HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00092_Well Construction - GW1_20231228 II WELL CONSTRUC`1fiON RECORD(OW_ ) For Internal Use Only: ` • 1.Well Contractor Information: I:' !j( i 9 L ptai�J��` z��vA zor>zis 11 WelContractorName .. FRobt= ITO ! ' - DESCRIPTION L0 A- IGZ ft. J ti Iil. 3 6 NC Weil ConhactorCertiftcatioaNumber Z57 Oel I ?Gpr l ��1( 15.OUTERC+ASINGgnr'mnt&�Sedwelts) RUNEROfap IIcaMe) - Ii 00by 15 wen! Of'i II)Al TROhT ore , DIAMETER , THICKNESS MATERIAL. !1r Company Name 41 • ft: I CG I l] - 3/ -z i ?VL i LJS��YC 16.I1k'PIERCA�SING ILTD ING(ReatharmalcIosedIoop1. 2.Well Construction Permit#:I-1 0/^I D I PRONE HO , - DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL I!I List at!applicable welt construction permits(Le.IBC Counts;Siam.Variance.etc) €t. I I '£t; in. it i. 3.Well Use(cbestrwelfuse): I ft. I ft. in. ' Water Well: 17.SCREE I ! " • . - . . FROM To DIAML+•rER ELOTSIZE THICKNESS I MATER _ Agricultural §1,1 ..,,'cipal/Public ft. I ' ft is i Geothermal(Rcating/Cooling Supply) ;�Rcsidentiai Water Supply(single) ft: I I ft in Industrial/Commercial DResidential Water Supply(shared) A.f OQT 11, — Irrigation. - SROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENCr amnion&AM I'! Non-Water Supply Well: 0 `? ft renlenrle Pfy f06p• i.i Monitoring EiRecovery it, Injection Well: ft• I I it: Ili Aquifer Recharge DGroundwaterRemediation I i j AQuifeI Storage39 SAND/GRAVELPAC1f{IfapPReable) - - g Recovery 0SalinityBamer PROM - TO. ` MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METROL I: Aquifer Test oStormwaterDrainage ft• I ; ff. ,'I Experimental Technology • DISubsidenceControl ft: I I • I,; - Geothermal(Closed Loop) i lTiacer 20.DRILLIlYGLOG(attach additionalsheertsa Geothermal(I1eatinglCoolingRetum) rlOther(explainunderV21Remarks) mall TO nFS£RIPTIONIcalor, ardatifnecess n)5sso0tmektvp4grain (( u a ft cg. ft , plri-- San) 4.DateWell(s)Completed: l2'I 1'Z 2 }NeItID# ,it L3 , 9runif �L e/ 1/ lesf 3;Ov Sa.WellLocation: ft I it: i' Ralph i'. a 1ph •�/yjj ii) • _ It I 1 Ifs: I' FactthtyOwnerNamc Facility ID#(ifapplica6le) f I off' r —• .. IOl Park ut Pont Dr Wes}-Je •en I • 't -- :-°v y Z 9y --,:z..ie !i Physical Addtcss,City;and Zip / f ftI .ft. J Count); . ParcelldentificationNo.(PIN) ( r..a.� `' `:7 I i '' • I ; •�JJL•iS • SIT-Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: ,{ . (If weir fiord,riA tttangis cumcieai) �.Certificate,' i 6.Is(are)thewell(s) ermanent or OTemporary SignanneofCertifred.Welt or Date c1 By signing this Arta,.1 het'eby certfy that the well(s)war(ware)constnected in acc 4 7.Is this a repair Tosnexistingwell: O•31•s or O withISANCACd2E.oioo ;SrLNCtiCO2C.0200 Wall Convn,aionStandardsor• f; If this is a refrain out hnnwn tvell consttuclitm lrJormntion and explain the natureafr/re CD117 re s beenpravided to the:veltowner- repairuntlerti2l ranrarlis section or on the backof:hisfartn I I 23.Site diagram or additional well details: • S,For Geoprobe/DET or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You.mayuse tl;a(back of this page to provide additional well site details I construction,only I GW 1 is needed_ Indicate TOTAL.NUMBER ofwells constraetion details.You may also attach additional ages ifnec I pages essaty- - drilled: SU13MlTTAI,I ,' IINSTRIICTEONS I 7,�. 9.Total well depth below land surface; Soo - (ft:) 24a,For All Wells:1 Submit this four within 30 days of completion ' For muitiplewettslistoil depths ifdifatent(example-3a(�00'and 2la]Z003 cons npg°IltD�hefoliowing: P t 10.Statiewaterlevel below top ofcasing: (ft.) DivislonofjWaterResonrees (1; •if.unter level it above casing use-yr a Information Processing Unit,1; t� 115.47 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 . I} 21.BorehoIediamPtpr: (2 (m) '•?flb.For Infection Wells: In.addition to sending the femur,the address i' 12.Well construction method:A1 f` y above,also subinit-one copy of this form within 30 days of completion: - (ie.auger,mtary,cable,directpusb,etc.) // aonstractioniv i efoTrowina Divisiono ater,Resources Und FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: , : ergronadl�ection Control Progr lt3fNlail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699 3,636 A 1-6- L1 .* 13a.Yield(gpm) I(a f/ Method of test 24e.For Water Supply&Infection Wells: In addition to sending the rI �/ oz the addresses)`aliov, also submit one copy of this form within 30 c II `I3b.Disinfection type:.t - Amount:_ completion of Well construction to the county health department of the where constr rcttd,' Iii