HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230797 Ver 1_DMF Comments_20231201ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary KATHY B. RAWLS Director TO: Gregg Bodnar, NCDCM Major Permits Coordinator FROM: James Harrison, NCDMF Fisheries Resource Specialist SUBJECT: Western Carteret Boat Ramp Proposal and Mitigation Plan, Carteret County, follow up memo DATE: 17 November 2023 A North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) Fisheries Resource Specialist reviewed the CAMA Major permit application, mitigation plan, and associated documents for the proposed Western Carteret Boat Ramp and submitted comments for the project in July 2023. The DMF requested additional information and potential minimization measures due to impacts to submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) and coastal wetlands, and water quality degradation in open shellfish harvest waters (SA-ORW). The DMF reviewed Carteret County's October 2023 response to DMF and offers the following response. The proposed project is in Newport, North Carolina (Carteret County), and consists of dredging an upland boat basin and access channel for a public boat launch facility on Bogue Sound. The waters at this location are classified as Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW); SA and are open to shellfish harvesting. Submerged aquatic vegetation is documented within the dredge footprint of the access channel and the surrounding waters. There are also coastal wetlands within the project site that would be directly impacted by the project. The public boat launch facility is proposed to include a 159-space boat trailer parking lot, six launch ramps and three floating piers, an upland boat basin with depth -7.2' NAVD88 (-6.2' target depth plus 1' allowable overdredge). A 50' by 450' channel from the basin into the sound and AIWW would be dredged to access the basin, resulting in 0.78 acres (33,977 ft2) of direct impacts to SAV and 2,212 ft2 of impacts to coastal wetlands. Two outstanding issues exist with the permit application before DMF can fully assess environmental impacts of the project. 1) Permission from owner of spoil island to construct mitigation project. Since DMF submitted its initial comments, we have learned that the applicant does not have permission from the owner of the spoil island to construct the breakwater and QuickReef sill. Without written permission, the mitigation plan is speculative, and no permitting decisions should be made without having a confirmed mitigation plan. Should the mitigation project get State of North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries 3441 Arendell Street I P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 252-726-7021 permission, DMF has some additional unaddressed concerns and suggested changes to the mitigation plan. 2) Flushing model results as required by NC Division of Water Resources Because the applicant has not provided the correct flushing data needed to North Carolina Division of Water Resources' (DWR), DMF does not have enough information to know whether the current basin and channel design is sufficient for flushing or how much it could be modified to improve water quality. The DMF defers to and supports the position of DWR on the minimum width of the entrance channel that will be sufficient. Remaining concerns of DMF The county's response did not include any design changes to minimize habitat and water quality impacts associated with the project. Additional information was provided by the applicant but primarily re -stated information from the original application. No additional information was provided to reduce impacts to SAV. The DMF objects to the project due to significant impacts to critical fish habitat and includes below the specific remaining concerns. Boat ramp facility Additional details regarding the necessity for the proposed boat basin and access channel depth and an analysis of the impacts that this deeper water could have on the surrounding area. The DMF disagrees with the applicant that -7.2' NAVD88 (-6.2' NAVD88 target depth + V allowable overdredge), water depth is necessary in the basin and access channel. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) generally requires 4' MLW for public boat ramp facilities. Reducing the depth would reduce water quality concerns and would allow the required channel length to be shorter, thus reducing the dredge footprint in SAV habitat. Reducing the access channel width would also reduce the dredging impacts to SAV habitat and potentially reduce water quality degradation to ORW open shellfish harvest waters. A definitive answer and proposed location of any No Wake Zones to be included. The county provided a sketch of the area to be included in the No Wake Zone and restated that they would work with WRC to secure a No Wake Zone. A No Wake Zone as depicted by the applicant would be very helpful in reducing boat wake related impacts to nearby coastal wetlands, and improve boater compliance to stay within the marked channel, thus reducing boating related damage to SAV. Written confirmation by WRC and/or the US Coast Guard that the No Wake Zone will be permitted is necessary to consider the benefit of the action. An assessment of potential impacts to SAV associated with the placement of QuickReef material. No documentation was provided other