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GW1--00095_Well Construction - GW1_20231228
---.�•�•1�..fas�vuilRdl�1 &ice(:© j-1 II i' j Well For Int Use Only_ - I I;1. ell.Contractor Information: :/,ef N.Wig Well ✓ (CONES I we ERONL TO I DESCRIPTION . C� � 107 ft. ag If R granth%til NC well Contractor cation Number 70 tT. 1`1 • . I: „ - ]5.OUTER.tiiASING for Eligrai,'I'1 t © 1� rf( /�! MOM ���ctsedwetis ORLIHIrA tfa•.11cabTe !' Company Name D I DIMMER THICKNESS AFATEAIAL it: G in. +'I ' Ov SDR-Z/ 2.WellConsifi+IctionPermiti�: 'bs , 1RONE EIZtIITO ORTtIBllcll^:.f_ thermal THICKNESS List all applicable well conntruation permits(i.�IIIC Coantl;State,Patumc�elation `Ta DFhhI> t TBICiCNE55 9iA Rt6T 3.Wen Use(eltesl w eWine): 1 ,t: Wafer Supply Well: CI in. 1; 17.SC[REEnt II I Agricultural PROM zo , �,.� ,•a :i Geotherma!(Ileating/Coolin Su I pallPublic ft' ® sLoxsrcE rm sS mr�xss g FP Yj idential Water Supply(single) _ k Inclustrial(Comnlcrcial i� ia. __ [Residential Water Supply(shared) 11 Ind tion i8.GROAT 61 i Pion-Water Supply Well: O ! MATERIAL fr. SNPLnCEnnaME•THOD&AM Monitoring IX° lt' 'irk '1 P Xol Injection Well: Recovery Aquifer Recharge DGroundwaterRemediation Acmifer Storage and Recovery CISalinity Bauder 5A1VDlC*$eLVEL PACE(tf a• livable ;i Aquifer Test Ont To , MATERIALOIStomtwaterDrainage ft EM1fPLACEitiEKT i4IETHOx Experimental Technology I ff. �►Subsidepce Contra) I Geothermal(Closed Loop) ITracer Geothetmat 20.DRIFLWGLOGfa h.additioaaisheets7necessar4 (Heating/CoolingRetom) ,©ther(explainunder#21 Remarks} >:x N 'n! 1 DESCRIPIT+Pl War.Iambuss sailtmckty c.main she -DateWeII(sj Completed:G7'3��Z3 O frZ it. , 4,�A ---------__ Well Sa.ilYellLoration: Q 3Op it f _ nl9� F&q fey Sahch�z ' EacLty/OcvncrName -� FacitttplD, (ifapplicable) 11` W71 S(ancl o J Cry /ec CZa � PhysicalAddress.cit and T.r'p Lf �<T `_ ,_ 933 I. county RmiallKs. 0 ' �« Parcel Fdenfi6eation.'No.(PIN) a IF' 5b.l atitudeand longitude indegteesluiinntes/secondso I 1 .! u:,wr,-T r, r�{; . (lfwcf find,91it latticing insufficient) r decimal degrees: 1 ��.^^� '�' 3G.�j 7• 7� x ��t �� !a z2.Certificatial�1 ,V w Ljg4':Fst i 6r. / .a eP� 11 . ` II 1 G.Is(are)the wells)I Fertaanent or G7-3/-23 j +QlTemporary Signature cifCertiffe&IWell aaetor Date 7.1s this arepair to an esistingwell: El7les or BY signing this for'mJ l;hereby certfy that thewell(S)ell(s)war(�vcse. I in Ifthisisarenafrfdlout(arawn:veAconstruelioxipJarmWionmrcj O ructed in ace with ISgNCrtCQ3C�.Q100orIS:€NC�1CO2C.020D Well ConsrrJrrerinntStandards or• repairnnder;121remarkssectionoreadiehackofthisform � llreneta�o the �pPa}this ' '�; r?cor Isbeenp>avidetlprtlre��vllmvner • 4' 23.Site diagtnut or additional ;,i S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed Loop Geothermal Weltshavin the samemay :leek of thispageltoe�IIs: I j; construction,only I GW=1 is needed. Indicate TO You provide additional well site details I dlilted .i�tIIMBERofwells construction d " Ton ma • Y also attach additional gabs if necessary. 9.Total well depth helowiaadsurface: 1 EI'TALglSTRUCTIONS �'i'` 9.Total ewedspth below land surface: (example-3@ZQO•ar_2 00 ( ) G I ' 0. 24a.Fore: Sultmit this farm within 30 u/� construction to ttie)allowing: days of completion • u i 10.Statiewater level below top of casing: —t 1 i t lfirate�level i-water level easing use" ( ) D3visi�n l f 4Yater Resources,TnformafioII Processing Unit II-Borehole diameter. �Fl 17 iI Service Center,Raleigh,gh,NC 27699-I617 ' ',I -•24b.For Tnieafei Wens: la addition to sendmgthe form-to the address ' (i.Well construction lop method: C O above a7sa submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion G i [s e.augeymtary,cabl e,directpash,etc.) t 6 !,I 1, construction to the foliowm* FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS OOYLX Dit7siolt of Watl rResoarces,Underground '� 1i Injection Control Progr 13a.Yield(gpinj 25 - l.( 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,PIC 276991636 • I I .y Method of test: / L,t_ 24c.For Water 136.Disinfeefian type: 1 C( �pppIy �iection spells: In addition to sendin Amaant: 7 the address(es) ahoye,' also'submit one copy of thus form g the completion of well construction to the countyhealth thh 30 c where coasttucte� department of the t I,I i t, 1