HomeMy WebLinkAboutHaywood_Well Abandonment_20240116 . I WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD V For Imemal Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or multipte wells t.Well Contractor Information \ WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Rich Lemire 7a.Nwnhherof wills being alandanal: Welt Contractor Maine tor toll uw petsonally aln miming%tellont+istIJerpropeny) Far multiple hJecrtoir cu• m.m-miter !supply. wells ONLY with the same Ca'Lcrriyamildwfn ram mf,nitt can sutwrl(one firm. • 2593A I + 711.Approumatc ralunteofwa1i remaining in Weli(s): („al,) • t4 \vdl CbnlractorCertiiic,alion Nunticr l! SAEDACCO FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELTS ONLY: Company Name . . 7e.Type of disinfectant used: . - . 2.Well Construction Permit 1#:, , List ell uppltevMle uv71 pvrrnitr(ir Cuaiafv,Sane,Yariaecee.hrjectiun.etc.)tfbrawl, 7d.Atttotmt of dlsinfeetlnt'uscd: 3..Well uae(cheekwell use): • • Water.SupplyWell: 7c.Scalirng materials-used(cheekall that apply): • °Agricultural DMtinicipal/Puhtic a Neat Cement Grout CI Bentonite Chips or Pellets aOcothcnnal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) ❑Sand.Cernent Grout .El Dry Clay • ❑lndristriallConrntcreial ❑Residential.Watcr Supply(shared) .a Cottciete Grout 1; O Drill Cuttings i]lni ation I7 Specialty Grout .❑Gravel Nan Water Supply Well: ` D Bentonite Slucly 17 Other(explain under 7g) 181Moultorine ❑Recavety . . . injection Well: - 7f,For each material sekcted above provide autotmt dfaitateiiats ttscd: ' ❑Aquifer Recharge . EIGrouiuluater.Rentediation °Aquifer Storage and Recovery °Salinity Barrier . Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. is - OAguifer Test °Stomnwter Drainage - • - • DE'perintetuat Technology . °Subsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief d_caeriptian of the,aliandunment procedure: EIGeothen»al(Closed Leap) - ' ClTracer i. Pulled temporary well and backfilled borehole w/ hydrated ®Geothermal(Heatingi'Cooling Return) ; ClOther(explaiu under 7 ) bentonite chips. ., .12-18-23 „ 1 „Mao' '' y 4~�(-'• 4.Datewelt(s)ahandonech �,t y r e Sa.Well location: ; JAN j a �02n Burress•Residence lbeility/OtrrrcrNawe Facility IDN(fupplicablc) .8;C'ertificatlait: IftiY;rri, c {Siojn� Y7:-•..,n.- �UR ' 89 -Rattlesnake.Branch itd.--Canton, NC 28716' . - .. '`.... '�t(J /I+st^rL 12/18/23 Ph ysical Address.City.and Zip 'Su turn of& irrcd Well COutiaiar or Well(hstur [Mu i. Harwood Hy.signing tlas Aria, I hereby certifyI:that the well(sJ was rir j abandoned in County Parcel Ideeittaitinu No.6PINj accordance with IS.4.VCAIC 02e.0100.ur 2C.0200 fre11 Cana'lntclion Sttmckirrls - arid that a cop rifthis record has been provided Nate n eU owner. 5b,Latitudeand longitude In dcgi'eestntinittestscconds ordeeinu'tl'degr•eesi ), Of dell fa Id,a+rc iatilo;tg it:s ttr>Licty) 9.Site dlagrans or additional well detalls: You mak use the-back of this page to.,petiiide additional well site details or well N - • • W abandoimtziu details..You may also:utaeh addiiior>;tl pages if necessary.. ' . CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELL(S)BEiNG ABANDONED SUBAIIi ITAi.INSTRUCTIONS ' .-Itfudr uo/I cvrrrtn/diet)mirrrd(s)'If aVallahle. •Fite nndoper nrjection"a•rsea•watcr wpplp ' - weils ONLY with the swim'cwistructiort'ahanikn{great.)urrcar uhnifi cute j<rnrr. • Itla.For All-We11s:' Submit-this farru within 30 days of completion of well Ga.Well IDi3:r4-.03 abandonment to the following; I; Div'isidn of WaterResnurFes,Information Processing Unit, Gb.Total well depth: 15 ((p,) 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 1011.For-infection tWells:'In addition to sending the form to the address In Ella • fie.Borehole diameter:l (Cn y above.also submit one copy of this loon within 30 days of comptelioa of Well abandonment to'the following: Division of Water Resources,Underground injectlon.Couthil-Progr:tm, 6d.Water level below ground surface: 0.5 (ft.) 1636 Mall Smut Center,Raleigh;NC 276!)9-1636 6eUutercasin Icn.�{r.