HomeMy WebLinkAboutWake_Well Abandonment_20231229 I r))) .34trowirupd 44,14444 MOW,hs)3°1 1 ..•••••• s 1 p:,iiorill',11' 1114 :In beettl iti*41443/11kopowylbrow 44444/.44, 1 -;-7.44% 414I4-477 alp to WALMIlhbf VOA illiks' NI ,'I ),,Nutopar‘ir pi) f 0 '' ,"‘‘'.3.) tt'(YE MI**Mil SW.,id‘41'..dn. 1,,ikr,•‘`), dsoktl-t,d),d-111.* -,T1 WW1 dip&-iirt..9d4 4.,/troorpt ill ...p)\\,,..1):‘,Tii i 4,'qailbs..,9kr.‘x ill.1-Nil (10 h Ilikwirft)0 4114ereAwee,exee041,at) i 11•91141ta-IN 12.IIIIII',MI,1''.,1 ilaIll'It 94'9 I ramp.%paimatt tool 004-44.14,4,4,1'1 AreeSesa pitkvotk)sopt.baful peetwie,eape 1"sexin.,,..‘01.1,1),,‘k 1.,‘,01,1%,(1 3 1 tIll,kolroi NO,o1 Ili',tit],,11nNV )ddildikikikdd iticup w it tom woo sap p;Jo':1!;., 9 zlIPIIIIP 414*Nisil-sl s tracl zczt..4 ;',..4s.oil mime or :,1t.i‘k 11,,113:,!ti 1.101%MT '4'41444114w,4t4"4 '-4.1,)I-t,,,..,: ,,N,' -,,lem•33111a) I'll\ lid I..-:...• ,.1,1 b.Ili III ..iiii',.kkII1110)1 1111'k‘10/10111,1(1 ')5'lio:1:411,1 to414,1.,,pitrqr ,,sipip of wows umi'kV Irttikti Is —II‘ AD) 'tto 1 .,..•,,o,i'Vtittwili.4/,.'kkok tiftdo.kft'tb . , . k.,^4.' . di‘011.4141,-W1‘'HMO lt, irp).))(1‘1,11‘..)\11117‘,111),A 10 kk li)1 id c:(114 ))iii \{, i.liNtididdki it Will rumor 1—er...,11's1.111 nn,( mirrl,laNivilootivtli ‘k . L.lirpg,Nis r.2.%ram/pipe 1,0..'1...',' ,iiii 1,.riki:0,1,-4,w4+1 Iliqbq 1;L_ \ ,,,,,,,..,HA.)lettonipillt.10 trir.rallp AN '.....)dirtall MK:4T I4isi48033,k.111111tIti....113?:.kfl ill.1 p pit;lii..1 fSi))'.tprIlli, i ., Attukkt,groi top t.;par.)).44..... .,al'ittriod.dtlt,40/6,1iddikidd dt ptippeti --71,47-S.4Wit 4144:44 .X....,0-',.45 xa arav E'I q./*a3411,4". NI" 4rVi'ilti4X14/11a,erliie SIP 44"/$ -- —717 if Pi— Arm oeekvekm ea leme40014Pleaateee 40, .1. rIPP if ..: I i 1- .115711d OK"'N-1.1tIO IQ Nlirs4',1 k,,iittoto-., ., ,,,c: 7'11 CA "Tf pffrd vitry.w.,f Auer,' ligrlit „....,,,,„,,,,‘„,..., rfforriP"W w rrig griNt da .._ ,,,...,,,r.1,,,„.,„ 01 mty..441.-c--4 a iggues welo ---7,314-einfl-7rAw7 rte144 i,..oron mi. v'''PT,i 444444KI L , zamrpromis irs.44...,•.N. -.....---:•••,....---er.r,t-444,444411 4,4: ieuproci rirepal4gn4, Sr? Q-571 irrei srrfae Amoy,' di...0,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,piy,: r444-4444te"4zNirkS`,. _rill Q,...570` -"Ala ref* :pa.*totatrom Jo lemon ap4atun1 smog,14.14.14as Warm poi.0.3 34, .7 it.4*.4rikk •r_J.agete=Ideal.4:*MO Z' ileteN Xese744044 7."... le ta 44,14kv..ortweo‘! Farn,)( Wan iiiiiitalS u‘.4 IN..0...:., %tonna WU 11 wan Almon c tiampb*Mos,VW m frouNiNN,N pm/x=4,v: t)OZIONIO \ID*41'T. por9 wok)pairs u 0304444)i*ims,root*IIIIIIPI.-W 4.404.14N:144144.4,Nzitolp24 i"prk.....x,:,.-s., ‘.: pin frilMOV.)-j.;604011eIVAPSOII-4thila pw.v.:),o...7,4ar)1,1..",:,f;r3 i*tirkkti"3"04\-- tte.),....,1;‘), :4 4,14141e ermi me veep)p.m qt4exteet almv.v.;-44. Ezoz 6 Z 130 :pees lee'emitew44 I*kinvmeY'Ph. ri R /\ r.7.11-‘73'.:3 %IOW iMbau.) le f 4 4 %.m....1 s-at.i :_.... . ..._.'--; . Ce0C-S9 h al 4-P19,,,vlium kitd.ilkdtd OW-,)tt.)),‘ :, :pass iiisoiroullb N.Idil"I":. H1H , .._.. . _ :i 1•44S-1-1.i14,11441S111114X1Illi .03 dttina V Ham apod AI ,7 'isiViii el**MOW lad*JAW*fa Miiillikm.AiltilAtilitatkM%'',e. ____ ___ ' — ....i-...1 4".4 to.a 4..1.44,i 414,,, . ---` .. / 4 Ala S\ i'V VII 4,NPUI P414X'.'-''it'1)i %PI,444'Id-1014111.1),ma., _ - ,1„,..-,e,,%maim emetemiew)riat.upeeet)au Limiestue,/e.ri do)li. 13‘)°Atik)N ‘;' cult irta ivihouNiiii-i-Tlii „.,„.„.„,„4"tot‘4t44,- k lk'4 t 7 (1)101:111 .1114)ti ‘ti‘ 1 i i ‘‘ __„_ _ ....._,_._ t,,iiii ADArtywista RBCORD kkoviNKT- . 0y Ake,Ptifeb Ss.timber at*alb Wag oboaloatir / tr. "lark aystmi* 41, INWIPAROT nip* war Witt .4 stkw a.... 'o,firvelPfor'11,.4 kfe• WA VIM"febntglay taiaiseloollissikAritpeopains rrmerseArrlebsviien•wo*row ert 11411111 OM OM W‘ItC"Vi lb.Approdiaint volome al velar remalulag la atelll4 /40 1 rt--a‘,41 vit.,t-viat.i.gia sakam N.VV Poole Well&Pump Co. ,TOR WAT=1111,11.1f ITILL3(IINGT: .it--,.A.,,,'f:Nroo.l• lt.Type tif iblatetbal sulk : 0,,tit orastratatea trued;l%4627;!elfft's;21141413 ,,,i,...",..itt..itii...r arr.ra n• meow*al Fin" IL Animal ot dislatttbol out , v,...I list mama a ell silty: .. wit tv,sArig)Wei, h.ludag materials and(deck ad that applyk F Claps or HMI1 rz7-.C L---. VE n ogotomps — --li ,..... 0,1p troititett Otaimlakellftale 0 lhal Cared Ona4 a DI Cla ,AirpOyerr,41044164Wevainiogow, Xtumaihromorft**04 ourc....40.m DEC 2 9 2023 0 pi:oceans:centrastiMetarsinetclal mtoki,,titz,,,,,,kr scot idiro:). r n.r-,,,,,,,•,n,o clmscstv ' L.;s7s,..,1;!/(:);-,,• a Maid - inforiosMen PrmatisAi UM ;Not-wort sok*lye* c:,u wails Sto” 0 Other(eglala maim 11,1 - DWQ,130Cs ::-..u,•,,,,Attot3 Llama - 4.,Attmatalertint 7t.For oath malarial a tiecfad Amy prwelie anmasal id materlds met Ontontlwater ItemetIlatkolf iV,„-fiak)iireddiCikme 44.5II918s' -,c,,,,,.. ..,„ !,"'7,2 .-2.7: :,% LlSallnIty IN ti • - • OStQtm mita Dratilag: 05111,31J mos DO ol 7g.rourlde A Infer serlaltaa at Ili i 1 urItit;:zivzt presidium Mince: ....--- ,. — •4t e' A,e. 194/1. 1._12 ----- ._i.__-___.' (liziiiiti evol I na It Own) 0 Other(explain witl a 7g) AL--'AToli-:— fiC1 1 ti,- A ,- Z2E— FC.ianr.ff.oflod: ...:..... .a._ . 