HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170239 Ver 1_Cates Farm Mitigation Plan 9_2_2015_20150916CATES FARM MITIGATION PLAN (U-3109B) ALAMANCE COUNTY WBS: 34900.1.1 September 2, 2015 e e 1.0 BASELINE INFORMATION e TheECates�'armdVlitigation�rojectasdocatedwvithindJSGS�IydrologiceCatalogingdJnite 03030002,�nddVC�ivisiona�feWaterEQualitya(NCDWQ)e�ub-basinE03-06-02s�f�he�.Cape�'eare RivereBasin,e�andasq�arta�f�hea�f�hec�outheAtlantic-Gulfa�egion.�Theanitigation�iteancludese Mi1leCreek�and�everalainnamedetributaries�oeMilleCreek.�Theegeneral�rojectevicinityasa-iorthe ofdVlebaneeRogersdZoad,�aste�f�ooksdVlill�oad,avesta�fd�1Ce119,eand�outhe�feWhiteeLevele RoadaneAlamance�ountyaleardVlebane�(Figureel ).�Vlill�Creek�lows�rom�ast�oavestavithine the�ite�nd�xtends�approximatelye�neanile�romats�rossing�ateNCe119�o�he�uture/proposede righta�fa�vay�or�elocatedeNCell 9avithinea�onservation�asementq�urchasedd�y�hed�Torthe CarolinaeDepartmente�feTransportation�NCDOT).�Theq�rojectasa�vithin�he�iedmonte physiographic�rovince,�peciiicallydhedCarolina�late�elt�coregion.�,andaxsea�vithin�hee watershedasq�rimarily�orested, �gricultureeanddow�oanediumadensity�esidentialadevelopment. � The�xisting�treamdength, adrainagee�area, �nd� uri sdi ctional estatuse�fa�esourcesavithin�hee conservation�asement�are�ummarizedaneTableel .e Table 1. Summary of Existing Stream Length and Drainage Areas of Resources within the Conservation Easement. Stream Reach Existing Length Drainage Intermittent/Perennial Status (LF) Area (s mi) SouthwesteTributarye NCDW �'orm�coree?e30e todVlill�reeke 1016e 0.4e Streama�each�onsideredq�erenniald�ye�agenciese (Reachel )e duringampactFassessments.e Status��erenniale NCDWQ�orm�corese<eand�?e30e SoutheasteTributarye Streama�eachd�egins�as�phemeraleande todVIillECreeke 334�per)e O.OSe transitions�oentermittent�hen�o�erennialPase 134�int)e (Reache2)e notededuring�agencya�eview.e StaYus�d'erenniala4cdntermittente East-Northeaste N CD W Q�'orm�coree<eand�e30e Tributary�odVlille 185Qper)e Streama�eachd�eginseas�phemeral�ande Creeke 123�int)e 0.02e transitionsdoantermittentQhen�oq�erennial�se (Reache3)e notedaiuring�agencya�eview.e Status�d'erenniala4�dntermittente NortheasteTributarye NCDWQeF'orm�coree<e30e todViill�reekele 489e 0.06e Streama�each�onsideredantermittentd�ye (Reach�4)e agencieseduringampact�assessments.e Status�dntermittente NortheasteTributarye NCDWQ�orm�coree�e30e todVlillc�reeke2e 220e 0.03e Streama�each�onsideredantermittent�ye (ReachES)e agencieseduringampact�ssessments.e Status�dntermittente Page[].C3bf�� Stream Reach Existing Length Drainage Intermittent/Perennial Status (LF) Area (s mi) NortheasteTributarye NCDWQ�'orm�coree?e30e todViill�reekel e 359e O.lOe Streama�each�onsideredq�erennial�y�agenciese (Reach�)e duringampacteassessments.e Status��erenniale NorthwesteTributarye NCDWQ�orm�coree�e30e todVlill�reeke 770e O.OSe Streama�each�onsideredantermittentd�ye (Reache7)e agencieseduringempact�ssessments.e Status�dntermittente NCDWQ�'orm�coree?e30e Mill�reeke 4352Qone�ide)e 11.54e Stream�each�onsideredq�erenniald�yeagenciese d uringamp ac tea s s e s s ments. e Status�d'erenniale The�roj ectancludes�nhancement�andq�reservatione�fdVlilleCreek�aand�everalainnamede tributaries�UT)�odVlilleCreek,ancluding�adjacentewetlands�and�uffers.c�Vlill�reek�as�eene assigned�treamdndexeNumberel6-18-3-(0.5)a�vithin�heanitigation�zreaeand�he�outhwestdJT�oe Mill�Creekdlasd�een�assigned�treameIndexeNumberel6-18-3-2-(1).�These�areedesignated�ase warma�vater�treamsa�vith��lassificationa�feWater�upply�W S-II)eande�upplementale classificationse�fe�Iighd.�ualityeWaters�(HQW)e�ndeNutrient�ensitiveeWaters�NSW).�Classe W S-IIe�vaterse�areaised�s�ourcese�favateresupply�oradrinking,�ulinarye�r�oodq�rocessinge purposeswvhere�eWS-I�lassificationasalotFfeasible.eThesea�vaterse�are�lsoq�rotected�orEClassECe uses.�lleWS-IIewaters�aare�IQWd�y�upplemental�lassi�cation.a�Tutrient�ensitiveeWaters�aree thoseazeedingeadditionalaiutrientananagementadueeto�heir�otential�or�xcessiveegrowthe�fe microscopica�ranacroscopicevegetation.e NCDOTa�villq�erform�his�n-siteanitigation�orejurisdictional�treameandwvetlandampactse associatedwvitheTransportationeImprovementeProgram�TIP)dJ-3109B.