practicable, BOEM will advise the permittee who provided the data or information of intent to disclose the data or information to an independent contractor or agent. BOEM's notice of intent will afford the permittee a period of not less than 5 working days within which to comment on the intended action. When BOEM so advises a permittee of the intent to disclose data or information to an independent contractor or agent, all other owners of such data or information will be deemed to have been notified of BOEM's intent. Prior to any such disclosure, the contractor or agent will be required to execute a written commitment not to sell, trade, license, or disclose any data or information to anyone without the express consent of BOEM. Section VIII. Sharing of Information with Affected States A. BOEM will make proprietary data, information, and samples submitted to BOEM by permittees to adjacent State(s) upon request by the Governor(s) in accordance with the following: 1. The person who submitted the data and information will be notified and will have at least 5 working days to comment on the action; 2. When the Regional Director advises the person who submitted the data and information, all other owners of the data or information will be considered to have been so notified; and 3. Before disclosure, the Governor must sign a written commitment not to sell, trade, license, or disclose data or information to anyone without the Regional Director's consent. B. Disclosure will occur only after the Governor and the Secretary have entered into an agreement providing that: 1. The confidentiality of the information shall be maintained; 2. In any action commenced against the Federal Government or the State for the failure to protect the confidentiality of proprietary information, the Federal Government or the States, as the case may be, may not raise as a defense any claim of sovereign immunity or any claim that the employee who revealed the proprietary information, which is the basis of the suit, was acting outside the scope of the person's employment in revealing the information; 3. The State agrees to hold the United States harmless for any violation by the State or its employees or contractors of the agreement to protect the confidentiality of proprietary data and information and samples; and 4. The materials containing the proprietary data, information, and samples will remain the property of the United States. C. The data, information, and samples available to the State(s) pursuant to an agreement will be related to leased lands. D. The materials containing the proprietary data, information, and samples must be returned to BOEM when they are no longer needed by the State or when requested by the Director. FORM BOEM -0135 (April 2012) PAGE 7 OF 8 Previous Editions are Obsolete. E. Information received and knowledge gained by a State official under paragraph (d) of this section is subject to applicable confidentiality requirements of: 1. The Act; and 2. The regulations at 30 CFR Parts 580, 581, 582. Section IX. -twit Modifications The Department will have the right at any time to modify or amend any provisions of this permit, except that the Department will not have such right with respect to the provisions of Sections VI, VII, and VIII hereof, unless required by an Act of Congress. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this permit and it will be effective as of the date of signature by the Regional Supervisor. PERMITTEE: THE UNITED TES OF AMERICA: (Signature of Permittee) re Regional Supervisor) %/ � J /1 po nl A( 1. %V (Type or Print Name of Permittee) (Type or Print Name of Regional Supervisor) (Title) (Date) (Date) / OM OC3 P BOEM DEC 0 5 2013 N" ova, LA FORM BOEM -0135 (April 2012) PAGE 8 OF 8 Previous Editions are Obsolete. 16857 6858 N � a m 22 1 23 A� C 690 18 17 -3616 F N 40 FA -3608 6859 a 0 20 e 19 _ 6909 _ 6958 6959 k Point ID Latitude Longitude 1 • 36.202796317 - 75.617471416 6860 a N 6861 S 89044' 41" E 1 WM M REGION, BOFJYI 29,327' 4 M10 K111� 5 • 36.170268272 -75.619280746 NOV 2 7 2013 6 • 36.190349970 - 75.621143165 Devil ' 7 • 36.065272175 - 75.560676738_ Hills 8 • 36.054880796 - 75.544611577 9 • 36.046164268 -75.535304126 Vq a Adandc - W'0 13 • 35.998763235 - 75.554647165 Ocean = o 6960 6961 16 • 36.054189601 - 75.574244474 con 18 • 36.18359279 - 75.66919946 .j.1 19 • 36.19483352 - 75.65769642 U m 21 • 36.2114944 - 75.67553562 22 • 36`2091076 - 75.6842764 � c Leaend: Notes: 0 C 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees Q Potential Sand Z w Resource Areas 2. Investigation area falls within .. V protraction grid N118 -02 and N118 -11. Preliminary !° is Investigation Areas o�1E sv OCS Blocks [] City Limits = t 7010 7011 CL ID On 200 36.88- CL P 7061 IL Point ID Latitude Longitude 1 • 36.202796317 - 75.617471416 2 • 36.200839418 - 75.604589394 S 89044' 41" E 1 3 • 36.190711867 -75.603860719 29,327' 4 4 • 36.173201191 - 75.605237115 K111� 5 • 36.170268272 -75.619280746 6 • 36.190349970 - 75.621143165 Devil ' 7 • 36.065272175 - 75.560676738_ Hills 8 • 36.054880796 - 75.544611577 9 • 36.046164268 -75.535304126 10 • 36.035201170 - 75.535067476 11 • 36.022836381 - 75.542908933 Adandc 12 • 35.996817187 - 75.549005110 13 • 35.998763235 - 75.554647165 Ocean 14 • 36.008050166 - 75.560213649 15 • 36.030848474 -75.566406352 16 • 36.054189601 - 75.574244474 17 • 36.17621566 - 75.6926922A 18 • 36.18359279 - 75.66919946 19 • 36.19483352 - 75.65769642 20 • 36.20679675 - 75.66385038 21 • 36.2114944 - 75.67553562 22 • 36`2091076 - 75.6842764 23 • 36.20256334 - 75.69457578 Leaend: Notes: 0 - Federal/State Boundary 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees Q Potential Sand based on WGS 1984. Resource Areas 2. Investigation area falls within protraction grid N118 -02 and N118 -11. Preliminary Investigation Areas o�1E sv OCS Blocks [] City Limits 11 361% 7160 7161 og z zz 6010 C! z W3 6011 ago Z V 11 35112- z g IL z F O to J 606 O v � 2.5 5 3 GATE: 09/30113 ti 9Y: HMV COMM NW 149947 SMET.. 2 GAEnterprlse\Dere \149847 KDH Design wW Permittlngl iAl"roposed Survey Treafines Area A 11813.mxd Q � a� C O r N -- C y � Q Z N � a <�$ d► ZM a 0 :. N N act C'n� Z Cos' OD yy Q. a v � 0 e �C � w O a N o N 0 N w 1 °> COASTAL PLANNING 6 ENGINEERING TITLE: OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. J471 YAeONSORO LOOP ROAD PH. t7161 71144" .. w VALMIOTOH, HC 7e41 PAX)11D) 711113/ Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina Proposed Geophysical Investigation Area A A O fm 1 GAEn*rpriee\Dsre \149847 KOH Design end Psrndtthg\MxdW1rWeed Survey Tracklines 11813.mxd I 1 1 a� al Z m $ C 1�pr d Vl 01 N AV y a $ N � Z (c 5 g , W <8 C ' Zcar.a 100 6oN I - j 1 N CL N � Z 9D y 3 • s d CL a r2 @ 1n 0 ��75.506 S a � � 1 � COASTAL PLANNING 3 ENGINEERING TITLE: OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. yam MASONSORO LOOP ROAD PN. (H9) 7914M .. fv MSLMXYOTON, NC 264M PAX (He) Tel -4139 i i o 0 J N Cn ` i \` i 0 IV N rze'9h+ e)e'4L - I rze'9h+ e)e'4L - � w Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina Proposed Geophysical Investigation Area B i Z C AV O W � w Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina Proposed Geophysical Investigation Area B 6 4.25 0.5 Miles -362 K m U ON = REQKK BMM NOV f F ru f27,-"� a Legend: Y Potential Sand Resource Areas Reconnaissance Survey Lines Notes: 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees based on MS 1984. 2. Investigation area falls within protraction owtlE aY a0mLUE M4 grid NI 18-02 and NI 18-11. A m Q m c c 0 �o m a r m > 2 .m _ 'ao 2 a t >a m O 2.. G C7 �C 0 a 0 a i►i N o �E z e„ LL W z zZ z W goo 0 W. zv J � g -C LL O s� 0 0f 41 DATE: 09/30/13 BY: 1 HMV GOW NO.: 149947 SHEET' S J (Rev. 01/2012) Standard Stipulations In performance of any operations under the Permit and Agreement for Outer Continental Shelf Geophysical or Geological Exploration for Mineral Resources or Scientific Research, the Permittee shall comply with the following Stipulations: As part of the requirements of 30 CFR 551.6(a), if any operation under this Permit and Agreement is to be conducted in a leased area, the Permittee shall take all necessary precautions to avoid interference with operations on the lease and damage of existing structures and facilities. The lessee (or operator) of the leased area will be notified, in writing, before the Permittee enters the leased area, or commences operations, and a copy of the notification will be sent to the Regional Supervisor executing this Permit and Agreement. 2. (a) Solid or liquid explosives shall not be used, except pursuant to written authorization from the Regional Supervisor. Requests of the use of such explosives must be in writing, giving the size of charges to be used, the depth at which they are to be detonated, and the specific precautionary methods proposed for the protection of fish, oysters, shrimp, and other natural resources. The use of explosives represents a may affect situation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. (b) The following provisions are made applicable when geophysical exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf using explosives is approved: (i) Each explosive charge will be permanently identified by markings so that unexploded charges may be positively traced to the Permittee and to the specific field party of the Permittee responsible for the explosive charge. (ii) The placing of explosive charges on the seafloor is prohibited. No explosive charges shall be detonated nearer to the seafloor than five (5) feet (1.52 meters) . (iii) No explosive shall be discharged within 1,000 feet (304.8 meters) of any boat not involved in the survey. Any serious accident, personal injury, or loss of property shall be immediately reported to the Regional Supervisor. 4. All pipes, buoys, and other markers used in connection with seismic work shall be properly flagged and lighted according to the navigation rules of the U.S. Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Coast Guard. In compliance with Section III- B(6) of this permit, digital navigation data shall be recorded on tape or other suitable storage media for seismic reflection surveys. The navigation data shall be in a format according to SEG P1 (Morgan, J.G. , et al, 1983, SEG Standard Exchange Formats for Positional Data, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Special Report) . For 2- dimensional seismic events, a geographic location shall be reported for every shot point, irrespective of SEG P1 specifications. For 3- dimensional surveys, the first and last binned and centered locations for each line only shall be reported in SEG PI format. Suitable media include, but are not limited to, CD -ROM coded in ASCII. All formatting are to be in accordance with Exchange Format for Postplot Location Data presented in Notice to Permittees dated August 14.1990 . In addition to the Stipulations above, the Environmental Protective Measures attached hereto shall apply. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES 1. Comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2012 - JOINT -G02, Implementation of Seismic Survey Mitigation Measures and Protected Species Observer Program, effective January 1, 2012 (see the BOEM website at: htta://www.boem.aov/Reaulations/Notices-To- Lessees /2012 /2012- JO1NT- G02-odf.asox). 2. Comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2012 - BSEE -GO1, Marine Trash and Debris Awareness and Elimination, effective January 1, 2012 (see the BOEM website at: htty: / /www. bsee. aov /Reaulation s- and- Guidance/Notices -to- Lessees /2012 /2012 -B SEE - GO 1- pdf.asvx). 3. Comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2012-JOINT-GO I, Vessel Strike Avoidance and Injured/Dead Protected Species Reporting, effective January 1, 2012 (see the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.aov/Reaulations/Notices-To- Lessees /2012 /2012- JOINT -GO 1- pdfasnx). 