74.0 142 -LZtiii A. , Certlfteclooi F A cillty Itil(If Arrlic.1.) .,., ls, i..:„Z.3_„._:, ..,,,jr, ,,•, • .0'7" ' 11(9° ' /2'44.' elfTrirM E-2114->-..Y di; , .;,7,,., ay Sig o c(Cri..7al*RI Ccotrag=tor ily:geeing tilli fvtrn,I hirtty cerrOF gkeitt AV WO was jiv)ninrisiond in l'alvol Modification No f PIN) accordance with IJA N.C.4C 01C.Cin c•/-=.02ve rem 0311.1rACAiD715;aradalds WU(111(11 II cvny of thLr rrourdhal Loci i: igi tP Ott irtgOinlr'- ._ A%'-'i INJiiilllit i it Liegreeahninu kilo tondo or ileclusltlegreu: taAci,t) • 4.Slio tllaititin or ulaRloonl will aetAl:,.. 35-. -111013 N - -7g. 6'-/aLib , ,L,ay 11 nbastIonteral tleari• You Mft,3.!3;at'..:.:It IN;••:,:.-t:;i i'•:3 I szettssaly, :f, .,..N2-0-4/frikhn , itfV41Wir,Wiiiii/tftliief,aitt?Mri,or noh.rotio,, ii aLlimlITAIIIN5ritUcr tr.);:'4 •, .,.. . ,,,, 1,;;.n,Coin irlic(ntAiVdiidorslinni,)9i MI ainSer ens forTn. 9 r 101,l'ur All WILic Submit 1163 ft=uakih 30 days of completion ei aid nbandmuncnt Iv llto tollowing. Dh'illea of Virtu-Ituourres.leformatlett Prixtulag liall, - •,it6.,..., .::,: :. _ _ac....._ 1617 1z1 1 Seri fee Crater,datelet,tiCTIOY-1617 ... 10,Pgr alertichz 11'44: 1.1 at.k:f".:,::::. :, ... :knit in Mr address OH IN •iimeatt 6;;;:t,: ,.... : a 00 41/o e,lieu V birilt ono Qvi- ,.-:t.:‘ : ' ' of completion of'lien Rbandintient to(Ito foilvv•i:,: ...Act hvtil belftow produ4 glithatt AA() (P..) fib ttiva ul\Vain Roil smut doter/rose.. ,:.•. t Cuttrol Prasintn. 1636 Mall Service Crater,Rattail,N.: -:,,t'l•er viral Magda dt ben* Aiir ,r,.) I Ur.kILIYAlg.lillisil di hind Weds lo adddioa to sending I'm test 1,) be addit*til'ftl,..) , olio Waal oar ropy of olds form within 30 •••••••• ""PktiOn 0(\,7:l,O,an..1=mat as Ma many lirs711,depuining el Ilte irt,iy •i.;+r-matophatilog Stork dtturammd .111.1 ,,,I,t,al 1.,I,r1-..! .._ ,,,,,,, ihnix.... ,,,_„........_" WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD f - ., — - j 1.\\ktt(",+t)(ea�tettulul�attia►: BattyWL(,1,,�N\vIIii•N IE:`wTUU\ lS 70.For fkopcebeMrr(rClosed-1w ,(fruteermalX%elks taros Ihesame • .,H<.,,.v Nv 0r4.Y0 0.(+n4wMy wall er►1is11ce pt peetyl well osasinvdiooklepOk,only I GW 7 is Needed bobcat TOTAL NIAIBEit of ••'"a. liKWett______n1 7b.A,pprn Itn3le Vaal.*UfW awake* nt reririoat1 areal* Waif N \V �-'o • el&Pump Co. I.OR 11 A11.K Sl`PLYWBLISONLY; \.,Kr 7e. I spc of di gin fc•c•t:)n !�t a! I Nit:11.n.1t + +/Y"` "t l� 1/2lb. . ...,-.,.t,..emrawf,or fir;rier n;woe,Oiweawx_ert,t➢wwa _ ___ 7d.,.Amvuut of tksinfccfant used' ,,\\etl.h'RCef.tae0 uve4 \\:slew urr( -,44, 1e.**Kitt inatcrialx u%ed itherk all abet ap�JC r 3NpAkAakkirsta 17NlWtcertakrublw C1 Ncal C anent Cuaul }jtatoolie Chips OfPoom If E'KWOramx4at41ikvtrtitgl:kvItas Suct40. 7itcliitntial Water 5uppt}Noodle' • Cl Sand Cenunt(unto Di7C4 DEC 2 9 2023 ctp,4.,„.,kw"y t4t.0.1, 'IRc,tdcntrnt\\;ucr stir ply(slhued) I:7 C`Cnctctc(intut 0 QIMCYMrFs 141mmx aww pcoaltv Lin,,,)t 0 Gated IT1fOrwatiti1 Pr!?^.aIFQroi Ufa A\\aler CCtlpp \%1 n 7:1 Uentunde SIwn- p Odor(imam wader at: DrCO3O3 CNAka4.k $ UR,xoyct\' lojectier Writ 7E For each matrrial caner led aAm6 provide oaroontoffoNleiflrtlstd: C tptttWt 4k Aettt CJGmmndtwter Remedlanon geWiy f _a j iia522` C1k auctir$tltECatl1: .:,`sc d)Salnuts furrier ,a.).44]itkrIAN UStormssaier Uiutuage CINtiotoptool.1-6..lo..•Id,, rlSiihsidence Conlon " nridc a b•'^(drerrinlinn of the it,.tnd•nttatM,llr.[tdrr►- L((ioDslww►tl.,C s d I.eel,t Cl l r aecr �+ �/ ZvbCIId2t(1011;,I I:al,o;. Cooleis: Rctwnl L1C)tltcr(explain under 7g) Far got��.///X- e•-p41/f-? t _ 5J 'n�3� � ' _ .1k llatewelItt)abandoned: f1"/3` ta.tt elt Neal ion: Fu itty IDll(If applicable) S.Certifice tinu: / q L,.�/"'� ?ei-1rt�L 11 ' �G/� �������\ it Lv U *we n(C sit :il ,ii .Y.irl,:t\Cell(. \I`f/' Qt•xrttuttg tier,,l,u,k f iketeet.Coif tr.(i.Mbar Ike re1100 teat f+m,+000000neJ i Parcel ldanhllcanon NO(PIN) acct.dant c a,rh l?,.t rll'C„IC 02C.0100 or .0200 reit Cemineneejyie,', silk!lh.11.l ru/n,>J tbs oreartfArs 6eel pyyryrt to the ramm r ^I•.L.ztmnde:tail longitude in dcgrecvtmututes/seconds us-decimal degrees: . :;1: •••e:1,1ten,;,suit6.cutl r'n yl ', e1 Y dtP "1 V.1•t 1. 1 \\ 9.Site diagram or addttiululwerdMl�: . f 1 h ) You 111.1y use the back of this wog Ip provide adilinoid via Sae druids or u 6: ab:uidonmcttt detail Yon nury abeam&al ooad pages if accessary Ctit\'s Mil( f IU\DE1•\11 S OFWE L1.(SLtiFI 1G All.*NDX\ED sL I. IIT'GU.INS RI t Furs -3xsn,::•• - •...,,..•.••,,a,,nu','•aiiiii bk.ref meJn),lc lines te,Inns orWtl-,rarer supply x nh O)4} ':toy.t•,itnlso-oat 4husiiiesarot.till r,m„lhm,l rule I,,,,,l 10a. Fur All 11 chin: Submit th:; !min .n.l610 30 AIDS at oorlptenoa of ur.'I fa,'et e!i Ilk:: abandonment to the tollo,ann 1)a.ision of 11'ater Kesourecs.lufo formation Pr.etstiag Unit. lb,I%talltwe 3jepee (tl.) 1617 Mail Service(-enter.Rakich.NC27t7 1017 ;re) IUb.For lnlecnuu Writs: In addtu.ut Gm Seriu6 re form 20 the addrtss I 24a Or.IttrrtMR111araerer. � f (in.) above,also submit one dory,,f[Inv forts unbolt 30 days of oomplamon of.mill ahantluuntent to the follunnur2 ha,\\aim Md Omits ground sat tace:__-�. _^eft.) Ili.ivun of 11 ater Resources.Underground Iaajtct o.Caand Program. -' 1636 Mail Sets ice(-enter.ltalei::11,,NC27611111-lifdli Kt,.Comte losvogg tt 04str,tl kuo,.