HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00088_Well Construction - GW1_20231228 11 .___. �..�i..wJaatviLil�tll�l Kdi:(�(� D ¢FYY+ .. HorTDte al'.Use Only: tr I•Well Contractor Information: i t. Well ContraetorName14. ERIZONES i 1 TO i ' DESCRIPTION $p a' 1 III- ` ,4 •tangy '; NCWetl Contractor CcrtiftcatiofNumber Z. D' ?('l i '.7 j / ]5 ORGASING format&cased�vells ORZ 1.— a..}IcaGIe f' O- l r`S in 'I7tonr ma , Dik1t7 MER THICIMESS - CompanyName #t �?ATERIAI �7p F^7 � 11110 2.Well Construction Permit#: ( ! 1 (g I'6 m' C, i a MIMING .-,thermal 1 Listail applicable Per ctionpermirs t.a bIw closed ES 1 U Coungl Stag Yatfance,eta) ft. + � THICKNESS MATERIAL •• t' 3.Weil rise(chesIrwelCuse 1 - fr in. t ); p ft. tl , Wafet^Supply Well: 17.SCREEN 11 AgricaItural F�1Vr cipaUl'itblic • PROM TO F for primAl StorstzE i It. IIIIEss MATER C�otherinat(FIcating/Coolin Supply) Supply( g ) Ulla to �— i; g FP y) er,'csidential Water Su I sin to i t Industrial/Commercial fr. MU in esidential Water Supply(shared) I it Irrigation H.GROUT 11 DRONE TO IWATERrAL EMPLACEMENT METRoD&AM Non-Water Supply Well: 0 EL Ii20 ft*Monitoring Recovery is+��1{ Pourlit Injection Well: rt. II 1 #r. t'quifer Recharge DGroundwaterRemediation ;1 11Agaifer Storage and Recovery EligalinityBarrier • SAND/GRAVELPBCt€CtFa.;Ifcable mom To f SrnrERIAL I *Aquifer Test otorinwaterDrainage II ft rAccEnnlEnrrt�Ii r>?ox *Experimental Technology • DSubsideuce Control _`i Geothermal(Closed Loop) Dancer 20.D INGLOGialtaehadditionalsheetsifnecessaary 1 Geothermal(Heating/CoolingRetnm) -1 Other(explainunder#21Remarks) /�• aM to 'V , i'• 7it. DESCRIPTION(coign hardness,soilfrock •.c,• sire. i t.Date Wells)Comppleted:�/'1�) Well D ' «�y � it: ! . Sa.WellLnratio ter, r� 1I _ , ' , . i- lroda-- �`T �-tloa p Ate �.7..1i 111121111.2 Facdtty/OvncrNamc FacilitpIIllt(if applicable) #t' II _ Dave Conn, TCL etaaress,City;and Is of —7 b _I(,/ MEM r•t K _ .y Physical L.I.I48'Z�I1 - Counti Patcellden6iication•No.(MN) I 5b.It,atitude longitudeaudtotc.„nn,,.""in degrees/minuteslseconds or d 1,1 . (if wall Nerd,WI fart/long in sufficient) decimal.degrees: I I i Q o n`��' Z fay: �-t6ti I' "• 170'4 Z 22.Cerbflea#zot, .1.1 N — �� 3Z7727q ? • s!: 6.Is(are)the well(s)cermanent1 I C1 q^a�•2'}l; or Q1Temp0lBry ofCen ffdd.WeltGt ttddor Date {'` 7.Isis a repair to an existing well: Yes or By signing this fo!n),1 here tart; O with ISANC1C 02 C_ N'that ilia C 0200�1 war(aere)esion toted inacc Iflhlsisa repair,fill orulataun well construction informationand ErplainVie naaanofthe �fEPafthsrecor� beeaprovraedtvr/ren irowtr Well Co'tsrntctionStondnrdsnr 3" ra rr i„ pa'•rmderi//21 remarks section or on are backofdrisform• I23.Site diagram oriadaitional well denans: i 8.For Geoprobe(1}pT or Closed Loop Geothermal Wells having the same II You may use the�ack of this page to provide additional well site details construction,only 1 OW-1 is needed. Indicate TO"i.AI,NiJVgER ogwe construction det�s.1You may also attach additional pagesifnecessary. - f; drilled: fSTBMfTTALINSTRUCTIONS —7-- );!: 9.Total well depth below land surface: 0 For multiplewalls&stalldepths ndfe ent(erample-3Q200-and2 ( ) -For VEelts: Submit this faun within 30 days of completion �0a� construction toth following: ;I; It 10.Sta6c�vater level below top of casing,_�ZQ t ' lfuvter•lehwat above casing. s t Divis'IT;°MaterResottrnte i•1 ,Information ProcessiIIglTDiy I1.Borehole diameter. ' 161/ tService Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I6I7 • f/m�� '-24b For In-eetl¢ P eljs: Tn addition to sending the foan-to the address .I2.Well eonsiraction method:�1 (\G�6w, (ia_auger,mtary,cabt direct us etc.) above;also subtni#}oae Bogy of this Rum.within 30 days of completion P h, conattuctionlu the I)'oliowin FOR WAR SUPPLY Division of• Water'Resources IInd ONLY: a ergroleigh,colon Control Progr I �r 1636Ilbfail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991636 1 13a.Yield(gpm) M▪ ethod of test: j 24�For Water SDnuIv 1�jniec oII Wells: ',I ;,` In addition to sending the. I3b.Disinfection type: moont: gr02- the address(es) atbove, also submit one copy of this form within 30 r b completion of well ctinstntction to the county health department of the I•� -where constructed. I