4. Man -made structure(s) such as pipeline(s) or other potential hazard(s) may be located in the permitted work area; therefore, prior to performing operations that involve bottom surface disturbance (e.g., coring), take precautions in accordance with Notice to Lessees and Operators No. 2008 -G05, Section VI.B. (see the BOEM website at: http: / /www.boem. aov /Reaulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2 008 /08- a05.asr)x) 5. If you conduct activities that could disturb the seafloor in an Ordnance Dumping Area (see the BOEM website at: at httv://www.boem.aov/Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies /Gul f-of- Mexico- Reaion/OrdnanceDumpinaAreas.aspx for a map), exercise caution, since this area might contain old ordnance, including unexploded shells and depth charges, dumped before 1970. In addition, the U.S. Air Force has released an undeterminable amount of unexploded ordnance in Water Test Areas 1 through 5 (most of the Eastern Planning Area of the GOM). 6. If you discover any site, structure, or object of potential archaeological significance (i.e., cannot be definitively identified as modern debris or refuse) while conducting operations, the provisions of 30 CFR 250.194(c) and NTL 2005 -G07 require you to immediately halt operations within 1,000 feet of the area of discovery and report this discovery to the Regional Supervisor of Leasing and Environment (RSLE) within 48 hours. Every reasonable effort must be taken to preserve the archaeological resource from damage until the RSLE has told you how to protect it. 10/29/2012 7. If you conduct activities within a military warning or water test area (see the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.aov/Environmental- Stewardship /Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Reizion/MWA boundaries- pdf.asox for a map), or if the associated boat or aircraft traffic will traverse a military warning or water test area, contact the commander(s) of the appropriate command headquarters having jurisdiction over the respective area(s) before you commence such traffic. You can obtain the names and telephone numbers of the command headquarters for each military warning and water test area by consulting the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.aov/Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies /Gul f -of- Mexico - Region /Mi litarv- Contacts -od f.asox. 8. Comply with the provisions of NTL 2009 -G39, Biologically Sensitive Areas of the Gulf of Mexico, effective January 27, 2010, (see the BOEM website at: http: / /www. boem .aov /Repulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2009 /09- G39.asDx). If you conduct activities near an identified biologically sensitive topographic feature (see the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.aov/ Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies/ Gulf -of- Mexico - Region /topoblocks- pdf.aspx for a list and http : / /www.boem .2ov/Environmental- Stewardship /Env ironmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico - Region /topomap -pdf asm for a map), make sure that you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 152 meters (500 feet) of its designated "No Activity Zone." Within 90 calendar days after completing activities that disturbed the seafloor within 305 meters (1,000 feet) of the "No Activity Zone" of a biologically sensitive topographic feature, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features. 9. Comply with the provisions of NTL 2009 -G39, Biologically Sensitive Areas of the Gulf of Mexico, effective January 27, 2010, (see the BOEM website at: http: / /www. boem .aov /Re2ulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2009/09- G39.asDx. If you conduct activities in the Live Bottom "Pinnacle Trend" area (see the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.2ov/Environmental- Stewardship /Environmental - Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Region /topoblocks- pdf.aspx for a list and http://www.boem.2ov/Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico - Region /topomap- pdf.aspx for a map), make sure that you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of any identified pinnacles or other hard bottoms that have a vertical relief of eight feet or more. Within 90 calendar days after completing an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 61 meters (200 feet) of pinnacles in the "Pinnacle Trend" area, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features. 10/29/2012 10. Comply with the provisions of NTL 2009 -G39, Biologically Sensitive Areas of the Gulf of Mexico, effective January 27, 2010, (see the BOEM website at: httn: // www. boem .2ov /Reaulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2009/09- G39.asvx. If you conduct activities in the Live Bottom "Low Relief' area (see the BOEMRE website at httn: / /www.boem. aov/ Environmental - Stewardship /Environmental - Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Region /tonoman -Wasox for a map), make sure that you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor near any identified live bottom low relief features. Within 90 calendar days after completing an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of live bottom low relief features, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features. 11. If you conduct activities in water depths 400 meters (1,312 feet) or greater, make sure that you do not anchor, use anchor chains wire ropes or cables, or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 76 meters (250 feet) of any features or areas that could support high - density chemosynthetic communities. The known chemosynthetic community sites are listed in Appendix A of NTL No. 2009 -G40, Deepwater Chemosynthetic Communities, effective January 27, 2010 (see the BOEM website at: httn: // www. boem .p-ov /Re ,aulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2009 /09- G40.asnx). Within 90 calendar days after completing an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 152 meters (500 feet) of features or areas that could support high- density chemosynthetic communities, submit to the BOEMRE GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features. 12. Comply with the provisions of NTL 2009 -G39, Biologically- Sensitive Underwater Features and Areas of the Gulf of Mexico, effective January 27, 2010, (see the BOEM website at: httn:// www. boem .aov /Reszulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2009/09- G39.asnx). If you discover any high- relief topographic feature with a relief greater than eight (8) feet while conducting activities, report the discovery to the BOEM GOMR Regional Director. Make sure you do not anchor on or otherwise disturb such a feature. Within 90 calendar days after completing an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of such a feature, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to the feature. 10/29/2012 13. Before you conduct activities that could disturb the seafloor within 254 meters (1,000 feet) of a Texas artificial reef site or artificial reef permit area, within 152 meters (500 feet) of a Louisiana artificial reef site or artificial reef permit area, or could disturb the seafloor within a General Permit Area established by the States of Texas, Alabama or Florida for the placement of artificial reef material, contact the appropriate State reef management agency. See the BOEM websites at: httD://ww-w.boem.2ov/Environmental- Stewardship /Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Reizion /artreefmap.aspx for a map and httD://www.boem.eov/Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico - Region /artreefcontacts- od£asax for State contacts. 14. If you conduct activities within the boundaries of the Flower Gardens National Marine Sanctuary (Flower Gardens Banks and Stetson Bank), exercise caution to ensure that such activities do not endanger any other users of the Sanctuary. See the BOEM website at: http: / /www.boem.i�ov/ Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies/ Gulf -of- Mexico - Reaion /FGNMSmap- ndf.asox for map. Additionally, if the activities involve moving the marker buoys at the Sanctuary, contact Mr. G. P. Schmahl, the current Sanctuary Manager, for instructions. See the BOEM website at: httv://www.boem.jzov/ Environmental- Stewardshii)/Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Re2ion/FGNMScontacts- vdf.asvx for Mr. Schmahl's contact information. See the BOEM website at: httv://www.boem.v-ov/ Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Re2ion/FGNMSbuovs- pdf.aspx for the locations of the Flower Gardens' marker buoys. 15. If your proposed activities will involve using boats from a port located south of the Suwannee River mouth in Florida, make sure that you adhere to the following manatee protection plan: a. Advise your personnel of the possibility of the presence of manatees in the inland and coastal waters of Florida in the Eastern GOM. b. Advise your personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees, which are protected under the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978. c. Advise your vessel operators to (1) use the deeper ship channels to the maximum extent possible; (2) avoid collisions with manatees and to stay within the existing channels; and (3) obey all speed restrictions and travel at "no wake /idle" speeds at all times while operating in shallow water or in channels where the draft of the vessel provides less than four (4) feet of clearance. (Areas of manatee concentrations have been identified and speed limit signs have been erected in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations.) d. While vessels are berthed in port, advise your vessel operators to use fenders between the dock and the vessel and/or between adjacent vessels berthed side -by -side. Make sure that the fenders have a minimum clearance of three feet when compressed between the dock and the vessel. 10/29/2012 e. Ensure that your vessel operators keep logs detailing any sighting of, collision with, damage to, or death of manatees that occur while you conduct an ancillary activity. If a mishap involving a manatee should occur, make sure that the vessel operator immediately calls the "Manatee Hotline" ((888) 404 - 3922), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville Field Office ((904) 232 -2580) for north Florida or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Vero Beach Ecosystem Office ((772) 562 -3909) for south Florida. f. Within 60 calendar days after completing the ancillary activity, submit a report summarizing all manatee incidents and sightings to the Florida Marine Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 100 Eighth Avenue SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 -5095; and to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 6620 Southpoint Drive South, Suite 310, Jacksonville, FL 32216 -0958, for north Florida, or to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1339 20th Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 -3559, for south Florida. 16. The Magnuson- Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (see 50 CFR 600.725) prohibits the use of explosives to take reef fish in the Exclusive Economic Zone. Therefore, if your activities involve the use of explosives, and the explosions result in stunned or killed fish, do not take such fish on board your vessels. If you do, you could be charged by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries Service) with a violation of the aforementioned Act. If you have any questions, contact NOAA Fisheries Service, Office for Law Enforcement, Southeast Division, at (727) 824 -5344. 17. When operations extend south of approximately 26 degrees north latitude in the Western Gulf of Mexico or 24 degrees to 25 degrees north latitude in the Eastern Gulf (the 200 - nautical mile provisional maritime also called the Exclusive Economic Zone Conservation Zone Limit), notify the Department of State: Ms. Liz Tirpak Room 5801, OES /OA, Department of State, Director, Office of Ocean Affairs, Washington, D.C., 20520, at (202) 647 -1106. 18. BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit Address: Regional Supervisor, Resource Evaluation Resource Studies Section Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (MS 5123) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Gulf of Mexico OCS Region 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard New Orleans, Louisiana 70123 -2394 FOT Op United States Department of the Interior BUREAtj Of- OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT Gulf of Mexico OCS Region 1201 Ehnwood Park Boulevard JUL 112014 New Orleans, LA 70123-2394 In Reply Refer To: MS GM833C CERTIFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. Attention: Kenneth Willson 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Dear Mr. Willson: The BOEM is currently modifying 30 CFR Part 580 PROSPECTING FOR MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR ON THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF. Part 580 regulations include Sand and Gravel (S&G) permitting with respect to S&G projects deemed to be Public Works, such as beach restoration and replenishment. While these regulations are being modified, the BOEM will issue Authorizations instead of Permits for Public Works projects. BOEM Forms 134, 135 and 136 will also be modified for the issuance of Authorizations. Until these forms are updated, the current permit application and form will be used. Signatories should note that the word "authorization" shall be substituted for "permit". Please note that, until the regulatory modifications are completed, fees will not be charged for Authorizations. If you have any questions, please call Chad Vaughan at (504) 736-2900 or John Johnson at (504) 736-2455. Sincerely, David W. Cooke Regional Supervisor Gulf of Mexico Region Office of Resource Evaluation Enclosure etAT op United States Department of the Interior BUREAti OF OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT GL11f Of MCXiCO OCS Region ka 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard H 3 New Orleans, LA 70123-2394 In Reply Refer To: MS GM 8330 JUL 112014 CERTIFIED MAIL — RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. Attention: Kenneth Willson 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 Dear Mr. Willson: Your application received November 27, 2013 requests a Federal authorization to conduct geological operations on certain Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lands in the Currituck Sound area shown on the map accompanying the application. Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. will conduct operations using the vessels MN Thunderforce and the Parker 2006. The proposed program is a Vibracore survey. An authorization designated OCS Authorization E13 -003 is hereby granted to conduct geological operations on the OCS in the area and manner described in the application subject to the enclosed Authorization For Geological Prospecting For Mineral Resources in the OCS and the enclosed Standard Stipulations and Standard Environmental Protective Measures. Before starting operations, you are required to notify BOEM of your survey start date. BOEM should also be advised of the end date immediately upon survey completion. Our National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review of the subject action is complete and results in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). This FONSI is conditioned on adherence to the following conditions of approval that ensure environmental protection, consistent environmental policy, and safety as required by NEPA, as amended, and is valid only insofar as the following conditions are met: Conditions of Approval • GUIDANCE FOR VESSEL STRIKE AVOIDANCE: BOEM shall condition the permits or leases it issues as part of the proposed action to require all permitees and/or operators to abide by vessel strike avoidance measures for all shipboard surveys as specified below. The guidance in the final biological opinion for the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Geological and Geophysical Activities in the Mid-and South Atlantic Planning Areas (httr)://www.boem.2ov/Final-Biolo2ical-C)Dinion-19-Julv- 2913D (pp.304-307) applies: 1. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that vessel operators and crews maintain a vigilant watch for Endangered Species Act (ESA) - listed whales and sea turtles and slow down or stop their vessel to avoid striking protected species; and 9 2. The permittee and/or operators must ensure that all vessel operators must comply with 10 knot (18.5 km/h) speed restrictions in any Dynamic Management Area (DMA) htto://www.nero.noaa.2ov/whaletrt)/i)lan/dam/. In addition, the permittee and/or operator must ensure that all vessels, operate at speeds of 10 knots (18.5 km/h) or less in the mid-Atlantic Seasonal Management Areas (SMAs) from November I through April 30, and in the southeast SMA from November 15 to April 15 (See 50 CFR 224.105 for specific locations of SMAs). While the outer banks project E13-003 does not fall within the identified SMAs (See 50 CFR 224.105 for specific locations of SMAs), you may be restricted while leaving your port of call (if in Wilmington, Morehead, or Norfolk) and you are accountable for DMAs (Dynamic Management Areas) that are established in your area of operation. 3. For North Atlantic fight whales: a. The permittee and/or operator must ensure all vessels maintain a separation distance of 500 in (1,640 ft) or greater from any sighted North Atlantic right whale(s). b. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that the following avoidance measures are taken if a vessel comes within 500 in (1,640 ft) of a right whale(s): i. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that while underway, any vessel must steer a course away from the right whale(s) at 10 knots (18.5 km/h) or less until the minimum separation distance has been established (unless (ii) below applies); ii. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that when a North Atlantic right whale is sighted in a vessel's path, or within 100 m (328 ft) of an underway vessel, the underway vessel must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral. The permittee and/or operator must not engage the engines until the right whale(s) has moved outside of the vessel's path and beyond 100 in (328 ft); and iii. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that if a vessel is stationary, the vessel must not engage engines until the North Atlantic right whale(s) has moved beyond 100 in (328 ft), at which time refer to point 3(b)(i). 4. ESA-listed whales other than North Atlantic right whales: a. The permittee and/or operator must ensure all vessels maintain a separation distance of 100 in (328 ft) or greater from any sighted ESA-Listed whale (s). b. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that the following avoidance measures are taken if a vessel comes within 100 in (328 ft) of an ESA-Listed whale (s): i. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that if an ESA-Listed whale (s) (other than a North Atlantic right whale) is sighted, the vessel underway must reduce speed and shift the engine to neutral, and must not engage the engines until the whale(s) has moved 3 outside of the vessel's path and the minimum separation distance has been established; and ii. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that if a vessel is stationary, the vessel must not engage engines until the ESA-Listed whale (s) has moved out of the vessel's path and beyond 100 in (328 ft). 5. Sea turtles: The permittee and/or operator must ensure all vessels maintain a separation distance of 50 in (164 ft) or greater from any sighted sea turtle. 6. The permittee and/or operator must ensure that vessel operators are briefed to ensure they are familiar with the above requirements. INJURED/DEAD — PROTECTED SPECIES REPORTING: In the unanticipated event that the specified activity clearly causes the take of an ESA-listed marine mammal or sea turtle in a manner not exempted by this Incidental Take Statement (page 317-318 of the Biological Opinion), such as serious injury or mortality (eg., ship-strike, gear interaction, and/or entanglement), survey operators shall immediately report the incident to BOEM and BSEE and the Chief, Endangered, Species Act Interagency Cooperation Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, at 301-427-8403 and/or by email to kellie.foster-taylor@noaa.gov and the appropriate NMFS Regional Stranding Coordinator (NMFS Northeast Regional Stranding Coordinator for the mid- Atlantic Planning Area and NMFS Southeast Regional Stranding Coordinator for South Atlantic Planning Area). Vessel crews must report sightings of any injured or dead protected species (marine mammals and sea turtles) immediately, regardless of whether the injury or death is caused by your vessel, to the Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding Hotlines at (727) 824-5312 (for sea turtles) or at (877) WHALE HELP (877-942-5343) (for marine mammals). In addition, if the injury or death was caused by a collision with your vessel, you must notify BSEE within 24 hours of the strike by email to -Drotectedsi3ecies@bsee.gov. If your activity is responsible for the injury or death, the responsible parties should remain available to assist the respective salvage and stranding network as needed. The report must include the following information: (a) Time, date, and location (latitude/longitude) of the incident; the name and type of vessel involved; the vessel's speed during and leading up to the incident; description of the incident; status of all sound source use in the 24 hours preceding the incident; water depth; environmental conditions (e.g., wind speed and direction, Beaufort sea state, cloud cover, and visibility); description of marine mammal and sea turtle observations in the 24 hours preceding the incident; species identification or description of the animal(s) involved; the fate of the animal(s); and photographs or video footage of the animal (if equipment is available). Following the submittal of this incident report, BOEM and BSEE should contact NMFS to determine whether the incident requires reinitiation of formal consultation. NMFS shall work with BOEM/BSEE and the operator to determine what is necessary to minimize the likelihood of further prohibited take. Activities may continue while NMFS reviews the circumstances of the incident. NMFS will work with BOEMIBSEE and the operator to determine whether modifications in the activities are appropriate. In the event that an operator discovers an injured or dead marine mammal, and the lead PSO determines that the cause of the injury or death is unknown and M the death is relatively recent (i.e., in less than a moderate state of decomposition as described in the next paragraph), BOEM and/or BSEE shall report the incident to the Chief, Endangered Species Act Interagency Cooperation Division, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, at 301 -427- 8403, and/or by email to kellie.foster-taylor@noaa.gov, and to the appropriate NMFS Stranding Coordinator (Northeast Regional Office for surveys in the mid-Atlantic Planning Area, or Southeast Regional Office for surveys in the South Atlantic Planning Area) within 24 hours of the discovery. Photographs or video footage (if available) or other documentation of the stranded animal sighting should be sent to NMFS and the Marine Mammal Stranding Network. The report must include the same information identified in Condition 3(a) of this section. Activities may continue while NMFS reviews the circumstances of the incident. NMFS will work with BOEM/BSEE and the operator to determine whether modifications in the activities are appropriate. MARINE TRASH AND DEBRIS AWARENESS AND ELIMINATION: All vessel operators, employees and contractors actively engaged in G&G surveys must be briefed on marine trash and debris awareness elimination as described in BSEE NTL No. 2012 - G01 (Marine Trash and Debris Awareness and Elimination) (USDOI, BSEE, 2012a) (page 46 of the Biological Opinion). BOEM will not require G&G operators, employees and contractors to undergo formal training or to post placards. The operator will be required to ensure that its employees and contractors are made aware of the environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with marine trash and debris and their responsibilities for ensuring that trash and debris are not intentionally or accidentally discharged into the marine environment. The NTL's guidance can be accessed on BSEE's internet website at htti)://www.bsee.gov/Rejaulations-and- Guidance/Notices-to-Lessees/2012/2012-BSEE-GOl-i)df/. HARD-BOTTOM BENTHIC COMMUNITIES: The following condition applies only to collection of vibracore samples. No bottom disturbing activities may occur within 100 ft (30 in) of confirmed or potential hard-bottom benthic communities. Conclusion: BOEM has evaluated the potential environmental impacts of the proposed action. Based on this Site-Specific Environmental Assessment, a determination is made that the proposed action would have no significant impact on the environment provided that