(,): 3 '2 (IL) IIle.For NValcr Supply Se Irt}ccIto it 1\ills: la addtaiioat0 senda4 the folio l4 Lhe addrese(ci)abose..ds„<ulatut one:ary of this tots ritd.r 30 dais of cent¢et,.x; of ttrll ,ah.mdnnnacut I., the :.,outs hraph dcputment of the auaun whoa ea Irrettose ttgatlbNr,•;Iclu lPt(,1 411o011): in4 aheud.•o,,l .'soma*lugerla Of �s t e InJ 10e/0 C..d.+poser arcyn.aartcd 11110 y-011•1100111.111W8101 Reserees f[tiblitkilti: ` twt.4•e 1A,Wel RM at. ' Ety,t awt1.1 twtvi M♦H.w, 0 ,t e,farm►(n R►a r iL litaalN st with Wag tkt tivero s ►ram,,,) 'rntg Mn,,„„,4aNr�dc 1,01 w1.100, ") 7ne r r,0I! two, « ow*wtcw tgwty. too* ONtr s;rN a. .w.. �/ � r•.►.►.nn'de.dn.tw► �eta/ rM , A,0 ror`"ern,till AvouEa vwrtnn. _ 3U At *melt Mtge et water»ts,latag la wt�jaj: _i --Ztt3.) � IVOR RIMIER SIDTPLYWitti.3010A: e \\�ii,c,00% , ,f� "cTipett plhtneael,aclt a,«rm t*t•tetaaltw:V"/V,l !lU"i.. I r►*.r a A►. ms,►Seas �htea e4la►�►• iA Zd V,I'll flSR ttLeth neq ! - , s.nRtlaat Mil tee): k n,! na Nt taeala t asterisks end(t6ttk ell t3at,pplTt _ _ _ r ;hhrla9 tlle,gt>�r�tt�Nola tattelailtiftotat 43 Pitts CesattA Cltaai O Bmlaatte Clips ( : *`�E ; ��aR Ctaranaetciht d dMiealfal�Mte3aiibiMaglti UtadMltStleKt t7 Dr, \+'L� a� eta R Cl OesmlNettlwt ti A l GdaS is DEC 2 9 2023 Nsaa.R1 tit*tCyg ter'kWh )11611460.1), 0 Mucci TJ�IAnr;t�aa to Metoltt ,seaw i?htt 4t v la a e to I2Riiew -•t i2n r'r mow.^.g URr :)k ialttcdtaibt ics mhtt.tttwttheMai..ryrtvdit,as t ter7t3ta/ttP'WO./3Oii � * itmih homy tierevekevest l a 64617 that* AS RA {// *,.:retratai Tar "� Intim � tie a hittdescriptlae et fist ataxel aatetat Fattiest: ite�trt,,t��1 � mtra 'mat ditibmalli a" eit'r4.41.4462a. CPC !�f .'9� 61a*�'n¢[ kehi 1_u:ti Iie____..... (MN) 0),rrg and 'urn Fkarc cue that SU tttit(41 tray Arta)e6tannarMte - - ant Ingltuue ill tltgrtedmknutta'attoada or dadmal degrees! urrl U r r ,' Y . ....yy� t:auF+SecSaemS.aeie s: i,v,, itv4clnv) �ail,et,A/aetat7. MOE �� I3 9,Slit dtatcamcrat etw� N — .3�`)-]6 YOU MAY Lull lit ha43tetids c 11' n'aanduntn�nt dtta;a.Yet �4 p»tidt>deliaaal ttt8 sae dttaita w szr: milt alto Nub kiabloed pars it T t!5hf1fran " ' FdI,. ''+e tome cnnt%r1 a k*1u a tdl ei9lon or nviA.altr na'rfl guat"" izawra $d�ndanmml,)v/1 cnn rvb.ttll r➢r!OM 1011. ., abti�kill L loE avo ILA:l-l(vn1::, .t:i of C ttion:+f v.v. '. I raetl tiept6t Uhlatoa tf ll'atar Itexaraa,:;;. etteettae 1617;11a11 Service e'e:tter,:ta ettltt�iC.2uf wag a:t " iUh, f-hilt 4,4t9re9t�talsktttur �Yt�ittlo__ a�1 gift; it,t avure,alas!Omit ero s� tAt iti*nt 2a s e adtl real io le? alra::lvn,nent!e C t , ` s:: . :.!�ytp 30 da}t ei �. �ti,.iyt-DtKI 6t#wwttetteoirittatea .+u'1. cvcas"1 Ito of wr' fn•) ll,thianotWater • tMA Unto t C adetttatiai Lain**Caahtl Ptetram, oItrx a.eiltats 'it Ago ralt let.RaltltaaANC2701463i 1Qe. !Lt adtUtaa(y} ,' ' = 41 a;k 4102s to at aing:nt ruts to {i 4 a+t110el44tg Pet:g.lt'kt;u v vtgt `�� c�ti&titan a a1eHtnt tee camvt thh fan wi>iaha 30 dap rf __04 ehrel lnatmestut thet hula dr,aayam at late ce: < r rtt:.taatt6 ritiartwala,__,_...,......_ """ "lwala ettfaiatu..n 4.4 Y.._.4. ,..............1)111411.11DilisiDUriptriBtil RECORD ,it blunt Kr: 1 1, v". 4 9,041%,%.01*.t liNOWINVOW11' ,i024/411116112211111,DITA11.1 / 19reNlite0/ . . • IL NeleUt et'ye&IttAti oltesisstit -- .*4 ok. .... it, Vprfter. sr asee-welvie IMP), '"141. "it -mom**0414.1a,44•rt tau.qtroto - i , .,. ' ett A theihr vasty?1,1 Inter ttretpliAttg la tweet*-45440-441 ,,ie Well Pump Co, FM WATER tiluret.r WELLS WILY': It Tyre et Illaiettaisal*rest: ; W.244 CtAtitkilitid00 IrtitysiA 44/4)6 gifin194023 a A.„44 stag.'. 't At Mit 146 i '',q•:14',V4 ttkWat*-04 Mt): •• Ai,ttk v tki: !tibiae%otol••:,4 I i;I el(tied MI that*MO ylt neon*:OVIto crR.4+7 C;L.----i":V ED .•LI kr it-ottovo: Uttleoldkuktotalit 0 Ned Cooed Owe* DT at" to&WA OMANI groat U Dtt4-Ctrapp DEC 2 9 2023 .zl-a.makz.,fttt, Ultooliotall ifitie&eck Oho* U Cora*Ge"it U 3putsillt Oros* ;gave '• • :•• , ',.' 7.tt", U Staitglatt*OW rl"tit tn1A1*IlirdWgierl Prnwiroil Uail DwcylOG It hr nth Infli.r44t oelooltiollorrtv myth motet of atattrasit rota: g: OC1ruttrIkernIfr Remer.:11:1;sh eilitv‘i. I.ItiaIlarly Barrier arise.ja,ctibLais, i...8 121Sle:rmier DI alnai;: I L-.1Subldevve er.;;;;;;,1 7.hoot&a Met atottiptios of the altolohotootot prottiotr: . LI nicer 444 VACL. 011,1- 11111)1*r 74 . , 4,4,14eM .ai II A 7-r:RALAVIP._ .„.0a........, AA .) An- ,( ii<175/Yligi,dti '-- .,ZIkktbrea ( , .0, 4.4.44*744,_ dni _. , it4 ilitli ;/ 'I,,,Itt,.1 hi/Inc el IrL . . !' !..1.It vet!vitt)saleadoect/ia _ .._. d•ol itkodilditto No;tst:) 4ccar:ance u tth IM NCAC 17:(7 ': -2 r9TectiOt Stmdarill utri:bar a(-Ty rf ihii,,,.;-,,,,„:,),..: .,•,- . ,•. •• • : .3.1%. . :,.:,e Ali k444.1144e(1),iegreesitutaettlisttelka tr tittkost gitirekt: owithigoot • 9.511e dirkgRue tit;acialtivtal eel Elesili. 7)r,_')..100 2. , ]J)_4R /tkt _ 1.0..6 Iuu nay we tht back tiNif4 pait tx, ... .22 2..;Lad Tall sit alai v.'Irv; tit . IV rrIlenderunrat tIciall3 'AN Iva!alrl alta::1;13,:..;LI:•;liftsgattessaty. ._:_ES,:i44.:t fa 0 - ' ' - '' k • '- allaiu&ILlitittigliCki4 ,,.,,,ti;,,arls1, , j#4, 1.,,to-,i,hipt tiviiii0h.0,FIV1-*tit!1111,1Y ' ,I i:,:r'cilWdrtirtieri 44Wortmrht,;rat eon tidbmit twfvm. Ehl.IIILALlyllic Ll.billii.thi3 a.:.:1 ''.'.11:..f 31 ilap of completion te viel iban:formentio the fillIJI‘i:1,4 , . .... ..... LII • `,I 1 Ifilblure of IV al er liticurzu,ia(Jri.:141:withatetaist DA ,.. ;;.