HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00087_Well Construction - GW1_20231228 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD( 1) Porintemal'Use Only: "" .la': ii 1.Wen Contractor Information:-• { I Pai9 L PD f/112c I 14.WATERIZ0Nes I Well Contractor Name FROM I TO I ' DESCRIPTION i d ' " 2� 110 P . Ic,cJ. 3c h ; .�,5,., NCWeil Centimeter Ce ifcadoaNumber ___car ,. rc+nac..kgues�z -• 13.70% Il IS.OI TERCASING(fornod&-cbs was)ORTMER.asap IIrnble li Oozy 1 �1� a�►Il��� _ .TO. DIAMETER 5 MATERIAL Coma Name th "2ICP nYInLT S 1 CO 6 16.mm:comt;ORTQSIDI .{geothecoaal closed loopl 3 Z.Well Construction Permit#:3gl�22 ' MOM I O f' MAMMA TH :NESS 1 WINIERIAL (I List atl applicable mail construction permits(i.e.VIC Canng;Stare,Yatmaee,eta) It I ft. in. I ;i 3.Wleli Use(ctteskwelt use): i I I Rater Supply Well: 17.SCREENI"I - - - - t I Agriculturala t FROM TO` DfAMETER SEAT SIZE THICKNESS MATER ' 'cipat/Public ft I i ft.: is 4. •Cseotltetma!(Aeating/CaotingSupply) ; Rcsidential�DflaterS;uppiy(single) ft.Tndnslrial/Commercial I ' in. r °Residential Water Supply(slated) I$.GROAT i Ii . ;IItrgati6II - FROM ITO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT &Ate i` Non-Water Supply Well: 0 ft 120 ft. 3/ssHale Rut Four *Monitoring EIR.Govery rt. I ft. • Injection Well: ' II•quifer Recharge DGroundwatecRemediation ft I I '; D' • Aquifer Storage and Recovery �ISalinity Barrier en SAND/GRAVEL PAG7£`( xrg cable) ' � ODf TO MATERIAL ENfELACEi1iENThFETHOL oiler Test UR EIStotmwaterDrainage ft. I ft. :, 1 Expciimental Technology QlSubsidenceCanuo) I f8 i,j 1Geothermal(ClosedLoop) DITracm 20.DRY[;LINGLOG.(attach additionalstreets irnecessaiy) it Geothermal -eating/CoolingRettun) $iOther(explainunder#21Remarks) FROM DESCRlPTtarttwt r.Laraaess sniuroctctunaet,;II, fize ft ft �€.7}ateWelt s Completed: sot j () p ! "�� Z'' Well ID# SZ, ft. :fr. � r aa.Well Location: ft. I YI r/bl�tCl C �e l�lni�e 1 I! Zcchary Muty I ft I.! Facility/OwncrName Facility A} (if applicable) Ift. f F1•�{- Horse on L q rt 36Z Rid e D,we-tJ6Ffeen I 1 i ft., ''' - ' �g�F r.*:-, Physical Address,City and Zip 2809y ' ft: I I ft' D - '. w."' ` CtLP she • Iq 22707 z 21.REMARKS ; - , b Z�l.7 • County' - ParcelIdenti$catiottNo.(PIN) I ln;Cr, �iC i Sb.Latitude and longitude is d I { IJW ,r8: 'x ,p !egreesiminnteslsecondsordecimaldeees. J.� 1.• . (ii€wcllfi llil ctd,pat/ongissufcient) Certiffratm a1: I' 3(.3ii Z2 c N - V I .l'1°t 239111 W y,-- cace, ! 6.Is(are)the well(s) r-manent or El/Temporarysignature of[krtified Wall{c Date i gYsign►ng this AIM I hereby certify that the well(r)was(ivere)-constracted to ncc 7.Fsthis a repaia•to an existing well: ales or El< with 154 NCAC 02C.0100 or ISiANCIC 02C.0200 Wall Consirnction Stm duals as 0 ifhis.isa repair,fill oatknawa well cotutruaioranformntion and explain rhe nature ofthe CoPYTthis reel fasbeenp vide totheivelf owner- repair rwtler a2l.remarkssection or on the back ofthisform. I 23.Site diagram.or additlonai well deta17s: (, S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the;back of his page to provide additional well site details construction,only I sCW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofwells construction deilai7s.You may also attach adrfitionai gages ifnecessary i I chilled: • SUBMITTAL DISTRUC£IONS I. 9.Total well depth below land surface: S�5 I I FormaltipfewellslistaudepthsFfdifferent{example-3(a)200'and2Qi0p') - gt) 24a.For All Wells:1 ntmit this form within 30 days of completion I I coastmctionto the following: l; 10.Static water level below top of rasing: 3 1c� 1 Ifunter level is above casing use=^ (ft) Division of t Pa _ Resources,Information processing Unit, i j 1 71Ylai1 'ce Center,Raleigh,NC 27699 lti 7 21.Borehole diameter.l7 0114 24b.For Iniec(ioit Webs, In.addition to sending the form.to the address above,also subinitarecopyofthisformwithin30daysofcompletion `' .12.WeII construction method:f�V.r- la'N(y I;r - (Le auger,mlary,cable,diiectpasb,etc.) ConShIICltolttoLlhe'foIiowir '.. FOR W.A :R SUPPLY WELTS ONLY: Division o Ptr'R iteeso�ces,Underground Injection Control Pragr Licit- 1 � 1G36It3aii Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276994636 132.Yield(gpm)�� Method of test; t L, I 24�For Water Snout,' �e Iniecliau Wells: In addition to sending the i , D Z the address(es);above, als submit one copy of this form within 30 c 13b.Disinfection type:H 4i n . Amonnb completion of Ngef constn eticn to the county health department of the i' where constmete'1 1 C;I I ' I 1.1