the avoidance measures required by the specific conditions of approval are met by the operator. Therefore, a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. If you have any questions, please call Chad Vaughan at (504) 736-2900 (chad. vau2han @ boem. 2ov) or the Office of Resource Evaluation, Data Acquisition and Special Projects Unit at (504) 736-2588 (GGPermitsGOMR@boem.2ov). Sincerely, David W. Cooke Regional Supervisor Gulf of Mexico Region Office of Resource Evaluation see 0f131no.1S For f4`i`6C6e1V f S CqjAttachment 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT Gulf of Mexico OCS Region (insert Appropriate Regional Office) APPLICATION FOR PARW TO CONDUCT GEOLOGICAL OR GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING FOR MINERAL RESOURCES OR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF RELATED TO MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR (Section 11, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of August 7, 1953, as amended on September 18, 1978, by Public Law 95 -372, 92 Statute 629, 43 U.S.C. 1340; and 30 CFR Part 25 1) Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Name of Applicant Number and Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 City, State, and Zip Code Application is made for the following activity: (check one) X Geological prospecting for mineral resources BOEM Geological scientific research NOV 2 7 2013 Geophysical prospecting for mineral resources New Orleans LA Geophysical scientific research E RESOURCE E Submit: Original plus three copies, totaling four copies, which include one digital copy, and one public information copy. -- To be completed by BOEM X 11`` A0r" l 2441 on Pe+vai* Number: I � — a D 3 Date: c e C — 2013 FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 5 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. A. General Information 1. The activity will be conducted by: Kenneth Willson: Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. Service Company Name 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Number and Street Wilmington, NC 28409 City, State, and Zip Code T (910) 791 -9494 / F (910) 791 -4129 Telephone/FAX Numbers kenneth.willson @cbi.com E -Mail Address Greg Loy ForTown of Kill Devil Hills Purchaser(s) of the Data 102 Town Hall Drive Number and Street Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 City, State, and Zip Code T (252) 449 -5318 / F (252) 441 -7946 Telephone/FAX Numbers greg@kdhna.com E -Mail Address 2. The purpose of the activity is: X Mineral prospecting Scientific research 3. Describe your proposed survey activities (i.e., vessel use, benthic impacts, acoustic sources, etc) and describe the environmental effects of the proposed activity, including potential adverse effects on marine life. Describe what steps are planned to minimize these adverse effects (mitigation measures). For example: 1) Potential Effect: Excessive sound level Mitigation: Soft Start, MMOs, mammal exclusion zone or 2) Potential Effect: Bottom disturbance: Mitigation: ROV deployment/retrieval of bottom nodes (use continuation sheets as necessary or provide a separate attachment): Please See Attached (Section A 3.) 4. The expected commencement date is: February 1, 2014 The expected completion date is: August 1, 2014 5. The name of the individual(s) in charge of the field operation is: Kenneth Willson May be contacted at: Onboard vessel Telephone (Local) (910) 791 -9494 - Office Email Address: kenneth.willson @ cbi.com 6. The vessel(s) to be used in the operation is (are): Name (s) Parker 2006 28SCXL M/V Thunderforce Registry Number(s) FL 0685NC #613486 (Florida) (Marine) (910) 443 -4471 - Mobile Radio call sign Parker / Thunderforce Registered owners) Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. Thunderforce Marine FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 6 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. 7. The port from which the vessel(s) will operate is: Fort Pierce, Florida 8. Briefly describe the navigation system (vessel navigation only): Garmin GPS 75 and Global Watch A15 Navigation System B. Complete for Geological Prospecting for Mineral Resources or Geological Scientific Research 1. The type of operation(s) to be used is: (check one) (a) Deep stratigraphic test, or (b) Shallow stratigraphic test with proposed total depth of N/A or (c) X Other Vibracore Boring 2. Attach a page -size plat showing: 1) The generalized proposed location for each test. Where appropriate, a polygon enclosing the test sites may be used and 2) BOEM protraction areas; coastline; point of reference See Attached Figure: Proposed Investigation Areas for Vibracore Surveys 3. Distance and direction from a point of reference to area of activity From the center of the Kill Devil Hills Ocean Shoreline: Area A is 29,327 ft. due East (S 89 44'41" E); Area B is 53,844 ft. due Northeast (N 14 45'37" E); Area C is 54,868 ft. due North Northwest (N 6 50'27" W) C. Complete for Geophysical Prospecting for Mineral Resources or Geophysical Scientific Research 1. The type(s) of operation(s) to be used is (are): a) Acquisition method (OBN, OBC, Streamer): N/A b) Type of acquisition: (High Resolution Seismic, 2D Seismic, 3D Seismic, gravity, magnetic, CSEM, etc. N/A 2. Attach a page -size plat showing: a) The generalized proposed location of the activity with a representative polygon b) BOEM protraction areas; coastline; point of reference c) Distance and direction from a point of reference to area of activity N/A 3. List all energy source types to be used in the operation(s): (Air gun, air gun array(s), sub -bottom profiler, sparker, towed dipole, side scan sonar, etc.): N/A 4. Explosive charges will N/A will not X be used. If applicable, indicate the type of explosive and maximum charge size (in pounds) to be used: Type N/A Pounds N/A Equivalent Pounds of TNT N/A FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 7 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. D. Proprietary Information Attachments Use the appropriate form on page 9 for a "geological" permit application or the form on page 10 for a "geophysical" permit application. You must submit a separate form BOEM -0134 to apply for each geological or geophysical prospecting permit. E. Certification I hereby certify that foregoing and attached information are true and correct. Print Name: Kenneth Willson r SIGNED - - - DATE NOVEMBER 26, 2013 TITLE Project Manager COMPANY NAME: Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. TO BE COMPLETED BY BOEM 13 - ©o g _ 4braiit No. 3 Assigned C 1 b lJ�-� J Y� �j 4e n of BO'EM This app lica 'on is hereby: a. Accepted b. Returned for reasons in the attached The approved permit is: a. Attached b. Will be forwarded at a later date Date 01/- ncc — 70 13 SIGNED /C/ ( TITLE Reeional Sunervisor DATE J Z//-/,Z/ r v FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2012) PAGE 8 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section D Proprietary information Attachment Required for an Application for Geological Prospectingt 1. Description of proposed coring, drilling or sampling method. Include heat flow measurements, and depth of penetration.: (See Attached Description) 2. Description of coring, drilling or sampling equipment to be used: Refer to Question 1 above. List proposed coring, drilling or sample location(s) with their latitude and longitude coordinates and the total number of samples to be acquired. These locations may be sent digitally on a CD (attach separate page if necessary): Exact coordinates have not yet been determined. Sample locations will be determined based on geophysical surveys. All sample locations will be located within 50 ft. of as -run survey lines. A maximum of 135 vibracores are proposed. 4. Navigation system or method to be used to position sample locations: Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) 5. Method of sample, storage, and handling: Cores will be transported by truck to CPE -NC office in Wilmington, North Carolina to be photographed, logged, and sampled. 6. List each test to be conducted on the samples with a brief description of its objective: (See Attached List and Description) 7. Estimated date on which samples, logs, and analyzed and/or processed data will be ready for inspection: November 30. 2014 8. Attach map(s), plat(s), and chart(s) (preferably at a scale of 1:250,000) and/or an electronic version of same showing latitude and longitude, scale, protraction areas, specific block numbers, and specific sample location(s) in latitude(s) and longitude(s) for each of the proposed sample site(s). The map, plat or chart should be submitted at a sufficient size and scale to make out all details of the activities shown. Along with the hardcopy map, submit on CD, the ArcGIS shape files needed to reproduce the map of the proposed sample site(s) including individual site names in the attribute table. FORM BOEM -0134 (April 2412) PAGE 9 OF 12 Previous Editions are Obsolete. A. General Information: 3. Describe your proposed survey activities and describe the environmental effects of the proposed activity, including potential adverse effects on marine life. Describe what steps are planned to minimize these adverse effects. Coastal Planning and Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. (CPE -NC) proposes to take up to one hundred fifty (135) vibracores within the three areas shown in Figure 1. Vibracores will be collected after a combined subbottom profiler, side scan sonar, bathymetric and magnetometer survey is performed. The results of the geophysical survey will be reviewed by a qualified Marine Archaeologist for potential cultural resources. Data collected during the combined geophysical survey will also be reviewed to determine areas of avoidance with regards to sensitive seafloor habitats such as hardbottom and sea grass beds. A report of the findings, including recommended avoidance buffers, will be provided to the BOEM for review prior to collection of vibracores. A 271B Alpine Pneumatic vibracore, configured to collect undisturbed sediment cores up to 20 ft. in length, will be used for this investigation. This self - contained, free- standing pneumatic vibracore unit contains an air - driven vibratory hammer assembly, an aluminum H -beam which acts as the vertical beam upright on the seafloor, 20-ft long steel tubes measuring 4" in diameter (with a plastic core liner) and a drilling bit with a cutting edge. An air hose array provides compressed air from the compressor on deck to drive the vibracore. The vibracore unit will be crane deployed from a sufficiently large vessel to adequately deploy and retrieve the unit. Vibracore sites will be selected in areas of sandy substrate and will incorporate the recommended avoidance buffers. Vibracores will be collected within 50 feet of the as-run geophysical survey tracklines. The vessel will "live boat' the vibracores, which means that no anchoring will be required to hold the vessel in position while conducting the coring operations. This will avoid any impacts to seafloor habitat not surveyed during the preliminary geophysical survey. All speed restrictions will be adhered to by the boat operator to minimize potential of vessel strikes. Due to the nature of the proposed survey, no adverse effects are anticipated on marine life. 857 a 6858 6859 N 6860 a 6861 j_ - - - -- 20 - °- 9 Assit B - - - -I- - -- -- - 23 AMC i 69 1 9 s909 6910 6911 3 � 18 a m Z -36.16 3616- C v 6958 6959 W60 6961 p -- -- - - O M 70% ' Z Q 00 7009 = 2 N to ap 7010 7011 Q D to - v > - -36.08 Z h . -- - - - 36-- Y C i 7090 -p 0V 7 ra hM 7059 7061 co o A a 1 0 CL Point ID Latitude Longitude 1 0 36.202796317 - 75.617471416 7109 2 0 36.200839418 - 75.604589394 S 89 044' 41 ° E 1 O 3 0 36.190711867 - 75.603860719 29,327' 7111 4 0 36.173201191 - 75.605237115 7110 1 Kill 5 0 36.170268272 - 75.619280746 > 6 0 36.190349970 - 75.621143165 Devil 14 J 7 0 36.065272175 - 75.560676738, Hills - -36--t 8 0 36.054880796 - 75.544611577 9 0 36.046164268 - 75.535304126 7160 • I* 10 • 36.035201170 - 75.535067476 7161 A� 110 36.022836381 - 75.542908933 t/antic t7 ° s:z 120 35.996817187 - 75.549005110 LL 130 35.998763235 - 75.554647165 Ocean __:___ .