•;.1':_ _ if(..../ 1617 Mali ServIce Celt ter, XL) ILI!eig 4.NC276.11114617 ... -roAtZt eillagfttia: ,a • ,i.i•) Silktit Ono t:c .:. ;:' : 3: ..;:i a taanittion ort trell 4;iinhfrImerit ic the cAre;‘,Irls ifit.,..,c- t'.1 Oblilon et 1 Crr lie),,urceJ,V.1,1:nit 44,4d lobules Castel Fret:eta, !s3i,m.11 c,t,i.t Cc 3 ter,Ettlellith,PIC 370,-163$ i juht ttk ; ,...:1,14 knatilttlitt ictt ;;;_([(.) Ik EsaIwir.141,111 L.s..k_lultz_litUr .+In**Mon to scolLog t.St tomo to Lilt tchl(css(tit)'mkrir. Ell 1L, j.:‘. t , :. , et this form eedjii 30 0,eys al 1 -:: ';` r:' - '01'1,,•I II ik .'flti x4,storkolOut kola Itlaoitto)t ."".". (t/..) r.lm4ettigt!a iptido4,at,44. ,________________.%••••6 tik) ., t:,:p:irti.;: Vepuf.ntut qtr4,1,.,. ..,..,,• ' . i In Intail3ii4301:11(WIQ/113:1 (11)--- atom, 111CILITAVII tUlat CI J j----------16114 31)lanai Ihenitottitta.111,,, ^71..z.,..r t,,zta.lrtflap efiEtsq Arestin an al vossespeip lip‘A Jn utipiiiiima i ill?3: LtItr.'1.,oial lila la Oa)ula II641,(1.9)ft"Pr''II ..-,••_!,.1:14 tictpems et comppt its! ...1777,77,7311171,11B1MTIIITArm•D,)I (111—b------C-----:ft:1406114 taitot IsttliA 410- lill114LI 0)4'411pp-1i tmua uMuaS If%9v 9; 'en.m.:24sza legeop impair(peteednpin 411111/selin JO}i m j n un7ljt;tt (*a) -------- —:;3 v I/III!Ma-4040,14 0.314t-0:344•. .j;If;ci)c.311%/tipUrV (ut) miaow meatun; F,133;a lafinderz P asp cf sm....• 2 2:.71:1;:i.)3 cliC)ptlflpf ITV'.:.toilo 1'..1!ti It2Int:41 c:r025 acl 4%1,-,, ';,=-7,vl :111greZIPITITN 71 n r• ... hi) tr0641 SPA Mk! Lt9g-iikt alefelafru 42;)::03 a3/A-1,511,19 L191•02/.1 hpusom sagreatorgp! fury.n,a At ja tr MAUI 4in IRV 1,1 , fFi:.%0 op ii;QlOtropnttiE lt,;.,;Iv ma:Van ja LI*of cr,eiret mri; t' ,t:7./1:,, :179117V-77 NT .4.01,-.iivupv,,,...v...(,/,...ve,f.m.vipi.t,.. .7...,...,vy•:,(iffv,M114-.,' wirrriztvrTvninfrrn3 xlith$, ,k, : ! ....1.,• " irturgwr se'r-1-7:„Ilit.•I'z;!t z vit Ztiv Tvzv, i Inv iv iv=cluopaqv kt---------3-grar-Sr- kl-------E F-09)—L. ('' :1-11;vp pat Ittormlit In mulem }is.6 • 04.10tinn n,t, _,. ... : .113.1110 pritti.vip JO inpvvente,navnuimpla42k4r1 tti ipniper,1 r.u..,-..•••: •: : •:• .....,..•,,vsNr.,ttnt.v.,vi;,C...L.,..,v : 1... : .:-- )17 OP:831-7.--a):D (um)uti wiptvgam j3ZPJ . i i :':' -..::';:t tilift 1 Itavoirpo&nut!du -----------cver-O-V a: (.tiv.04,31)1111^1t,,.1 . r in _ • Vill—VSVKfr3.' 1-2: vefvzy :;111.).1:.1.(", to, 'Wl3r21 Vrif • -lff.r,(477- ' ..-• ..z.tIclur.weitu isT,0i. tnP}t-•1'•',./..'.37:77-17 • •-12D2.' -rief-71(IfiWrY971111V-14q 1.331;11:- I I :'', 2. : ,34•:.:":7 7W...',14.;:ietvilstainl AA t fri;;If.:,)VIU3pjflriSM:..ttl:rEkt.Alll33144010 Mkt 31VaN.C_": -7 moan ituul nu inAznall eve abaots,rortbvt:± sovah ---74dvIffevfff'9 toriptatisqvcrunh rn D agitte.13 44114112 VO :rut smsamet,se sataart*mud Alidtiii Impala.Knit= ii.)zt:it ma, 49,1n4i:d. ZTOPACI Min re'"olgr'''le ll 2 iltnit/004,Fartia/4a4%3 Ct ,,_,, ii.,•• %XV . - -,-. CZOZ 6 Z )30 it.7.3 gra c, , .: _ (!,.,,,,i;.,tr,.!:::, unkit rimmatetteattitnimmtc An Ma fa , . ... / -.,-' ' I:1.,l,) 3l;;I:.1.tV:ilte iirl ?7 P") .1, )1"1.50 airuarkag a :•.,1.1.•11,1,P,V,.' •..••,4L,,,..‘_ ••,. '.:.,,... L. -..:'.... ......: :-.• Viddir imn at cat: :.1' I, •.,- ! ,•, • .•ow ,Allig EI-71,1 Nality.)400.:N•A A , zlass Pallaltliltlex lamialf-4 a.atatiat eara taltrtikt'ta•attaati•ataor aaaaaaaa:a•0 Spi......ad,,x•.ati.a.agaa.a4,- , a.... ,teilied....r%(Oka.tiV 4141111.11,1 ittattlat 411:141,tta,,,, ! 1414 itat3Wilit J•sail N ........, 4%01 Silatt.1114Ltilli wily&mut '09 duinci w.1.10AA ow L. '- - q0.,.*-.-. .2 .1,:t22pad.CO 21titallittit 1.1111M It Mel**apaiitteL.adif 41 ow&-a vi qv.ir,a,illtdpiiieli Mk./.11,1X4%.4.,•s- • • . , - . "' 4144 "''''' if"' sp76.4asola toia;:litt.le Jitotog lit - <'shiNA t .....`" . 4 . _trovnernnwawnta- __. . i •%,,-..L.401.--.01.,.,,..1 6-,, • . 1110)MPLI _ 1 "u ulThR--------7-11.----------lakmw p',. f :, • \\ 1.'L,1. AiBANI)()NrIEN T It. .t 01(11 h.nlu,••,,,J,i •e till.t — I.wcilConln:t> tefortlatdlw: N'h.t.I.AII.1;t)rt;-\Ili' I fl /ttL:: r1elf fdw,v6 :a lm 1:uyu d /UI'r ,n Lancelet,::r.rntftual Well:h,in!t t ,,,\.,,,, a+1 .,end slMiBn .,,r3t r lush` ,v:•II, ^I hn•iu nh1,.+111,cad -E f � r f . r*,• Ir n,c Yn <r 1,i•.d,+ 7 Y s r11r r.orsi. Ite#o=.N.E i f A.L 1411.Mif:i'.a well).il.iiodoo,AL .---A- r �._mw� lb.Amu leM pl vim:dc aeet sir wow ftawI111Ai1K it mat* (04 ;we \V. i','.FIB We &PUmp CO. rl ttl ic,\t EN 3IR?LY WELIS'0'fLY: {anlnnn♦• Tr. Ur pr of dicinfeetssl laurel: .,F ., ... ,.�,+„trr+r.�LC.�) 3."'.. .f..H,' M Yn,q,q s 7d.Amount of 1651r1feetaat north:_ Y 7r.Srahag matct Oils used(rirrrh Al(JIit a()illy): CIMinsaapal:l uldic O Neat Cement(hail ❑ 13rart,uu'c r.iulr,or?eirc4f ''I' . ''i'i'it ici;delut,d\\atrr Sniryilv illogic) ' S.111,1 Comm'rirntrl ❑Dry'.lay DEC 2 9 2023 ORlsnlcntial Watch Supply(shared) U Cnncrdc t;n;ul C1 Dial canals -,-, ,., „. , \\ I aSpccialty(kind. ❑(-travel (11ftX71iYnfPi1 t�•.^f.,1Q r UM` 0 Bentonite Slaty ❑()titer(csplaimtssftor70 rCdl l 4.3 tT __--. -_ JRecovely 7r.For each material.selected aLnre,Praride nulnuot of m.Iteriab+Imak ::.:All cc ❑Cioundw itch Rcnuditnimt /+ !::co /,y j/J� /� /'r' e to vc.y OSalinity l3anilr :343 1-- p„,,_ ,�/J_.-_- � `— ❑Stumm:ttcrDisinngc Il � '444/� ..,... I c,:a.lo)U;v °Subsidence Control l✓ � _"' ,�Ic:ved Loop 71'.•,I;t'nvidc abrief description nl'the a uS lotion mat procedure, iacer , .:I1 ., ..iting/Cly+iing Retu n) OOdtcr(explain under 7g) di 4 kl ! S NO .—C.7-4MEA -47/X -.:%a;c ell(.)ab:utdnned: :.1i'e!1 l:uativa: f 'r� • ,`. �1'c =%& racdity mil(iranpficabtc) 3.Certification: .ircn!nd,c.•«.Op'.and Zip C •� ,r. � �/�_ Stunaul cn,,cti Wen Can r c whey � fina ��, By signal this forma. l herehr cerrib,that the ,m8(s) was('.Cr' e)nba,u;o•c_:i '• Parcel Identification No(PIN) accordonca u,d,15.1,VCv1C 02C.nl on ar:C.0 200 Well Catsrrrcaar 5'::r;r{.- :. ,it.Latitude:ntd Innoittlde in degrees/minIIIc)/seconds ur decimal degrees: haul rdar it co({r n(eius reemd hrrrbcerr(aruridcd to the,rr.!(aa•rrer, I Sdti..7.IrUlnu is suffie.cni) "' C I.Site diagram or additional well details: �J.�L� ! 7Q 4 />- I)�a \Y 'I You may use the back of this gaze to provide additional well site d c:.ts.r..i . .L\s abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages ifinettons. - co.silo.CrION ILC'rAILs OF wt?LLISI BEING ABANDONED aacllcn:r.,uncnur.l cccur/(s)tiavailable.lot um(nt,k tnycnnu or non-oaten mtpply wellsSf/[3i\[1"E-CAf,I\$('ItllCllf)Nti u'L I" ,;'lie clone cr,nntrncfuu aaalulna,aenl,tm,cat ashen,:nut/r,rn,. 10a. For All Wells: Submit [his lotto within 30 tans of opstbidyess of sad: La.Weil Ma: abandonment to the following' /' Division alWater Resources,Infnrinalion Processing l hit, i,ta.l',:tn:,sell depth: 1///(... / (ft.) 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.NC I:MN)_1617 Olt.for In(ccrion Wells: lit addition to sending lit ion 01eead.:tss iu :',z .c'.:tile deic t:tcr: I (in.) abase, ;dso submit inn copy of this font within 30 days abandonment to the following; of eslaplct' t" 'ci: .'\:,::r I'vet tie)u'•s ground surface: (it.) Dis'islnn of Water Resources.Underground lu ecci.p 1636 Mail Service CentcrR.tleigh„NC 3 6•Y1LI6J Praeraar. tit.-•'_. •.. g Ica:;:ut(if Latnsu): lac.For Water Savill e y St tine pills: In ad!it.^u tag s+:WO/inEat{acne 6a:, . address(es)above,also adnnttntt ate copy of Hies C.,nl ss,Cs:a alp dap 0(001111012,:., at well iIandunnte,a to the county Iteal.h d rat:neat air 9Yt COMO were: +.Lin;;Ica;tl.(if lit awry: ift.) abandoned - • bleat{,C'„nGue Ucy,ntltlllll.t 1JtWlunnlGWlt Quality ality-IJIvnUn,Lli*Ala Ilesrnuccc bird1• ]pis . ..,--.,.nr.,cit.wuwltoaJglnt¢r(tidtQtulln{1?IpQN • 11E-AlO l•'. • . (Itmoo ail]Jr) tuatulrudaI tilting vat •pattoptrvgv ata1.11 ('11)^-- —.t(u.upol.IU I Clunm atl] et luawuoplrv9v p.m Jo uollaldwoo • a�� t11)glHua(.Hnigni/aulrua aauh; )o s•{up Of 1lpntm ougj son Jo Arlon otlo qutgtu oqu hJpgl la)s tppl otn • nl mini aril 8tnpuas o)uonlppe tq : m9g got (11)` I(U Y a ll)>i{Hiai Hulua.1311169f9T 669LL DN'rlHIaIviI'J alnaDaal._taQ!ITN?f9(wuaana dl I Dun a u. punniEJapnn'vaa.tnota » r tI 1 Al'10❑orilnlq ('iJ) :aovJallglitullouH.un(agla•ollaluAi !:. II J I I J :8ulmollnJ Pip Pt Iuauntopuvqu • _� i au n uoi a c4unn o ;Sop Of ulglµt uuOJ sill]Jo ,{doh ouo.Ill4ns;os(4 bnnqu• ('u1) vot ut smippc oin 0) uunJ Off) 8tcrp109 n1 uonIPPv'uI 1 .-----7 :aasaulvip aloge.loll .. nP4 1 /'gQC l L19I-669LZ DN'ONITIII caalnaj a31A-qs IInU 0.9I (1J) I ,,pin 2nlrsaanJ,J uOrlrmJnJilT'naJnosau.talrAtJo uotrinlq gidan Hamu v1 u ,T,'� :eu}++ollo}otp of luawuupuvq° !la•tt Jn uonaldutoa Jo s,(up nE tufllllnt InJgJ son 1pogng. : NQIIIa,{t't., �T�(�y?nT 'ro( 144-4t401J1:41144?14a.1/!! yuo pqa lJa u(f4l;a •w t 1 1 S d'obu.a,la•K•uw 49 uokBf. ! /Ai:R.V. ,u k •Y!.(?'t'},{.N�r!/ v � 1 f9114'011Y (less»auP sa8ed tvuolllPPY Il00liu nsla (nw no; 9 ... , Ilan)Jo e�lupp oils tent lueillpp°opx itou al sp ut no .plq P;IRalnmpuuqu At .. .[Toc.n.,into no,. 'L 1_ u---' 'tllrlaP Ihu lru.or11PPI Jo mtif.IP 311E1'6 TI L- fi 6 1 Q •Jau.ttn1la.ualryolpapl•taat(ura aaa.J t o,(clwp Dl1 iti7llplrtnl7aP 10IPUOaa1/ralao(nlpaptS7 ri0 tnt1Bn0 iUY�Itnou. 1la.ur;l ?""(f" �1u1 1 1 YuP P I P )1 I P I In '1'i rp.mpunlg un11niujnma II JAI 00I1',1 t-'0 0010 310 3YJN.YS/4114t 1Pipjp00p (NId)•ut1 ua In oa r1 p3ccopungo (a.n,1c)runs(s')119lt alp 1II11I i/Liao�2Ji111 'II/Jill'II/Jill1711 EujUJ111 du n Alwa PI I 1vd ,u l alvp aau.up Ham Jo a0)o111110 n?M ,uJ)a amp . .��(/ t'9 d11 tutu fSlla'ataapPV Ivala,fy,i i tttr •g • (tf9randdrnl paj(Int3ra / t a ,at1 Jau.uOp(1Ilu 1 '9 /ell r/ - ff Iuni)Yani puAt';c ' C/6/ (! W/���r .../ IpauopuYgY(s)Ila.11 atu[Y•.: 777,4(1 ,/ 111LbPtrn u(°i xn do410❑ wnlo)I ullaoD uild�ll tulivat na p 1)n :WJtlpa30.111 Imallltlopurgr aril Jo an11d14 Hp14pq r a plaid• L Jan°J•LC7 (do(rl Ibsnla)luuu0tnoaDl_1 'cutu p a3tnplsgnRo ,{Bntnutl0al,tu)ttansuudzFiCt 1- (,72_,< �i� `�' J/r • vEetr(EJ(J. 113htuJJ01S❑ 1h5.L 1aJulbv0 j ' n'µ�Q A1Iu1fIS❑ ,Ganoao11 pia OHu1o(S JOJ1nhYD :path rIvIJ3I lU JP 1Un011Jr aPlnnad h.wgr palaala/Irl1alrtlt yarn Jo 08Jugoal(JgnnbVCi Jot'71, I (BL aapun ulvlds�)Jat l t.K\1113 MC1 eoaal(❑ Ila,tt uohaa(uC rJ,tt u3( .Jl1(NMl6o111101uaEt p 8u1to)luol^1Q lanul ` ,• Iona ,( oad ;IN,4t.{iddn9 Ja v D IPI 6•❑ 11l moll rBunlnD IINQ 0 EZOZ 6 33Q map apnuOD p (pu1111) Slddng nryAl Ivn�P1p1I❑ llono Iultl mlOaattnuop/ulnrnpapv Jtarma pig p o8up) {lddn6llyatAvntoPIfit (Aldan&I1noD/8ulal.)luutaatlnaDC)(vID AJQ 0 salad in sdplp a)un)1 � .;111 Itutnap paw❑ nll'Indff d1°IunJ ❑ :(.(Iddv'VDn.n3ag3)Paru 1lrpilrtu nu(lra9'aL Iuntltna118V❑ • na,tt.