HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00103_Well Construction - GW1_20231228 L .CONSTRUCTION C© (C� 1) ForIntemal Use only. WELL 1 1.Well Contractor Information: I I,r ?Ali L j, ��� vier 14.W.9TERXONES 1 - Well ContractorName RODE TO I , -I DESCREPTION Lids A- IS! I83 ,; cruel NC Weil Contractor Certifkarion Number Z•�R Z Z I I f1� 4,I �� wen 15 OUTER CARING:(fnrmulti-sedwels)ORLII�D:Cifap 1ieabie) - I.( t b l Dr 11-101 OM I TO: I DIAMETER I THICKNESS' MATERIAL I`'' V�vJ Igo ft. G In. p pvc . Company/lame .- I; t 16.ReartcrsmIGM ITRINGffeothermat closed-la col 2.We11ConstructionPermie#: U I t IRO I TO DIAMETER r THICKNESS I >v�A�RIAL I, List all applicable nsfl constructionpermits(i.e UIC Coinzw,State,Parirmce.etc.) ft I j ft. in,i 1 1 i 3.Wall Use(chesirwelf itse): ft. I ft. in. I ?j Water•Suppiy Well: 17.SGRE1 I - - - I I FROM TO ' DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATER •Agricultural • a •..icipaf1Public ft I ' f. in. i, -Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) krdi•..idential Water Supply(single) fa ft in. }'. • ‘ I'Induslrial/Commercial EDResidential Water Supply(shared) is.GROIIT I 1, irrigation - FROM • TO! MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETKOD&Aht i Non-Water Supply Well: 0 ft. ZO it- fC/)/ Dry Pour I; . " i Monitoring DRecovery it. ft '' Injection Well: I it I ; ft' IA9 Aquifer Recharge OGrouadwaterRemediation i,; Ill Aquifer Storage and Recovery Salmi Barrier 19 SAND/GRAVELPACS{ifappficable) i i y PROM TO MATERIAL EtYFPLACE1riENTMEFHOL it Aquifer Test OStormwaterDrainage ft. I ! 'ft, 1 I $Experimental Technology . OSubsideuce Control fL I ' ft. - •i Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTracer 20.DRIi.LINGLOG(attach addiConalsheets if necessary) - i; ••Geothermal(Ueating/CoolingReturn) ill Other(explainunder621Remarks) PROM Ta DESCRIPTION Cmlorbardacss so�tmektpp�ar,;aS;,R �'; C1 ft �3Z it, Sa Ovcrburcen 4.DateWell(s)Completed:fr 23 Wed DM 5Z ft' *1i5 it I I r-1 � yj'jrAt7rk i OtlAt'& 5a.WellLncatioa: ft I I It. jtinalcI Cnc Mullis ft I r t::.� rr.;- 1 Faciity/OwncrName FaclitylDit>tapplicable) ft. I : ft ° Zcli ff i•ve r Hilt, rid Ift D . �. �Ul Physical Address,Cry;and Zip it I it �IP l �s Z 11 o rook In°.:rr -. Jr.` f 1.. I' _ Coenty . ParcelldenrificationNo.(PIN) • I 5b.Latitude audlongitude in degrees/min• ' or decimal degrees: ' '% (if well 6c�d, alReagissufHcieat) I ' 22.Certifir Ii 3G. 323'_ �l , K�Iqd I _ �' ` � f-2✓523 f.j 6.Is(are)thewell(s) rmanent or �ITemporary SignaturenfCettifii edWell� Date j By s lag—thisfornr,I hereby certfy that the ua11(r)was(Were)constructed in arc It 7.7iSS this a repair to an.existing well: .Yes or withlSANCCOC_OIODorISANL`riC 01C.0200P/eIlConstmctlon Standards or i,1 Ij'This.is a repair,fillour b town well constrrrelioiinformatron and explain Me naru a ofthe roPyofgammahas beenpravided to thelvelFowner_ repair under 2Iremarkssectionoronthebackofthisform. I 23.Site diagram or additional-well details: • 1: S.For Geoprohe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site detains ' construction,only 1 GQV-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBER of wells construction de hails.You may also attach:additional pages ifnecessaty; - I drilled: ' �/L SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 3 l� . (ft) j { Formuf plewelLstfstalldepthsifdfffercrtt(example-3(r+ QD'and2fa i00) 24a.For Ali Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion constnlctiontoilMfollowing: . i'` 10.Stolle-water level below top of casing: kr (ft) Division or water Resources,Information Processing Unit ;' •.Ratter level is above casing use"'-" r g +� l� 1 1 Mail.Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I1.Borehole diameter: ' (in) %Z4b.For Inlet• n Wells: In addition to sending the fotm.to the address above,also submit:-one copy of this foto.within 30 days of completion! .12.Well construction method: rf rRattgrycdmstrnctionto a- foliowin - fie augerymmty,cable,direct pusb,eta.) FOR WATEI2S[7PPLYWELLS ONLY: • Divisionof�Pl aterResources,UndergroundInjectionControlProgr 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 '; 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply&Infection Welts: In addition to sending the I! the address(es)(above,'' also submit one copy of this form within 30 c 13b.Disinfection type: Amount:_ completion of II construction to the countyhealth f t, wherecous'fruc department of the