- _�._._, W z 14 • 36.008050166 - 75.560213649 6010 z - 150 36.030848474 - 75.566406352 w z 16 • 36.054189601 - 75.574244474 6011 lad O 170 36.17621566 - 75.69269224 �a zv 180 36.18359279 - 75.66919946 011 35.92_ I z o z = 190 36.19483352 - 75.65769642 _ - -__ -- - _ x 200 36.20679675 - 75.66385038 J z 8 §°« 210 36.2114944 - 75.67553562 a a o I- O 220 36.2091076 - 75.6842764 6061 4 i z 23 • 36.20256334 - 75.69457578 I v o Leaend: Notes: i 0 2.5 1 5 s Mile Federal /State Boundary 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees BATE: Potential Sand based on WGS 1984. , 1 09130/13 Resource Areas 2. Investigation area falls within A 81. protraction grid N118 -02 and N118 -11. HMV Preliminary a, " VISIONS ._ Investigation Areas DATE I BY I DESCRIPTION COMM NO.: 149947 OCS Blocks SHEET: City Limits 2 D. Proprietary Information Attachment 1. Description of proposed coring, drilling or sampling method. Include heatjlow measurements, and depth of penetration: A 271B Alpine Pneumatic vibracore, configured to collect undisturbed sediment cores up to 20 ft. in length, will be used for this investigation. This self - contained, free - standing pneumatic vibracore unit contains an air -driven vibratory hammer assembly, an aluminum H -beam which acts as the vertical beam upright on the seafloor, 20 -ft long steel tubes measuring 4" in diameter (with a plastic core liner) and a drilling bit with a cutting edge. An air hose array provides compressed air from the compressor on deck to drive the vibracore. The vibracore unit will be crane deployed from a sufficiently large vessel to adequately deploy and retrieve the unit. Penetration is not anticipated to exceed 24 ft. below the seafloor. D. Proprietary Information Attachment 6. List each test to be conducted on the samples with a brief description of its objective: Sediment Sample Analysis Upon completion of field operations, all vibracores will be transported to CPE -NC's office in Wilmington, NC. There, the vibracores will be logged in greater detail by describing sedimentary properties by layer in terms of layer thickness, color, texture (grain size), composition and presence of clay, silt, gravel, or any other identifying features. The vibracores will be photographed in 2.0 ft. intervals. Sediment samples will be extracted from the vibracores at irregular intervals based on distinct stratigraphic layers in the sediment sequence. Mechanical Sieve Analysis The sediment samples will be analyzed to determine color and grain size distribution. During sieve analysis, the wet, dry and washed Munsell colors will be noted. Sieve analysis of the sediment samples will be performed in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Methods Designation D 422 -63 for particle size analysis of soils. This method covers the quantitative determination of the distribution of sand size particles. For sediment finer than the No. 230 sieve (4.0 phi) the ASTM Standard Test Method, Designation D 1140 -00 will be followed. Weights retained on each sieve will be recorded cumulatively. Grain size results will be entered into the giNT® software program, which computes the mean and median grain size, sorting, silt/clay percentages for each sample using the moment method. Carbonate Testing Samples will also be tested for carbonate content. Carbonate content will be determined by percent weight using the acid leaching methodology described in Twenhofel, W.H. and Tyler, S.A., 1941. Methods of Study of Sediments. New York: McGraw -Hill, 183p. D. Proprietary Information Attachment 8. Maps showing latitude and longitude, scale, specific protraction areas, block numbers. Please see Figures 2, 3, and 4 on the following pages. Exact coordinates have not yet been determined. Sample locations will be located within 50 ft. of as -run survey lines. A maximum of 135 vibracores are proposed within the three areas. Electronic files of maps showing latitude and longitude, scale, specific protraction areas, block numbers as well as shapefiles for sampling areas are included on CD. z 1 0 0.25 a 0.5 Miles —3605 0 x E m Q m Q m u m r N E a U m a s r0 X36 m a c m c c- x Leaend: Y� Q' Potential Sand Resource Areas 4 Reconnaissance Survey Lines a Notes: 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees based on WGS 1984. _ 2. Investigation area falls within protraction _pATE I BY I grid N118 -02 and N118 -11. I DESCRIPTION 36-05- W J F- �a •O �d ca (i c z0 o w z. 0 c _ a a p > o a Ya Y A z = �( W U W z_ Q W J 060 0� Z V z g� a IL d J z 001 LL J 160 10 36 Q 2 � v o0 x' S� DATE: 09130113 :BY: HMV .COMM NO.: ` i 149947 ntt is 6 m --36,7 0 0,125 0.25 Mi 3613% `'--r Potential S ResourC d an �- Areas Sury� naissance Y tines d� �1 00,t-es: Coordinat, based on 4 2- investigatio grid NI 18.0, ft a 0 Q.25 0.5 Mites .'363 1 J 1 - 0 ri U d m 5 ►9'. m � I v fl Q m 727 c m a F m � Leg end• Notes: Y (3 Potential Sand 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees Resource Areas based on WGS 1984. Reconnaissance 2. Investigation area falls within protraction UAW sir s Survey Lines grid NI 18-02 and NI 18-11. Federal /State Boundary - W K= CRIPTIQN J R V C �p O to vC R o Co z� c V H 2� Do Ya W J f� pe 2 clxl' 6 LL W tj ZZ W J 080 01% Z_ Q x V gX o 0.0 o 4 LL J N sgz ii U i` S� DATE: 09130113 BY. HMV COMM NO.: 149947 SHEET: 8 C �P'11 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF OCEAN ENERGY MANAGEMENT Gulf of Mexico OCS Region n (Insert Appropriate Regional Off1m) NOV 2 7 2013 /i 0°I46tm kvy' LA Elf FOR GEOLOGICAL PROSPECTING FOR MINERAL RESOURCES OR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF RELATED TO MINERALS OTHER THAN OIL, GAS, AND SULPHUR In consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein and the authorization granted hereby, this permit is entered into by and between the United States of America (the Government), acting through the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) of the Department of the Interior, and Coastal Planning & Engineering of North Carolina, Inc. (N"M of Pen Ifte) 4038 Masonboro Loop Road (fir and sued) Wilmington, North Carolina, 28409 (City, Staae. and Zip Cam) ,490wa NO Phi NUMBER: E)3— DATE: 0?- be-C. - 0?0/3 This permit is made pursuant to the authority of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, as amended, (43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.), hereinafter called the "Act," and Title 30 Code of Federal Regulations Part 580 (Prospecting for Minerals Other Than Oil, Gas, and Sulphur on the Outer Continental Shelf). Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: This permit refers to information collection requirements contained in 30 CFR part 580 regulations. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved those reporting requirements under OMB control number 1010-0072. FORM BOEM -0136 (April 2012) PAGE 1 OF 9 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section I. Authorization The Government authorizes the permittee to conduct: X Geological prospecting for mineral resources by means other than a deep stmtigraphic test, as defined in 30 CFR 580.1. This activity utilizes geological and geochemical techniques, including, but not limited to, gas sniffing, various bottom sampling methods, and shallow test drilling. Geological prospecting for mineral resources or scientific research by means of a deep stratigraphic test, as defined in 30 CFR 580. I, or developing data and information for proprietary use or sale. This permit authorizes the perminee to conduct the above geological activity during the period from 7 D l q to l b ' Se p — ZC-%4( in the following area(s): er� Extensions of the time period specified above must be req� uestbd in writing. A permit plus extensions for activities other than a deep stratigraphic test will be limited to a period of not more than 3 years from the original specified issuance date of the permit. The duration of a permit for a deep stratigraphic test must be controlled in accordance with 30 CFR Parts 251.7 and 551.7. Group participation in test drilling activities, bonds, inspection and reporting of geological prospecting activities, suspension and cancellation of authority to conduct prospecting or scientific research activities under permit and penalties, and appeals must be carried out in accordance with 30 CFR Parts 251.7, 551.7, 580.23 through 580.28, 580.32, and 580.33. The authority of the Regional Director may be delegated to the appropriate Regional Supervisor for the purposes of this permit. Section If. Tvpets) of Operations and Techniquets) A. The permittee will employ the following type(s) of operations: Vibr core Boring and will utilize the following instruments and/or technique(s) in such operations: A 271B Alpine Pneumatic vibracore, configured to collect undisturbed sediment cores up to 20 ft. in length, will be used for this mvesugauon B. The permittee will conduct all activities in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, including the "Stipulations," "Special Provisions," and the approved "Application for Pennit," which are Sttached to and incorporated into this permit. C. The permittee will conduct all geological prospecting or scientific research activities in compliance with the Act, the regulations in 30 CFR Part 580, and other applicable statutes and regulations whether such statutes and regulations are enacted, promulgated, issued, or amended before or after this permit is issued. Some of the provisions of 30 CFR Part 580 are restated in this permit for emphasis. However, all of the provisions of 30 CFR Part580 apply to this permit. Section Ill. Reports on Operations A. The pernittee must submit status reports on a— �0(1� r 1 basis in a manner approved or prescribed by the BOEM Regional Supervisor, Resource Evaluation (hereinafter, except in section V only wherein Supervisor refers to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement FORM SOEM -0136 (April 2012) PAGE 2 OF 9 Previous Editions are Obsolete. (BSEE) Regional Supervisor for Operations, referred to as Supervisor). The report must include a daily log of operations. B. The permittee must submit to the Supervisor a final report within 30 days after the completion of operations. The final report must contain the following: 1. A description of the work performed including number of samples acquired, 2. Chari(sJ map(s), or plat(s) depicting the areas and blocks in which any prospecting or scientific research activities were conducted. These graphics must clearly indicate the location of the activities so that the data produced from the activities can be accurately located and identified; 3. The dates on which the actual geological prospecting or scientific research activities were performed; 4. A narrative summary of any: (a) hydrocarbon and/or mineral occurrences or environmental hazards observed and (b) adverse effects of the geological prospecting or scientific research activities on the environment, aquatic life, archaeological resources, or other uses of the area in which the activities were conducted; 5. The estimated date on which the processed or analyzed data or information will be available for inspection by the BOEM; 6. A final edited navigation tape or other suitable storage medium, of all data or sample locations in latitude/longitude degrees. The tape is to be formatted in 5E& -f�oded in ASCII with fixed record length and fixed block size. A printed listing and a format statement are to be included; 7. Identification of geocentric ellipsoid (NAD 27 or NAD 83) used as a reference for the data or sample locations; and 8. Such other descriptions of the activities conducted as may be specified by the Supervisor. C. The last status report and the final report can be combined into one report. /I� t l ov 1-W40 a Section IV. � or Notice Requirements for Shallow Test Drillinq Prior to the commencement of shallow test drilling for prospecting for mineral resources or for scientific research, the Supervisor may require for permits, or recommend for notices, the gathering and submission of geophysical data and information sufficignt to determine shallow structural detail across and in the vicinity of the proposed test. Data and information may include, but are not limited to, seismic, bathymetric, side - scan sonar, and magnetometer systems, across and in the vicinity of the proposed test. When required, 30 CFR Parts 251.7 and 551.7 will apply to permits issued for shallow test drilling. All Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) BSEE regulations relating to drilling operations in 30 CFR Part 250 apply, as appropriate, to drilling activities authorized under this section. 