HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200694 Ver 1_Email_20231205Baker, Caroline D From: Erin Binkley <EBinkley@FandR.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 11:26 AM To: Elks, Katharine B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Cc: Turlington, Chad; Elias Ruhl Subject: [External] RE: SAW-2020-00952 Big Rockfish Creek SS outfall- Additional Information Needed Attachments: 2023.11.30_BRCO C2 Impact Maps Vicinity-Enlarged.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hi Katherine, Please find the attached enlarged Contract 2 area to address question 5. Can you please provide confirmation that you received all the materials? Thanks, Erin Erin Binkley, CE, WPIT Environmental Scientist FROEHLING & ROBERTSON 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, NC 27603 T 919.828.3441 1 D 919.719.1086 EBinkley@FandR.com I www.FandR.com The content of this email is the confidential property of Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with F&R's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify the sender immediately. From: Erin Binkley Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 4:27 PM To: Elks, Katharine B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Katharine.B.Elks@usace.army.mil> 1 Cc: chad.turlington@ncdenr.gov; Elias Ruhl <ERuhl@FandR.com> Subject: RE: SAW-2020-00952 Big Rockfish Creek SS outfall- Additional Information Needed Hi Katherine, Please find the below additional responses from the client: 1. Please find the attached impact maps for Phase/Contract 1, which is finalized. 5. The client is working on providing this. 6. Responses -See A through D below. a. Wetland B-See snapshot below that clarified why tip of WL#B is impacted. Alignment was based on minimizing deeper sewer installation that would have otherwise increased the cut depth by 4 to 6 feet ^r �11�-•51 • � � • t � e 1 e TEMP- NONE 041TLET { t TEMP- COMRNATION SILT/ { (TYP- WHERE SHOWN) TREE PROTECTION FENCE s - SEE EC-10 ON SHEET (TYP. WHERE SHCM) t .• ` . �TEMP. DE D—S FOR TAILS SEE EC-8 ON SHEET 0-8 • •r; (T` �+ t FOR DETAILS ` SHEET �� 4 • t f 4 IE�P. STOwE OUTLET {(TYP. YMERE SHOYrtI) " 9 �{ EC--10 ON SHEET'. j r _ D .e FOR PETALS 16� { )N FENCE t e IEET D—B 9g4k 43 DETAIL r TEMP. WETLMD CROSSING I W5-4T_� (TYP,) SEE EC-15 ON SHEET D—D FOR DETAILS PROPOSED MH97 — E.B. TEMP. HICK HAZARO SILT FEh STATION 2+1+19.Tz —(TYP WHERE SHOWN) 4' DIA- NON —TRAFFIC MANHOLE 5 � SEE EC-9 ON SHEET D—I} NI/ CAMLDCK RING AND COVER FOR DETAILS b. Wetland 18-See snapshot below that clarifies why tip of WL#18 is impacted. Alignment was based on maintaining sufficient separation from existing outbuilding and lakeshore to avoid riparian impact. Fil ., . ..• ..... •^ FW ►K'URARLAW ►•LOr fLNA rLMr. a I VRIM W ILL NECESSARY DURING, CONSTRUCTION. INSTALL (A7E —� favu J?tU9�gJRG� cr (T1P. WHERE SHOWN) OF LIKE KIND WITHIN PUE. WIDTH OF GATES JANVVPrTtl17P �.f SEE EC-10 ON SHEET' SHALL CONFORM TO DETAIL M.17 ON SHEET D-4 0-8 FOR DETAILS N MAINTAINING R SEPARATION��� FROM LAKESHORE .e.,. —inn• �— — �_ N.8 341.91 LF --- _SCE waITE e �TEM1aS. TREE PROTECi10N �ENCE. PROPOSED M1466 — E-19 — (T1?. WHERE SHOW) STATION 181+66.91 SEE EC-7 ON SHEET D— 5� DIA. NON TRAFFIC MANHOLE Y FOR DETAILS -W/ CAMLOCx RING AND COVERcir SEC - z� rWrE 'Irras s+cffi WE 7�ANDS W78 + I LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE/ Ck.EARrNC uWrTS . SEE NOFE 9 MAINTAINING 4; I (TYP. WHERE SHOWN). JrUTM SEPARATION I sm. FROM EX. + { r OUTBUILDING p I I r Epp I CASEAOM , a"■s1E�xrr 7a% L c. Wetland 26-See snapshot below that clarifies why WL#26 is impacted. Alignment was based on maintaining sufficient separation from existing slab, driveway/parking area, existing well and apparent septic drain field, which overlays driveway//Wetland 29- See snapshot below that clarifies why WL#26 is impacted. Alignment was based on minimizing impact to properties by running parallel to existing property line, resulting in a more negotiable and less costly easements. 3 � N � SM1TR, MARCIA k I 7675 LAUPuOr+TER DRgvE / 9453-19-9290- PARCID- ! 28kL /} f 11 } f C#tGE ASEWMF 1`` I t STREAM CROSSING (TY UMITS OF DISTURBANCE/ CLEARING UMITS {TYP. WHERE SHOWN) T ROAD RACE do I (TYP.) I 9493-$9-7180- W/ CAMLOCIL RING AND COV PARCk 0 A -a I l 5TREAM M t� 04WLESS, CuRRIE (INTERMY TTEN T) K & SONIA P j SJ 1 36:1 MILL STREAM BANK 0 itCoaox_,A-pia_ { STABILIZATION (TYP•) I SEE EC-22 ON SHEET ( D-TO FOR DETAILS +E T WETLANDS W29 %TAI S LANDS Nf1 SuiTFr. WARar 7670 LA61PUGHXT 9493-19-7T8 PARCEL / 9 . _.1 1 WETLANDS ,,-w26_00 WETLANDS F7___ / Z" ,9 '-TEMP. COMBINATION SILT, f TREE PROTECTION FENCE f SHEETWHERE SHOWN) SEE r SEE EC-8 ON SHEET D-I FOR DETAILS .PROPOSED MH69 - E.