HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231340 Ver 1_More Info Received_20231221 (4)Baker, Caroline D From: Stephen Reece<sreece@riversandassociates.com> Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2023 2:28 PM To: Homewood, Sue Cc: Blaine Humphrey; Nyarko, Paul; Anthony Bowers Subject: [External] Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Rehabilitation 2020 - DWR#20231340 Attachments: C08 WINTERVILLE CROSSING - GRAVITY PLAN -PROFILE.pdf, W-3933-008- WINTERVILLE CROSSING-BUFFER.pdf Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Sue, Please see attached for a revised Sheet C08 and a blow up of the Zone 1 Parallel construction Corridor. Please see below for your original questions and corresponding responses. 1. With regards to the buffer, can you tell me if the existing utility easement is currently maintained/mowed regularly? Parts of this project may be considered an existing use within the buffer and therefore would not require authorization/mitigation now. If there are areas that are mowed then please provide plans that show those areas clearly and we can update impact totals based off of the new plans. Answer: The proposed construction north of Worthington Road is in an existing utility easement that is regularly maintained and mowed. The following note was modified on Sheet C08 to identify this area "EXISTING MAINTAINED EASEMENT 30' T.O.W. UTILITY EASEMETN (D.B. 2039 PG. 438 & M.B. 64 PG. 160)". The proposed construction in Zone 1 - Parallel Crossing (3,690 sq ft) on the southside of Worthington Road is NOT in an existing utility easement that is currently maintained/mowed. 2. The stream only shows on the plans on one side of the road. Can you show its location and the buffers on the other side so we can confirm there will be no other impacts to the buffers. Answer: Sheet C08 has been modified to identify the Top Of Bank (TOB) with a teal -colored line. A red line designates the 10-foot offset from the TOB, the purple line designates a 30-foot offset from the TOB to identify the Zone 1, and a green line designates a 50-foot offset from the TOB to identify Zone 2. All proposed construction activities on the northside of Worthington Road are in an existing utility easement. 3. With regards to the 401. Our standard condition for all utility lines is this: "Any utility construction corridor that is parallel to a stream or open water shall not be closer than 10 feet to the top of bank or ordinary high-water mark" It looks like maybe this cannot be met for a portion of this project. Can you review and comment on this. If it will be met, can you update the plans and call that out, or show a blow up view that shows the 10' clearly. Answer: The Limits of Disturbance (LOD) and silt fence have been modified on Sheet C08 and the provided blowup to be beyond the 10-foot offset (red line) from the TOB. On the provided blowup a 10' x 10' excavation area is shown to demonstrate the construction corridor parallel the stream will be beyond the 10-foot offset from the TOB and contained by silt fence. The following note was added to Sheet C08 to ensure this requirement will be met during construction, "ANY CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR PARALLEL TO STREAM OR OPEN WATER SHALL NOT BE CLOSER THAN 10 FEETTO THE TOP OF THE DITCH". Please let me know if you need any additional information to aid you in your review. Best, Stephen Reece, P.E. Project Engineer W. 252.752.4135 x248 C. 910.442.6664 Rivers & Associates Inc 0IRivers .ASSOCIATES, IN(,