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GW1--00033_Well Construction - GW1_20231218
I .i I . WELL.CONSTRUCTION.REtORD - Fnr Itgena11 Usc ONLY:. . _ - Ilif-form can be used for;Single a:multiple weIls. l'..W61.1..CORINIEtot IttfOrillailtItt: . S . . 'Lk:WATER ZON . - ES' • - , . ... , Scott Hunt, Jr • FROM. 'IT) DESCRIPTION We11CoildisIOrglota' 45 ft; ft. gravel zone that had water • ft. (6 4561—A • - ‘ • . IISAIUTER.CASINV-tfoiqiiiillkiiiir-thritISIVR LINEKtifilli NC Well ComincIar Cenifiestimi Number FROM . ,TO ,.IRA NIETER- TIIICKNESS MATEMAI. i SAEDACCO 0 ,iLt. 35 ft.' -2 1 1 In. SCH-40 . PvC CompasiName, '..t64NNER CASINGOECTIIIIING:tiiinibbritial'etnititionj));q,' .:. .PRom TO . _DIANIETER. THICKNESS - MATERIAL • 2..WelitonstrtiCtiati Pertnit.ii , •R. ft. ' 1, ',116. • Lice id 1 iwiliqike n pripti4(ix.Plumy.l'rele,limiturce,frjalic4 etc.--)• _ ft...- • ft, i; '1.- . I: • . 0.‘It'llt il,s (e4.1.6iieti nsol: • 17:SEIM:EN • • - - ' - .•. . . .. .._ .... — - FROM. I l'O orsstETER stOr SIM TDICKNESS I SlArr.atm, _ • Watet.S.upply-Well:• - • 35 ft.! 50 'H. 2 ik .010 SCH74 0 PVC CltgriCUIDIra) . . 1;11Atinicipalipublie..: : . . _ ; .. • EIGeOthennal(Peatingtooiing Supply) .1:1Residenfiat Wafer Supply(single) . - ri; ' -'ft' - nr!'.-IfilGROUT. , MIUduStrial/C011111terciag. . Elltesidentiol Water Supply.(slmted) FROSI • TO. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT 31E1110D&AMOUNT • CI Inigution . . . . . • -- , 0 :ft., 30 ft.. Portland Tremie • . . Nan-Water Supply Well: • • . . " c gii:Iciiitoril* nttgcoviy . • fRkcIloti We)l: , re.— —— ft,. • i . _ _..,. . .. : .. ClAnniferRceliarge• .- Otnpuiidwatct Rentediatiou • :.,19ZSANDIGIIAIMILMACK'iiriiituilieabter-- " ...,..--.: - . .-.-. .., . . . . . „ .rwom To MTE:11113, -RNIPIACEME A7.4t METRO U • OArittircr.StOragc.and Recovel. •OSalinh3,Barrie( 33 • ft., 50 . .ft. SAND 1:. . #2 . El Ailtsikr Tcsi. . EIStaintuit. tee Oritiougo ft. •. : . . . . . . h. i . E3Eiverintental TOhnoloa IDSitbSidence;Crintrol . _ . . . 7,...26.,DRILLING.I.OGIultaihldtl1tiOnitt iltrili,ifii&iSsaiil'. . . •. . 14CleatIttutal(cItistd Loup) InTetcer ' ' -most- lo ' - DESCRIPTIONtot4r.burdurm.sorinickmx..'utah.-'4,1.,..Ora . . OGrothennal(HeatioWCOoliog Retain IJOdier(explain under-int:Remarks) 0 :ft. 5 • ft,. brick and red fill 5 -ft. 20 - "ft, red silt compacted . ' 4:DaM Wai(s)coutpleM41: 11--9-2 P 'win IN i!z-3 . .• 20 'ft: '49:- it, red compacted cl‘ii;Fist..,pwr . . Se.Well Location': . ' 50 ft.- 0, r ock., . - --"''"41•-•.-i: Vi".-!I. -,, Former Clay.Mine. Site . . 'ft.. '- . .ft , •Ur.L• t_s tarBitykOwozrlstanio Feictlity IDA!KappIiFa.ble) -'• • ' R. , .. - ' „ ---Z0-21 ft I inrfO -r,- 1751 Colon Rd. , Sanford, NC, 27330. - . R.:. - ' O. ' ' : .:!:' .., - • . !f':g UP . Phy*:1110.Fss,..cilY-..011 ,ii3 ,2"1::REMARKS' • . .'