than subjective observations and literature from other areas. This is a topic of uncertainty raised at the October 2023 Living Shoreline State of North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries 3441 Arendell Street I P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 252-726-7021 2 Workshop as a research need. Therefore, the DMF requests a 10' buffer between existing SAV and placement of QuickReef material. The location of SAV present within 20' of QuickReef should be documented and provided to DMF. Monitoring of these locations of SAV should be incorporated into the monitoring plan. Additional boat launch user data to support the purpose and need of this facility. The applicant also did not address the request for additional information regarding the survey of nearby launch facilities. The one -day survey that was reported occurred on a Saturday in late June — this likely represents peak use before July 4th weekend, rather than typical use. Subsequent repetitions throughout the year would provide a more accurate representation of launch user data. The narrative and response mention the number of registered vessels in Carteret, Craven, Jones, and Pitt Counties, but only surveyed existing facilities in Carteret County. There is no breakdown of the number of vessels by individual counties, or data showing the extent of those vessels traveling to Carteret County launch facilities, making the additional information irrelevant to the need for such a large boat ramp. The applicant did not offer to reduce the number of trailer parking spaces to reduce cumulative impacts to SAV and wetlands from heavy boat traffic. The DMF continues to request a reduction in maximum capacity, by at least 30% (maximum of 111 trailer spaces). Additional information regarding how the "No Reasonable Alternative" conclusion was made. The response indicates that the property was selected because it was devoid of SAV based on State -supplied SAV data. However, in 2017, the WRC was considering this location for a potential boat launch facility. After the area was surveyed by DMF and DCM staff, the WRC decided not to pursue this location due to the significant impacts to SAV that would occur as a result of the project. The response does not indicate that any sort of ground-truthing survey was completed to verify the mapping data. As State - provided mapping shows SAV along the project site shoreline throughout history (though possibly not within the exact dredging footprint), completing a preliminary survey would have shown that the applicant did their due diligence, as was the case in 2017. The response from the County also failed to include the 2020 SAV data, which shows that 2020 mapping found expanded SAV along the shoreline compared to 2013. Mitigation Project Additional information to justify the large width and height of 'the proposed breakwater for mitigation. The design height is based on a maximum height of one ft above MHHW. DMF requests the height be reduced to not extend above MHHW, rather than one ft above. Additional details regarding the proposed monitoring (i.e., locations of sites, specifics of monitoring, success criteria, who will undertake these efforts, etc). State of North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries 3441 Arendell Street I P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 252-726-7021 3 The mitigation ratio was calculated by taking the area of the access channel dredge and breakwater footprints and reducing the impact by the proportion of the area that had vegetation at the time of the survey. However, transects were 30m apart and therefore did not quantify total SAV coverage and could have easily missed SAV patches. Also, imagery indicates that SAV has slowly been increasing in extent in this area and could continue to do so if not dredged. Since the entire dredge footprint of the access channel and the footprint of the breakwater will no longer support SAV, the entire acreage should be used as the impact area (1.02a). Since the mitigation site is 4.27a, the mitigation ratio is 4.18. Additional mitigation should be added to reach a 7:1 ratio as proposed by the applicant. Because success criteria depend on the extent of seagrass coverage, monitoring transects should be closer together to accurately assess coverage change — 1 Om apart or less. At the end of five years, annual results should be reviewed by resource agencies to determine if additional monitoring time is needed. Additionally, the proposed monitoring includes two surveys per year to account for seasonal species differences, but only one survey was completed to develop the mitigation plan. A fall survey will likely produce different results than a single spring survey. Without having a pre -project fall survey, DMF would like clarification on how SAV change will be assessed. The applicant's response also did not address DMF's comment recommending that monitoring results be summarized and reported annually to allow for adaptive management. Thank you for your consideration of our comments and concerns. Please contact Jimmy Harrison at (252) 948-3835 or at james.harrison(d),deq.nc.gov with any further questions or concerns. State of North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries 3441 Arendell Street I P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 252-726-7021 4