HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6231112_Property Deed_20240117 2011011040
20i JUl 29 04:4$:04 PM
HARNETT COUNTY TAX ID# BI(;2941 PG:263-276 FEE:$52.00
NC REV STAMP:$l96.00
c)/9 - ( BY
This Deed Prepared by Reginald B. Kelly, Attorney at Law , P.O. Box 1118, Lillington, NC
PID#: 130600 0094
This WARRANTY DEED is made the 22nd day of July, 2011, by and between David
W. Kelly and wife, Tamara L. Kelly and Daniel C. Kelly and wife, Kimberly Q. Kelly, of
508 Thomas Kelly Road, Sanford, NC 27330 (hereinafter referred to in the neuter singular as
"the Grantor") and Michael Eaker, of PO Box 9321, Fayetteville, NC 28311 (hereinafter
referred to in the neuter singular as "the Grantee");
THAT said Grantor, for valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, has given, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does
hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said Grantee, its heirs, successors,
administrators and assigns, all of that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and
being in Upper Little River Township of said County and State, and more particularly
described as follows:
Being all of that certain tract containing 40.477 acres as shown on plat
entitled, "Daniel C. Kelly", dated 03-07-83, revised 05-22-87, prepared by C. E.
Robertson, RLS and recorded in Plat Cabinet c,Slide 176-D, Harnett County
For further reference to chain of title see Book 743, Page 452 and Book
1001, Page 209, Harnett County Registry.
The property herein described is conveyed pursuant to a "Consent Order
Authorizing Sale of Real Property Free and Clear of all Liens and Co-Tenant
Interests and Compensation to Auctioneer", dated April 26, 2011 and an
"Amended Order Confirming Sale of Real Property and Authorizing Payment of
Auctioneer's Commissions", dated June 17, 2011. Both orders are attached hereto
for further reference.
**The property herein described is ( ) or is not (x) the primary residence of the
Grantor (NCGS 105-317.2)
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described lands and premises, together with all
appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, unto the Grantee, its heirs,
successors, administrators and assigns forever, but subject always, however ,to the limitations
set out above.
AND the said Grantor covenants to and with said Grantee, its heirs, successors,
administrators and assigns that it is lawfully seized in fee simple of said lands and premises,
and has full right and power to convey the same to the Grantee in fee simple (but subject,
however, to the limitations set out above) and that said lands and premises are free from any
and all encumbrances, except as set forth above, and that it will, and its heirs, successors,
administrators and assigns shall forever warrant and defend the title to the same lands and
premises, together with the appurtenances thereunto appertaining, unto the Grantee, its heirs,
successors, administrators and assigns against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal and does
adopt the printed word "SEAL" beside its name as its lawful seal.
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David W. Kelly
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$Yr ara L. Kelly
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(S)i. 62.12f2)- (SEAL)
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I, a Notary Publicf the County and State aforesaid, certify that David W. Kelly and
wife, T+rat,elly, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due
exec r f ip ing instrument.
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Case 10-09329-8-JRL Doc 113 Filed 04/26/11 Entered 04/26/11 16:22:52 Page 2 of 7
Co-Tenant Interests (1 I U.S.C. §§363(f)and (h) And Compensation to Auctioneer by Debtors, and,
IT APPEARING that among the assets of the Debtors is the following described real property:
See Spreadsheet annexed to the Debtors' Motion For Public Auction as Exhibit A
The sale will be subject to all ad valorem taxes, assessments, homeowners' association dues,
restrictions, rights of way, and title defects, if any, of record.
IT FURTHER APPEARING that the following creditors and co-tenants purport to have liens
or interests against the real property. The above described real property shall be sold free and
clear of all liens including the following liens pursuant to U.S.C. §§ 363(1) and (h):
Name and Address of Lienholdcr Nato re of Reference
Lien or
First Bunk Deed or Deed of Taut in the amount of
Attn.: Managing Agent Truax S325,000.00 rccordcd on 05/18/2010 at
PO Box 866 Book 2743.Page 571. Harnett County
Troy,NC 27371.0866 Registry.