{ldting.1.-ttv .1 :(arn tta.u)laarp)aim Ila.11'£ • :prim lurla3JUJi p In luauli'PG 4 uxOICLA(Dn Lauir1LJ•ia+.vligl '11.01S'4ww0'3'0 ripwrd l ni>14uv1p1du no p1.1 i . ep ,N Ilttuaq uo11an.t)tuoD IIam'Z �� :pa1a lurpaaJulrIPJoad.(�-aL / >� autvtl duudmulJ [INO 6 T'IIM A'Id3(1B 1IIYAt llpd O d � w n d '8 IIGM elood 'M'N (Ivy) p� (v)Ilau ill 9u1u1YwaJ n)ru Jo atuatni alrwrtotddy'‘IL "9Wnt1 uon�3))[p 3 ao1aanu10ahII3m J11 (� •ILLa0./"011u1Qn1110211.('Nrwuopua4uimwanaouoa • fitti • Hunt ay, qu.0 .I7N0 'llr� •Qr},lnr nlax•uou au ua11ar1u1 aldppou aoa .(L iadoul Jat i B o ui r. ouad 1ann10(tam.Jo)auiYpl ioloaaluna IP 11 tpauopury lataq ritau)o JagtnoN-IL ��°Q11 °n' P 9 �(n h:•. . • :unnuuun,uY.anlovtlu _ 1 m.-1 ally o.I4nitlw.3n OiHuiv aoJ Pain oq uva uunj call. :19NOzilIE111111111J • 611103V U► I0M WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: i iI 1.Well Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Barry Norwood 7a.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same Well Contractor Name(or well owner personally abandoning well on his/her property) well construction/depth,only I GW-3 is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER of 4165A wells abandoned: NC Well Contractor Certification Number 7b.Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): (gal.) N.W. Poole Well & Pump Co. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Company Name �_ ,+�O 1�,,�f� �� 7e.Type of disinfectant used: HTH � w 2.Well Construction Permit#:614 `� ti�I t ; . List all applicable well construction permits(i.e.U/C,County,Stare, Variance,etc.)ifh7ron•n 1/2 lb. ' 4 �i\F 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: VVV i 3.Well use(check well use): DEC 2 9 2023 Water Supply Well: 7e.Scaling materials used(check all that apply): ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public ❑Neat Cement Grout B frZ4bi# RrPduu"l um ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) iesidential Water Supply(single) 0 Sand Cement Grout 0 Dry Clay ❑industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 0 Concrete Grout 0 Drill Cuttings ❑Irrigation al,pecialty Grout 0 Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: 0 Bentonite Slurry 0 Other(explain under 7g) ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: If.For each material selected above.provide amount of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation Q i�,70��r�i�C Aiw / 'S2?4" ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier (7 %W�l.' �I�i ,�J LO ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control , r>,,midc a bra nfrlrsrrintinn of the ahanrinnmrnt nrncrdrnrr ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer .�y� ❑Geothermal(Hcating/Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under 7g) i, <7 g r� s/ z- i3O ,ki Ao i 4.Date well(s)abandoned: 11'4 5a.Well location: Facility/Owner Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 8.Certification: 6 103 Pi€4044. bg golie/&,4/6 .7-ii-oletu P iysrcal Address,City,and Zip p.,-,ai e3 S' attire of Cert. 'ell 'on racior or Well Owner Date poi 4�' By signing this form, 1 hereby cert5'that the well(s) was (mere) abandoned in Count Parcel Identification No.(PiN) accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0/00 or 2C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field,one lat/long is sufficient) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: r�5, N 'l�,t��, IV may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELL(S)BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS Attach well construction record(s)lfavailable. For multiple injection or non-water supply wells ONLY with the same construction/abandonment,you can submit one form. 10a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 6a.Well ID#: abandonment to the following: 3 f Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 6b.Total well depth: (ft.) 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 10b.For Infection Wells: in addition to sending the form to the address in 10a 6e.Borehole diameter: 5'73 (in.) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: 6d.Water level below ground surface: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 2�Y — 6e.Outer casing length(if known): . ,? (ft.) .IOc.for Water Supply&Inicction Wells: in addition to sending the font to the address(es)above,also submit one copy of this font within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where 6f.inner casing/tubing length(if known): (ft.) abandoned. • 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) Form G W-30 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For internal Use ONLY: J 1.Well Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS J ,' � �/'�_ Y4 10 -& C: r'G 7a.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same Well Contractor Name(or well owner personally abandoning well on his/her property) well construction/depth,only 1 GW-30 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of `-1 J 6r—c wells abandoned: 1 NC Well` Contractor Certification Number 7b.Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): I CCIII. (gal.) t /Ir6,kr- t/V i 7_4). J 1L(, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Company Name 7c.Type of disinfectant used: 14 T /J .;.