�TheeU-3109Bq�rojecte consistse�f�onstructinge1.44aniles�fa�oadwayeonalewdocationefromeNorthaof�Re1921 �Mebanee RogersdZoad)�o�outh�f�Re1918�Mrs.eWhiteeRoad).a�eeeattachedwicinityanapallustrating�hee sitee�andq�roposed�oadway�orridor�Figureel).e 2.0 SITE SELECTION Theanitigatione�iteancludese�approximatelye27.25�acresavithine�aeconservation�asementdieldd�ye NCDOT.�Within�his�area,�hed�TCDOTavill�nhancee�and�reservee7,980dinear�eeta�f�tream.e A�ortion�f�healative�lant�ommunities�ave�eenecompromisedadue�oanvasive�peciese�re haved�een�emoved�o�acilitateeagriculturaldandalses�pastureananostanstances).� Approximatelye3 %�(0.75 e�acres)e�f�heq�roj ect�onservation�asementas�omposedeof�agriculturale uses�nd�7%a(26.SO�cres)asanadeaipe�f�aanixe�fa�iparian�pecies�a�ortiona�favhiche�aree invasives)�along�he�hannels.e Page[�C3bf�� Reachel e Reachel,�he�outhwestern�ributary�oeMill�reek,d�egins�atdhe�tream�rossinga�feMebanee Rogersdtoadeand�lowsalorthwest�owarddVlillECreek�(Figuree2a). �This�eachdlaseaalumbera�fe invasive�peciese�ccurringe�vithin�he�onservation�asement.�lotedanvasive�pecies�oundane thea�ipariand�ufferancludeq�rivet�(Ligustrum sinense),�reea�fdleaven�Ailanthus altissima),e Japanese�oneysuckle�Lonicera japonica),�andan�he�asture�area�aaaiumber�f�Callery�earse (Pyrus calleryana)eandanultiflora�ose�Rosa multiflora)a�verea�bserved.�Aq�revious�arme crossingasedocumentedeasa�vell�aasea�ibereopticdineacrossing.eeAdarge�ortion�f�heechannelase notedea s�aire�r�tableavith�ockeandacobblee�ubstrate; dlowever, �hereeareea�eweareasa�fanoderatee degradation�ainlyan�areas�f�heq�reviouslya�oted�rossings.eA�.59eacrewvetland�area�xistse within�he�onservation�asementmear�he�opa�fdteachel.eTheavetlanddiesa�vithin�he�loodplaine of�he�tream�andas�lassified�as�aa7on-tidal�reshwateranarsh.�asede�n�heeWetland�ssessmente Method�WAM)�atingavorksheet,ataseadlighequalityavetlandavithea�`high"�atingeacrossealle three�unctions.e Reache2e Thee�outheastern�ributaryd�egins�pproximately�50efeetalortha�feWest�tagecoacheRoad�nde just�aste�fECarr�treet�Figuree2b).�The�each�lowsaiorthFforanore�hanel000�eetavithin�hee conservation�asement,avith�a�ubdivision�o�he�ast�along�arr�treet.�The�tream�egins�as�aane ephemeralachannel�aat�he�outhernd�oundaryaof�he�onservation�asement.�It�urns�o�aane intermittent�hannel�or�aapproximatelye134�eet�and�hen�o�erennial�ore3 34efeetavithin�hee conservation�asement.�Thisa�each�hows�ignse�fq�revious�attle�accesseand�rosionan�hedowere portions�intermittenteandq�erennial�ections).�Thedieadwatera(ephemeral)�ectione�f�hea�eache lacicsea esingleedefined�hanneleat�imes,goinga�ndergroundeandd�raidingantoanultipleastemsease well.�Thea�ightd�anke�f�he�phemeral�ectione�alsodiaseaaninimald�ufferwvidthedue�o�hee proximitya�f�hea�esidentialg�ards. �aiiverseanaturea�verstory�xistse�alonganosta�f�his�each. � Reache3 e Reache3as�he�ast-northeastd7-ibutaryaiear�heq�ump�tation�ite�and�lowswvestdowardeMille Creek�Figuree2c). �This�eachd�eginse�as�phemeraleandgrades�oantermittente�andq�erenniale within�he�onservation�asement.�Approximatelye123�eeta�f�hea-eachasantermittent�andel 85e feetas�erenniaL�Adieadwater/riparianavetland�xists�along�heaephemeral/intermittent�ections.� The�eachdacks�awvide�uffer�and�ecomesancisedan�he�erennial�ection�asatEgradesadown�oe Mill�Creek.�The�erennial�ectiondlasea�lightlya�videra�ipariand�uffera�vithea�airlya3iversee canopy.e Reach�4e Thealortheast�ributary�oeMillECreek�Reacha�)as�anantermittent�hanneleflowinge�outh�odVlille Creekeand�ro sses�he�uke�ower�ransmissiondine�asement�riordoatseconfluencea�vith�eache Page[�C3bf�� S�FigureQc).�fter�heeconfluencea�vithdZeach�5,�he�treamd�ecomes�erennial�andas�liscussede asdteacha6d�elow.a�each�ase�approximately�89Ffeetavithea�airlye�table�hanneleaanda�nlye minimal�areas�f�rosion.�Aetributarygoins�he�hannelefrom�hea�vest;�owever,�hisechannelase ephemeralaviths�verlandeflowaloted.�Thea�eachdias�a�vided�uffera�vith�aadiverse�anopy.�'rivete has�xisted�along�heanajorityeof�he�each�utdiasd�een�ut,�reated�anddeftanq�lace�yeUniquee Places,d.LCFfromatsaeonfluenceavithdteache5aip�oalear�he�phemeral�onfluence.�Thee remainingaipper�ection�tilldiasa�ense�arease�fq�rivet.e Reach�e The�econdaiortheast�ributary�oeMill�reekdiesgustaveste�fdZeach�4�and�lows�outheast�o�iee todZeacha��Figure�c).