HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181154 Ver 1_BannerBranch_100080_MY3_2023_20240104MY3 FINAL MONITORING REPORT Banner Branch Mitigation Project Stokes County Roanoke River Basin CU 03010103 DIMS Project # 100080 DIMS Contract # 7610 and 7701 DIMS RFP # 16-007405 USACE Action ID Number SAW-2018-01760 DWR Project # 18-1154 Calendar Year of Data Collection: 2023 Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 f clu Environmental Quality WATER & LAND SOLUTION 7721 SIX FORKS ROAD, SUITE 13Q RALEIGH, NC 27615 {419y 614. 5111 I wolerlpndsolulions.com December 18, 2023 NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services Attn: Jeremiah Dow, Eastern Regional Supervisor 217 W. Jones Street, Suite 3000 Raleigh, NC 27603 RE: WLS Responses to NCDEQ DMS Review Comments for Task 9 Submittal, Draft Monitoring Year 3 Report for the Banner Branch Mitigation Project, DMS Full -Delivery Project ID #100080, Contract #s 7610 & 7701, Roanoke River Basin, Cataloging Unit 03010103, Stokes County, NC Dear Mr. Dow: Water & Land Solutions, LLC (WLS) is pleased to present the Final Monitoring Year 3 Report for the Banner Branch Mitigation Project to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Mitigation Services (DMS). Per the DMS review comments, WLS has updated the Final Monitoring Year 3 Report and associated deliverables accordingly. We are providing the electronic deliverables via cloud link. The electronic deliverables are organized under the following folder structure as required under the digital submission requirements: Report PDF Support Files 1_ Tables 2_CCPV 3_Veg 4_Geomorph 5-Hydro 6-Photos We are providing our written responses to DMS' review comments on the Monitoring Year 3 Report below. Each of the DMS review comments is copied below in bold text, followed by the appropriate response from WLS in regular text: Report 1. Please note that the 0.107 WMUs associated with Wetland W8A are considered at -risk due to failure to meet the proposed hydroperiod. Please indicate this on Table 1. WLS Response: WLS notes that 0.107 credits of W8a are at -risk due to failure to meet the proposed hydroperiod for MY1 through MY3. Table 1 has been updated accordingly. 2. Table 2 incorrectly states in the Measurement column that there were 3 random veg plots. Please change to 2. WLS Response: Table 2 has been updated to reflect the correct number of 2 random veg plots. 3. On Figure 1c, recommend adding the SPA-6 label on the part of the map that overlaps with Figure 1b. WLS Response: Figure 1c has been updated with the labelling of SPA-6. 4. Veg Plot 18 did not meet success criteria due to herbaceous competition and excessively wet conditions. Does WLS believe that supplemental planting may be necessary, or are volunteer species (as listed in the report) establishing at a density to meet success by year 7? WLS Response: At this time, WLS does not recommend supplemental planting. WLS expects volunteer species will establish in this area during future monitoring years. WLS will add an additional random transect adjacent to plot 18 in MY5 if the plot continues to not meet success criteria. Veg plot 17, located on the left floodplain of the reach within W3, is meeting success criteria with 769 stems per acre. 5. 5. Appendix C a. Recommend removing BHR calculations from pool cross sections. WLS Response: WLS has removed all BHR calculations from pool cross -sections in the Cross -Section Morphology Data Table. b. Is the LTOB cross sectional area correct on XS13? It appears that there should have been a loss in cross sectional area since MYO based on the plotted graph. Please clarify. WLS Response: WLS checked the input data and reexported using the DMS Cross -Section Analysis tool. The data is consistent as presented in the report and WLS is confident the data is correct. 6. Please add a table to Appendix D that summarizes flow data for all monitoring years. WLS Response: WLS has added a flow data summary table to appendix D and the e-data "App D Tables" excel sheet. 7. A black corrugated pipe was observed on the left bank of UT4-112 between stations 59+00 and 60+00. DMS recommends further investigation in MY4 to determine if there is any active drainage through the pipe. WLS Response: Upon further investigation and review of as - built (MYO) drone videos, the black pipe located on UT4-R2 is likely a piece of trash that has moved down the channel and is now lodged in the bank with sediment. WLS will remove this pipe during MY4. Digital Files 1. Please submit digital files with the location of the invasive species indicated in the visual vegetation table and the 2023 treatment areas. WLS Response: WLS has added the invasive species shapefile in the digital submission. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, i Water & Land Solutions, LLC Kyle Obermiller Water & Land Solutions, LLC 7721 Six Forks Road, Suite 130 Raleigh, NC 27615 Office Phone: (919) 614-5111 Email: kyle@waterlandsolutions.com of Conte :s 1 Project Summary................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Location and Description..................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Quantities and Credits......................................................................................................1 1.3 Current Condition Plan View......................................................................................................... 3 2 Goals, Performance Criteria, and Functional Improvements...............................................................4 2.1 Project Goals and Objectives........................................................................................................4 2.2 Project Success Criteria.................................................................................................................6 2.2.1 Streams................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2.2 Wetlands...............................................................................................................................7 2.2.3 Vegetation.............................................................................................................................7 2.2.4 Visual Assessment.................................................................................................................8 3 Project Attributes.................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1 Design Approach........................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Project Attributes.......................................................................................................................... 8 4 Monitoring Year 3 Assessment and Results........................................................................................ 10 4.1 Morphological Assessment......................................................................................................... 10 4.1.1 Stream Horizontal Pattern & Longitudinal Profile.............................................................. 10 4.1.2 Stream Horizontal Dimension.............................................................................................11 4.2 Stream Hydrology....................................................................................................................... 11 4.2.1 Stream Flow........................................................................................................................ 11 4.2.2 Bankfull Events....................................................................................................................12 4.3 Wetlands.....................................................................................................................................12 4.4 Vegetation...................................................................................................................................12 4.5 Macrobenthic Sampling ..............................................................................................................14 MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A - Visual Assessment Data Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Cross -Section Photos Stream Photo Stations (Culvert and Ford Crossings, Ell Reaches, BMPs) Potential Problem Area Photos Appendix B - Vegetation Plot Data Red -line Plant List Vegetation Plot Counts and Densities Table Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table Vegetation Plot Photos Appendix C - Stream Geomorphology Data Cross -Sections with Annual Overlays Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables Cross -Section Morphology Data Appendix D - Hydrologic Data Verification of Bankfull Events Flow Gauge and Crest Gauge Installation Diagrams Flow Gauge and Crest Gauge Graphs Cumulative Flow Gauge Data Chart Wetland Hydrology Criteria and Hydrographs Rainfall Data Table Appendix E - Project Timeline and Contact Info Appendix F — MY3 Benthic Data MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 1 Project Summary 1.1 Project Location and Description The Banner Branch Mitigation Project ("Project") is a North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) full -delivery stream and wetland mitigation project contracted with Water & Land Solutions, LLC (WLS) in response to RFP 16-007405. The Project provides stream and wetland mitigation credits in the Roanoke River Basin (Cataloging Unit 03010103). The project site is located in Stokes County approximately five miles northeast of Lawsonville. The project site is in the NCDEQsub-basin 03-02-01, Roanoke River Basin Priority Plan (RBRP, amended 2015), and Targeted Local Watershed 03010103180010 (Warm Water Thermal Regime), all within the Roanoke River Basin. The Project involved the restoration, enhancement, preservation and permanent protection of 14 stream reaches (UT1-RI, UT1-R2, UT1-R3, UT1A, UT1B, UT1C, UT2, UT2A, UT3, BB-R1, BB-R2, BB-R3, UT4-R1, and UT4-R2) and their riparian buffers, totaling approximately 15,707 linear feet of designed streams and 6.183 acres of riparian wetlands. The Project will provide significant ecological improvements and functional uplift through stream and aquatic habitat restoration and through decreasing nutrient and sediment loads within the watershed. The mitigation plan provides a detailed project summary, and Table 1 provides a summary of project assets. The CCPV illustrates the project mitigation components. Prior to construction, landowners historically cleared large portions of mature forest, manipulated and/or straightened streams, and ditched riparian wetland systems to provide areas for crop production and cattle grazing. Many of the Project reaches had been heavily impacted from these historic and current land use practices, including livestock production, agriculture, and silviculture. Continuous livestock intrusion and associated hoof shear had severely impacted the streambanks along many of the Project stream reaches. The stream channels were actively incising in these areas, and the floodplain connection had been lost in many locations. The lack of adequate and high -quality buffer vegetation, past land -use disturbances, active channel degradation, minimal impervious cover, and current agricultural and livestock practices presented a significant opportunity for water quality and ecosystem improvements through the implementation of this Project. Monitoring Year 3 (MY3) activities occurred during May and October 2023. This report presents the data for MY3. The Project meets the MY3 success criteria for stream hydrology, stream horizontal and vertical stability, and streambed condition and stability. Seven of the nine groundwater gauges are meeting success criteria for hydrology. Two of the 23 vegetation plots (21 fixed and two random) are not meeting interim success criteria. Based on these results, the Project is on trajectory to meet interim and final success criteria. For more information on the chronology of the project history and activity, refer to Appendix E. Relevant project contact information is presented in Appendix E, and project background information is presented in Table 3. 