Teresa C.Nixon.Trustee
PO Box 866
Troy,NC 27371-0866
Paul A. Fanning. Esc'.
Ward and Smith P.A.
PO Box 8088
Greenvale,NC 27835-3088
Crop Production Services. Inc. Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of
Attn.: Maimgi Agent Trust S 1.156.U4.90 recorded on 06i232010 at
136 Stammark Lane.Suite 120 Book 2756.Pogo 391, Moo County
Columbia,SC 29210 Registry; and n.cordcd on 06/26/2014 at
Book 1517.Page 1064,Chatham County
Luther D. Starling.Trustee Registry.
Dauglury, Woodard,Lawrence do Starling
PO Box 1960
Smitb5cld,NC 27S77
Case 10-09329-8-JRL Doc 113 Filed 04/26/11 Entered 04/26/11 16:22:52 Page 3 of 7
First Bank Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of
Attm:Managing Agent Trust 3170.000.00 recorded on 02J26R003 ai
PO Box 866 Book 1723, Page 794, Harnett County
Troy,NC 27371-0866 Registry.
L. Holt Panel,Trtustcc
PO Box 1689
Lillington.NC 27546
Paul A.Fanning, Esq.
Ward and Smith,P. A.
PO Box 8088
Greenville,NC 27835-8088
First Bank Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of
Atm.: Managing Agent Trust 5480.000.00 recorded on 04/10/2007 at
PO Box 866 Book 2362, Page 598.Harnett County
Troy.NC 27371-0866 Registry
L.Holt Feltnet,Purace
PO Box 1689
Lillington,NC 27546
Paul A.Fanning,Esq.
Ward and Smith. P.A.
PO Box 8088
Greenville.NC 27335-8088
Branch Banking it Trust Company Deed of Dccd of Trust in the amount of
Attn:Jack R. Hayes,VP Trust S215,000.00 recorded on 06/24/2010 at
PO Box 1847 Book 2756, Page 894, Harnett County
Wilson,NC 27894-18 47 Registry.
„crone C.Herring,Trustee
PO Box 1255
Winston-Salcm,NC 27102
Branch Banking sk Trust Company Deed of Dccd of Trust in the amount of
Ann:Jack R.Hayes.VP Trust $120,000.00 recorded on 04/05/1993 at
PO Box 1847 Book 1001. Page 211,flatten County
%/son,NC 27194-1847 Registry.
Jesonc C. Herring,Trustee
PO Box 1253
Winston-Salem,NC 27102
Brach Banking it Trust Company Dccd of Dccd of Trust in the amount of
Attic Jack R. Hayes,VP Trust S260,000.00 recorded on !2/0V1999 at
PO Box 1847 Book 1390. Page 412. Harnett County
Wilson,NC 27894-1847 Registry.
„crone C. Herring,Trustee
PO Box 1255
Winston-Salem,NC 27102
Case 10--09329-8-JRL Doc 113 Filed 04126/11 Entered 04/26/11 16:22:52 Page 4 of 7
Branch Banking & Trust Company Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of
Attn: Jack R.Hayes, VP Trust S2.150,000.00 recorded on 06/2412010 Fit
PO Box 1847 , look 2756, Page 894, Harnett County
Wilson,NC 27894-1847 Registry.
)crone C. Herring,Trustee
PO Box 1255
I Winston-Salem,NC 27102
Branch Banking & Trust Company Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of
Attn:Jack R. Hayes, VP Trust S250.000.00 recorded on 10/31/1996 at
PO Box 1847 Book 705, Page 781. Chatham County
Wilson,NC 27894-1847 Registry.
Jcronc C.Herring,Trustee
PO Box 1 255
Winston-Salem,NC 27102 •
Branch Banking &Trust Company Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of
Attn:Jack R Hayes,VP Trust S600.000.00 recorded on 01/18/2002 at
Po Box 1847 Book 911,Page 920.Chatham County
Wilma.NC 27894-1847 Registry.