& (STATION 191+07.95 5' CIA. NON -TRAFFIC MANHOL$ W/ CAMLOCK RING AND COVER r —0 - wx9-aoe eao '� TEMP. WETLAND CROSSING (TYIP.) SEE EC-15 ON �p1 SHEET 0-9 FOR DETAILS , J Jf+ I iF TEMP. TW PRoTECTIoN FENCE 7 hpEr + - (TYP. USHER SHOWN) „ SEE EC-7 SNE. C-8 d. Wetland C-See snapshot below that clarifies why WL#C is impacted. Alignment was based on best location for transitioning out of the existing neighbor, crossing Camden Road and landing an ideal location for making this trenchless crossing. The enlarged temporary impact is necessitated for construction of the jacking pit for the trenchless crossing. 4 � 4 � \\� 4O'x2Vx16! DEEP LAUNCHINC PIT 71D3 u} \ \ w+awG DRI)k aRi,E - ari c PARCEL J 35 } 5 TEMP, GRA►rFl CCHSTRUCTI ENTRANCE tir 6VE TLAND Wa 100YR FZ000ftAW PCR FfMA nRU PANEL 37149#114&W JAAWARY ,+W, -13 rrIm 2a07 (100 YR BASE Flog ELEVAnCW - APPROX. 129.0') PROPOSED MH92 — E.B. � STA710N 228+68-93 5' DIA. TRAFFIC MANHOLE W/ CAMLOCK RING AND COVER 66 ' STM CASNO PIPE TEMP. CHAIN LhHK FE)htC From: Elias Ruhl <ERuhl@FandR.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 9:31 AM To: Elks, Katharine B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Katharine.B.Elks@usace.army.mil> Cc: chad.turlington@ncdenr.gov; Erin Binkley <EBinkley@FandR.com> Subject: RE: SAW-2020-00952 Big Rockfish Creek SS outfall- Additional Information Needed Katherine, See responses highlighted in yellow below. Note that there are a few items that we are waiting for from the design engineer and we will provide that information/documents once they are received. Please let us know if you have questions or need additional info regarding the info provided. Thanks! Eli Elias N. Ruhl Branch Manager FROEHLING & ROBERTSON 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, NC 27603 T 919.828.3441 1 D 919.719.1973 ERuhl@FandR.com I www.FandR.com 5 From: Elks, Katharine B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Katharine.B.Elks@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 9:52 AM To: Elias Ruhl <ERuhl@FandR.com> Cc: chad.turlington@ncdenr.gov Subject: SAW-2020-00952 Big Rockfish Creek SS outfall- Additional Information Needed Good morning, After my initial review of the permit request I have a few comments and requests for more information. 1. 1 see the expired permit for all the impacts that were separated into 4 contracts. Please show on a separate figure any parts of the project that were completed and the impacts associated. Awaiting additional figures from the design engineer. Will send ASAP. 2. The narrative indicates there was some or all mitigation paid previously. Please send the executed Mitigation Transfer Form showing what was purchased. If there were partial mitigation purchases please indicate which impacts these were for. See the signed MTF and DMS receipt of payment attached. 3. Stream impacts in the ePCN do not match the impacts stated in the letter request dated November 3, 2023. Also, stream impacts should also be shown in acres as well as LF please. Impact numbers on the Cover Letter have been updated to reflect the ePCN and the Impact Maps. See attached. 4. It is not clear if further mitigation is needed. The letter mentions splitting credits as needed based on availability and I do not have an executed MTF. If more mitigation is required please obtain an updated acceptance letter from the appropriate Bank or DMS. See the signed MTF and DMS receipt of payment attached. 5. Please submit a zoomed in project figure that shows only the area of Contract 2 with the impacts. Awaiting additional figure from the design engineer. Will send ASAP. 6. There are several places the alignment could be straightened or slightly shifted to avoid impacts. Please provide information as to why the alignment can't be tweaked for further minimization. I understand that a minimum grade is needed, but please take a look at these and let me know if potential adjustments can be made. Awaiting additional info from the design engineer. Will send ASAP. a. Sheet 12 — Wetland WB: appears that straightening the alignment or angling differently could avoid the tips of the wetland b. Sheet 9—Wetland W18 c. Sheet 10—Wetlands W26-29 Sheet 11- Wetland WC: Shifting the alignment at the western manhole could avoid the wetland, also there are temporary impacts wider than 10' in a small area. Why is that needed? Thank you, Katharine Elks Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 910-251-4567 (office) 910-473-7034 (cell) E-PCN-Submittal https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/Forms/Pre-Construction Notification Form PJDs, Wetland Delineation Concurrence &JD's. http://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/J D/FI NALSAW-J D-REQUEST-FORM-20170508. pdf Submittal You may submit requests via e-mail in PDF format to WilmingtonNCREG@usace.army.mil Automated Data sheets for Atlantic & Gulf Coastal Plain Data Form Version 2.0 https://usace.contentd m.ocic.org/uti Is/getfi le/col lection/pl602lco119/id/2566 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at: https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/ Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey.