HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Repairs, Maintenance Center, Falls Lake Project DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 December 20, 1990 IN REPLY REFER TO Project Management Branch SUBJECT: Warranty Repairs, Contract No. DACW54-88-C-0021, Maintenance Center, Falls Lake Project Mr. John N. Morris Director, Water Resources Division North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Morris: Reference is made to to the enclosed letters dated May 11, 1990, and June 27, 1990, from Mr. William T. Branager, Jr., the Corps' Area Engineer in our Raleigh Area Office, to Mr. Kevin MacNaughton, Division of Parks and Recreation, on the above subject. I am writing to you because we have received no response to either of those letters. As indicated by Mr. Branager's letters, Mr. David Kellam, State Parks' Falls Lake Superintendant, reported a water line leak at the Ranger Security Building to the Corps as a construction contract deficiency. In reliance on this report, the Corps directed its construction contractor to investigate and, if necessary, repair the leak. The Corps' authority for giving this direction to its contractor was Contract Clause 62(h), Inspection of Construction, which provides, in part: If, before acceptance of the entire work, the Government decides to examine already completed work by removing it or tearing it out, the contractor, on request, shall promptly furnish all necessary facilities, labor, and material....[I]f the work is found to meet contract requirements, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment for the additional services involved in the examination and reconstruction.... As also indicated by Mr. Branager's letters, when the contractor uncovered the water line, no leaks were found. Additionally, the contractor has submitted a request for equitable adjustment under Contract Clause 62(h) in the amount of $677.07. We consider this amount to be fair and reasonable as an equitable adjustment for the work performed, and are issuing a contract modification to compensate the contractor accordingly. It is our position that this cost should be borne by the State of North Carolina. This is based on the provisions of our lease (Lease No. DACW21-1- 81-2614) for Public Park, Recreation and Fish and Wildlife Purposes at Falls Lake, and on the factual circumstances surrounding these events. The pertinent lease provision is Exhibit "C", Division of Responsibilities, Falls Lake, Item 2, Construction Activities, particularly Project Construction. Under this provision, the State has "assist" responsibility for inspection of the construction. As indicated by the definitions of responsibilities, the agency with "assist" responsibility may have monetary responsibility for actions taken when performing these functions. In addition to the facts discussed above, the pertinent circumstances include Corps' forbearance in not holding the State responsible for the costs of investigating another false report of water line leaks made by your representatives. As you are aware, no leaks were found when a Corps contractor investigated reported leaks at six sites at Sandling Beach Recreation Area as identified in our July 30, 1990, letter addressing Outstanding Issues at Falls Lake and B. Everett Jordan Projects. Also, at the time these false reports were made, the State is properly considered to have had actual knowledge of its potential liability in the event of an erroneous report of a construction deficiency This is because Contract Clause 62(h), under which the Corps is liable to the contractor, was part of the documentation furnished for your review prior to the advertisement and award of the construction contract. Enclosed is a bill for the $677.07 direct cost to us of the equitable adjustment being issued to the construction contractor. Your prompt payment of this bill is requested. If you have any questions, please contact Mr Glenn McIntosh, our Project Manager for the Falls Lake Project, at (919) 251-4671. Sincerely, C. E. Shuford, Jr., P.E. Deputy District Engineer Project Management Enclosures Copy Furnished. Dr. Philip K. McKnelly Director, Parks and Recreation Division North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Tom Wells Deputy Director, Parks and Recreation Division North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Kevin MacNaughton Chief, Design and Development Section Parks and Recreation Division 12700 Bayleaf Church Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Wilmington District Finance and Accounting Office Optional Form 1114 (12-79) Title 7, GAO Manual 501114-107 Date BILL FOR COLLECTION Bill No. B0391G020 CDR, USAED Wilmington, PO Box 1890, Wilmington, NC 28402-189bate -------19 December 1990 --------- (Department or Establishment and Bureau or Office) 12/19/90 (Address) Mr. John N. Morris Director, Water Resources Division NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 DESCRIPTION Equitable adjustment for erroneous report of a water line leak at the Falls Lake Ranger Security Building, Contract No DACW54--88-C-0021, Lease No. DACW21-1-81-2614) Interest is chargeable for late pay- ments at a rate of 9 0% per annum ism accordance with Treasury Fiscal Manual 8025.40. Interest will accrue from this date until date of payment unless this debt is paid within 30 days from the date of this bill. 96X3122 BE2550800AOCX07 BE2551900A0CX07 BE2551910A0CX07 This is not a receipt Quantity This bill should be returned by the payer with his remittance. SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. Unit Price Cost Per Amount $677. 07 AMOUNT DUE THIS BILL, $ 677. 07 INSTRUCTIONS Tender of payment of the above bill may be made in cash, United States postal money order, express money order, bank draft, or check, to the office indicated. Such tender, when in any other form than cash, should be drawn to the order of the Department or Establishment and Bureau or Office indicated above. Receipts will be issued in all cases where "cash" is received, and only upon request when remittance is in any other form. If tender of payment of this bill is other than cash or United States postal money order, the receipt shall not become an acquittance until such tender has been cleared and the amount received by the Department or Establishment and Bureau or Office indicated above. Failure to receive a receipt for a cash payment should be promptly reported by the payer to the chief administrative officer of the bureau or agency mentioned above. * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1982 0 - 361-526 (7443) 1 Optional Form 1114 (12-79) Title 7, GAO Manual 501114-107 Date BILL FOR COLLECTION Bill No. B03911G020 QDR, USAED Wilmington, PO Box 1890, Wilmington, NC 28402-189bate__ 19 December 1990 (Department or Establishment and Bureau or Office) (Address) Mr. John N. Morris Director, Water Resources Division NC Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 DESCRIPTION Quantity 12/19/90 Equitable adjustment for erroneous report of a water line leak at the Falls Lake Ranger Security Building, Contract No DACW54--88-C-0021 Lease No. DACW21-1-81-2614) Interest is chargeable for late pay- ments at a rate of 9 0% per annum im accordance with Treasury Fiscal Manual 8025.40. Interest will accrue from this date until date of payment unless this debt is paid within 30 days from the date of this bill. 96X3122 BE2550800A0CX07 BE2551900AOCX07 BE2551910A0CX07 This is not a receipt This bill should be returned by the payer with his remittance. SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. Unit Price Cost Per Amount $677. 07 AMOUNT DUE THIS BILL, $ 677. 07 INSTRUCTIONS Tender of payment of the above bill may be made in cash, United States postal money order, express money order, bank draft, or check, to the office indicated. Such tender, when in any other form than cash, should be drawn to the order of the Department or Establishment and Bureau or Office indicated above. Receipts will be issued in all cases where "cash" is received, and only upon request when remittance is in any other form. If tender of payment of this bill is other than cash or United States postal money order, the receipt shall not become an acquittance until such tender has been cleared and the amount received by the Department or Establishment and Bureau or Office indicated above. Failure to receive a receipt for a cash payment should he promptly reported by the payer to the chief administrative officer of the bureau or agency mentioned above. * U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTItNG OFFICE : 1982 0 - 361-526 (7443) t 27 June 1990 Subject: Contract No. DACW54-88-C-0021, Maintenance Center, Falls Lake Project Mr. Kevin MacNaughton Division of Parks and Recreation 12700 Bay Leaf Church Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Dear Mr. MacNaughton: Reference is made to my t1,May 1990 letter regarding waterline repair for the Ranger Security Building at the Sandlin.g Beach Recreation Area. I am in receipt of another letter from the contractor dated 24 June 1990 herein he is again requesting payment tor his services. I have received no response from your office regarding resolution of this matter. The contractor, deservedly, is due payment for his work. Please advise the status of this matter as soon as possible. Please call if you have questions. Sincerely, William T. Branager Jr. Authorized Representative of the Contracting Officer 11 May 1990 Subject: Contract No. DACW54-88—C--0021, Maintenance Center, Falls Lake Project Hr. Kevin MacNaughton Division ot Parks and Recreation 12700 Bay Leaf Church Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Dear Mr. MacNaughton: Reference is made to the attached letter from the contractor regarding waterline repair for the Ranger Security Building at the Sandling