1.2 Project Quantities and Credits The Project mitigation components include a combination of Stream Restoration, Enhancement and Preservation activities, as well as Riparian Wetland Restoration (Re-establishment & Rehabilitation) and Enhancement, as summarized in Table 1. MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 1 Table 1. Banner Branch Mitigation Site (I0-100080) Project Mitigation Quantities and Credits original Original ��storaltion Mitigation Stream 373 402 Warm El 1.50000 248.667 Floodplain Bench, In -Stream Structures, Supplemental Plarting, Exclusion of Livestock UT1-R1 (upper) Permanent Conservation Easement 136 136 Warm P 10.00000 13.600 Supplemental Planting Exclusion of Livestock Permanent Conservalion Easement UT1-R1 (lower) UT1-R2 1,783 1,822 Warm Ell 2.50000 713.200 Riparian Planning Livestock Exclusion UT1-R3 822 851 Warm P 10.00000 82.200 Conservation Easement UT1A 410 410 Warm Ell 2.50000 164.000 Riparian Planning Livestock Exclusion UT113(upper) 391 428 Warm Ell 2.50000 156.400 Riparian Planting Livestock Exclusion UT1B (lower) 97 103 Warm El 1.50000 64.667 Bark grading, Stabilization Supplemental planing, Conservabon Easement UT1C (upper) 69 69 Warm P 10.00000 6.900 Conservation Easement 151 146 Warm R (PI/PII) 100000 151000 FJI Channel Restorabon, Planted Buffer, Excision of Livesteck Permanent Conservation UT1C (lower) . . Easement 1,287 1,270 Warm R (PI/PII) 1.00000 1,287.000 Fill Restorabon Planted Buffer, Excision of Livestock Permanent Conservation UT2 Easement UT2A 289 287 Warm El 1.50000 192.667 Bark grading, Stabilization Supplemental planing,. Conservation Easement 589 551 Warm R (PI) 1.00000 589.000 Restorabon Planted Buffer, Excision of Livestock Permanent Conservation UT3 EFill asement 808 865 Warm R (PI) 100000 808000 FJI Channel Restorabon, Planed Buffer, Excision of Livestock Permanent Conservation BB-R1 . . Easement 1,835 1,746 Warm R (PI) 1.00000 1,835.000 Fill Channel Restorabon Planted Buffer, Excision of Livestock Permanent Conservation BB-R2 Easement FJI Channel Restorabon, Planted Buffer, Excision of Livestock Permanent Conservation 636 678 Warm R (PI/PII) 100000 636000 BB-R3 . . Easement 2,346 2,346 Warm R (PI/PII) 1.00000 2,346.000 Fill Channel Restorabon Planted Buffer, Excision of Livestock Permanent Conservation UT4-R1 (upper) Easement 1,730/233 1,589/265 Warm R (PI) 1.00/1.25 1,916.400 FJI Channel Restorabon Planted Buffer, Excision of Livestock Permanent Conservation UT4-R1(lower) Easement. 233 LF adjacent to pond credited at 1.25:1. UT4-R2 1,722 1,760 Warm El 1.50000 1,148.000 Bark Grading Stabilization, Supplemental Planing, Conservabon Easement Total: 12 3 B47001 Wetland 0.825 0.783 R REE 2.00000 0.413 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction and encompasses section of Priority 1 W 1 rewhes 1240 1227 R E 100000 1240 Planted, excluded Iivesteck remediated compaction sal manipdaeon, and encompasses W 1A . . . . se ton of Priority 1 reach W2 0.524 0.511 R E 2.00000 0.262 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction 0.888 0.886 R RH 1.50000 0.592 Planted, tl, excluded livestock remediated compaction and encompasses section of Priority 1 W3 W4 0.321 0.319 R E 2.00000 0.161 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction 0808 0807 R REE 100000 0808 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction n sal manipdaeoand encompasses W4A . . . . s.bon of El reach 0.203 0.203 R E 2.00000 0.102 Planted, excluded Iivesteck remediated compaction and encompasses section of Er reach WS 0.097 0.097 R E 2.00000 0.049 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction and encompasses section of Ell WSA rearh W513 0.010 0.007 R E 2.00000 0.005 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction 0.251 0.251 R RH 1.50000 0.167 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction and encompasses section of Priority W� rewh WEB 0.045 0.045 R E 2.00000 0.023 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction W7 0.041 0.041 R E 2.00000 0.021 Planted excluded livestock remediated compaction 0.107 0.107 R REE 1.00000 *0.107 (at -risk) Planted remediated compaction, soil manipulation, and encompasses section of Priority 1 W8A reach of BB-R1 0.823 0.817 R REE 1.00000 0.823 Planted, excluded livestock remediated compaction n sal manipdaeoand encompasses W9 s.bon of P1 reach of BB-R2 Total: 4.773 Project Credits Restoration Level Stream Riparian Non -Rip Coastal Warm Cool Cold Wetland Wetland Marsh Restoration 9,568.400 Re-establishment 2.151 Rehabilitation 0.759 Enhancement 1.861 Enhancement 1 1,654.000 Enhancement 11 1,033.600 Creation Preservation 101700 Totals 12,358.701 4.773 Total Stream Credit 12,358.701 Total Wetland Credit 4.773 (0.107at-risk MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 Wetland Mitigation Category CM Coastal Marsh R FBparian NR Non-Rparian Restoration Level HQP Figh Quality Preservation P Preservadon E Wetland Enhancement - Veg and Hydro Ell Stream Enhancement II El Stream EnhancementI C Wetland Creation RH Wetland Rehabilitation - Veg and Hydro REE Wetland Re-establishment Veg and Hyrto R Restoration 2 1.3 Current Condition Plan View The following pages present the Current Condition Plan View (CCPV). MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 WIL171 qX �r r .o o a~ci o c a~ci a~ci o m 9 E (0 O E E O) (� U = OI O U U m c m a ° a u W0 o U o � o o ° o a w w = o o > U7 > C7 J CL U7 u u V Vf N U U U U U U > > ^ N «+ N m (p « N c C7 C7 t0 C7 a m a m 9 O N N C N N O 0 N O c c E w E w w o a c O M 00 c o � � o c 0tEl JNOOIII o � W L N a `m Q O Q1 �a U ccO U z a) E o Z ^ N moo co M .0 O Q U LU 0 U (n Q N U Co a ° m o U a o yz U C � ca o U CO N N N 0 m Lot) Z Qz J0 06 - I�L W J a0 3 � 2 Goals, Performance Criteria, and Functional Improvements 2.1 Project Goals and Objectives The Project will meet the goals and objectives described in the Banner Branch Final Approved Mitigation Plan and will address general restoration goals and opportunities outlined in the DMS Roanoke River Basin RBRP. More specifically, watershed goals and management strategies described in the RBRP will be met by: • Reducing sediment, soil erosion, turbidity, and nutrient inputs such as fecal coliform bacteria, nitrogen, and phosphorus to the Banner Branch Watershed. • Restoring, enhancing, preserving, and protecting headwater streams, wetlands, riparian buffers, and aquatic habitat functions. • Improving riparian corridor management and targeting restoration of impacted streams, wetlands, and riparian buffer areas. • Promoting agronomic farm management techniques and implementing agricultural BMPs and water quality features such as livestock exclusion fencing, alternative watering systems and nutrient management devices, and wetlands restoration. To accomplish these project -specific goals, the following objectives will be measured to document overall project success: • Restore stream, wetland, and floodplain hydrology by reconnecting historic flow paths and promoting geomorphically stable conditions with more natural flood processes; • Improve and protect water quality by reducing streambank erosion and nutrient/sediment inputs; • Restore and protect stream, wetland, and riparian buffer functions and habitat connectivity in perpetuity by recording a permanent conservation easement; and • Implement agricultural BMPs to reduce nonpoint source inputs to receiving waters. MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 4 2: Summary - Goals,Table Objective/TreatmentGoal Uplift Results Improve and/or remove Create a more natural and higher functioning headwater flow regime Maintain seasonal flow on 6 Flow Gauges (UT1A, UT1C, Improve Stream existing stream crossings and provide aquatic passage; re- intermittent stream for a minimum UT2, UT2A, UT3, UT4-R1). 6/6 Flow Gauges documented Base Flow and restore a more flow for a minimum of 30 establish appropriate wetland of 30 consecutive days during Devices record 2x/day and Duration natural flow regime and connective days. hydroperiods and provide normal annual rainfall inspected quarterly. aquatic passage. hydrologic storage 3 Crest gauges/pressure Reconnect Design BHRs to not transducers (UT2, BB-R2, UT4 channels with exceed 1.2 and increase Provide temporary water storage 112); Devices record hourly & 3/3 crest gauges recorded out floodplains and ERs no less than 2.2 for and reduce erosive forces (shear Minimum of four bankfull events in inspected quarterly. 9 of bank events in MY3. 7/9 riparian p Rosen'C'and'E'stream g stress in channel during laver ) g g separateyearsiWetlandhydrology Wetland gauges W1,W1A, g g ( wetland gauges met g g to allow a natural types and 1.4 for'B' flow events. for 8% of growing season. W2, W3, W4, W4A, W6A, hydrology criteria of 8%. flooding regime. stream types. W8A, W9); inspected quarterly. Construct stream Reduction in sediment inputs from Bank height ratios remain below 1.2 20 Cross sections surveys channels that will Improve stabilty of n stable cross- bank erosion, reduction of shear over the monitoring period. Visual and visual assessment; Cross- 20/20 cross sections BHR<1.2 streammaintai channels stress, and improved overall assessments showing progression sections in Years 1, 2, 3, 5, sections, patterns, and hydraulic function. towards stability. and 7. profiles over time. Within planted portions of the site, Plant native species a minimum of 320 stems per acre CVS Level I & II Protocol Tree vegetation a minimum Increase woody and herbaceous must be present at year three; a for 21 fixed veg plots (Strata 30' wide from the top of vegetation will provide channel minimum of 260 stems per acre Composition, Vigor, and 19/21 Fixed Veg Plots met in Establish Riparian the streambanks with a stability and reduce streambank must be present at year five with Density), 2 random 2023 and 2/2 Random Veg Buffer Vegetation composition/density erosion, runoff rates and exotic average height of six feet; and a transects/plots, and visual Plots met in 2023 comparable to downstream reference species vegetation. minimum of 210 stems per acre and assessment. Years 1, 2, 3, 5, average eight foot tree heights and 7 for veg plots. condition. must be present at year seven. Improve Improve bedform streambed diversity and increase Reduce embeddedness to allow N/A N/A N/A material and lateral stability. for interstitial flow habitat. stability MY3 Biotic index values: BB - Improve Benthic Increase leaf litter and organic Increase native woody Evaluate BMI Communities R3 increase from "Fair" to Macro invereb rate matter critical to provide in - Communities debris and structures in N/A at two sites (BB-R3 and UT4- "Good -Fair" & UT4-R2 and channel. stream cover/shade, wood 112) in MY3 and MY7 increase from "Poor" to Aquatic Habitat recruitment, and carbon sourcing. "Good -Fair" MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 2.2 Project Success Criteria The success criteria for the Project will follow the approved performance standards and monitoring protocols from the final approved mitigation plan, which was developed in compliance with the USACE October 2016 Guidance, USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines (April 2003 and October 2005), and 2008 Compensatory Mitigation Final Rule. Cross-section and vegetation plot data will be collected in Years 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Stream hydrology data and visual monitoring will be reported annually. Specific success criteria components and evaluation methods are described below. 2.2.1 Streams Stream Hydrology: Four separate bankfull or over bank events must be documented within the seven-year monitoring period, and the stream hydrology monitoring will continue until four bankfull events have been documented in separate years. Stream hydrology monitoring will be accomplished with pressure transducers installed in pools and correlating sensor depth to top of bank elevation (see Appendix D for installation diagrams). Recorded water depth above the top of bank elevation will document a bankfull event. The devices will record water depth hourly and will be inspected quarterly. In addition to the pressure transducers, traditional cork gauges will be installed at bankfull elevation and will be used to document bankfull events with photographs. Stream Profiles, Vertical Stability, and FloodplainAccess: Stream profiles, as a measure of vertical stability and floodplain access, will be evaluated by looking at Bank Height Ratios (BHR). In addition, observed bedforms should be consistent with those observed for channels of the design stream type(s). The BHR shall not exceed 1.2 along the restored Project stream reaches. This standard only applies to restored reaches of the channel where BHRs were corrected through design and construction. Vertical stability will be evaluated with visual assessment, cross -sections and, if directed by the IRT, longitudinal profile. Stream Horizontal Stability: Cross -sections will be used to evaluate horizontal stream stability on restored streams. There should be little change expected from as -built restoration cross -sections. If measurable changes do occur, they should be evaluated to determine if the changes represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g., downcutting, erosion) or a movement towards increased stability (e.g., settling, vegetation establishment, deposition along the streambanks, decrease in width/depth ratio). Cross -sections shall be classified using the Rosgen Stream Classification method, and all monitored cross - sections should fall within the quantitative parameters defined for channels of the design stream type. Stream cross-section monitoring will be conducted using a Topcon Total Station. Three-dimensional coordinates associated with cross-section data will be collected in the field (NAD83 State Plane feet FIPS 3200). Morphological data will be collected at 20 cross -sections. Survey data will be imported into Microsoft Excel° and the DMS Shiny App for data processing and analysis. Reference photo transects will be taken at each permanent cross-section. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the streambanks. Photographs will be taken of both streambanks at each cross-section. A survey tape stretched between the permanent cross-section monuments/pins will be centered in each of the streambank photographs. The water elevation will be shown in the lower edge of the frame, and as much of the streambank as possible will be included in each photo. Photographers will attempt to consistently maintain the same area in each photo over time. MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 6 Streambed Material Condition and Stability: Pebble counts or streambed material samples will not be collected per the DMS Pebble Count Data Requirements memo sent on October 19, 2021. The IRT reserves the right to request pebble count data/particle distributions if deemed necessary during the monitoring period. Jurisdictional Stream Flow: Monitoring of stream flow will be conducted to demonstrate that the restored stream systems classified as intermittent exhibit surface flow for a minimum of 30 consecutive days throughout some portion of the year during years with normal rainfall conditions. Stream flow monitoring will be accomplished with pressure transducers installed in pools and correlating sensor depth to the downstream top of riffle elevation. If the pool water depth is at or above the top of riffle elevation, then the channel will be assumed to have surface flow. The devices will record water elevation twice per day and will be inspected quarterly to document surface hydrology and provide a basis for evaluating flow response to rainfall events. The stage recorders include an automatic pressure transducer (HOBO Water Level (13 ft) Logger) set in PVC piping in the channel. The elevation of the bed and top of bank at each stage recorder location will be recorded to be able to document presence of water in the channel and out of bank events. Visual observations (i.e. wrack or debris lines) and traditional cork crest gauges will also be used to document out of bank events. 2.2.2 Wetlands Wetland Hydrology: The performance standard for wetland hydrology will be eight percent based on the suggested wetland saturation thresholds for soils' taxonomic subgroups. The proposed success criteria for wetland hydrology will be when the soils are saturated within 12 inches of the soil surface for eight percent (14 days) of the 177-day growing season (April 215T through October 16th) based on WETS data table for Stokes County, NC. The saturated conditions should occur during a period when antecedent precipitation has been normal or drier than normal for a minimum frequency of 5 years in 10 (USACE, 2005 and 2010b). Precipitation data will be obtained from an on -site rain gauge and the Danbury WETS Station, approximately 11 miles south of the Project site. If a normal year of precipitation does not occur during the first seven years of monitoring, WLS will continue to monitor the Project hydrology until the Project site has been saturated for the appropriate hydroperiod. If rainfall amounts for any given year during the monitoring period are abnormally low, reference wetland hydrology data will be compared to determine if there is a correlation with the weather conditions and site variability. 2.2.3 Vegetation Vegetation monitoring will occur in the fall each required monitoring year, prior to leaf drop. Plots will be monitored in years 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. Vegetative success for the Project during the intermediate monitoring years will be based the survival of at least 320, three -year -old trees per acre at the end of Year 3 of the monitoring period; and at least 260, five -year -old trees per acre that must average six feet in height at the end of Year 5 of the monitoring period. The final vegetative restoration success criteria will be achieving a density of no less than 210, seven -year -old stems per acre that must average eight feet in height in Year 7 of monitoring. Volunteer species on the approved planting list that meet success criteria standards will be counted towards success criteria. Vegetation success is being monitored at a total of 21 permanent/fixed vegetation plots and two random (2m x 50m or 4m x 25m) transects. Vegetation plot monitoring follows the CVS-EEP Level 2 Protocol for MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 7 Recording Vegetation, version 4.2 (Lee et al. 2008) and includes analysis of species composition, height, and density of planted species. Data is processed using the DMS ShinyApp tool. In the field, the four corners of each fixed plot were permanently marked with PVC at the origin and rebar at the other corners. Tree species and height will be recorded for each planted stem and photos of each plot are to be taken from the origin each monitoring year. 2.2.4 Visual Assessment WLS will conduct visual assessments in support of mitigation performance monitoring. Visual assessments of all stream reaches will be conducted twice per monitoring year with at least five months in between each site visit for each of the seven years of monitoring. Photographs will be used to visually document system performance and any areas of concern related to streambank and bed stability, condition of in - stream structures, channel migration, active headcuts, live stake mortality, invasive plant species or animal browsing, easement boundary encroachments, cattle exclusion fence damage, and general streambed conditions. 3 Project Attributes 3.1 Design Approach The Project stream design approach included a combination of Stream Restoration, Enhancement, and Preservation activities (Table 1). Priority Level I and Level II Restoration approaches incorporated the design of both single -thread meandering channels and step -pool channels. All non -vegetated areas within the easement were planted with native vegetation, and any areas of invasive species were removed and/ or treated. 3.2 Project Attributes See Table 3 for Project Attributes. MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 51 IF - - > 3 -- ° 3 u° _ - 'r ^ °v_ o a ❑ z u z u - - - u - - - u a z a z e _ _ N w w ELL j u j Q Q o ° u u - u Q - E v ¢ o v v vo 'o o a N N ^ ¢ u o_ a s Q 0 0 0 o `oV y o^ `o - `o `o g -o c v t0 y E v E - `o �- `o E `y `y u - v - vvi vvmu m ^ v N a > ° 7 Q Q ^ E E E? v v `o N v ,. v ,.� N O _ u v v = u v E p'' um L o u a a v o - ,vo NEZ Yv O°mt Yv 0' _Y- ow oQ m C C C o o mo v y N o zu oa> u s u C O m 00 L O N O C O f6 � CD 4, J U Q (1) z 0 LL d rn G � ER 4 Monitoring Year 3 Assessment and Results The dates of Year 3 monitoring activities are detailed in Appendix E. All Year 3 monitoring data is presented in this report and in the appendices. The Project is on track for meeting stream, wetland, and vegetation interim success criteria. All monitoring device locations are depicted on the CCPV (Figure 1). 4.1 Morphological Assessment Morphological data for MY3 was collected in May 2023. Refer to Appendices A and C for summary data tables, morphological plots, and stream photographs. 4.1.1 Stream Horizontal Pattern & Longitudinal Profile Visual assessment and cross-section surveys were utilized for MY3 horizontal and vertical stream stability. The visual assessments for each stream reach concluded that the MY3 stream channel pattern and longitudinal profiles, and in -stream structure location/function, still closely match the MYO/baseline conditions (Appendix C). Overall, the MY3 planform geometry and dimensions fall within acceptable ranges of the baseline parameters for all restored reaches. Minor channel adjustments in riffle slopes, pool depths and pattern do not present a stability concern or indicate a need for remedial action and will be assessed visually during the annual assessments. Three potential stream problem areas were noted during MY1 (see CCPV). During MY3, these problem areas were monitored, and four additional problem areas were documented. • SPA-1: On BB-R1 near station 44+00, piping is occurring on the left bank around a rock structure. Livestakes were added around the structure to prevent erosion on 11/3/2021. The structure was functioning as designed during MY3 during the spring and fall site walk visits. WLS will continue to monitor this area in MY4 and will remove from the list if it remains stable for two monitoring seasons. • SPA-2: On BB-R3 near station 70+50, erosion was occurring on the right bank upstream of a log vane. The structure is functioning and stable. Livestakes were added to prevent further bank erosion on 11/3/2021 and additional stakes were added on 5/10/2023. Streambank vegetation has established very well, and the stream feature is stable. WLS will continue to monitor this area in MY4 and will remove from the list if it remains stable for two monitoring seasons. • SPA-3: On BB-R3 near station 72+00, a rock roller is rolling water toward the right bank and not toward the log vane. The structure is not functioning as intended but remains stable. The right bank is not actively eroding. Livestakes were added on 11/3/2021 and 5/10/2023. WLS will continue to monitor this area closely and will remove from the list if it remains stable for two monitoring seasons. • SPA-4: On BB-R1 near station 47+25 a meander bend is experiencing around 20 feet of scour and erosion. This area did not have a structure installed per design. Live stakes were installed on 5/10/2023. Additional live stakes will be installed this winter. Bank pins will also be installed to measure any additional scour during MY4 to determine if any handwork is needed for stabilization. • SPA-5: On UT4-R1 near station 51+80, some minor erosion is occurring due to scour on the right bank downstream of a log vane. Live stakes were added on 5/10/2023 to provide further stability, and this area will continue to be monitored in MY4. MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 10 • SPA-6: On UT4-R1 near station 34+00 an overland flow path washed rocks into the channel. Larger rocks were removed from the channel, and the riffle remains stable. Minor erosion is occurring on the slope leading down from the existing cattle pasture into the stream. Any remedial action taken during the dormant season will be noted in the MY4 report. WLS will install coir wattles to and live stake the slope to prevent any further erosion. • SPA-7: Cattle access and erosion is occurring upstream of the project on Reach UT3. Sedimentation is present along the reach and was noted in MY2 for aggradation on cross -sections 9 and 10. This reach is being monitored by WLS closely. No remedial action is planned to occur. UT3 was noted as flowing through the restored channel and no side channels or diverging flows were noted in MY3. WLS will continue to watch this stream closely for issues in MY4. WLS staff noted minor beaver activity occurring on BB-R2 during the fall monitoring site visit. WLS staff removed four small dams on BB-R2. Beaver impacts to the site were negligible and did not negatively affect stream pattern or profile due to the small size of the dams and are marked on the CCPV. The dam construction did not negatively affect any riparian tree plantings as the dam material was primarily live stake cuttings. WLS expects the live stakes to resprout, as the roots were not affected. WLS will continue to monitor these locations and beaver management will be noted in future reports. 4.1.2 Stream Horizontal Dimension The MY3 channel dimensions generally match the design parameters and are within acceptable and stable ranges of tolerance. Twenty cross -sections are located in restoration reaches across the project, with ten located in pools and ten located in riffles. All 10 of the riffle cross -sections show little change in the bankfull area and all bank height ratios are less than 1.2. Cross -sections 9 and 10 on UT3 previously showed significant aggradation during MY1, and MY2 due to erosion outside of the conservation easement, but MY3 cross-section results show sediment is flushing through the system. Cross-section 10 had a bank height ratio of 0.79 in MY2, and that has stabilized closer to design of 0.87 in MY3. Additional photos of this reach can be found in Appendix A. WLS will continue to closely monitor this reach visually during MY4 and include additional photos during MY4. Maximum riffle depths are expected to fluctuate slightly throughout the monitoring period as the channels adjust to the new flow regime. It is expected over time that some pools may accumulate fine sediment and organic matter, however, this may not be an indicator of channel instability. 