�This�treama�eachaseadleadwater�ystemd�eginningeas�phemeralmeare the�roposeda�ighta�favay�and�ventually�ecomingantermittent�rior�o�eaching�heeDukee Power�asement.�Approximatelye158�eeta�f�his�eachasantermittent.�Thea�eachdiaseaa�videe bufferd�ut�aalso�adearease�fq�rivet�hat�aved�eenecut,�reated,�anddeftanq�laced�yeUniqued'laces,e LLC�oreapproximatelyel /3 a�f�he�each.e�rivetealong�healortherne2/3 a�f�hea�eachdlasalotd�eene cuta�r�reated. eAa�ery�hort�ection�f�hisa-eachaoccurs�ouths�f�he�ukeePower�asementq�riore toatsaconfluencea�vithdZeach�. e Reache6e Reache6�egins�elow�he�onfluencee�fdZeaches��aande5 �outhe�f�heeDukeePower�asement�ande flows�outh�odVlill�Creek�Figuree2c).aeThisa�eachaseapproximatelye359�eeteand�erenniala�vithe�ae cobble�ottom;at�as�omedimited�loodplain�aaccessanitially�utd�ecomesancised�asata�earsdVlille Creek. �Thee�treamdlaseaewided�uffer�hroughouteandeaediverse�anopy. a�rivetdladq�reviouslye eXisted�aalongethe�each;�owever,at�as�een�ut,�reated�andeleftan�lacean�ome�areas.��malle footd�ridge�pans�he�ributary�or�he�utureeLJnique�laces,eL,LC�rail. e�Toadamageasalotedaiuee to�otential�railaisers.e Reache7e Thealorthwestern�ributary�Reache7)�lows�outh�odV1i11ECreeke�andas��table,diighaqualitye intermittenta�eachewith�aavideecontiguous�uffer�Figuree2d).�Thea�eachas�aapproximatelye770e feetdong.eTheachannel�ccessesats�loodplain�andealthoughat�asesomeeslope�oat,�headropsearee stable�and�here�areaioevisible�igns�fedownecutting�radegradation.�Thea�ipariand�ufferase mature,adiverse,candaloanvasive�speciesearealoted�along�hea�each.e MilldCreeke MilldCreekaseaq�erennial�hanneleande�hows�ypical�raitsa�feadarge�treaman�hisa�egione (Figurese2c�aande2d).�The�treamasancisedavith�active�arease�f�rosion.�The�tream�as�aanantacte buffera�idthea longanosta�f�healorthd�ank,a�vhichasa�vithin�he�onservation�asement. �rivete alongethis�each�as�een�ut,�reated,�anddeftan�laced�yeUniqued'Iaces,eLLC.�Althoughdhee PageC�C3bf�� Uniqued'lacesdrailasd�eing�reatede�along�hea�each�here�area�o�ignse�fedegradationeduedo�hate use.�reasealong�he�eachwvhereeactive�rosionasalotedancludeseana�ld�ridgeeabutment,avhiche creates�aalarrow�onstriction�ausingedownstream�ro sion�and�eaver�a ctivity. �Three�eavere dams�readocumentedealong�he�each, ancludingc�dargea�ne�ustaipstreame�f�heq�reviouslye mentioned�ridge�abutment. �Twoedebris� amsearea�oted�along�his�each. �The�outh�ank,avhiche i salota�vithin�he�onservation�asement,dlase�everal�reasa�vhere�hed�ufferdlasd�eenaclearedeande a�ree�tand�ordlunting�bserved. a�Vlusselsaverealoted�a long�heedownstream�ortion�f�hee reach.�everaldong�onded�ections�xistedue�o�edrocke�utcrops,e�lebris,�nd�eavere�activity.e 3.0 SITE PROTECTION INSTRUMENT NCDOTavillananage�he�ite�oq�rohibiteallaaseanconsistenta�vithatseuseeasanitigationq�roperty,e including�nyeactivity�hatavouldanateriallyealter�hed�iologicalantegritye�rd�unctionale�ande educationalwaluea�f�hee�ite,�onsistentavith�heanitigationq�lan.�Theq�urposea�f�heq�rotectione agreementsa�vill�e�o�assure�hat�utureaisee�f�he�itea�villa�esultan�he�rotection,anaintenancee and�nhancemente�f�unctionsadescribedan�heariitigation�lan.�An�agreementarvithdJniquee Placesefor�heirq�roposed�rail�ystemasanq�lacea�vhich�allows�heira.ise�ut�rohibitseany�ypee�fe degradation�o ethe� ite. e 4.0 OBJECTIVES Theegoale�f�heq�roj ectas�o�nhanceeand�reservee7,982dinear�eeta�f�treameand�.59eacrea�fe riparianavetlandavithin�he�onservation�asement�oanitigate�orampactse�associatedwvitheTIPdJ- 3109B.�The�nhancementa�f�hee�iteavilld�eeaccomplished�ya�emoving�xistinganvasive�speciese within�he�treamd�uffers,alative�lantingse�vithin�hed�uffers,�aand�encinga�f�he�ites�o�nsuree access�o�he�onservationeareas�are�estricted�romdivestock,eATVaise,�tc.e 5.0 MITIGATION WORK PLAN Theeworkefor�heaon�iteanitigation�area�an�ccurandependentlyeofaconstruction£ordJ-3109B e due�o�hedocationseand�urrentlya�btained�asements.�Proposedeactivitiesa�elated�o�hee mitigatione�iteanvolve�emovala�f�heanvasivee�peciesealong�everal�eaches,anstallatione�fe fencing�along�he�onservation�asements,eandalativea�iparianeandd�uffer�lantings.e Invasive Species Removal Severaladifferentanvasivee�pecies�ave�eenaioteda�n�he� iteavith�rivet�eing�heanoste common�oundeamonge�everala�eaches.