-.(-t E i`t:,E Li 2.Well Construction Permit#:List all applicable well construction permits(i.e.U/C,County,State.Variance,etc.)if known DECC2 202 3 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: 6 3.Well use(check well use): u•Of C 1 7l .,yQ'„ n,9 f Water Supply Well: 7e.Sealing materials used(check all that apply): DW CJ'teOG ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public gloieat Cement Grout 0 Bentonite Chips or Pellets ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) 0 Sand Cement Grout 0 Dry Clay ❑Industrial/Commercial OResidential Water Supply(shared) ❑Concrete Grout ❑Drill Cuttings ❑Irrigation 0 Specialty Grout 0 Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: 0 Bentonite Slurry 0 Other(explain under 7g) ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: 7f.For each material selected above,provide amount of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation ' ,rt} '�5 ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Bather 1/y�L/ ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology 0 Subsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer /, 4- ��I I I Iovy r ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under 7g) C(A r • J p��e.et ,Je, - p-)4 4.Date well(s)abandoned: ),i i J � r n IT�,CJ /r /tt Q (�1 Sa.Well location: Min Pret-#1,C) C0 Facility/Owner Name Facility ID#(if applicable) 8. rtification: c iti1 wctA-t4ev ei e-t eve c - 7/1 / -3 Physical Address,City,and Zip Signature of Certified Well Contractor or Well Owner Date Ler-I - - By signing this form,1 hereby certify that the well(s)was(were)abandoned in County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) accordance with 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 2C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field,one lat/long is sufficient) '�/ s� /j�y 9.Site diagram or additional well details: `;,41 5r3y N —✓J •7 O 7Clgt�d W You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELL(S)BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS Attach well construction record(s)if available.For multiple injection or non-water supply wells ONLY with the same consrrucrion/abandonmem,you can submit one form. 10a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Well : abandonment to the following: 6a. Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 6b.Total well depth: I (ft.) 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 / jii 10b.For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a 6c.Borehole diameter: IlL/, (in.) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: 6d.Water level below ground surface: a (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, I� ( 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 N 6e.Outer casing length(if known): A (ft.) 10c.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es)above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion jof well abandonment to the county health department of the county where 6f.Inner casing/tubing length(if known): 1� (ft.) abandoned. 6g.Screen length(if known): iki JS (ft.) Form GW-30 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: l 1.Well Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Barry Norwood 7a.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same Well Contractor Name(or well owner personally abandoning well on his/her property) well construction/depth,only I G}V 30 is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER of 4165A wells abandoned: / /� NC Well Contractor Certification Number 7h.Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): /,i-! (gal.) N.W. Poole Well & Pump Co. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Company Name e 7c.Type of disinfectant used: HTH 2.Well Construction Permit# r�e � -� C'7 ( ;L ) E D List all applicable well construction permits(i.e.U/C.County,,tate, i arrance,etc.)iiAirorrn 1/2 lb. 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: etE C 2 Q 2023 3.Well use(check well use): Water Supply Well: 7c.Scaling materials used(check all that a ppixiik,ivrauen pr y:3442v um ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public 0 Neat Cement Grout P Bentonite COW6031Des ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Atesidential Water Supply(single) 0 Sand Cement Grout 0 Dry Clay ❑industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 0 Concrete Grout 0 Drill Cuttings ❑Irrigation v Specialty Grout XGravcl Non-Water Supply Well: 0 Bentonite Slurry 0 Other(explain under 7g) ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: 7f.For each material selected above,provide amou t of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation Af3 /,4Av j (�D1) .' ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier [� 'T,,�+ f��/�,,r /// ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage f z=/V 7VIV/ �- ,4�L.e, ,t y. ( l'-- OExperimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: OGeothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under 7g) Poi 3 V.6L iitirp 4,0,.4... fob atiro,/r - w p 7--Frea,en 4.Date well(s)abandoned: _ � 'VP , N D ' �� n c ilv� 5a.Well location: �L I'0-I l^ f� iQ wir /�1.