HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00027_Other Agency Documents_20240108 NOTICE OF DISCHARGE
NOTICE OF DISCHARGE OF UNTREA Heavy sustained rain on
Sunday, December 17th, 2023,
Affidavit of Publication caused Roanoke Rapids Sanit
ary District to have four
wastewater collection system
spills. In the first instance, a
total wastewater spill of approx-
STATE OF NC } SS imately 84,000 gallons spilled
COUNTY OF HALIFAX } from the wastewater collection
system from Manhole A54, sub
basin -A', located at Land St
and an unopened portion of W.
Christy Williamson , being duly sworn, says: 4th St. The spill began at 7:30
p.m. and ended at 9:30 a.m.
That she is Christy Williamson, Ad Director of the The the following day. During the
Daily Herald, a daily newspaper of general circulation, next two instances, 18,900 gal-
printed and published in Roanoke Rapids, Halifax County, Ions and 9,000 gallons are es-
' NC; that the publication, a copy of which is attached timated to have spilled from the
hereto, was published in the said newspaper on the wastewater collection system
from Manholes B46 and B52,
December 23, 2023 sub-basin 'B', located at W. 3rd
St. with Starke Dr. and Rapids
St., respectively. The spills
began at 7:30 p.m. and ended
at 6:00 a.m. the following day.
In final instance, 600 gallons
are estimated to have spilled
That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated from the wastewater collection
on those dates. system from Manhole 8136,
SIGNED: sub-basin 'B'. located at W. 4th
St. and Franklin St. The spill
(( •. began at 8:00 a.m. and ended
at 8:30 a.m. on Monday,
Ch ' Williamson, Ad Director December 18th, 2023. Approx-
imately 112,500 gallons of un-
Subscribed to and sworn to me this 23rd day of December treated wastewater discharged
2023. into the waters of the state trib-
utary to the Roanoke River in
the Roanoke River Basin. In-
flow into the sewer collection
system exceeded the carrying
capacity of the pipes. Pre ara-
Elizabet Goodwin Howell, , Halifax County, NC n y d p p
lion is being made for all known
repairs necessary to reduce the
My commission expires: July 13, 2027 source of inflow to return the
pipe system to service and min-
imize further discharge.
.zt.• .Gommissio„•. y This notice is required by North
00006193 70850122 cam: � —v.•• Carolina General Statutes
NOTARY N: Article 21 Chapter 143.215.1 C.
Wren Thedford co? (ism r-
NCDEQ-DWR (RR) 13 ��� Roanoke Rapids Sanitary
1617 Mail Service Center -,7c5' y/3,202� ' �' District
Raleigh, NC 27699 '% CK OpUN ,,,, `` Permit # WQCS00027
,, Thomas C. Wrenn. CEO
(252) 537-9137
December 19, 2023
Dec. 23. 2023