Jcronc C.Herring,Trustee
PO Box 1255 •
Winston-Salem.NC 27102
Branch Banking &Trust Company Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of
Attn: Jack R. Hayes.VP Trust St100,000.00 recorded on 05/20/2009 at
PO Box 1847 Book 1461, Page 135,ci nrtham County
Wilson,NC 27194.1847 Registry.
krone C.Herring.Trustee
I PO Box 1255
Winston-Salem.NC 77102
Carolina From Credit Deed of Decd of Trust in the amount or
Aun.: Managing Agent Trust S608.966.00 recorded on 02/26/2009 at
PO Box 249 Book 1444, Page 810.Chatham County
Carthage,NC 28327 Registry. •
Vance C. Dalton.Jr..Trustee
PO BOX 249
Carthage,NC 28327
William P.Janvier, lisq.
heavier Law Firm,Pl.1.0
1101 Haynes Street,Suite 102
Raleigh,NC 27604
Case 10-09329-8-JRL Doc 113 Filed 04/26/11 Entered 04/26/11 16:22:52 Page 5 of 7
— -- -
First Bank Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of
Attu.: Managing Agent Trust 5250.000.00 recorded on 04/09/2007 at
PO Box 366 Book 1327. Page 1168, Chatham County
Troy,NC 27371-0866 Registry. •
Eduard S. Holmes,Trustee
Pa Box 519
Pittsboro, NC 273I2-0179
Paul A. Fanning.. Esq.
Ward and Smith,P.A.
PO Box 8088
Greenville.NC 2783540E8
First Bank Deed of Deed ofTrust in the amount of
Attn.;Managing Agent Trust S150.000.00 recorded at Book l 447.
i'43 Box S66 Pup 507,Chatham County Registry.
Troy.NC 27371.0866
Tete=C. Nixon,Trustee
PO Box 866
Troy.NC 27371-0866
Paul A. !:enuring. -
Ward and Smith,P.A.
PO BOX 8088
Greenville.NC 27835-8088
First Bank Deed of Deed of Trust in the amount of -
Atta.: Managing Agent Trust S2S0.000.00 recorded on 04/09/2007 a
PO Box 866 l3oak 1327.Page 1168,Chatham County
Troy.NC 27371.0866 Registry.
Edward S.Holmes,Trustee
PO Box 579
Plusboro. SIC 27312.0579
Paul A.Farm iag.Esq.
Wand aid Smith,P.A.
PO Box 8888
Grecavillc,NC 27835-8088
The Estate of Oscar Wayne Kelly, 10E280, Lee County All right,title,and ownership interest of
do Robert Gilleland,Attorney the estate of Oscar Wayne Kelly,
Harrington.Gilleland, Winstead, Fcindcl& Locus. l.1,P 10E280, Lee County in and to the real
PO Box 1045 properly described herein.
14 t 0 Elm Street
Sanford, NC 27330
Case 10-09329-8-JRL Doc 113 Filed 04/26/11 Entered 04126/11 16:22:52 Page 6 of 7
united States of America Deed of Deed of Trust In the amount of
USDA Rural Development Trust S345,000.00 recorded on April 9, 1990 at
Mn-: Managing Agent Book 444, Page 900,Lee County
2736 NC Highway 210 Registry.
Sittithfield, NC 27577-9556
USDA Fann Service Agency
Atm.: Managing Agent
4407 Blond Road,Sr. 175
RaJcigh, NC 27609
United Statics Attorney General .
U.S. Department of)nstioe
950 Pennsylvania Avenue,NW
Violin' ion,DC 20330.0001
George B.B. Holding, U.S.Attorney
800 Federal Building
310 New Bern Avenue
Raley NC 27601-1461
I. The sale of real property shall be free and clear of all liens and co-tenant interests
including liens and interests set forth hercinabove with the rights of l inn creditors and co-
tenants being transferred to proceeds of sale in their respective priority as determined and
marshaled by the Court pursuant to I 1 U.S.C. §§363(1) and (h).
2. This Order shall constitute a release of the above described alleged liens and co-tenant
interests only from real property described herein,and shall not apply as a release of list
or interest on other assets in the above-captioned Chapter 11 bankruptcy estates.
3_ If any creditor or co-tenant claiming lien or interest in the property does not object within
the time allowed,that creditor or co-tenant shall be deemed to have consented to the sale
of the real property free and clear of that creditor's or co-tenant's interest.