�Treatmenteof�heq�riveta�vill�equire�.82e�acrea�facutting,e treating�hee�tumpsavithdlerbicide,�nd�emoval�longdZeachel adue�o�he�mounte�fq�riveta�ne thisa-each.�Thea-emaininga�eaches�areaiotadenseavithq�rivet.eThesea�eachesavilla-equiree2.31 e acres�fecutting,�reating�he�tumpsa�vith�erbicide,�anddeavinganq�lace.� Page[�C3bf�� Riparian Buffer Planting Thea�egetation�lan�or�he�iteewillanclude�he�lantinga�fe3.86�acreseof�are-root�reesane ripariand�uffere�areaseadj acent�o�he�hannelseasavelleasdive�takesealonge�omed�anksa�vheree feasible.�Aneapproximatelye100-footavided�uffer�orridor,avhere�easible,a�villd�eanaintainede along�he�hannelsavithin�heaconservation�asements.�Treee�pecies�ounda�ne�ite�nd�ypicalane bottomlanddiardwoodeforestswvilld�eq�lanted�across�hee�ite�hatanclude�aanixturee�falodess�hane sixaiative�pecies�adapted�o�ite�onditions,�uch�asavalnut�Juglans nigra),�ycamore�Platanus occidentalis),�ugarberry�Celtis laevigata),�ulip�oplar�Liriodendron tulipifera),�oxelder�Acer negundo),avatere�ak�(Quercus nigra),a�villowa�ak�Quercus phellos)�and�ersimmon�Diospyros virginiana).�These�peciesavere�urrentlyedocumentedavithin�he�onservation�asements.e 6.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS NCDOT�hallanonitord�ufferevegetation�urvivale�n�he�ite.�ost-restorationanonitoringa�villd�ee conductedEfore�aaninimume�fFfiveq�earsa�raintil�hee�uccess�riteria�reanet�ollowing�hee completiona�f�onstruction�oedocument�rojecte�uccess.�Vlonitoring�pproachesefollow�hosee recommendedd�y�he�treameMitigationeGuidelines�USACE�aandd�lCDWQe2013).�Thesee approaches�areadescribed�elowan�ectione7.0. e 7.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Theanitigation�itea�villd�eanonitored�or�'iveg�ears�ra.intil�uccess�riteria�are�atisfied.� Monitoringq�rotocols�hal1�o11ow�ectionseV�'orq�lantedevegetationeand�ectioneX�ora�isuale monitoringeasaoutlinedan�he�treamdVlitigationdiuidelines,e2013.�TCDOTa�vill�valuate�hee successe�f�he�tream�estorationq�rojectd�aseda�neguidanceq�rovidedd�y�he�treamdVlitigatione Guidelinesedisseminatedd�y�heeUnited�tateseArmy�orpsa�f�ngineers-Wilmington�istrict.�Ae surveye�f�he�hanneladimension,�attern�aandq�rofileewilla�ot�e�ompleted�ecausealoan�hannele workas�roposed. �nnual�hotographs�howing�othd�anks�andazpstream�andadownstreame viewsewilld�e�akenefromq�ermanent,anappedq�hotoq�oints. �Ineaddition,�hereewilld�e�annuale reviewa�f�he�areasana�hicheUnique�laces�railazsersdlaveeaccess�o�hed�uffereand�tream�aalonge Mi1leCreek.e � I � .___: _► I:U: __I► Thi sanitigationq�lan�ocusese�n�heq�roperty�hatd�TCDOT�urrentlydlolds; dlowever,�hereearee adj acentq�arcels�hat�oulddead�oe�additional�estoration�fforts�hould�heyd�ecomee�availableane the�uture.�Thesedocations�areedetailedan�he�ontingency�ectiona�f�hisadocument�Appendixe A).e PageC�C3bf�� 9.0 DETERMINATION OF CREDITS AND CREDIT RELEASE SCHEDULE NCDOTq�roposes�o�nhancee2860dinearefeeteof�tream�andq�reserve� 122dinear�eet�f�treame and�.59�acre�fa�ipariane,vetland�sedepicted�n�heeattachededesign�lans�Sheetsel -5). �lle creditsavilld�e�eleased�ollowing�iteeacquisitioneandq�laneapproval,ainlesseaedifferenta�eleasee scheduleas�tipulated�hroughe�agencyacoordination. e Theq�roposeda�estorationeandanitigationeamountseare�ummarizedaneTableP2d�elow:e Table 2. Restoration Approaches and Proposed Mitigation Amounts.e Mitigation Size Potential Credits Restoration Approach Area Enhanc ementewill�onsista>fa�emovala�fdhee invasive�pecies�along�heanaj ority�f�hee reach, anstallation�f�encing�around�hee Southweste Tributary�oe 677e perimeter,�and�additionalq�lantingsen�hed�uffere 1,016d�Fe asalecessary�mowing,a-ipping,eandalisking�ase Mi11�Creeke (1.5:1 a�atio)e (Reachel)e necessaryan�heq�asturedeareas).�emoval�fe the�riveta-ather�handeavingen�lacease preferredadue�o�he�amount�fg�rivet�a long�hee reach.e Southeaste Enhancementewill�onsistaofa�emovaleofe Tributary�oe 187e invasive�pecies�smeeded,anstallationa>fe 468d,Fe fencing�arounddheq�erimeter,�nd�dditionale MilleCreeke (2.5:1 a-atio)e plantingsa�n�he�treamd�ankeandan�hed�uffere (Reache2)e asalecessary.e Enhancementewillancludeq�lantingeof�e approximate lyel 00�oot�otal a�ipari and�uffere East-Northeaste corridorealong�he�tream�aanddive�takesane Tributary�oe 308d,Fe 123e arease�f�ared�ankse�n�hedowerq�ortione�f�hee Mill�reeke (2.5:1 a-atio)e reach.