HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--00043_Well Construction - GW1_20231218 WELL. RECORD Far Irrarnal tlsc l3NLY:CONSTRUCTION CO I ' This farm can bcused far:sin&temr mulliplc well 1.Wcll.Coutraetoe Infatuation: 7.:I1I.%►`ATIIR2ONFS .• - John Eisenman FROM. TO DF_SCRcPi1ON ),VW1l Coritrenrir.Ns RK: ft: ft, I ' 4439 ft, fit I i NC�VellCmutractorCenit titiooNu>r6er ',SS:t]tiTER-CrtSiNGlfareiutti=rivallitlls'ORLiNERiILSn'lka6tel •. . FROM TO DIAMETER•. • TROCKNESS -� MATERIAL SAEDACCO . f4 H.'9 I Ia' callowllaplc. 16 fiNNER.CASINGORTUIIING.{i iiarkimal-duscd-lain!, ''- _ FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS'. . MATERIAL • 2.Wcfi tonstrµctinit Penpit 1: • 0 R. 7 6 ft. 2 °71114 .. SCE-40 PVC Cut aAnngicable i ell peiTu s.(Le.Couney.:Stp r.,-Variance,friethefi or J 3:Well.Ifse-(cltixl:shell use): • :17:SCREEN' ' Watt r Supply Well: _ FROM- TO - vrrsrE.TDR SLOTS?". TiJICNNi;yS MATERIAL . - DJAaticultuta! fJMUuidpallPublic.• • 76 ft. 86 ft: 2 irr O10 • SCH-90 PVC IUGeoihetnal lieatin ICoolin '5u l'}' ,DResidential•Wrater Su I°(single) • ft.' ft...' sir l �' $ t?P-y PP} 8� Ditidustrial/Contntcrcial. DResidential Watet:Snppls•(suited)' :%ta GROOT ..: - FII03I' TO. r MATERIAL. I'EMPLACEIENT METHOD SAA100NT I7lrrigation . .. . . . • 0 ft' 69 .ft,- Portland Tremie -Nan-Water Supply Wel: - - ft; - . . fa i.. . EdMonitgring DRAND,VCry _ __ ' ' • Injection WO: - ft. ft; • • ClAgttifcrRclliarge I]GioundlrticvRcmediattiou ,I99S,wilt;RAV1L1'ACKtlfaiillticintcf -= _ -= -= - • - :•.FROaf - TO MATERIAL ttMPIACt:IFNt'MRr'IIOn • . l7AgtiifcrStoragc and Rectiic�t' 19Saliliity Hairier 73 R. 86 II. Sand' #2 C Aquifer.Tat ❑Stonrinatcrfiriinov fG• ft. ! . DF perintcntal Te4hrro ou 17SubOricwc C otdtpl 3:0:'DR1 LLt G 1 OG'lallach additibnaf sUcrts If:acccssn l t7Geo(hennil(ClosedLoop) l7Tratcer - . FROM'• To - DESCRIPitON{t+o}ar.hnramti,sonlntstYhpr. o!S„e,dc. DGoDtheatval(I1ca1itulCeoUltg RetunlT • O17dier{expluiv mtder.#?i Remarks) 0 ..ft. 60 - (4 .Silt%sand/clay 60 fit. .73 IL PWR . -- • 4:Date WCEl(s)conlpletedc 11-10-23 %VitI IDgMW-4OA 73 •fi, •86 It. Rocki _ 5a.Wd1 Lncatinu: . .ft.- ft. I %"^ ' .General Electric.Company ft.- IL aiI •Fac[]ity,!13ir•ticrNart+c Faci]i1p IDk - .,(ifapplicable). R. ft. '• •�:•.;:..,i;-��-.,, 3010 Spartanburg.Hwy,, East,Flat Rock, NC,, 28726 , ft, - ft,. E:�a`Ly Dial ' l:„• Pi(y5iral Addrss City_add Zip 2 t:RentAHxS'.. Henderson Bentonite seal from 69-73e Cooly Parcel IcIentifiCation No,(OM I; • $It tannic alyd'liin_ fttldic in ifegtee.slmiittttes/seetinds or dceitimi dcgrcCS: 27;Certification:. (et,o!frets,one1.1iiloeig1x-sulfitiont) • . •" N NV • _. '— 11/22/2023 .Sigtnt icmf�". `l tif,u's.,- Date 6.Is(are)(he:well(s)t XlPenriaitent or n7'ernporar% �" xsyt4fv: ! �s ,, ., ra itp N;Smibig:hit foiA. ,r.,ef0!in�:r,:•,..'N ri..r,y,:e:.:,elm!fueled iiktkYbrrleair - with 154•NCtC 02e. b:��i�.�n n:;ail:....Vag Weil Caresimcrion Srarxlaais and;bar a 7.Isithis a seliale_[u an a ustingwells Dyes ;tir Elko. 'rery ._'of hlr'ieeorrl hiisbeen i,muifed r�iha ur/miner, if rhls.Ii a 1746417,fall lot,hoout7i lee t50usncetloa liVi.grouttOi end(*OMdu!Wrote oldie rei"urir wale!821-'remarF..s sertwn or at the bail of day formic. 23.SIte.d1it rjni or additional t►�en)4etuibi; You tiny use the back of this page to.provide•additionat well she details:or Welt 8:Numbered Wells cotlstrneteil: 1. consuuctiondetils. You may âlth-auacli additional pages ifuecess:sty. • For ritatrlplelrtfecrirn'rirnonrtlutersupArriregsONLI.OfW thesmrreeorrategetiorr,yorteoo sthud(ei,ie form. SUBMITTAL INSTtJCTION3 9.Total Well depth lieloil'land still'ace: 86 - (to. VI.Far Alt Walk: Windt 110s:fona within 30 ditys of completion of well Foe iirnhiple wieifaIist all dcprhs ffdif�'errorulexmrple-•3@2110°anil.2 u@ l0Ii) constnietion to Me following: i, 1(1.Static Wittee lei'el below top of caving; 10. (Ib,)' Dh'esimi of Water ReSpiwcc t,Intormatian Processing(Tint, N •27699-1617 1Jumrer lei�el Is Ohm tnafr�,sus,.+" 1017 hL•tU.Sirti'fcc Ccattr,Raleigh,. �"" IL Bumhtite diamctcr:10.25"/6" _ 00 2Mb.roctpicerirut Weill ONLY: in addition to•sending the fomrto the address in' 24aabios'e.also submit a copy•of this fortis within 30'days•of completion of Will 11.Wcllconsiruction method:HSA/AIR CotnsinUCtioti m the following:: i ' (lc.auger,rotary.cable duce(Fasts etc.} 1 ' . Diviision of Water.Resources,Underground Injection.Control.Program, . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' 1616 Mali Service tenter,Raleigh,NC27699-1636 I • 24G;For Water Stiltnfe_&Injection Wells: 13;t,Vivid(figiln) `foci!od of tat: Also submit one copy of this fonu Within-;10 daysofcompletionof 13h.Disinfection Qypet Amount: .wcll-coastnrction to the county health department of the county where constructed. • Form GW-1 Noah Carolina Deparuaent.of Environment cud Natural hem woes-Dfti loo or Water ReSottte5 Rcviscd Augtat 1013