HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00102_Well Construction - GW1_20231228 'III I • •WELL CONSTRUCTION R CO CErW--1} Forintem�lUseOnly: ."�" ,, 1.Well Contractor Information: 1 ll. ii i1 . �5( �P� .W Z O 1 } / EROM Iro "I DESCRIPTION ellContractorName Ltd -A- I/rj li tJ' NC Well ConcorCecnNber a 1 (i Dv 5 1.1 is.OUTTR CASING(formal&c�sed wells)ORZiN);It(if nP ilcable) W � ��l��l t �l� MOM f� I T O. I DIAMETER THICKNESS IYIATEitiAL i. i; Company Name J Q(0 V bict In- 1 5ASDRa)� PVC_ 2.Well C:onstrucliO4 Permit#: /( 387 16.II RCt1SING MUDDING(geothermal closed Loop) FROM TO DIAMETER.. TRIMNESS ( MATERIAL ,; List all applicable well constructionpermits(I.e.UN,County,State,Yatiance.eta) ft. I ! ft in. If 1 it 3.li eII Use.(chealrweRitse): it. I j It. iu ,; Water SttppliWell: 17.SCRL'ID I-I • - . 110Agricultural VunicipalfPublic PROM TO ; DIAMETER SnOTSRIE THICENESS M TEi2ft. I ftin. Geothermal(I�eating/CoolingSupply) sidentialAFaterSnpplp(single) fr. , 1° Indasttial/Catnnicroial QlResidential Water Supply(shared) I i ft: in. 18.GROUT 1 1' I1Tigatloll FROM TO. ` MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&Arse 1; Non-Water Supply Well: O fr. OD ft" 1k j PCCi`l' . Monitoring oRecovery ft, I 1 ft. Injection Well: II, Aquifer Recharge DGroundwatcrRemediation I I ft. 39 SAND/GRAVELPACS{ifappllcabie) ' I'i Acluifer Storage and Recovery °Salinity Barrier moat - TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METROL ;I Aquifer Test DiStouuwatm Ihainago ft. I ( ff. j Experimental Technology • OiSubsidence Control f. I ' ,it. , Geothermal(Closed Loop) DIiiacer 20.DRILLING-LOG 3G(attach a ddifioaaI ahcets ff ttecessury) i 1 —Geothermal(Heating/CoolingRetum) (Other(explainunder#21 Remarks) mall xO DESCRIPTION Ccclor•hardams so-Wroth type.grain size, i o ft: D It; rr-b J } 4.DateWell(s)Completed: 3--a..- We111D# 7c7 ft r ft eitctc; �y`atjtY�e Se.Well,Location:,,��yy�� ft. ft. I!i Jc�c9�►/le !•`c:Brays/` ft r"-: `� — _. li lactLZy/OwnarNama FacilitglI}.t(ifapplicsile) ft. ft �'�.i...,,'` it y; i Physical Address,Cityt,Had p ft. it. "d - 4GLJ Ashe 11(11 5•as6 21.E . r� ::�,npf-nrs ,,,__.:, - County . Fenzel ldentifrcatioallo.(PIN) I L%' `vh jt�vfa a Lr,,; i; , • j; Z./Altitude and longitude iadegrees/mianteslseeonds or decimatdegrees: i Of we • llfict ,aE,tpt/tongnsufcient} II dK/c i 22.Certifieafi I o:. • 36•Lf0e7316. Ifk1,31� 67 W G.Is are the wells en manemt or p nary Signahue of Certiffed.Welt r . Is(are) () P �'tem o s Date i; By signing rhieiom%I hereby certify that the uwll(s)was(were)constructed in arc 7.Is this a renair to an eaisfingwell: E.Yes or ONO with lSANCftC 0�2G.QIQQ or l SANC4C 02C.0200 Well Construction Standards ar !i If thisisa repair.fill oat Imam well construction lnformatlorrand explain the nature ofthe copyofth c d llwsbeeaprovided to the meft'owner- repairamderf2l remarks section or ea the backofthisform. I 1 f 23.Site diagram or additional well details: ;.t I.For GeoprobefDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use tile'6ack of this page to provide additional well she details f' construction,only 1 GW-i is needed. Indicate TOTALNUMBI ofweIts construction dells.You may also attach additional pages ifnecessary. - I i drilled: S]BMITTALIIVSTRIWCTtIONS 1,1 9.Tot ( )al well depth below land surface: �� �.'For All Welts:.' Submit this farm within 30 days of completion ' For mutipfe wells list aft depths ifd8erent(=ample-5@20n and2ajloo) constmctiontothefollowing: l' 35' 10.Stalk water level below top of easing: ( ) Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit Ifitater level is above easing,use-- ? $ y 1 r 7 Mai Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Dore hole diameter: 6 J flan ?fib.For Infection Wells: In addition.to sending the fortn.to the address .12.Well construction method: err i a t�f a60ve,also seb)nit o$e copy eI this form within 30 days of completion `'; - (ie.auger,'Mary,cable,direetpash,etc.) ✓ consttuotionfi t'Itefoliowing Li I ''' FOR WATER SUPPLYWELLLS ONLY: Division oI Pate Resources,ilndergroundln jeetion Control progr 1636Mait Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991536 13a.Yield(gpm) Y Method of test: .cif' L-CA` 24e.For Water I annuls,&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the: t !, the address(es){above, also submit one copyof this form within 30 t 1 4,; 13b.Disinfection type: -tT Amoant: {E2 a• .— completion of well construction to the cou health department of the ' I. --where - I 1 i