�Vlowing,a�ipping,eandediskinga�villd�ee (Reache3)e necessaryan�heq�astured�aareas�orq�lanting.e F encingavill�eanstalled�alongdhe� onservatione easement.e Northeaste Enhancementavillanclude�utting,�reating,eande 196e leavin �hea�emainin riveten lace�hat�ase Tributary�oe g g� � MillECreekel e 489d,Fe (2.5:1 a-atio)� notd�een�reated.a�'encingewilld�eanstallede (Reacha�)e along�he�onservation�asement.e Northeaste Enhancementavillanclude�utting,dreating,eande Tributary�oe 44e leaving�hea�emainingq�rivetan�lace�hat�ase 220�,Fe Mill�reeke2e (2.S:la�atio)e notd�een�reated.�'encingewill�eanstallede (Reach�)e along�he�onservation�asement.e Enhanc ementavillancl udeq�lanting�hea�ipariane Northeaste bufferan�he�asturedeareas.�Vlowing,a-ipping,e TributaryQoe 144e 359d,Fe andediskingavilld�eazecessaryan�heq�asturede Mill�reekel e (2.5:1)e (Reach�)e areas�orq�lanting.�'encinga�villd�eanstallede along�he�onservation�asement.e Page�C3bf�� Mitigation Size Potential Credits Restoration Approach Area Northweste Preservationeofdhis�eachavillanclude�encinge Tributary�oe ��Od,Fe 154e the�asement.allo�thereactions�reavarrantede Mill�reeke (S:la-atio)e for�hisa-each.� (Reache7)e Preservationa�f�hisa�eachewillanclude�encinge the�asement.�Currentlyalo�additional�ctionse 435e areavarranted.�3'lease�eeeAppendixeA�ore Mi115Creeke 4352d.Fe (10:l�atio)� ��reeopportunities�or�nhancement.�l0:le rati oas�roposedaluedo�nly�aving�ae conservarion�asementeon�hedeftd�ank.e Totals 7982 1960 *Ephemeral lengths were not included in calculations Ripariane e Weflande 0.12e 0.59eACe (adj acent�oe (5:1 a-atio)e Reachel )e 10.0 GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA Theq�roposeddieographic�erviceeArea�(GSA)�or�heanitigation�areaas�omposedeof�he�-digite HydrologicECatalogingeUnit�(HUC)�3030002.�taseanticipated�hat�heq�roposedacreditsa�villd�ee useda�n-site�oaoffset�treamampactseassociatedavithdJ-3109B. �Any�emainingecreditsa�villd�ee availabl eFforaiseefore�therampactsavithind-�UCe03 03 0002. e Debiting�f�he�ite�o�ompensate�orampactsd�eyond�hedJSAanay�e�onsideredd�y�hee USACEa�re�therq�ermitting�zgencye�n�a�ase-by-cased�asis.e 11.0 MAINTENANCE PLAN Theanitigation�itea�villd�edleld�yeNCDOTeand�laceda�n�hed�TaturaleEnvironment�ectione mitigatione�eodatabase.EOnceanonitoringas�ompleted�and�hee�iteas�loseda�ut,atavilld�eq�lacede in�hed�TCDOT�tewardship�rogram�ordong�ermanaintenanceeandq�rotection. � If�aneappropriate�hirdq�arty�ecipientasadentifiedan�heduture, �hen�he�ransfereof�heq�ropertye will ancludee�a�onservation�asemente�ra�theraneasure�oq�rotect�healaturalFfeatures�nde mitigationwaluee�f�he�iteanq�erpetuity.� 12.0 LONG TERM ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PLAN Thee�itea�villd�eananagedd�y�heeNCDOTeaccording�o�he�iteq�lanseande�theradocuments. a�n�hee event�hatainforeseenassues�arise�hat�aaffect�heananagemente�f�he�ite,eanya-emediationa�vill�ee addressedd�yeNCDOTanacoordinationa�vith�hednteragencydtevieweTeam.e Page[�C3bf�� 13.0 FINANCIAL ASSURANCES The�iteewill�eananagedd�yd�TCDOTa�vithatsa�wnedistinct�ost�enterazumberavithin�hee NCDOTd�udgeting�and£inancial�racking�ystem. eTherefore,ealleaccounting�or�evenues,e contract�ncumbrances, �und�ran sfers,�aand�xpensesavi ll�e�erformedea nda�eportedandependente froma�ther�apitald�udgeta�ra�peratingd�udgeteaccounting. e Page�C3bf�� �ryYl �-� wi AR' F'.. • `Y� � i 3� � � Feet �-� � � , � .� x �:��. �� �� � ���N� �� �i :� h��*--;,E 0 100 200 � � �� , � �, � �► � �, �- 1 ti` ',� '� � ' : � � � �� �� , , t� <x � : N �� ;� +� � � ,�r � r�{ a�r � �, I�'± "� ` '' � 4 „� �, � i l �� ;`9 ,� } �� � f �'k "� .�"� 1t� *� � r `' W � ��[' y� �� � t'� # �! 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S7GNAT[IRE: � � � N � � � m m � � � � � � Q �� � �, z� o� o .. ow �� �a � 0 � �s � E 3 � U n � � � w o w d � � N z O � m z w � � a � � � � 0 � a n � � a � � � � < � � d � � � 0 � � w o w d � � PLANTING DETAILS PLANTING DETAILS SEEDLING / LINER BAREROOT PLANTING DETAIL HEALING IN 1. Locate a healing-in site in a shady, well protected area. 2. Excavate a Flat bottom trench 121N. deep and provide drainage. 3. Backfill the trench with 21N. well rotted sawdust. Place a 21N. layer of well rotted sawdust at a sloping angle at one end of the trench. 4. Place a single layer of plants against the sloping end so that the root collar is at ground level. 5. Place a 21N. layer of well rotted sawdust over the ���r� ,,,a�„ra�„��„ a sloping angle. 6. Repeat layers of piants and sawdust as necessary and water thoroughly. PLANTING METHOD USING A SHOVEL �� — — III�II� IIIIIIIIIIII I1=1I1=1I II I III III Illillllllll I III 111=11 I III III—III ITILI II III I III II _I I II I II I II I lul I i I 1. Dig hole with shovel to appropriate depth and width for seetlling. � _ = 11=111=111 = I I I-� I I-I I - II-����I� IIIIIIII II L-111=11 IIIIII I I li1=111 I I �I� I II I�I I II.III I II1.=�J=1_I �-1�"�=1 I f-1 I 1= i I-1 I I 3. Remove shovel antl place seedling at correci depth. � \ � I I I-1 I II � I I 1=1 I I 1=TH1 I I IFI I 1=1 I 1=1 I L—I I I � —11HIH1 I I J I II I I I I I IJ I I-1 I I =1I I I I I L I! —1I1=1I - I I I I-111-111 2. Remove soil from hole with shoveL Hole shall not be made by compacting soil away from ihe hole. r i _ 1 �I1�21 =11I-11 I II�I I I�I I II I II I �.I I II I II.I I I W=1 I 1=� I I I-1I I-1 I I_ I I—I I I—I - —111=111=111=111 _I I �-�_�-T11=1 I 4. Pill hole with soil. Tamp soil to remove air pockets. Water Thoroughly. PLANTING NOTES: PLANTING BAG During planting, seedlings shall be kept in a moist canvas bag or similar container to prevent the root systems from drying, ROOT PRUNING All seedlings shall be root pruned, if necessary, so that no roots extend more than 24inches (24IN.) below the root collar. \ �i � I �� DIBBLE PLANTING METHOD USING THE KBC PLANTING BAR ��I 5` _=_= I I I� I I� I il I -IIIIIIIIIIIIII III-III-III _ I I I I 1= -W-1 �=1 I � I II I II I;-1 I.I.-1 I I-i I 1=1 I i =1 I 1= I I I I I. I I I-I I I-I I I I I-1I I I I I I I-1I I-1li 1. Insert planting bar as shown and pull handle toward planter. � 2 inch III 111- 11-111-111 = f.- I I I I I�I I 1=1 I III III II p II II�I� I I i_ -I I�I I I-I I I I I II I II 111-111 111=111 I I- ! 1=� I 1=1 I�I I 1=1 I I I II I I I-1 I I=1 I I-1 I I-1 I I 3. Insert planeing bar 2 inches towurd planter from seedling. I r '~ �' I I L=1 �_I I I-1 I I =1 1=1I I Ililllllll IIIIII��— �1=1J I=1 I I—I I I I I III-1,-111=1 I I11.•.IiII.Tilll IIII'�IIIIIIIIIIIIII 5. Yush handle forward tirming soil ut top. f i � 1-111= I 1=1 I 1=1_I I� =i I 1=1 I ' I 1=1 I 1=1 I I I I-1 I 1=1 I I 1-1 I I: I I I —111=1— III-111=11 I= I-111=111—III—III- II II IJ I 1=LI=1 �f=� I!=�I -1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I-1 I I 2. Remove planting baz and place seedling at correct depth. � r. III = II�III=III I II III 111=11 III II. II III_III il II- III III-II - �-1T_I III 111=111 -_ = I II I I� I-1 I I-1 ! 4 � - - - - - Yull �handle of bar tnward planter, firming soil at botrom. � ✓ � I I-1 I I I I-1 ! I-1 I I il I I I 1=1 I I 1=1 I I"- I1=11I_ I1=1TI =1I III _I11=11 111=111 I— I I I 1=1 I 1=I1 IIII IIIII IIII 111=111=111 T-1 I I-1 I I-1 I-1 I- I 6. Leave compaetion holc open. Water thoroughly. PROIECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U-3109B 2A �♦1 HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas J 555 Fayetteville St, Suite 900 Raleigh, N.C. 27601 � N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 LIVE STAKE DETAIL SQUARE CUT BUDS (FACING UPWARD) LNE CUTTING (1/2" - � il2" DIAMETER) 2-3' ANGLE CUT 30°-45° LIVE STAKE NOTE: STAKING MAY BE REqUIRED THROUGH MATTING, ROCK OR COMPACTED SOILS. ����k�� ��� � A STARTER HOLE MAY BE REQUIRED;� /�.�� LIVE STAKES � � , r/��/�\ ,�j�� 7�: \ EXISTING / PROPOSED STREAMBED EXISTING/PROPOSED GROUND NOTE: 1. LIVE STAKES SHALL BE EVENLY SPACED 2' APART. 2. LIVE STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN UNTIL APPROXIMATELY 3/q OF LIVE STAKE IS WITHIN GROUND. 3. IF STARTER HOLE IS NEEDED, MINIMIZE AIR POCKET. 