HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--08011_Well Construction - GW1_20231214 . , i----------WEL.,,L CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contra'i',121.1114,9,J r-nal lion: ' • • ' ."- . . • . 4.14411#14-3 14411 .. _ __ taik,WA:TFOZONES3i1;V.. ".ii-1- 7._1. ...:_-_ _:.: -—•-•,------- ..... .,,_ ...g, - _ FROM TO DESCRLPTION Weil ContthetarName air- :24* it Slug:A:- r-ir a-a r-- _ . . , t .., 1461D A . . , ft / 'C. K' l ut NC Well Contractor CortiEcation Number "1:15.6UTER.CSNG(fefiiitiltiaild'ialby.oRLINKEV. •. Yadkin Well Company, Inc. PROM/ TO, DIAMETER. TECICKIESS:. 1 MAT7 C.... . --- . -- Company tqatot. _ . [ . ', '-;•':1:6:' s;CASkG.OR (a"elitlier-m-ar-eloked;liiii-P)LLI ': • 2.Well Constraction Permit 4/: _ Z RS .5-1 ( _ _ FROM _ TO DIAMETER THICKNESS.' 11-CATiiitI—AL 7. Mr List allapplicablewell construttion permits(i.e.UIC Comity,State,Variance,etc) 4/ft. __ft to, liv ' 4.1.50 . ces ( ( I, i... . ft. in. 3:Well Use(check well Use) 1I / C --: - • CA-- - I Line' '..•__:,..1_..= .„1:221=.::::_:_-_,Lli.2_:_-___-:-..=--.T-2`2.72-:-.-''''•'-, •Witter Supply Welk' FRO TO DIAMETER. SLOT SIZE THICKNF,S MATERIAL g- DAgricultural DMutiidipal/Public I it., ft - = OGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) aliesidentialWat&Supply(single) - ft, r , ft. , in., ' • DIndUstrial/Commemial EIResidential Water Simply(shared) i::-.3.8-:GRour,--,_- :._:-•__-_,:.....--=----,-:- --._-_-_-: - i- --. - • •• '1 . FROM TO . MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMEMEIOD&AiiOillii . . Olnigation__ OWells 100,000 GPD . Non-Water Supply Wellt : . el fi.. :3,„# fL 13 arps arc..( / 1 i leis . ommitoti,g. DRecov, . ft. ' ft. Injection.Well: - ft. ft. / / • DAquifer Recharge .0Groundwater ReMediation 1:19`.NAVVIGRAVEXPACKatifaliealneIL 13Aquifer Storage and-R:eCovery ElSalinity.Barrier" FROM. TO, MATERIAL, EMPLA 1,151 151.METHOD • '- ..' . :DAqUifer Test OStorrawater Drainage (::,... ( ff. . . . . .. ElExperixeciatal Technology OSubsidence Control ft. ft. , . , - . . 0 Geothermal(Closed Loop) OTiacer [20i- - 1 G' OG(ittitellTidditiiiiiiriliiiiiiifileless-art11__1_ .....,......-....____ - •.' TO' DESCRIPTION(color,hardness,soll/rbak—typ-C:grain size,ate.): ElGeothrxrcal(Heating/Cooling Return) Itiether(explain-tinder#21 RemarksY -FROM . _ .•. Date Well Started 11- fr ..13 .0 ft.. ..,.. 1,0 ft. So ii,/ . ... . . . . , , . ,4.Date Well(s)Completed 1 I-to-.a) Well Dm A-, P .”3 . to. fe• co ft. .2regt,)„,,fre Oct& . ,. . • , Sa.Vell Location: - Photte#:,r3$-}W/1 0 S 457 , go, f.t. . I,10 ft. 6 oft. 5,f,„e........ geaft. - ' 0 4 Ltsli Adze ihoki4 ,- .... it ft. -I _ a ir— , . _ gi4 fl,C1* /010..". }'A IF 5 iKel- w en toe-itil . Facility/OwbetName Fatality M#(lEappliCable) _ fr."' 160 ft. Viol'416, you._ . A fra ' . - , • ,..• 40 71.• r _ti/l.ir e Ail(.71.,. A tex..1,1 1?5,, de ou'. .1-icyft. i 15,n4.; 8$4, ;root,' kera - - ,.- PhysicalAddress,City,and Zip 1 ft ! - t4e'4(tP05 462"-ft. 5("•*---. 1-efrY),.. ,•••-)! 040-- i.-. 14.4„hti494. - -. __ . ca . . _ Cott*: Parcel IdentifitiouNci.(PlIly ' : Y. _c•fir .in wo:se ' .• V van, 1,,,,,,4 ,„,?: Al L.1,:i• :, ' • Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or dedina.l degrees: . . _ _.. . _ (if well field,one lat/long it Sufficient) 22.Certifidation: DEC I 42023 . . - .. : , 36 D q, V5oi . N, 1 31$;., i 1 4,4/ W -,,--5 -"•"eistr._ , , _ uN i 6.1s(rire)the well(s): PerManent Or- OTemporary Sigature of Certified Well Contractor Bate k.,..,_.:t...»..:.) • • T' O - . - - . By Signing this form,Thereby certViliat thewell(s),was(were)constructed in accordancewith i • 1,3.• ID this.a repair to an dialing well': ElYea or ?(No ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Construction-Standards and that a cop);--.•'' '-'..' gth is is a repair,j1lIout known well construction inforMaticin w explain•the nature of the of this record has beenprovIded to the well owner. „ repair under 4121 remarks section or on the back of this form -. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional-well construction info ,--:- -'-'•••" 8:For Geoprobe/DPT Or Closed-Loop deotlierinal Wells having the setae constiuclithi,only 1 GW-I as needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells- (add"See-Over'in Remarks Box):You may also attach additional pages if nedessary.: .:,.•,,,.';;:f, drilled: I . 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS •,-- - - • .. 9.Total well depth below land surface: SO 1.. (ft) iis GW4,within 30 days of well completion per the following:., , •'i A . '1 Air thuhiple wells list alldepths if different(exarnple 3@200'and 2@,100) Submit this ., . 24a: For'All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resoureei, I&Static Water levellielow top of casing: 1.06, (ft.) (DWR) Infonntation Processing Unit,161714SC,Raleigh,NC 2769,0-1617 '• --'" '' • • If water level is above casing,use"+" , 24b.For Intettion'Wells:COrzi,to DW1t,Underground Injection:Contro1:duci ,, 11.Borehole diameter:, . . 4. . on..)Bit Off:.6 III -. - Frog:rani,1636 MSC,Raleigh;NC 27699-1636, `- , ,',. ; ' :,, ,•:•, ...-,;':',:•-• . '''-Ob. • ., It.Well Construction Method: A:t' - • --... 24c.For Water Supply and Open Loop Geothermal Return Wells Copy to the cp. (i.e.auger,talky,cable;&act push,etc.) county environmental health department of the county where installed• , •—• ' - :`--• , : - ';'•- .• ..--. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS-ONLY:- •24d.For Water-Wells producing.over 100;000 GPD:Copy to-DWR;cpPevA _. 13a Yield(gpmy Method of test ailk Permit Piogram„1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC V69971611 . ., .' . y•-'-, -,..• • . .fr : , . , • .-- •' - • 70% hth, • Date Site ViSited: 3--/.57.—Z3 -- • , ' . 13b.Disinfection type __ . Amount: Cr oz Site Welted BY: VAS, ' : •--'..: -• .. ,....i::•• 2' . : ' . . • . --, orth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources- : . ' , .: : .' ... i ' Revised 6-6-2018 • •