4.2 Stream Hydrology 4.2.1 Stream Flow Six pressure transducers (flow gauges) were installed in April 2021 on reaches UT1A, UT1C, UT2, UT2A, UT3, and UT4-R1 to document flow conditions. The flow gauge locations are within the upper one-third of the project reaches as shown on the CCPVs. All six flow gauges exhibited surface flow for a minimum of 30 consecutive days throughout the monitoring year (Appendix D). Additionally, to determine if rainfall amounts are normal for the given year, precipitation data was obtained from CRONOS station Danbury, approximately 11 miles south of the site. Rainfall was above normal for the year (January— September). MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 11 Flow Gauae Data Flow Gauge Flow Gauge Location Longest od of Consecutive Flow Total Days of Cumulative Total Days of No Flow Longest . PeriodName FG-1 UT1A 284 days 1/1/2023-10/12/2023 Flow 284 days 0 days Consecutive No 0 days FG-2 UT1C 88 days 165 days 120 days 25 days 1/1/2023 — 3/30/2023 FG-3 UT2 206 days 1/1/2023 — 7/26/2023 278 days 7 days 3 days FG-4 UT2A 284 days 284 days 0 days 0 days 1/1/2023-10/12/2022 FG-5 UT3 284 days 284 days 0 days 0 days 1/1/2023-10/12/2022 FG-6 UT4-R1 138 days 279 days 6 days 1 days 5/27/2023-10/12/2023 4.2.2 Bankfull Events Three crest gauges were installed in April 2021 to document bankfull events. WLS installed a conventional cork crest gauge, along with a pressure transducer to validate flood status, on UT2, BB-R2, UT4-R2. During MY3, bankfull events were recorded on all three pressure transducer crest gauges. CG-1 (UT2) recorded 13 events with a maximum event of 0.401 feet above bankfull. CG-2 (BB-R2) recorded 11 events with a maximum event of 1.32 feet above bankfull. CG-3 (UT4-R2) recorded one event with a maximum event of 0.281 feet above bankfull. The associated data and photographs are located in Appendix D. 4.3 Wetlands Nine groundwater wells were installed in April 2021 to monitor wetland hydrology. Groundwater well locations are shown on the CCPV. During MY3, seven of the nine wetland groundwater wells are meeting the eight percent wetland hydrology criterion. GW-2 (W8a) had a hydroperiod of 2.8 percent, and GW-5 (W1) had a hydroperiod of 4.5%, which are both not meeting the eight percent criteria. GW-5 is located in W1, a wetland enhancement area. The vegetative profile of W1 indicates that the area is experiencing high hydrologic activity. GW-4, in the adjacent W1a experienced groundwater within 12" of the soil surface for 59.3% of the captured growing season. It is expected that GW-5 will meet criteria in MY4. WLS will replace the wetland gauge in GW-5 to ensure is captured accurately and to remove any sediment buildup within the well. 4.4 Vegetation Monitoring of the 21 permanent vegetation plots and two random transects was completed during October 2023. Vegetation data photos can be found in Appendix B. The MY3 average density is 519 stems per acre, which exceeds the interim measure of vegetative success of at least 320 stems per acre at the end of the third monitoring year. 21 of the 23 vegetation plots are also meeting the interim measure requirements and all plots have 121 — 891 stems per acre including appropriate volunteers. Vegetation plots 3 (in W5) and 18 (in W3) are not meeting success criteria. This is due to vegetation plot 3 being MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 12 planted within an existing canopy and groundwater saturation within W5. Numerous mature trees are located within VP3. Vegetation plot 18 not meeting success criteria is due to dense herbaceous cover out competing trees and saturated conditions within W3; GW7 is adjacent to plot 18 in W3 and retained a 74% hydroperiod during MY3. Volunteer tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), spicebush (Lindera benzoin), white ash (Fraxinus americana), willow oak (Quercus phellos), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), hazel alder (Alnusserrulata), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), and persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) were noted in MY3, and more species are expected to establish in future years. Visual assessment of vegetation outside of the monitoring plots indicates that the herbaceous vegetation is becoming well established throughout the project. In response to MY2 IRT comments, Vegetation Plot 4 will transition from a permanent plot located in W8a to a random vegetation plot in MY5 and MY7 monitoring. During fall monitoring, two areas of the project had evidence of cattle access within the easement; however, WLS has not seen cattle in the easement. VP6 (near UT2) was grazed by cattle, but the plot trees resprouted and are expected to be successful. WLS staff contacted the landowner to discuss the issue and no further access is expected to occur. Cattle might have accessed through a gate accidently not secured and no fence needs repaired. A second cow access area along UT1a was noted during fall monitoring. A few small cattle likely accessed the easement below the fence through a drainage swale near the BMP located on the left side of the stream. WLS staff contacted the farmer to discuss the issue and he also has never seen cattle in the easement. Random plot 22 was placed in this area during MY3 to document planted stem success. WLS staff met onsite on October 30, 2023, to walk the easement fence perimeter and document any areas needing remedial action. T-posts will be installed inside the fence at the two locations (one along UT1a and another along UT2) where small cows may be accessing the easement by going under the fence. The landowner that encompasses UT2 has also been contacted to spray the fence line and install chains on the fence at all stream crossings to discourage access. WLS will continue to monitor these areas in MY4. Areas of privet (Ligustrum sinense), tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), and multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) in individual areas are below mapping threshold scattered areas across the project (-4.48 acres). These areas have been spot treated with herbicide, and treatments will continue in future monitoring years. See table below for treatment dates. No other areas of significant invasive plant species were observed post -construction. The site will be monitored closely, and any invasive plant species will be treated as needed. Invasive Species Treatment Table 6/29/2023 Tree of Heaven, Multi- Rodeo backpack foliar flora rose and Privet spray 8/30/2023 Tree of Heaven, Multi- Rodeo backpack foliar flora rose and Privet sorav and cut stump MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 13 4.5 Macrobenthic Sampling Two macrobenthic sampling locations were surveyed prior to restoration activities on BB-R3 and UT4-R2. BB-R3 scored "Fair" and had a biotic index value of 5.94, and UT4-R2 scored "Poor" and had a biotic index value of 6.65. Both reaches were re -surveyed in MY3 on June 28, 2023. BB-R3 scored "Good -Fair" and had a biotic index value of 5.19, and UT4-R2 scored "Good -Fair" and had a biotic index value of 4.90. Benthic data is located in Appendix F. MY3 FINAL Banner Branch DMS Project #100080 14 Appendix A: Visual Assessment Data Visual Stream Morphology Stability Assessment Table Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Cross Section Photos Stream Photo Stations (Culvert & Ford Crossings, Ell Reaches, BMPs) Potential Problem Area Photos Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach UT1-R1 Assessed Stream Length 1538 Assessed Bank Length 11,076 NumberStable, Performing as Total Number Amount of Unstable % Stable, Performing as Major Channel Cate%go Metric intended in As -built Surface Scour/Bare Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth Bank and/or surface scour Footage 0 intended 100% Banktoe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% NOMMOSEEMMMMIrm Totals 0 100% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 9 9 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DIMS monitoring 3 3 100% guidance document) Visual StreAm Stabifity Assessment Reach UT1-R2 Assessed Stream Length 11,822 Assessed Bank Length 13,644 Number Stable, Amount of % Stable, Performing as Total Number Unstable Performing as Major Channel Category Metric intended in As -built Footage intended Surface Scour/Bare Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or surface scour 0 100% Banktoe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 7 7 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring 5 5 100% guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach UT1-R3 Assessed Stream Length 851 Assessed Bank Length 1,702 ffln Surface Scour/Bare Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or surface scour 0 100% Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 3 3 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring N/A N/A N/A guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach UT1A Assessed Stream Length 410 Assessed Bank Length 820 Surface Scour/Bare Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth Bank and/or surface scour 0 100% Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% - Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across N/A N/A N/A the sill. Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring N/A N/A N/A guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach UT1B Assessed Stream Length 531 Assessed Bank Length 1,062 ffln Surface Scour/Bare Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth Bank 0 and/or surface scour 100% Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across Grade Control 13 13 100% the sill. Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring 3 3 100% guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach JUT1C Assessed Stream Length 1215 Assessed Bank Length 1430 Number Stable, Amount of % Stable, Performing as Total Number Unstable Performing as Major Channel Categoga Metric intended in As -built Footage intended Surface Scour/Bare Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or surface scour AMM Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% - Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 10 10 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring 6 6 100% guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach UT2 Assessed Stream Length 1,270 Assessed Bank Length 2,540 Surface Scour/Bare Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth 0 Bank and/or surface scour 100% Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% 0 100% Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across Grade Control 65 65 100% the sill. Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring 35 35 100% guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach JLJT2A Assessed Stream Length 1287 Assessed Bank Length 1574 Number Stable, Amount of % Stable, Performing as Total Number Unstable Performing as Major Channel Categoga Metric intended in As -built Footage intended Surface Scour/Bare Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or surface scour AMM Bank toe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% - Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 5 5 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring N/A N/A N/A guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach JUT3 Assessed Stream Length 1551 Assessed Bank Length 11,102 NumberStable, Performing as Total Number Amount of Unstable % Stable, Performing as Major Channel Cate%go Metric intended in As -built Surface Scour/Bare Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth Bank and/or surface scour Footage 0 intended 100% Banktoe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% NOMMOSEEMMMMIrm Totals 0 100% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 17 17 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DIMS monitoring 2 2 100% guidance document) Visual Strei'm Stabifity Assessment Reach BB-R1 Assessed Stream Length 1865 Assessed Bank Length 11,730 Number Stable, Amount of % Stable, Performing as Total Number Unstable Performing as Major Channel Category Metric intended in As -built Footage intended Surface Scour/Bare Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or surface scour 25 98% Banktoe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 25 98% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 13 13 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring 8 8 100% guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach BB-R2 Assessed Stream Length 11,746 Assessed Bank Length 13,492 NumberStable, Performing as Total Number Amount of Unstable % Stable, Performing as Major Channel Cate%go Metric intended in As -built Surface Scour/Bare Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth Bank and/or surface scour Footage 0 intended 100% Banktoe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 26 26 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DIMS monitoring 19 19 100% guidance document) Visual Strei'm Stabifity Assessment Reach BB-R3 Assessed Stream Length 1678 Assessed Bank Length 11,356 Number Stable, Amount of % Stable, Performing as Total Number Unstable Performing as Major Channel Category Metric intended in As -built Footage intended Surface Scour/Bare Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or surface scour 0 100% Banktoe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 10 11 91% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DMS monitoring 7 8 88% guidance document) Visual Stream Stability Assessment Reach UT4-R1 Assessed Stream Length 14,200 Assessed Bank Length 18,400 NumberStable, Performing as Total Number Amount of Unstable % Stable, Performing as Major Channel Cate%go Metric intended in As -built Surface Scour/Bare Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth Bank and/or surface scour Footage 0 intended 100% Banktoe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% NOMMOSEEMMMMIrm Totals 0 100% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 83 83 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. (See guidance for this table in DIMS monitoring 65 66 98% guidance document) Visual Strei'm Stabifity Assessment Reach UT4-R2 Assessed Stream Length 11,760 Assessed Bank Length 13,520 Number Stable, Amount of % Stable, Performing as Total Number Unstable Performing as Major Channel Category Metric intended in As -built Footage intended Surface Scour/Bare Bank Bank lacking vegetative cover resulting simply from poor growth and/or surface scour 0 100% Banktoe eroding to the extent that bank failure appears likely. Toe Erosion Does NOT include undercuts that are modest, appear sustainable 0 100% and are providing habitat. Bank Failure Fluvial and geotechnical - rotational, slumping, calving, or collapse 0 100% Totals 0 100% Grade Control Grade control structures exhibiting maintenance of grade across the sill. 7 7 100% Bank erosion within the structures extent of influence does not Bank Protection exceed 15%. 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Co dt At k y•,.�' �r -'~�� _ '� �.'•� � '�. � �,1 co Im CN r; CO F 'tom Rz .,1 co co cr- ez 44. Irk ''h3 '' y 'ti rS • J 4Fti:r''r�.'•'� , i ~ 1'.,j�4�1 �• . � . �tk X S"� 1� �'� � N }•�+�r .'xv. y�''�1�'i•. 1�� - .'Q �'1 -'�F. .. .. ^1' Si �.j,,. ���r t' .'��1. .I. ++ h ' �i {� •o`er � 1 r' y - i" 9 ,ps �� � ,-�� CL cyi fu v o w 3n N (tf 41 � � O l� _Sf•J � F �. , Thy '. .l ': C .. "��`.5if�.��'�:.. �"-�- ..a -. .. r _ '� �'��' _s°i� .. w.; .�Y4 a i 1[a sti 7" .h ��f,ii'i•��ilas'� O } OIi =4 - f , .tip mra Allow ' t��j 'Ile p I I •r� � �' L rl 1� — VI Y N `�•# , " oC P Iasi � i K' A,,� 0 r. rl • IL CY- . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 CN 0 LO > ro lD 4L iz C C E m 0 44 0 is 1L li - .. ..-_JjjI��%'. rF'w r{�;� CL M ro ru Ln 0 O S� he G C f0 Co t to w r-i V) x c-I H holl 40 41� Amt ,7j W L4 a �°`'; ., N Aw ro ;r! tT -mot'. �' ;_.•.., 00 � I 0y`y` Z.'� C L o 7� v d N N � o N L7 00 r t r f (N r-I OF FD r. tz ❑ ti } w _ '._^�.- -.ram'•.'''".. '! f Y ro V, T CN 7 ro m 4, r t bA i 0 Ln C � a, `�.`,.. i •. L� ._ c54. I' «: "�'L ;..f "r ! ,t•: it Alcam' CID cn ro :f L iit s N cr- lp ' .. '-k x a��!a TL,•"\.yam-�7L ':. _ .- - 5,.. ;, r' err^' . CO a -R co ,... •;ram `''' ro i ro ' y'' f.:'•:' v = o of T. .:..� i , - -- - .- � - .� ��'•' - _ ^• of N Saar, - • ' .: � � � _. � _ N ,. j_. .. yx•VI ���-''_ � ' _ 'dig'' r - � � .+�� ..- ' • ., ."r ;f •, I , v',F• � 1. ,.'�' 1i .'�' { _ N N ro O {17 ,.: }f, _� _ F O r Rom:' .•., �� �1 y.`. rmu Uo a- �!--� •� V h � ' 1 _ � • �.. :•' 1 u��Y� 1}j � � ' phi � '! ' w� ✓ Y �' � � f' y a 1. S '� ,,,, ti r:• :� m .. i` cr OF Ali CD co k:ti. a co N to Ql ; Ql ,..: r-4 CL lo rn l ro Si N A 5 '�f yam' k { _ V� e' �� • ! + !0. a .. Ln +CO � O ro ro 4� r r � iL CC •li. - .c '.ti � +V C he r� +' N r` Ln ogrF t s i+7t all. i cl} "T, F". Idt O O C� G c ru m O N Ln X N R* Fi r - r \�. i t LO <r ro ro w = w :ire • � � � � �" � .. . Adk OL r N m O m � s � f CY) O 41 41 . aLU 3 f ' w YkOL ,��`_ ,.: •,K� oc !. •. r �;�: v'�. ,,.• � bra �� f4lo", -IF CY) ro 41 Ln - 1 if CL V 41 CC J.L r.4 CL 00 co a CV U V r � -ice.•:. .I r r, � � ,� ,� r' N 0 7 N 1 N N ro ro 0 1 0y,JIB R / L r+� - •i i In 41 ir At J• _' r ti • _ •ram V) • r i-. r�. -� .. _ r' '.} , .tij , j1 �} ,-y Y��• - �r J � ' } ' I�i�`t L ; yi 1 � r f � � � Je NJ Ln Ln m Y al m ul OP o LU Zf LU rl ' n i 4 n a ram, �A.: •: r _ •��. 5'� � � �51•�..f`" SS__ � � •f � fir. ii [V CV 46, :b:,. ', �. �j � �+•, ��� � cam'' tr, �� - '�"�. C m 1S .ate "N" ' O LU M. gip:: •'r�s'.H : - • '� _I Q j. 4 ,4p u7 o It ro CL i - k �'•, ray - � � Q w 00 r , ) N J 7, U) f�d`r•,, � ', >�'; _ ..mot \a CL a '` N CL CV ❑ J 'r O CD Ln ' ro L 41 A • �;� . - - � " r � a- { �.' is ''. r. to .: �, `far. '•.f 41 3 r R N =... CC Tl CD o V y= �. [V ❑ O y} �+`t; yam.. pLnpp ro r ? W� 1= :ram^.:�;�ypS' r Y f0 do W r . Lja ZI Vv ie i_ --. - - Iy��:_/L!-.}fir, ! `.I - •- N M� � .�-',. CCL 16 rl ys. •��ry � ..�r'f�.l d -47 :alyiT�I-r � dye " .i��-_' • Nam. r r k • Fr �1 1 < _ W. N ` N N c c+7 v y:• .. m 117 4 n CLO ` ig vd O -: i LX_ 00 OP de Nvi Q ... Q C:ON r ❑ .1 //❑�� N - N O O �O N N' N �+ co CL ` O rR •N j - /O V O O .: LL O y� CC N s co '.�-:: • '. CC + CD �i � o [+7 N Y a m o cn � ro �w U ♦ O T.� U '`�•-non •. -- -• - co M Zc ❑ LO - J�, .yam,: � _ y-K- - -.�. x-•. _ a . •, cts,.� i O t U c '�f. s ,�s{ i'�. , r �.; �j•!�'i�yry.•':i ��yyyy����jja.. ;:r',`•,. X�, ��qq � ' � ��r.� £ IJr !' ..: in i .. .. .. .•t �!�.-'alh:µ�'.�.• .,. . !] .� ,J �''.�YJ%T _. '�. �'7�..5 Crj :�•"l":.�. CU N te 0 LO ' x" _ N Q) .. .. - O -. h0 U Y7 L F U F='.J 4 r � iiYII a `�� I �u n � d i.::.,..-Y:r'� a 4 �[�i �5.��. .. _ .. •-,-- - � m � r _ ► �`- •�-G(. �;, _ 1c ..''fin.. G h1N. r - ' �lr s♦.. eY - �J ? �..i 40 kE. CN ro j l�Ba Q) :I 4aj vl!�t p0 bD O N U _ Jy LO C a, m N o cn N Y o Ln [n to �� r y :F .r ..... F Lr) ro ro Q LL Lo CD co r Q7 E':' � ^r CD 0 a O N � ra ro _ D a 3 L i !. LL I d .i t r W. a ".{:: nti -- �s;' � � � �•��� it r'e,�: - ^�cLi���".. �,� a' i�E:,•:,". LO co O .r: S a O O O ~•"�`r'• x .g .- m _ m LA}.-. �,;,1�:� � .fir � � , . II, •. N •- � =S < . N CIS - ..�' ��` .' .- • -��. • s _ _ _ N .io..,,, co m fir � i. � i � 1' ems! �ti'/ � I•' � � �. � "'� E� � � - j . _ .�+� • � � � _, _+ +� is �y -:. i -:. _ _ � - �� 4 .J � 'I [' I -' . '... •.'•.:'i."'L.. '-�: � It •.�t�Al� '... CL ;. � CC a e; L � l I CD ']-.•fie.: - • � � .. _ � �•rhe ro t f C C _�'� '�•.., sue• iCL ++'�]}f t' Cam• � to _ � " _ O ^ CO •!.•-_r� _ .� --_\t. :��rr-. y`' ter- C 4 F� _Ile1'I ro F a � a In 0 ci V [+7 N n r y Y CD+❑+ N C +❑+ N [f1 op !l7 Q a, o - o •s.-� -- . r' '. C=r V) M r _ N C ' ai �rr ` - '.. - , � .•.. - o d - _ •lei •�. � 'o ai o '�: - m r _yam' •��•,��,,..��yy��' � �''� :' : L� i;..y ^ � A ❑ �F r.r,..: I t Imh_ Appendix B: Vegetation Plot Data Redline Plant List Vegetation Plot Counts and Densities Table Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table Vegetation Plot Photos E L MSpecies am Fraxinus pennsylvanica Banner Branch Mitigation Project Red -line Planting List monName Stems 119wokm =J Green ash 805 % Planted 4% __J Mitigation Plan % _j 4% Betula nigra River birch 1,409 7% 8% Tilia americana Basswood 1,409 7% 7% Quercus michauxii Swamp chestnut oak 1,409 7% 8 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore 2,013 10% 10% Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip poplar 2,013 10% 10% Quercus phellos Willow oak 1,409 7% 7% Nyssa sylvatica Black gum 1,409 8% Quercus alba White oak 11409 7% 7% Quercus falcata Southern red oak 1,409 7% 7% Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam 604 3% 3% Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 604 3% 3% Amelanchierarborea Common serviceberry 604 3% 3% Hamamelis virginiana Witch -hazel 604 3% 3% Asimina triloba Pawpaw 604 3% 3% Lindera benzoin Spicebush 604 3% 3% Alnusserrulata Hazel alder 604 3% 3% Corylus americana Hazelnut 604 3% 3% Magnolia tripetala Umbrella magnolia 604 3% 0% Total 20,130 100% * changes from mitigation plan in red Riparian Buffer Proposed 2'-3' Spacing @ Live Stake Plantings — Streambanks Meander Bends and 6'- 8' Spacing @ Riffle Sections) Salix sericea �. •: Salix .. �. •• '.'-IIII 1 1 mill I - Vegetation Performance Standards Summary Table - Veg Plot 1 F Veg Plot 2 F Veg Plot 3 F Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Veg Plot 4 F Veg Veg Plot 6 F Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Veg Plot 7 Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) _M Veg Plot 8 Veg Plox.Lu F Veg PIoT11 F Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Veg Plot 13 F Veg Plot 14 F Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Stems/Ac. Av. Veg Plot 12 F Ht. (ft) # Species % Veg Veg Plot 16 F Veg Plot 17 F Veg Plot 18 F Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species % Veg Plot 19 F Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Species Veg Plot Group 22 R Av. Ht. (ft) # Species Av. Ht. Veg Plot Grou� Veg Plot Group 24 R Stems/Ac. Av. Ht. (ft) # Spec % Invasives Stems/May. Ht. (ft) # Species % Invasives M GJ = _' v'l' co d1 ��s L ' • '. N .SC �. i Q I +ice �' t - •' :'Y• � � Sr _�:. ,�. i$y O Tk CA 19 Ym to b.0 s. :; •• � a¢ fir, � .�� � r_ .,:,� I IWO, :.tom ,} S F-, � r • • q •.f _ N lip co _Ln ?Y: \ ZL COL .�[ rt•'a f CC :. t} CL two to 1. �: '. '�''G�. 'i.• X _ � � X [17 ti {J � CV N ha�.r CV _ G I. CN - 'ram � ;tip'-;.::� :.�: «r'.-.....•. •-•.•':' -^ �!�.�+" CNI ¢-=}_,rj."I (v �. CN CN J .KCf. a—+ op rCLto to M1.ti.. s-- -- t r -� LL . a n c: oz c?) ❑ U r � C'7 r C(] a e ` Fn G •1 . d. • i�� fir. r. 1 1 n Ir a_ -2 CO 0 �q (1) C14 , Talmmzw- 0 b.0 Q) Q) x QC _ --- •` '•-L ��',� ',fi' _ � " � � ;`k.+'. �t•:.� .�`'• Yr,.t- ,Y rf ,i•� . �4• r-) ` ' � � i - ' f.. �•' �� . Ste. a rrO�� _ - �•�' •, .:'F „yam /0 �1 .�`ay .' :f�.. �• .�- ,, �x^� ]G CD [7 Cj O [ 7 L .• cn ._ Oi .�:: N w�, :'.�, �. r � S%a . � R• �.Ati Via- • � •y:�i'_;k. a +'", x•M sib .� .._L�F•?i�`:�•�1,._�-s'. •ia-��� ;.�'. -y •= d Nti L S!Wy r bA LL low _ F L4 C C ' Zip.-i•r T . s. r - r`Ncq b '. _fit^:;-�•"�' ;'-u .� aj ..i ati; -ti 4-• '•}t�`-E,.; - 71 T• S: P-� iF �rA'_ .. a �x �, t• - ��' '�. cam•.;. � �^� _ F;,_.y .�v��_'�' �D a co v 1t r. , �.} • � ..._a'"'b'" -ems _ •:.`'�. [] { _ . a O= m tv O CL to iz LL wi Y - ti N .. F' O O f4 LL Om - Yr .- lrib� d�Y MW ''R i "R X� C C•� .. ' S 4 'W }< D N O t J•. ' t .'..v O •.e a -fn T '� - N - 'y'_ w _ i O O a �i5� � �� �• ir~ G �A G Lnr i l 3 l0 f xj rw`)r l' 4 � r 4� 1- - to - - - - — to x x Lj— !l 'fib 4 L t 3' U), Z ¢, ap] rY� C+ �� \ ' . r 1 f 00 0 N r LO T", -^7 Q0 - - p -�--'T-TWW4• .��. O t10 1 h0 X Qj X L.L IL _.�•. ALL: qk! 2 I-.- r p al b.0 X LL 32 V J Zi LL tC} #� -. - .tea- - - _ `•. c :y e � =:•�.r i t {�r �'s gyp. !!rPNgL: :'� 1_ fir, •y� G t cy Y CO o• ram. A i CV �iN CD u NF,:{, `F .�: Jsty� - . �j•: tip d M;Y't 4y 'may'. �•4 1. ...� � .. .. - f;Y � to LZ Ell ,�. ; ��. .. , ice: ,;�'f ' ; �;'_��'. - •;:. � � � � .,. � fir'^--•-- - w ' J:. , -- � .•, � • " ` : x:=y q ,4 - N 0 :a f 40 4444 r - 41 Ale A•• f�. � -t !�.• .y I t.iy± y- z =! . !4•- •' L -}Y ^ lam• CL to CL LZ �ytv�p"Pie' - � y� • y •� '� r . i •• •�'� r �7 � y > tip: c:.�'.•. • � P•'9 ' .*d: � _ '� ��. ' �. ti ti �' �.. ' � 44 wr OPP �•"�4��+. ,.�' � ' _�•t.r . ��' � �� . � :: Imo. : 'f_A,.J: ,F:.. � : �i ' iTf•.� .� _1 _ �: t_ i � a: . L-.. •'.y�Tw;�N .K�� i� .. .�ZrY'■ _ti ~ � _ "3 � _ _' Appendix C: Stream Geomorphology Data Cross -Sections with Annual Overlays Baseline Stream Data Summary Tables Cross -Section Morphology Data 0 UJ w w c m 0 co 73 m m C O U N Cn O p U H H H H H o aq v O O m m v M o0 m W E N c0 oo m M r� m N O m M O O o rl 1p 1p 1p o0 O r-I m o0 lfl I* 6 6 �--� O m m m m w w w w w I, r, r,m m m m m r� O . O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O .--i .--i O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O m m r, .--I m N w m M N I, m w N r, N N M M O M M .--I �� m N N n w N� w� w m O n m-Zdl m w r, v N ry m m v ry w m m m O O M N m a, ry '^ �n N r,m .� r,m M m .� m 0 m oo m m o '� r,r i � O .--i N N O wkq q g m oq 00 i O o0 N W � o0 .