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GW1--00097_Well Construction - GW1_20231228
I, CONSTRUCTION`ION RECORD Ems` 1 �orlaternaZ vs�o�ty. ?; 1.Well Contractor Information 1 Well• ContraclorNazne / I' WA,CERidONFr,S I ; MOM i TO I • DESCRMION NC Well Contractor �>�0 IL r init! `!"Qt71 - O a Certification - i �© t j r 1 1�1 °MEI: ARM-for mule r. is"wells ORTDIE . ,,,amble 3; t ERIAL TO MUSTER TEtCSNL55 • j CompottyrName in. hE17 lj' 2•Well ConstrttetiollPerllutt: 3 P 5 2.31 16c sING OR , Mgt-all applicable well construclimt permits I TOStk+t�.f: 'e�Irlosed 20 ,1 ! ; tar�Farranr8 ercj If. Drab Tmt tQ�SS I►IATlRi4y vI 3.y ell Use(checkwell:use): in. Water Supply Well: 1 ! 'm €�,�,� 27.sCREIS[Y N AgtiCrtltara! V1amctPaill�tbliC To )}nr•�,;re►a rm.; Geothermal(Mating/Cooling Supply). ��= Mrs g FP I`) '�den6al Water Supply(singiej ®� • . In dnsEtiaVCommcreial cfltesid�fial Water Supply(s7lared) in. _� I Irrigationis.GROUT i® Non-Water Supply Well: EOM OM s = EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AIVI Monitorlog IuMectioh Well; Recovery 0O It. �>? r 2 , 3 t uiferRecbarg t; GroundwaterRemediatSon lRgniferStorageaIIdRecavery �t$alinityBasier 3s oANDIGRA'YEI.PACIEfifay;noble Aquifer Test mom TO , `' DStounwaterDrainage t p ft' �trAt' nmxi o> ;, Experimental Technology • QlSubsidenceControl j !Geothermal(Closed Loop) �1Tracer e. �Cweathetmai .eatin 2a.DRILLINGLOGfatrachadMaoarsheetsifnetessary 1Coo1ingReEItFII) (�©therCexplaiaunder#1Remarks� &itoM ! DFSCRiP1TOM[cu[ar,•:idnesxsnivmetc .qa s irl ! .3?ateWell(s)Completed: "��23 1��. Ignaliff Well ID# Z ft. I iNft Sa-Well Location: ore / Q��r GUS1vmer fks n Ict s [nC. '' Facility/OvincrNemc Facility II> (if appficabie) MillaRM 4 Lot 1X'0l e J�JO' Cec%� �a Plia `' PhyslcatAddmss,City;and Zap > u - , fhe� 523935 �20 ,. I 'C ParcelIdentibeattoaNa(PIN)i:. 9b.Latitude and longitude isdegrees/minutes/seconds or decant!degrees: F 4r. .: . awaitffcld,Gott1oUlangissuFticient} t L),•w ,�a� pro,, !!a,, a i 3G.2� � —'mil•�g5Ff2 -eertica ill d.Is(are)thetivell(s) ermatteIIt or Ao ��' � EID �rY Sw �C�e:d.Well trnctor• Dam 3 iio:l 7.>SStItI3 8 repa4r to au existing�vellt Oyes or By signingIhis,form I hereby certify that tha trell(s)war(were)•constructed in acc S phis isareoalr O with 1 ibisreCOtC.0100 oJS4N( C D2e.11200 iYeii Construction&tandnrdsar se '1111oatlaratvn:vellconsttuelioaiajormlrliotrmtdezplaatrhenaua�ojYlte mPP�thisrPeorhpsbee>Rgrawidetitothenellmvner 1 pairanderp lromarbsectioaoroa the hackofthisfbrm 23.Site diagraM or additional well details: t; S.For Geoprobe/i}pT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may-use the track of this page to provide additional well site details construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NttIV BER o€welts construction del,Moil may also attach additional ?' drilled: 1 I? '; P�'�ifnecessary. `' S SLFS LTTAr INSTRUCTLONS 9.lrotal well depth below land surface: `, Formaltipleivel tall depths m1 surface: (example-3 24a.For All�Q file•@20O'and2Q1OO9 tom) Submit this form within 30 days of completion I ' IQ Ste eater Ievel below top of casing- 90 conshnrctigato t$e'fo:ioWing; p ! .I " -"maw level is above casing are"•L" ( ) 13iVi6i0II of 86rater Mesa 6 Ic/ Resources,Information Processing Unit, i I1t_Borehole diameter: D 1 �jfaFl3ervice Center,Raleigh, (m.) nil NC27693 I6I7 l '•24ib.For Inie '44reRs: la addition 24 sending the form.to the address : , .12.Well construction method: 1 f Q ± G far above,also sa,„;.one Cwa:auger;miacy.,cable,direetpnstyl camstructiontotI�e oTtowm y�this o 30 days of completion a Iw I; FOR WET SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division.oi W I rResources,Underground I�ection Control Progr 23a.Meld m [' 1636 Service Center Raleigh, 1 , ' ) 3 NFethod ones• / ���� l i gh,NC 276991636 j 24a For Water`Supply&3niec6nn t�v.,n 3Sb.Disinfeetiaa e. I,t OZ the address es arrow also' addition to scatting the :' tip AmoQn 1,J completion( ) ,IL 1 e, submit one:copy h this ar f where coa4oac construction to the county Health depart the