4uT4er j i,Q-Ac- Section V. &M Reauirements for a Deeo Stratiaraohic Test A. No deep stratigraphic test drilling activities may be initiated or conducted until a Drilling Plan and Application for Permit to Drill have been submitted by the applicant and approved by the BSEE Regional Supervisor, Operations (referred to as Supervisor in this section only). The Drilling Plan must include: FORM BOEM -0136 (April 2012) PAGE 3 OF 9 Previous Editions are Obsolete. 1. The proposed type of sequence of drilling activities to be undertaken together with a timetable for their performance from commencement to completion; 2. A description of the drilling rig proposed for use, unless a description has been previously submitted to the Supervisor, indicating the important features thereof, with special attention to safety features and pollution prevention and control features, including oil spill containment and cleanup plans and onshore disposal procedures; 3. The location of deep stratigraphic test to be conducted, including the surface and projected bottomhole location of the borehole; 4. The types of geological and geophysical instrumentation to be used for site surveys; 5. Geophysical data and information sufficient to evaluate seafloor characteristics, shallow geologic and man-made hazards, and structural detail across and in the vicinity of the proposed test to the total depth of the proposed test well. Data and information from side -scan sonar and magnetometer surveys must be submitted as required, at the option of the Supervisor; and 6. Such other relevant data and information as the Supervisor may require. B. At the same time the applicant submits a Drilling Plan to the Supervisor, an Environmental Report must be submitted. The report must be in summary form and should include information available at the time the related Drilling Plan is submitted. Data and information which are site - specific, or which are developed subsequent to the most recent Environmental Impact Statement or other environmental analyses in the immediate area, must be specifically considered. The applicant must summarize and provide references for data, information, and issues specific to the site of drilling activity in the related plan, and in other environmental reports, analyses, and impact statements prepared for the geographic area. Any material based on proprietary data which is not itself available for inspection should not be referenced. The Environmental Report must include the following: 1. (a) A list and description of new or unusual technologies that are to be used, (b) the location of travel routes for supplies and personnel, (c) the kinds and approximate levels of energy sources to be used, (d) the environmental monitoring systems that are to be used, and (e) suitable maps and diagrams showing details of the proposed project layout; 2. A narrative description of the existing environment. This section must include the following information on the area: (a) geology, (b) physical oceanography, (c) other uses of the area, (d) flora and fauna, (e) existing environmental monitoring systems, and (f) other unusual or unique characteristics which may affect or be affected by the drilling activities; 3. A narrative description of the probable impacts of the proposed action on the environment and tfie measures proposed for mitigating these impacts; 4. A narrative description of any unavoidable or irreversible adverse effects on the environment that could be expected to occur as a result of the proposed action; and 5. Such other relevant data and information as the Supervisor may require. C. Any revisions to an approved Drilling Plan must be approved by the Supervisor. D. All OCS BSEE regulations relating to drilling operations in 30 CFR Part 250 apply, as appropriate, to drilling activities authorized under this Permit. FORM BOEM -0136 (April 2012) PAGE 4 OF 9 Previous Editions are Obsolete. E. At the completion of the test activities, the borehole of all deep stratigraphic tests must be permanently plugged and abandoned by the permittee prior to moving the rig off location in accordance with the requirements of the BSEE regulations in 30 CFR Part 250. Section VI. Submission. Inspection. and Selection of Geolooical Data and Information A. The permittee must notify the Supervisor, in writing, when the permittee has completed the initial analysis, processing, or interpretation of any geological data and information collected under a prospecting permit or a scientific research permit that involves developing data and information for proprietary use or sale. If the Supervisor asks if the permittee has further analyzed, processed, or interpreted any geological data and information collected under a permit, the permittee must respond within 30 days. If the data or information are further analyzed or reprocessed, it is the responsibility of the permittee to keep the most current resulting products available in the event the Supervisor requests the current status of data analysis or processing. At any time within 10 years after receiving notification of the completion of the acquisition activities conducted under the permit, the Supervisor may request that the permittee submit for inspection and possible retention all or part of the geological data, analyzed geological information, processed geological information, and interpreted geological information. B. In the event that a third party obtains geological data, analyzed geological information, processed geological information, or interpreted geological information from a permittee or from another third party by sale, trade, license agreement, or other means: 1. The third party recipient of the data and information assumes the obligations under this section, except for notification of initial analysis, processing, and interpretation of the data and information, and is subject to the penalty provisions of 30 CFR Part 550, Subpart N; and 2. A permittee or third party that sells, trades, licenses, or otherwise provides the data and information must advise the recipient, in writing, that accepting these obligations is a condition precedent of the sale, trade, license, or other agreement; and 3. Except for license agreements, a permittee or third party that sells, trades, or otherwise provides data and information to a third party, must advise the Supervisor in writing within 30 days of the sale, trade, or other agreement, including the identity of the recipient of the data and information; or 4. With regard to license agreements, a permittee or third party that licenses data and information to a third party, within 30 days of a request by the Supervisor, must advise the Supervisor, in writing, of the license agreement, including the identity of the recipient of the data and information. C. Each submission of geological data,,janalyzed geological information, processed geological information, and interpreted geological information must contain, unless otherwise specified by the Supervisor, the following: 1. An accurate and complete record of geological (including geochemical) data, analyzed geological information, processed geological information, and interpreted geological information resulting from each operation; 2. Paleontological reports identifying microscopic fossils by depth, and/or washed samples of drill cuttings normally maintained by the permittee for paleontological determination and are made available upon request by the Supervisor. In addition, any other samples or cores requested by the Supervisor are made available on request; FORM BOEM -0136 (April 2012) PAGE 5 OF 9 Previous Editions are Obsolete. 3. Copies of well logs and charts: one paper copy, one copy on a reproducible stable base, and copies of composite digital well logs on magnetic tape or other suitable medium in a format approved by the Supervisor; 4. Data and results obtained from formation fluid test; 5. Analyses of core or bottom samples or a representative cut or split of the core or bottom sample; 6. Detailed descriptions of any hydrocarbons or hazardous conditions encountered during operations, including near losses of well - control, abnormal geopressure, and losses of circulation; and 7. Such other geological data, analyzed geological information, processed geological information, and interpreted geological information as may be specified by the Supervisor. Section VII. Reimbursement to Permittees A. After the delivery of geological data, analyzed geological information, processed geological information, and interpreted geological information requested by the Supervisor in accordance with subsection VI of this permit, and upon receipt of a request for reimbursement and a determination by BOEM that the requested reimbursement is proper, BOEM will reimburse the permittee or third party for the reasonable costs of reproducing the submitted data and information at the permittee's or third party's lowest rate or at the lowest commercial rate established in the area, whichever is less. B. The permittee or third party will not be reimbursed for the costs of acquiring, analyzing, or interpreting geological information. FORM SOEM -0136 (April 2012) PAGE 6 OF 9 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section VIII. Disclosure of Data and Information to the Public A. BOEM will make data and information submitted by a permittee available in accordance with the requirements and subject to the limitations of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and the implementing regulations (43 CFR Part 2), the requirements of the Act, and the regulations contained in 30 CFR Parts 250 and 550 (Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf), 30 CFR Part 580, and 30 CFR Parts 252 and 552 (Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Information Program). B. Except as specified in this section, or Section Y, or in 30 CFR Parts 250, 252, 550, 552, and 580 no data or information determined by BOEM to be exempt from public disclosure under subsection A of this section will be provided to any affected State or be made available to the executive of any affected local government or to the public unless the permittee or third party and all persons to whom such permittee has sold, traded, or licensed the data or information under promise of confidentiality agree to such an action. C. Geological data, analyzed geological information, processed geological information, and interpreted geological information submitted under a permit, and retained by BOEM will be disclosed as follows: I. The Director, BOEM, will immediately issue a public announcement when any significant hydrocarbon and/or mineral occurrences are detected or environmental hazards are encountered on unleased lands during drilling operations. In the case of significant hydrocarbon occurrences, the Director will announce such occurrences in a form and manner that will further the national interest without unduly damaging the competitive position of those conducting the drilling. Other data and information pertaining to the permit will be released according to the schedule provided in subsection D and paragraphs 2 and 3 of this subsection. 2. BOEM will make available to the public all processed geological data, analyzed geological information, processed geological information, and interpreted geological information (except geological data, analyzed geological information, processed geological information, and interpreted geological information obtained from drilling a deep stratigraphic test) 10 years after the date of issuance of the permit under which the data and information were obtained; and 3. BOEM will make available to the public all geological data and information related to a deep stratigraphic test at the earlier of the following times: (a) 25 years after the completion of the test, or (b) for a lease sale held after the test well is completed, 60 calendar days after the Department of the Interior executes the first lease for a block, any part of which is within 50 geographic miles (92.6 kilometers) of the site of the completed test. D. All other information submitted as a requirement of 30 CFR 280.41 and determined by BOEM to be exempt from public disclosure will be considered as "PROPRIETARY." Such data and information will not-be made available to the public without the consent of the permittee for a period of 10 years from the date of issuance of the permit; unless the Director, BOEM, determines that earlier release is necessary for the proper development of the area permitted. The executed permit will be considered as "NONPROPRIETARY" and will be available to the public upon request. E. The identities of third party recipients of data and information collected under a permit will be kept confidential. The identities will not be released unless the permittee and the third parties agree to the disclosure. FORM BOEM -0136 (April 2012) PAGE 7 OF 9 Previous Editions are Obsolete. Section IX. Disclosure to Independent Contractors BOEM reserves the right to disclose any data or information acquired from a permittee to an independent contractor or agent for the purpose of reproducing, analyzing, processing, or interpreting such data or information. When practicable, BOEM will advise the permittee who provided the data or information of intent to disclose the data or information to an independent contractor or agent. The BOEM's notice of intent will afford the permittee a period of not less than 5 working days within which to comment on the intended action. When BOEM so advises a permittee of the intent to disclose data or information to an independent contractor or agent, all other owners of such data or information will be deemed to have been notified of the BOEM's intent. Prior to any such disclosure, the contractor or agent will be required to execute a written commitment not to sell, trade, license, or disclose any data or information to anyone without the express consent of BOEM. Section X. Sharina of information with Affected States A. BOEM will make proprietary data, information, and samples submitted to BOEM by permittees to adjacent State(s) upon request by the Governor(s) in accordance with the following: 1. The person who submitted the data and information will be notified and will have at least 5 working days to comment on the action; 2. Regional Director advises the person who submitted the data and information, all other owners of the data or information will be considered to have been so notified; and 3. Before disclosure, the Governor must sign a written commitment not to sell, trade, license, or disclose data or information to anyone without the Regional Director's consent. B. Disclosure will occur only after the Governor and the Secretary have entered into an agreement providing that: 1. The confidentiality of the information shall be maintained; 2. In any action commenced against the Federal Government or the State for the failure to protect the confidentiality of proprietary information, the Federal Government or the States, as the case may be, may not raise as a defense any claim of sovereign immunity or any claim that the employee who revealed the proprietary information, which is the basis of the suit, was acting outside the scope of the person's employment in revealing the information; 3. The State agrees to hold the United States harmless for any violation by the State or its employees or contractors of the agreement to protect the confidentiality of proprietary data and information and samples; and 4. The materials containing the proprietary data, information, and samples will remain the property of the United States. C. The data, information, and samples available to the State(s) pursuant to an agreement will be related to leased lands. D. The materials containing the proprietary data, information, and samples must be returned to BOEM when they are no longer needed by the State or when requested by the Director. FORM BOEM -0136 (April 2012) PAGE 8 OF 9 Previous Editions are Obsolete. E. Information received and knowledge gained by a State official under paragraph (d) of this section is subject to applicable confidentiality requirements of 1. The Act; and 2. The regulations at 30 CFR Parts 580, 581, 582. Section XI. Fishermen's Continaency Fund For deep stratigraphic test drilling activities as described under Section V of this permit, the permittee must meet the requirements of establishing an account with the Fishermen's Contingency Fund for the drilling activities area pursuant to Title IV [Subsection 402(b)] of the Act and pay assessment as required in 50 CFR 296.3 (Chapter 1 I - National Marine Fisheries Service; Subchapter J - Continental Shelf). The amount of the assessment is specified by the Secretary of Commerce, collected by the Director, BOEM, and deposited in the fund to be appropriate account. 'p 4r i etyhoff Section X11. Fit Modifications The Department will have the right at any time to modify or amend any provisions of this permit, except that the Department will not have such right with respect to the provisions of Sections VIII, IX, and X hereof, unless required by an Act of Congress. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this permit and it will be effective as of the date of signature by the Regional Supervisor. PERMITTEE: THE UNITED ST TES OF AMERICA: (Signature of Permittee) (Signature of Regional pervisor) F bu11501 (Type or Print Name of Permittee) A-� hw"P/ (Title) (Date) FORM BOEM -0136 (April 2012) Previous Editions are Obsolete. L � ype or Print Name of Regional Supervisor) (Date) PAGE 9 OF 9 i� 6857 - - l� 4 6858 6859 m 6860 a 6861 23 22 21 ' 20 1 Ana ' 2 = OCS REGION Ana C 69 19 6909 M 3 18 'k � NOV 2 7 2413 � 17 54 _ -36 ,e C C 6958 6959 L U g =® 0 � 700e z` _ Q a i- ao 7009 = C o7010 7011 > � Ln -3608 Z b �F S6 �s _ C c o� 7060 "a �^ 7059 A 7061 O ? '_a 8Am*A a ,6c( 1 a Point ID Latitude Longitude 9 1 0 36.202796317 - 75.617471416 7109 1 1 0 2 0 36.200839418 - 75.604589394 S 89 °44' 41" E 7111 3 0 36.190711867 - 75.603860719 29,327' 4 O 36.173201191 - 75.605237115 7110 1 5 0 36.170268272 - 75.619280746 Kill 6 0 36.190349970 - 75.621143165 Devil 14 ,1; 7 0 36.065272175 - 75.560676738 Hills 1 3 2' 8 0 36.054880796 - 75.544611577 9 0 36.046164268 - 75.535304126 100 36.035201170 - 75.535067476 7160 7161 110 36.022836381 - 75.542908933 Atlantic Z =; 120 35.996817187 - 75.549005110 7x LL 130 35.998763235 - 75.554647165 Ocean w = 14 0 36.008050166 - 75.560213649 z - _ 6010 �g Q 150 36.030848474 - 75.566406352 w z 160 36.054189601 - 75.574244474 6011 060 0 170 36.17621566 75.69269224 c7 a o 011 z t% a 180 36.18359279 - 75.66919946 35.82.2 = o S 190 36.19483352 - 75.65769642 g A 200 36.20679675 - 75.66385038 a = J x 210 36.2114944 - 75.67553562 i<- 220 36.2091076 75.6842764 606 :.4 0 0 a 230 36.20256334 - 75.69457578 (U V; Legend: Notes: 0 2.5 5 $ C Mile _ Federal/State Boundary 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees DATE o Q Potential Sand based on WGS 1984. 09130113 Y` Resource Areas 2. Investigation area falls within By protraction grid NI 18-02 and Nil 8-11. HMV ° Preliminary Investigation Areas - I ar o ` �" c isssa7 OCS Blocks J �SMEET: w [� City Limits 2 1 -36� 0 0.25 0.5 Miles 802 80 - 3Q 0a I 16 a4 0? .3602 -3601 1 -36 �l4jF Legend: Notes: C Proposed Vbracores 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees w �- As -run Tracklines based on WGS 1984. Q Potential Sand 2. Investigation area falls within protraction rurE er "%Riannw Resource Areas grid Nil 8-02 and N118 -11. l A 36 to C O U O J M d 36 C ;K. O v O � U � 41 O N Z O _ O L. =a 35 - (D d Q� _a Y p la r to d C 36 W J 36 r SY Z m% ILu W (j W Z? 3601_ Z Z W J 060 C7 2 Q 20 2 <~ o a0 2 p J p °e Q LL N O it Oz 36^ O 00 U az s= m� 3; DAlE 06/23/14 'O av HMV 151167 SHEET 1 36 "s ProPoseq Vibracc QAs -run Trackl - es Potential Sand Resource Areas as , �' -1 �-Vow--�S*.- >res 1. Cool base 2. Inves grid N w Q - M [A a 5 0.5 I Miles i rim W - 7I Jj, it J.V - l -ulY ul UJ Q Notes: - As -run Tracklines 1. Coordinates are in decimal degrees 0 Potential Sand based on WGS 1984. ' Resource Areas 2. Investigation area falls within protraction DATE er _�FUPMK grid N118 -02 and N118 -11. 'y Federal /State Boundary N C O v O J q ` C O _ O U� t 'C � m O ZO ai C' O =a _v �v C3 _a �C p N d C w o Z a x UJ ul Z Z 3 a i W J 060 0 C ZQ 2V a~ o a0 a Z $ LL J r 0 O O � m O L? a i m °v 4ArE 06/23/- _ eW HMV f?0W Na 151167 SHEE•. 3 (Rev. 01/2012) Standard Stipulations In performance of any operations under the Permit and Agreement for Outer Continental Shelf Geophysical or Geological Exploration for Mineral Resources or Scientific Research, the Permittee shall comply with the following Stipulations: As part of the requirements of 30 CFR 551.6(a), if any operation under this Permit and Agreement is to be conducted in a leased area, the Permittee shall take all necessary precautions to avoid interference with operations on the lease and damage of existing structures and facilities. The lessee (or operator) of the leased area will be notified, in writing, before the Permittee enters the leased area, or commences operations, and a copy of the notification will be sent to the Regional Supervisor executing this Permit and Agreement. 2. (a) Solid or liquid explosives shall not be used, except pursuant to written authorization from the Regional Supervisor. Requests of the use of such explosives must be in writing, giving the size of charges to be used, the depth at which they are to be detonatgd, and the specific precautionary methods proposed for the protection of fish, oysters, shrimp, and other natural resources. The use of explosives represents a may affect situation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. (b) The following provisions are made applicable when geophysical exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf using explosives is approved: (i) Each explosive charge will be permanently identified by markings so that unexploded charges may be positively traced to the Permittee and to the specific field party of the Permittee responsible for the explosive charge. (ii) The placing of explosive charges on the seafloor is prohibited. No explosive charges shall be detonated nearer to the seafloor than five (5) feet (1.52 meters) . (iii) No explosive shall be discharged within 1,000 feet (304.8 meters) of any boat not involved in the survey. Any serious accident, personal injury, or loss of property shall be immediately reported to the Regional Supervisor. 4. All pipes, buoys, and other markers used in connection with seismic work shall be properly flagged and lighted according to the navigation rules of the U.S. Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Coast Guard. In compliance with Section III- B(6) of this permit, digital navigation data shall be recorded on tape or other suitable storage media for seismic reflection surveys. The navigation data shall be in a format according to SEG P 1 (Morgan, J.G. , et al, 1983, SEG Standard Exchange Formats for Positional Data, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Special Report) . For 2- dimensional seismic events, a geographic location shall be reported for every shot point, irrespective of SEG P1 specifications. For 3- dimensional surveys, the first and last binned and centered locations for each line only shall be reported in SEG P1 format. Suitable media include, but are not limited to, CD -ROM coded in ASCII. All formatting are to be in accordance with Exchange Format for Postplot Location Data presented in Notice to Permittees dated August 14,1990 . 6. In addition to the Stipulations above, the Environmental Protective Measures attached hereto shall apply. STANDARD ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES 1. Comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2012 - JOINT -G02, Implementation of Seismic Survey Mitigation Measures and Protected Species Observer Program, effective January 1, 2012 (see the BOEM website at: httn: / /www. boem .aov /ReRulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2012 /2012- JOINT- G02-pdf.aspx). 2. Comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2012 - BSEE -GO1, Marine Trash and Debris Awareness and Elimination, effective January 1, 2012 (see the BOEM website at: httn: / /www.bsee. aov/Re,Qulations- and- Guidance/Notices -to- Lessees /2012 /2012 -BSEE- GO 1 -ndf asox). 3. Comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2012-JOINT-GO I, Vessel Strike Avoidance and Injured/Dead Protected Species Reporting, effective January 1, 2012 (see the BOEM website at: htty: / /www. boem .aov /Re%zulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2012/2012- JOINT -GO 1- ndf.asax). 