--i 00 l0 l0 N I* .ti ifl n n W o0 m m O O .--i N lfl 00 m c;m M �--� �--� �--� �--� �--� �--� �--� �--� N N N N N N O O O f O ('I)) uOjP-AajA O 7 O O m O O ^ N N N N N Ln D m m oo m o O O O O N N N co O m Iq 1 O if zd. N m m o0 of m ^ o O o ov r, O r, W O O w m I, m0 O O m0 Iq .4 O O O C Y C ] m 3 m ] C Q C ] O m o v v o m Q ] m m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N > 0 'v m v cm o 5= v W G U 2 Y 3 m m m m = o 0 0 0 v w U1 U C f0 0 Cl) 73 0 n m m N S_ U N Cn 0 Y c0 a co m Hm00 i0no Hmrry m �nn �o �n rvO No1 rvM H�0n1 m'q NlO mlO NM .l6� Hmrn �nn v a v m N q ccrN v oo ry in 'D ry N No6 mc� 'qHvN 00 of of of of w w w ry w w w w w r, w o of o of of O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O w w w rl -Zd- N I, M w N m N N N rl M O I, m w��� M w w O r-I rl lfl lfl N w-Zdl m-Zdl O1 N N m m n m O m O O O1 m N m w O1 � Lfl w r, m r, .--i Ol O O 00 I, Ol M N m r, w w m l0 n M w� Iq O .--I N g N O M 01 I� W 00 M � 00 O o0 Ol l0 M .--i O O .--i o0 N lfl O d: .--i M M p m c0 4 O ('Ij) uolenalA O a O m O m N O w N'd. w of o ,6 of m ry oolqm O '� O O N N N ID Ln 00 of o 0 of m v v O O O N ON N N N Ol m 1p o6 Ol 1p r O O O O N N N N T O O T. O o6 O I-� o6 10 01 m 0 0 0 i w c< C Y C ] c0 3 o ] m C Q C ] O 3 O � v v o m Q ] m m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O u vvi L v > 0 'v m v cm o 3= v W G U 2 Y 3 Co Co Co m = o 0 0 0 UJ w U1 C m 0 Cl) c� G rr N Cl) U N UP O U LL Y [O a m x w r, m m m r, w m w m w w. m N O M O o m v v v M m v N m 0 n o ry w v r� Iq Ln Ln Iq Iq o0 0 g 0 Iq ry q o v, lfl N M M M M M M.4.4.4 w n n N N N N N O N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O. O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N m w w m m w w N N M 1p 00 M 00 00 m � ^ � w o m w m m w .--I N N N N w M 00 M O lfl o0 o m m. o0 O o 00 l0 B O O r/) m rV I� n O I, � m m -Zd- r N `d: .--I 00 w � 00 °0 o vi ry ry w w o w m o m N m m m !p tT N C C ('I)) UOII AD171 0 a p v in m o in o m N N N O O O O O N N N N O l0 O 1 m O� m v o m v w m O G O O N N N N O w w O m M m N N zd. m M M l0 N O O O O O N N N N 00 Ln 00 m o v m rv. m o m m� m N N N O o O O N N N N C Y C ] [O 3 o ] m Q C O 3 O � v v o m Q ] m m c c 'O O L O N C O U ] K > O N N L N > ❑ 'v m v ccm o 3 = 41 W G U 2 Y 3 m m m m = O O O 0 UJ w U1 C m LL Y c0 a m co a H H H H H N I� N rl 1p � 00 Ol N lfl Ol 00 00 rl 00 � lfl Ol M O 00 lbq M � N .ri M o] m M cq oo rn � � � � m � 00 cq rl Ol 00 I� M N rl Cl ���-Zd- M M M N N N N N M N M M Ln W W N N N N N N N N N O N N N O N N N N N O O O O O O O O O. O O O. O O O O O rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl O N rl I, M w r, N m w M m w w m N-Zd- w O 00 lfl � lfl N 00 � � Ol 00 N I� lfl lfl � l0 rl � M 00 r, m 00 00 00 m 0 N N 1p m m Ol M w m N 0 N M r, m m O O w N w 0 V Ol 00 Ol O O N w m m m I .--� 00 N w O N 00 M 00 cl Ol 00 M cf ld: rl N rl r*l -! N M N rl O] I, O] I* rl lfl O] � rl I* l0 n rl O] O cl O .4 m m n w w rl 1p rl rl r N N N N N N N N N M M M �a cad r� r P O ('I))) u011BADIA O 7 M O 00 r M 00 N M N rl N N N O O O O rl � rl rl rl n � n O O O m v M 00 N M N N O O O O rl rl rl 00 zdl O M I- N M 00 O O O O r m 0 0 0 N 00 N w O m w m N o N N N O O O .--i rl rl rl C Y C C ] CO 3 o ] m Q C C O 3 O � v v o m Q ] m m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N > ❑ 'v m v m o i= v w 2 U Y 3 m m m c O O O ] CO = J J J 0 UJ w w c c f0 c� G n N rr m m LO U N UP 0 LL Y m a co m a H H H H H w v m ry m ry in v w N m w v m v v ry m ry w O m m m m m m m o o o o O O O O O O m m m m m m m O O O O O O O O O O O O O m m m m m m m .--i O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N O m w w m w m m m w In m m w In O m m m w w m. � m ry m o o m w ry m v r, r, w o w v r, o r, m N o v v N I, m w. � m m o w w ry m v v w w. m m m m I, n��-Zd- N m -Zd- n�-Zd- w O N n w w Il N N O n m-zd- O m o w-zd- O m-zdl In I� N O n w l0 O o0 l0 00 m m m I* rn I* O O w n n w m O m w m m m m N O Y I'1)1 uai�enal3 O 7 M O I w m m v .4 w m Ln o O O m O N lfl � � rl 00 N 00 �--I 0o m O O m O N Lr! 1 � In O 000 o n 0 o O O m O N o m o m I m �--� O m .--i O 00 N zdl O m O rV N J C Y o o� m 3 J � m Q c O 3 O � v v o m Q co m c c 'O O L O N c O U 0 K > O N N L N > ❑ 'v m v m o U Y 3 m m m m 0 0 0 0 w w UJ c m co c� G m� LL N rr m m CD i_ U N UP p U O Y m a co m a w W in M w w. m ry r w m m ry w m ry .� m c� oo O Lq v 0 In Iq rry N r� m rn O M m v N v ,� m m � rv�� ry o Ln m m m v -1 o o of of of of of of of of o o o r r r , o o o o o o m m m m m m m m o o o o o o o o o o o. o m m m m m m m m o o o o o o o O m m I� N lfl m r, � m N lfl o w w O Ol 1p N 00 N 1p lfl N � � lfl I� � M I, N O 00 00 -Zd- m O m M 00 � O1 N M M N lfl 00 l0 M lfl � I� .--I O O n M o In � In l0 In N .--I lfl r, In rl w o0 m In w � n w o0 Lq w l0 O wN l0 n M .--i N I, O M .--i I* W lfl 00 O I* N O1 N q 00 I� m Ol W M In w I, n w m O N N -Zdl O'd, 00 O In Ol M M M N d W O 0 O ('u1 ua{;enal� O a M O 1p � rl rl Ol �y Ol � Ol f O O O N � N 'd, O M N N N rl O p O O O N � N Ol N rl Ol �y N 1p O O O m O N N m I m N 0zdl N N N .--� O O 0o m 0 J UJ c Q J C Y o m � m 3 o � m Q c O 3 O J U1 `J o m Q m m c c 'O O L O N c O U 0 K > O N N L UJ N ❑ y 'v m v m o 3 = 4J W cc U 2 Y 3 Co Co Co m = o 0 0 0 w w UJ U c m c� G n N rr m m i_ U N UP V) O U W Y m a co m a H H H H H .� w m m m m m oo N m ry m ry m w m m m ry w m m. m N r' 0 wO m m kq N N O m m wr-o6 m In N m ka m v m i m m^ 'I: ry ry w .! o0 oo m r, r, ry w w D D D m vi m m oo oo oo m ai m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m O v Ln m N in N r, Ln N N m m m m m m r, 0 W rl In 00 00 m 00 O r, Z1, .--I In 00 rl 'd. Z1. W n 00 .--I I, W n In .--I W M W Z1, n m I, n O n In n M In I, n In W In W M I, m O W 00 00 Z1. 00 W W W O 00 .--i W N W O W Z1. W m M m O m In 00 00 00 O N M In .--I n O N la I* m m m.4 -! I* -! 00 00 N ^ N -4 .4 'D n o0 m O M N In r, N 00 O In m M M o m v O C 4� rn ('I)) U01112AOIA O 7 m M M m m m m m 00 Ln oo m m m N ' m m m N r M w N N N N O N M 00 w 00 N M m r4 m m N N m m m N w O M w O 00 0 ID 00 m m m r4 m m N N m m m N O m m 00 00 lfl 00 N N m r4 m m N N m m m J C Y o o� m 3 J � m Q c O 3 a � v v o m Q co m c c 'O O L O N c O U 0 K > O N N L N > ❑ v m U cm o 3= v W G U Y 3 m m m m = o 0 0 0 UJ W U1 c m 0 co 73 N rr m m 00 S_ U N UP U) p U LL Y m a co m a H H H H H m N m m m m m m ry w N ry v m w oo w .� N m m O N. m m w oo w m N m m w N v m v lfl N N N 'q N o0 o0 k6 n n m `d: Lq `d: `d: `d: `d: 00 00 00 0o ry ry � � m � � � ry ry ry o0 00 00 00 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m o m w ry v w m m w m m m m o N O m m I, 00 O 00 m N m. n m m m 00 -Zdl m m-Zd- w m n n o0 .--i O N O .--i -Zd- w-Zd- N m O l0 O o rn m N m 00 l0 l0 m N M m M m I, m O M w m I, N n w n^ W M 00 m I, M o N m l0 oq n M 00 l0 Vl N N .--i m .--i W O lfl lfl ^ 00 .--i d: O lfl N O N ~ m O N Ln kD rl 00 O .4 -Zdl m rl Ln M M o m cn v O C rn rn ('I)) UGIIena13 p a p 00 m M ^ v M � N 00 O w wv m o m m m m m M v Iq N ^ moo O. tD oo t m m m m m m N p O N N W m �n m 00 m o m m m m m m r, m m o0 M o Iq M 00 w oo k m .4 m m m m m � w c Q C Y o o� m 3 co � Q c O 3 O � v v o m Q co m c c 'O O L O N c O U 0 K > O N N L N > 0 v m U cm o 3= v W G U Y 3 m m m m = o 0 0 P') c} G O O Cl) H 6) c O U N Cn O U LL Y [O LL m m m H H H H H M M l0 � l0 Vl l0 M 0 O m m rrn N n n lfl wcf lfl w L6 � n O � O � m m 00 1p �� m I* WL6 m M N N'zd: 'zd: I, n l0 l0 l0 l0 m m -Zdl -Zdl -Zdl m m w 1p 1p l0 l0 m al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al m m m al al al al al al al al al al al al al m m O M N al al N N o0 I, 00 I, n W -Zd- .--I lfl 00 O o0 .--i O O W al N W .--i W o0 r, N al M M v 00 O lfl lfl N I- .--I l0 lfl m o0 M I, -! m O m N .4 lfl n n 00 o0 al M lfl al o0 M ('U) U011RA913 m w w m M I, InN M ry v I m m o m m - m m m n m . O m m m N v r"� v k6 vi kq m O m m . � m m m N M N N m m m m m m m .--i O o0 -! N O N o0 m m ID M N W m m m i w C Q C Q C C ] O m i v v o (o Q ] m � c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N N N tn CU M O 3= v W G U Y 3 m m m c O O O ] CO 17 17 17 O UJ W U c m } 73 N rr co H O 1= O U N Cn O p U 0 LL Y m a m co a H H H H H m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m O zd. .--i r, w .--I n w I, w In N r, .--I .--i In O M m M rn � rn ('11) U011enaIA O a O . M Ln m m N m 116 00 Ln D o m o m m ,4 m m m m m ID r, m m m m. r, 10 n ul 10 W -! m o m m o m m m m N m N N N lfl ID O Ln D m o0 m O m m m m m O O N O 4 m m m O m m m o v m m m C Q C ] O m o v v o m Q ] m m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N r N m 0 y 'v m v ccm o 3 = 41 W G U 2 Y 3 Co Co Co c O O O ] m = J J J 0 w w UJ C m co c� G LL rr m m S= O U N Cn O U LL Y c0 a m co a H H H H H m N m m r, m .� v m N .� wwr, wm w . m m N w.� .� w v v wm .� .� .� m O m m w w v m w m N oo ry I0 rry oo In In I0 o0 o0 oo r,,� Iq r,,� ^ w oo v oo In In I0 I0 m 0 0 of of of o0 00 r, r, r, r, r, r, oo m r, o0 00 of of of of of m m o0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0o m o0 0o m o0 00 00 00 00 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m O m m N 00 N lfl N m m 00 1p m N m 0 N m 00 0 . m N m� l 0 m w w� N N l 0 m O 0 m w 0 O� I O m N m O m l0 W� O n w O n o0 O N m O rl N O N m m m O N N m 0 l m 0 w O m m m rl W l 00 m Il ri O lfl N 00 m O w l O m 00 m m m r 1p N N O m n 00 oq n n q oq l0 oq Lq m 'q k6 m m N N W l0 l0 lfl rl W W� m O W W W lfl O l0 � lfl W lfl Lq O N 4 w w n 00 00 m m O �--� N m. N r m wO m r r r r r r r r r r N N N N N m m m I'I11 UOlIenalA O 7 I l0 m r� n . O v, " Iq m m v m 0000 6 wwr, miO v m m m -�dl w n n N w v" Iq m O v m 000 0 0000 0000 ^ v m m m m v v v m 0000 0 ww`O vi m m m m v m I m m O � m m w 0 omo ri wwvi m m m 0 v w v C f0 c� G 0 0 rr m m N S_ O U N Cn O U LL Y m a m co a H H H H H oo w ry oo m m m oo m oo . m m m m o 00 0 m vo6 r*� 'o m4 ry m �n .� v q o ry o m m m m m oo m oo oo o o m 00 oo oo 0o oo oo oo oo oo of of of m 0o o0 00 0o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m o v w m r, Ln m N v m v N W v Ln m v o m w r, o r, m m Ln N oo oo v m o v Vl O N r m 00 In I, O In m w In I, m In o0 w N-Zd- 00 M m O O O w O w I, m w 00 M N O o0 In I, M m 0. I, w O m M M-Zdl 0 Il -zd- 00 00 N Il In N -Zd- O m In M In M �Il In In I, O M I* Od: n n l0 N l0 -! m o0 m O m m M .4 w I, m 0 .4 m In m rl lfl rl rl rl rl rl rl N N N N N N M M ('1�1 uai�enal3 O 7 I� rl � 0 rl 00 00 rl 00 00 N I m m m M N v m w v m O o m M M m 00 r 00 0000 m m m M N N 00 In 00 o r r M o0 0 v, O oo ~ W W N N m m m O m m O O I� O O m r 00 rl 00 00 N �--I m m m N N i w O U] w v c m U co c0 a m co a H H H H H m I, m w N m m I, m N w I, n zd. n m N N m m m O r, N O w-Zd- N O n w m m-Zd- N w Ln w I, -Zdl w W `d: oq I* n -! l0 Lq Lq Lq m N N o0 4 lq N `d: oq O N I, w w m�-Zdl m m m m m m m m n-Zdl Ln m w I, n O I, n n n n n n n n n n n n O n n n n n n .--i O O O O O O O O O O O O O .--i O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N v N O m m m N ry o m m m m r ry in m m m � ry o o m N� o o �n w v o m m m ry N Vl 00 wo mm N m �--� � �m I' l0 N mm wm N N m N m ry o m �n �n .� v m oo m �n oo I w .� m O ww k6^ oo � v m m r N N N M I, m o4 v, ri 6 ry of o r n N N m oo m oo rl .4m rl .--I .--I rl N N N N N N m 9j ffl N 1- 1� ('I)} U01112AD13 O 7 O 00 I� lfl rl 0 lfl N W 00 vi O m vi w Lq N N N O m O O O ry d. vi m m ui m In o O o o .m-i Lnco w 00 N N o Ol O O O O .--i ON N N N tOO O m w m O 7 O N 4 00 Iq O '� O O N N N C Y C ] co 3 co ] C Q ] O ] O m � v v o m Q ] co m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N ❑ v m > v cm o 5= v W G U Y 3 m m m m = o 0 0 0 UJ w U1 c C f0 0 co m a m co a H H H H H .zd. zd. w m 00 00 N m m I, w m m zd. lfl zd. n m o6 m v Oo oo N oo ry m m v v O N r' m 0 00 I, OO m `d: N n n M OO 1p 1p lfl OO N I* 00 00 00 O I, O w I, �-Zdl m m n m m m m m����-Zdl lfl O .--I n O n n n n O n n n n n n n n n n n N O .--i O O O O. O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O r, N .--I m m rl m�-Zd- m m m r, N�-Zdl n m O w -Zd- w m m o m n lfl Ol 00 00 O 00 N I, 00 N-Zd- W al rl 00 -Zd- -Zd- W al N -Zd- .--I 00 I, -Zd- N -Zd- -Zd- .--I N r, O al O -Zd- 00 I, 00 -Zd- W O N -Zd- lfl lfl I, O N lfl m m W lfl m O I, lfl .--I lfl W rl al W N 00 .--I O N N I, n lfl lfl .--I O lfl 1p I- c)OO c' rl O cl lfl W O cl 00 lfl N N lfl 00 ri 00 00 -4 Iq - l0 l0 n Ol Ol O m lfl m m O 00 m ('I)) ua11ena13 O a lfl o0 O 00 00 v oo m v O m o 0 o o o u N N N � n � 0o m ry m m v oo m v o0 00 O O O O O f N N N Ol 00 00 Lq m Lq Lq N 4 m m .4 00 0 O O O O n N N N O N m O m N o0 o '-' o o C Y C ] m 3 co ] Q C ] O m o v v o m Q ] co m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N 0 v m > v cm o 3= v W G U 2 Y 3 m m m c m O O O ] m = J J J c O w w v c C f0 U LL Y m a co m a H H H H H m m m v n m v m n m o W N� m N N ��-I v N n Lq Lq N O Lq N O o0 ri n Ol Il O O Lq O N v. o of of of w rv' w m n ry w m m of o o o o v v m m m m m m o m m m m m m v v v o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o o o o m m N m v w w w m m w w N m m ry w o o r, m w ry m N w ry m ry m N w m m v N m -n w w M M o o m m w m m m w o w O l � m 0 m O O O M N l w O M w O l Ln� m o p M N Ol O m Ol w o m w o O N V1 .