4. UTILIZE ALL ON SITE TRANSPLANT MATERIALS MADE AVAILABLE BY THE OWNER. ONCE SOURCE OF TRANSPLANT MATERIAL HAS BEEN HARVESTED, THEN UTILIZE LIVE STAKING. r i n � a � 0 � ° � o ' + � a ti i o � 0 � � � � m L 0 0 � � � a � 0 z � ��� L w � , > , . � E o � ; 0 � � � � i � I ► I � � � �iP LEGEND INVASIVE REMOVAL l� , � ZONE 2 - PLANTING u �, ZONE 3 - PLANTING � � ,. �'�" / . %� REACH I ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES FENCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT CUT, TREAT AND REMOVE INVASIVE SPECIES INCLUDING PRIVET, TREE OF HEAVEN, MULTIFLORA ROSE. MOW, DISK, AND RIP AREA PROPOSED FOR PLANTING IN PASTURED AREAS. PLANT PER ZONES NOTED . MATCHLINE SHEET 3 Ax�E � � I I - i �' � � � I I � I � I IN�ET #1 NEW R/W #2 � ���O��D�� R�� �� � _ � 4��� �'t�j � ����� I._II ~ � s J CATTLE CROSSING - ZONE 1 LIVE STAKE PLANTING FIBER OPTIC EASEMENT I RACT �'I REACH I � � k � � ��� \' � \ L Y { � �. � C. � � �� n� � # � � � � � � � \� �� � � � � � � ' �� � � � � � � � I�� ��� � ���� � �������.�� ��� ���� X��� � PROPOSED R/W � � � � � __—X= _ = X= � _ ����.. � —X � X_ ��� � � � �� � - � X _ � '_ X x Y� �, � g A���� i�i I — ----- ' II ������ — _— _ � "I ---- D � m � T� NEW R/W *�� � N � � v J � � � v � Q � NC GRID NAD 83/95 r n � 0 � ;� E N � � o ° + ° a ti o o a p E H� ~ �G� �, � L � o s 0 � o � � � � a o � � o � a z � � w°' y a y > T � E 3 0 U Q r � w O w 2 � L� N � W (�� v ) � J Z � � � `�' � ii� ' X II�� �JI I� � � i �I � i� � I II I I �I �I , i �I � ' II I I x II � , II � � x II I I �I x � � � JI � , xw � I �� � X� i , � II i 1 �� I I x II II x II i � ii � � ii X ii ii X � � I 1 I� I � �� I x II II x �� � ' II ' �-�I . �I �� il i i ' � �� � � ii ii ii x ii � ii III II I � X �I , �I I �I x �I I � n �I � �I I� I I �I I � X �I � �I I�I X ,I MATCHLINE SHEET 4 ': +��� � ( � � ��� "" " �� '- -- �+ EIP � � - - _ � ��/ i ��� nR — ±\ _�---`--�-=x===s=�i �Es — � _ —� —� POND P A J I U�� TRACT #2 - --�, E I P EIP ..� i � ��, :� � � i � � i i , � � \ y � EIP \ � � � � \ � � REACH 2 ' E�� �� � �� � 0 � 0 z � � � � � � � � � � ��� � 1 �� � � x�>—„—x � r �� ,�"�_+X � �, r� ' �-y��_��-vyx GQ T� ��BA� R�CiER�ALJ �lR �92� � � y—�y� � \ � wE � S— �� � � � ��' q0 �H�o�---.x � �\������ � � o� — ��� NC GRID NAD 83/95 REACH 2 ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES CUT, TREAT AND LEAVE PRIVET AND MULTIFLORA ROSE IN PLACE FENCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT PLANT RIPARIAN SHRUB SPECIES AS NEEDED r Q �r, � �� aw ��G � L 0 0 � � � a � a w L > � � E 3 0 U Q r � w O w 2 � L� r + 0 0 0 � � m L 0 0 0 � a a � 0 z w � a 0 d � � � � Z � � � J v � Q � MATCHLINE SHEET 5 NC GRID NAD 83/95 ANTING LENGTH (FT) 1016 ENT 134 334 ENT 123 185 ENT 489 ENT 220 359 ENT 770 _ 4352 ERVATION EASEMENT ;EMENT ACTIVITIES IEASEMENT ;EA PROPOSED FOR PLANTING 'ED ;EMENT ACTIVITIES tEA PROPOSED FOR PLANTING IEASEMENT ED r � 0 0 0 � � � 0 0 � a a 0 z w > � 0 � ��^� REACH 4 ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES FENCE CONSERVATION EASEMENT CUT, TREAT AND LEAVE PRIVET IN PLACE IN AREAS SHOWN PLANT PER ZONES NOTED ��f ./� �.-�� � ��P/ � / � sTONE , � , � ; � � , � , EN� , � � � � L FXISTING ' CONCRETE' MONUMENT� � I LEGEND � INVASIVE REMOVAL MATCHLINE SHEET 4 �NSET �2 ,IN, ,I - - - - U-3/ 6� � � ��� � ,o s ��I I' II� II I� II� I i I X�� �I ��I �I � �� X I,li I X � II II II I �1 I�I� - -- , �I �� REws oR� � s r. AN� _ � � =— 0 � �o �( e' � �� s � I NA '�` II � � I � I� I� , �� i � �I� �� X �i� ' ��x �� ��I e ,� ,� � . � ', jl1�� � 111� I�;�`�\ �� ���� � ��� ��� � \�� R���� �� 7, 501�� � \ �� �� � � .��� � � � X�`� � � �� � �� ♦ � ������� � _���� � APPENDIX A: ADJACENT PROPERTY OPPORTUNITIES Additionala�pportunities�or�otentialanitigationanay�xista�neadjacentq�arcelsafdandowners�aree amenable.e�Iowever,eadditional�onservation�asementa�pportunities�analotd�eq�ursuedazntil� U-3109�roceeds�odhea-ighta�fe�vay�acquisition�hase.�Three�itesewereazotedancluding�hee southd�anlce�feN1i11ECreek,�lownstream�ectione�fdZeache2, �and�he�south�entral�eacha(reache northe�f�he�xistingq�ondsazear�he�arm�ouse).�These�eachesavill�eediscussedd�elow�and�ae figureedepicting�heirdocationaseattached�(Figuree3).e South� ankdV1i11ECreeke Acquisitiona�f�he�outhd�anka�fdVlill�Creeka�ouldq�rovide�everale�pportunities�ore enhancement.�This�each�urrently�as�an�ldd�ridgeeabutment�onstrictionethatas�reatinge extremeedownstreamd�ank�ro sion. �f�hee�outhd�anka�ereeaccessibleata�vouldeallow�ore�malle equipment�accessan�he�areaa�ecessary�or�emoval�f�hed�ridge�abutmenteand�ossiblye stabilizatione�f�he�rodingd�anks. �This�ouldea lsodend�o�emoving�heedebrisg amseandd�eavere damsa�vhich�are�alsoacontributing�o�rosione�fethe�anks�aalongdVlill�Creek.