(iflat}vvu); (�.) lat.For-Water•Surinlv•dr.iiriretinn1Wells: In addition'to.sendingtheformto fi gh5 the address(es) a6oe.also submit one copy of this roan within 30'days of completion-of well abandoiunent to*county coiWy health deput-Irma!of the county 6L Inner meting/tubing length(if!mown): (ft.) where aixtndoned, 6g.Screen length(if latonn):10 (ft.) Fotnt GW-So North CaroUtn Depantocut are:Ma nnenl moil Natural Resources-Division of Water Reno uc s Revised August 2013 i a WELL ►BAND.ONNIENT-RECORD For Internal Use ONLY; This'foim can be used fen single or miiltipte wells I,Well Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS] Rich Lemire 7a.Number of wills being airandnuel 1 Well CotitiiiosName(onulloacerp:isanatlyatbsrtonfug,wllunligtlirpiopcny) For reidnple injection or' non-Hwfal ;supply wells ONLY kWh the .soau CoatstrucfMp•abaiuLatinunt,lwre can submit fiefarrn 2593A 71t.Approximate volume of mite remaining in ti•ell(s): • (gsL NC Well CtntinclorCerlitctcatioti Nntiher i• ., • SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Company Name le.Type of itisinfectant used: I' - - 2.Well Construction Permit M:, , ' Lai at1 oppliildde well lntrmier(Le.Ctunsy,pate..Yurlan-e:biectfou,,ctcf ilk:Iowa 7d Antount of disinfectant lased: ' 3:Well u.kk(checkwcll use): - ! Watcr.Stipply Well; 70.Scaling Inatceiulsuscd(cheer:alt that apply): : . . Cl cmitittal - ❑hltinisipoUPttblic, ❑Neat Cement Grout : iV . 60 Bentonite Chips or Pellets DCreothcnnaal(He:gin/Cooling Srrppiy) ❑Rcsidcntial Water Supply(tangle) ❑Sand Cement Grout I' Cl Dry Clay ❑htdiisUial(Comn ereial ❑Residential Water Supply-(slian d). El Coitcn to Grout• • j ❑Drill CUuiugs .01nigatiou . . DISpecialty Grout ❑Gravel Nan-Water Supply Well; - - - -- ' ❑Bentonite Slurry El Other(explain under 7g) t9Maltitoting . . ❑Recovriy. . . • .. Injection Well: - ,7f.For each material selected above provide antonat of:materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge •OGriiundn:rler Remediatiom 1 ❑Agmfer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier - ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stonst aterDniitioge Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. l ❑Egscriuien it Tedtuo[ogy i7Subsidetxi Cororol 7g.Provides brief description Of the abandonment procedure: ❑Geothemral(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer • ' Pulled.temporary well [and b$pkfi 3Ted?,bpreha w/ hydrated ClGeothemxil(Heating/CoalingReturn) . ❑Othertesplain under 7R) • .. �r @�, .ate a bentonite chips. I' aa r d.Date.vvrll(s)abandoned: 12-18-23 ,1AfV 1 v [OZ4 isWc }+ _ UR32 lllocntiou: lntor;;�.:i�;t�y,^:g Burress Residence FacilitylThsnerName Facility IDS(ifapplicabte) .8..CettMention: • 89 Rattlesnake Branch Rd. Canton, NC 28716 "{� _ �_(+JlhwG+ 12/27/2023 ' Physical Address.City.and Zip Sip-more,ori_..it!cd 2 cf'Cnutn:toror Well O t r Das: Haywood. fly signing this farm; 1 hereby certify!that the trellis/was(were)abandoned toi County' PaneclIdmiu1icitiau No.(PIN) aezardace with FM CLIC0'CAlQ9.or2C.0200aPell•eatislrndlorrSfiintkitds • and that a copyofthis necnrd htas beeii'provideda'o the well owner. 56.Latitude and longitude in dcgrecstminutes(seconds or•decim_ al degrees: i, Owen fitd,one ktotoitg is dun icon 9.Site diagrams or additional well details: • You way use the back of this page to:provide additional well site details or well N - W abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. t"ONSTReIC6rON.DFTABt.S OF WELLI:S)BEING ABANDONED SURMTITAI.INSTRUCTIONS :lusters nc11 coax:f action ratwrd(s)1f dviaitable. Fen'multiple injection' nun•uwter supply ' wt11rONLY with the urn a rsmtcdojr atmr[lormiern.jou cansubnift onewn2 t0a,For All 3Vc1Ict- Submit this folmi within 30 days of completion-of well abandonment to the fallowing; �' .6s.Weil m i11'55 1. Division of WaterRtsourct5,Informatiou'Procusing Unit, • t o.5 (ft.) 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 6h.Total ell depth: • I Lob.For inieetiun Wells: in addition to settling the form'to theaddrss in l0a fie.Borehole diatuetct:2.25 an.) above,also submit one copy of this.fomr aithiii 30'days of completion of well aba ntlonnient to the following: II Division of Witter Resources,Underground injection Control Pnigratn. ftl.Water Cm!below ground surface: (ft.) 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27619-1636 6aUrttce grin 1 (if known): 0 5 ( ) lec.For Water.Surinlv'fi.trtkction1WVIells: In addition to sending the loon to 1~length( tite addresses) above; also submit one copy of this fort within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the!county health depurinient of the calmly 6f Inner easing/tithing-length(if loeawn): (ft.) where aEttlndancd, 6g.Sawn length(If!moil n);10 a(ft.) Bann GW-30 North Carotin Department orEnvirounncrit ant Natural Resources-Division of Water Reso1 I s Revised August 2013