--I O1 O .--I M M N O1 � c0 O M l0 0 0� � .--� � lfl .--� 1p 00 � 1p 1p .--! Ol N Ol 00 O O I* lfl I� n n Ol O N N M M lfl N M m m M 4 6 [•�j uai�ena�� O a p N o0 Ln N m w O'd. m O O O O N N N N O Ol N m m O Cl m l0 Cl rl n O O O O N O N N N O1 r n m m m O v m of w r� of ^ vi 0 0 0 0 r rl O l .--I Ol O I� Ol . n 0 00 s i w C Q C Y C ] m 3 o ] m Q C ] O m o v v o m Q ] m m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N > 0 'v m v cm o 3= v W G U 2 Y 3 m m m c O O O ] m = J J J 0 w w U1 C m 0 LL Y m a m m (L H H H H H v m v w n m oo N w m v m m ry w .� m v n m v v w v v oo N w m m N N N O m n Id:O m o0 oo rl� rl� m O m r*� Ln rry m m m m w w w w Il r, n n n n w w m o o m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m v v v o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O m r, N n .--I n m w N r,w N m m m N O qt r,w m N w m m O w m r, N m w m I, N N w O w m N w rl O m m N m m �--� Vl O m w m m w w r, w qt m n m w N N qt m w m N m m m 0 I, O. m w w m qt qt m q w O w .--i n O m w N w O I' m w N W Lq N m -! n 4 m m o0 ' 0 0 4 l0 I, N m 0 .--i .� m m t w m w � � � rl wr r N N N N N N m m (•�j ua��ena13 O a O O 'd. w I n n w I o6 m I� o6 rv0 O o O o o n N N N r, v m w N w I, m n oo m r-� oo m m O O O O O 0 N N N m m m w O I, w o0 N N N w O w w O o6 O I-� o6 00 o '-' o o C Y C ] m 3 co ] Q C ] O m o v v o m Q ] m m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N > 0 v m v cm o 5= v W G U 2 Y 3 m m m c m O O O ] m = 17 J J 0 UJ w U1 c m LL Y m (L co m a H H H H H w rl v m m m l0 m m m m w 00 w 0 In ry m� ri oo v cn L m M om �n I o� O N N N m m o0 0o m Ln ry m vIq N vi �q O .--i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O N w l0 N l0 N W rn O o m m �n w m v� o o o o v ry ry m .� vw m N m M aq m O o m n m m m oo N ry m N m m M M L'-' v �n .� ry m 00 In I� N In lfl Ol M 4 O m 00 kq Ol w 'D n W �--� O �--� N N N N mOl m c;lp M m ro O O I'l11 uap�na_y O 7 p 00 zdl l0 O .--I n m N I� Ol lfl 1p N Ol O O O O .--i l0 N N N .zdl O l0 N w m O w M O O O O N N N N O M m m o m w O O O O N N N N � N Ol O l0 Ol lfl w 1p O n p N M 0 o r 00 0 o 0 ,—i C Y C ] m 3 co ] Q C ] O m o v v o m Q ] co m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N > 0 v m v cm o 3= v W G U Y 3 m m m m 0 0 0 O UJ w U1 C m U Y m a m co a H H H H H .zd. M M m N I, m m N rl m 00 M N m N M l0 w Ozd. O N m d. M N d. n zd. m I, M I, O w k N Lq N I' ul rl 00 Vl Vl I� 00 `d: Lq O Lq cl rl 1p 1p 1p 1p lfl rl lfl -Zd- lfl l0 l0 n n n O rl rl rl rl rl O .--i .--i rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl .--i O O O O O .--i O O O O O O O O O O O rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl rl O m-Zd- 00 m rl rl m M M M N N M N rl I, O Ol r, rl O N O-Zd- O-Zd- m M .--i N w 00 00 -Zdl 00 r N M N N m M N 0 w m w � N m w O m Ol � w 00 M M N w00 M 00 00 N w m O Ol I! M M M r, r, N Ol 00 N N Ii N N cq� m I� wO lfl Ol Ol Ol 00 M 6 N 00 M O N rl rl ~ Ol O ui I-� 00 m N rl N N N m O m m rl m r r r r r N N N N M M M cp O V N O O O O [•�} ua��ena�� O 7 O 03 zdl n 1p O zd. r m m O 0 0 0 � o O rl rl rl N O l0 1p m lfl N w m l0 00 l0 I, O OO O O '4 00 0 0 0 Lq O M N o0 0 O 0 0 N O N I, O 1p Ol 4 l0 00 0 0 0 O N rl rl rl rl 3 � C Y 3 C ] m 3 3 ] m C Q C ] O m o v v 3 m Q ] m m c c 'O O L O N C O U 0 K > O N N L N > ❑ 'v m v cm o 3= v W G U Y 3 m m m m = o 0 0 co c� G 0 O 0- N rr O U N UP U) O U LL Y m a co m a H H H H H cq �q Lq ui cq v v M O r� O .! Mr� O Lq m O r-� ry m vi M m m v m m m m m m m m m m m m m m of o m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m o O v al Ln m m Ln v ry ry W m N W N W v W Ln .� Ln ry W Ln m Ln ry m m W ry O m ry m m m m m v N m ry W Ln N v m Ln W W Ln m mw� v m N N m o O ry ut .� � N m o0 0 � utoo O m N N m v O � rvO� .� N m .� w m m mID m oq oo v m cm cry m o q ri M mc� � v q M � � .� .� v mo 00 m W O N -Zd- m I, w w rl .--I to In In W O N O In M fn I'W u0i1enal3 O 7 M f M, w M m N m In N In n m r4 m m N N m m m v oo � m m oq ul N ul N m m m m M m m m o ^ ry m .--I v In m N m O ul m O m m M N m m m O O l0 O ul r Ln� m m m M N m m m i v Q Q c ] O ] O � v v o m Q ] m c c 'O O L O N c O U 0 K > O N N L N N N tn CU M O 3= v m G U Y 3 m m m c O O O ] m = J J J 0 w w aJ c m Cl) c� G Q rr N rr N C O U N Cn U) O U Y CO a m co a H H H H H I, � w .--I rl n m m r, w w w m r m N o m W N c0 .� � � m v o In Ln In oo In vi vi v v m m m m m m m m m m v m m w m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m o N oo m w w w m m m m o0 o m w m N w o m m m o m m m m ry d d' N w w v m o m N m m I, � O m M I� lfl l0 O m O M N I� n m N� I� l0 l0 l0 O O o m m w M 0 w m w M m N m r� m N O n Lq 00 q 00 00 rn 0 r* l -! ry .� ry m .� .� �n �n �n o �n .� m � � .� lfl O 4 l0 n n w m M.4 N� m O M M ('I))) UOIIPoA7lg O0 •--� O lfl •--i W d M � m m m m m m Ln l0 00 l0 l0 O m v m m O m m M m m m w o0 w O d' O o0 Lq N N m m m m m m N N N O O v 4 m v M 4 m .4 m m m m m C Y C C ] Co 3 o ] m C Q c c ] O m � v v o m Q ] m � c c 'O O L u O N c O 0 K > O u N L UJ N ❑ 0 N w cu m O 3 = 4J W c U Y 3 m m m c c O O O ] CO = J J J f m Appendix D: Hydrologic Data Verification of Bankfull Events Flow Gauge and Crest Gauge Installation Diagrams Flow Gauge and Crest Gauge Graphs Cumulative Flow Gauge Data Chart Wetland Hydrology Criteria and Hydrographs Rainfall Data Table MY1 Date of Collection 11/2/2021 Verification. Banner Branch Mitigation Project Date of Occurrence Method Photos/Notes 9/22/2021 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow Measurement abovebankfull (feet) 0.23 9/21/2022 5/23/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.137 MY2 9/21/2022 5/27/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.354 9/21/2022 8/21/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.278 9/21/2022 8/30/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.322 9/21/2022 9/4/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.333 5/12/2023 1/4/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.055 5/12/2023 1/12/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.018 5/12/2023 1/25/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.142 5/12/2023 2/12/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.214 5/12/2023 2/17/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.053 5/12/2023 3/3/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.2 MY3 5/12/2023 4/28/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.224 10/12/2023 5/29/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.399 10/12/2023 6/19/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.289 10/12/2023 6/22/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.21 10/12/2023 7/16/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.081 10/12/2023 8/6/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.197 10/12/2023 8/28/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.401 Date of Collection 11/2/2021 Verification. Banner Branch Mitigation Project Date of Occurrence .. Photos/Notes 06 6/4/2021 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow Measurement abovebankfullIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIL (feet) 0.24 MY1 11/2/2021 9/22/2021 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.80 11/2/2021 Unknown Visual Survey Sediment Deposition in floodplain N/A 9/21/2022 5/24/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.346 9/21/2022 5/27/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.923 9/21/2022 6/16/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.117 MY2 9/21/2022 8/5/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.811 9/21/2022 8/21/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.889 9/21/2022 8/30/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.729 9/21/2022 9/4/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.693 5/12/2023 1/25/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.126 5/12/2023 2/12/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.267 5/12/2023 3/3/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.001 5/12/2023 4/28/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.816 10/12/2023 5/29/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 1.026 MY3 10/12/2023 6/19/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.825 10/12/2023 6/22/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.471 10/12/2023 7/16/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.299 10/12/2023 8/6/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.499 10/12/2023 8/28/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 1.32 10/12/2023 10/8/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.007 Date of CnIlt-etenn 11/2/2021 Banner Branch Mitigation Project Date of Occurrence 6/4/2021 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow Measurement above bankfull 0.10 MY1 11/2/2021 9/22/2021 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.24 11/3/2021 Unknown Cork Gauge Photo included 0.40 9/21/2022 5/27/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.429 MY2 9/21/2022 8/30/2022 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.025 MY3 8/29/2023 Unknown Pressure Transducer Wrack lines and matted vegatation NA 10/12/2023 8/28/2023 Pressure Transducer Recorded bankfull flow 0.281 z� 3:o Oil 0w LL J OLL LL Z ry O zi r LL LU V D /Q >V O LL O I I L Q N 0 O LL >Z M O Oil 0 W LL J OLL LL Z ry O r x LL /W v D >v O LL M O I I L Q N 0 O LL z(D �o Oil 0L LL J OLL LL Z ry O LL LU V D /Q V O J LL co O u Q N 0 O LL L Q O N C N O Co 7 c O co N N Q Z N Oil 0 LU LL J OLL LL Z Fy O N LL LU / v D >v O LL >Z N O Oil 0 LU LL J OLL LL z ry O VII > i, i,\\x Q LO I � O LL /LU V N O D y+ y+ Q A > N Co N � 0 O L J II LL .O Q co N > 0 N N O Q LL z� �o Oil 0L LL J OLL LL Z O `d LL LU / v D v O J LL co O I I L Q N 0 O LL 75 Q W ry H O W_ J Q Z O U W Cl) Cl) O ry ry �LU U D -) U) 0 wz Q�Q a-ry w c� Q c� Y ry O U QL a) 70 L O N H o a) ... o i i a) C' U a) o m LU +� 4- a) N �j m a) Q 75 Q W ry H O W_ J Q Z O U Cl) Cl) ry U ry �LU U D -) U) 0 wz Q�Q a-ry w c� Q c� Y ry O U QL a) .-. 70 N L m m a) o N II > U a) a) p w a) o +� a) i U m Q 75 Q ry CO O w_ J Q O U CO CO CO ry U 2 0 nw olz a_ z Nlm o o w w w `�j w U = HJ NT1 iJOSN�IS U)0 Q ui z _0 a)aw N cn o - ? °n ..� N O M U a M w N cn Q °� o c� > Y ui > Flow Gauge Graphs 1 0.8 Banner Branch FG-1 (UT1a) Maximum Days of Consecutive Flow 284 Days: 1/1/2023-10/12/2023 End of MY3 Data 10/12/2023 3 2.5 Ln m ❑ 0.2 Q.5 0 All�I I�, �, �. I 0 m N m N m N ro N m N rn N m ro m m N N N N m N m N m N m N ro N m N m N m N m N m N m N m PV m m N m N m N m N O N O N O N O N O N O N O O O O N N N N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N 1 N r-1 Q_7 N N r 4 t�0 N N r-1 t�D o�'7 M n N N r_-1 N —, 0_o _q N —_ t�D r-i O rn M r-1 n N O r 4 N W N N N W r-i M r-1 m N N M n N N ko M n n n 00 00 0_0 m W O r-1 r-I r-1 r-I !Rainfall Stream Depth Downstream Riffle *FG-1: 284 days of cumulative flow, 0 days of no flow Banner Branch FG-2 (UT1c) Maximum Days of Consecutive Flow 1 88 Days: 1/1/2023 - 3/30/2023 jr- ro 0.4 End of MY3 Data 10/12/2023 3 PW fir . ill 1 0.2 I l l D.5 Ll �M II rl I. �. M I 1 ip I0 D m rn m m rn ro m m m m (n m m rn ro ro m m ro m m m m m m rn (n N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N _n a) N C_o N L_o 6�1 M n r_-1 W ITV W OO M n OO 0_0 N N ff�7 M r-1 rl N N M rn Ln to r, n 00 00 Q) a) rl O r-1 r-i rl N N ri r-i r-i r1 Rainfall Stream Depth Downstream Riffle *FG-2: 165 days of cumulative flow, 120 days of no flow Banner Branch FG-3 (UT2) Maximum Days of Consecutive Flow 1.5 206 Days: 1/1J2023 - 7/26J2023 1.25 End of MY3 Data 10/12/2023 3 2.5 9 0.5 1 ❑ Ln 0.2-1 0.5 0 II rl l .u� I !I � I ��� II I. I_ 6 rn NO m m m rn m m m m rn m m m m m m m m m m m m rn rn rn m m N N N 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 0 N N N N N N N 0 N N N 0 N N N 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N L O_'] N M N M O�'7 M n r_-I W N D O M n O W N N W ro r-I r-1 N r-I N r-1 N � N Ln u'] N � ri � ri tD n M 4 N A N O � N r-I r-1 � N -i rn r-I r-1 N N m m u"1 LD [. Ca CO Q7 07 r-I O r-1 r-1 _4 r-I r(ZZ -I Rainfall Stream Depth Downstream Riffle *FG-3: 278 days of cumulative flow, 7 days of cumulative no flow 2 1.75 1.5 Q1 ,F 1.25 E ro 0.75 tn +n 0.7 WJ." Banner Branch FG-4 (UT2a) 284 Days: 1/ 1/2023 -10/12/2023 End of MY3 Data 10J12/2023 3 2.5 N 07 L 2 C r6 C L5 1 t"67 0 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N N O O N O N O N N N N O O O O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N u�] 0) N c.O N M Qom] M n �1 � W rrz M O M n O � 0_0 N L Qom] ran n � r-1 Ln [D i• O ri N r-I r-i N N m m Ln tD r� r• W 00 M M r-I O ri ri 1-4 N N H ri Rainfall Stream Depth Downstream Riffle *FG-4: 284 days of cumulative flow, 0 days of cumulative no flow C1 2.5 i 2 QJ Q7 LL L a L5 0.5 Banner Branch FG-5 (UT3) Maximum ❑ass of Consecutive Flow 284Days: 1/1/2023-10/12/2023 End of MY2 Data 10/12/2022 3 2.5 N 2 U C L5 a 1 � 03 a 0 rn rn m m m m m rn m m m rn m m m rn rn m m rn m m m ro ro ro ro N N N N N N N N N r%j N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N fV N N N N N N N N N N N N Ln 0_) N M N M O_'1 M n r 1 � 0_0 N O OO M n O 0_0 N Ln rn e 4 r1 N N ro rn .4 Ln Ln cD r- t.0 f, f� 00 00 0'1 -) O _1 O ,- r-1 r1 N _1 N N rl r-1 rl r-I Rainfall Stream Depth Downstream Riffle *FG-5: 284 days of cumulative flow, 0 days of cumulative no flow Banner Branch FG-6 (UT4-R1) Maximum Days of Consecutive Flow 1 138 Days: 5/27/2023-10/12/2023 1.2 1 t 0.8 a a� C 0.6 r� LnN End of MY3 Data 10/12C2023 3 2.5 2 C 0.4 0.5 0.2 I I I lal �I . it rl I .����� I. I 0 a m m rn rn m m m rn m m m m ro rn m m rn ro m m m m rn rn m rn m N N N N N N N N N N N N rJ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r�l c] M N M N M O�'7 rn n ­1 0_0 N M OO M n O 0_0 N L Off'] ran n rl r1 N N ro rn .4 Ln CO f, f, m CO M M _1 O r-1 rl r-1 N N ri rl e-i ri Rainfall Stream Depth Downstream Riffle *FG-6: 279 days of cumulative flow, 6 days of cumulative no flow Crest Gauge Graphs Banner Branch CG-1 (UT2) 2 1,75 3 2.5 1.5 2 t L25 m E ra 1 1.5 d � a E 03-5 E 1 0.5 n,5 0.25 Q N rn rn ro rn rn rn N rn O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O O N O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0_] N LO N � Off'] ran n cc ko p m n O m N Lr) 0�'] m n r1 � u'7 LD r, O N r-I N rn rl r-1 N N M ro u'] CO r, t• 00 00 0`f T r-1 O _q r-I e-i rl ri N e-i N rl i Rainfall Stream Max Depth Bankfull Depth *CG-1: 13 overbank events with a maximum of 0.401' 3.5 3 +_ m �k 23 2 0.5 Banner Branch CG-2 (BB-R2) End of MY3 Data 10/12/2023 3 2.5 0.5 a o m ro ro m m rn ro m m m ro m m m m m rn m m m m ro m ro ro m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N P'J N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N_ N Q_] N ko N k.0 0�'7 m n N 0000 N [�0 OO m n O 0_0 N Ln 0_'] m n rl 14 Ln r-I N n rl r-1 N N rn M Ln ko F• F• 00 00 O] 0) 1-18 r-I rl r-1 N N rl r-1 e-I rl i� Rainfall Stream Max Depth Bankfull Depth *CG-2: 11 overbank events with a maximum of 1.32' y t 2.5 E Banner Branch CG-3 (UT4-R2) 3 End of MY3 Data 10/12/2023 2.5 m 2 V C rY a 1 m w-' Mril � 0.5 I I 0.5 d 6 m rn rn rn rn m 1r m m rn m m m m 1r m 1r m ro rn rn rn m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N_ N M N ko N ko Q_7 m n r�-I m N ko p m n OO m N Ln 6_7 rn r1 r-1 N N rn ro Ln CO N N fb cc (n M r1 O r-I rl -1 N N e-1 r 1 r-1 rl Rainfall Stream Max Depth Bankfull Depth *CG-3: 1 overbank event with a maximum of 0.281' Flow Gauge and Reach Location FG-1 Monitoring Year MY1 Cumulative Banner Longest Consecutive Flow 202 days Flow Gauge Data Chart Branch Mitigation Project Total Days of Total Days of No Cumulative Flow Flow 202 days 0 days Longest Period of Consecutive No Flow 0 days Success Criteria Met Yes MY2 264 days 264 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY3 284 days 284 days 0 days 0 days Yes FG-2 *MY1 43 days 43 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY2 11 days 64 days 200 days 50 days No MY3 88 days 165 days 120 days 25 days Yes FG-3 MY1 202 days 202 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY2 264 days 264 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY3 206 days 278 days 7 days 3 days Yes FG-4 MY1 202 days 202 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY2 264 days 264 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY3 284 days 284 days 0 days 0 days Yes FG-5 MY1 202 days 202 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY2 264 days 264 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY3 284 days 284 days 0 days 0 days Yes FG-6 MY1 202 days 202 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY2 264 days 264 days 0 days 0 days Yes MY3 138 days 279 days 6 days 1 day Yes * Indicates data was missing for a portion of the monitoring season 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t` 00 N O 07 t` O O Cl M C� C LC) I,- N M 07 W M I` r W ti I` 00 M r LC) r 00 >- N m O N >- N O N N • >- O N • � Ln • >- N • N • >- N O N >. N N ql 00 (D \ N ti N a) M M Ln \ ti N-q� O O ti \ IR M T • N N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • >. NO N O ti 00 O O ti 00 LD O LD ao M ti M O ti 00 co Ld T Ln 1� T >. N O N 0 co T I� o ~ T 0 O O CD 0 O 0 J, O 0 0 CD 0 0 O O 0 T- T 0 r, T w Z a) N m I:T Ln (D ti 00 m � cB cB cB cB cB cB cB cB cB Groundwater Gauge Graphs — Banner Branch MY3 t (D 5 0 -25 Banner Branch GW-1 (W2) Hydrologic Criteria Met: 3.5 3 `A: 0.5 -30 " ' 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .\i Ln Oa) N W N W O0) m r,.\i � 0000 N W O m r,O qT 00 N Ln 0) m n .\i ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qf \ Ln \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N \ \ ci .-i N N m m qT Ln W r, n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci ci ci N ci N ci 5 0 -25 Rainfall — Groundwater Depth Ground Level 12" Below Surface !Growing Season Banner Branch GW-2 (W8a) Hydrologic Criteria Not Met: 3.5 3 2.5 0.5 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .\i Ln Oa) N W N W O0) m r,.\i �T 0000 N W O m r,O qT 00 N Ln 0) m n .\i ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qT \ in \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N \ \ .-i .-i N N m m qT Ln W r, n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci ci -1 N ci N ci Rainfall — Groundwater Depth Ground Level 12" Below Surface — Growing Season u Banner Branch GW-3 (W9) Hydrologic Criteria Met: 164 days, 92.7% of Growing Season 5 0 -25 3.5 3 2.5 0.5 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .\i Ln Oa) N W N W O0) m n .\i �T 0000 N W O m n O qT 00 N Ln O0) m n .\i ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qf \ Ln \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N \ \ .-i .-i N N m m qT Ln W n n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci ci ci N ci N ci 5 0 o -20 `L^ V -25 Rainfall Groundwater Depth — Ground Level 12" Below Surface Growing Season Banner Branch GW-4 (W1a) Hydrologic Criteria Met: 3.5 3 PAN 0.5 -30 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N \i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N . Ln Oa) N W N W O0) m n .\i � 0000 N W O m n O qT 00 N Ln 0) m n .\i ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qT \ in \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N \ \ ci .-i N N m m qT Ln W n n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci ci -1 N ci N ci Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Level 12" Below Surface —Growing Season u 5 0 -25 Banner Branch GW-5 (W1) Hydrologic Criteria Not Met: 3.5 3 2.5 0.5 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .\i Ln a) N W N W 0) m n .\i �T 0000 N W O m n O qT 00 N Ln 0) m n .\i ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qf \ Ln \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N \ \ .-i .-i N N m m qT Ln W n n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci ci ci N ci N ci 5 0 o -20 `L^ V -25 Rainfall Groundwater Depth — Ground Level 12" Below Surface —Growing Season Banner Branch GW-6 (W6a) Hydrologic Criteria Met: 3.5 3 PA: 0.5 -30 — 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N \i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N . Ln a) N W N W 0) m n .\i � 0000 N W O m n O qT 00 N Ln 0) m n .\i ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qT \ in \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N \ \ ci .-i N N m m qT Ln W n n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci ci -1 N ci N ci Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Level 12" Below Surface —Growing Season u Banner Branch GW-7 (M) 5 0 -25 3.5 3 2.5 0.5 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .\i Ln a) N W N W 0) m n .\i �T 0000 N W O m n O qT 00 N Ln 0) m n .\i ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qf \ Ln \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N \ \ .-i .-i N N m m qT Ln W n n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci ci ci N ci N ci 5 0 o -20 `L^ V -25 Rainfall Groundwater Depth — Ground Level 12" Below Surface —Growing Season Banner Branch GW-8 (W4) HvdroloEic Criteria Met 3.5 3 PA: 0.5 -30 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N \i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N . Ln a) N W N W 0) m n .\i � 0000 N W O m n O qT 00 N Ln 0) m n .\i ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qT \ in \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N \ \ ci .-i N N m m qT Ln W n n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci ci -1 N ci N ci Rainfall Groundwater Depth Ground Level 12" Below Surface —Growing Season u Banner Branch GW-9 (W4a) 5 0 -25 3.5 3 2.5 0.5 -30 .■1. ... .1 M. 1.1 1 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -ii Ln a) N W N W a) (Y n -ii �T 0000 N W O m n O qT 00 N Ln 00) (Y n -ii ci \ \ \ \ \ \ qf \ Ln \ \ n \ \ \ \ \ \ O \ \ N .-i .-i N N m m qT Ln W I, n 00 00 m m ci O ci ci ci N N ci ci ci ci Rainfall Groundwater Depth — Ground Level 12" Below Surface —Growing Season N � Q1 Q1 3F c4 M 3F * M LD N N V m N Ln 000 � 0 Z � N N Ln Z n O 00 LD n N Q1 z a m o I< N N N Q. V] Ln w Ln M M r! LD N = M N m m Ln Q m O Lq 00 J N N m N 00 I4l O rl M Lq = m = M M Ln N � T Vf9 M I4l Z m N O m Ln ni 1:3' L C N M M LD Q1 1:3- Z N N LIl Ln N r! Q1 O 1:3- W = N LL N 1:3' N M C I� M Z N c 1:3- N 1:3- U 0 N N I� : Lq J 0 N M M ' M n Q1 Z N N LIl c4 M Q1 DO n 0 6n It m N (sayoui) le}ollle}ulea Aly}uow Ln M M LD J M N s 4� C O a� a a E O U c Appendix E: Project Timeline and Contact Info \ - IrNI \ m e## \ e \ rq \ e e \ z e%# � e= \ � m � e � c e \ e � e=% \ o= ro / / . < < < < < / / < < \ < < ® z z z z z z z z z rj fN a o . � \ E e t t t t \ \ ® E E t E E® }}}}C)CL.SE"OW W = < o u = Of � Of _ > . c \ \ . c \ \ . / / s = E } ) / ¥ ¥ t ¥ ¥ y � = _ u 7 \ s \ \ / z) u c o e e o e c o \ / 7 / » \ \ � \ \ z=§ % 9&% R R% R R\ m 10- > u s 7>> 7 7> 7 c> _ 2 2 / e 3 \ �z 7 Or \ / g \ e % u z u s \ r- / e� % _ e / e ± \ zz o e Of % \ / / z A \ c% u G 3®% % J 7 0 \ \ \ \ \ % s u 6 u m = _ 3 m $ \ E / CL \ 0 z ƒ .3 / u 5 m 5 5 J } _ o « / o / ° g0. g� \ 2 2 / 0 \ \ i j 3 § = 0 a = E § t 2 J C 5 / S © © > » tM % ) \ E o \ \ E ) co \ 0. u $ Appendix F: MY3 Benthic Data Macrobenthic Sampling Data BB1 (BB-R3) - Banner Branch Mitigation Site Monitoring Year MYO MY3 Biotic Index Score 5.94 5.19 Water Quality Level Fair Good -Fair View Upstream Macrobenthic Sampling Data BB2 (UT4-R2) - Banner Branch Mitigation Site Monitoring Year MYO MY3 Biotic Index Score 6.65 4.90 Water Quality Level Poor Good -Fair View Downstream I ago and Scores ,.2023 Taxa / Biotic Index Value 13131 (BB-R3) 13132 (UT4-R2) Taxa / Biotic Index Value EPHEMEROPTERA EPHEMEROPTERA 13131 (BB-R3)llbB2 (UT� Family Ephemeridae Family Baetidae Ephemera spp (2.0) R Acentrella spp (2.5) R PLECOPTERA Baetis intercalaris (1.5) C Family Perlidae Callibaetis spp (9.2) R Eccoptura xanthenes (4.7) C Labiobaetis spp (3.5) R TRICHOPTERA Baetis intercalaris (1.5) C Family Hydropsychidae Family Isonychiidae Cheumatopsyche spp (6.6) R Isonychia spp (3.6) C R Hydropsyche betteni (7.9) R Family Heptageniidae MISC DIPTERA Stenonema femoratum (6.9) A Family Tabanidae PLECOPTERA Chrysops (6.7) R Family Perlidae Family Tipulidae Perlesta spp (2.9) R Hexatoma spp (3.5) R TRICHOPTERA DIPTERA; CHIRONOMIDAE Family Hydropsychidae Nanocladius (7.4) R Hydropsyche betteni (7.9) A C Rheotanytarsus spp (6.5) R Cheumatopsyche spp (6.6) R Tanytarsus spp (6.6) R Family Philopotamidae Tribelos spp (6.4) R Chimarra spp (3.3) R A ODONATA Family Thremmatidae Family Aeshnidae Neophylax spp (1. 6) R C Boyeria vinosa (5.6) R R ODONATA Family Calopterygidae Family Aeshnidae Calopteryx spp (7.5) C C Boyeria vinosa (5.8) R R Family Gomphidae Family Coenagrionidae Gomphus spp (5.9) R R Argia spp (8.3) R R Ophiogomphus spp (5.9) R MEGALOPTERA Stylogomphus albistylus (5.0) R Family Corydalidae OLIGOCHAETA Corydalus cornutus (5.2) R Family Naidae Nigronia serricornis (4.6) C Aulodrilus pleuriseta (5.6) R R COLEOPTERA Nais spp (8.7) R Family Gyrinidae MEGALOPTERA Gyrinus spp (5.8) R Family Corydalidae Dineutus spp (5.0) R Nigronia serricornis (4.6) R DIPTERA; CHIRONOMIDAE Family Sialidae no genus specified (7.2) R R Sialis spp (7.0) R DIPTERA Family Dixidae Total Taxa Richness 17 6 Dixa spp (2.5) C EPT Taxa Richness 4 0 Family Simuliidae EPT Abundance 6 0 Simulium spp (4.9) A Biotic Index 5.94 6.65 Prosimulium spp (4.5) R Key R = Rare, C = Common, A = Abundant Family Limoniidae Hexatoma spp (3.5) R GASTROPODA Family Physidae Physa spp (8.7) R Total Taxa Richness 16 15 EPT Taxa Richness 8 8 EPT Abundance 42 40 Biotic Index 5.19 4.9