HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG100140 - Guil-Rand Auto Salvage STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL(SDO) . MONITORING REPORT CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG100 1 L/ D REcE Iv pS COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 0-01 5- SEP 4 S(fliis'monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days CENTRALfILEr a date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) DWR SECTJON FACILITY NAME Gu, L- Re...nci I,Jreck.er + ftu+D 5ck.)'male. .Sn c. COUNTY kcvn■ r,l 01 PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) v•e r e 4.4- G 01`yvr PHONE NO. ( 3310) S FI 9- a.)D 1y CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Refer,ce}z r Ana)y+i ca,l Lab# LoAor(>.'1' t>r i.e.-S :T1 c Lab# 3 Li PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN ON THE REVERSE ) Part A: Stormwater Benchmarks and Monitoring Results For sampling periods with no discharge, you must submit this discharge monitoring form noting "No Flow"or No Discharge"within 30 days of the end of that period to comply with permit reporting requirements. Outfall Date 00400 00530 ---- 77023 _ 01051 78141 No. Sample Collected, Total pH, Total Suspended Non-polar Ethylene Glycol, Lead,Total Total Toxic mo/dd/year Rainfall, Standard Solids(TSS), O&G/TPH mg/i Recoverable, Organics3, •1 1 inches Units mg/L (Method 1664 mg/L mg/L _ — , SGT-HEM),mg/L — 8,000 Benchmark 6.0—9.01 100/502 15 (Tiers 2 and 3) 0.03 1.0 SeorM ux►-i'Cr 8 —1 Sr—1 S -/3 '7, �.$ 9 3(o 563 L- Q 4 L D_ a 810 13 S L. Note: If you report a sampled value in excess of the benchmark value, or outside the benchmark range for pH, you must implement Tier 1 or Tier 2 responses in the General Permit. 1See If pH values outside this range are recorded in sampled stormwater discharges, but ambient precipitation pH levels are lower,then the lower threshold of this benchmark range is the pH of the precipitation(within instrument accuracy) instead of 6 S.U. Readings from an on-site or local rain gauge(or local precipitation data) must be documented to demonstrate background concentrations were below the benchmark pH range of 6-9. 2 See General Permit text to identify whether the more protective benchmark applies for especially sensitive receiving waters. 3For purposes of this permit the definition of Total Toxic Organics is that list as stated in Appendix D,Table II of Chapter 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 122. Form SWU-251, last revised October 25, 2012 Page 1 of 2 Z Z aged ZcOZ`SZ Jagohp pasinai lsol 'ZSZ-nMs wood (a;ec) (a a2!saa JO a .aad;o a.on;eu2!S) 5 — 6 „•suopeloln 2ulmou)l.iol luawuosudwl pue saug;o A;lllglssod ay;Sulpnpui`uol;ew.lojui asiej.Sum!wgns Jo;sal;ieuad;ueDl}lu2os ale aiaq;leq;aJeme we •alaldwoa pue`a;ean»e'ana;';allaq pue a8palmouN Aw ;saq ay;o;`sl pa;;lwgns uoi;ewJoIui ay;`uol;ewJojul ay;2uuat e;9 aoj alglsuodsaa Ai;pailp suosiad asoy; Jo'wa;sAs ay;a8euew oym suosJad ao uosaad Aulnbui Aw uo paseg •pa;;lwgns uol;ewaolul ay;aleniena pue Jay;e2 AiJadoid lauuosJad pagllenb;ey;aansse o;pau2!sap wa;sAs e y;lm aJuepaoiie ul uolslnaadns Jo uolpa.iip Aw aapun paiedaid aaam s;uawtpe;le lie pue luawn3op sly;;eLp`nr►ei;o A;leuad iapun`Allua3 i„ L191-669LZ eulioiej ylaoN 'q !alea JaluaD aJlnJas i1ew LI9L sand lealuaj :u1;b Alden°aaleM Jo uo!s!A!Q :o;Ado3 auo pue leuAi0 HeW ale() ainleAs (a1 21111-1!ad)allil (aweu luud)aweN „ ueld uolluanaad uoilnnod JalemwJols au;u! papnpu! ueld luawaeuew luanios ail}o suols!noad ay;ire Buquawaldwl s!Al!Ipe4 sli;ley!A3ilaaD aayliin j I laodai Suuolluow aaJeioslp Ise! ayl 2ui!lq aouls paunno seq j;ounu Jalemwiols Jo ile}ulea of pasodxa aae gJlim seam Jo Jalemwaols ayl olui sDlueio 3!xol pales;uapuoa Jo§uidwnp ou ';aliaq pue a2palmouN Aw}o;sag ay;o;;ey;A}llaaD ! loll)salueaao)lxol Jo4 luawaalnbaa Suuolluow l!wJad ayl slim aauelidwop;lui euew Jo}aiglsuodsao Alhaalp suosiad Jo uosJad ay;Jo AJ!nbuo Aw uodn pase9„ luawalnls uoi.opyi Jai()Old 4uau.rabouoyV luan/os :luawalels uo!le3!ji;aaa Oulmoilol aql As!legs JaaJegJslp ay;'aanlem e yens pamolie sal;!!!pe3 asoy!and ';iwaad leaauag ail ul pals!!sluawala Jaylo ay;pue pasn spunodwoa aiue2Jo D!xol ielol aql Jo lsi! e apnpu! legs ueld;uawa2euew luanlos ay! 'sD!ueaao 3!xol ielouo 2uuo;iuow an!em OMQ le !lsanbai Aew ueld uoiluanaJd uoilnnod aalemwao;s ayl olu! ueid luawa2euew luanios e ale.iodioDui ley!sal;ii!Ded 1.1iOd3k1 9NI21O1INOW (OaS)iiV ifl0 39HVNDSIa a31VMW21O1S