�An�asement�alonge the�outhd�anka�vouldealsoq�rovidee�ane�pportunity�oa�emove�headeerestand�ordluntingeande replanting�he�leared�areas.�n�addition,�rivet�aalong�he�outh�ank�ould�e�addressed�ye cutting,�reatingat,�nddeavingatan�lace.e DownstreamdZeache2e Acquisitione�f�headownstreamq�ortiona�fdZeache2a�vouldq�rovidea�pportunities�oe�tabilize�hise portiona�f�tream.�The�tream�hows�ast�vidence�f�alterationancludingecattle�access�ande crossings,ealthoughatas�urrently�enced.�The�treamdlaseaa�velledeveloped�anopye�nd�heanajore issueavithatasancision�and�rosion.�Zestorationa�f�hise�ectionecould�ossibly�e�ne�ption;e however,ata�vould�equire�hat�he�xisting�ufferd�ea�emoved�oEget�quipmente�ccess�odaye backe�lopes�ndanstallegrade�ontrolestructures. �dditional anvestigationsarvould�ealeeded�oe determineaf�his�eachewarrants�aefulla�estoration�iven�healeeddoa�emove�he�xistinganaturee buffer. � SouthECentraleTributarye This�eachasdocatedeclosest�o�he�xisting�armhouse�andd�eginseat�hee�utfalle�f�heq�ond. �Thee reachazpstream�f�he�ondas�phemeral. �This�eachdacks�aa�velledeveloped�iparian�uffer.�Itase currently�encede�ffefrom�he�dj acent�armaises;dlowever,atdacks�anatureecanopyeand�oulde benefit�romeaavider�uffer. �Thisa�vouldanostdikelyd�e�a�otential�nhancementa�pportunity. e Appendix[�ageC�.C�bf[�� Feet ' `' ,' � � ,,,`. i4 r: 0 150 300 � 4 3^' �p�, �� �°" Legend ,� � � � �►.� r�" ^ 3 ��:�i ��,, a �� N ; �� x� ;� ��� � �' � 'r � '� �, ": w � ', tr�. r � t' 1, { ��''`��"'�� y � � :� �" � ].��� ,�'; � �;4� � � � Ephemeral Reaches ; �° - qr �;;y� � ��A r r 5 !;1 S�� Qk.,M'",' � r; �' �4{�'�A �° '^ '� � b� ��� � `�, , � ' �'. � _ _ _ �� � . � ° s ���, � ti �,��' 4 � � �'�;: y ` ,� ' ' � ' � . Intermittent Reaches ^ `'� 1 ,:,�, s� �: � � �� , l.. ' '���� ,� r,� , � .� ��' '� ; �` ' � '� " "' Perennial Reaches p ,� r x "FS �. 't �: e e �'' � � � �•� l�rt a r } y,� fi� � � �y r �"1 ,;, r�"I����, � , . :, . � M r�` �� � 1 °'y..'n � "1 , '. �, .,.� � * � � ,�' ; ,N�„ 1 ��. ";., ������ �� ��; . 7 1 � ' " '�" �"� ,�'•.����� ��'!'� �a��;r,,� + � � � Surve ed Pro ert Boundaries '" � 1 ` . „ � a : �,� �a, . 2� ,h �:.. Y p Y {/ ,,: ' , ' ' "�; , w � ,� ' h ` � Y, " �'"� � - � � . �k , ,K �hy,�,, � r. � �� �� y �y�-� ��y NCDOT ROW 1i�� :�� 'k�i�'�� r �, �Y'r,��} "ai " \�� r��j�t,, � '�Ja�'�y; � a�� � � � ;�' � i � � t � � �. `�'�� ��, ,K � ,� �,� �r� �,�,�vrµ � � � �`y ��'� . N„ .�,+ +� ;� '4 �� `��",�t,� 1���'� ,:��,�4� A :;s;, r..,� �; �'� �,��: ��� Parcels 1. ,F� �� ��' ���1 p �,'y +. .- ��q ,I �� 7'p '4i�trt H ,�. � ���,: T , � �4 . �� + . . � �. , �. ; ,T� �`�.�,��rti� � '��«� ti�v� �, ., ^� �� ��� NCDOT Hydrography y , '�y� y i . �.. , �h yY�y,,��� ��� ��1� ��+�� J ��i; 4�'4� j,� ' ��T, � 'ti � y � � �y`� � � � �., �,�'�. f ���� ��, ,�, � � �b�' �s'�����u� R � '�� ;� ��� � ��`, ''� � ,h � � � �,�;� "� - ���..' r��� � Existing Wetland (digitized) ,"� 4 . rr•� 4� , �l ., � � , , � �, •� � �. ,� ,'� ; ,� .�r � , , :;, �; e ,;.' � ,� �'' �,'� 1� � � t ;J�, � � k! � �„ ;a �� . `'' `° ' ;�4+ `� '.� � NCDOT Conservation Easements � L��...r �' �,. � .�...}� � :.j "� �P1Y s' �� I{ '�q� G S� . ,`�, '� .� ���.. �� '..4. h,i d*'.A, ,. ... �1�'..a� W�_�, � . y��. 9 1 y,�1 �r� 'L ..Ilr n �•.� &,�'` r.,n . r, ,4 � �. .�6 s y. y ,i"-. ,y itl �''Y��� < �_,,. ', 4 ,,r a,�'q.} � w��k� � rthr� d !� .������,��` , � `.',,� `,�� - �,° Riparian Enhancements `� 3�� ' � � ,. i�' ' r '•3 lz p. 1 �►A,, �� J•t � � e y�7 y , wF . w�'{ R,+ in N „��^' , � �. ���`�' � ,?� � '��° � w� � "' � � �" � �'������ � �,� �'��� �: ��. � �,��; �,'�r,1 �, �v�� ���- � � ��,� Supplemental Planting � , ';: , � u � �� � �• � �; . . � `�� ',��� � '� S �� 't• N a � � � �" ,��b� �� Sv � � »,� , ���"• .�r`'a �,;+Y; "� ,�':�� �� �, ,'� �a Invasive Removal �'� `'��;� !���+�`s� ��t^'�'� �o�Ih�9'��. 1 � .«�•' 4 ,y� pk� � , � y ., � ,i�r t '` �� . �,�� . ,)T 1"x.�� r R, ' `�, � � � 7�! f� +� �y y � - !ari • n•�� . ,� �. � ^ ���k ''��,4 ` i�'�- � '����'�'L���'fS��iw�.ia,�'�,� 3� �c � f; � �� . '�X ` � �� �� �s � n ��A ' n � 9 0 �,+��� � .;, )� �4 � � * a , . . � . �' t . �."i t�t� *' �� � '�,� . I � � �?� `h.. . �,��� r�.�hS .�r � � 1 i.� �.�4�y � ?�"� '� ,� . y;.� . . 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