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Rowan_Well Abandonment_20231229
• i +. r�, -i - WELL-'ABANDONMENT RECORD l &; RI North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality =`"- WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# Z 5 22_ 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: 6. WELL DETAILS: a C,la lrn S _ a.Total Depth 49 i ft. Diameter. 02 In, Well Contractor(Individual}Name b.Water Level(Below Measuring Point): g.2- ft. '_0 W civ' W o_) t 11)r i I 1 i Measuring point is / ft.above land surface. Well Contractor Company Name Len th Diameter 1VS 4 b Shev v r i 1ls fD r �-4 6. CASING: 9 Street Address C ,d$) ,1 a Casing Depth(if known): --�--ft. in. Sa r.TOWn y; b.Casing Removed: /' ft. 4 in. City'or Town State zip Code / /Y 04 ) 103(a q.?4 7. DISINFECTION: 6'4/0/:.4',-P Area code Phpne number (Amount o1.65%75%calcium hypochlorite used) 2.WELL INFORMATION: 8. SEALING MATERIAL: SITE WELL ID# (if applicable) SAnd Cement NgaLCement• - STATE WELL PERMIT# (if applicable) Cement lb. Cement ib- Water gal. Water aal. COUNTY WELL PERMIT #(if applicable) 399 12 Bentonite DWQ or OTHER PERMIT#(f applicable) Bentonite 156 lb. a s .,.. WELL USE(Check applicable use}3 Monitoring sidential Type:L Slurry ellets F —e �� D ❑ M unicipallPublic 0IndustriaUCommercial 0 Agricultural Water j gal. DEC 2 9 2023 I] Recovery 0 Injection U Irrigation Other . kilo :ien Prr-;::9eotx9 Utz ©Other(IiSCuse) Type material. wVr•- Amount 3.WELL LO TION: COUNTY OWon QUADRANGLE NAME NEAREST TOWN: SertTs . 9 RoC )4 j i 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: ""'" 1 (StreetlRoad Name,Number,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHC I LAND SETTING: D Slope I]Valley 0 Flat 0'Ridge0 Other (Check appropriate setting) 10. WELL DIAGRAM :Draw a detailed sketch of tlwell on the back of this form showing total depth;depth and diameter of screens(if any)remaining LATITUDE 36 V'.5.2Setk "DMS OR 3xago 00000DD in the well,gravel interval,Intervals of casing perforations,and depths and LONGITUDE 75t6. . "DMS OR 7X.m00000( ID .types of fill matedalsised /Q�? � `�O '2� Latitude/longitude source: QGPS Dropographic map 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED ) (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF 4a.FACILITY-The name of the business where the well is located.Complete 4a: THIS RECOR►HAS BEEN PBVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. (If a residentiatweil,skip 4a;complete 4b,well owner information only.) 1 ��() z_3 FACILITY ID#(if applicable) , E nE D LLcoN ActOR DATE NAME OF FACILITY STREET ADDRESS / (Cj s'o v's "r ,54/'>!u� e-- aSYW SIGNATURE OF PRIVATE WELL OWNER ABANDONING THE WELL DATE 6' State Zip Code (The private well owner must be an individual w iiersonali ebandons hisliier residential well City or Town in accordance with 15A NCAC 0113,) 123 4b.CONTACT PERSONIWEL//L OWNER: ', d, ' hiAs/yj f L NAME c/1//4/ f-Pl�l a/ PRINTED NAME OF PE S N ABANDONING THE WE LL STREET ADDRESS'? q 0 ft W t i Ea , VD C" e-i 1 Submit a copy 0:the owner and the:original to.Division Of Water Quality=InformationForm GW-30 Processing, Rev. GVV :1611 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,.NG 27699•1617,Phone.;(919)807-6300..