Beach Recreation Area. The alleged deficiency in the waterline was identified to my staff by your Mr. David Kellam, supported also by your Mr. Sam Oxendine, and, accordingly, was forwarded to the contractor for correction. However, as noted in the contractors letter, there was no deficicncy found. The alleged deficiency was forwarded to the contractor based on your representative's request. Accordingly, the attached invoice is being forwarded to your office for resolution. Please call if you have questions. Sincerely, William T Dranager Jr. Authorized Representative of the Contracting Officer Enclosure HOWARD MANAGEMENT GROUP GREENSBORO. N. C. 27401 May 4, 1990 Department of the Army Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Raleigh Area Office 11409 Falls of the Neuse Rd. Wake Forest, N.C. 27587 Re: Falls lake Maintenance Center Contract DACW54-88-C-0021 Gentlemen: (7) r r, 44 WAY Raleigh Area Offcs As we have discussed with Mr. Bill Black of your office, on April 26, 1990, we came to Sandling Beach to repair leaks in the water line installed under the referenced contract. These leaks had been located by the Stat of North Carolina forces and were considered a deficiency by your office to our contract. Upon uncovering the line where, and adjacent to, the location marked we did not find any leaks. Several of the state people were present including Mr. David Kellam. They agreed there were no leaks. Please note this line was tested on 3/17/89 and passed (Copy of report attached). There are some springs in the area of the line and we believe the state forces were hearing and observing flows from these springs. In the Contract Clauses, Article 62, Para (h) states that if work is uncovered and found to not be defective, the Contracting Officer will make an equitable adjustment for the additional services involved in the examination. We hereby request adjustment as follows: Labor: Supt. - 8 hrs Taborer 8 hrs subtotal Payroll Taxes Total Labor @ $17.41 = $139.28 @ 6.50 = 52.00 = 191.28 & Ins @20% = 38.26 $229.54 Equipment: Bacchoe Rental(Hertz)= $270.38 Pick-up Mileage 180 miles@.22 = 39.60 3" Pump - 1 day @ 20 = 20.00 Total Equipment Total Direct Cost Overhead @ 10% Subtotal Margin @ 10% Total Should you have any questions or need any additional $329.98 $559.52 56.00 $615.52 61.55 $677.07 information 201 N. ELM STREET • SUITE 1300 • (91 9) 274-0765 please let us know. Regards, HMG, INC. .lc Gary Arnold, Supt. SIM • • • 4. tiALL LAkt HAIIITENAkt didfilt coN RAct fed i bAcd54-88-d-0021. notiAnb HARAGEMENttfiobP trtit,ttY Lift tst Stott+ tested Line besctiptiont - \)\1Q:;kc he- -roca. Qj fills - ' 191 an '. CI 0 n -Required Test Ptessure: 13 p s i tehgLti of Lihe tested: 950 L.f. 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No 6 8 7 3 3 : Original R.A,'Number• tlateJ fame. f • • 11 • Rates are subject tq chan°e upon thirty (30) days wntten abaci to d"•! customer Rental Amount • agrees not to surrender the use of the- Equipment Io- any person without having first obtained the written permission of HERO.. - • - votwf haanding payment of the LDW fee, Customer Is liable for all damage to the Equipment and expense of HERC caused by the Ettuipnaetd being used or operated In violation of Paragraphs 2., 5., 6. or 7. on the Reverse Side of this page or in violation of the LOSS AND ' AMAGE WAVER GUIDE. • - , 'ARAGBAPH 15. ON'THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PAGE IS IN LIEU OF (i) ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, , AlCLUDINCI, BUT NOT LIMITED TO; -THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS � A PARTICULAR PURPOSE: AND (II) ALL OBLIGATIONS ON THE PART OF HERC TO CUSTOMER FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING, •- 31JT Ntrr LIMITED TO, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL. DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION MTH THE LEASING, MAINTENANCE, USE, OPERATION, STORAGE, ERECTION, DISMANTLING OR TRANSPORTATION OF THE EQUIPMENT, CUSTOMER REPRESENTS THAT HE HAS FULLY INSPECTED THE EQUIPMENT AND THAT SAME IS IN G000 XNDrT30N- AND REPAIR. CUSTOMER IS LIABLE FOR ALL VIOLATIONS OF LAW ARISING OUT OF CUSTOMER'S USE, . PMSESSION OR OPFRAT10N OF•THE EQUIPMENT, • • - 'HE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED HEREIN IS RENTED PURSUANT TO AND* IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS' SET FORTH %SOVE AND ON THE REVERSE SIDE OR THIS PAGE. CUSTOME R REPRESENTS HAVING READ AND AGREED TO S.'IM. x i y.:.• I. it fr • • ...•.1:. • Signing for Customer • • Fuel Svc. (Gals.) Loss and Damage Waiver Transportation Charges N.mberJStale • ?7C1,�.7. - Y « _ _• ...« __.- ._ ._ ..fF 14 if . .tarns • ',Jraf9►'%1C>idfelH.. ,: •., t , i to Return I, Delivered by _ _ y�otund Received by rM 4 A...1& -t, N'�- Sahli jOrrief - ' 1 Herb Trudy. ' a: f Truck ; . t .. )tt •1 r. • � R illy. ' • R.A. 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