4. The above described real property shall be sold at public auction free and clear of all
liens and co-tenant interests,at a date, time, and place in the manner hereinafter set out:
Public Auction to be conducted at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 16, 2011, in the
Lecture Hall at the Dennis A.Wicker Civic Center,1801 Nub Street, Sanford,NC
27330 by Johnson Properties Realtors & Auctioneers_
5. The above-captioned bankruptcy estates have filed applications with the Court to
approve the employment of Johnson Properties Realtors & Auctioneers,as auctioneer,
whose compensation, inclusive all expense including labor and advertising, absent
extraordinary circumstances, shall be fixed at a rate not to exceed the following:
10% of first S25,000.00
4% of balance
Case 10-09329-8-JRL Doc 113 Filed 04/26/11 Entered 04/26/11 16:22:52 Page 7 of 7
6. All creditors having or claiming liens or interests in the above-described real property
shall have the right to credit bid for the purchase of said property as provided by 11
U.S.C. § 363(k).
7. All creditors having or claiming liens or interests in the above-described real property
shall have the right to establish a minimum sales price for each parcel of real property
constituting their collateral. To exercise that right, creditors must communicate the
following information to Johnson Properties Realtors &Auctioneers,Inc.(Or any other
entity conducting a sale of the above-described property)at least twenty-four(24)hours
before such sale: (I) the minimum sales price; and (2) the specific tract to which that
sales price is applicable.
IT FURTHER APPEARING that Motion and Notice ofproposed public auction was duly served
on all creditors on March 18,2011,and that the twenty-one(21)day time for objecting has expired with
no objections being filed,save and except objections by USDA Rural Development and Carolina Farm
Credit, ACA,which creditors have consented to the entry of this Order.
NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the above-captioned Debtors be,and are hereby
authorized to sell the above-described real property flee and clear of all Hens and co-tenant interests at
public auction, and to pay Johnson Properties Realtors& Auctioneers, Inc.'s commissions as set forth
BY:Is/R. D. Renter. Jr. BY: /.s/William P. Janvier
R. D. Renfer, Jr. William P. Janvier
• Assistant U. S. Attorney Attorney for Carolina Farm Credit, ACA
Eastern District of N. C. 1 101 Haynes Street, Suite 102
800 Federal Building Raleigh, NC 27604
310 New Bern Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27601-1461
BY:/s'//Richard D. 4aorisman
Richard D. Sparkman
Attorney for Debtors
PO Box 1687
Angier, NC 27501
End of Document
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Case 10-09324-8-JRL Doe 145 Fited 06117111 Entered 06/17/11 15:31:28 Page 2 of 2
Application) and in support thereof, the Debtors show unto the Court as follows:
1, , Upon motion ofthe Debtors -In -Possession, the Court entered an Order dated March
23, 20 t I approving employnnt of James W. Johnson, I i of Johnson Properties Realtors &
Auctioneers, Inc. as auctioneer in this case.
2. The following property was sold at public auction on May 16, 2011, result ing in total
sales proceeds of $3,044,300.00, under the terms and conditions as set forth in the Report and
Sate of real property at public auction on May 16, 2011 as more specifically set forth
in Exhibits A and B attached to Report of Sale..
3. Pursuant to the compensation schedule set forth in the Motion and Notice ofProposed
Public Sale and Compensation of Auctioneer dated March 19, 201 t, the auctioneer is entitled to
receive commissions in the amount of $123,272.00.
referenced sale of neat property be, and the same is hereby CONFIRMED, and that Johnson
Properties Realtors & Auctioneers, Inc. be, and they are hereby authorized to be paid total
commissions of $123,272.00, with said commissions to be deducted from total sales proceeds
presently held in the trust account of Johnson Properties Realtors & Auctioneers, Inc., with the
balance to be distributed pursuant to further orders of this Court.
FEZ T. C O�y
Filed For Registration:
Document No.:
07/2912011 04:48:04 PM
RE 2891 Page: 263-275
DEED 13 PGS $52.00
State of Forth Carolina, County of Harnett