HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrange_Well Abandonment_20231229 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: j
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1.Well tractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS
4C51 /VegIWOOermal Weg tmeWell Co owner personally abandoning Well on his/her properly) well construction/depth,only I GW'-30°s heeded. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of
j ,,t wells abandoned:
Aontractor Certification Number t �
NC Well C 7b.Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s):_la,Z____Igal.)
Company Name HTH
7c.Type of disinfectant used: ,
2.Well Construction Permit th clt9---.." -. L/
',wan applicable well construction permits(i.e.WC,Comity,Stale, Variance,etc.)ij1•nown 1/2 lb.
7d.Amount of disinfectant used:
3.Well use(check well use):
Water Supply Well: 7c.Scaling materials uscdLcheclyi,l lha)t ly):
❑Agricultural ❑Municipal/Public 0 Neat Cement t(,.'.tl. +'L:x V entonite Chips or Pellets
❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) residential Witter Supply(single) 0 Sand Cement Grout 0 Dry Clay
❑lndustrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 0 Concrete Grout DEC 2.9.2023 0 Drill Cuttings
❑Irrigation specialty Go ,.en 7roc . iavcl
Non-Water cr Supply Well: 0 13entonite Slurry DWOBOG 0 Other(explain under 7g)
❑Monitoring ❑Recovery
. Injection Well: 7f.For each material selected above,provide amount of materials used:
• ❑Aquifer Recharge OGrouudvaler Remcdiation ,g�,+�''V tt
iaotitc .• . ,.
t i) s .
❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier 3 ed
❑I1quifcr Test ❑Slorimvater Drainage �� /` / � c J
' ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control
7g. 'rovide a brief description of the abandonment procedure:
❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer,". . ... ..
❑Geothermal(I-Icating/Cooling Return) ❑Oihcr(czplaiil under 7g) 10T 7 %.' , Ill .l
� '4.Date wells)abandoned: 7ZPtf, AøtE /2,0 q/,f,/
5n Well location: / �g7 F.A .
Facility/Owner Name i rP .,I Facility ID/l(if applicable) 8.Certification: T®
4' -sue'
/ t
Physical All<Iress,City,and Z.ip' '7 i
E6 AI � Signature of titled Well Contractor or Well Owner Date '
l�` By signing this form. I hereby certify That the itell(s) was (were) abandoned in
County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) accordance with 15.4 NCiIC 02C.0100 or 2C.0200 Well Construction Standards
• and that a cop) of this record has been provided to the shell owner.
5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds,0i,';dccimal degrees:
(if well field,one Ial/long is sufficient) 9.Site diagram or additional well details:
.N ®eD.D a N •
n.. OcC a 34 »i You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well
abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary.
loath well construction record(s)i([available. For multiple injection ornon-walersupply shells
OPILV with the.saute construction/abandonment,you tali sithmit else joi,i.
i.P. 10a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well
Ga.Well Mil: abandonment to the following:
1 - i.,: is ';r, Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit,
Gb.Total well depth: ,, , (ft,) .i 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617
, 6 ;h', i' ; i�,l I:' 1, 10b. For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 10a
Ge.Borehole diameter: �7-(in.) ,t . ., above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well
a . ' 0 F.."l' abandonment to the following:
. . :S'r. '''''
(id.Water level below round surface: .e , Division of Water Resources,Under i ound Injection Control Program,
g (ft.) 1636 Mail Service Centel,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 g
tie.Outer casing length(if known): • •• . ..•(ft.) .10c.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fonts to the
,lt.., t.;.. . 1 tl-,,r Ili address(es)above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion •
' of well abandonment to the county 'health department of the county where
Gi inner casing/tubinglength(if known): ':..:.. ;� `'r n abandoned.
g ) °:i,(ft.)
f •
5_,.Screen length(if known): (ff.)
I' i ir.tr lii
- t
Form G W-30 Nortlt'Carolina D'cpartmcnt of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources 1 Revised 2-22-2016