HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3210702_USGS Topographic Site Map_20240103 Z USGS U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ., meNational Map WATSON QUADRANGLE
science for a changing world <�US Topo 7.5-MINUTE SERIES
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Produced by the United States Geological Survey MN, SCALE 1:24 000 ROAD CLASSIFICATION __
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World Geodetic System o!1984(wG5841.Projection and 1 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 3 Z___-'-''''' \]
er grid:Univers.Transverse Mercator,Zone 175 �— -�p�.L�n. Secondary Xwy Local Road
TM1 Os map iz not a legal document.Boundaries may be taa MILS 1000 500 0 S 0 METERS 1000 2000 f" Ramp 4WD
generalized for Nis map scale.Private lands wiNin government 1 1
of be shown.Obtain permission before a MILS MILES •Interstate Route 0 US Route O State Route
entering private yands. 1029_ 0 1000 2000 3000 .0 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 WORM°cLOCAnw ,V
Imagery NAIP,3uM 2016-November 2016 M�N
Roads U.S. Cemus Bureau, .1fi ��
Names t,1898-201fi DBcurvnnOry AT c[rvtER Of$XEET 2Stanfnd o.
Nydrography National Hydrograpby Dataset,1899-2018 1 2 3 25tanlield
National Elevation Dataset, 2008 CONTOUR INTERVAL IO FEET 3 Oakboro
Boundaries Multiple sources, see metedztz file 2017 • 2018 im000� q io NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 198E 4Bakers =n=
ate 4 5 501ive Branch
Wetlands 1505 National Wetlands Inventory 1983 • 1984 This map was produced to conform with Me 6Abnroe LL
Nu am US Topo Product Standard,2011. 6 7 8 7 Wingate
A National
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with this product is draft version 0.6.18 soar:hvme WATSON, NC =N u
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