HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00263_Well Construction - GW1_20240105 WELL CONSTRUCTION RUCTION RECORD(QW^ll Fot Internal Use Only: 1.Wed Caatratier hibrusidon. Xf s'�A- r v �ir SS e T f e ._ 11��1ldt>rdlillr{_ wen CoatresttrName ,!'BOSS To DtsCRWi]Of _ _... (OJ IL ft. 9 /L it. NC Weil Contractor Certification Ember / 1 QUR� , �:S.i tr'l�t 14 `j, /DR1l/1 1 Y)Lit` 1Li�r ft--PROM1O DIA1Ql�! .. illAriilAC ft. la. ` r CompnnyNaa* - / + t. 2.Will Coaa nicSea Porait 4: i -MA 9k . 1.111 _'..:ear i� "g.g I. ." Thai _ TO DIAt1QilR . i l[AliYlAl Lea all applicable moil awrtrsiction permits it,.f1IC,Cowry,&ate,Variance,eta) IL ft. Is 3.Wd1 Use(cheek wed nee): ft. it. la. • ' miaow Witter Supply Wei: - FROM TO DLeMesa snot 102 rrnac aNTli 1 sinIU. •AgriculturalMunicipaUPublic ft.ft. la S geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) esidential Water Supply(single) rt. rt. I., •f tial/Coounercial Residential Water Supply(shared) a�ra. -- .r.----.. PROM TO MATWAL A Cann CLsfril'r 111180 4 AMOWi4 Nee-Water Supply Wed: ) f �<� ", 1fna ;} ■Mani ', °Recovery it. rt. --� fr. ff. 1 •Aquifer Recharge °Gaamdwater Remediation _ . 1i► YIieFAI4 oseish* I Aquifer Stange and Recovery °Salinity Barrie PROM TO MAMMAL t pf,AcsatxNT twstrgop w■Aquifer Test 0Stormws Drainage IL rt. } • Tec hnology °Subsidence Control ft. ig a „. • (Closed Loop) °'Crecy 11 IAA fiipMh saldiri aifitetis fl�ser; emit •(3eotberrnal H- ,. eosin Return •Other -. .lain under#21 Remarks FROM to Draciurnor+tees.■,r.da.ey.sahrrh ayl4 sisal*a,.tee) R. rt. 4.Deis Wen(*)Caapleted✓eglit1/., Wcdl IDM- 1 ft. � _ P s-. I r Se.Well Logsdon: ;.-tit'(r,f V f�. `ti ghipald T T- 4/ .. ff. ft. r Jwti a ZOZ� L/ Feedity/OwarName Facility iD*(if applicable) 3145 0.th..• ' i14 v /le ,ice(6,-78`s( ft. ft._ �r,e-�;, --_ Physical Addis.City.and Zip f /ASH Bike/e RJ40'-. & - , _._. Comity Parcel Identification No.( Sb.Ladtnde and longitude in degrea/minotedsecoads or decimal degrees: _—__ _____ (If well field.cos le/bag is sufficient) / 22. Certideadea: 4/ N .,'U/ w )f//t-Y)i,, . , }'l.2f/a12 6.In(are)the wed(siPermaaeat or °Temporary Sias cure ore/Maul Wen Contractor bate � B'stinbeg An fore i hereby certify Thal the sails)was(were)coastrect.d In acconiaeae 7.Is this a repair is as existing well: °Yes oro wok ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or 1 fA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Coweprction Srr,dants and that a �/th&it a repair,jilt oat bgowa well Conro tlon information explain bit nature of the copy of rhea record has been provided to the well°weer repair wean CI remarks section or ern,the back of this for,". 23.311e diagram or tadditisnst well detadi: B.For G. obe/O T sr Closed-Loop Geothermal Weds having the sane You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction.only 1 W-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. chilled: 9/7 $UHM11T'TAL INSTRUCTIONS 1'1 ot:ai well depth ~lead�� ° (IL) 24a. Fqy All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For amfgpi.sidle!lot all dapMs y'dtiFarwr(example-3(200r'sand 2®100) construction to the fallowing: 10.Stade water level below Isp of casing: gt1 _(gt) DIvi dos of Water Resources,Infoneatiea Processing If wrier level it above mating use'+" Usti, / I 1r 1i17 Madaste Service Cr,Raleiely NC 276ff-1617 11.Borehole diameter: ;r ' Oa.) 24b.for b lectlea WO. In addition to sending the form to the address in 244 /� /_ jr...- above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Wad esoatreedsa»ietbed: I,G Vconstuction to the following: (i.e.safer,rotam cable.direct push.etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Iajectlon Control Program, /� 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-163i6 13a.Yield(um) /±) Method of test; f /Arilsly,„,.-- 24e.For WitterSaimilv&lnkctioa WA: In addition to sending the form to � the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Dia 13b. lsfeeds@ type: r�)l:.diti""- Amount: .Ad}1-0 completion of well conatniction to the county health depattment of the county • where cons rutted. Farm OW-k North Carolina Department of Eaviroacaana t Quality-Division of Vistas Rosman Revisal 2.22-2016