4. Man -made structure(s) such as pipeline(s) or other potential hazard(s) may be located in the permitted work area; therefore, prior to performing operations that involve bottom surface disturbance (e.g., coring), take precautions in accordance with Notice to Lessees and Operators No. 2008 -G05, Section VI.B. (see the BOEM website at: httn: / /www. boem. eov/Re2ulation s/Notices -To- Lessees /2008 /08- e05.asnx) 5. If you conduct activities that could disturb the seafloor in an Ordnance Dumping Area (see the BOEM website at: at httn://www.boem.2ov/Environmental- Stewardshin/Environmental- Studies /Gulf- of- Mexico- Region /OrdnanceDumpingAreas.aspx for a map), exercise caution, since this area might contain old ordnance, including unexploded shells and depth charges, dumped before 1970. In addition, the U.S. Air Force has released an undeterminable amount of unexploded ordnance in Water Test Areas 1 through 5 (most of the Eastern Planning Area of the GOM). 6. If you discover any site, structure, or object of potential archaeological significance (i.e., cannot be definitively identified as modern debris or refuse) while conducting operations, the provisions of 30 CFR 250.194(c) and NTL 2005 -G07 require you to immediately halt operations within 1,000 feet of the area of discovery and report this discovery to the Regional Supervisor of Leasing and Environment (RSLE) within 48 hours. Every reasonable effort must be taken to preserve the archaeological resource from damage until the RSLE has told you how to protect it. 10/29/2012 7. If you conduct activities within a military warning or water test area (see the BOEM website at: httv://www.boem.vov/ Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies/ Gulf -of- Mexico- Reuion/MWA boundaries - odfaspx for a map), or if the associated boat or aircraft traffic will traverse a military warning or water test area, contact the commander(s) of the appropriate command headquarters having jurisdiction over the respective area(s) before you commence such traffic. You can obtain the names and telephone numbers of the command headquarters for each military warning and water test area by consulting the BOEM website at: htta: / /www.boem.uov /Environmental- Stewardship /Env ironmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Region/M i 1 itarv- Contacts- pdf.asvx. 8. Comply with the provisions of NTL 2009 -G39, Biologically Sensitive Areas of the Gulf of Mexico, effective January 27, 2010, (see the BOEM website at: http: / /www. boem .gov /Regulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2009/09- G39.asnx). If you conduct activities near an identified biologically sensitive topographic feature (see the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.gov/ Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies/ Gulf -of- Mexico - Region /topoblocks- odfaspx for a list and httn: / /www.boem. eov/ Environmental - Stewardship /Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Region/t000map- odfaspx for a map), make sure that you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 152 meters (500 feet) of its designated "No Activity Zone." Within 90 calendar days after completing activities that disturbed the seafloor within 305 meters (1,000 feet) of the "No Activity Zone" of a biologically sensitive topographic feature, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features. 9. Comply with the provisions of NTL 2009 -G39, Biologically Sensitive Areas of the Gulf of Mexico, effective January 27, 2010, (see the BOEM website at: httv: / /www. boem .aov /Reaulations/.Notices -To- Lessees /2009/09- G39.asox. If you conduct activities in the Live Bottom "Pinnacle Trend" area (see the BOEM website at: httt): / /w-w-w.boem. Rov/ Environmental= StewardshiD/Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Region /topoblocks- odf.aspx for a list and httv://www.boem.gov/Environmental- Stewardship /Environmental- Studies / Gulf -of- Mexico - Reaion /t000map- odfaspx for a map), make sure that you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of any identified pinnacles or other hard bottoms that have a vertical relief of eight feet or more. Within 90 calendar days after completing an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 61 meters (200 feet) of pinnacles in the "Pinnacle Trend" area, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features. 10/29/2012 10. Comply with the provisions of NTL 2009 -G39, Biologically Sensitive Areas of the Gulf of Mexico, effective January 27, 2010, (see the BOEM website at: http: / /wwv,. boem .gov /Regulations/Notices -To- Lessees /2009/09- G39.asox. If you conduct activities in the Live Bottom "Low Relief' area (see the BOEMRE website at http: / /www. boem. gov/ Env ironmental-Stewardshin/Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Region /tonomav- pd£aspx for a map), make sure that you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor near any identified live bottom low relief features. Within 90 calendar days after completing an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of live bottom low relief features, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features. 11. If you conduct activities in water depths 400 meters (1,312 feet) or greater, make sure that you do not anchor, use anchor chains wire ropes or cables, or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 76 meters (250 feet) of any features or areas that could support high - density chemosynthetic communities. The known chemosynthetic community sites are listed in Appendix A of NTL No. 2009 -G40, Deepwater Chemosynthetic Communities, effective January 27, 2010 (see the BOEM website at: http: / /www.boem.2ov /Regulations /Notices -To- Lessees /2009 /09- G40.aspx). Within 90 calendar days after completing an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 152 meters (500 feet) of features or areas that could support high - density chemosynthetic communities, submit to the BOEMRE GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features. 12. Comply with the provisions of NTL 2009 -G39, Biologically- Sensitive Underwater Features and Areas of the Gulf of Mexico, effective January 27, 2010, (see the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.2ov/ Regulations /Notices -To- Lessees /2009/09- G39.asox). If you discover any high - relief topographic feature with a relief greater than eight (8) feet while conducting activities, report the discovery to the BOEM GOMR Regional Director. Make sure you do not anchor on or otherwise disturb such a feature. Within 90 calendar days after completing an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of such a feature, submit to the BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (see page 5 of these "Protective Measures" for the address) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to the feature. 10/29/2012 13. Before you conduct activities that could disturb the seafloor within 254 meters (1,000 feet) of a Texas artificial reef site or artificial reef permit area, within 152- meters (500 feet) of a Louisiana artificial reef site or artificial reef permit area, or could disturb the seafloor within a General Permit Area established by the States of Texas, Alabama or Florida for the placement of artificial reef material, contact the appropriate State reef management agency. See the BOEM websites at: htty ://www.boem.2ov/Environmental- Stewardship /Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Reizion /artreefmao.asox for a map and http://www.boem.Rov/Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies / Gulf -of- Mexico- Region/artreefcontacts- odf.aspx for State contacts. 14. If you conduct activities within the boundaries of the Flower Gardens National Marine Sanctuary (Flower Gardens Banks and Stetson Bank), exercise caution to ensure that such activities do not endanger any other users of the Sanctuary. See the BOEM website at: htty: / /www.boem.2ov /Environmental- Stewardship /Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico- Rep,ion/FGNMSmap- pdf.aspx for map. Additionally, if the activities involve moving the marker buoys at the Sanctuary, contact Mr. G. P. Schmahl, the current Sanctuary Manager, for instructions. See the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.aov/ Environmental- Stewardshii)/Environmental- Studies /Gulf -of- Mexico - Region /FGNMScontacts- pd£aspx for Mr. Schmahl's contact information. See the BOEM website at: http://www.boem.2ov/ Environmental- Stewardship/Environmental- Studies/ Gulf -of- Mexico- Region/FGNMSbuovs- odf.aspx for the locations of the Flower Gardens' marker buoys. 15. If your proposed activities will involve using boats from a port located south of the Suwannee River mouth in Florida, make sure that you adhere to the following manatee protection plan: a. Advise your personnel of the possibility of the presence of manatees in the inland and coastal waters of Florida in the Eastern GOM. b. Advise your personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees, which are protected under the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978. c. Advise your vessel operators to (1) use the deeper ship channels to the maximum extent possible; (2) avoid collisions with manatees and to stay within the existing channels; and (3) obey all speed restrictions and travel at "no wake /idle" speeds at all times while operating in shallow water or in channels where the draft of the vessel provides less than four (4) feet of clearance. (Areas of manatee concentrations have been identified and speed limit signs have been erected in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations.) d. While vessels are berthed in port, advise your vessel operators to use fenders between the dock and the vessel and/or between adjacent vessels berthed side -by -side. Make sure that the fenders have a minimum clearance'of three feet when compressed between the dock and the vessel. 10/29/2012 e. Ensure that your vessel operators keep logs detailing any sighting of, collision with, damage to, or death of manatees that occur while you conduct an ancillary activity. If a mishap involving a manatee should occur, make sure that the vessel operator immediately calls the "Manatee Hotline" ((888) 404 - 3922), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville Field Office ((904) 232 -2580) for north Florida or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Vero Beach Ecosystem Office ((772) 562 -3909) for south Florida. f. Within 60 calendar days after completing the ancillary activity, submit a report summarizing all manatee incidents and sightings to the Florida Marine Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 100 Eighth Avenue SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 -5095; and to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 6620 Southpoint Drive South, Suite 310, Jacksonville, FL 32216 -0958, for north Florida, or to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1339 20th Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 -3559, for south Florida. 16. The Magnuson - Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (see 50 CFR 600.725) prohibits the use of explosives to take reef fish in the Exclusive Economic Zone. Therefore, if your activities involve the use of explosives, and the explosions result in stunned or killed fish, do not take such fish on board your vessels. If you do, you could be charged by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries Service) with a violation of the aforementioned Act. If you have any questions, contact NOAA Fisheries Service, Office for Law Enforcement, Southeast Division, at (727) 824 -5344. 17. When operations extend south of approximately 26 degrees north latitude in the Western Gulf of Mexico or 24 degrees to 25 degrees north latitude in the Eastern Gulf (the 200 - nautical mile provisional maritime also called the Exclusive Economic Zone Conservation Zone Limit), notify the Department of State: Ms. Liz Tirpak Room 5801, OES /OA, Department of State, Director, Office of Ocean Affairs, Washington, D.C., 20520, at (202) 647 -1106. 18. BOEM GOMR Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit Address: Regional Supervisor, Resource Evaluation Resource Studies Section Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (MS 5123) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Gulf of Mexico OCS Region 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard New Orleans, Louisiana 70123 -2394