HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00163_Well Construction - GW1_20231229 i r 1 ►E�.I, ® S`�'AtU �t�]a>��0,�(C� ¶A 1 . Print Form ---YnteYna se®n y. ••ice°° I.Wit COniractorllnformation: David Belcher -- . _ i WollContractorName 14.WATER ZONEs I I 1 1mM 212 DESCRIPTION •4594- gad' e9,552° Crfir_L ercar•itrre) N0 Well Contactor Certification Nombar fr. Aqua Drili,Ina. -lg.MITER ANINO(for mulikuseawells OR LINER Of on eable) DIA41w'en TAlCa1 ss MATERIALCompany Nance l g' 1 Co i ft-I Cn.a.11)DL s�1R. i_ 'Pi' �.WeI1Co11aQluctlonPsrmitt y� IRNERCASINOORWRUNG(aeotheivasl ••I-,doon) ! Coop, . , FROM DIAMETER .4 i g MATERIAL List al aPPiicabk well aoirstrucrlanpermita(Le,111C,Coua .State Varlanc etc. C. ft. lo. 3 Wmll Use(died(well use): 'ft.. ft. I. ;to• . Water Supply Well: Agricultural FROM To DIAMESSR' SLO t= TRIMNESS .MATERIAL 11: =iyfinioipal/Publio R. ft. in.. 1 Geothermal(iieatimg/Cooliag Supply) i►.Residential Water Supply(single) titLtdusrliaUCommercial R. In. :;r'1rri •,on +Residential Water Supply(shared) ng.cRour Non-Water Su MOM To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT pply Well: ct i11;Monitoring r-aReCovery _ 4 a�, ^►tl: Pour Ci�,PS 1a �lr, foleetion W :.. ._..-.._._ � - — Pte ft ' ylil.Aquifer Rec}tacge 111(iroundwaterReatediation ft. ft I. l�Agotfer Storage and Recovery Dsetinity Hairier 19 SANDIGRAVELPACK(il,amstiebble) at BaOS1.. To MA7ERU1t' FMPLACEMENrItIEIWOID 'AquWcrTest bstom►waterDretrtage t$. - lft Experimental Technology subsidence Control a. fw 4101Geothennat(Closed Loop) Tracer •20.DEEMING LOS(attach additional shush ifaaeearar9) •Gaothmm ,. , ,al� � _Co.1,.i Ream , •Other(;+'• :• under#21 Remarks) most - ao _ DESCIUPFLON Won eardnea,7 eowraeteryeaseom.m OA) Q ft° .;1( ft C lci 4.Date Welt(s)Completed: i 2°i 9° 1 Warn it. -->v-�--�-- �0 56. (1) ' Via:x') C(t:i Se.Well Locating �,(� tut. ' I (,.. G('a. i•iA it tP4,�n J1rih'e 3. i fusion 4)i tin gi5tt 'dirt: itrij.13e Frei /OwnarName FacllltyID#(ifappitiable� I R. f tit' -• t, skalAddres � l P '! �► Address, a. fft. i ' IF C 3 & Lti J _. kL &L REItdA1� . County Powel Identification No.(FIN) 1 '�T' �` 'i Ob.Latitude and longitude In degrees/ , .;,;tea/aeconds or ahead degrees: - I - Orwell field,ono.helms is sufficient) 22.Cesttt3eatl®n: GP pia y I " N S'lrl° 2l r 6g 9'' w✓ Tr/Q:4 mom)GM weli(s) +1Dermaneut ®r °T®lnporary n I! 1 e° U- SignatoreofCotifiedWellConhactor , Date 7.lia this a repair to an addingwell: °E'es or I r No with signing 2C(MOO or 15A eerie AC 020.0200 W)wasConsrtrucilon Stands and grata lfihisisarrepair.JIilonehrwwnweUtoitsiractionigfbrination and expfain the nenofthe eapyefllns lucent has ken Provided tothewelloMer: repair under#21 remark section or on thehaekofthisfarm, . S.War Qaeo 23.Site 4106 aria or additional well details: preleMT or Ciosed-Loop Geothermal Webs having the same You may use the bask of this page to provide additional well site details or well construetlolt,only I GW-I!is needed, Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofwelis construction details.;.You may also attach additional pages if necessary drilled: 1IIIMElltld SIT A1�Ts7CYa IUMP rONS 1, p Total° I .' .th Mow laird surface: ,Q 5! Far maliipfeweU siist6i(depots(rdt8erent(eratople.d(a3200'arda©yotlti m °) 24s°Y°r Ali Walk Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the fhl gt 4 1 fl®.Ste9tewater level below tap,.�;easing: _ � ` lfwatcrknells&weaningerco"4" - QR°) >mldisiataoff WoterYBesoparses,llfta9br®ta0logloaoeesslug�Tnit, 2419 Mats Swim Center` ill. cgeholle„+•meters (n Raleigh,ld0$96•Jp9Ilt5E7 • 0 fin.) 243bo r n hurtle In addidoa to sending the norm to the address in 24a 112°Well ccnstvumton methods ° above,also submit ono copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well.(i o.eager,Mon wbto,dlrectpastyme ���� Construction tothe.iollowing: ; ; • SW WA I itx RIPPLY WE1LII�ONLY: imiv den off Water]gesolls s,Undlerp,roundllnjection Control Mom, MS Nan Seredca Center,Raleigh,RlC 296994635 1182.TWA(gpm) , ® ! oeH died:�-ho(3,10:e_� 24c,,rror Walter SaaBDflv&Bnieetion+Walls: In addition to sending die form to 11eb.lDll9ltofee(ton type: }4`rl4 70% the address(es)above.also submit one!copy of this form within 30.days of Amount: 16e completion of well construction to the county health department of the county whew constructed. Form GW 1 North Carolina Dcparfinont of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources ,