HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00091_Well Construction - GW1_20231228 j I ALL CONSTRUCTION RECORD G 1 i ForIntem aluse Only: - 1•Wets Contractor information: Weil ConlractorName « � ONESEROM � TO DESCRpIIOY1Z14tt' 177I {. i 1 f rQD ft1y� G ! r? _NC WellConlmctorCertificationNumber J Roll �° 1 j ,r 1 '�,1 O FROM ASSINE for mute-cased wens ORIMNRR ' a..11rnble - Com a ! DIAMETER TE1CI{NESS RATER/AL P ayName ft. Il R in. 2.Well Construciiori Permit:���Jti-1J Z. 16.Ih7VgRCASING OR 'S ^Z V 16. INGc:enthermaic(nsed:loo.) f List all applka6le trelf constructionpermtGr(i.e.U1a C 1! - DrA � THICIOU S MATERIAL State,Yatimtce eta) �) ill. - 3.Wen T[Tse(c1tEsItIveifuse): ft. 11 I ppy We1L- i7.sCREltitTal PROM TO l�Ir�,��;E 1tura(Aeating/Cooling Su l ft` II ft in avESS MrE pp y) ResidealWaterpply( ngl) ialjCoial lI.widenialWatersupply(shd)on I&GROUT I ter Sn Pply Well: •ring Q I2° i .1. Fetjf Welt: Recovery tt. ft.;I Ir Recharge D Grow'Jamie rReInediationManna AgtriferStorage and Recovery �1SalinityBaffier 39 S IGRA;t LPACKtMATEicable f Aquifer Test PROM TO i MATERIAL ERN.A.cmig1TMETROT, Ostomisvaterl?lainage ft* i Experimental Technology !Subsidence Control II `Geothermal(Closed Loop) j orracer 20.DRIE,LINGLOG(attach additional sheets iPnecessary ,E Geothermal(Heating/CoolingRetutn) DlOther(explainonder#21Remarks) FROM To nfset3tPiTol�i[rnu .l�ardn,sy sovrotkev c orstnsiz� • 4 Date Welt(s)Completed:O 2Z-23--- Well M We art 1� ft: •fc 4-• 5a.WelLoration: r ' 1Tf - J WgjV I r)(3M SfJVI e ,t' P` ` 1.. a i!►7esvr7 �i Eaclity/OwacrNamc Facility lD:i�Fapplicable) bq(� ft. eJ ft ; I., Physical` O er A/ipw Prat t 4•- Urea/bniNG . , . , L► I Address,City,and Zip / t ,/ Id ASh ~;tea-- li • II I �' C7�QfScx�gf� •�•Q III• - �O1A Parcel Idenl3iicationNo.(Pli3) I i I,. Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minittes/seconds or decimal degrees: I II; . Gfwcf$ctd,p{{�i7tatRangissuarcient) u -7�,� ! j:i G.�k' l,�l� ITT 'V . G 0/ to 22.Cerii$ca#io • I .,-....... . . _ _. i; 6.Ts(are)the weII(s) Permanent or QlTempotgty signature ofCertie'e'd WeII tractor �' i:I Date I11 7.Is tht8 a repair to as esistingwell. Yes or BY signing thus fo 1 hereby cerufy that the ways)was(were)contracted to ace '' "this is arepair,fill art Iowan well CwrsOUCIir omtathon the nature ofthe with ofihrsreeardhasbeeapruvfded to theNTIE°taw, a tnrction Standards-er• ' repair:radar-#21 remarks section oroa the back ojthisfomc i I 1 23.Site dia gram or additional well details: • I.For Geoprobe/I)PT or Closed Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You nay use the back of this page to provide additional well site details I,: construction,only I GW-1 is needed_ Indicate TOTALNt yjBER ofwells construction deil�.'Fou '' 1, drilled: IL { may also attach additional pages ifnecessary. il: �Up SC3BM1_'TALIl�ISTRIICTIEDNS 9-Total well depth below land surface: ( ) tI For multiple ivehhslistaih depths ifdiffereef("ecamphe-3@200'and 2(a�I00) tea-For All wells': Submit this foIIri within 30 days of completion �7 construction to the following: :.!I,; 10.Statte water level below top of casing: 3G 0 Iy 7jaare,hevehisabavecasbel use~�" (f) Divisi Ln of Water Resources,Information Processinglinit; t 16'17*ail Service Center,Raleigh NC 27699-1617 1 i IH.Boreholediamet3er: & (m-) I 24b For In-eetibn ypens:!7n addition to sending the form.to the address II -I2.Well construction method:A;1 r Ro f r ft above,also sub ' j- (i e,augeymtacable, P i; ) ! t m�ore copy of this form within 30 days of completion. ry, direct as etc. conshnotionto tile fojloWinx II t II i, FURWAC ttSCIPPI,YVPELLSO�ILy: Division of Water Resources,otucces,IlntiergrouudT�ectionControlProgr 1 , 16aii'Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991636 +. j j 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: T r W' I 1 ' i• { 13b.Disinfection type: � � 24�For Water �nppTv I&7niection Wells: In addition to sending the }}� `) (� Amnon& • OL the addresses abob also submit one Copy of This form withia 30 c I!U• I;; Y completion of wall construction to the county health department of the II where constructed. I I I