$11,4U 6 •a ity/Owner Name Facility IDN(if applicable) 8.Certification: /z9„1.0 iyidfilicfraiz.p r,��/14 X "+� ff'�"21 Physical A dr ss, ty,and Zip /� �1., 173, & Celure Contractor or Well Owner Date By signing this form, 1 hereby certt&that the well(s) was (mere) abandoned in County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) accordance with 15.4 A'CAC 02C.0100 or 2C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field,one Iat/long is sufficient) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: k,3sadt,"3 n 1 y N 1c16 55 44 S M W You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELL(S)BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS Attadi well construction record(s)Ifavailable. For multiple injection or non-water supply wells ONLY with the same conslruction!abandonnrent,you can submit one form. 10a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 6a.Well iD/I: abandonment to the following: "' Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 6b.Total well depth: , (ft.) 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 o: "I 10b.For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a 6c.Borehole diameter: ' (in.) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: 6d.Water level below ground surface: P,..:7210 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 6e.Outer casing length(if known): (ft.) .10c.For Water Sunoly&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es)above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where 6f.inner casing/tubing length(if known): (ft.) abandoned. • 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) Form GW-30 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 • WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: 1.Well Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS Barry Norwood 7a.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same Well Contractor Name(or well owner personally abandoning well on his/her property) well construction/depth,only I GW-3}is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of 4165A wells abandoned: NC Well Contractor Certification Number 7b.Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): (gal.) N.W. Poole Well & Pump Co. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Company Name HTH _ _ 7c.Type of disinfectant used: /+',/ , D 2.1Vd1 Construction Permit#:(9i>YY ��� �' ` � ‘L— c List all applicable well canstrucilat permits(i.e. UIC,�rn�tate, Variance,etc.)if known 1/2 lb. 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: DE r 23 , 3.Well use(check well use): Water Supply Well: 7c.Scaling materials used(check all that apply): trtfcr ;otren Pr^'C.,9eois t,J 4141 ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public 0 Neat Cement Grout 0 Bentonite Chips oar 1 ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Aesidential Water Supply(single) 0 Sand Cement Grout 0 Dry Clay ❑Industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 0 Concrete Grout 0 Drill Cuttings ❑Irrigation III Specialty Grout 0 Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: 0 Bentonite Slurry ❑ Other(explain under 7g) ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: If.For each material selected above,provide amount of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remediation Environmental Fill gyaos ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: OGeothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer Put environmental fill concrete in well from bottom to top ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) ADOOther(explain under 7g) 4.Date well(s)abandoned: .m—,A-- m 5a.Well location: �,���+ Alt( 2 ` 'acili '/Owner Name Facility lDff(if applicable) 8.Certification: + a delcqqq Ph sisal AW ddresss,,}City a d Zip A 0,) nature Certific Wcll Contras or or Well Owner Date ' 1 +� By signing this foray, 1 hereby cert05'that the well(s) was (were) abandoned in County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) accordance with 15,4 NCAC 02C.0100 or 2C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if welt field,one Inn/long is sufficient) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: 13 a44I1 a.31" N 'W S 4 4 S". W You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OF WELLS)BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS Attach well construction record(s)if available. For multiple injection or non-water supply wells ONLY with the sane construction/abandonment,you can submit one form. I0a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 6a.Well ID#: abandonment to the following: Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 6b.Total well depth: iinm (ft.) 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 2y 10b.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a 6e.Borehole diameter: (in.) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: 6d.Water level below ground surface: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 6c.Outer casing length(if known): /t (ft,) .10c.For Water Sunnly&Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es)above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county health department of the county where 6f.Inner casing/tubing length(if known): (ft.) abandoned. 6g.Screen length(if known): (ft.) Fonn GW-30 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016