. ,. , . •-...:1:21 , 1 Lee . -Bentonite seal from 30733' . • • " • . . County Pan:el Idesulifteuilon Na,(PIN) . . . ' 51i.LittintdcillId'14110Itile iu Ikgreci/DiiillitcsisectindS•nr tit cints1 ticecCM .21 cc'nificati„,,, • (If nlI1141d,WO,lavIoua itz.dflIkoit) I' N . W 1.'• 11/26/2023 SigelAt'.r.:.0CC/11/.W.r!i C.aiumetar 1 - Doe • ._ G.Is(#4 the well(N) ,X1Permanent or OTcniptiraiy e '• ity signing thirfelm.1 hereby err*Illa..flitLwellfs)hwar 6vere)eisqtriy.leil it,rterenimice . with/M KCAC 02C,01(}0 or•iS 4 Are?tc,pac 0200 Weil CalfS.1.117Cliall Stormiards irnd&a.1 7.Is this a repairtl an tiaidl.1 ly int- f.:IVes% or ENO 1.4iiirpf risi!record IIIS'Item l piorideti i01,u!sr,li iiwiwy, If iiiisA•4 ripak fill ear knoilm ii.,11tvostiocitims Igforiaini6n Rid tiApiain the okirare bf Me 1. - itifigir redo 021-ierntki arilitIri ei-bn the badhix of tbrar. 23:Site 414r:on-Or athtitiqua)00.thitii .Isi You may use the hack of this page to...'provido:_additiottal well Site.details or Well 8:Number-of Wells Constructed: 1 ' 'conitnictimi details. You tnay also ailaChadciitioml pages if necessary. For iimitipie irdecihmor non-ware'suppr,r we0 ONLY witli rhit.satregeowstrudion,you my, q.thmit°be form. • SUBIVI1TTAL INSTUCTEONS , . . -0.TOMI Well depth helowlund stirfacei 50 • •. (to, 24a. tlrir AU %Yak Submit this thou tyithiti 3U•days of completion of uell i'or itythipic ii,elklist di depths if diproy icsapipre-3.@200'athi.20,100) ' . constructinoTo Ilto foIlotting-. 10.Static water level below lap of easing: 19 . Division uf Water ReSunrceS,jnformatiatt Prat essIng Unit, /plum,/pm/is abovv et1SPAZ iili•"4-" 1617 Alail.Seivice tenter,Raleigh,NC•27499-100-. •v , • t I it,Burelinte diameter:6" - 24b:Fnr Infection Wells ONLY: in addition to-sending.the fomr to ilto address in 24a alioe,also submit a-.copy of this forth.ivithin 30•daYs of completion of tt' ll. . II Well oanstructiou method;Air Rotary . consimetion to•the folloWing:• i (i.e.;rigor,tu(ity.-cal?le,direct p.uslt,etc.) . DIvploit of Water Resources,Enderground itijetion Coutro1Pritgrain, FOR-WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: .1636 gall_Service tenter,Raleigh,NC 276!)94636 ' 24c.For%Vat&Supply&InjrrtiIon!Wells:• 1.3+VIFIII(Out) . Method of test: . ., Alsb.splunit one copy of tins form vitliiin;t0:cloys of cotoOlOtiOtt.of 13b.h Disinfection typet Amount: well-cot:M.:teflon to the county lienIth en departm. t of the county wheM, constructed. 1 • . Farm GIV-I . Noah Carolina Lkpauntent.of&MUMMER!anti Natural RCSOUICCS—piviiloa ot Watcr116aLroz Revised August 201;i 1 •