HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC233797_ESC Approval Submitted_20240103 12/21/23, 10:14 AM RoCo Remodeling and Design Mail-For NCG01 Permit application Gma i I Stephen Oldham<stephen.o@go4roco.com> For NCG01 Permit application Matthew Osborne<matthewo@cityofws.org> Thu,Dec 21,2023 at 10:10 AM To:Stephen Oldham<stephen.o@go4roco.com> Cc:Kent Wall<kentw@cityofws.org>,Ronnie Holbrook<ronnieh@cityofws.org> Stephen, FYI... Number of Recipients: 1 Sent: 10/16/2023 2:05:35 PM Sent by: Matthew Osborne To: stephen.o@go4roco.com Cc: Bcc: Subject: Review Completed-2410,2420,and 2430 Cedar Lane-SFD Construction Attachments: 6i City of WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROIINA Application Type:04.02)Grading/Erosion Control Permit Workflow:04.02)Grading&Erosion Control Project:2410,2420,and 2430 Cedar Lane-SFD Construction A/P#:EN2300239 Acreage to be Disturbed:1.38 https://wi nston-sa lem.geocivix.com/secure/project/?projected=1137518 Hello RoCo Remodeling and Design,LLC., Thank you for submitting your project to City of Winston-Salem.Review of the Erosion Control Plan for this project has been https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2/?ik=56f986ba36&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1785904704601814794&simpl=msg-f:1785904704601814794 1/2 12/21/23, 10:14 AM RoCo Remodeling and Design Mail-For NCG01 Permit application completed.The design is adequate to meet the ordinance standards and the plan has been approved. Be aware that this plan shall expire three(3)years following the date of approval,if no land disturbing activity has been undertaken,as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B.0129. Also,acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon compliance with Federal and State water quality laws,regulations,and rules. If you have not already done so,please provide an original signed and notarized Financial Responsibility/Ownership(FRO) form as applicable.This document is required prior to the issuance of the Grading/Erosion Control Permit.If this has already been provided,then please disregard this statement. Reminder that a completed FRO form is not required in the instance where a project qualifies to use the HB 489 Sketch Erosion Control Plan document. If this project will disturb more than 1 acre or is part of a larger common plan of development,the Grading/Erosion Control Permit cannot be issued until documentation is provided that coverage under the NCG01 Construction Stormwater Permit(NPDES)has been obtained. Please obtain coverage under the permit at the following website (https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/NCG01-NOI). Once coverage is obtained,please upload a copy of the Certificate of Coverage(COC)to the project documents in the electronic plan review system. The Grading/Erosion Control Permit will not be issued until proof of coverage under NCG01 is provided. Please direct questions about the eN01 form to NCDEQ- DEMLR Stormwater Program staff in the Raleigh central office. If the owner/operator of this project changes in the future, the new responsible party must obtain a new COC. ***This approval email serves as the"Approval Letter"that must be uploaded when filing the e-NOI application to obtain the NCGO1 Certificate of Coverage.*** As outlined in the Unified Development Ordinances(UDO)of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County,Village of Clemmons,Town of Lewisville,and Town of Walkertown,Erosion Control Division staff may periodically inspect sites of land disturbing activity to determine compliance with the Erosion Control ordinances and the approved Erosion Control Plan. No person shall willfully resist,delay,or obstruct an authorized representative,employee,or agent of the Erosion Control Division while that person is inspecting or attempting to inspect a land disturbing activity under the ordinance. Should you have any questions as you move forward please contact Matthew Osborne at 336-462-7480 or matthewo@cityofws.org. Matthew Osborne,CFM,CPESC Stormwater Operations Analyst City Of Winston-Salem Field Operations Department Stormwater Division PO Box 2511 Winston-Salem,NC 27102 Office: 336-747-6919 Mobile: 336-462-7480 NOTICE:Effective 10/18/2023,I have officially transitioned from the Erosion ControllFlooplain Program Manager position with the Erosion Control Division to the Stormwater Operations Analyst position with the Stormwater Division. Kent Wall has accepted the Erosion Control/Floodplain Program Manager position and I will be assisting with training Kent over the coming weeks/months until he is proficient in the position. Moving forward,please direct all inquiries related to Erosion Control Division matters to Kent Wall. Kent can be reached at 336-462-7481 or kentw@cityofws.org. City of Winston-Salem ONE TEAM Committed to Excellence All e-mails including attachments sent to and from this address are subject to being released to the media and the public in accordance with the North Carolina Public Records Law. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2/?ik=56f986ba36&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1785904704601814794&simpl=msg-f:1785904704601814794 2/2